Into the Loopiverse: A deep dive into Microsoft Loop and its components

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[Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right hey everybody how's it going I hope you're you're having a great uh Friday or Saturday in Daryl's case um welcome to 365 Deep dive we're we've got a big show today we're going to talk a lot about um Microsoft Loop and into the loop averse so we're doing a little bit of a a play on like where everything is Loop is getting to be like pretty ubiquitous we had a huge announcement with the loop app on Wednesday was it that it got launched in private preview so we thought this would be a great you know episode to bring on Daryl Webster and talk about all things Loop and demo from the loop app how you doing guys hi good afternoon welcome Daryl to the show good morning good good morning yeah good now right now wherever and whenever you are yeah it's seven o'clock in the morning for Daryl in New Zealand and we were dming with him uh what was it three o'clock in the morning 3 30 in the morning about so yeah Daryl's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for us it's right it's uh maybe 1 p.m here in Kansas City yeah cool well um so Daryl you had a really great video that you launched like right whenever the loop app uh came out how's that video doing have you been getting a lot of traction well yeah it's up to about 5k views um I think oh wow what what helped actually was I will say published a social video on to Twitter at the same time just to lead people into that video and start the conversation and I've always found the the social channels to be a great place to start discussing things when it lands and yeah some great conversations observations and feedback about Loop and those threads definitely yeah yeah and you've been kind of prepping people you know I I assume that you knew this was coming on uh on Wednesday you know so you were you were prepping people for like the past week or two saying hey you know here's a guide for how to go in and do your um your prep work for your tenant so that you'll be ready to turn on the loop app whenever it happens to arrive you know and then the morning of it was like the the Embargo lifted you know and we were able to get that published so um people who are in the know if you don't follow Daryl already I put a QR code up in the corner which which direction is it up in the corner um so if you're watching on a computer or on an iPad you can just scan that with your phone and um that will take you to Daryl's Twitter page so that you'll be in the know next time whenever uh something especially around Microsoft Loop or really anything productivity in Microsoft 365 comes out so um be sure to to follow Daryl so um we we decided that to talk about all things loop we're going to do something a little bit interesting today I'm going to bring my screen on on stage here uh we decided like let's run the agenda in a loop workspace so Daryl you know kindly um added us to his modern work Mentor uh template or tenant and he created a workspace for us and we've been filling it out for the past day or so kind of like getting our thoughts and ideas um you know kind of ready to go and we wanted to start by talking about what is loop and then go into like how to configure it so if you haven't seen Daryl's video yet um we'll run through like what switches you need to turn on to basically make the loop app functional in your organization and then we wanted to dive into like you know using Loop using the loop app but just also Loop components in the various places that you can use it um show some tips and tricks Daryl's got a lot of experience using Loop for weeks or months now at this point um so he's going to share a lot of cool things that you can do that are kind of delighters before we get into talk about the uh the wish list and like always if you guys have questions um feel free to drop those in the comment field whether you're watching on LinkedIn or Twitter or YouTube will see those and um you know that's the benefit of doing live video like this is that we can have a dialogue and a conversation back and forth to uh you know explore things and take it wherever you want to take it so um anything to add guys like Christmas I've been waiting yeah since it was announced in like what fall 2021 like I remember kind of behind the scenes learning about it and then the Public Announcement and I'm like yeah I want this and they're like it's coming it's coming and in true my fashion they're like it's coming in the fall they just don't say like what year and you know it took a little while but after having been Hands-On with it I'm even more excited now uh to use it than I was whenever they first announced it I know it's it's kind of been the same for me too like they Microsoft announced Loop um I personally I hadn't really heard of this type of application I don't know is is there a word for what Loop and notion and obsidian like all that stuff kind of is is there like a a Gartner chart yet for for this style of application but I I had never heard of this you know like having blocks or components this is kind of like organic collaboration organic just like getting things onto a page uh in a canvas type of layout and what it did for me honestly was it it made me learn about this like category of applications so while we've been waiting on Loop I personally have been like diving into notion and using notion a whole lot which now that we have Loop available I feel like I have a little bit of a jump start into using this type of application it's not you know no pun intended a blank canvas that I'm staring at I kind of know a little bit like what to do because I've kind of you know can speak the language a little bit but um I'm interested like from your perspective Daryl like how have you been explaining what Loop is to people whenever you you know kind of do your intro to what is loop yeah I try and Dodge all the marketing terms and atomic units of productivity I mean it's nice you can get poetic and start to think about those metaphors and I guess you know that's that's where your mind goes but I try to explain it is it is a new form of Office document or should I call it Microsoft 365 document sorry for those in the know that's a bit of a pain um I call it that because that's really what it is underneath it it is a it's a fluid file a fluid document and that becomes the collaborative canvas so maybe I'd call all of these additional apps notion obsidian Etc Miro they're all collaborative canvases of sorts they're live you can share content with them you can bring people into them and and loop is that like um I think as I start to explain it and we'll get into this in more detail uh it's it's um all about how you can take that sharing across other experiences and work from wherever you are and uh I mean I'd also ask you guys too like it was really interesting to see Microsoft launch the first experiences as um Loop experiences without an app you know like it was it was this experience or a feature without an app and it was kind of hard for people to to adopt wasn't it yeah I think like it was a little bit um a little bit confusing for me because yeah they announced um loot components first you know so they're really leaning into the collaborative aspect of it you know where when I came into something like notion I've come into it from a completely personal productivity perspective right and it was like you know Loop it feels like from the beginning Loop existed to get work done together and kind of remove friction and remove barriers to you know what we're having a chat in teams and we just need like a quick table you know to jot down some stuff in like a a structured layout and it's like it's friction and it's kind of like context shifting to say okay well I'm going to go into Excel I'm going to make the little table even though I only need like three by five table size then I'm going to save it then I'm going to paste it into the teams chat so we can all added to do it together and all of that it takes a lot of that friction out of it by just saying like all right I need a loop component I need a table I think we could type at the same time and we don't have to get out of the application to do it so I think it was like it was a big benefit right out of the gate but it was really seen from my perspective as like a teams type of feature you know it was very like oh it's in the umbrella of teams and if you listened a little bit closer to the the marketing folks talk about what this is that wasn't what they intended I don't think they were saying you know it's going to be everywhere it's going to be an Outlook and and teams and it's going to be you're going to interface with it through different types of applications but because like the practicality of it was in teams I think it's kind of had this stigma for the past year of being like a team specific feature you know and I think by getting the app out there it really is going to kind of differentiate it and show that like hey it's kind of this underlying new collaborative architecture that the apps can take advantage of right these are just uh places where it's surfaced so I think it's pretty interesting to see it kind of come together um what I'm hopeful for is that like they'll they've got a big wave of like attention right now I'm hoping that we'll see fast iteration to make that app you know more and more mature as we go so I'll tell you when they first introduced it my very first comment was I have the notion this is going to be huge and the pun was intended because I had seen and I've worked with notion a little bit but I come from the SharePoint world and then I moved into personal productivity with OneNote and I think this is helping to address one of the biggest frustrations that I think we've had with um with OneNote and that's kind of the collaborative part of of OneNote the collaboration and some of the sync issues I know that seems credit they've done a lot of work over that on the back end of that especially over the last couple of years but that's an application that was you know it's 20 years old and this is kind of the evolution of some of that um I know we've got uh kind of a what is loop table that we'll we'll talk about here in a moment but for me like I think this is the the way that I can start something and then extend it into the the other parts of where I work and it minimizes the friction in order to do that it gives me a central place to kind of come back to if I can't quite remember where something is and then I can push it and meet people where they work and that's a New Concept like that's taking information that white note-taking that's kind of a personal thing but like if I'm jotting down ideas with somebody in like a OneNote notebook and then I need to go and reference that somewhere else there's a barrier to do that and this kind of breaks down that barrier so that we can kind of meet in one place go and work in our different places and still reference something back in like that one place and I think that's a really a new way of of approaching some of this and it's really cool the way that they're they're meeting this yeah that's I think uh key really key Andy and John you've picked up on it too um yeah Loop is about removing those barriers I know like it's deceptively simple when you add that component to A team's chat or to Outlook and other places that we can do that today um but that's the point it's like don't get distracted by what font what this what that even you know other buttons or things just get your ideas out there and start building on it and worry about formatting and form later and that's why the the components that we had initially for these first experiences where you're in a chat I'm going to give you five choices that you might want to use while you're in a chat a bullet list a table or something else um those are the components that get our ideas going and started quickly and remove those barriers so that you can just quickly get their idea out there quickly Loop people in share their content across other places yeah Daniel Anderson I've got his his comment up from LinkedIn he says you know the term collaborative canvas that you've used is is really resonating well with the people that he's talked to and I think that's a really good way to kind of explain it like um people kind of get like the digital whiteboard space and this is a little bit more structured than that because it's it's a little bit more linear but um it's very fast to be able to get like a new component added and they've got a nice set I hope to see it expand here pretty soon but um you know there's good functionality there that's a little bit more conducive to like us with mouse and keyboard you know rather than having like a full digital whiteboard type of space it but still leans into that like collaborative canvas um Daryl you've got a really good picture right here at the bottom I think you pasted this in um I think this is from your your video right about um like what the components of the loop app are I've got Loop open right right now but do you kind of want to talk through like what we're seeing on the screen and kind of like the basic navigation and just you know to help help that focus and let's show one of those features um at the top of the page panel just tuck away the um the page list top right corner up there that's the one cool oh yeah yeah um look yeah I think uh like with all apps it helps to orient yourself with what you're seeing and and what you're using and um you know looking at Loop um your first experience of it when you do sign in and I I tried this yesterday too when I was signing in with a Microsoft account boom you're into this getting started workspace which is nicely mapped out to show you how to use it what to use it for and um like I've tried to follow the colors of the loop logo as we kind of go one from one right through to seven um just trying to point that detail out that's the kind of stuff I do um that uh your page listing uh where you've got your pages you're going to start out with a loop workspace if you create one and it is just a blank page that can be kind of overwhelming but as you build it out this is where it does kind of feel like OneNote that some of us who have got into I don't know Kurt and um modular Maryland sorry um uh you know long time one note uh users there are watching the stream here you've got pages and sub Pages you've got sections and and that's the kind of pattern that we've been used to following so that makes sense to use that within a workspace to to pull our ideas together and organize them uh the top of the the top of the um panel there on the left you've got a place to look at your notifications we've already sort of tucked away the the page to kind of focus View and search um like let's just comment on these things because otherwise I could just get onto a real like range as well yeah I've had these notifications in the top so you were adding you were like at mentioning me yesterday and so I left that Bell unread so that we could show that today that you know it's got its own notification engine so you'll see whenever you've been mentioned somewhere and then you can filter that based off of what's red or not read so I can jump into like Daryl mentioned me in this page down here I click on it it jumps me to where I was mentioned and it highlights that you know in purple and because of that you know it it's not unread anymore right so Andy he mentioned me over here and then Daryl he just mentioned me on the agenda so as I'm clicking on these they're falling out of my unread count so I can filter back and forth between two of those and I kind of like that it's it's a lot like how um how teams is uh where it's it's tucked up out of the way it's the same you know kind of General UI element you know that you're used to in like teams and Yammer and all that um I didn't hear a notification Bell though so it's not quite as you know re like real time as teams where you get the ping you know of somebody like thumbs up or something like that I don't think I would want an audible uh a noise notification personally yeah I mean what would that sound like would it be like a you know sort of loopy sound I don't know hopefully the little bell for the task would be done yeah hopefully not that crazy sound that we heard uh when we were testing forms in but yeah it was I just wanted to point out that like I didn't hear a sound when I got mentioned you know so you keep track of that uh yeah I'm curious though let me open up another let me just go to like um can you at mention me I want to see like does it Flash the oh okay tab or anything like that yeah uh or do I let me click off of off of edge I'm wondering like does a pop-up notification come up or anything like that in the browser nothing like that um what we're seeing today is okay see notifications in the app but I think the more powerful thing is when you're mentioned within um the notification email um and you know maybe you could uh I know you've got a fresh account there so feel free to jump onto an open Tab and open up uh yeah but that notification it's embedding the loop component so when you go in to see oh what was I mentioned what was I doing or who's been talking to me you're taking directly to the content and that's so engaging because it's right there it's live and you're going to contribute to it because you just can't help it it's right there there's John yeah and yeah this is something that's really new I noticed I saw this like in one of the blog posts I think that this was a fairly new feature added on that it used to give you a link to the loop component they would take you to that like dot fluid file but now it's rendering it inside of the email so I can go in here I can add right to it without having to again do that context switching this cuts down on that I can vote on Andy's thing I can vote on Daryl's and uh you know it's a lot like how like Yammer was was like you get a Yammer notification when you click on it now it gives you the latest and greatest comments you can like and add comments and things like that without jumping away from the email you know getting out of your way I think is is really beneficial you know yeah yeah that's on me yeah go ahead Andy I'd like to just address kind of an elephant in the room and this right here I think really demonstrates uh that that particular point I'm gonna bring my screen up Yeah man so this is a tweet from one of the engineers that actually worked on the product this this was a Twitter thread that was released I found it last night shared it with you guys really interesting about the history but the first thing people say when they see Loop is like it's a notion clone and admittedly they own up to that but what you just showed is where it its capabilities extend beyond what notion is currently capable of the fact that we were just inside of Outlook working with a loop component that started inside of a loop workspace it's fully collaborative in both on both um both both ways and uh based off of the you know Microsoft security and we'll talk about that stuff in in just a little bit but that ability to extend it beyond the workspace I think is is is huge and we just saw that in that demo but I just wanted to bring this up do own up to you know admittedly uh there is a a lot of similarities with notion yeah it's pretty notiony yeah but like it's also important to keep in mind that like notion's been at it for what like six years or something you know so um naturally I guess yeah it's going to be a little bit more mature I'm personally not ready to switch over yet you know I still have to like I've put a lot of structure into my setup but you know it's something to keep an eye on as they you know as both of them mature and like I imagine there's going to be like a cutover point where it's like ah enough is there for me um yeah so I guess that kind of naturally leads into the second point which is where can you use Microsoft Lube we saw that you can use it in Outlook like if you're mentioned in a loop component you get an Outlook notification um you can also insert a loop component into that notific into Outlook as well so like if I go here and I click these dot dot dots I'm going to share this whole page as a loop component right so I'm going to make it portable and I'm going to take it and go put it into teams or Outlook or whatever we'll do that so do that John yeah that works yeah is like I can go into like a new email here and I can send Daryl an email and say you know check this out and then I can slap that in and again it's going to render that and I can send that off to Daryl so I don't have to mention him in loop I can go through my traditional Communications route as well as I can do that from which is a new tenant this is my first time launching teams on this browser so let's see the welcome page that comes up on it um can I get into the web version here but you know I copied and pasted that it's still available in my clipboard so I should just be able to paste it inside of this group chat so Daryl and Andy we've got this going he's put let me get out of this he's put a loop component in there I can paste the whole page as a loop component does that render out nope it didn't render out on that one but I could do the loop components and I could add a new Loop component right here as well um Daryl did you copy and paste this one in because this is from yeah totally yeah the sheer component yeah yeah yeah I don't know it's not working for me on this one but I wonder if it's like something to do with the whole page or something instead if I go in and say like all right let's grab that component that you had going right here then I could click on this create a loop component which is going to make it portable to make it be able to come out so I can copy that guy copy it paste it into the chat yeah it's still not rendering for me but it works yeah he's more native I guess but yeah the whole page is there from where Daryl uh copied and pasted it it worked from Outlook for me though so that's something um so where it's available we've seen already like Microsoft teams you could do it in chat can you add a loop component or Loop page as a tab yet I would imagine you can just as like a website but it's not going to be stored with the team is the important thing to call out yeah yeah I think um like early workarounds you know when the loop component experience would open up in the page and it was it was you know there was no Loop app experience it was just kind of just this canvas and what you could do with text so that's what some were doing early on to bring Loop content into teams but that native experience where we would like to see a workspace as a tab in a channel for example and we know that's something that they're definitely working on because it's I mean imagine that experience of being able to work together with three or four people and just getting something done in a team and a channel um yeah yeah it's not there yet yeah so it does work as a um as a page or like as a tab for a website so what I did was I hit the plus button I added a new website and I pasted in our component link we've been working with so I have been able to say hey here's our Loop page and you see that it renders like the whole app inside so that's something to keep in mind is like you've got a sidebar here and then another sidebar you're getting into Loop section here a little bit you know uh like like we said in the title we're entering the loop averse right where you're like getting a little bit embedded a little bit deeper here and there but I do have a live you know Loop app linked to inside of teams but as you said it's not stored with this group chat this is still stored in the workspace wherever the workspace happens to be located so that's important to point out um we showed Outlook also Microsoft Word and Microsoft whiteboard you're able to again just paste in that component link and be able to use this inside of word and whiteboard hopefully it would be coming soon to things like PowerPoint or OneNote things like that I think probably the biggest one people would be wanting is OneNote but it's not quite there yet right it was announced a year ago they officially announced that in February of 2022 that Luke would be coming to OneNote soon so we're still waiting on that one okay yeah that's going to be a really big win because it's really going to stitch that like that note taking and the loop component of that collaborative canvas together we're already getting a little bit of the collaborative canvas from a drawing perspective with Loop integrated so like I've got here's my whiteboard that I just created if I paste in it knows that it's a loop component so you can see it it's rendering it out right now and I've got that Loop component next to my ability to draw you know and I'm going to try to draw with my my thing but you'd be able to put like a voting table or something like that in here um one thing I've noticed though is you can't create the loop component on the Whiteboard so you would be creating it somewhere else and just copying it into the Whiteboard hopefully someday we'll see that as like maybe a button over here on the side probably about a month or two away John so it's in the message center it's coming okay cool yeah hopefully that'll that'll render here is like insert a loop component what do you want I want a voting table and you just slap it onto the Whiteboard um that would be a big win right now it's copy and paste so about a month away though according to to Daryl and I'm sure that Microsoft would never delay um the the other like main entry points for me for Loop are uh the web obviously that's going to be you do need some tenant configuration that we'll talk about here in a second to get that to show up so if you're in a tenant that doesn't have it activated you're going to see a message that says like Loop is not enabled for your organization when you go to that main page once you're in if you're on edge you could go up to this you know the browser navigation and see that little like kind of boxes with a plus sign that is how you would install it as a progressive web application so you can run loop as like a standalone quasi-standalone application um that's what I've done I've added it to my dock on Mac OS that way and then there are mobile apps available as well so I wanted to point that out um we can throw this yeah comments about the the pwa thing uh what we found and this is just you know with us launching it internally um at WM reply we're you know trying to get people on board for the private preview um one of those frequent comments was oh yeah I'm probably not using it as much as I as I could because it's just one of those mini tabs that's open in your browsers you don't think about it but when you do install it as a progressive web app you know browser app it has more presence on your desktop and so it's one of the things that I will start as as an app during my day it's teams it's it's loop it's Outlook in some form and and at least it's there so it's ready for me to to jump in and collaborate or take notes yeah um I wanted to point out you know the conversation in the chat that's going on I'm trying to keep up you know we want to like pop them on screen but um I see you guys are talking like crazy which is really exciting um and Phil especially thanks for like answering questions in the chat um you know one of our good friends Phil he's like helping us out with with the chat a lot so we appreciate that um but yeah on the mobile apps I uh I pasted into the chat if you're watching on YouTube um iOS is available now but it's available in test flight so you will have to install the test flight application and then you'd be able to click a button to install it on your iPhone it's important to note that it's iPhone only I did install it on my iPad but it's like kind of shrunk down because it's just a phone app right now um but Daryl hopefully pointed out to me that hey you can just go to Safari or go to Edge on your iPad and get the full experience you know because it's browser application um for Android I put the AKA dot Ms Link in there also if you're watching on a computer go ahead and scan that QR code with your Android phone and I'll make it bigger for you go ahead and scan that and uh you'll be able to install it on your Android phone as well um so anything else to add about like where you can get to Loop and and stories about like where it's it's being used I guess I have one question um Daryl you've been using this for a while when you install it as a progressive web app does it give you notifications on the taskbar or your your doc does it do that yeah I'm not saying the Red Dot or anything like that to say you've been notified okay so yeah I mean it's it's email notifications at the moment um and if you're in the app you're going to see you know little notification dot uh I would hope that when we see it more integrated within teams that it potentially becomes an item in your activity feed you know much like other things as well yeah there's a good question from Maris in here that says um hey how can I use this with a private office account like it keeps telling me I need to use like a school or a work account do you know the story about that yet yeah um what what some people are finding is that trying it out as a loop mobile app on their phones and it's only work or school accounts that are supported there but a personal Microsoft account is supported within the web browser okay okay so it's it's kind of getting there yeah but yeah yeah okay that's interesting to to find out it's it's funny because like some things roll out it's like you can only use an MSA and then some things it like wants the school or work account like uh Microsoft designer is one of those where in preview for Microsoft designer right now but you can only use a consumer Microsoft account uh with designer at this point so okay so I guess moving on then into configuring the tenant for Microsoft Loop um there's a great video from Daryl that I posted here at the top and I hope that you're seeing like that we've created these with some structure right so like I'm using like the header 2 right here I'm using a link component um I've got another link to another one and then some like steps to do it so we're kind of like trying to demonstrate the application as we go through talking points but I just pasted in Daryl's video to the chat I think it's been shared a couple times already so step one go watch Daryl's video don't don't leave now but go watch it after that after this and you can set up your tenant um the second link is right here I'm going to paste this into the chat and this is the step-by-step guide you know the more the more nerdy of us you know that they want to read rather than watch a video um they they've got step by step what you need to do and then I've kind of summarized eyes of this for you as well so basically you got two areas that you need to go to the first is you're going to create a configuration policy and you're going to scope it to a list of users I know Phil said they're doing like a very limited uh pilot in his organization so you probably want to start out small grow from there but you want to give it the ability to create and View files in Microsoft apps that would cover you for like Microsoft Word you want to add the configuration you want to enable that configuration for Loop files and Outlook obviously that's going to give it to you an email and then the last one is create and View Loop files in Loop which sounds a little bit redundant but this is the loop application so this one item C that's what lights up the loop app for your organization and Daryl you said in your video it can take about a day like 24 hours for this to apply you know maybe a couple hours something like that on average but you might wait up to a day the second main component is to do it inside of Microsoft teams so the way you do it in teams is with Powershell you go in and you run the set SPO tenant commandlet and what you're looking to do is you're looking to do is Loop enabled you're going to set that to dollar sign true and then is collaborative meeting notes fluid enabled which uh just rolls off the tongue you want that to be dollar sign true as well so did I catch everything uh Daryl and Andy yeah I mean I think you caught one that I'd forgotten on my video which was that collaborative meetings one and that's that's just making sure it's available for your group chats uh that are part of your private meetings yeah and you know you can see from the word here that that probably means that with the new note experience that's coming hopefully you know we'll have like collaborative agenda collaborative action items those types of things you know they've got it right there in the name meeting right in that attribute so and that summary was brought to you by John chat GPT right really it's like I'm thinking as I'm writing the words out of my mouth that's the funny thing about chat GPT and all these like generative AIS is like watching it type and sometimes it kind of stalls for a second and then it types more it's like it feels like it's actually thinking you know [Laughter] so that covers uh configuring your tenant for Microsoft let's go back to the agenda here and uh something else I wanted to point out just because it popped into my mind I'm like running a 100 miles an hour is you see everybody's face right here so I can see where me Daryl and Andy were all in this location right now but you see that Andy is also down here and Daryl's also down here and what we have found is that whenever you're in Loop in a different like end point I guess endpoint would be the best word for it so if Daryl happens to have an email open that has this Loop embedded in it this Loop component he might be here in the loop app but he will also be here via Outlook and Andy he might be viewing this page on his phone but he's viewing the agenda on his computer so you know you might see people in more than one place you know and it's getting into the loop averse concept again of like you know it's not a glitch don't don't you know freak out about it it probably means that like these components are getting spread out into the sphere of Microsoft 365. so it's going to be natural you're going to see somebody's face show up twice potentially I want to be in everything everywhere all at once John yeah right that's that's kind of what we're getting to um so have you gotten feedback about that I know you've been testing it like at your organization right yeah yeah um people complained about that at all or no no not so much um uh it's uh okay so what's the what's the main benefit of seeing someone's face there on a page or in the workspace it is hey you're not alone right now um and your asynchronous work or synchronous work um there's someone here right there working there with you and I think one thing that um it also helps us to to work with is this now rather than sharing our screens we're kind of doing this a bit more now rather than sharing our screens we're keeping like a meeting open with that full Gallery we're looking at people but over on our second monitor if we're lucky enough to have one of those we just open up the app and in this collaborative canvas kind of way of working we don't yet have curses but we do this in Loop we can do this in Excel and all sorts of things we can see where we're working based on the curses or what we've selected and so in a meeting where you know we're working together we don't share the loop on screen we just follow where people are I can see that Daryl's now presenting from this page so let's all go there and I can see when he selects a paragraph or a text or a cell and a table so I'll follow along with that now we're kind of waiting for that cool feature that's landed in whiteboard now um you know the one I'm talking about John wow follow me follow me oh yes yeah yeah the follow me feature yeah I I have that down as a wish list item that I think that would be really cool to be able to like you know see the pointer um like right now I can see Andy's typing because you get that traditional co-authoring but with whiteboard you get the actual pointer you know it's like a triangle shape um but then yeah you said like to be able to present it we ran into that just yesterday where we ended up just sharing our screen because I was like pointing to something with my cursor but you guys didn't see I was pointing you know it'd be nice to do follow me and naturally if you do follow me then you're probably going to need to add a laser pointer to to this right because like I want to be able to Circle this with my pointer to kind of show this is what I'm talking about you know I mean I know it was buzz video and this was two years ago but remember the curses were there yeah and they're the same styled cursors that actually have showed up in whiteboard you know that that common design language um something that I've noticed though like you guys if you were watching um what we were talking about Follow Me Andy was typing up here and he's in this cell which in like in Excel Excell inside of Microsoft Excel I would be locked out of that cell right because he's like he's editing that cell but you can see he's editing it and I was changing in his spelling and like adding things while he is currently in it typing so like three of us are in a single cell of a table typing so you don't even have those types of like you know traditional um limitations that we've had with the office applications until now I don't know if that's powered by like project nucleus or something like that to to give like more seamless uh real-time editing but it feels way faster than what we known you know three years ago with co-authoring who wants to get geeky go on so there's a blog post where they talk about some of the architecture and how some of this is actually built and it's based off of the way that they have restructured this inside of SharePoint part of the reason that it's taken a while for this app to be released and if you didn't know this app's actually been in or group's actually been in development for like six years they needed to do significant re-architecting on the back end some of that affected SharePoint how files were stored and versus using like a Chan of a traditional file storage structure they're actually using a tree based architecture with nodes and it allows for more I think I believe it's horizontal um uh connections between those nodes versus like the traditional structure so there was a lot of work that went on on the back end to make this possible and that work is extended into many of the other applications that's why you're going to see I think more of the fluent framework and fluent UI you know moving across and some other apps have already been built out of it like whiteboard but it's because of the way that they're handling some of the architecture on the back end they can now allow more real-time collaboration like this whereas before like kind of a standard structure it was built on traditional like databases and so like when I row inside of the database was like locked down for anything by one user made it really hard or impossible for another user access to some of that same stuff I like the geeky stuff yeah it's so fast like and so like pun intended uh fluid to use this inside of the same we're not locking each other out things like that um you know I hope to see this this type of thing come across especially in like I don't want to throw any you know particular note-taking uh Solutions under the bus but like it's so painful to have to wait for a sync to happen when you're taking notes collaboratively and this is just so much smoother um there's a really good question here in the chat that says does that negate Version Control if multiple people are editing inside of the same place have you looked at virgin control very much uh Daryl well the vision controls history as well yeah that's actually the new feature bringing that actually into the product whereas beforehand um if it was just a blue page um with components you could you could get there too so you're seeing all the different versions of of this page that we have been working talking on and we can roll back and compare and restore but the other cool thing if you actually go into what page are we along there this is still doing the agenda yeah so go go into the cell where we're all working on the co-pilot stuff and start hovering over some of the text um you'll actually see attribution so click onto Andy GPT for example yeah I see like Daryl typed that yeah Andy GPT that's Andy and Daryl who must have thought on that exactly just now just now and it's got a win okay so I can't necessarily roll back that section that's up here in version history and you're rolling back the whole page for that but you can see like since we got started there's only been what like three new major versions of this page that you would be like restorable um but yeah if you can see like who who said that you can go look there and see their name yeah that's pretty helpful that's nice um I like that attribution I've just taken off the highlighting on that text because it was hiding something um that actually you can see too that when you hover over it okay you can see okay this is what Andy said but then I hover over John's contribution so I've already done that sorry just people near me that's cool I haven't seen that before people near me sorry yeah so like Andy is here right and I can see that you guys are there so when I right clicked on this there's a new like this flya that says people who are near me you can see that list also inside of the uh the contextual click as well that's pretty cool yeah clicking on a word where Andy was working but we also contributed you can expand on that versions and your GPT um and then just select yourself your own your own contribution to that so it's highlighting exactly what was typed oh that's rad yeah cause like so Daryl he made it two words Andy space GPT but Andy was the one who typed the whole sentence and I just changed the word fast because he misspelled it I put an apostrophe and I put a a hyphen hmm oh man that's cool so yeah you can kind of see it stepping up so it's oldest to newest the oldest is at the bottom the newest is at the top yep that's awesome so now I can definitively prove I did not in fact say that foreign so you need to take that highlight it and then screenshot that where it's like okay Daryl's the one that put a space there dude that's rad that's that's what I love about these like 365 deep dive like we've got a basic structure of what we're talking about but we're also just like learning crap along the way together that's super cool um nice so we've gone off the rails a little bit talking about like the the features specifically but what about like Loop and co-pilot do we have a a page for Loop and co-pilot I don't think we have a page got a page about version history yeah we just talked about that yeah so I just yeah I just added that in response but co-pilot at the moment I I've seen it working in some of the early stuff that that we have access to as Loop creators but um you go to settings up here in the top corner and then experiments you can turn on the jump start workspace option that is available now so that gives you like some some suggestions when you're creating your workspace but then copilot is grayed out right now because they're at capacity but that's where you're going to be able to get like you know hey co-pilot give me you know two paragraphs about this give me some ideas for a YouTube video uh title things like that and it'll just like spit out text for you so for those of you that are tuning in and just hearing about co-pilot for the first time Microsoft recently had a huge announcement about the co-pilot Service as part of Microsoft 365. the copilot service acts as a like a processing engine a universal translator between you a user and some kind of prompt or request to retrieve information copilot connects to the Microsoft graph and looks for things that are recent and relevant and associated with you in the Microsoft World it creates a prompt from that and it connects to a large language model and the one that Microsoft is using is open ai's gpt4 and chat GPT it gets the response back from that chat GPT and it goes through the co-processing service once again connects back to the graph to follow up with the information that it needs and then it sends the results of that back to you so you could summarize a response so you could say hey I need you to summarize a report based off of this new product widgets Mark III that we're working on and it will gather that information from the Microsoft graph it will summarize and create a response for it double check the graph information and send that back to you they showed um copilot and a bunch of demos with like word Outlook Excel PowerPoint OneNote and it's going to be here inside of Microsoft Loop to say that I'm excited about copilot as an understatement um I think that is revolutionary so I had to interject on that one because yeah definitely Verizon definitely follow Andy for for a lot of things about AI he's been spending so many hours every day just immersed in Ai and yeah to his point it was announced uh the same day right yeah so March 22nd the same day the app was announced in public preview they also announced that oh by the way co-pilot's coming here too um and this is just a couple of pictures of like what you're going to be able to see so you're going to be able to have a prompt inside of a loop component where you'll be able to say I want to create something I want you to describe some text already on there summarize it for me stuff like that and here's just like an animated gif of what that looks like so you'd be able to like you know activate it and what's really cool is that um it's it's the first place that I've seen the collaborative co-pilot if that's what you can call it where multiple people are like prompting the engine inside of this collaborative canvas so you can see that like you know this person started out with like hey give us an agenda an outline and then somebody else Pro uh proposed like well give us some more details and then the other person said well turn it into a different format called an agenda and like they're going back and forth and they're giving that that AI component they're they're giving that commands and it has the context from the other person before them so that's what's really cool is it's I'm coming up with the right word to say a shared context right you have the shared context within that generative AI which is really really cool um so yeah we'll paste this in the chat as well for you guys if if one of the guys haven't done it already but that's the um the article yeah I see Andy put it in the chat already and there's some FAQs about like okay how do I get it where is it going to be it's going to surface as a component in and of itself called Copilot so that's a feeling we'll be snorkeling back around with a deep dive on copilot as soon as we're able to get hands on it yeah like many co-pilot D sessions I think is just so broad holy cow um it was it was pretty game changing to watch that demo um and see it like in more than just Sizzle reel like see actual demonstrations you know it feels like they're way way closer than what a lot of times Microsoft is when they make an announcement it feels like that's further off I think we're going to see co-pilot sooner than what we saw Loop for example um here's open yeah yeah I hope so I know you're you're uh waiting every day to see it light up so I'm gonna Mark that as complete and uh go on through we already talked about where you can use Loop um and then the loop components we talked about that is there anything else you guys want to cover on Loop components themselves I guess there's a couple new ones that I thought was really interesting I'm gonna make a new page um so to insert a loop component the shortcut for that is going to be a forward slash it's the one that's falling forward and this is where you kind of get that like contextual menu that comes up and ever since like 2021 we've had headings and tables and checklists and different types of lists but now we have um two new ones that I've seen which is the voting table and the progress tracker so the voting table is really cool I see this being useful in a meeting especially where you can have like what is your idea advocate for it you know let's brainstorm some pros and cons and then let people vote for it and you get to see who voted for what um so that's a really interesting component I'm wondering Daryl do you know if there's any configuration about like can we make that voting Anonymous it doesn't look like we can no nothing like that yet um okay you're on the page so so you've kind of voted um that's true you kind of see what you know what people are doing as they're doing it because it's collaborative yeah um but that's a really cool one because it's just structure for pros and cons and really you could have done this with a table and then you could have had them put like emojis in or something like that but it's a nice vote button which has like a counter um the other one that that Daryl's adding right now that you guys have seen me use is labels so if I go down here and I add a new one I do sport slash and then a label this gives you the ability to have like a progress tracker or priority or you can add a new label if you want to so like um say that we're editing like we're brainstorming an editorial calendar right so I'm gonna do like a content type and are we going to do this as a well Viva engage post I almost said Yammer um Viva engage are we going to do this as a SharePoint News Post um are we going to do a video in stream are we going to do a live event in teams and I can save that and now for this workspace I've got a new label type where I can say like all right this is going to be a News Post and I can flag that little like label or that little cell right here by embedding a label into the cell I can say Viva engage and the status of it is label the status of it is in progress right so you can actually hear on that is actually yeah um you're sure you could add labels into the cell but you can add a new column type to a table called let uh to a table called labels yeah so tags or something yeah so you could do labels I'm used to using the word tags because like I just come from the notion world that is even better um I've just changed the content type the column type two labels so now you can click into the column oh snap that's cool okay so you can let's show how to do that so up here at the top I went to the little carrot and you can change the content the column type and the type is a label the label is well what type of label do you want because you've made a custom label type called a content type you can do that and now it's a selector which I think that's cool if you're going to do like one label to one column personally what I would do because again I'm coming from like kind of the the modern way of just tag everything I would kind of want like one catch-all and just put a ton of labels inside of it just because like I would want to filter by that and I don't really care like what it what the grouping is but um yeah that's a cool little power move is being able to go there and make it a label there's one other thing about labels um when you're creating them uh if you came up with your own label group it's to that page so if you've come up with a group that you want to use on another page it's it's not going to be there oh okay I'm sure that'll be some kind of feature request in terms that seems like something for them to fix for workspaces that I want to use yeah I want it for the whole workspace because like the workspace to me is like a project right so I would want that to kind of be like the taxonomy of the project right now do you need some taxonomy that we can use across our whole organization you keep your managed metadata out of this overall that's that's totally but I know somebody's thinking while they're watching that like can I have you know an organizational library of labels and I want to publish those to all of my users so that everything's the same uh you guys are geeking too hard um that like like we talked about friction that type of stuff adds friction to the experience and what you're going to end up with is back when I was back at Cerner we had jira and jira they had added like 90 different custom fields to jira at the Enterprise level so like every time you wanted to do something you had to like scroll through a bunch of duplicate things because like you know the field was named like two words and then one word and it was duplicated everywhere so be careful what you ask for when you get like up to scaling at the Enterprise level um right now I do not want that in in here this is this is for ideation this is for for getting started this is for notes this is for brainstorming this is not uh something that I want my organization interjecting in this is for me get to to get my drafts going to to build up that that material and to have to interject uh organizational taxonomy into it would be Beyond a buzz kill yeah yeah let's not let's not kill the fun quite yet you know what's nice about this is it's clean um so other components that we have uh on that that topic we talked about labels I think labels is one of my favorite uh new features but there's also progress tracker which is another one of those type of pre-made tables for you which is really cool because um it gives you the structure you've got different types like this is a checklist this is a date field you know this is a tag right here so this is a way that you could take this component you don't even have to do it in a workspace but you could take that component put it into your team's group chat in teams right so I'm gonna I'm actually gonna go into teams and just do this so say that you've got a group of three people me Daryl and uh and Andy were all you know Engineers working on an engineering team and you would be able to I guess it's not available in teams quite yet but my hope is the dream is turn this into your daily stand-up so what I would want to do is insert a loop component that is a progress tracker where everybody would put the three things right that you that are part of scrum what did you do yesterday what are you going to do today and do you have any blockers so the scrum Master can go work on that like imagine like you could get away from having stand-up calls every day if everybody just did that inside of the chat and also there's like a ton of third-party apps and teams that do that for you but like what if you had that just as native capability where you could say hey power automate every day at 8 A.M slap this Loop component in there and let everybody do the stand up without having to like stand around and talk about it so that's that's kind of where I could see that going you know yeah because you got the guy in New Zealand has to get on a stand-up with people in Chicago you know it's like it's it's a little bit hard when you span I mean the entire Globe so yeah well we kind of use that concept um in workspaces that we ran for projects that the the idea was we would try and um update our status on a deliverable using a page for a deliverable we'd update our status in terms of what we're working on and maybe the tasks related to that so yeah it all kind of became attached to the thing and you just go there and work on the thing and see what what the progress was so it was it was quite useful yeah yeah Marilyn's saying I could see that like spinning out of control if you had like a huge team you know I I think you know it depends right like if you have a team of 30 people you probably weren't doing a 15-minute stand up anyway where all 30 people talked I almost see that kind of as being like more streamlined because then everybody could be typing and what I heard uh I think I heard this on a podcast maybe is that uh you can have what up to 50 people editing a component at a time that's the limit is what I had heard well it's a limit on how many people you can invite into a workspace from a Microsoft account that's the first place I saw that limit but okay um you know traditional limits of how many co-authoring people can you have inside a Word document that was that was 200 people at one point yeah I'm not sure about about Loop components and how many people you can rather look yeah I thought I had heard something about that like that it was like 50 or something um if anybody from Microsoft is watching and wants to clarify that let us know if you happen to know what the limit is um the number of members in a loop workspace is 50 members okay okay cool yeah I was I was listening a read wise reader I was having it read to me out loud while I was driving on carplay and I couldn't remember where that was so thanks for clarifying um Bridget asked from from one of the paired channels um Can loot be used with uh GCC subscriptions do we know yet if it's available in GCC um components I think are there in terms of your like Loop chat and um teams chat rather um I don't think it is and it kind of goes back to why we had to configure and turn loop on that it was off by default for tenants that you know that can be a discussion um somewhere along here but maybe now um it isn't fully compliant it doesn't um help you to run any Discovery and find that content and rehydrate it and all this sorts of you know like chain of custody things in terms of documents so I would say I think that it's not yet available in GCC until that um is solved it looks like components yeah it looks like Loop components are not available in teams chat which is like step one but that is coming according to the road map in May of 2023 so hopefully that'll help you out Bridge it I think that's probably when they're aiming to have the compliancy tools ready as well yeah I could see that well so purview compliance oh that says feedback loop that's not Microsoft loop it's just an unfortunate thing same word side joke there um people say how do I give feedback on the loop and there is a sort of question mark on the bottom right hand corner where you can click on a workspace and give that feedback but we do know there's a feedback portal for all the different products across Microsoft 365. yeah early on I said look we should we should actually create a namespace on that called the feedback loop for Loop feedback sure dad jokes yeah I like that Microsoft's kind of leaning into the the feed the loop thing I've seen them making jokes about like keeping you in the loop and stuff like that so I haven't heard that one before but they know what they're doing but yeah that feedback give feedback is right here at the bottom so I was kind of showing that as Daryl was uh explaining it that's where you would give feedback all this helpful feedback that we're saying out loud we should just go type all of it out um so that's progress tracker the other one I think Andy was or Daryl yeah I was getting ready to do is the Emoji picker so we've got emojis yeah just like Microsoft teams um you'll notice that you do have the recent area which is really nice because like I added the little music notes on the agenda so it knows that I use that recently um my favorite one I've been using lately is uh oh they don't quite have it all of the teams ones but there's a robot with sunglasses I've been using that every time somebody talks about like AI but there's a generic robot that you can use so um Daryl's talking here about mentioning files so this is something that I found yesterday you you've got like the little helpful pop-up that comes up and you can add insert components but you can also find things using the at mention and it's not just people you can see people up here but it's also files this is how you would at mention a file to insert that into your uh your space and because I'm brand new I don't have like all of my OneDrive files you know that it wants to suggest for me but I imagine Daryl has a lot more that he would be able to paste in there yeah to reference something else not quite working as I'd like uh when you add pension to start with you'll get three of your most recent files and if you've been working a loop a lot you're going to see Loops of course um yeah you click the button for files and I would expect to see a list there but what would happen is if your app mention like a you know the name of a file and start to type it and I'm just trying to find one uh here we go project radio and so that'll appear there and it uses that little kind of Chiclet of here's the document here's where you'll find it it shows the pathway through and this is also important to mention that because you add something to a page doesn't mean that you're giving access to it so Daryl added that on his screen over there I'm going to show his screen on on the stage he added that that word document and he sees it rendered but what I see I don't have access to this file so it respects that underlying access to the files so that's good to know what it doesn't do here John um with that particular scenario is it doesn't as I'm adding that to the page it doesn't prompt me to say hey you might want to share that and partly that's because this file is in Laura's um OneDrive now she's a demo user I have but where it might have been a file I was um owning or maybe a loop component or a workspace or something when I add that in it's going to say you haven't shared this yet or you haven't shared this workspace or page with these people yet do you want to do that um let's see if I can do that that would be nice yeah if we kind of had that that helpful Outlook type of uh hint you know yes um have a look at this I've just I've just mentioned Elizabeth Swann she's another demo user that I have um back when I was into Pirates of the Caribbean um so it's an it's an empty kind of uh sign there to say she hasn't have access to it but click on it give it notify her share I can notify her and yeah exactly and so now she's an actual person she doesn't have that dotted line around her um but I only saw this page not the workspace so that's that's actually okay that's helpful to know yeah okay um another thing I noticed here is like so with mentioning the file I couldn't get to it so what I did which we haven't mentioned yet is next to each of these components there's a little chat bubble so you can do a quick Emoji like reaction to it and um you can also add a comment so I added a comment saying I can't get to this Daryl could give me access and then he could add a reply and can you mention somebody inside yeah I'm actually at mentioning lore and that and yeah so I can say can you get to this and I could mention Andy and we've got a little chat going on inside of this Loop component you know about like hey I can get to the file so that's pretty handy I could do like a questioning reaction hmm I'll jump on his lore and give you access so you can actually see so that's something that I could see you guys like running into out there in the wild is like you know hey rather than having again we're talking about like not changing context rather than having to go out to teams or go out to Outlook and try to chase down somebody I could just leave a comment on the actual workspace you know and it's that thing of like it's I'm not I'm not getting out of my flow my flow state right um you should have access now if you refresh okay so Phil says you can app mention people outside the workspace yeah that's what we're doing what we did with Elizabeth yeah and it's like well they don't have access so it's smart enough to know that but it didn't go one step deeper into the file access but if I refresh the page now at the bottom there it is it loaded up for me so that's cool um honestly so to draw comparison to notion I bet you with like notion access it would have done it like right away I would have to refresh I know I noticed whenever I share things in notion with Andy it's like unbelievably responsive whenever like he pays in into bed I don't ever have to like refresh the page or something but um but hey I've got it now and now I could like take that whole thing away I guess I could probably delete the whole thread yep that deletes the whole thread because I did the top level so that's adding files that's mentioning files mentioning people the Emoji picker progress tracker labeling tagging voting tables um what else have we not talked about these are all kind of like they've been around there's also date that you can do so you could do that I wonder divider if you do that it does at today so it does that yes I did do dividers for like where can you use Loop hmm I separated them by dividers I think that's pretty helpful to kind of structure your page a little bit um and it looks like you can't do like a a referential date right so you can't do like slash date and do like tomorrow you know and have it be smart or have it be like um in here with like a task list have it be like a recurring every Friday or something like that so it doesn't look like you can have date variables it's more like an actual date hmm a little bit more static I guess um yeah in terms of so here was how do you mention documents let's go back to that real quick so to show that let me um let me get this all off a screen here real quick so to mention a document you would do the at sign and then the files show up right here so it was like project radio I think is what it was yeah it came up it's not a good thing for some reason it's not a good demo because like I'm brand new but if Daryl scrolled down I just put your screen on there yeah if you scroll down and start typing it you'll see it come up under suggested so there's his file and he clicks it it inserts the file the other thing you could do is you could just copy and paste a link to the file in and then it will render it as an embed and I'll show you guys that when we get down here to uh sharing there's a few things about those links too John that when you right click on them you've got options about where you want to open it with you oh that's nice to see whether it's a link preview which is what we're seeing now just a URL so I can change the url which is kind of like just a text yeah that's nice to have some some functionality there hmm this is a good question is where can I read about the security model behind Loop um is there yeah is there some good docs out yet for nope for Loop not yet um the the best one I guess came out with um that explanation around how SharePoint was behind it and some of the things that have changed but it's definitely been a top comment from it pro it's about tell me about permissioning tell me about the security model and where where is this stuff stored uh we need to get into that at some point too yeah there's not really a loop product area unfortunately so I've been I've been searching here on so there's not a standalone product section for Loop yet it's really like inside of teams how does it work in teams inside of SharePoint how's it in SharePoint so they kind of need to bring that together into a loop area in my opinion so um cool yeah why don't we tackle that you want to talk about like storage stuff kind of move on from components what's the best way to talk about this um yeah I've got a little bit of just like a very high level is that for the components those are stored in your OneDrive so the person who's making the component it's going to make what's called a DOT fluid file they're changing to dot Loop files aren't they that's that's the plan yeah I think the plan is it'll change dot Loop um and it's stored in your OneDrive now one thing I want to show you that's like really helpful is on your your office home page this is really cool if you're looking for Loop components that have been shared with you or that you've made you can do a filter right here at the top of quick access and your type that you're doing can be a loop component so now I've got a custom feed of all my Loop components on so that's really cool like no matter where it was shared but it's going to be in your OneDrive in uh is it a folder sorry I should know this yeah it actually depends on where you're creating the component from um if you're in teams it goes into your team's chat files if you're an Outlook it goes into a folder called attachments if you're um in word online it goes into Loop Word files um I don't know if there's one there for no we haven't done it yet for for whiteboard but I expect that there'll be again a folder for that yeah a bit confusing but I wanted to also talk about that too because one of the key things people were hoping for with um with the loop app release was okay I've got all these Loops now out there in the wild um all stored in onedrives in my OneDrive how do I bring that into the loop app and and see that um maybe like it might be best to have a look at more of my activity John if you don't yeah there you go um yep I switched here so it was something that I was asking the product group about this so how do we bring these sorts of things in and and make them part of workspaces over in my recent menu is going to show all the different Loop files that I've been working on and you can see everything I've been working on today in this workspace called in the looperverse but if I go a bit further down there's a couple of things that I've been working on for Loops within an email somewhere down here is another workspace and somewhere here is a chat and so some of these Loops are still in the OneDrive space but what I can do is I can visit those and open them up or if I just go into probably this one yep so I'm opening it up I'm now it's opening in the loop App instead of in that experience we had beforehand and now I've got that option to add it to a workspace I believe um oh copy to Loop workspace yeah well there is that I can copy the loop component um I've seen it uh pop up in some places where you know I saw it over over there yeah like let me show my screen real quick sure I saw it over here on the sidebar the page I could hit add to workspace and then I could select another workspace yeah so you're going to see that when you're creating a page in a workspace yeah and now it's in both right yeah I said it didn't move it it copied it okay this this um Loop that I'd created as a component in a team's chat back in July I believe was also going to get that same share button grab that component or share it to a workspace now it does mean that those files that are in my OneDrive will stay in my OneDrive but one on the wish list is um hey the the cycle of this file that I'm working on I now want to bring it into a workspace and and keep it there somewhere where it's you know stored with with um with all the other things that I'm working together with on my team so I want to be able to move that that Loop file and that that's something that's I guess in development um it's on the wish list okay interesting we haven't looked at the idea space that's another thing yeah what about ideas whenever you create a new idea where is that one stored these are again still uh in oh okay I know I'm a bit all over the place here because We're looping all all kinds of places um yeah to back it up um and and private preview it appeared that Loop workspaces were created in a SharePoint site collection in fact I could go through to um SharePoint for example and I could see um you know names of sites up here that were named after the workspaces that I'd created now it's almost like they've transitioned to well actually they're going to be out in a a onedrived styled space it will still be powered by SharePoint but I will not be able to visit that site like I could in private preview I can't go in and see the file and folder structure um it's it's not something I can just go ahead and visit so they're still kind of talking about it as if it is OneDrive but powered by SharePoint um so when you create a workspace and you invite you know 50 people to it it's still stored in your OneDrive space but now it is um contained and used by a number of different people so back to our ideas so like I'm over here on my OneDrive that's like empty and I think this is what Phil was talking about so I made a loop file in a chat so it's in Microsoft teams chats but I added an idea it's not in my OneDrive but I've got this quick access area right here with all these like lists and if I click on those it says the list is not valid but that's called ideas and then if I go here that's my getting started and there's our into the loop averse but I it's nothing when you know I can't do anything with that but it like created what appears to be a site collection um or or a uh a document library of sorts yeah and I just can't I can't browse it like a normal SharePoint um thing it is a site collection and in fact you know when we have our own onedrives those are site collections too it's a personal space it's just it's not what we would consider traditional sharepoints and I don't think it will ever be a site that we will be able to crack into and use for other purposes that would just be super confusing but you know some feedback the community are giving definitely is I don't actually want to see CSP bloody bloody blah blah up and crowding out all the other stuff that I use genuinely so they are working on um hiding that within their experiences as well yeah Phil says like Microsoft admitted that it's a bug and they're going to clean it up also he says here like I kind of think it's just like some kind of storage container I'm kind of like with Phil on that it feels like it feels like this is the SharePoint equivalent of like blob storage where it's like yeah it's just out there don't don't lose sleep over what's going on you know unless you're in compliance you know then yeah you need to know things but you know then again when it's in purview when it's in like all of these compliance tools that's how you're going to be interfacing with it anyway you're not gonna be going into that blob storage and navigating it manually you know you're going to be using your compliance and security tools so just something to think about um behind the scenes hey um so uh as we're going through all of this um I'm live tweeting and sharing all the links and everything and I got something that I want to bring up um so uh Shane has uh has chimed in um he's the leading product management for Microsoft Loop and so in the um uh in the Twitter world uh I was where can I read about the security model behind Loop part of the thread TBD and the short answer is um it's built on top of graph Microsoft identity and SharePoint and they're going to be adding some of the supply of security and compliance features here in the uh the near future so that's the the kind of answer to some of the security and compliance that we have for now but I just wanted to bring that in because in Microsoft glad you guys are tuning in to they're seeing that yeah and playing along with us that's awesome cool thanks thanks for that reply Shane if you ever see this that's awesome um yeah that's it man it's a it's a it's a massive feedback session and they need to we need to characterize this video so it's easy we're doing it live yeah um so that covers a little bit of storage we've talked a little bit about the confusion that that I had and I've seen on Twitter about like well is it a central location is it creating a full-blown SharePoint you know um I got a reply to from somebody earlier about like you know what about a group construct you know like I my brain is programmed to be you know um to be in the mindset of like when you do this it creates a group you know um like I think Matt Wade's uh you know um not the periodic table but the uh the group like how groups work infographic imagine him trying to add Loop workspaces to that it's like you know if it kind of breaks me a little bit to say like it's not the way everything has been up until now you know um so I struggle with that a little bit personally um and I'm sure a lot of traditional people do would you want to say um like a collection of 50 different workspace Microsoft 365 groups that also provision a planner also provision I know that's the thing yeah if I go to planner I see all of my teams that are all dead and orphaned yeah like I see all of those with no planner boards you know so it's like I don't think I want to see this get cluttered right off the bat but it just kind of like as far as membership it just like my brain wants to think in terms of like that's creating an Azure ad Security Group it has a mailbox for the workspace but like that's not what it's doing here you know so that takes a little bit of adaptation I think for us who are kind of I guess old school M365 if that could be a term now you know it's like we're in like next-gen 365 right now the loop averse so but yeah I don't know where I was going with that I'm just like I'm struggling with it so I'm sure other people are too I think it's it's I'm definitely going to be important as it's in preview now there's a number of things that main Loop app is not ready for some organizations um and this is one of those things that needs to be uh ironed out is how does this work how are they controlled where are the admin controls if I need to jump in and and um you know do this on behalf of someone um what is that all how does that all work and this is the kind of the gaps that need to be filled to make it yeah truly Enterprise ready if I can say that yeah yeah fairy geek mother agrees please no more groups I mean my organization like I you you would not be able to guess how many how many groups there are in an organization the size I work for so Phil says uh I feel old enough as it is don't make me feel older so classic so it yeah admittedly as soon as I got access to this through Daryl's tenet and um we were granted access to the workspace the first thing that I actually did was I actually started drilling down into one drive to see what I could find and specifically I did the trick where you go into the classic mode of OneDrive and you can get to kind of the backstage area which allows you to go into the OneDrive site content and for those of you who do anything with Microsoft webinars you know there's a whole bunch of like listening back here document view immediately I went here to see what I could find if there was you know the a workspace file or something like that that was kind of buried on there and there's not um I wasn't able to there's just a couple of the default OneDrive libraries that are actually stored back there so um just kind of trying to figure out um what was going on behind the scenes in in one drive so that's the first place I was visiting no clue is that blog post talking about the new SharePoint storage platform which I'm sure we're going to hear about it in 465 conference that John you said earlier blob storage well I think there's going to be this new type of SharePoint blob that offers that kind of that kind of experience and how storage will be used powered by SharePoint does all the SharePoint things but we're not going to be able to go and use it as a as an actual team site yeah you think that's going to be what what Jeff and Dan and all them have been hinting at part of it it's like they talked about a new look at at SharePoint so it might be reframing it for all of us we'll see so stay tuned for May announcements potentially um Okay so yeah some people are talking a little bit about like Enterprise Readiness she's like and imagine using this in school where people are like mutilating each other's content yeah people messing with each other yeah there was a question like up earlier that was like you know I wish there was a way to sheriff uh Pages like read only okay so yeah if I'm going in here and I share a page link I guess it's just regular like OneDrive Style so I can say in here cannot can view and then I can share that with the whole organization and then I could copy that I could go post that on Yammer okay okay well yeah so you could kind of make like a a Wiki of sorts yeah we're contributing to the content but we could make that Loop live and available to Across the org yeah the only the next question is it X possible to export it I haven't seen any export options um print it yeah that would like uh I know Andy's thinking in his mind like what about markdown can I export it as markdown you know don't go that next step and say and rejects no no just mark down to take it to a Blog okay yeah or to obsidian [Laughter] where's the export to obsidian button yeah so you're disappointed lift and shift to notion um Okay so we've talked about the structure the storage stuff uh version history we've talked about that we talked about the navigating um you know what the components or the areas of the application are so getting into sharing things I want to can we get back on navigation yeah dude yeah there's a couple things I want to go um Let me let me drop for a minute yeah man bring myself back up on the screen yeah sorry I'll turn mine off I'm trying to get us to be like multi-column yeah so I'm just going through a couple of things that um that I noticed so the first things first creating a page it's like go in you know create a page and I want to create a new page so it's asking for like you know a name right away so like um uh we'll call this directions so first thing like as I'm doing that you see down here um on the sidebar it's naming the page and it's got like a page placeholder that's associated with it so like right away I didn't pay attention to the things right above it I'm very much focused on the thing that I'm in line with so I'm like well how do I add like an emoji to it because you know Daryl has some really nice emojis kind of going so I was like well let me just go in I'll do my keyboard shortcuts like like normal bring up the Emoji picker grab you know a map or a compass or whatever and I'll drop that in kind of like we do in Microsoft teams when you create like a new Channel with that emoji off to the side so I did that and then I noticed oh wait you know it doesn't work like that it actually once you there's an actual icon placeholder for it so you can go in um and uh rename it and that's one of so right clicking and renaming it that's one of the places that you can add the icon the other is above it where you can also do like I guess a banner image to go along with it you can select from Mike and icon line and I think the the terminology is don't get uh don't go crazy um you know searching for for the icons but I just wanted to point that out now we've got a custom icon that's at the top along with like the cover area yeah and then even in line you can still drop some emojis but it'll kind of clutter up the sidebar yeah you're kind of duplicating you do that yeah yeah so I thought that was kind of um kind of interesting um when creating a page and like trying to look at some of the navigation and then just going back a couple other um things um uh that I noticed um I like it's very subtle but you can kind of see it in this right here um that's a screenshot of actually the sidebar and like wherever you are it's kind of highlighted in the white pill but it's also giving you that that purple vertical off to the side we see the same thing in Microsoft teams in a number of places it's a little bit contrast on accessibility yeah yeah so like when a whole bunch of people get in here and you're kind of moving here and there and doing things like just figuring out like where am I and just being able to you know have that kind of return to home sort of thing off to the to the side to like help me figure out where I am and then going back a couple other things just briefly to point out the workspace selector so like these are all the workspaces that I have open this is very reminiscent of OneNote having multiple notebooks essentially open at the same time here I can have you know a couple of different workspaces to switch back and forth between but if I need to I can browse all of my workspaces and this is kind of the the look and feel they're doing across like uh most of the Microsoft apps and services like list looks and stuff yeah yeah so I like the flexibility just being able to bounce back and forth between um the different workspaces because I might not always work in the same one this is the home landing page we just saw that the page and lists a page off to the side I wanted to point out um list format now but we can switch back and forth into the tree view which is our retrieve you in the activity view yeah there was a question about that from a train yeah there was like where's the activity view if you're looking at Andy's cursor right there it's in the upper right corner of the menu bar on the side the sidebar yes right up here yep so you can switch back and forth and that's really cool because it's gonna if you do activity it's gonna bring you know last open last edited right up to the top so when these workspaces start to get bigger now I don't have to sift through as much to find out where some of those changes are actually happening I thought that was just a really really cool little feature and I didn't even know it until Daryl pointed out when we were doing kind of a debrief last night so I thought that was cool um just a couple other things uh this one for me is kind of subtle but I also like really handy so like as I get into this like you know we've got some over here where we're in the workspace we've got a page and we've got some like sub Pages underneath it or underneath it and it's like where are you I thought it was really cool they put in a breadcrumb yeah like that's very helpful admittedly I'm a SharePoint you know person that's where I came from and the breadcrumb was super helpful way back in the day and then it like went away and you know that was painful but to know where I'm where I'm coming from or you know what's a level up I I really like that and then this one was subtle um I noticed this when I was doing all the screen shotting so if you pay close attention you'll know like around my screenshots there's a red dashed outline and what that's telling me is that it's uh it's accessibility so I put in a picture um and it's telling it it's it's I'm giving you the opportunity to add alt text for those people that are visually impaired and might be working with this so I thought it was a cool little thing um you can double click on it and then you can bring up the the alt text and you can actually fill in you know what that is so we'll just say screenshot of the loop red Chrome now here's the neat thing if you add something in there and it's strictly decorative you can mark it as decoration um and it's not going to have like um like you know say it's a stylistic border for instance um and so you can Mark things that are just decorative that don't have any impact of the user um that's reading your page needs to know about and then it'll bring that um that dashed outline away now this was a screenshot of that and it did the same thing to the screenshot so I'm still going to have the red Dash but we did fix uh fix that so that's just how you can go in and enter some of the alt text and you can even right click on that and add your alt text or mark it as decorative and I just thought those were just some subtle little things in the user interface that were that were pretty cool yeah and Applause for Microsoft with their continued Focus toward accessibility and calling out I mean there's a lot of things that aren't there day one but alt text is and first if somebody is you know it like has Vision impairments and vision difficulties they you would want that day one you know this is like as much as we complain about things that aren't there on day one at least people who are low vision can use this tool and I've seen that it works with screen readers as well you know I mean that like kudos to them for for caring about that stuff because usually accessibility is bolted on later and it's just really good to see you know Microsoft's committed to like putting that in at the start so I'm glad you pointed that out Andy that's really good yeah I'm really glad they put that in there my only suggestion would be like if we could find some way to get some um generative AI on top of some of that to help us to build uh some of those that alt text into it I think that would really be a huge boost in the in that generation or yeah toward generating that for those users that need it yeah that's awesome okay so that's navigation um let's see here let's let's go back to our agenda and check on where we are I got it okay sharing let me turn it off yep okay so yeah yep so the next thing is sharing workspaces components and Pages we've got multi levels of sharing now so you want to walk us through that Andy uh I'm gonna I'm gonna do my best but I'm gonna lean on Daryl for a lot of this because uh as we were going through it um Hands-On and then even like um I had a call yesterday where we talked about some of this and then John and I continued on for a little while like it was it felt like Inception inside of inception inside of inception and I don't I don't have my token so like you know I can't I can't figure out like where I am in the dream but um all right so sharing a workspace uh screenshotted it just so you can see it but you know in the upper corner that's where the workspace uh share screen uh popped up um and then page links and then the loop components so share the workspace so invite me uh invite members inside of here and Daryl I'm not sure who else in available in your tenant but let's see if um hmm I think we just added a couple more so um try Matt m-a-g-d yeah I've seen math earlier yep yeah yeah so invite them in now that's going to give them access to the whole workspace right from all the pages all the components and everything inside of there and then we can go but not the documents that are referenced inside so that's important to point out is like if there's a document that's referenced inside there or attached in some way that doesn't but all the loop stuff does like components and Pages yeah so sorry to interrupt Andy no no worries that's really good to point out because I was going to completely blast past that I mean you're good about it all right so heading back to that then there's the share page link so we're on the sharing page so I'm assuming it's going to just pull for this page without I could also right click and get to the same thing in the left navigation so this is the sharing menu that we're familiar with and we're used to in the team SharePoint OneDrive office and uh world so moving in through here let me just knock everything off the desk um we can work with the the share settings now I'm going to assume that when we're sharing here that it's going to use the same organizational defaults that we set in the admin center for the level of sharing based off of the link so in this case we've just you've disabled the anyone link and it defaults to people in the org correct yep no okay so we make our share that page just the one yeah and then like we we demoed earlier we can go back and forth between edit and then we can make a view only if we need now my question for this would be I've just generated a shared link for this particular page how do I manage that shared Link in the future [Music] um yeah I kind of like the shared from me section in OneDrive yeah is it available there this guy through you know what it is sharing settings shared by you shared with you where would normally see that is is actually in that Sharon dialogue when we go through those steps back to blob storage here's my screen I went to OneDrive and went to shared and then shared with you and there's the things that Daryl shared with me which is in constant storage doc Library Loop app data this like generic container that's where that the agenda is right here but it's in this like generic location so there's that so I'm wondering Daryl if it shows shared by you do you see a whole bunch of loop stuff that you then you could manage sharing from there or are you gonna show from like the loop app you can manage it so you're in OneDrive shared by me so we do not see it in the share to buy you section kind of this is a side coming I want one drive to do a bit more like modified dates and times but filtering and stuff yeah that'd be nice um none of this is actually related chat files yeah cool hmm yeah I wouldn't know how to get to that actually but yeah because we can't get to where the file is and workspaces we can one drive because we can go and find our our fluid files there but on workspaces we can't go to a file and say manage access kill that link stop sharing that good observation Andy yeah that is good that seems like a little bit of a gap wish list item yep okay I'm gonna tween about that because I got a marker um brought up for that um there was a couple other things in the sharing to uh to go through I'll come back up on the screen yeah yeah let me oops we both flipped yesterday which somebody asked in the chat uh while you're tweeting that um somebody asked like hey are you able to share multiple desktops and restream yes uh so we are each one of the three of us we're sharing our screen and then we're able to just swap that out uh by just dragging and dropping it from one to the other so I'm kind of dragging it into the big space but yeah I love being able to have multiple shared pieces of content at the same time now you can't share more than one of your local monitors it's one it's each person is sharing one screen through uh Chrome or Edge but I gave Andy some time to to get his tweet out an event maybe not yeah I'm done all right so uh continuing on um some of these same things like the page link option that was also available if you go in and right click inside of there so there's the share page link that uh that pops up um over there and then we've demoed earlier the share Loop component so we've seen a cnnet but just put that on the on the page um yeah so going down here so this is actually a component that has been added to uh to the page so we can access that in in the page but there was also a way to share it and that's in the upper right hand corner so we can see like who has access mm-hmm I'm gonna hurry up and wait oh you're not even seeing that menu there it goes no I see it yes who has who has access you know to it okay so those are all nines means nothing to most of us um but those of us who have seen SharePoint storage you'll have a look at this and hover over you'll see members owners visitors and your own name so um let's say that the sharing or security structure is still based on SharePoint but I think it's you're added to a member's SharePoint site members group Owners Group visitors group because I don't see any of your individual names when I hover over that yeah hmm interesting so do you actually see names when you hover over it because I'm hover over and I'm not getting anything I see I see a manager manager writer reader and an owner it's like it's got a role associated with it yeah yeah wait hold on hold on hold on you're seeing that on your screen yeah you want to see it yeah yeah owner because I'm not seeing the reader writing I'm seeing that on mine manager cool so that's that's a clue as to what the security roles are because those are groups yeah and honestly like again going back to private preview those were the traditional classic SharePoint groups that you would find for a site for managing permissions now to these four cool observation we're seeing a little bit of how the uh how the sausage is made yep that's really neat all right so there was the option to share the component and we can see that it's uh it's already out there I want to focus on the shared locations though over here so like I've shared the component from here but they've got the Clover and that actually occurs up at the top for the workspace but also within a component um so I can bring that up and then it says the sharing locations for this component now this is something that um I was hoping uh to get a little bit more information on so like I followed that but like I'm not really sure what it's showing me here because um what I actually want to know and this is like one of my wish list items is when I create a component here and it gets reused elsewhere like I'd kind of like to have some visibility into that um I'd like to have a backlinking maybe to that to understand like what document is this being used in like we're generating some tasks here what what teams chat is that associated with what email was sent out related to that is there another say I'm developing a product and where we did some brainstorming here and now we're starting to draft some documentation related to the product mark one Mark II Mark 3 like how is this thing um causing kind of a butterfly effect through some of our other other stuff so I was hoping that the share locations for the sharing component would show some of that information but in this particular instance it's not not giving me that I've just tried to generate a bit of activity there Andy and just try a refresh I've shared that a link to that component in email and in the chat just now and what I see is open the component shared in this space there we go there we go yeah yeah and then a real concise URL and um to teams chat so yeah there you go yeah go go cool all right so that is that is helpful but I would like to I'd like to see like I mean what's that we've shared in a couple places and this isn't really given me anything I'm not really sure what what that first one is actually for there yeah so so back up a little bit um when we when we are inserting a component or creating some a component from content on the page we're actually ring events in around just that content I can share just this task list you've got that border to visually tell you that yeah whereas at the top of the page for this workspace the same clove Clover sharing locations thing um it's it's trying to show I think it's trying to show the source shared locations for sharing the page so that's that first flag I believe is just that the name of the thing you were sharing shared locations so that's going to be the page itself yeah where is that so a minute ago if you were watching this uh later on on YouTube that's not the workspace I said it was the workspace so what it said for the actual page so that's the sharing locations for the page and this is actually the shared locations for that particular component correct that's good to know well that's intuitive [Laughter] hey this is going to make good blog information later it's it's not very helpful that the page we named is called sharing so it's like where is sharing shared in the share sheet you know we've done it to ourselves [Laughter] we inadvertently stepped into that one yeah right all right and then we up I guess we did we did take a screenshot of that uh yesterday yeah all right so that's what we had in uh in Sharing yeah so a train has a really good comment about that that I think it's confusing that I can turn a page table into its own component but it's really a page like we talked about that a little bit yesterday um Daryl and Andy that like I think Microsoft maybe like kind of muddied the waters a little bit at the beginning in 2021 where it was you've got components you've got Pages you've got workspaces but then whenever the app came out it's like well yeah you've got components on the page but like they're not really components in this page you're going to turn it into a component which then makes it portable to then move it around and put it in you know Outlook or or teams or whatever so it feels like there's a little bit of terminology confusion about like okay when I do the forward slash am I always adding a component or is it not a component until I make it a component for sharing you know at that point is it a block or is it something else when it's like in a page and I think that probably will need some clarification as we get more mature into like knowing what we're talking about yeah you know I don't know if you have any thoughts about that but I also found that confusing like a train yeah it it Yeah by by talking about components being a thing you add to a chat or an Outlook we knew as we started to explore it oh it's more than that because you go in here and you've got a page and you can add more stuff to the page so I challenge them on that said okay we've got to come up with the right way we're talking about these things and initially it was it's just blocks on a page but now that we can also turn those blocks into components themselves everything on the page is a component yeah this this has shades of um and I'm not throwing shade when I say this but this has shades of Microsoft's naming conventions you create a team in Microsoft teams for a team you have a group that you can add to a Microsoft group to a SharePoint group like there's we have a component inside of a component yeah like yo dog we heard you like components so we put a component in your component so you can share it as a component in Outlook yeah it's it's like if you were trying to instruct the class on what is loop and you're talking about the components of loop you have to switch to set no I mean sorry the parts of loop yeah the modules of loop and one of them is called a component yeah I think that's confusing I think we've made it a little bit worse it's like I was watching Ted lasso you know and like he there was some some word that he was like is that how you say that word and he was like oh did a word become a sound it's like what was it called like psychosomatic or something like that like uh when like a word becomes a sound that's how it is with components like well when is it and when isn't it um yeah I'm deep in the loop adverse right now you gotta pull up a level and get back on track um well that bombshell should we uh continue on yeah I think so I think so I'm back to the agenda here um and Let's do let's look through our list here so um we've completed a lot of stuff we've got where what is loop loop and co-pilot all these things I think we've talked about we talked about the personal account stuff well a little bit like what are you talking about here ready to demo okay yeah talk about that yeah but yeah it certainly was one thing that um the loop team wanted to to launch with a free experience as well wasn't just tied to Microsoft 365 but you could okay collaborate using Microsoft accounts um so you can go to sign in with your Microsoft account and it will create a workspace uh the getting started workspace but uh I I did sign up for a new Microsoft account with with my demo user Laura so we created that um I created this OneDrive based workspace so go on in there and when I invited Laura and I said share the workspace um she has that same experience too can come in and open up the workspace and we're working together and that was that first clue that I had that 50 50 people is the limit to a workspace because it does mention it as you're inviting someone to it um if I was to go workspace and then add either of your OneDrive accounts and I won't ask you to expose that but and it has a counter right there yeah yeah 250 have been added um some of the things within this experience kind of do and don't make sense we can do all the stuff that we've been showing the sense of you know adding content like tables headers and components who can create those pages and sub pages but when you get into things like I want to share this component and copy it into a email and send it to Laura no no not yet um the consumer version yeah like I've got a any one link that I can share well if we copied that and dropped it into a um private browser it's actually it's interesting it's funny right anyway share this with anyone and actually in the fine print it also says you don't have to authenticate well what happens when I um open up a new browser I'm just someone anyone I have to sign in yeah you do you need to authenticate look at this namespace too home dot forward slash content storage slash name of workspace huh yeah so that's the pattern for your Microsoft account workspaces from a personal side yeah hmm but yeah I wouldn't spend too much more time on that just to say that you'll be able to sign in with your Microsoft account at the mobile apps don't support that yet okay so there was some frustration with some people trying it out going oh it's asking me for a work or a school account I can't use it um but you can start creating here the last thing too there is no um collaboration between a Microsoft account and an M365 accountable work account so that's not there today um you'll be collaborating with just Microsoft accounts or just M365 accounts okay yeah that's about it we can move on to the next one okay cool so we covered that sharing uh Andy just talked about sharing so we'll mark that as complete and then so a point for for discussion is just loop as a PKM versus using Loop for collaboration so this is kind of interesting so Andy and I we've been geeked out for a while I think you're also kind of in there in there with us about like personal knowledge managers and that's getting into like notion and obsidian and one note and the idea of like building a second brain or you know all those buzzword type things um I'm curious what you guys think about using Loop for like your own ideas or what if you created a workspace for yourself so you've got structure sub Pages things like that like do you feel like it's ready for that in its current state or do you think it's more leaned into for collaboration and like that friction free collab I'm going to use a workspace for organizing myself personally at work um but probably probably not to the extent that I'm using notion for example like I can create a table to say these are the videos that I plan to to work on um or I'm going to plan out my course details or some some kind of outline for that for my YouTube channel but um you know what I'd be waiting for things like a kanban board or the task management that is kind of there in the product and some people are having a look at it being able to synchronize your tasks from a task list through to planner um it's that sort of integration which which needs to kick in before we can truly use it I guess as a personal knowledge manager yeah yeah Phil's saying he uses OneNote right now so he's kind of one of those guys that's like eyeing it as a potential switch you know like what I'm curious Phil like if there's things in your list in your mind of like the that are missing that it will kind of flip you over the edge to using as a PKM so yeah uh agree with a train uh having relational databases would be would be killer um for that so getting into the wish list I think I think it'd be nice to end on a positive note so we'll flip the wish list into letters um but the wish list that we've come up with so far just to kind of hit them quick because I know it's been a long time is um there's there's some lacking I don't know if you have more details about this Daryl but I've heard in an Enterprise it's kind of the loop app is a non-starter right now because of lack of like Discovery things like that do you have a specific list in mind of like what we need like in purview e-discovery things like that I know some of it's supported yes some of it is supported so you can do a search and and find content but it doesn't do the Deep search that you want and I think the key thing is um with any of those e-discoveries and searches is the the way that information is handled there's a chain of custody that you've got to follow so that you're not actually ruining in the evidence yeah it locks it off and it's you know it's it's not editable and that's the thing with with um a loop file is that while it might be gathered together as part of any Discovery case you can't access it and read it unless you drop it back into a OneDrive and at that point that's when it becomes editable again because of the nature of the file and you destroy kind of like well who edited white and where's the version yeah so that's that's really the key thing um yeah Phil's mentioning here about DLP policies sensitivity labeling yeah yeah so all those things it's going to come because it's built on SharePoint technology it's just they've got to figure out the the rehydration chain of custody kind of feature stuff around around that um yeah yeah we talked a little bit about group Association like we talked about like I don't really want it to create a group every time I make a workspace but you know it would be nice if I could invite a group of people maybe or have some type of like Common Thread right between those two constructs um external collaboration I'm sure that's something that's coming you know um the the custom template so we'll talk in the delighters about like there's a few pre-baked templates in there but me as a notion user I like that I can make any type of custom template I want save it as a template and make it the default template for that database so whenever I add a new meeting note it's got everything like in columns and it's got all my action items and stuff like that so they've got some good ones to start with but I'd like to have like fully custom and then like a train like I think this is the thing most people are screaming about with notion is have real databases with filtering and sorting and each item on the list is an actual object in a database and you can reference it from other places I think that'll be a killer thing to add Microsoft list yeah yeah if it's like a Microsoft list inside of it you know you can have up to you know two thousand or five thousand whatever the number is now um backlinking and referencing I know Andy this is something you're passionate about is like we kind of have a lack of like being able to in other in other ones what you do is you do like bracket bracket and then you reference another page from somewhere else you know that would be kind of nice yeah other styles of uh of things that you're looking for there backlinking in some products backlinking is kind of a built-in feature um for example obsidian has it where um you if you have a page and it's referenced in another page it'll tell you what the backlink for that is like for example if I do a Wiki link and I create a new page and I go to that page to edit if I go to the new page it gives me a link up in the corner and tells me like where I came from backlink to to that other page there's a way to do that in one OneNote but you got to use a plug-in for it there's the one more plugin and it'll insert backlinks but I think that's important like I like the breadcrumb because it tells me kind of where I am but if I get down into I got a page and I'm building something and then I got another page and I'm building something like I could see a a an example of this my team using Loop to manage things like our conversations and collaboration around the finding governance for Microsoft 365. like we are the team responsible for the collaborative features in that suite and I could see us using Loop for that well if I start down a path on something and I end up two or three pages deep like a back link to the related thing would be helpful the other thing about the the links that I think is important is being able to get not only where you came from but the association of like okay I have this thing and it might be connected to three or four other pages I would like to be able to kind of see that in the um in a single list and again some other products have things like that and then with the one more plug-in for one node you can do that and you can see this page is referenced in these three other pages and then you can follow up from there there's also in the third party world like obsidian they have this thing called the graph View and the graph view gives me a 10 000 foot View and it shows me this you know this is a page and this is a page and they're connected they're linked to one another but it also shows me okay this page is connected to this one and this one and it gives you concentration Bubbles and so it can say a mind map page exactly is this one page is is really important because it connects to these 30 other pages and then I've got another concentration bubble here and here I could see like really when I start using this am I really getting down into it not knowing what's connected and that's why I think linking is important to me is it's it's knowing where where I'm coming from and what all it also connects to so that I can maybe view my information a little bit differently maybe I can you know structure my my workspace a little bit differently or maybe I know this product this widget Mark 7 was not only associated with ideas from widget Mark 6 but actually it goes back to widget Mark three and you know maybe there was some discussion and three that we missed and you know it could help us like maybe get better the next time so that's what I think about when I think of like the Winking stuff like reference linking anchor linking back linking um having some kind of a visualization around that yeah we were looking at the Clover a minute ago I just want a little bit more give me a visualization give me the graph view yeah so I'll cover these ones real quick because I added so we already talked about follow me the ability to like get into presentation mode and have somebody follow you around like during a meeting um for ingest Integrations what I would like to see so to bring my notion on screen here like I my kind of PKM process is to like get everything into notion so I can take notes on it and things like that so like this is read wise and everything that I flag is an article when I listen to a podcast and I double click to like add a flag or something like that it adds it here so this is kind of my central brain storage you know right and I could take notes off of it and so one of these like if I go to the podcast there was the work Lab podcast recently and if I open that up then this is coming from a podcast app to read wise read wise into notion and then from here I'm able to take notes right and I've got all these comments on here so I've got the snip that I did it takes transcript then I can take it I can highlight I can take notes and build my Knowledge Management stuff and I can add tags to it so I can get to it easier things like that and then from another note that I've been taking I can backlist or I can reference this note so I've got these notes connected to each other so I would like more like ingest or like Integrations with third parties to get things into Loop would be really helpful somebody mentioned like live databases if you could have like something pull in from a data set like for Via API the other thing I have here is toggle lists so I would like a new type of component that I could collapse like a bulleted list and be able to do that because I use toggle lists all the time to kind of organize my stuff like I've got all these toggle lists you know for this giant page so it'd be nice to shrink that down um and then multi-column layouts what this is is by mentioned like custom templates when I go into my note database and I add a new note I have topics key takeaways action items and then next to it another column I have my notes that way I can be taking notes over here on the side but if somebody likes if I volunteer for something it's right here and I don't scroll up and scroll down it's side by side because I have an ultra wide monitor so I would like to also see multi-column page layouts to be able to put things next to each other we were struggling that yesterday Andy where like I couldn't put one picture next to another picture they had to be on top of each other you know yeah um you mentioned the graph we use a table for that sort of thing but it's that's a good point yeah at the same time yeah that's true but yeah that's a good point you could have used a table and put a picture in each one I guess um you talked about the graph view that kind of like mind map neural network type of thing the loop components what about being able to bring things in I think this was something yeah you added this Andy about like what about embedding a PowerPoint slide deck into a loop component and making it so you can click through the slides you know having kind of like real-time rendering I don't know if videos can you play back videos inline not yet no okay yeah so I'm just going like in um in one note they've updated it so like you can put a PowerPoint in your OneNote notebook and you can actually play the PowerPoint right there it's a it's kind of like a custom embedded web part that they created works with like window in the web it's really uh helpful like I can just drop in a presentation create a whole bunch of notes around it scroll through the presentation and I don't have to have each you know all 30 slides and take up my whole notebook it's just one little player inside of there and I think you can do that with um word in Excel as well and I just I really like that in Windows so I like to see that come over into the into the Loop World um and honestly I like I'd like to even extend that like I I mean we have the ability to create a list inside of Luke but like can I bring my Microsoft list into it like I already have the Microsoft Word list I'm already using all this you know yeah just well and like I don't even necessarily like want to share it as like a loop component but like if I'm doing ideation in Loop and we've got you know collaboration happening in there like here's a list of like things that you know this applies to like let me bring my Microsoft list inside of there and take advantage of the list features like even it's just an embedded web part I want to be yeah when that's possible I want to be the first person to create an infinite Loop within Loop so that We're looping Loops so then it just loops and loops and loops and then I might get myself in trouble again infinite Loop um Daryl you added a channel support for Loop app workspaces so obviously teams channels yeah that's that's a big one everyone's screaming out for it I mean we've got to have it on the list but yeah I think you know looking at the limitations of how many people can be in a loop and collaborating you can see why they're they're cautious with how they're bringing us into teams because a team can have up to 10 000 people if you're using a full org team what would happen to to Loop if you dropped it in there and people started the co-lab that's true um I added these three from uh Phil in the chat so he mentioned guest access but also Anonymous access and meetings so being able to like throw it in a meeting with like external people and stuff would be good and then he also mentioned power automate support this is something I totally Echo with Phil it would be nice if if you could have power automate like generate components off of a custom template even would be beautiful because then what I would do like I mentioned way early on with the whole stand-up uh scrum thing I would like to say all right I'm going to make a scrum you know progress status uh table that's customized and then I want I want it to um Power automate to post it in this channel every day at the same time so yeah Power automate support would be really rad to add to that yeah um Marilyn said oh embed you know just that that would open up like embedding all kinds of things you know so you get a real like uh a really like uh you know Rich type of uh layout where you're not getting out of to other tabs to see things so anything else on the the wish list or should we bring it home earlier that sounds great so and maybe maybe co-pilot will be the answer to like why bring the whole Microsoft list into into Loop why not just have co-piling go and analyze it and find certain data and then bring that into Loop yep yeah I'm going to add to the list here right before we move on is a third party app support you know on this um apis because a train had a I think about it he's like hey remember when they made the announcement they were showing like servicenow yeah like you know Dynamics and all this stuff that like never came out yeah yeah so they've got they've got those hero partners that have built um Loop adaptive cards that bring that content in um and it's live and it's built so I've got a fluid framework but yeah we need to see more of that yeah okay so on to the delighters um for for me I I think the thing that really like whenever you compare Loop against notion things like that the the things that stand out here in the middle for me with like what makes what differentiates Microsoft is one being able to app mention those files like it's aware of your files because the it's in the graph you know it because it has access to the Microsoft graph it knows about the people it knows about the files it can recommend them in an intelligent way and then also those being able to put that component wrapper around something share it out via word or Outlook or teams or whiteboard that's kind of the real powers like it's not stuck inside of the loop application um or a link to it on a web page it's it's in the flow of work it's in the context where you already are um we mentioned the focus on accessibility you know and the kudos for that around like encouraging alt text things like that and then mine at the the bottom here is those page templates I just wanted to show what those look like so when you create a new page at the bottom they've got a few provided for you like is this a project brief are we getting to a decision is it a project plan or is it meeting notes so if you're taking notes in a workspace for a meeting you just click meeting notes and then use this template it's got the the date it's got the topics the attendees of who's there the agenda so everybody can collaboratively add like what they want to talk about how long it's going to take take your notes and capture your action items and your link so it's like what I had over here in notion I've got the same basic components here they've they've got that it's just kind of you know you're scrolling up and down which was my minor complaint before they make it look beautiful with that template John just go through and create another one or undo it so yeah something else about that is you click on it it gives you a preview what it looks like you can yeah and you choose clear content mm-hmm yeah and now you've got now you've got oh it blanked it out yeah that's a good tip Daryl thank you so yeah it had a bunch of fake data in it yeah so I was able to say like use this template and it's got a bunch of fake stuff in here clear content and now that table's empty yep oh that's a godsend thank you that's cool there's more templates just at the bottom like that's so oh there's other ones too yeah I did not oh man dude there's a lot more okay so there's 10 right now there's a project brief and this is good this gives you a a preview of what they look like team decision here's let's get focused on one thing we're gonna solve and then what we're going to compare we're going to vote on ideas come up with a decision project planning meeting notes we looked at that one bad idea brainstorm build a terrible food delivery app um that's awesome product Wiki there's your Wiki then you could share as uh you know read only action heroes to assign team members to take action on tasks so this would kind of be like a backlog buster type of thing you know stand-up meeting so there's your like here's what we're doing here's the updates action items issue tracker which now you're getting into the world like Microsoft lists right because that's also a template and lists is kind of a bug tracker and problem framing let's work down like what's causing a problem let's break it down into the parts and get about solving it dude that's rad that's a pretty good start in my opinion okay so how much that dropped in the last three three to four weeks before it went public preview was just mind-blowing yeah they were at the end of the Sprint yeah yeah cool well that covers that anything else you guys want to cover about the whole app delighter thing we got a few questions to run through um no nothing else I know that this this is going to be an open loop and we'll definitely have more conversations about it yeah for sure um there there is one thing I do want to yeah go ahead um just quick um let me yeah please share my screen real quick um so I've I've been mad um tweeting and throwing the links in the in the chat yeah and in one of the blogs um Microsoft mentions the storage for the loop components and it provides a link to basically my content and I'm I feel like we kind of skipped over this a little bit because we were concentrating on like the one drives and sharepoints of the world but in my content like when we drill down into that um there's all the different pages and components that we were working with today along with like the the activity in there I know we kind of you kind of did the filter on the home page but this is the specific my content along the other side there and the blog article actually called that out specifically so I just wanted to make sure we got that on the recording and mentioned that here toward the end yeah okay thanks man so take the screens away here and end it with I think this is a really fun question so what do you guys think it's going to look like in three four or five years as we kind of round this thing out when co-pilot gains um awareness that becomes um alive I think it's going to use the graph and the the co-pilot service and the loop app is just going to build its own information for me yeah that sounds pretty nice hello what do you think no I I expand on that right it's yeah yeah where I would have to go and think where do I find this and that to start forming our ideas during this meeting it's going to be hey co-pilot can you pull this from a product that we're working on conversations that we've had reports that are about this and just pull out together and throw it on a page for us and we'll start we'll start working from that starting point it'll have that awareness of all of that content and the context of where you're working so it's going to be amazing yeah I think if I could make a prediction I think it I think this is going to end up being the underlying architectural structure for the rest of all the other collaboration experiences I think um the the amount of speed the the amount of like speed and fluidity um that we have I think is going to become like the new bar for how we collaborate for everything um so I I think that we're gonna see sooner than you know like three years um I'd be interested also to see like as this overlays into um like mesh you know if there's going to be any kind of like dealing with 3D objects or turning these Loop workspaces into drop-in spaces perhaps you know and they convert into like drop-in rooms that you can collaborate in and you know are we going to try to like merge a virtual spatial world with this com you know canvas area and have that be together that may be like the the assets that are in the room the Whiteboard the presentations those things kind of like all dump into a collaborative canvas Loop could be an underlying like canvas for that it's almost like the conference table right that you spread everything out on yeah um that's just kind of a wild thought for years in the future uh you mentioned about like how it will extend into other apps I'm hoping that the office applications will get a rewrite and they'll become fluid native so underneath it imagine being able to not just insert a component but the word document itself is turn this paragraph that I've typed up in Full Experience word into a component so I can share just that with with people so everything becomes fluid capable that would be something yeah awesome well I think that was a really good question to kind of end things out on um and it's it's been a long time for this this live stream so I did want to point out again um you know thanks a lot Daryl for joining us especially on your Saturday morning for more than two hours um everybody who's watching scan this QR code uh and follow Daryl he talks about Loop all the time his YouTube channel is fantastic there's a link to his YouTube channel from his Twitter account so um be sure to follow him there and uh thanks a lot for coming by and thanks for all the the times that you hang out with us anyway you know I love it live streams I would be here anyway if you're covering something else because yeah I appreciate it is once a month but I also want to say like this is this is the power being able to sit down with the people who are also interested in technology and tease these details out because the the angles that we think about and the experience that we have about working with people and what they're interested in that's how we truly pull these things apart and I don't hope you don't mind but also just throw in there like we do have a Microsoft Loop user group that's on LinkedIn that yes um it's it's going to start ramping up now there's an app there right so go there to to learn about it and talk about your experiences and share some sort of these sorts of conversations that we've had today yeah and there so we can all learn together the LinkedIn user group that the loop user group that has like hundreds of users on it already yeah it's up to about 600. yeah that's pretty big yeah it's getting it it's sort of you know understandably died off a little in terms of activity because Loop components were you know just slowly releasing yeah I think you've got a shot in the arm this week holy cow yeah go join that group go subscribe to his channel go follow Daryl um awesome cool I don't know what else to say so I guess we'll just end it there keep the loop open yep thank you guys for for all the chat this was really fun and a good time and uh Andy and I will see you next month some other topic yeah I'll grab that link to the user group as well drop that off okay cool yeah throw that in the chat I I can't add it in the chat because I'm not in a studio oh no yeah I will just grab that and edit yeah I'll do it right there okay so in the chat in YouTube um the last thing is that link so thanks a lot guys appreciate it take care have a great weekend bye everybody all right bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: John Moore
Views: 1,152
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Id: 9BRFytLEojI
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Length: 150min 48sec (9048 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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