How to Shoot Faster - Laser Dry-Fire Training with Lenny Magill

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[Music] hey there it's lenny mcgill with the glock store performance and custom shop here in nashville today upstairs one of our training rooms and i'm sure you'll be here sometime soon that said today i want to talk about laser dry fire training okay there's really two things there the laser and the dry fire you can do dry fire without the laser but the laser device that i'm about to show you helps you to verify that your dry firing skills are actually working let's talk about dry fire now i've done a lot of videos on dry fire over the years i'm a big believer in dry fire in fact it is my belief that dry fire practice is the master skill master technique for all the top shooters everybody i've interviewed and i've interviewed most of the world's top shooters will say to you that they dry fire now what does dry fire mean well dry fire means that you basically have your handgun your fire your firearm it could be a rifle or a shotgun because the techniques are the same and it's really about manipulating the gun handling the gun operating the gun without ammunition so first things first safety right we want to be sure that we have no ammunition in the gun we want to make sure we have no ammunition in the room we don't want to inadvertently shoot when we're dry firing so be very aware that um when i drive fire i don't have any ammunition even close to me this gun is set up especially for dry firing because it's got this little red tip out here which you can probably see and it uh is the laser gun we'll talk about that very shortly let's talk about dry firing again you know the there's really kind of like two or three aspects of dry firing one is actually the physical manipulation of the gun actually getting your hand on getting comfortable with it being able to rack the slide being able to manipulate the controls getting comfortable with it practicing takes time dry firing is the place to do all that no need to have any ammunition to be able to practice skills of racking the slide taking it apart doing all those things you got to do that a lot if you want to become a proficient shooter you have to become comfortable the dry fire manipulation is one aspect the next aspect of dry firing is to be able to present the gun to the target and see your sights and line your sights up properly so there's two things that happen with your sites there's site alignment and site picture site alignment is where you actually align the front sight and rear sight so that the front sight nestles between the rear sight and most of you probably don't know that that's site alignment site picture is when you put the site alignment on top of the target you want to hit so site alignment site picture manipulation of the of the gun and presentation so most of the people i've interviewed are competition shooters so they'll work from a holster or they'll work from a position that they would start their competition in so a lot of the uh uspsa shooters will start from here and go to their holster uh or from here and go to their holster in all the different ways a lot of the three gun guys will have a gun on the table pick the gun up and mount the gun all those skills are repetitious and needed to be repetitious so that you can do them without thinking and now here's the next step of this dry firing that i really want to get to you that as you pick up the gun or mount the gun or get the gun in your hand and you br bring it up to the presentation you learn through repetition that as you present the gun to the target that the sights become pre-aligned okay so pre-aligned that means every time i get the gun and i bring it up that front sight is nestled between the rear sight and i practice enough that every time i do it there it is now keep in mind my head is still i'm bringing the gun the sights to my line of sight so i'm looking at the target that way i've got my eyes fixated on the target i'm going to bring the gun up and bring my gun and the sights into a spot out here that intersects with my eyesight and i did a video years ago like 1983. i can't believe i'm that old but it's called how to shoot fast and accurately and the idea was the sweet spot theory somewhere out here is a sweet spot for me it'll be somewhere out there for you maybe a little different but when i bring the gun up and i put the gun into that sweet spot the sights are pre-aligned and more importantly they're lined up with my line of sight so if i have a line coming out of my eyes to the target the sights come right into that line and that allows me to shoot faster and with confidence and accuracy because i practice enough to know that every time i bring the gun up boom the sights are there and so i don't have to look for the sights what i've said before and i think it's really true you can only shoot as fast as you can see the front sight so if you see the front sight faster you can shoot faster here i'm bringing that gun into my line of sight so i know it's there so i don't necessarily have to see it i can look at the target and come up and hence there is the site picture that i'm looking for the site's already pre-aligned that's the trick with dry fire practice is to practice that skill to try to get the sites pre-aligned so that they intersect with your line of sight and they nestle or they get on top of the site picture what you're looking to aim the target so wherever you're looking there's the sights so we can get in here you can see let's see i'll get in close here boom now is it perfect every time no for close shots that means i can pick this gun up and just rip rip rip go don't even think about the sights just look at the target and know that when i'm out here i'm pretty darn close once you get out to 10 15 20 yards you got to take a second to pause or a brief split second and just make sure that that site is pre-aligned just like you want it to be to have that accuracy but anything closer than seven yards you don't really have to look at the site because you know once you're out here it's already there and that's what we're going to practice today now so that's the concept behind dry fire and i will tell you that anybody who's an accomplished shooter has spent a lot of time dry firing one of the stories i like to tell is at the uspsa nationals one year i was walking down the hallway after dinner it's about eight o'clock and the next morning we're gonna go out and shoot again and and i was videotaping you know for the uh the videos that we do and on the uspsa and as i was walking in my hotel room uh all the other shooters were it was the shooter's hotel so everybody was there was basically a shooter about two 300 shooters walking down the room and i hear click and in the rooms the shooters were dry firing at night time and what they typically would do they would put a little mini target on the wall something like this or just a piece of paper and they would sit there and they this is before lasers now and they would sit there and draw and rock the slide and do it again and have a little timer come up and just do it repetitively over and over and over again is interesting because that's when i really started thinking well you know what is this dry fire all about and they would all say the same thing well i just want to get myself to the point where it's so natural that i don't have to think about it and then you know so i started dry firing and and i was shooting you know with a glock and i realized that every time i pulled the trigger i would have to rack the slide put the gun back in a holster do it again back and i only had one shot so i was thinking about it i thought well okay you know gee would be nice if it was able to go multiple shots and i developed a reset trigger so we still sell the reset trigger for glocks it allows you to squeeze the trigger multiple times and work your trigger finger which is pretty cool i thought well this is great you know now i can actually go double tap and do now the problem with that was that well okay it feels good but am i actually hitting the target or i'm actually accurate because it's dry fire all i'm seeing is my eyes going you know i don't really know how accurate i am if i am accurate so one year a year later at the shot show there was a company there that you know had this little laser module that fit into the gun it had a little pad on the back a little rubber pad and every time the striker hit the pad it would throw out a laser beam this is what this does now you may not see it on camera you can kind of see it a little bit there it is i worked with them a little bit and i said well you know let me see if that's going to work in my reset trigger and i actually got to work with the reset trigger i we had to create a new striker and did a whole bunch of other things but we do now have a very functional laser dry fire device that will help you so now that was several years ago and we've sold a ton of reset triggers and a ton of laser devices because now you can dry fire and verify that the techniques you're doing are actually real so over the years i've been talking to the same company laser ram all my friends there and i said hey you know it would be nice if we had some type of timer to be able to judge how fast we are and so their engineers got busy and they every year came out with something new and i said you know well let's add something here let's do this and they you know started to build their business and got a lot a lot of traction with not only a reset trigger but their laser training device and other things that they developed and so this year they developed uh this new device which is actually a timer and i said to them you know at one one time they had i think maybe two years ago they had it with one target i said you know it'd be nice we had multiple targets well the next year they came back they had multiple targets so how exciting is that so now that's what we're going to talk about so today i've got my accomplices here bobs they're set up just uh as backdrops really uh to show you the the relative size of these targets uh this is the receiver side and this is the transmitter i guess the timer side oops just turned it off i think okay so basically now they is a kit that they sell and we sell as well uh with three targets and this transmitter will have about six or seven different tile programs in it i'm going to demonstrate one here but there are different things you can do that will help you measure quantify your skill levels as you develop using the laser especially with a reset trigger because you're able to go for multiple targets so that said it's pretty simple i've got it on program number five and it works like this you push the start button it gives you a four second delay so i've got a four second delay i can come from a holster come from the low ready whatever is going to be accurate come up shoot the targets oops and sometimes the lights do throw them off a little bit and just what happened on the last target but now it allows me to measure quantify my speed and my accuracy now what's cool about the laser is you can actually see it hit the target whether it beeps or not or whether it records a time or not so the reset trigger with the laser alone is a great device because you can put pieces of eight and a half by eleven paper all around the place or you can cut them in half make them smaller put them even smaller and you can actually draw and shoot boom one shot and you'd be amazed how accurate you can become with this kind of practice i mean crazy accuracy just like you know i i always tell you this that when i practice in my office at night time and i'm just messing around and you know i don't even have the uh the the timer going i will get up and i will actually shoot at the door knob but i don't shoot just at the doorknob i shoot at the keyhole and i hit the keyhole 80 90 of the times and it just still blows my mind that i can just sit there and just snap shoot a keyhole all right you know the uh the light plates you know where you switch your light on you know about yay big with the two the two different uh buttons maybe it's four by four you can snap that all day long across the room just with practice of being able to and there's one across the way there just hit it by the way so just by getting yourself to the point where you're so used to squeezing uh the trigger when you get out and you know that you're looking at the target and you're intently looking at the target because you're looking at the target and as the gun comes up you know you're going to hit the target and so all of a sudden your confidence level goes way up and what's really cool about this is all the skills you develop in dry fire especially with this reset trigger going target to target translate themselves to the live fire range so let's go and demonstrate this a little bit more and i'll do a couple other drills that i like to see sometimes so again this is the transmitter i'm going to push the button let's see if i can beat that time down here to under two seconds for these six shots uh on these three different targets now i'm close i know a lot of people can say wow look how close you are well yeah i'm just you know just demonstrating this thing you can certainly get farther whack and these do work you know at 20 yards even the laser works at 20 yards but here i'm practicing speed and so if you want to be faster you have to shoot faster just like you want to run faster you can't jog okay because that doesn't do anything to train you to run slow if you want to run faster get a sprint so here we're going to shoot fast we want to sprint so i'm going to shoot as fast as i can and i want it to be close because if i can't shoot fast here i can't shoot fast back there so for those of you looking at me saying well gosh you're only three feet away well it's you know maybe five feet okay so all right here we go so i'm just trying to practice my speed and i got a four second delay and let's see we get under two i hit three on that one there so 1.76 not bad the light is kind of interfering with this one here i have to hit it three times to make it go let's see if i can do it again all right good 1.97 that's about a normal time that i'm gonna get 197. so if you think about it you go well that's you know that's pretty cool you got six shots three different targets in less than two seconds not bad there are guys who can do it for a whole lot less trust me i know them but my son probably can do it a lot less but at the end of the day that's pretty darn good so here we go let's try it one more time and i'm coming from the low ready and there's a 179 so that wasn't bad and so the 179 you know one uh one anything under two i'm pretty happy with how's that uh you know at this point in my life that's a good skill so now how else would i use this device one of the things i like to do is uh play with concealed carry i've done a lot of videos on concealed carry you probably have seen them if you haven't you should um i will demonstrate a couple different holsters well i'll show you a couple you might my two favorite holsters for a glock 19 uh are on different spectrums this is the galco royal guard we sell a ton of these i call it the world's best holster because it is this holster right here as i stand right here is about 30 years old and it's horse hide and because it's horicide it lasts forever i mean not forever but you know lasts a long time how's that 30 years at least okay and i've worn this in this in this in the desert in the summer i've sweated all over i've worn it in the winter and it's been cold it's been up and down the nice thing about horse height is very dense it doesn't absorb as much sweat so it stays pretty rigid over the course of time this other holster and this is expensive holster by the way this is over a hundred bucks it's 120 bucks or something like that it's a nice holster i would wear that as my primary holster but i also want to show you this other one and this is our little 35 holster it's made out of kydex easy simple light and i'm gonna demonstrate this one so it has a big clip on it and inside the waistband holster goes in like so just like that comes off the same way boom so there it is now what's really cool about it you can just go ahead and cover it up just like so and no one would ever know that you have a gun hence the word concealed carry now i'm going to talk about concealed carry for just a moment then we'll get back to the laser so when i practice concealed carry and i do a lot because it's important to have some skill before you just start carrying a gun out in the in the real world so if you're going to be shooting concealed carry make sure you take the time to dry fire and to go through some draws so you don't fumble if anything ever happens no ammunition is needed for this drill in fact it's recommended that you don't use ammunition for your dry fire practice of course but for concealed carry practice because you want to become comfortable you want to be confident that you can actually get the gun two rules one always get the clothing way out of the way just clear the clothing away from the gun because you don't want to grab the clothes with the gun that is a no-no see if i get that there i come up here and i go like this oh that's ugly and what happens the gun falls down on the ground and it looks really bad there's a wire by the way that's not dovine okay so first rule of thumb is to clear the clothes and get them totally out of the way second rule of thumb is keep your finger off the trigger so it's really important that you come up keep your finger here here oh away and come up with a way to get it out of the way and it's always along the frame the gun is designed for you to be here it's very ergonomic you have to train yourself to think put your finger out here every time i i see a shooter or a new person at a gun show um who's you know kind of new to firearms first thing to do pick the gun up like this and i go oh well you know i try to be polite because you really don't want to do that i actually did a whole video it's called handgun etiquette you should watch that it's really good um if i say so myself but it actually talks about that in particular because certain things you want to do you really want to be aware of your trigger especially in concealed carry because the gun is so close to so many important parts of your body so you don't want to have a mistake so again clear the clothes bring up and boom we'll do it again and what's interesting sometimes i'll actually you know just keep my eyes kind of down bring the gun up and then look up and look wow those sights are right where i want to be so you know so i'm looking at the at the camera and look at that basically right there so that's the drill that i like to try practice i i you know i like to carry here in this appendix carry because the gun's close a lot of people carry behind which is fine just practice before you go to the range if you have a concealed carry jacket or a shirt or you have a holster on your hip and you you got to practice dry fire all right so for concealed carry here's how i like to practice with the laser a couple things keep in mind concealed carry is really not about speed it's very important to understand that it's really about awareness and just having the gun with you uh the speed factor you know you know if if you are in a confrontation and if i have a gun on top of you i'm not going to be outdrawing you i mean that's just you know if i have a gun hidden in the way i know i've got it and if i'm in a situation and there's a distraction or you become you know you think okay i'm not a threat anymore and you turn your eyes then i may be able to draw and conceal draw from concealment and engage but you know the bottom line is it's not about speed as much as it is about awareness you want to be aware of your surroundings and have the gun in your hand before something happens that said i always like to practice my draw because it's kind of fun and certainly competition shooters who are coming from a holster are going to want to practice that first shot and how fast is the first shot so what i've got here right now is i've got this target set up i turn the other two off this one's set up to do uh just two shots and i'll i can review my shot so i've got to set up where i push the start button it gives me a four second delay to get ready and after that i can engage the target i'm going to shoot two shots then we're gonna go back and review and see what the first shot was that'll give me my time from holster to the first shot again will coming from concealment i've got the appendix carry here with my 35 holster and we're concealed and so now let's go ahead and get myself over here a little bit so you guys can see that and i'll be right here let's move this guy a little closer because i'm really working on speed right now how fast can i get out of the holster and hit the gun hit the target all right here we go all right so took a little delay there because i hit the first shot so first shot is at 0.99 seconds not bad you know i could be faster certainly so 99 is okay but i think i can beat that all right here we go so we're coming up from the draw and okay so i'll make it stop so first shot is really what i'm looking for and first shot is 0.96 ah still i think i could do a little bit better i'm going to try to get this thing a little faster all right let's see if i can get out now i missed the shot that was certainly faster but i missed the shot so here we go one more time okay i hope so i gotta stop it so time here let's see can i get under uh still not under one uh under nine seven so let's try it one more time see if i can get out faster ah that wasn't bad we'll see how that goes yeah 0.93 so you know what's interesting is the way this thing works it gives you that quantitative time and sometimes your mind plays tricks on you and that's what's nice about this timer sometimes you you do something you think oh that was really fast and you look at the time and go well it wasn't that as fast as i thought it was and other times you do something that's kind of slower and in your mind but it was faster on the clock so oftentimes you know the there's a saying that was said by michael plaxkow compton shooter from years ago he said that speed is the economy of motion makes a lot of sense so the less motion you have the faster you can get to the target or to get the gun and bring it up so a lot of times you know when you get geared up and you have a lot going on it seems like you're fast but you're not really fast and when you use a timer whether it be live fire or hear you know with a laser you get to verify all those drills now that said let's go down into the range now we've shown you the dry fire practice and some of the drills i like to do with this little device that's really fantastic and we'll see how we can do shooting three targets with live fire and see if we can sing basic times all right we're finally in the range now we did the laser training upstairs in our training room and that seems like a year ago but it's been basically about two or three weeks we've been busy building the facility here in nashville and as you can see it's it's pretty spectacular this is one of our large shooting rooms uh you can see we don't shoot in lanes we don't think that lanes i don't think the lanes are really that great in fact i think lane shooting is almost a bad habit after a while you can certainly go there to test fire and you know work things out but for tactical and practical shooting it's really not a good idea to shoot at one station or target in one direction just you know after a while that gets a little boring and it's not very practical so here we shoot at multiple targets in multiple directions now this is a big room and i can put targets all over and i can move and run around but for this video we're just emulating what we did upstairs with the laser dry fire to get the same basic times which is basically six shots on three different targets and if i can do this in anything under two seconds i'm really happy yeah 2.25 is okay 2.50 i'm getting lazy i should be able to do this in right around two seconds so uh again you know these ranges are designed and and give us the flexibility to roll these targets around and do all kinds of target arrays here i'm just demonstrating uh basically what i did upstairs uh on live fire and again the cool thing about laser dry fire is all the information that you gather all the skills that you gather all the the the movement the the physical skill of manipulating the handgun applies itself to the range here so we're going to go ahead and demonstrate we'll put ours in the ears on now you know as we uh glock stores have gotten bigger and bigger in here in nashville we now have this is kind of fun our own gs performance headsets how cool is that we also have some gs performance glasses too so very cool stuff so i'll go ahead and put my eyes on you guys to do the same back there okay everybody's all ready to go i'm going to shoot a glock 17 today because well that's what i have it's got our pyramid trigger in it and it's ready to go we're going to shoot all close targets going to go two shots and then get our time now for those of you who are not familiar with the timer remember upstairs we had a timer built into the laser target system this is an independent timer a couple different companies make them we've had this one for years these guys been around for years literally 20 30 years the the timer's great uh it's set up right now to have a random start so i'll push the button on the side and randomly it'll beep it gives me time to kind of get ready so i'll push the button within two seconds it's going to go beep every time i shoot the speaker microphone will pick up the um shots and record a time when those shots were done so just like upstairs i had a time for the first shot and then the last shot i'll have a time here for the same thing using this timer and this nice thing about this random start is you can actually activate it yourself it also has an instant start too where if you're working with someone you put the timer up next to them and standby ready beep and it'll go off when you push the button instantly so that said let's see if i can do a couple runs here with this timer and do six shots right here on these three targets that are relatively close and i know a lot of people say wow they're so close yes they are close they're close for a reason because we're just attempting to demonstrate and duplicate what we did upstairs all right here we go i push the button and get ready to roll 1.95 a little sloppy but i'll do it again time was good got a little lazy on this last one let's do it again and 170 is a good time as well so that's the way we can actually use the timer here in this range let me go ahead and change up a little bit and we'll do something with concealed carry okay we're back now with a different drill remember upstairs we did some concealed carry we'll do the same thing here so i've got vest concealing the glock 17. there it is so the idea now is to use our timer to see how efficiently and i want to use that word versus fast because really we're efficient is what we're trying to do one of the things about concealed carry you have to think about it's really really important concealed carry is not really about fast draw if you're a bad guy and you've got a gun on me i'm not going to be out of be able to outdraw you just point blankets is you know not even worth it if you're here like this you're going to be faster now if you're distracted you're the bad guy and look away that's when i want to be able to get to my gun in a an efficient manner fast speed is the economy of motion so all i'm trying to do is be very economic with my moves i want to be too much flashing around i want to be very steady and smooth and if i can get my times out here for that first shot right around one second that's pretty good anything lower than that is really good but again it's not about speed if you really think about concealed carry it's about awareness you should see what's happening before it happens you should be aware and be able to get that gun out of the holster in your hand before something happens so concealed carry don't think of it as a fast draw as much as just having a gun being able to carry the gun with you and then be aware of the situation be able to get to the gun before something requires you to get to it okay so let's go ahead and put our ears on here and see if we can get some decent times and again now you know i'm going to recommend to you that you don't do this at home you practice dry fire like we did upstairs i've done this for hundreds and hundreds of times over many many years i feel comfortable and confident that i can draw relative speed in concealed carry however i'm always going to be very careful two things finger is always outside of the trigger and outside of the trigger guard as i draw and as i present understanding the gun's close to my body so don't go out and try this with live ammo until you practice the bunch with dry fire like we did upstairs okay let's go ahead and load up now so we're gonna do the same thing upstairs we just did really the first shot looking for the first shot i'm gonna go through the whole drill just because it's more fun now you'll notice it's concealed right i could zip this down makes it a little bit harder to get to that's why i'm zipping it up a little bit so now as i lift i can get my hand on the gun and drive down my thumb remember you're driving your thumb into the tang or the back strap of the gun all right here we go and ready well i have trouble milking that trigger there a little bit let me try one more time i know that time was okay but first shot was okay i'm really having trouble getting my finger off that second shot so 1.03 is the open one of the things to kind of look at first shot 1.03 by the time i get over here to this fifth shot first shot on this guy it's uh let's see if i go all the way through here i'll get that time again it's 2.62 so about from that shot here that first shot over to here is about 1.3 seconds so that guy better be paying attention i could probably go faster but he didn't have a whole lot of time to respond so if there are three bad guys that third guy better be paying attention or he's gonna be in trouble okay last time see if i get under one still a little sloppy there but not bad 2.60 for all six shots first shot's going to be 1.00 so not bad i got to the one that's where i wanted to be so now you can see that the dry fire manipulation of the gun comes into play right here at the live fire range especially the presentation i will say shooting is a perishable skill something if you want to be really good you got to do it on a regular basis i'm pretty happy with the time so overall i think they're pretty good and you know i hope you can see that this range and what we do here at both in nashville and in our san diego range is totally unique and totally different and will allow you to become a better shooter for self-defense competition just about anything and it's a whole bunch more fun than shooting dentally so i'm manny mcgill thank you for watching hope you've learned something hope you had some fun just like i have and we'll see you next time you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 25,118
Rating: 4.9628649 out of 5
Keywords: Lenny Magill, GlockStore, glock, Dry fire, dry fire practice, reset trigger, laser ammo, Magic Bullet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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