How to use OneNote Class Notebook in Microsoft Teams

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hi everyone my name is Kevin today I want to show you how you can both get and also use a OneNote class notebook now first off what is a class notebook well it's a digital notebook for your class at school and so some of the things that you could do with a OneNote class notebook well as a teacher what you could do is you could create content and you could share it with your students so maybe you have a syllabus maybe you have a lesson plan or maybe you have some notes from some of the different topics that you covered you can share that out with all of your students a class notebook also has collaborative space so this is where your students can come together they could work on projects together they can contribute to research for maybe a paper that they're working on and lastly within a class notebook you also have individual students space this is where a student can keep track of notes this is where a student can complete assignments so all of that happens in the individual space now instead of me kind of walking through and talking about what class notebooks are why don't we jump on the PC and I'll show you first I'll show you firsthand how you can both get it and then also use it so here I am I'm on my PC now and the way that we're gonna get a OneNote class notebook is we're gonna get it through Microsoft teams now if you've never used Microsoft teams before and you don't have teams or maybe you don't know how to use it I have a video on Microsoft teams you could find a link in the description and that'll give you just a general overview of how you get started in Microsoft teams but assuming you already know how to use teams and you just want to get into a OneNote class notebook this video is the right one for that so now that you're within teams what I'm going to do is I'm going to click into the teams pivot over here on the left-hand side and I don't yet have any teams set up you could also think of a team as a class and what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on create team or basically create a class I have a few different options but I'm a teacher and I want to set up a class for my students and so I'm gonna click on this first one here as a side note you have other types of teams that you could also set up and they all have a few differences but today we're focused on the class one so I'm going to go ahead and click on class and what I need to do now is I need to create a name for the team or the class and let's just for the just as a fun example let's pretend that this is a YouTube video class so we're going learn all about creating YouTube videos so I'm gonna I'm gonna call this just YouTube videos that's gonna be the name of the class I could add a description if I want but in this case I'm gonna go ahead and just click on next so there what it's doing now is it's creating my team teams is going to ask me a few questions about how I want to structure this team who's gonna be in it so we'll just go through these prompts here now as a first step teams wants to know well who are the students in this class so let me go ahead and just add a few students I don't want to just be teaching in front of an empty group and so I'll just throw in a few names here we'll see who's in this class so we also have Isaac Newton and I'm sure he's gonna be a pretty smart student here and let's also throw in maybe we have a Dell as well so I'll have three students in this class and I'll go ahead and add them all so they are now all part of this class what I can also do so this is the first pivot on top for students there's also another pivot for teachers and if I click on teachers what this allows me to do is let's say for example that I'm co-teaching this class with another teacher I could add that teacher here and then they'll also have access to all the teacher capabilities but in this case I'm the only teacher so I'm just gonna leave it as is I have my three students it's going to be a pretty low student to teacher ratio this must be a really good school it's a one to three ratio so all that looks good I'm gonna click on close and what it's done now is it's created a team and also just a general channel for my class one of the things you'll see is so the team is pretty empty here and the topic of today's video is how to operate a class notebook and so what you'll see is within the general channel here I have all these tabs across the top so I have posts files class notebook assignments and grades and what we want to do is we want to click into class notebook so I'm gonna go ahead let's click on class notebook and here I haven't set one up yet but it says give your students a private space for notes and the canvas for collaboration so I'm gonna go ahead let's set up a OneNote class notebook and what it says is I could either set up a blank notebook or an existing notebook I don't have an existing one so we'll just go ahead and create a blank one now here as I'm setting this up it gives me a little bit information about what's included in this class notebook so there's gonna be collaboration space this is where my students and me can all work together on content and one thing to note is both the teacher and student can edit content within this space there's also what's called a Content library and this is going to be content that I pull together as a teacher and what I could do is I could edit this content but my students can only view the content so this is perfect for something like a syllabus or maybe notes from one of my lectures where I want students to look at it but I don't want them to change it and then lastly there's one third area of a class notebook called a student notebook and this is private space for each student in a class and so what's gonna happen is I can edit that content my students can edit their own content but not other students in the class so just a quick overview and we'll jump in and I'll show you how these all look now once I click on next it asks me to set up sections in each student's private space so what's gonna happen is each student name will show up here so emily is an example and then I have these four sections under Emily's so we have handouts class notes homework quizzes I could go ahead and add additional sections if I want but these all look good to me so I'm just gonna go ahead and click on create so now what it's doing is it's getting my OneNote class notebook already alright well the class notebook is now finished and here I have a little white welcome message that tells me a little bit about what I can do with a class notebook now if you're used to using OneNote this interface will probably look pretty familiar but it has a few key differences from just a standard OneNote and I'll walk you through what those are as a note one of the things you could do right now this OneNote is open within Microsoft teams but what I can also do is I could simply open it just in its own browser window or I could also open the OneNote within the OneNote app so I have those two options from here depending on how I want to view the content I'm fine leaving it in teams for now what we're gonna do next is let's click on this little caret icon over here and this is gonna open up the navigation panel so within the navigation panel what you'll see is I have this Welcome sheet that gives me just quick overview of what a OneNote class notebook is what I also have is as I was mentioning but for we have our collaboration space so if I click into this this is where both teachers and students can collaborate on content so here let's say I add a new page and I'll say Monday lecture and so now what I could do is I could come in I could type notes my students could type notes so everyone has access to the content within this view within this content library this is where all create I can create some content that all my students can view but none of my students can edit so this is where I might want to put like I said earlier my syllabus a calendar other types of content this is where I distribute content out to the class for my class to consume and then what you'll see here is over on the left hand side this is my space for each individual student so here I could see Adele's individual space Emily's and Isaac's and each one has a similar structure where I have class notes quizzes homework and handouts and so if I click into them all right now all of them are empty because I haven't created any content yet for my students that's a quick look at just the way that OneNote class notebooks are organized now what I want to do is I want to jump into the functionality that's specific to class notebooks that you won't just get in a standard OneNote and to do that what I want to do is up here on the top navigation bar there's a pivot called class notebook so let's go ahead and click into that now some of the things that I see here as part of my class notebook so I have a bunch of different options up here and what I want to do is I want to run through what these different options are and what you can do with them so now the first thing that I want to do is before I jump into that why don't we go ahead and I'll create a page here and for this page this is going to be an assignment that I want to send out to all my students and what I'm gonna do is we're simply gonna call it the favorite youtuber so it's gonna be a really simple kind of icebreaker for all my students but it'll be who is your favorite youtuber and there's only one answer that I expect and I'm assuming most people will say Kevin Stratford but we'll just wait and see what my students say so I'll go ahead and let's put that down so I've created this page here within welcome and now what I can do is I'll click on distribute page and so what I could do with that is I could distribute the page to all of the students in my class I could also distribute Paige to individuals in my class I could distribute it to groups of people so maybe I have different as it may be I have three groups in my class and each one or each question is slightly different or each assignment slightly different so then I could distribute it to those individuals and those groups and then I could also distribute it to another notebook so let's say this is a popular class and I have two classes going on well what I can do is I could distribute the page to another notebook but in this case I don't want to do that this is gonna be the one notebook I work with so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on distribute page what that's gonna do is it opens up a panel on the right hand side and here it's gonna show me all the sections of my students workbooks and so what I could do is i could choose is this something that goes in class notes is it something that goes in handouts homework or quizzes well what I want to do is this is a little quiz it should be an easy quiz and so what I'll do is I'll click on that section and then I'm gonna click on distribute and so what that will do is this page that I just created with this question will be distributed to all of my students and so it's gonna take a little bit of time because it's creating this page across all my student notebooks and then once it's finished up it'll tell me that it's done and then I can go ahead and I could close this panel now that I've distributed the page what we could do is why don't we check one of the students to see that the quiz shows up in their personal space so here I'm going to click into Adele and then I'm gonna scroll down and there's a section called quizzes let's click on that and here you said you see that it says favorite youtuber who is your favorite youtuber and it shows up within her personal space and I'll click into Emily click into quizzes and here too you could see that the quiz shows up here for her as well and so what it's done is it's distributed that page to all of my students now what I can also do is not only can I distribute pages to individuals I could also distribute sections so let's say that I want to create a new section I could do that if I want to create a section group so a section group basically contains a number of sections I could do that when I set up my class notebook originally I defined what the sections are but I could also go ahead and create new sections and if I use this distribute new section that will ensure that the section shows up across all of my students so similar to how I distributed a page I can do the same for sections now what I can also do is let's say for example that you know in this class this is one of the classes that I'm running but maybe I have another class which is exactly the same but let's say in here I've built out a content library with a whole bunch of content and I don't want to just have to recreate it from my other class which is exactly the same so what I could do is but if I click on this copy to content library what I could do is I could copy all of the sections of my class notebook and then I can move them to a different I can move them on to a different notebook that I have so this way I could reuse content and I don't have to recreate everything now what I've done is I've gone ahead and I've submitted a quiz to all my students now what I could do is if I want to check the results of the quiz what I do is I could go up to this option here called review student work I'm going to go ahead let's click on that and so here what it's gonna do is it's gonna show me all the different sections of my notebook and I added the quiz question to quizzes so I'm gonna go ahead and click into quizzes and now it's going to ask me what page I want to review and so the quiz was called your favorite youtuber and so we'll go ahead and click on that and I'll click on next and so what I could see now is I could see all of my students here and what I can do is I could click through each student and that'll jump me to that page within the students personal space so here I could see Emily's page I could see Isaac's page and I can see Adele's page now what I'm going to do is I'm going to jump into let's jump into a student's view and so here this is Emily and so within here I have a new team for YouTube video so I'll go ahead and click on that and here to let me click into the class notebook now this will give you a look at what the students view looks like here I'm gonna expand and here one thing you'll notice is here I only see Emily so I don't see a doe and I don't see Isaac in the class and so I could click into Emily and then I could go down to quizzes where the quiz was added and here's the favorite youtuber and so Emily being a good student that she is she's gonna go ahead and type my name in and so now she's typed in my name to the quiz and then once she's all done what she could do is she could simply stay on this page where she could just jump to a different page so now if I go back to the teacher view what I could do is I could jump through all the different notebooks and here I'll see that Emily submitted an answer and it Oh's kevin stratford so she inserted that so maybe what want to do now is I'm gonna go to insert and maybe we're gonna go ahead and here insert a sticker and let's look for maybe this and all I'll throw that sticker in so it's bringing the sticker in and then I could say a grade response so I could throw this little sticker on just to congratulate her for the work that she did and so I'm gonna go ahead now and let's close the sticker view and then once again I could jump through the different students to see what they've submitted so it's a very easy way to jump through all of the students submissions and then I can go ahead and leave my feedback what's nice too is not only can I type feedback in but I could also record an audio feedback so let's say I want to talk or you don't have a little talk track where I give the student my feedback I could do this on the desktop app you also have the ability to Inc within the experience so if you want to use a pen to write some feedback you can do that as well so that's just a quick view and how you could review students submissions let's jump back into the class notebook pivot here and so that was reviewing student work one of the things that I can also do is there's an option to manage notebooks let's click into that here again what I could do is I see all my sections here's where I can also create a new section and then one thing I could do is let's say as I'm creating assignments or as I'm creating different materials that I want to send out to my students maybe I don't want the students to be able to see it yet and so what I could do is I could add a teacher only section group so only me as the teacher will be able to see that so that will add a new section I'm going to take a step back and we could look at what that looks like so here I'll open up the navigation pane and here I see the teacher only section so let's jump back into the class notebook pivot and once again I'm going to go back to manage notebooks and I'll show you some of the other functionality here I mentioned that there's a student collaboration space one thing you can do with this toggle you can either unlock it or you could lock it in this case so let's say that you have groups collaborating but now the group collaboration is done you could go ahead and lock that and then what you could also do this is a notebook link that you can share with other people for them to access your notebook so I'm going to close this again and now we're gonna go back into class notebook and take a look at a few other feet available here there's also a connections pivot this is where you can connect your class notebook to different learning management systems and there are a whole bunch of different learning management systems that you can connect to and there's a list of a whole bunch of different ones right here that you could connect to the last thing I want to show there are two other pieces of functionality here you also have professional development this is where you could access different resources related to class notebook so you can learn more about how to use them and lastly let's say you like something or you don't like something you can go ahead and submit feedback on the experience using this last button alright well that was just a quick look at how you can use a OneNote class notebook to organize and also manage your class class notebooks are a very nice way to distribute content have students submit content and also to allow your students to work in group collaborative settings if this video helped you learn how to use a OneNote class notebook please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see future videos like this hit that subscribe button that way you'll get a notification anytime new content like this comes out and lastly if there are any other video topics that you want to see me cover in the future leave a comment down below and I'll add it to my list of videos to create alright well that's all I had for you today I hope you enjoyed and hope to see you next time bye
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 252,826
Rating: 4.9389606 out of 5
Keywords: onenote, notebook, class, school, teacher, student, onenote class notebook, one note, class note book, onenote desktop, desktop, office, microsoft, microsoft onenote, onenote classroom, classroom, example, app, sample, layout, office 365, 365, microsoft office, online, onenote office 365, new onenote notebook, section, page, teams, microsoft teams, ms teams
Id: DmmCPsYVyuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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