3D Book Animation: Easy 3D Book Animation In After Effects | Free Projectfile (without plugin)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone my name is Nares and today we are going to talk about 3D book [Music] animation recently I have learned and use 3D book animation in one of my educational videos it is really cool tool and the important thing is that we can change the cover style we can insert images and we can also add text however we want we can also animate the text which makes it more interesting so without wasting time let's get started so I have placed all the assets here that I'm going to use and you can download them along with the project file from the link in the description let's start by creating a new composition let's call it main with this settings we are going to assemble book components here create a new composition and name it a page with a size of 580 by 830 like around A4 size [Music] paper add a new solid in page composition of white color I'm choosing this white you keep the same name now duplicate the page and rename it as cover go to cover composition select solid and change the color to orange or whatever you want from the layer setting we are going to use it as the books front and back cover I'm going to change the texture of the book cover further so let's add this image texture scale it down to fit the composition and change it blending mode to multiply if you don't see the blending mode option click on this toggle switches mode option here duplicate the cover by control+ D or command plus d and rename it as spine go to the spine and change its composition withd to 40 pixel so now that the basic book components front cover back cover and spine are ready we can assemble them in the main composition so go to the main composition and add cover twice and add spine composition also arrange the order of the layers just like this now let's combine the front and back cover with the spine to give it the shape of the book to do that precisely keep holding command or control key and drag the layer to the spine and it will snap to this Pine do the same for the other cover also if it is not snapping like mine then check this option here now press y on the keyboard and change the Anchor Point to here do the same for this spine and leave the last one as it is let's rename this layer as back cover chin the all the layers to 3D and parent cover layer with the spine layer and spine with the back cover layer now let's animate it by moving our playhead to 1 second press r on the keyboard add y key frame and add the value of minus 90 so the book will be closed again move it to 60 frames and change the value of y rotation to zero let's check it so it is closed and now it is opening slowly we can see better in the custom view so change it from here so this is the movement of our book also change your renderer to Cinema 4D as we are also going to use some GE metry options for Pages now right click and add a new null object and change it to 3D keep holding shift and parent it with the spine now press P for position and change this value to 20 so that it is placed halfway at the center of the spine layer now change the rotation of the null object to 90° so it stay perpendicular with the spine our papers will be attached to this null object so it will be moving as spine rot rotates it can be better visualized in the custom view let's rename it as page holder now let us add our first page and change it to 3D layer press a on the keyboard and change the Anchor Point to zero keep holding the shft key and parent it with the page holder now let us animate this page the same way we animated the cover as we need the same timings so press U by selecting the cover page to reveal the key frames now select the page and keep play head at the first key frame add the key frame move to the second key frame and change the Y rotation to something close to 90 but not exactly 90 like 89 or so so by the time book open it will not completely flat over the cover changing back to custom view now we can see this movement of the page one important thing here is that it is not Fanning out like the real book so we can go to the 30 frames or so and then offset this value of y rotation to something like 35 now select all the frames and press F9 to Easy E and then double click this Frame by holding command or control so you have this kind of speed graph you can see here let me change the position of the book so you can see here the nice movement of the book and the page now let us go back to active camera mode duplicate this page and press U to reveal its key frames and change this value to 25 and the last one to 86 again duplicate it and change the value to 15 and 84 duplicate again and this time use five and 82 values for the Y rotation we have now four page ready select all the pages and duplicate them using command D or r d place them on the top and change its color to Yellow now we have to change the value of the rotation so press U to reveal the key frames now change the value of the second key frame of the first page to minus5 then -5 - 25 and - 35 same way for the third key frame - 82 - 84 and - 86 and - 89 so our book and animation is almost ready we can't see here Pages because of the same color of it not looking interesting right so either we can use camera light to separate the pages or some effects I'm going to use this brightness and contrast effects from effects and presets apply it to the page and change the value to minus 100 copy it and paste it to other Pages change the value to minus 80 and then minus 60 repeat it for the other half except for the middle two pages it is almost usable if you think that it is enough for you but I'm going to give it a more subtle look by changing the shape of the pages then adding text and images Etc so we can ban this page like the real book instead of having it flat so this book is open at this point this page should bend again go flat or bend in the opposite direction to bend this page select page go to Geometry apply key frame and add curvature of 20 and then move back to Middle key frame and add value of minus 20 also change the segment to tag on the first key frame again change back to zero now select all the key frames and press F9 to easy is keep holding command key and double click this key frame so we have this kind of book opening with page CS but if you know when the book opens the size of the paper becomes small so we have to change the scale to get that look so let's add key frame to scale come to this position unlink this and add the value of 98 to change the scale of the paper also add the final key frame here press F9 and double click the middle key frame by holding command so we have this nice paper CS are bending while opening the book let us add it to the rest of the pages as well so select scale and curvature copy it select other pages and paste it there so we have this nice book with cow Pages here it is minus 20 and here it is + 20 or you can keep it zero also it's up to you from the geometry option don't forget to change the segment to 10 for all the pages now same way copy the scale and curvature key frames and paste them to the other half of the book by keeping the play head at the first key frame here now we have to change the value of curvature to give it the opposite look for the first frame zero for the second frame plus 20 and the third frame minus 20 or zero if you have kept zero in the other half also don't forget to change the segments to 10 so you can see this nice book animation here we can also add a motion blur effect here now I want to add text or title on the cover page of this book so select cover open this composition and add text you want to add and the font type of your choice with the size Etc and color also if you come back to main composition you can see it is mirrored so what we can do is come to cover composition select text go to layer transform and flip the text horizontally now it will be corrected in main composition just like that another problem here is that the text is visible on the back of the cover like it is transparent one trick you can apply here is to come to this position go to the cover page and trim the text up to here just like that ah now it's perfect also I want to add images to these two middle pages so this first and fifth pages are here so let's duplicate the page twice from the source and rename it as image 1 and image two go to image one composition and add this image rescale it to fit or however you want do the same for the image two composition with different images or text of your choice now come to the main composition and replace this page with image one by holding the ALT key and drag and drop over this page do the same for the fifth number page layer with the image two composition to overcome this transparent page problem now you know what to do just stream the image from the respective composition at the appropriate place just like like that and it's done now you can add a camera and animate it and you can also add new light to it and be creative to change the way it is appearing add key frames to the camera and move the play head to here and change the position of the [Music] book you can zoom it and have this kind of enimies now let's delete the key frames and apply different rotations and [Music] movements add a point light adjust its position and it's done and it's ready to rent you can do it however you want so this this is it guys see you in the next one until then keep practicing bye-bye [Music]
Channel: TechSetCut
Views: 452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d book after effects template free download, 3d book opening animation template free, after effects, after effects tutorial, book animation after effects, adobe after effects, book presentation after effects, animation, book, book animation, after effects book promo, book flip animation after effects, book cover animation after effects, book opening animation after effects, book page flip animation after effects, motion graphics, graphics, motion graphics tutorial, 3d book
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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