Into The Storm - An Isle Documentary - Ep.1

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[Music] you storms they are one of nature's most devastating tools but perhaps one of its most vital the aisle itself experiences extreme seasonal variations unlike anywhere in the modern world during the wet season for the southern wildlife it is a battle for survival come with us as we journey into the storm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a ferocious subtropical storm looms over the horizon the Isles forests have silenced as the wildlife recedes into the scattered brush several months ago this female stegasaurus gave birth to four healthy juveniles throughout the treacherous months two of her young have fallen victim to the forests predators while playing her part as a mother the scarred claw marks along her backside make the failed struggles of motherhood all the more apparent keeping a distance of at least 10 metres a flock of dry asaurus follow the step a source for the dryers she serves as a three-ton guard while the mother is quite protective of her offspring the dry asaurus serve as an early warning system against predators lurking along the forest edge just a few miles away laying within the thorn covered tall grass is a 2.4 ton female Allosaurus while not the largest predator among the Isles inhabitants she is known as the Jurassic lion this lioness has not fed for nearly a week her last meal was an Allosaurus one of her own while the sound of nearby a camera Soros piqued her interest she cannot say oh such an enormous animal this cannibalistic behavior has become all too common for her species as food becomes scarce and the competing Ceratosaurus population Rises soon she may very well be one of the few allosaurus left on the iron the Allosaurus is future as a species dwindles just as her chances of survival [Music] though the storm is fast approaching she is starving and a particular scent has caught her interest it's a fresh kill it's either wait out the storm and starve or brave the elements and see the scent has led her to a deceased camera source offering a plethora of food that would feed her for the next week however it looks like this kill has already been claimed standing against a scavenging Ceratosaurus is a daunting task but both her size and share bite force gives her an eeveelution however the numbers are not in her faith just a single injury could ultimately seal her fate the serratus slowly submit their kill to the Jurassic lioness the harems male detects others it seems with all her evolutionary advantages they are fickle when it comes to strength in numbers she is outplayed just as death seems all but setting the distress calls are of juvie stegosaurs draws her interest [Music] with the severe weather this female stegasaurus has become distressed besides the chaotic storm as a mother protecting her vulnerable children she has also become unpredictable while her guard is on high alert little does she know she is being washed with the storm shielding her scent from the dryer Saurus she is able to secure a perimeter while remaining undetected she must strike while the female has accomplished a successful kill a full-grown Allosaurus of her size requires a much larger food source while the odds are not in her favor hunger clouds her judgment she must challenge the status owners it's a standoff for survival [Music] and with one crippling blow the Allosaurus treat received [Music] with the severity of the stegosauruses wounds she will miss likely die in the coming weeks but the last of her young will live on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] with her death so was the demise of the Isles and a source for a period of time like a scorched forest life sprouts from its ashes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] eventually life finds a way [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: -BEERWAR-
Views: 107,001
Rating: 4.9563923 out of 5
Keywords: BEERWAR, The Isle, Documentary, Dinosaurs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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