Intro Like Dhruv Rathi | Paper Rip Transition Intro: Paper Tear Animation Intro Using After Effects

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called it the mooya moment for PTM there are hundreds of memes based on if you are watching lots of YouTube videos then you must have come across this kind of cool paper T animation I have watched it in many of the's videos and today we are going to create same using After Effects hello my name is Nares and let's get into it so I have opened my After Effects and we have this all the assets that we are going to use it you can download it from the link in the description and you can follow along let's start by creating new composition let's call it render now let's create another composition let's call it paper now go to main composition render and add drag and drop these two video file that we are going to use so these are the two video files that I'm going to use for the transition let's arrange it somewhere here for the transition now let's open this paper composition and add this paper tar PNG file scale it down slightly so that it fits the screen properly and let's set his position to prepare it for the animation press P for the position and let's add key frame Zoom the timeline and move the five key frame and let's bring it down by holding shift and dragging it down then move five key frames and bring it down little further five key frames again and let's change the position place the play head 2 20 frames and let's move it out of the screen all right so this part is visible so let's create new solid match the color of this poer PNG and let's place it here somewhere you can also change its scale to fit it properly and parent it with this paper but it LS toop motion so let's select all the key frames and right click and select toggle hold key frame so now we have this kind of Animation so if you feel that this movement is very fast then select all the key frames and keep holding ALT key and drag and move it apart now you can see they are moving slow now we have the same kind of paper edges so we can change it so come to this second frame hit s and add key frame to this position unlink this scale X and Y jump to third frame and add one key frame and change this value to minus all right now come to this fourth frame and copy and paste this value here at this position select all these key frames and click on hold key frames so we have this nice paper TI animation let's go back to our main composition render let's drop this paper composition over here and adjust this position now select this video and change it Alpha make to paper if you are not able to see this option then click here at toggle switches mode and you will be able to see it so change it to paper so it should be alphaet so we have this nice paper tear animation but we can't see the edges of the paper so let's again select this paper composition and place it below this layer adjust its position select it and drag it slightly down and you will be able to see the white edges another important thing you can do is you can add the drop Shadows so go to effects and presets and select drop shadow and add it play with the distance and the softness as per your like let's add another image let's scale it down as it is very large also change its position to here now second transition we want should come from the left or right side so select and add paper compos position so let's change its position by pressing r on the keyboard and changing its value to 90 press s and scale it to fed the composition also change its mag to paper so we have this right to left transition now let's duplicate it by command D or controll D on PC and place it over here below this layer and make it visible select it hold shift and move it slightly towards left now you will be able to see the white edges Place drop head over it and adjust the distance and the softness and we have this nice right to left transition now we want it to move from the left to right let's add another image and scale it also adjust its position duplicate this composition by command D or contr D on PC make it visible and place it above this layer adjust its position press R and let's change its value to minus 90° so we will have this thing here again select this image and change its M to paper again duplicate this layer make it visible and place it below this image select it keep keep holding shift and move it to the right and the white edges will appear and don't forget to add drop Shadows to it and play with the distance and the softness so you have this another version of transition now let's create another version of this paper T transition so select this paper composition press contrl D or command D and duplicate it let's go to this paper two composition press U to see the all key frames we have this paper animation now let's select this position and let's delete the rest of the key frames now select these two layers and control command D and duplicate it arrange it together add new null object select both this layer and parent it with the null object select null and press r on the keyboard and change its rotation to 180° now select this both paper PR P for the position we can slightly change its position all right so select this paper add one key frame and change this position slightly inside similarly select this paper add one key frame and move it position slightly inward all right so if you want to slow it down then select all the key frame keep holding ALT key and drag and move it apart so that it will move slowly so you will get this slower speed select all the key frames and click on hold key frame all right let's go back to our render composition let's add this image over here and scale it up and adjust this position in this screen then add the second version of this paper two composition let's adjust it position let's duplicate it select the lower one press s on the keyboard unlink its value and change the Y position so the edges will appear select top layer and add feel effects and change its color to whatever you like you can also add drop Shadows effect to these layers now it's time to add our text select text tool and write whatever you want to write adjust the font size and its position keep holding command or control and double click on this icon to centralize the Anchor Point press s to bring up the scale add key frame to it move slightly to few frames and change its scale press shift command D to split the layer press s and add one key frame change the text again alternatively scale it down and scale It Up by adding few frames again split the layer by shft command D press s and add key frames again change the text again split the layer add one key frame again change the text scale it up and scale it down by adding key frames select all the key frames and click on hold key frames and we have this nice text animation so it is almost ready and now it's time to add some Secret Sauce so right click and add new solid layer of white color go to effects and presets and select fractual noise bump up its contrast to way high more than 900 and bump up the brightness to more than 300 so this noise particles become smaller now to add movements to it comes to this evaluation option press holding ALT key and click on this random SE and you can write the formula time multiplied by 200 it is very fast so let's change it to something like 10 now it is better now let us change the particle size to smaller one and this looks good all right this is black and we can turn into white duplicate this layer and search for the invert effect in effects and presets and add over it so now they are turn into white now change its blend mode to add and multiply respectively so we have now this nice particle overlay one last thing add new adjustment layer add posterized time effect to it and change its value to 12 so it will decrease the frame rate and it will look nice all right we just forgot to add movement to this first solid layer so let's select it and add this formula to move it more faster than the layer beneath it we can also add drop shadow to our text copy and paste it to the other text layer as well if you want then you can also add glow effect from the effects and presets to this lower paper and you can copy paste this same settings to the other layer as well and you will get this kind of glowing look at the paper edges of the paper and you will get this kind of glowing look at the edges of the paper now let's play it [Music] so it's done see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: TechSetCut
Views: 2,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paper tear tutorial after effects, paper tear animation, paper tear, page tear animation, page tear, paper tear transition, paper tear tutorial, page tear tutorial, paper rip, ripped paper, paper tear after effects, ripped paper after effects, page tear after effects, paper tear effect, paper rip effect, animate paper tear, animate paper rip, after effects, AE, aftereffects, paperanimation, edit like Dhruv Rathi, paper rip intro, Dhruv Rathi, intro like Dhruv Rathi
Id: dbDMRNgEyTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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