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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you all right guys welcome to the Hunter's Quest podcast this is your host Hunter mcwaters and today I have a really cool show for you a little bit different another kind of a little bit outside the box show but very interesting conversation um and um one of my favorite ones I've recorded probably to this point so um a couple weeks back I did a podcast with Timothy alberino and that one did really well especially on YouTube and I got some great response um and you know I kind of want to Branch out a little bit you know obviously I want to stay true to my audience and and talking about hunting and stuff like that but also you know I want to with the podcast specifically Branch out into some other topics that interest me and that I feel are important and I think that resonate with with you guys as well um you know whether they be you know alternate history or um you know some Fringe biblical topics or um just uh even some more just kind of conservative topics that I find interesting I kind of want to Branch into those just to you know I feel it's important to use uh what small platform I have to bring light to things that I think are important and just interest me so I hope you guys enjoy um but my guests today are fellow podcasters and they host one of my favorite podcasts which is not a hunting podcast but sometimes you got to get outside the box and their podcast is called blurry creatures and it's a super interesting show they talk about you know they talk about Bigfoot aliens Giants Nephilim all these kind of interesting fun alternate history uh Fringe topics you know um that the mainstream narrative doesn't I want you to know about um but I feel are important so um it's today's podcast is with Nate and Luke the hosts of the blurry creatures podcast great conversation tons of fun I hope you guys enjoy it they're really cool guys and the other thing that's really cool about their show is they want to bring truth and shed light on these Fringe topics but they do it all from a like with a Biblical world view they're Christian guys and I know you know if you start getting into this some of this stuff like some people go often to new age or weird stuff but these guys don't you know we keep it like I said in a Biblical framework um but we're not you know we're not afraid to ask the tough questions and look at the the weird stuff so a great show hope you guys enjoy it um I had a great time talking to these guys and definitely check out their podcast as well blurry creatures um in the meantime I want to give a few more shout outs for some folks that left me written reviews on Apple podcasts so if you're listening Justin jablonski J melch or milky 85 and Elk Chaser thank you guys for leaving me a written review on Apple if you want to get a shout out and get some swag go ahead and leave me a written review on Apple podcasts and then if you just heard your name called out shoot me a message on Instagram leave me your mailing address and I'll drop something in the mail for you I appreciate the support I want to take this opportunity to One Time One More Time remind you guys to check out the Hunter's Quest TV show on the Sportsman Channel the best time to catch those episodes will be Monday morning at either 6 30 a.m or 11 30 a.m Eastern or Saturday at 12 noon Eastern those are my main three air times for the Hunter's Quest TV show I've been working really hard on it it's a great show um it's it's all about DIY Western hunting from an East Coasters perspective and kind of inform and help Inspire guys that it is possible when it's doable if I can do it you can do it and it's a really great show I'm really happy with the quality of the production I've been able to achieve and I've been working really hard so I'd really appreciate your support if you watch Monday 6 30 a.m or 11 30 a.m eastern Time or 12 noon on Saturday on the Sportsman Channel uh you can get Sportsman on Roku or fubo or you know satellite or cable also it will go on to the my Outdoors TV app after it runs and then later down the road I will also release them digitally on YouTube that won't be till early 24 so hope you guys will take the time to seek out that content check out the TV show let me know what you think as always I appreciate your support you know please go ahead and go over to YouTube search my name Hunter mcwaters and subscribe uh search me on Instagram at the Hunter's Quest and follow along there and as always share with friends and family help me get the word out about this podcast and the TV show and uh yeah I really appreciate you all support and enjoy this episode with the blurry Bros alright see you on the next one foreign [Music] welcome to the Hunter's Quest podcast this is your host Hunter MC Waters and today I'm joined by two guys whose voice I've heard a lot but I haven't ever met until now so that would be Luke and Nate from blurry creatures how you guys doing great thanks for having us yeah it's fun yeah good to be here it is funny when you uh like I've listened to pretty much every episode of y'all's podcast I think to this point and um it's uh it's funny when you like see the actual person actually talking to them we get a lot of funny stories Nate like uh well it always comes back to me some people think I look I think I'm going to be looking like [Music] um I don't think you match your voice pretty well yeah that was shocked he was he's a white guy with a beard and you're like what I gotta say Nate's beard is intimidating me I was not expecting that much beard it's a lot a lot I just sit I just sit in a hole and edit all day and my beard grows so yeah you know squirrel there's a squirrel living in there for a while too there was there was oh man well um listeners out there um Nate and Luke have an awesome podcast which I've referenced before uh in the past called blurry creatures I actually found you guys ironically from a friend named Luke we were out on a hunt actually in the back country of Idaho um place that you guys talk a lot about but um and he was like what do you think about the end times and like the megaliths and stuff and I was like I don't know I don't know man like I don't really think about it I just try to do I just try to be like good with God and then just not worry about it because it's it can be a deep dark hole for me like especially if I start going down like the prepper route and I like don't know where to stop so I kind of like don't go too far down that rabbit hole but I love what you guys do because um you tackle a lot of issues that the church doesn't want to tackle um but you do it through a Biblical um framework instead of like a new AG or like weird witchcrafty stuff but you talk about supernatural stuff and I for a long time I felt like one of the main reasons you see so many people in our generation leaving the church and going after new age and Witchcraft and stuff like that is because they know there's a supernatural they know their spiritual experiences or you know however you want to frame it but they go into 90 percent of churches maybe not 90 but somewhere along there and they don't see the supernatural so then they start looking elsewhere so appreciate what you guys are doing yeah and I think that's kind of why we started the podcast because we felt the similar you know there was there are all these conversations that weren't being had and instead of just uh doing a lot of searching and Diving on or on I thought let's just document it let's just let's just document our journey and it very much is a journey podcast and and I think we didn't realize kind of some of the roads it would take us but you know if if you really want to know and you really want to take one you know one show at least to another and one road goes down to another Trail and you're like oh man I didn't think this is going to be here but here it is like I guess let's walk down it yeah and it gets strange but it's it's helped a lot of people and I think the beauty of a podcast is is just two people and you can take a lot of people with you on that journey and there's not a lot of people that can say no or stop you from doing that right there's not you're not gonna get fired and you're not gonna get censored you just you're like hey this is yeah this is where it's going I think a lot of the church is afraid of these topics because people might leave or people might call you crazy or or say you're lying or whatever it is they they do and there's just so many hands in the pot of a church in an organization that that a podcast just doesn't have to deal with so it's been really helpful for us to to not have any of that system to to kind of censor us for sure and you talked about it being a journey and like it really like people say that all the time but like if you go back to y'all's like early episodes like I love like Luke was like so I feel like Luke was like so skeptical in the beginning yeah like didn't even want to like I don't know Bigfoot I don't know and then I because I was the same way I was like okay maybe there's some kind of giant ape we haven't discovered yet maybe but this other stuff no way and like going through the whole like podcast library with you guys it's like now I'm like nothing's impossible bro you and me both listen I think I'm still I think it's healthy to have a healthy amount of skepticism for sure um but you know it is a journey we've been on this you know Nate put in a lot more hours than I did on the front end when it came to Bigfoot and you know he famously tells a story about you know remodeling houses spending 10 000 hours listening to Bigfoot podcasts and and they bring on theologians right so you find this weird it's weird insertion yeah of doctors and experts on the Bible talking about a Cryptid and and I think that's something that listen I I think we live at a time and what you kind of just you talked about before um where we are supernatural beings we have a spiritual aspect to who we are and I don't think the world is a lot that's not lost on the world but it feels sometimes feels lost in the church which I think is a fascinating a fascinating juxtaposition because look we have entertainment and movies and entertainers and targets and Disney and celebrity influencers and Disney influencers that are telling kids how to cast spells and all this new age Supernatural stuff exists and there's a Hunker for it obviously because that's wired we're hardwired for this right and the world's provide an answer and yet I think oftentimes you know and I've said this a ton on the podcast but the Christianity and our faith if you call yourself a Christian is very much Supernatural like we talk about a you know a virgin a virgin birth we talk about God incarnate we talk about a resurrected Messiah you know when you go back to Genesis 6 where our podcast really finds an epicenter and a lot of the Cryptid stuff and a lot of actually a lot of the things that we we can would be called paranormal by the world and it's a very very very very Supernatural in fact the Ancients never had a delineation it was always very much intertwined with the physical right and but you know and so I think in some ways our our modern church is lagging behind now that's not not to take a condemnation or a broad brush but I think a lot of it's uncomfortable because we live in a you know a post-enlightenment um very academic um you know scientific method empirical Paradigm and some of these things are hard to measure but you know back to your original thought there I think one of the things that one of one of my heroes in this process is Dr Michael Heiser who we lost this year and one of the things he said was impactful to me I think was our episode 34. and this thing he repeated a lot his Mantra a lot was that if just one of these encounters is true yeah then you have to then it breaks the Paradigm you have to expand your Paradigm to Encompass this and I think that's across the board and I think more than ever in the day and time we live in on our we you know we see the the Senate and House committees talking about uaps or UFOs we have that still thousands upon thousands of sightings of this gigantic ape Cryptid in in the United States and across the world right in Bigfoot and then you have everything in between you know from sort of the niche let's say the niche Cryptids like like a dog man or a government these things continue to happen and so if that happens to you personally now how do you rationalize that or how do you contextualize that and that's what I think what we were trying to do really for our I think in some ways for our own understanding and also because people came along was to try to say hey we're Christians we want to we want to contextualize this through the biblical lens understand this through our faith you know is our faith will stand up does it hold up to some of these things that seemingly in some ways would seem to be like you know an antithesis or or or counter to our faith and yet here we are if you go back and look at the writings of Moses um you you look at the things in the Old Testament and you go man they there was crazy things happening yeah flying serpents to you know and Angelic progeny in the Nephilim and and so I there's a basis for it and and we're just trying to talk about those things because because I think it matters you know and and I think people have an interest for it obviously to do because mainstream now is talking about it and they're marketed to our children and to the adults that there are ways to interact with this thing this this realm yeah and you have shows like ancient aliens that are sure there you go now yeah 20 episodes in and people are starting to I mean every time I'm at a barbecue now and someone asked me what I do I'm surprised and I start telling them a little bit what I do and they go oh oh yeah I love Ancient Aliens and they're and they get into it and they're and they really do believe a lot of the lies of Ancient Aliens you know right stuff that Mike Heiser blew holes through right yeah which is in a nutshell that aliens like created humans or create that basically what's yeah sitchin's work and all that stuff yeah like it was a music guy remember the band Gwar yeah remember their backstory they accidentally created the human race by having sex with chimps I don't remember them that was their backstory do you remember McGuire played in Chico oh my gosh okay anyway Gwar that's a weird that's a weird rabbit hole but yeah but yeah that so I mean I and I'm the same way like I've been since I've kind of gone on this journey with you guys and I actually I had Albarino on the podcast and that thing like blew up um and uh and he's a cool dude but oh yeah I've been like it's like you know when you first get saved and I'm not likening this to being saved they're different but you know when you first get saved and like you start talking to people you just can't help but like just go there like and talk about Jesus like for the last couple of like weeks like when I start talking to people I'm just like yeah you ever heard of the Nephilim bro it's like and I just like going to like 45 minute rant about how it's all like everything's connected and it's just it's wild yeah it's it's it is inspiring it does inspire a lot of conversations and it definitely inspires it's inspired a lot of podcasts as Luke and I have found as a lot of people want to talk about and get into it which is a whole nother uh a beast in itself but yeah I mean if you've seen something weird or you've had some sort of demonic experience or you've heard of a Supernatural story and you're curious then like Luke said earlier you know our face should be able to withstand side by side with these weird experiences and there shouldn't be the separation of like oh this challenge is my faith because like we've heard a thousand times on our show that you know once this alien reveal this UFO they tell us exactly what the narrative is it's going to crush a lot of people's Faith because you know they never had they never couldn't include some of these things in their Paradigm so it's going to be really challenging for them well how do I Believe In Christ in this biblical story and all this alien stuff that's going on and it's gonna be hard for a lot of people but if they've been listening to shows like ours I don't think it's going to be difficult at all they're going to the difficult thing is gonna be like okay what what is true going on right now versus I you know I think these things are happening but what's deception what's a psyop and what's actually going on that's yeah that's more like what we tackle it's not we don't sit around and debate if these things are happening we're just trying to get people context of like okay they are happening what are they are they you know what is a demon is it all demonic well it is demonic but what it but you know it's it's more complex than that there are creatures there is and there are entities there is a hierarchy of of darkness and it's not just and there's a hierarchy of angelic beings too and all all that comes with these two kingdoms yeah basically that's what the biblical story really is it's it's a war between these two kingdoms and I don't know where the church went different and communicating that to its followers and people who read the read the Bible it's it's like somewhere along the line we got off track and people just like went went to sleep about how this it starts with this war it starts with these characters and then we sort of edited them out of the story and then yeah a lot of people got confused and so oh I think Luke and I just talking about this we've been surprised about how many people's Faith have been reinvigorated because we just decide to include the characters in the story and not be afraid to talk about it and so we've kind of had a little bit of an interesting Niche and it's kind of grown and it's become something that we never thought would get as big as it has and it's sometimes there's Growing Pains or just like trying to keep up like I just I just finished a long day of editing and putting out this week's episode so it's and you know you get you get really into these rabbit holes and sometimes you don't know what to think you're like man and people send us a lot of stuff and and they ask us our opinions on it and we're just like we're just two dudes you know so we don't always know we don't have the answers we're just we're looking as much as you are we got ideas though Nate we got ideas yeah Luke's got movie quotes that's for sure yeah this is Orange County right um no but I I think back to the Ancient Aliens things is an important point is that this show at this time has hundreds and hundreds of millions of views right and what I think is fascinating about that is that it really is just kind of a Twist on the truth right you have you have these aliens showing up and teaching humans about civilization and technology right which all of this exists in in the biblical narrative if you look at Genesis 6 and and Watchers and think about extraterrestrials and this is what we kind of do sometimes is talk about semantics right yeah like technically speaking and I'm sure Tim talked about this because this is where you know Tim lives in this space and it's found in his you know the way that he is theorized and explains a lot of this I think is is super compelling and we loved him and we're going to prove we're going to prove it Tim in the end of the end of this month no I'm jealous so but I I think that's interesting right because technically the Angelic Rays Angels they are not of Earth they would be by definition extraterrestrial I'm sure Tim went through this but I I think it's that's fascinating right because there's a hunger for understanding and there but there's also this which is no accident there is this disposition against Christianity and so when you provide an answer that includes this stuff and sort of the Hollywood alien thing yeah it's very very close to what we find in the text it just is anti-christian right it in in some ways in many ways it's the Sumerian and the Babylonian um religion right where the serpent is now the Creator God now Yahweh and so you have it's old deceptions are as old as they get I think you put Graham Hancock in this same bucket because Graham has a ton of things he's super right about but when you get to the Bible he hates the Bible you can't do Giants and he can't do the Bible he hates it passionately and it's like dude you're on this you're talking about these you know enlightened beings these these Travelers that come and teach technology and teach you know civilization you're like this is this is the Watchers of gen six this is an expose on on one Enoch like this is these are things that were very much believed by the Ancients that yeah that culturally as well cultural yes and so you know and then as Nick said earlier one things I loved about Heiser in Dr Michael Heiser and we talk about probably way too much but he's literally one of the dudes that that just trailblaze this entire thing is is he poked all the holes in in this with the Anunnaki and all the things in Ancient Aliens and said none of this is true right because not even in in the actual uteritic and Sumerian and Babylonian all these these ancient civilizations they ever have these these beings come from their planet or yeah this was all very much you know a almost of an L Ron Hubbard type expose on what these people wanted to believe about but not actually what any of the the cuneiform or the tablets or the inscriptions actually said so yeah I think it's interesting right and I think maybe that's some of the some of why Nate and what Nate and I are doing is resonating and not we don't want to tutor our own ever Palace in the back but because there's a hunger for this obviously with hundreds of millions people watching Ancient Aliens if you're a Christian like how do you [Music] put this you know within the fences of your faith and we're saying expand your fences expand your as Jesus said it's a wine skins right you gotta you can't put new wine into old wine skins and then I'm not I know that can sound sacrifice I don't mean that in in any way when he's talking about his message in the gospel but the idea there is a paradigm right you have to increase your Paradigm you have to you have to expand it in order to and guess what man it it's all there and I think that's one of the fascinating things if you look for it it is and it's just been you know as Nate and I talk about it's been systematically either erased or you get diverted away from it or yeah like movie quotes right it's the uh useless suspects the greatest trick the devil ever played was convinced the road didn't exist right it's the idea that we don't don't live in a supernatural Paradigm that we aren't spiritually wired or Spirit or super you know have a spiritual aspect to our human beingness and oh that's true man yeah and and that's an ancient people you know they didn't have this agnostic kind of mentality you know that's maybe the most dangerous lie there is is that there is no devil because just like with an addiction like the first step to stop being an addiction is to recognize you have a problem if you can't recognize that evil and demonic influence is real how can you address it yeah and ancient people all believed in God it's just who's who's God my God versus your god there wasn't a belief problem that we have now and I think that's a lot of the the dueling narratives right you have and you look in the Old Testament and that's what you see you know you see these these these wars happening and I think a lot of modern people are afraid of that because they think that if they start going down those rabbit holes wait a minute there's more than there's more than just God and angels and humans yeah there's a lot more and uh and you and you can't be afraid of that and we don't have a lot of like you know it's not the Bible doesn't give us a lot of detail on this stuff that's why there's a lot of speculation in people talking about it because the Bible's like more of a highlight reel of of important things that happen to help you understand right you know what's going on and what's what's coming next and you know there's there's all these years of people major Biblical characters doing things that we don't know what they're doing and you know right yeah I just wasn't keeping a journal yeah 40 years in the wilderness being like today we didn't really do anything Etc my sandals were Dusty right I mean that's really how it went right and the Bible will say things crazy like you know well and then they killed this giant and they kept rolling on and then modern people like wait wait wait a giant okay where did the Giants come from right is that just a metaphor they actually were killing Giants and you're like yeah they did a lot actually and then and the writers didn't assume that people you know thousands of years later would be highly skeptical right so they didn't take the time to explain you know all the lead up like we would need today you know right we said this a lot on our show like it's like if you and I were having a conversation I said hey man text me after the show I'm We're Not Gonna spend the next 30 minutes explaining what a text message yeah you know but you know 100 years ago no one would know what you're talking about and then 100 years from now no one will know what you're talking about just right now we know what a text message is and and I think you have to think about that and think the same way when you're reading the Bible is that these terms that are dropped and they just keep rolling yeah and I mean even just like Genesis 6 where it kind of it all starts when you read it it's so brief and kind of quick I think a lot of people they're able to kind of mentally just like like skip past that yeah and just like ignore it because I did that a little bit myself or kind of like oh that's weird I wonder what that means yeah and keep going because it's just so brief but um it's so important when you dig in there yeah we love it so yeah I also think one other point Nate I think it's interesting I've been thinking about this lately is that I think that this whole environment that we're talking about is pretty uniquely Western and first world as well right because one of the things we talked about we had an episode on Miracles I think was fascinating we'll talk about it we talked about it with Dr Craig Keener is that it's different in in the developing world right sub-Saharan Africa for example the most everyone there has a very Supernatural Paradigm right you've got witch doctors that do XYZ and you have these territorial spirits and you have these gods that that this would get Rural and even even in South in in more rural places in South America and so it it's fascinating to me that just this this almost intellectual bubble that we've created yes too smart for which is uh in and of itself could be an entire episode yeah so yeah no I love it like um I do I do want to hear before we jump in too much further I want to hear just a little bit I am kind of showing you guys personally as well so um just brief backstory maybe um from each you and then how you kind of you don't go into Super detail but how you kind of came to what you're doing now um and maybe start with uh start with Luke and then how you got with connected with Nate and how you guys kind of started this whole journey yeah Nate and I actually know of each other and probably hung out in the same places since the early 2000s uh we're both we're both from from California Northern California uh Nate Went to went to slow San Luis Obispo went to Chico State and we had near a Weed California it's all south of weed but yeah so I had basketball all the time in California back in my music days like North Northeast like there's not a lot there there's a studio there that Sylvia Massey the producer have you heard of her Nate yeah we I did it I recorded an EP at her studio and spent like two weeks in Weed California yeah that's funny yeah it's pretty good diner if I remember but that was like it was like late 90s that's it anyway I diverge yeah no that's what yeah yeah they sell a lot of merch and weed that's for sure that's good it's true uh yeah so we we've known you know I had a friend that played in his band NATO tell you a story about having it about you know being a music for the time that he was and um but he fast forward you know we had we had mutual crossover friends and bands that that I was friends with and even went on tour with not not as a tour musician but just it brought me along as a knucklehead to run security or just hang out or whatever um it wasn't there was a scene right early 2000s there was the whole emo scene yeah kids still wanted to have bands they weren't like electronic music oh it was like this girl jeans oh yeah the girl jeans and thrift store shirts right um but you know I uh both in California kids I came to Nashville and um 2013 and Nate was already here I know that and we you know we connected over Twitter of all things um talking about Bigfoot and I think we we've been friends that were kind of in some ways kind of back and forth fall and I actually hit a podcast previous to this one that he that he did with uh a friend of ours Matt McDonald who had a band who had a band as well and I was actually on the podcast at one point so we had these points of connection and then before blurry creatures I had a podcast with my brother was a sports variety show called sports related and um we did really well but we retired it for um some political reasons and gosh yeah um and I guess I gotta ask for just for my my audience's sake who's your brother oh man Jordan Rogers yeah we did a podcast together so he's SEC network now so he's uh SEC Nation that's part of the reason we know that we longer had a podcast ESPN redid his deal and they wanted I'm kind of okay you kind of wanted to convince us to do what they wanted us to do kind of have creative control and it was right in the middle of a lot of controversial things that we did not want to promote or talk about um including the whole Colin Kaepernick thing so we were like let's just retire we'll just retire it and so funny enough it was 2020 and I've given up on doing New Year's resolutions for a long time uh because he always fail at him so I just started writing like here's some goals for the 2020 and that's better what else I want to do another podcast and I had an idea for a podcast that I wanted to do and um on my own and I kind of started doing that and then Nate I tweeted something about Bigfoot or Nate did I remember how it went and so he or he replied to my tweet on Bigfoot because I always loved Finding Bigfoot kind of poked fun because I never found anything correct um but I love the show so much so like I think for like 10 years my mom was previously this has bought me like a Bigfoot mug or shirt for my stocking you know at Christmas and so this is not like it wasn't a new thing it just would became a thing and Nate reached out and said hey I'm gonna do a podcast about Bigfoot I was like yeah man I didn't even think about it I was like I want to do this nice and it would just be you know I thought here's my creative Outlet you know working a corporate job and uh that is that's kind of how how it started and I didn't really know what I was getting into I knew that I liked all this stuff was fascinating to me I've always been into it like whether it be I like to learn yeah ultimately I really like to learn I like I like to read I'm reading more now than I than I have in the past and uh you know I'm curious about stuff including you know the weird stuff in the Unexplained stuff and and put Bigfoot in that pot and so that's kind of how it happened I don't think Nate and I thought anything more this would be a fun Outlet Nate had his vision for it and he just brought me into it I mean really it's it was he had this idea he had a logo made he had nice even even marinating and cooking this idea baking this idea in his Ginger brain and he added me to it so it's been fun it's been an unbelievable just journey and learning and understanding and kind of expanding my faith like really growing my instructing my own faith and and it's just funny like how God works it we seem to just be addressing and a lot of the things that in that are are becoming mainstream talking points and when that happens it's it's amazing to have that perspective of being a Christian and having answers for that right um better answers as we say on the podcast sometimes so I'll defer to Nate now but that's that's really close to her yeah yeah I mean I've tried not to hit all the things that Luke already said but um it had me go first that's the problem I have a pretty good remember a decent memory what you just said I'll I'll I'll try but yeah I grew up in Northern California Sacramento area started you know playing in local bands in high school went to San Luis Obispo started a band I did that for about almost a decade what was your band what band are you in I was in a band called Sherwood okay and uh nice we you know we were we were kind of like if if if if punk rock had a high school we were like freshmen you know we were we made it we got in but we weren't we weren't a big deal but we weren't not a deal we were kind of and we never really could make a living doing it because every dollar went right back in we had to constantly tour to make any money yeah and uh it's a tough life yeah it was a tough life you know we got as big as like five six hundred cap rooms it was pretty cool I mean it was we got to go to a bunch of countries and I got to travel a lot as a young kid and see a lot of things and live out a dream that I had since I was just a young kid going to see Christian bands play and you know packed out little like VW go see Carmen and Michael W Smith just a little late and that you know I I wanted to be in the band and I and I sort of was like the Rudy rudiger of musicians I taught myself how to sing and play and cool and just staying in my car for years and then all of a sudden I was on stage singing and then you know we we got to play some cool events we got to play like Lollapalooza and and Summerfest and some of these bigger places we got to go to the UK and uh three or four times and went to Japan and it was it was nuts it was it was a really wild experience got to rub shoulders with a lot of my heroes in the music business a lot of bands I grew up idolizing I was talking to Backstage and I was just like this is crazy man I used to love your you know you're the reason I'm here right now and they're like oh that's weird you know and and uh but eventually you know you kind of saw those guys careers kind of die out and then your career kind of dies out and then nobody really goes forever and uh well some dudes do but um you know what I mean it's like it's really rare for a band to continue to make great music great records most of them are just living off of that one album yeah if they're still going it's a really tough business and a weird business but uh it is so left left the music business was in my 30s and just all of a sudden found myself being alone after not being alone for a decade and so podcasts kind of filled the void and then I just didn't know what to listen to but I wasn't really looking for I was looking for something specific very interesting flavor to keep me going so kind of like creepy stories about Bigfoot and then some spooky stuff of the supernatural but mostly in the Bigfoot range it was just spooky enough it was just was just fascinating and I could listen to it for hours as I was doing drywall and painting and electrical stuff and kind of remodeling a couple houses and eventually you know I began to change like okay I I think it's more than just an animal there's something else going on here and man these stories are weird and bizarre and then you know all my Christian faith began to finally come to the surface of when people started saying well this could be a product of Genesis 6 rebellion and I was like wait but you know and I and I had been involved in like campus Crusade and young life I worked at a camp ironically called Mount Hermon I uh you know I was I was in and out of all these different spheres of Christianity and toured a lot of Christian bands we'd have a lot of debates backstage about all kinds of stuff right I was just I couldn't escape my faith even if I wanted to it was it was just right there and I was always around Christians and different types of Christians and groups and so this was just so new to me but it answered so many questions that all these people had my whole life and in these debates and these questions I had friends losing their faith because they couldn't understand why God would do this and that right and I never really had great explanations I just didn't lose my faith but I always thought that's a good point I don't know I don't know why God did that I don't know why these things happened um but Genesis 6 and and this these theologians started to answer like oh well maybe Bigfoot's related to this but oh this not only solves this Bigfoot itch it also helps me understand some of my deeper issues with my own faith like things that I have a hard time believing or understanding and so that was the moment I was like okay gotta do a podcast about this because if I'm not alone here there's a lot of people out there that probably have the same issues that I have and the same problems um or the same just roadblocks and this might be able to help them if it helps me if nothing else it it'll just be fun to document the journey so then 2019 had the logo designed it was a good six months of just kind of waiting um because I knew in the band world like you don't just launch because you want to launch you wait you wait for it to be right the right time and you do it the right way and I'm glad I did and I feel like God kind of I remember when Luke said yes it was like I had a feeling like Luke was Luke Luke was supposed to do it with me and it just felt like something that God sort of put us together and I don't really think you know we we kind of knew each other but we didn't you know so it was good I think in some ways it's it's good to start a creative project sometimes starting to create a project with your best friend is the worst thing you can do because you know each other too well but we were very respectful of each other his time my time and and it helped us get the thing rolling we didn't we didn't flake on each other we were like serious about okay you I said I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this and as you know a podcast is a weird strange marriage and it's and it's it's a five-year Journey if you ever make it right yeah um you're ever gonna and a lot of people just get into it like I'll just talk to my but Luke was serious about it and I was serious about it and it was it was a great recipe and it and I think that we had um we had all the things in place to to sort of launch out and and you know the logo and the website and all that other stuff but I think there was a little bit of a chemistry there that we had and for sure started telling talking to some guys that were kind of under underground theologians and people knew them they had some books maybe some movies DVDs and stuff but I think we kind of put all this 80s alien UFO stranger things asking to a Christian kind of boat or DeLorean actually and just kind of shoot it out there and it is yeah and it's it's we're we're kind of Blown Away we don't take ourselves too serious but we we try to have fun yeah but the topics are really serious that's kind of the the long-winded history of of the podcast and kind of how it came to be but it was a lot of work there were kids of the 80s Nate so it has a has an 80s Flair to it which how old are you guys 42. okay one okay I'm 36 so I made it just into the 80s 87. so good to have you glad to have you under here no but yeah I mean you guys do a great job and I think definitely it's it feels like the Lord has his hand on the project and it's had really big reach so that's really cool and something you guys always do when you have a guest songs you ask what their thoughts on Bigfoot are and they're so Hunter so Hunter let's turn the tables here why not okay we're all podcasters okay yeah this is not blurry creatures but welcome to the show we'd love to hear your thoughts on Bigfoot we hear the most people there's only been a few people as we as we go down through the animals the only people that have had no thoughts um yeah first one comes to mind is Tim Mackey love Tim Bible project Tim's a great guy no thoughts there's a couple other neighbors today the miracle episode Craig was like I don't know man I'm a professor at a seminary don't ask me hard questions we've only had maybe maybe two or three guys that are just like I don't know no and I I was gonna ask you guys but I'll answer I guess too but um because I you know this is a start off and it still very much is a back country hunting podcast right but I kind of really inspired by us a lot of stuff you guys were doing I was like you know this stuff is needs to be talked about and um I have a tiny tiny tiny platform but I feel like I should use whatever platform I have to kind of expose some of the stuff and talk about it and I just find it super interesting so and it's my podcast so why not so then I had albertino on and then um I was like okay this is cool so I kind of want to like Branch out into some more you know different topics and stuff but I feel like it might resonate a lot with some of my audience too because probably of anybody like the people I my audience my people whatever like spend more time in like Bigfoot country than like anybody in the world in the world um and that's the first thought that was the first thought I had is it yeah like right as I was messaging you I just got back from 10 days in the back country of Idaho um and spoiler alert didn't find big guy and barely even saw any bears that we were looking for but um were you guys near the Salmon River the same River Country we were in the salmon region area actually we drove through the door and I was like isn't that for missing 4-1-1 that's like the first episode of Missing 411 happens in ladore Idaho and we drove right through there um so we were like in there and we were and me and my buddy he's the same guy who introduced me to y'all's podcast so we were like listening to like episodes like on the car ride like freaking ourselves out like we're gonna get you know walk into a portal or something and just vanish well this is this is there's something we're gonna have a podcast on her but he's gone there's something across over themes here because that's Hunters is who I was listening to on on the the Sasquatch podcast that I was listening to it was always the hunters that would come on that would make me stop what I was doing and go wait a minute yeah this guy's been in the woods his whole life and he's having this experience so there is this weird crossover and then missing and then missing 401 like you said I mean Hunters should know the stuff's out there and if you don't even know what you're looking for you're never gonna have an experience because that's kind of how Sasquatch is yeah you could be right there and you have no you're not even thinking about it right or the little people [Laughter] no but like seriously like when you brought that up yeah yeah eiser's like are they looking at me like am I acting well in their Forest you know yeah no but um that was a good episode but um what was I gonna say oh yeah I was just thinking I was like because at first I was kind of like there's no way a giant animal like that could be in America and like we wouldn't have seen it but then I started thinking like for example in Idaho you have one Wilderness Area that's two million Acres of wilderness it's the largest continuous Wilderness in the lower 48 it's called the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness um and I was thinking okay so Backcountry Hunters we spend or we're probably in the top one percent of the American population of people who spend cons like lots of time in these very remote areas and even probably the top only five to ten percent of that one percent really goes really deep and stays for a really long time and even those people only go probably maximum maximum five to on the very top end like 15 miles in um and so there is a lot so we're just scratching the surface is all I'm trying to say so I do think it is possible um so you're saying 90 99 of hunters don't get 20 miles into the wilderness yeah that's yes I mean I'm talking about roadless areas areas you have to physically hike in because think about it like I train all year to be able to carry seven days of food and camp like into the mountains on my back and it's hard and most people don't want to do that they can't do it um there are guys who go in like even deeper if you have horses and stuff uh we don't but yeah it's uh like even the hardcore of the hardcore guys don't go usually if they're going on foot more than like 10 miles that's good that's good to know because I didn't even think about it like in terms of how far they they Traverse and I remember driving from Boise Idaho to Seattle on the road I probably drove that 35 times in in our career and it's a it's an all-day drive it's a 10 hour drive and you don't really see anything from Boise to Seattle you go through uh that one town in Oregon uh I can't remember the name of it LaGrange or something the grand I don't know well Portland's Portland's more West yeah I'm talking like Boise all the way up I mean to give you perspective we spent eight days basically all day looking for Bears we saw two bears like two miles away yeah and so and and bears are very common where we are like like very common so all I'm trying to say is is I lean more onto the side of just an Undiscovered like animal um and I I don't I don't discount any of the other like weird theories or Supernatural connection or thing like that he might have been some kind of Nephilim Nephilim hybrid or but I just I kind of I lean more on the he's like a physical animal it's just very rare and not many of them but what are you guys thoughts that's what I want to know I'll go first I I think I think the more the show goes on all topics on our show I think you have a wide range of the same creature I don't you know there's a wide range of werewolf creatures most people call them on our show dog man seems like there's a weird range there um Sasquatch same thing you know you see them all over the world so you don't have just one they're they're not just in North America they're everywhere and then you have different heights of them all over the world and temperaments as well some of them are more aggressive some of them are more chill some of them are you know sounds like more like demons and then some sound more like primates it's it's a totally a wide range some of them talk to people you know we've had many people come on our show and say these things were talking to them in their heads not physically talking like in their minds telepathically yeah yeah what is that weird right um and there's all these weird connections to UFOs and strange lights and orbs and other weird stuff sounds like out of a you know an 80s uh you know movie right but it's but it's it's hunters and police officers and incredible people having these telling us these stories and having these encounters so I think you have all of the above I think I think you can't really put Bigfoot in a box and like a lot of these these topics you know same thing goes along with aliens and UFOs and abductions and stuff it's not just a lot of people especially Christians they love to slap it's demons it's demons right and that's really limiting because what if it's not and why is there Tech involved and why is there you know why is there blood on the ground and tracks in the ground and and clothes removed and other things that the spirits don't seem to be interested in or are a part of right you have to you have to expand your Paradigm a little bit and you have to include the possibility that you know even when it just comes to Sasquatch that there could be some that aren't from here there could be some that are from here I don't know um but yeah you don't wanna you don't want to you don't want to make it Angry that's what I know for sure don't make it Angry look what do you think man yeah I'm with Nate I think there's too much weird stuff around it to be just an animal like you do the thing I would say is if you if you were just to categorically put it next to another animal let me look like a grizzly bear or a wolf or anything you find in the forest you don't have the same kind of stories surrounding encounters with with those you know what we considers to be Wildlife that they do with Bigfoot there's always there's enough weird there or this is really where the Bigfoot Community diverges right you have these two roads and one is it's this uh you know offshoot you can't depict the case it's this undiscovered um you know North American primate but it's also where all the world as Nate said and but then there's the woo Camp right and I think that's and it's meant to sound a little weird but there's enough weird encounters with this creature disappearing as Nate said orbs UFOs um and as he also said something very important is that there's a physicality right even though they can't drag one out of the woods they're these Footprints and breaks trees and yeah sometimes it tips over trailers and sometimes it does crazy stuff and also sometimes there's been like a benevolent Bigfoot which is really fascinating do you want to buy the stories that it saves kids from drowning or someone missing 4-1-1 stuff is very fascinating how these kids end up missing and then they show up you know seven nine miles from where they disappear something they couldn't have actually tracked yeah and they say well I spent the you know I spent the night with this this bear creature it's like that make any sense right but there's something to that and I don't know I don't know where you you know it's like anything else until you pull it out of the forest and put in a cage and put it on the freak Show and put it on tour we don't really know but I don't know if you can do that that's the thing maybe I've come to I don't know that you could do that I don't know you can pull it out for us and that's an interesting Paradigm you kind of have to be like what does that mean I don't know I mean um as long as in this many of these sightings as we have on an annual basis across the country and you can look this up it's online you can actually figure out the to the to the number more or less what happens annually no one's pulled a body right you know and I know there's more elusive creatures that are sighted less they pull bodies Out of the Woods those things there's something there weird there so that's true I tend to be on the I mean we can get remote and I guess the counter argument with that because they discover new animals all the time sure not this big yeah unless you're in the ocean and it's it's some of the depth that we can't get to and no dead dead remains or anything like that yeah it's so terrestrally speaking you know on land it's true it's a tough one it's a tough one to say that it's just it just it just keeps on you know eluding us I mean it is not with the amount of sighting that's the thing if we decide at three sightings a year you know across the country maybe maybe it's just there aren't very many in there and there's this just seems to happen too much so I yeah I don't know I I that's kind of where I land is that it's a um you know it could be a yes and something else going on there but there's some physicality there as Nate said the alien thing right yeah there's a physicality there too right yeah it's not demonic or it's not a manifestation if an F-18 can lock onto it and it and they crash from time to time that is not Supernatural in the sense that being able to crash that that is physical and this is very much an Albarino thing and Tim is to the extreme everything is very physical yeah very physical and and all very um rational in the sense of you can fly there you can go there um I'm not that not there and I loved him that I'm not quite there yet but if we're talking about if I'm bringing back to Bigfoot there's enough weird stuff around it where I think there's something going on here and then you go to Skinwalker Ranch my last thing and the ranchers not the not the bigelows and not the new owners that have a TV show but the ranchers that were cattle ranching there have a story I've seen what they describe as a portal opening up above the ranch and a Bigfoot type creature stepping out of it these are cattle ranchers this is not somebody who bought it working with the government on black projects or trying to do studies or trying to create a TV show these are just people are trying to raise their cat on a cattle getting killed and weird stuff is happening and they end up selling the ranch because of this is what they say they see and probably wouldn't say that because they would be looked at as weirdos or something yeah this is like Marlboro man dude you're not gonna talk about that right I mean this is you can smoke your cigs and you know take the kettle out um no but yeah I don't there's something very odd happening and and I tend to think that that perhaps as in Genesis 6 6 4 says that all flesh was corrupted and then you take a look at what happens in the conquest of Joshua and God's passing judgment on the giant Clans and wiping out all their animals too why is that happening yeah yes yeah and I think it can go back to there there was a lot of weird stuff that went on and perhaps this is a Remnant and that's probably more likely where I kind of land and yeah it's been a journey Hunter like if you if you would jump to the end and tell me some of the stuff that I would be saying right now like with no I'd be like no what are you talking about but yeah I mean that whole stuff with the whole genocide of the tribes like yeah it makes so much sense and just to give people contacts who are listening who don't know we're talking about um you know in the Bible God command commands these entire races including animals to be devoted to destruction and some people have said maybe they were using dark arts to actually shapeshift into animals and Escape somehow which sounds crazy but you know I think there is hybridizing and or hybridizing yeah that's the other thing because we talked we talk about this on the show Hunter there's like a lot of mythological creatures that are part human and part animal yeah and and then essentially what God does too right it's like uh leave the moabites alone uh push the Canaanites out but these other ones wipe them out wipe them out wipe them out wipe them out and you know what's in this I think honestly this is part of the part of what the modern very much wokish church has a problem with even even in some of the non-workers have a problem with is like why would God sanction genocide right it makes you understand everything is a seed war in Genesis 3 being the original Messianic you know prophecy and then understanding what happens in Genesis 6 and realizing like we're talking about humans talking about how you're trying to keep that pure human DNA right like it it also just really quick sorry Nate but like um if you think about so the power of like Witchcraft and evil stuff is real right and like there are people operating in it today but like most of those people were probably born in like a Christian or almost Christian house and kind of went off and like maybe been looking into it for like three years or something these people have like for Generations their entire culture and Society is like just driving at this how do we like get deeper into these dark arts how do we like perfect that like the way we've done with science those guys were like jumping to Witchcraft and all kinds of crazy Germany yeah so like how powerful could they be you know I mean like it's it's a different ball game well you have you know you have all these stories in the Bible until you have things like the sheep and the goats the wheat and the tares you know your their seed yours my seed right and I think we all heard these things growing up in the church and we always just thought oh that's good people and bad people that's Christians and non-christians and we had a very Elementary view of what that means but I don't know about you but a wheat and A Tear is a two different two different species it's two different different DNA yeah and I think that our show has really exposed that you know um there's there is a war going on between bloodlines and that's where we get it all from you know why do we have such Obsession in ancient history of bloodlines and it doesn't make any sense if we're all humans you know why is Jesus lineage outlined if we're all human beings and Jesus is born a human why does it even matter where he comes from well it did matter because you know and you talk about Noah's Ark and Adam yeah back to Adam yeah why is God selecting certain animals and putting them on on a on a boat and then taking a a specific human and and doing it and Noah being perfect in his Generations yeah yeah there's so much more going on there and I think you know we've we've kind of Taken 50 slices of a different you know and and formed our own little weird pie of proving a lot of these topics you know you can't yeah and that's the hardest part you can't prove these things at any one thing you know we've talked about megalus we've talked about ancient construction we've talked about Mounds in America and creature sightings and and we've looked at all the woo and the weird and all these different areas just to prove that the Giants were a thing you know um you know newspaper clippings and historical accounts and their leftover remains bones architecture all this stuff it takes all that to prove yeah there was this race of Giants and you still have Skeptics you still have a lot of people like oh these guys are nuts dude they're they're not they're not Christians they're they're misinterpreting the Bible and all this other stuff I want to make that point too Nate is that we're not we're not saying anything that isn't in the text right this is what's mind-blowing right is that for thousands and thousands of years this is how the authors and the people that were reading the Bible that was written to believed up through the time of Christ believe this this was the way the universe works this is the way that the world works this is the way that these Realms interacted this is how it is this is what they believed it was only in concept Augustine Constantine and post that that he may have decided that oh that actually isn't what the text that is what text says right the Hebrew and then you go into the Greek translation the Septuagint this is what it says so if this is a problem you mean you're hearing this for the first time this isn't something that Nate and Luke have made up or Tim albarino's or anybody else when it comes to find these things in the biblical text this is actually what it says and what the text means and it is so important that not only we understand why we believe things but where it comes from and what it is and this is the context of the text that defines our faith that is the story of is Tim Albert says of of God restoring Humanity into the family of God and this is what the Bible is right it is God's creation of man and then restoration into his family and but within this text all these things these these paradigms Genesis 6 4 the seed War the genealogy would have with Noah the wiping out the flood the conquest of Joshua it's not only until more much much more modern times that we decided to change the perception or the meaning of some of this based upon cultural political whatever it may be because for thousands of thousands years up to the time of of Jesus that's being Christians Christ this is the way they believe the world worked and this is what it was and this is what happened and it became uncomfortable Giants Smithsonian Giants became uncomfortable that became metaphorical um and everybody doesn't need metaphorical about about Galactus four brothers or the Nephilim or the fact that God had had to wipe out you know the Earth in order to maintain humanity and and and a line for for Jesus so these are not this is not this only feels far out because it's so far disconnected from what the text is it's ignored it is yeah because it's hard to digest and like I said people want to go into church and get a nice feel-good pep talk and and everything's easy and surfacy they don't really want to hear the real stuff some people do and that's why maybe they come to your show or whatever and it's just funny because like providentially today just in my Bible reading completely random not having to do with our podcast but the chapter I was reading was when Saul goes to the witch at Endor and it's like this crazy account that like most a lot of Christians today might just be like oh psychics aren't real or whatever there you have in the Bible like some characters and there's like this very real weird like thing so and that go ahead well I was gonna say like I I almost put this out the other day like in the Bible ancient people they believed in conspiracy theories they believed in government narratives they believed in Ghost Stories these are all you know you and you could prove that in the Bible right they thought Jesus walking on the water they thought it was a ghost so they were telling ghost stories around the fire at night the the government said oh no go get the body and tell them something else happened so there's there's the government there there's psyops happening in the in the Garden of Eden oh well well Gods didn't say this he said that so you have you have all these things that are happening today that some people think that are just like oh don't think that way because then you're just some right-wing crazy guy it's like no no psyops you know government narrative very old and so you intentionally want you to look like that crazy right wing for example the CIA said that essentially they coined the term conspiracy theory in order to essentially squash yeah the counter there the truth what they would call a counter narrative but the actual truth right in order in favor of their preferredness well it's it's it's it reminds me of Back to the Future right when Biff takes the time machine there's a skewed alternate 1985 right and I think that you hadn't people kind of always believing that there is a psyop going on there is there is this weird stuff happening and then all of a sudden we skewed into this this post-enlightenment academic everything's rationally explained reality and now people because of things like the internet and God's just working in the hearts of people and ex and trying to give more truth to people we're coming back into this Supernatural way of seeing the world because more and more people are having experiences with creatures like Bigfoot aliens people are seeing UFOs you can take your cell phone right now go outside and film it at 120 frames per second and then in a couple minutes we've brought a guy on and you can get you can catch UFOs going because they fly outside of the human frames per second and so he brought a guy on and said anyone can film a UFO right now in their backyard with just their phone because now phones can catch her capture things that our eyes couldn't see for thousands of years but now we're there so technology is catching up to the supernatural so to speak and so this podcast is becoming more and more relevant because people having these experiences but that all that skewed alternate 1985 so to speak I think we're kind of coming out of it and we're coming into the age of transhumanism and people are starting to go wait a minute AI is taking over things are happening things are happening that sound a lot like the original rebellion in the Golden Age and and the pre-flood world when you had the height of technology and humans were sort of caught in between these Realms and that stuff who built the pyramids and everything people are starting to watch this stuff and and even Joe Rogan's talking about it even Joe Rogan is saying things that are just starting to blow mines and he's like he's the biggest podcast in the world so yeah if he's talking about it we're starting to see I think we're coming into this convergence of of well what what Narrative of the supernatural do you believe again do you believe that you know like the Great Awakening is gonna happen and we're all gonna you know transcend to humanity 2.0 like a lot of the new agers talk about in the in in sort of the channels behind the surface on in our world or do you believe that you know Christ is the king of kings and we're all made in His image and he's he's calling the chickens home so uh uh I think you're gonna have these dueling narratives and you're gonna have a lot of people deceived when I think eventually whatever they're ramping up at this UFO narrative kind of comes down sorry that was a lot in in one little rant but uh we see all these things happening at the one and it seems to be funneling humans are being corralled and the narratives being pushed on us and I think Luke and I have a heart to tell Christians like hey embrace the weird because it's it's here and it's only getting hotter I mean dude the the whole like wokism thing which I can easily draw a line to like these narratives you're talking about and stuff it's even like creeping into the hunting industry which is crazy it's very very conservative for the most part industry but um certain big conglomerate companies are like starting to get like some transgender propaganda or like some homosexual people into to try to normalize it you know and like I made a post the other day and got a little bit of backlash about it but it's just like I don't it's it seems like this industry that I'm kind of in is one of like the last like bastions it's like not just completely like like infiltrated by like the wokism and all this narrative and stuff yeah but uh it's starting to it's starting to be and uh it's it's strange that's wild yeah yeah well just eating meat there's a whole sign up about eating meat you know yeah I mean I mean it's it's super fascinating to me man just the whole just how it it sounds so cliche and stupid but just how everything is so interconnected and how there really is like good and evil and like there's this struggle and like in the spirit realm there's really no neutral you're either one team or the other you can't sit on the sidelines no there's no there's no watching [Music] yeah one thing to talk about though is like the idea that like you talk about Ephesians saying that we should not participate in the acts of Darkness but expose them because people will come at us and say oh you guys are just you guys just get fascinated you're enamored with the darkness and you know you want to tell spooky stories or talk about you know the dark and it's like no that isn't it at all in in fact I think that's it's it's about exposing your enemy like you said there is there is no neutral ground you don't you don't get to stay neutral and in fact you know neighborhood of Nazi Germany but it was those people that stayed neutral the longest that thought they were going to escape guess what they did they didn't in other words no you uh I think part of what's important about understanding the weird stuff and and the Bible is part of understanding our faith part of understanding the weird stuff surrounding us and contextualizing that understanding those things that are evil is understanding our enemy and because I think that wakes people up for sure you are you were born into a battle and this is there is a there is a cosmic battle that is playing out around us and continues to play around out around us yeah and you can very well as a Christian or as someone who doesn't believe you can absolutely put your head in the sand um and pretend that's not the case but by God if you open your eyes and look around you as you talk about just look at what's what's being pushed on on the media uh whether it be social media or TV print doesn't matter what's being pushing our children you can't help but see there's an agenda that isn't a good agenda no it isn't a anti-god no it absolutely is and once you see that you everything should become binary in that point you know it's good or bad there is no in between and and I think it's as Christians very interesting choice of words there yeah right I mean come on now I've been around a little bit um but I think as Christians we need to be we're not only aware of that but on the offensive yeah in a lot of ways it is it behooves and behooves the kingdom nil for us not to be to take to take hold of our faith and to advance the kingdom well in a lot of ways these subjects have been so ignored for so long it's like we need guys like you that maybe do have to spend an inordinate amount of time you know in there but we need that because there's nowhere else people can find well people people have like a 3D view of reality right so whatever I can whatever I can see taste and touch is exists and you look at us you look at it like a ancient uh his historicals um just time period like like you're saying Nazi Germany right you think about oh it's just a dictator who's trying to take over the world we look at it in the 40s space you look at this guy doing the cult practices and trying to do specific things and you know why is he killing off a certain race of people and what's going on here it's a spiritual thing and so you have these historians on our last hundred years who've there's a crazy psyop going on in terms of if everything is just this rational explanation in the you know everything is is easy but we often say we're an alternate history show because you control the history you control the future and so many people are asleep so this to this other dimension that's happening all around us that influences our dimension and so there is a supernatural War that's been going on God's been interested in human leaders since Donna time when I tell this to my friends all the time they're like how could how could you ever vote for X and Y politician that person I'm like listen listen God uses flawed individuals all the time all he needs is somebody who's willing to do as well which is human flourishing and human Freedom it's always been about human freedom and human flourishing if God's God's going to use the man who's who Christian or not who's going to help humans be free you've been given dominion and domain here we're going to be free so it comes down to you want to go out in your backyard and shoot an animal and provide meat for your family that's if that's a that's about Freedom right they're trying to lock us out of all these things that make us free energy 100. food sources and and you you start to see this 4D world around us and you go everything is spiritual everything's Supernatural and nothing is boring and Luke and I talk about a lot of things that aren't boring like I don't bore me with the Bible don't bore me with this world don't bore me with your theology it wasn't boring then and it's not boring now but you've you've you've you've just created a snooze Fest for your church goers and we're not We're Not Gonna yeah we've dumbed down the miraculous and I touched on this earlier but think about if you as a Christian you believe in a resurrected crisis that came back from the dead there was immaculately conceived like we've we've so whitewashed and and watered down the the miraculous and Cosmic nature of Horror of our faith and to make it seem common or or and as they said I just love what you said man it is there's nothing nothing boring and there's nothing unmiraculous about about our faith or about the God we serve and and again as we as we sort of expose the darkness because light is the is the ultimate equalizer it's what completely exposes that you expose the darkness I mean you realize that this is it is piddly that that we sort of Christ the King on the throne King of Kings right and and His holy spirit lives inside of us so every time we set foot in in the darkness we are declaring war upon that place and we have the Conqueror of of the universe living inside of us like come on now like it it's not stuff we need to be afraid of now do we need to be sure that God's calling us the battles he's calling us to always want to qualify that but this is not stuff to be afraid of this is this is this is about walking in in our as Tim would say in our Birthright in our call and and understanding the word that we are the imagio that we bear the image of the of the Living God and um and I think a lot of stuff becomes a little less scary not not less concerning because it affects us and our families and our children um but less scary because you sort of disarm it when you when you pull when you pull back the curtain yeah you realize man it's the same it's nothing to do in the Sun the same deceptions repackaged yeah repurposed and resold to humanity and it and that you know they use fear in order to keep us in shades yeah 100 yeah I mean I I remember when I first especially when it when you start getting into like you said like the psyops and um just governments and how some of the institutions like in our own government even are um I don't know to put it lightly compromised I guess or you could even say evil and it's hard because like I said you know I love America and I like I'm patriotic but same time it's like and you go into the Smithsonian and I live in DC basically so you go into the Smithsonian and they present Evolution as Stone Cold Fact like every sign in there there's a statue of Darwin in there like um and it's easy to get kind of discouraged but then I kind of felt like the Lord's saying to me like um what makes America great is not the powers and the government because they are in many cases not always but in many cases corrupt but what makes America great is the people of America and that's you know we the people um and I think the vast or the majority of Americans are still good people and even the ones that might be a little misguided but all that to say like how do you guys given that you spend you do spend quite a bit of time dealing with these really heavy topics and stuff um and maybe we can you know we're coming up on over an hour here so I would only respect y'all's time how do you guys um stay positive stay um not too bogged down by all this heavy stuff you have to deal with I mean I I have kids so that always helps you know we just we run around and we play games and you know my kids ask me to do a lot of blurry questions though and um but you know like it's weird I'll be doing this all day long and and getting in these rabbit holes and then I have my kid coming in he's like Dad let's go let's go for a bike ride let's go swimming that's awesome you know let's catch squirrel let's let's go find some turtles at the park you know so it's like next time you catch a squirrel try eating it they're delicious you do not eat tomorrow like kids oh yes my kids have a pet squirrel so he's outside now he just comes and goes on his own but he's he's friendly to but you know what I'm saying is like having kids is helpful because you got to get back into that child like Wonder for sure and you want to protect their innocence and you kind of go like God I need I don't know a lot more prayer a lot more just like God you're right here and I feel overwhelmed I feel afraid I feel confused a lot more Converse conversations with God and I think that's that's helpful and I think all the the ancient you know stories of they had their moments you know they were bored they were walking around the Wilderness they were confused I don't think that any Christian that God used or any person ever knew exactly what God was doing they had an inclination but they didn't know like I don't think Noah knew ever anything really I think he knew he didn't know how the water was coming he didn't know when the water was coming he didn't know necessarily why the water was coming but he had an inclination like oh the water's coming I need to do this thing and he probably struggled yeah probably mentally it was hard for him like what do I he's building this thing he's in year 50 building a boat and he's probably just like pissed and angry and Confused his wife's like well you're still building this thing God's Not Gonna you know yeah usually faith is like a clean Xbox you don't get the next step so you pull the first one out yeah I just think we're human beings having a human experience you know and it's and it's it's all it's just it's not pretty all the time and you know Luke and I are you know we get grumpy like anybody else and we're trying to slog through this stuff and I just think it what it what it really has done for me has just made me realize like I'm just I'm just another guy with my own problems and my own desires and my own things all mixed up into this this human body I'm a spiritual being in this human body and I'm doing my best and yeah I just need to I just need to talk to you more about it because my tendency is to bottle it up deal with it internally and then it comes out in weird ways but the more I just open up and say God I know you're here in the middle of this I'm struggling with this I'm thinking this I you know I'm I'm you know I'm I need your help and I don't understand why and I think that's just all all I've done more because of the show and I think that's all we can do really is try to have more of a a deeper relationship with our creator and that's a good word and and and I think he wants to hear from us and I really think that he I think God cares about every little thing in our lives you know even the silly stuff and I think um that's what's been cool about the show is is I've I've realized that you know all people in the Bible had a hard time there was no one that had a had an easy Road and and in those hard times we learn and we grow a lot so that's what I said that's right then I like that yeah I was Echo Nate I mean it's about having a practice right it's like anything else it's uh I think the more that you you expose what's going on I think some of it can become overwhelming in some ways um but I I think it's about getting backgrounded in understanding you know who you are and who you are is who God says you are and that's that's a small thing but very important thing um and just making making that time in that practice a time where you spend to recharge your loan it's just you um negative time to connect with God and and I think honestly my eyes have been open the same way that a lot of people on this journey have been and understand there's a lot as Nate would say that we're there's a lot of four DHS going on around us and I think the more you see that the more the more you can intentionally prayer pray and ask and be in prayer about the things that are happening around you to you to your family to the people you love to this to your neighbors people you don't know I mean it becomes a lot more evident and um you know I feel like there's a greater responsibility in some ways put on us because of sort of the end the gifts have been given the places that we've been able to go with this and the people we've been able to talk to and so I I don't know I think if you don't if you don't continually plug in um with God I I don't know how just as anybody you know walking through the times we live in and it's probably not unlike a lot of people live in the Roman Empire and had and had bad things happening and said I don't want to make it sound like we we are live do living in a unique time but it's not unique to as we talked about to the the cosmic Battle of Good and Evil that's happened around us right so you know it like Nate said it's like spending time with my son I have an 11 month old son and my wife and um and I think the more that you become awake to to the things that happen around you whether your eyes maybe you wake up your eyes are open I I think it's so so important and helpful to reassess your own your own economy in a sense of putting on top of that on top of that that economy things that matter the most and that should be relationship with God and your family and and not the other things right there's other things sometimes of the things that that are used to pull people away for sure so I think it's a good it's a good healthy perspective and and I know for Nate and I we just want to keep learning so it's about continuing to drive this forward and ask questions and learn more and and try to get deeper and try to and try to understand um and more about this world that happens around us in the context of of the things that we know to be very the only things we know to be true right we live in a time where there are no absolutes and that is such the antithesis of of the economy of God and the personage of God and of the of the biblical text is that there is an absolute truth if we don't ground ourselves there um then it's pretty easy to be blown up any which way as the Bible says the winds could believe any which way if you're not anchored so that's been that's been my thing is is being anchored and honestly the other thing is being grateful and this is going to be a very short aside but like I'm in this weird season of just of Thanksgiving a lot of times Jesus talks about praying and starting by being thankful and I think oftentimes we we get caught up in what's next and not what we don't have especially in the west totally but uh I've been in this in this few months of reflection on I'm being grateful of what's been given and what I do have what's been given to me um and again in the economy our own personal economies it's the things that matter most and and so that's an amazing way to to not have fomo to not to not be to to be content and and to really appreciate your father for the good gifts he's given you is is to recount those things you're grateful for um especially when the Mets you know when you tread in the midst of things that are dark is being like man I'm so grateful for my family my son I've been my wife and my parents and and my church and then I have a house and that you know I've got a truck I can drive I mean these this is Elementary things I think we take for granted and that's such a an amazing paradigm shift to just sit and thank God for those things that he's given to you because I think we take them for granted and that's that's all that's my little tiny soap soapbox but that's kind of where it's great man I'm trying to marinate so yeah that's awesome well yeah he he's a good father and so that's that's you know where we can find Our Hope and he's not going to leave us out in the cold getting tortured by a dog man I don't think right right but uh anyway guys man I could talk to you guys for hours but I want to respect y'all's time and let you get to those families help you let's help you disconnect and and I'm gonna do the same so it's great having you guys really appreciate y'all's time thanks Hunter you have a great name yeah thanks man it's like my destiny man yeah you could be the backup catcher for an MLB team bullpen catcher yeah that's all I get back up catcher you could be a third baseman in the 80s you're still you're still playing every every every every every three days that's pretty good host of a hunting TV show I like that I think we gotta I think we gotta go there yeah no I mean if you I was saying if you weren't a hunter you would you could have been a baseball player I could see that I could see that yeah I can see you could be like an urgent news guy like let's go to Hunter MC Waters there on the scene what do you see I almost kind of went down that path when I was at CBN but um yeah anyway it was good catching up with you guys that wasn't a dig I I like no no no I just love those I love those MLB names you know they're always like Carney Lansford it's like their parents knew my kid's gonna be a baseball player I gotta name him something fun like Austin Cody or something it's like a cowboy name Spike's McGee you know he's just he's gonna play baseball you know yeah that's awesome yeah he's gonna be a NASCAR racer yeah exactly cool well thanks man yeah fun thank you guys I appreciate y'all what's going on dude shot man do you guys hunt at all I like to eat meat I like surprise I've been trying to get someone to take me elk hunting because I loved it okay well Luke I have um I have a Montana General rifle elk tag this year that I'm gonna try to fill and I was gonna try to actually go to Bozeman and meet up with alberino while I'm out there everyone just have a blurry elk Fest that sounds good to me that sounds do you live anywhere near Montana oh you live in Tennessee more Tennessee yeah yeah okay I'm going to I go to Montana at least well I try to go at least once a year to go fishing so I'll be there in September we do know a few portals between Tennessee and and Montana Montana yeah what's happening the old portal yeah we'll go to Mound City we'll see you there yeah are you going do you want to go elk hunting does you actually want to kill an elk or you want to see a UFO abduct in Elk and do experiments on it oh man that's weird yes yes well I'm doing another elk hunt in New Mexico which is a blurry type area and very good elk hunting what's your favorite meat black tail Sitka Blacktail from Alaska really it's those deer have never even seen a farm or a GMO crop every like a pesticide nothing they they live and die their entire lives and only eat natural stuff and the meat is just amazing oh really besides and what about American American meat well that's that's can't that's Alaska so still American but you know um north of traditionally Russian lower 48 yeah traditionally right I mean to be honest they're all good really um mule deer is good they're all good Elk's good Antelope is really good I don't know they're all good I don't only have a favorite to be honest moose I have never actually had moose but I've heard good things yeah the thing is if you if you catch that's more of a Canada yeah we do have a surprising number like when we were in Idaho we saw a insane amount of elks I mean moose sign everywhere like everywhere um we do have a pretty good population of moose in the lower 48 it's a different subspecies of the Alaskan moose but um pretty much any meat if you handle it properly and cook it properly is good what you've never had a bad meat would you eat a sasquatch burger probably if I'll eat anything if it's cooked to be honest but um and some things if they're raw but I have started asking because that is an interesting question if it's an interesting thought experiment that I've been asking a lot of my guests lately is if you saw Bigfoot would you shoot it because if initially you're like oh yeah sure but if you think about it like you would be super famous but you'd also probably like one of the most hated people on Earth if you'd get constant death threats like there's so many weird psychos that come out of the woodwork just trying to kill you and stuff if you don't get disappeared by somebody too because true yeah there's definitely a bunch of stories that that's happened there's a few legendary ones and the names and all this and it's all hotly debated but yeah I mean that's a joke I wouldn't I wouldn't yeah I wouldn't want to kill one and they definitely are more in the human range so it's yeah I don't think I would I don't think I would shoot it I would try to take a picture before I would shoot it I don't think yeah it's almost like it's his own weird I'm just curious about types of meat because because I know that they're coming after the meat sources and I'm like I'm gonna have to become a hunter here eventually because it's gonna be like the underground rail you just like people passing me middle of the night dropping meat off of people's houses and running Stakes there's something very satisfying about sitting around the table watching your family eat meat that you took okay I think it's gonna be illegal I think it's going to be illegal as this well dude the the woke people are trying to make it illegal like like Oregon just banned spring bear hunting it's just like anything else it's a progression they start with the low-hanging fruit and they try to progressively take more and more rights and it's it's a constant fight yeah dude Nate you're gonna stop and they're gonna say are you smuggling meat in your shorts yeah oh yeah it's not even gonna be a joke I know it's not even gonna be funny little they know the gingers it goes all the way back to gen six oh my goodness oh gingers we like to digress as well speaking of speaking of and that is in Stay classy San Diego there there are stories of guys shooting them and then like the government comes and takes them allegedly oh yeah yeah there's been a couple where like you know a couple Hunters have taken them a couple one guy shot one the legendary story shot like a it's like a mom and a couple and then he shot I think he shot a juvenile one stashed it under a tree came back later and it was gone oh man tried to go back and you know pack it out later in the middle of the night because he was afraid that he was gonna get stopped and there's a there's some weird stories of hunters killing him um well game at fish would almost certainly take it because there's been like in Texas they have all these free-ranging like um exotic species and one guy just recently killed like a red stag which is like from I don't even know some other country that would have escaped a ranch and it was on National Forest in Texas and They confiscated it because there was no red stag season and so they would definitely take it but fortunately I've always have like high-powered lenses and huge cameras with me anytime I'm hunting back there so I'll just reach for that instead of the rifle if I ever see him well this is like shoot a few pictures it's a video video there you go yeah I mean the text catching up that's for sure my brother's a hunter that's why I say that because when I was getting into Bigfoot back in 2012 you know he hotly just debated me about this stuff like yes you know I think Hunters are some of the most open and close-minded it's a really mixed bunch of hunters because they're they're the pros I'm out there I know everything you know there's no Sasquatch it's like well you don't know what you're not you don't even know how to look for a thing out there yeah could have you could have passed it so many times and have no clue it's sand right there so people are looking at them and they don't even see it I mean I've seen photos and people send them all the time and you look at it and you look at it for five minutes and finally you're like okay I think I see something there I think I see some eyes but imagine that happened in real life they blend in so well but anyway we could talk all day long about it I just think it's yeah well thanks it is yeah thank you guys how to make Waters appreciate you guys [Laughter] you can start a little like like you're out in the woods and you start your own little like new show out in the middle of the woods I'm Hunter I'm hungry Waters and I'm out here you know yeah Panda watch smells like bigfoots yeah it could be like a tick tock sensation you know you're the only you're the only news reporter in the middle of Wyoming sounds like Indian food a used diaper filled with Indian food love that movie all right all right well thanks man thank you guys [Music]
Channel: The Hunter’s Quest w/ Hunter McWaters
Views: 1,849
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Id: jGz89o49las
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 50sec (5570 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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