Into the Fray Episode 134: Ultimate Firearms Training!

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hi I'm Kevin McCluskey editor of concealed carry magazine in this edition of into the fray we will talk with tony'll Embraer altima training munitions and we'll talk about setting up a combat pistol range right in your own home Tony we got lots of toys here today yes we do ultimate training munitions basically is simulated gunfire that you can set up in your own home and not lethal not lethal tell us a little bit about it what can we do with this stuff and how easy is it to do sure well the whole goal of it is is to give them an opportunity to actually shoot like you said at their house and it converts real firearms into a non-lethal training solution so that you can actually shoot it safely the noise you don't need hearing protection and it's only coming out 335 feet per second so completely safe outstanding and you said convert real firearms this is the conversion kit here for Glock 17 22 31 I happened to be holding a Glock 22 on my hip right now so we will convert this before we start shooting but this is basically what you get that's correct so we pop this open and we got a slide a spring and a barrel tell us a little bit about why the barrel is gonna be safe what if I put a real round in here so it has live round lockout and then there's a couple of other safety features so if somebody makes a mistake the important part once you change that over and if you'll notice we did the Glock 22 here and you have blue markings on the sides so on both sides you have a blue marking on the tops as an indicator so you can always see that it's a converted firearm the other thing is is that we have a line round lockout if you notice the size of the rounds our training munitions they're actually neck down great so if you try to put a live round in here what's gonna happen is it's gonna stay out of battery okay so the head spacing is really what it does and then you try and pull the trigger as nothing's gonna happen so once our barrel is in here and our slides on that's it won't fire live anymore so now here's the question that we're gonna get because gun people are so detail-oriented absolutely we're using nine-millimeter ammo get an old Makarov round 9 by 18 right what if that drops all the way down in there and I see a cut out here I'm thinking the gas is gonna come out the side right exactly so what we did was is it just and say that somebody does shave down or there's an altar round or there's you know some off the brand you know round that does seat and go inside we have a gas dispersion tube on the side and what happens is is that the round and all the energy once it fires all the energy is going to come out to the front they won't do any damage to the conversion it won't actually hurt to shoot it out standing so double safety feature on that on the firearm very good so we convert our pistol and I guess we can convert rifles to we have an AR bolt carrier group here on the AR s the platform's basically what it is it changes from a Center fire to a rim fire okay so you take your bolt carrier group out of your live firearm and you put ours in and that's it will live round lock out if you intentionally or accidentally put a live round in there it's not gonna fire because it's a rimfire now okay I'm standing but it will only fire our ammunition so tell me what do we have here we have three different types of ammo obviously this is the marking cartridge what else do we got up there so we have the marking rounds and the target marking rounds basically they have a wax inside the dome so this way if you shoot you know a tarp or whatever your targets are you'll actually see the mark or it'll punch cardboard either way the second round that we have up here is a battlefield Blanc which is a noisy blank and the noisy blank will give new shooters that that feeling when they get that explosion and you know obviously that's what makes people afraid of the gun right now then we also have our silent blank and really what you would do is you sign the blank will cycle the gun but nothing comes out of the front no noise no anything all it'll happen is it'll cycle it'll jecht everything will function same you'll even get locked back on the slide so if you wanted to practice with brand-new shooters or practice from the holster you could do that all day long with the silent blank completely safe but you get full function of the firearm okay and for for our purposes today we just set up a big canvas tarp and a few targets in front if you wanted to come to UTM and get a just the whole deal you want everything what does UTM offer for me to set up a range in my garage in my basement or anywhere else so as part of the marksmanship kit what we would do is we would actually provide you with the conversions the training ammunition and then we also have a target shooting box that you can actually if you see behind us here you can hang up with bungees or you can put it on as we did we just screwed it on here and it has a little trap in the back like the old airsoft kind of you traps that they had and it and it catches all the rounds inside so realistically you could take that hang it on a box inside your garage and be pulling the trigger and because the decibel level is only 112 nobody's even gonna know you're shooting and you'll get a chance to practice and fire in your garage backyard where ever Wow very nice and cost on one of these retail costs around 400 depends on the type of firearm that you're buying for the SIG's it's only a couple hundred bucks because it's just a barrel for the Glocks it's a barrel and slide mmm peas barrel and slide so it just depends on the type of firearm that you're shooting if it's just a barrel it's around two if it's a barrel and slide it's about four okay and just by saying that makes me think how many different pistol conversions you got out there well we've got over 152 conversions I mean rifles and pistols so we have a ton of different conversion kits you know a lot of ours are larger frames right now we're doing more compact as we go along but we have we have a ton of different conversions yeah I imagine that a lot of this was built for duty weapons police and military training to begin with but as we go into the civilian market people are gonna be wanting stuff for smaller guns and everyone will always ask do I hate revolvers do have revolver ammo is that coming your way too we do have revolver ammo also and we also have the conversion kits for them so we have the revolvers we are making the compacts we're building our stock as we go this was only previously available for military and law enforcement we've been doing this for 15 years just for military and law enforcement we just reached recently released it for the population Tony I just want to make sure that everybody knows the blank-firing barrels they're marked with black and the projectile firing barrels are marked with blue that is correct and why is that it's a safety feature it's built in so that if you're shooting something that's cannot gonna have a projectile you know that there's a black indicator if you see a blue indicator then you know that projectiles can be fired we don't want them to be able to mix and match and depending on what type of drills you're doing reload drills the shooters are you know on the range and there's no backdrop so it's a safety feature black for blanks blue for met for target rounds so we're gonna use two barrels to move all the way through no noise noise and an actual projectile that's correct well outstanding I think that should pull out my pistol clear it put on this conversion kit and we should put a few rounds into the range here and show people what they do sounds great well Tony I switched out the topper spring in the barrel we've got the 9 millimeter magazine now you let me know that we had to have a nine millimeter magazine for this my 40 caliber mags would not feed this ammo that it's correct what I'll do is they'll actually malfunction the gun so which need is a nine millimeter but we send those with the kit okay outstanding well I'm just gonna load make ready put a few downrange and we can shoot at any type of target I'll use the UTM target then plain cardboard and a steel target over there from challenge let's go take a look I'm shooting terribly but oh you can get the nice satisfying ring from the steel I'll just kill you here the pink yeah that's correct well we can go down and take a look at how your target captures the rounds so we don't make a mess in the garage but basically what we have here is a combat shooting range for a couple hundred bucks you can put anywhere you want exactly you notice we don't have any here in protection on because the decibel levels are so low so it's not a problem let's go to and take a look at your target good Tony I didn't shoot really well but the target captured all the rounds I imagine so yeah so so the setup on it you notice all we did was take some plywood here screw a couple of screws in it goes right through the grommet holes here and you got your foam backer and then this just snapped in to the holder alright and the cardboard obviously just pick this up from here and if you'll notice they've actually captured the rounds inside slocks itself the end result of the target marking rounds is just this little piece of that's correct less than 6.9 grain outstanding and it captures them you don't even have to clean up yep then you just change out to Target when you're ready good to go snap it down and you're good what is the target cost target box itself or the targets here thirty bucks twenty thirty bucks get a pack of ten or twelve and in the box itself is about sixty yeah so you could set up multiple and be shooting all over the place and never have any cleanup exactly well outstanding well we got you here we're gonna talk more about this we're gonna run through some shooting drills and we're gonna make enough videos for the whole year but thank you very much it's my pleasure thanks a lot I'm Kevin Michalowski editor of concealed carry magazine if you like these videos share them with all your friends and please subscribe to our page we'll give you more great info Meishan every week
Channel: USCCA
Views: 67,923
Rating: 4.938798 out of 5
Keywords: pistol training, combat training range, self-defense, Kevin Michalowski, USCCA, Into the Fray, Ultimate Training Munitions, UTM, pistol conversion kits
Id: Gqc3e7y6Fq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2016
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