Aliens, Nephilim, Bigfoot & the Bible | Guests: Hosts of @blurrycreatures | Ep 698

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aliens and UFOs the Loch Ness monster bigfoot Giants are any of these blurry creatures real and if there is evidence of their existence how would this fit into a Biblical world view well the host of the podcast blurry creatures are here today to help us think through a lot of these things it's a really really interesting conversation that again I wanted to do as we are leading up to Halloween now you guys know my perspective on Halloween is not the same as how the world celebrates Halloween go back and listen to yesterday's episode or watch yesterday's episode if you haven't already caused a little bit of controversy in the comment section of YouTube as there was a lot of Spirited disagreement with what my guest yesterday argued about Halloween but you should also go back and listen to an episode that I did with my mom a couple years ago about how she uses Halloween to celebrate the gospel and to share the gospel with her neighbors to truly be light in a darkness my perspective is that that is possible as Christians I do think this is an issue around which we have a lot of Christian Liberty and that you must apply the word of God with wisdom and with conviction of the Holy Spirit to lead your family and yourself in a way that aligns with beauty and truth I do though think it's possible to bring Redemption to bring light to bring the gospel to Halloween and certain Halloween Traditions without celebrating Gore so uh part of that part of kind of looking at the mysterious looking into the realm of the Paranormal is how I am kind of leading up to Halloween on this show so yesterday we talked about the origin of Halloween the real history of Halloween and today we are looking in this kind of in between world now you will you'll hear in my conversation with these two hosts who are awesome by the way that I've got some questions okay like I've got some serious skepticism about what they're talking about I've got some disagreement and I'm gonna go to the Bible and ask them some questions about how the possible existence of some of these things that are typically referred to as myths would fit into God's word so really really interesting conversation that I know that you all are going to love now before we get into it I got a few things to say number one tonight Wednesday October 26th we are putting out a parody a parody that you have seen a couple times before I did the first parody like this in 2018 the second in 2020 and now the third just in time for the midterms and that is my Democrat DNC ad parody where I act like I am the spokesperson for the Democrat Party and I tell you why you need to vote blue this November and this one in my opinion it's the best that we've done I loved the first two really fun got a really great reaction from you guys but this one is the best we went even farther than we typically do creatively you guys are gonna love it so if you're listening to this on the 26th make sure you check that out it'll be on Youtube it'll be on Instagram it'll be on Twitter if you're listening to this the next day make sure that you go check that out and share it with your friends also two stickers that we are promoting right now that are awesome design team just created one of them is Rip row and it says 1973-2022 a little Tombstone as we celebrate the death of the Supreme Court decision that allowed for the legal Slaughter of unborn children for 49 years and then we've also got this vote sticker they're both five dollars buy them buy several share them with your friends share the vote stickers with your friends it's a good conversation starter make sure your Christian conservative friends understand why voting matters make sure that they are informed maybe you are the leader in your friend group in your Bible study in your family in your group text that informs people about what the propositions are what the measures are what the local elections are and are for in your area you make sure that they are informed you make sure they know what's at stake you give them a little sticker take them with you to vote it'll be a fun time early voting opens in most places you can vote day of of course two all right I think that's all I have uh if you love this podcast please leave us a five star review wherever you listen Spotify Apple podcast Google Play If you haven't subscribed on YouTube yet please do that that would mean a lot to us all right this episode is brought to you by our friends at good Ranchers go to Ally That's Ally all right now without further Ado here are our new friends from blurry creatures foreign Luke thank you so much for joining us whoever wants to answer this first question go for it tell us what blurry creatures is and why you guys started that podcast uh blurry creatures is a podcast we talk about all kinds of The Fringe creatures everything from Bigfoot to you know werewolf creatures to historical creatures Ancient Giants um I had the idea in 2019 to do a podcast about this because I was remodeling houses and I was listening to I didn't want to listen to anything you know political or Sports so I started listening to podcasts about Bigfoot and stuff and eventually I just got I got sucked into it so um around 2019 designed a logo got the website and everything and then Luke and I were friends uh via some other friends and he was tweeting about Bigfoot one day and I was like hey I got this idea start a podcast you want to do it with me because I knew Luke did a podcast with his brother and he knew how to do podcasting so we decided to start a Bigfoot podcast with uh all filtered through the biblical Paradigm and it just kind of took off and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into but we talk a lot about ancient history Biblical history the Nephilim Giants and uh and Bigfoot and all that stuff so it's blurry creatures can be anything we have a the list of creatures is getting longer by the day um it's pretty interesting we thought maybe you know I don't know how many podcast episodes we can do about this but man there's so many creatures out there that are considered blurry and blurry's kind of become its own sort of adjective of of what we talk about and it's it's funny people are like this is blurry and they'll send us a picture of something that's like some sort of weird anomaly that's out there some sort of UFO so we talk yeah we get into aliens and UFOs and all that other stuff too but we try to filter it all through the biblical Paradigm so that's that's kind of how it started and yeah we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into so yeah so you mentioned that word blurry Luke could you tell us like what exactly is meant by blurry creatures because before I listened to the podcast I had no I had no idea what it was going to be about all the people that recommended it to me they did not even tell me they just said you have to listen to this so I didn't know what to expect so tell us like why you picked that name blurry creatures yeah you know it comes out of it's tongue-in-cheek right it's the idea that like all these pictures of of Bigfoot end up blurry for whatever reason so there's a uh there's actually a a joke I think it's Mitch Hedberg Nate that yeah where he talks about the idea that the Bigfoot always has blurry creatures it's meant to be kind of funny um but I think what the the idea with with the show itself is that people have experiences they can't explain people have encounters with things they can't explain and if you come from a Christian perspective there's a lot of things like like that that you a lot of people have trouble putting into their their Christian Paradigm and I think the church really doesn't address a lot of what the world calls paranormal and the Paranormal world out there it doesn't really address any of it through the context of of the church or Christianity and so because we're Christians one of our one of the things this has turned into is is trying to put all these things into a Biblical Paradigm that this stuff does all fit that you can't explain these things through through the understanding of the Bible and the Old Testament and and our faith and that's become kind of the Common Ground like Nate said that we we started out just to kind of figure out what was Bigfoot going to be and it's really a journey podcast it's it's it's taken us into a lot of different places but what I think we're really trying to do is provide context for a lot of things that people are experiencing we know the government is just really in the last year has started to publicly recognize what they call uaps of course they changed the UFO moniker to UAP right because UFO has all of these these stigmas attached to them right yes exactly so what's UAP unidentified aerial phenomena aerial oh okay got it so there these things are happening and I don't think the church has done a great job of of addressing any of this right maybe there aren't great answers and that's really what Nate and I are trying to do is to try to find better answers yeah um you know through with with our foundation as with our foundation as our faith and so for whatever reason it's resonated with a lot of people I think that that are that our faith and that Christianity is big enough to Encompass all of these things and there are explanations for all of this in the biblical text and in in the biblical narrative and that's that's what getting blurry is all about right yeah well I'm curious to hear more specifically about the alien UFO issue because I have been asked that as you said there's been more coverage on this over the past couple years there have been some people in the media and the News mostly conservative which is kind of interesting um just saying okay do we have any priority to try to identify what these UFOs are there have been sightings and so people have asked me could it be possible theologically for their to be life on other planets like what could these UFOs be if it's not some kind of spying device from say China and so how have you guys worked that out biblically like is it possible biblically with what we know about the universe and who God made for there to be a different life form on another planet yeah I mean we I mean the Bible talks about this specifically like we talk about a lot about Genesis 6 event if you read Genesis 6 through through the sort of the what the Ancients read it as is that you had Angels coming into our realm and and messing with human beings and they traded women for technology and so we talk about the Genesis 6 event in sort of the biblical Paradigm that most seminaries kind of interpreted as something completely different so what we try to do is say hey this isn't a new thing um anything extraterrestrial is just an off-earth entity right human beings have been given domain Dominion here on Earth by God but anything else Angels other entities that are in sort of the the Heavenly court is what we talk about because the Bible talks about all kinds of strange things right and anything that's not that wasn't given to Dominion here on Earth would technically be an E.T so it's not a new thing it's been happening and to talk about it in Genesis it's just sort of the government has reframed this and Hollywood has reframed this as alien but anything not human is technically alien does that make sense so the Bible has a lot of these encounters you know all throughout the Bible ain't these angels that are not from here are interacting with human beings and I think so you're saying aliens are aliens how we see them like E.T type thing like is you're saying that they're actually encounters with angels like angels are these or what people are referring to as aliens I think sometimes I don't think always I think sometimes encounters with non-human entities technically are if you if you take the word ET it's extra extraterrestrial right so non-earth entity would Angels would fall into that category but in terms of like the hollywoodized version of an alien you know we'd have to get down to specifics are we talking about the gray aliens are we talking about you know who's flying the UFOs sometimes it's all the above you know it's like who is crafting who is flying these craft it's it's complicated but I think you have to sort of get Christians to understand that like you know non-earth entities have been coming here and interacting with human beings and it's in the Bible and you can it's you can support it through scripture and make it and you have to start there and then kind of work your way up to modern day encounters does that make sense it's it's hard to convince somebody from the beginning of just saying oh aliens are here but and then they're like wait I've never heard of anything like this we're like we have to go back to Genesis and read some of these more obscure accounts and actually understand that this isn't anything new technically speaking okay I'm so excited to tell you about my first sponsor for the day I've talked to you about them once before and that is range leather this is a family owned business that makes amazing leather goods right here in the U.S the owners of range leather Kyle and Bailey started their leather company from their kitchen table with the goal of making leather goods that last forever and guys I love their stuff I wish I were wearing their leather earrings uh that they sent me a couple months ago right now I don't know why I'm not wearing them I love them I wear them all the time I've got them in Black I've got them in Brown I love their leather bags they sent a leather wallet truly amazing high quality stuff I love that they're cushion conservatives just like us they've been fans of relatable for a long time and they sent me some stuff and they said we just want to kind of bless you with our stuff and then they become a sponsor and I'm just so excited to tell you about them we talk a lot about sending our money to companies that are supporting our values and to people that align with our values and principles this is a great way to do that Christmas is coming up and the purses the bags the belts the wallets the jewelry from range leather would make amazing really thoughtful gifts for people in your life men or women you can receive 15 off your first order when you go to use coupon code Ally That's code alley for that 15 off your first order code alley foreign would be like where that fits into the creation account because these are not animals and they're not he they wouldn't be human beings made in the image of God so like what are they where do they fall in the in the creation categories they're not included I would guess in God's Plan of Redemption through Christ since they're not image bearers and so or but if they're not Angels because you said only sometimes you think these interactions are with angels and sometimes they're not I have a hard time fitting that into my understanding of creation and God's Eternal Plan of Redemption for human beings what are these like other human sub-human things you know I just don't have like a theological category in my mind to put them in Luke what do you think no I think that's a great that's a great question I think that the Bible in and of itself is the story of of God redeeming Humanity unto himself and and redeeming Humanity back into the family of God but we know that we know from the Bible that there are angels there are hosts of Heaven There is there are fallen angels there are there's a diversity of creation as you would imagine that it isn't on Earth that's that is in the in the spiritual realm if you want to use that term the spiritual realm or in the heavenlies and we know that there was a rebellion in heaven we know that from job that when the Earth was created the the Angels the Angels cheered the Angels stood and watched so there is a a kingdom of heaven that uh that I think we can understand in the same way that we have the diversity of creation on Earth there's a diversity of Creation in heaven and these are you know Angels is a medieval term right it's the idea of Angelos is is is a messenger and I think in some ways we've simplified a very diverse spiritual realm like we we know from I think the darkness is the easiest way to kind of understand that there's a lot of weird things that are are bad in the spiritual realm and I think you know from people's experiences with the Demonic and and even some of these these creatures we know are bad nefarious sort of evil things that you can have quite a diversity of you know of creation spiritual yes so I I think that the idea that we limit um in the Bible doesn't tell here's the other thing Ali the Bible doesn't talk a lot about that the Bible is specifically about our story right there are breadcrumbs Nate talked about Genesis 6 and the idea that there was though these the sons of God you go back to the Hebrew right Hebrew and it's Elohim and you can find this same word um in Psalm 82 and you can find it in in Deuteronomy 32 the the there are specific terminology for Spiritual Beings these what we call the Angels the sons of God but it's very broad brush and I think we've just we've sort of decided because of medieval art because of the Renaissance art that that these things have wings they look like this and this is the only way they look like and we've really just just created two things it's like demons are really gnarly looking and and nasty and they do this and angels have wings and they're and they're white but then you read Revelation and John describing what he's seen and it's like there's some crazy stuff out there there's four heads and there's right there's flaming there's flaming beans that you know that even that God placed at the Gate of Eden when we were when we were booted out um yeah so I I think we need to open our mind in some ways to to if there is diversity of creation here on Earth we can look around and look at my window and see trees and deer and cows and horses and and creation is is immensely diverse I think oftentimes we you know as Earth and as on Earth it is is in heaven this idea that that I think we really limit we're putting a limit on God to think that there's just like one set of this and one set of that when it comes to the Heavenly realm um so they're saying they can't they're just the your answer to my question of like where it falls in line with the creation categories is that in in y'all's mind These Are Spiritual Beings these aren't like a subcategory of humans or animals that these are somewhere in the spiritual realm right and we don't know exactly where and we don't know exactly what they're doing but it is possible that these are Spiritual Beings that at some point have interacted in our Physical Realm yeah yeah and we talk a lot about that on the show about how originally that's where the Giants came from so if you look back in the in you know the Old Testament you have David and Goliath is the most popular story of humans interact you know David and this giant well that's just one tribe and there's there's literally dozens of tribes in the Old Testament of these these Giants and if you look back historically speaking these angels bred with humans and that's the that's how the Hebrews viewed that Giants got here they were hybrids they were they were they were not supposed to be here but they were part human part Angel and that's the men of renown and a lot of people say that's what the Greeks were writing about the Greek gods these these half man half half angel demigods and so that was their way of recording the history but the Bible talks about it too calls them the men of renown in Genesis and and that's why the flood came the flood the flood was a part of resetting Humanity to give Humanity back the Dominion here on Earth because he had corrupted creation and so we talk about how in plants animals humans everything was corrupted that's why God floods the world it isn't because humans are just particularly sinful at this gen this generation it's like the whole world was genetically corrupted and it sounds Fantastical it sounds crazy but it's it's it's very much how the Ancients viewed the world and it's the biblical story and what we do is we say hey people are still seeing these creatures today people are still saying weird things people having sleep paralysis episodes where things are coming into their room and they're swearing to us and that this isn't physical entity coming and interacting with me what is it people see Bigfoot out in the woods people see werewolf creatures people see all kinds of stuff people see these uh UFOs flying around how do you explain this through the biblical Paradigm well I think we've just sort of lost the magic and The Whimsy of this whole story right like God created human beings put him on this Earth but we're not the center of the story you know we there's so much else going on around us and there's this war that we were sort of Born Into between you know heaven and hell we're kind of in the middle of it and sometimes we see sort of the the effects of this war if that makes sense like we're you know we don't know always what's going on but God has sort of protected us behind the veil to seeing all these things but there are some Christians out there who swear they can see behind the veil and they can sort of see these these um different creatures in different entities that that God has has that's sort of interacting around us and it's it's pretty amazing how many people have a story of something paranormal or weird so like Luke said in the beginning like what we do is there's a lot of church and Theological podcasts that are afraid to get paranormal and there's a lot of paranormal podcasts that are afraid to get theological and what we do is kind of put those things together and say look the Bible is strange it's got a lot of weird stuff in it and that's okay and and the weirder is in our mind is the more important if it's weird it's important there's something there and I I love that about scripture is it doesn't it's not PC it doesn't tiptoe around anything it it allows you to be an adult and says here's a weird thing deal with it yeah and I think the church a lot of times just tiptoes around those things oh you can't talk about that it's too strange but I don't think ancient people were afraid of complicated ideas and thoughts I mean and we talk a lot about you know the ancient world what were they building pyramids and all these structures and how do they do that and and we filtered all through the biblical Paradigm give a lot of people answers because they're going to a lot of people are seeing the proof that the ancient world isn't what we're being taught in school and historically speaking and they're getting sucked into like Ancient Aliens and all these other weird UFO religions and so what we're saying is no no this all fits into the the Paradigm that the Christian Bible gives you and Jesus is redeeming all of this and this is why you need a savior because the kingdom of darkness is so much bigger and darker than you can imagine and this is what Christ saves you from yeah and and it's it's weird how like talking about a creature that you seek and you can work yourself backwards and and you're like okay I saw this thing when I was a kid I've thought about it my whole life I've always been confused but now I understand that this is just one creature in a line of um weird weird unexplained things all right let me tell you about good ranchers you know them you love them or maybe you don't and if you don't what in the world are you doing why aren't you getting your meat from good ranchers why are you still going to the grocery store every week to try to figure out what is a good cut of meat and what's not you look at the stickers on the meat that says Made in the USA not realizing that that probably just means packaged in the USA this meat 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Earth that we haven't been able to identify clearly not blurly but clearly and identify because we kind of feel I think as humans maybe it's hubris or maybe it's just technology we feel kind of like we're at the end of Discovery we're at the end of History basically like we're at the end of Conquest when of course we know that's not true even if we're just looking at science there are new discoveries that we find every day that correct things that we used to see and so I I do agree that I think we have to open ourselves up to the possibility that there is a lot even just here on Earth that we have not discovered or know about I think about the Loch Ness monster I studied abroad in Scotland and so we talk about it but of course you talk about it like a joke you don't you don't ever talk about the real possibility and basically just what we hear is that yeah there have been some blurry pictures or there have been some sightings that people thought was really the Loch Ness monster but then it turned out to be like a giant fish or something so I'm wondering if y'all maybe you Luke if you could talk a little bit more about specifically the Loch Ness monster since I like Scotland I'm interested and I'm interested in that one like is it possible for there to be a Loch Ness Monster hey yeah I want to go back to one thing real quick sure um that that I think is important to remember and we talk about the spiritual realm and we specifically talked about Genesis 6 um there was a very physical interaction there in order in order to procreate right like I mean this is a family show but like this is this happened a little bit specifically more what when y'all said Genesis six a couple times but there's lots of people that don't know what you're referring to so what are you talking about the Genesis 6 4 is that the sons of God saw the daughters of men saw they were fair and they took them as wives and then there were giants or however the translation is Nephilim Born Into the land and so there's there is a very real physical interaction between the sons of God which in the Hebrew is the Elohim Ben Elohim is actually the Hebrew word and in that word Elohim is interchangeable in in the in in the Hebrew but it doesn't refer to men so this isn't there's no way to to move this around switch this around and say that this isn't anything but um a Heavenly being a spiritual being but look there's a very physical interaction here and we see this throughout the Old Testament whether it be um the angel of the Lord coming and eating with Abraham the angel of the lord wrestling with Jacob the Angels walking into Sodom and Gomorrah right these are yeah as much as we talk about the spiritual realm and the idea these are spirits there's very much of physicality to these beings um in our realm here when they visit our realm and I think that that when you start to look at things like that and realize that there had to be these physical interactions it wasn't just spiritual in the sense that we the way we imagine a spirit world um I think that can change the way that we look at things like UFOs and the way that we look at things um interactions with other other things that don't really fit into our you know our Earth Paradigm in the sense of of the things that we that we've been told or taught um so that that is what I'm referring to with Genesis 6. it's it's a small part of the Bible but there's a very significant thing that happens there and yeah and and it sets off a big series of events you have these hybrid beings Giants and we know that there are stories across every civilization we know that they found giant bones up until the 1930s where that all of a sudden they got whisked away and they're no they are no more um yeah these were these are part of our history they end up in the Bible in a ton of places including the most famous with the native talked about David and Goliath right like they have these these are these hybrid beans so yeah yeah then so you're referring to you said the sons of or sons of God saw the daughters of man were attractive they came together and then Nate what you were talking about earlier was like genetic corruption on Earth and so God says that the Earth is corrupted he saw the wickedness of man was great on Earth and every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and so God decided to spare Noah and his family and of course some of the animals and send this flood to destroy the Earth so it wouldn't have the creatures that you're talking about wouldn't they have been destroyed like if they weren't animals and only Noah's family was preserved what happened there so it says they were there before and after you know and they said there were giants in the earth in those days before and after that so some survived somehow and some people think that maybe they could have gone underground maybe they could have gone off Earth and come back maybe there was another were on Earth in those days this is verse four and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of man they bore children to them these were the Mighty Men Who were of old that's men of renowned as you were talking about earlier oh yeah it says the men over now um yeah and so yeah that's that's interesting I have never noticed that and also afterward before yeah but it has to be right you have you have Goliath that's post flood so you have a giant and how does that happen mostly taught that that's just a really tall person I feel like in church I think we're typically just you know we're told that he's tall yeah but it's it's don't you think it's interesting though that like if you think about it from and this is what a lot of my friends get Hang-Ups on in the Old Testament they don't understand the violence in the Old Testament why is there why is God commanding Joshua and Caleb and these other you know Israelites to go out and wipe out these tribes every last woman and child and their animals you have to ask yourself some questions and so so many people abandon their faith because they go God is just this in the Old Testament is he's commanding his people to kill it's like well they're not human and if you think about it from that perspective it's like they're not supposed to be here and all the all of the enemies of Israel you think we're not human I think they were corrupted genetically corrupted lines of these Nephilim and they were they were practicing you know Witchcraft and and sorcery and they were they were corrupted Beyond just like your typical you know understanding of like like human beings that just reject God I think that's different than some of these ancient tribes I think they had like we've talked about on our show that they were practicing you know they were practicing types of sorcery and that were that were beyond our scope beyond our understanding to the point where they were corrupting themselves they were doing things that were so far outside of of God's law that they had to be exterminated that's what I that's what I think the Old Testament is trying to explain it's hard it's hard for even me to say that but you you have these Commandments of them supposed to wipe these people out and if you think about it from like just human on human interaction that seems pretty counter to when Jesus comes and says love your enemies like what you know what I'm saying that's a big hang up for most people that theologically speaking the flood's a big hang up Sodom Gamora is a big hang-up um you know these these wars in the Old Testament are a big hang up but if you think about it that there are these these corrupted there's a corrupted creation that's that's sort of spawned on the earth and God is trying to sort of redeem Humanity like you said in the beginning of the episode we are creating the image of God and they hate that I think some of these tribes that were hybrids were not they they didn't have souls or something they were not part of God's plan they were not supposed to be here and they were they were like parasites on the Earth I know it sounds Fantastical but there's so much historical evidence for these things to have been here and if you look back at the tribes even some of these giant tribes they're described their physical traits are even described you know and you have like like the legendary giants like OGG who had this bed that was like 15 feet long and what's he doing you know it's like they practice occult Magic and they were doing things that were so corrupt that they had to be wiped out that's kind of what I I think the Old Testament is trying to tell us that's interesting I mean go ahead go ahead I would say not not 100 out of 100 I I think when you look at like the Philistines in these different places but I think the conquests of Joshua were they going to promised land they make the spies come back and say there are giant people there they're a giant there are giants there and everything else is giant there that that is some of what God got his passing judgment I think it makes a lot more sense when you realize that that these were products of you know of the Fall the Fallen Angels you know creating their own progeny yet again doing the same same thing you know after the flood and yeah I think that's how we get Giants now we know that Goliath and his brothers were mercenaries for the Philistines so you know it's probably not the Philistines were probably not a giant tribe but they employ Giants to you know to fight on their behalf we know that David battle Goliath so I think there's context there and what we're trying to say there's context here to understand God passing judgment and we know that the New Testament that that through the sacrifice of Jesus that God takes a different stance toward Humanity um but I think this the idea that Genesis 6 is a product of Genesis 3 which is which is When God says that the seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpent basically basically prophesying the coming of the Messiah which we know to be Jesus and what what happens after that and plays out through the Old Testament we believe in in our Biblical worldview that that the darkness is trying to prevent the Messiah coming through a the line every way possible the line of Adam yeah and the way to prevent anything come from the line of Adam is to muddy that with the DNA of the of the Fallen Angels and and you can see this thread being pulled right it's it's Noah being saved he's the he's the last righteous one whether that be his righteous in heart we also maybe maybe that completely is righteous and pure in blood that he hasn't been corrupted by you know by an outside DNA and we know that Darkness can't create here's the other thing Darkness cannot create anything from nothing only God creates they can only manipulate and because of what we see in the Old Testament um we talk about the physicality we just talked about there had to be the ability to mix of these dnas it's the Bible specifically talks about it so there's some phys there is definitely physicality to these to these beings okay quick pause to tell you guys about Birch gold group I don't have to tell you that inflation is out of control thanks to the spinning of our federal government it has just gotten worse you feel it in your pocketbook and Joe Biden is only making it worse with every spending decision that he makes so you want to make sure that your savings are protected text Ali to 989-898 and Birch gold will send you a free info kit on protecting your savings with gold in a tax sheltered account these are great people with almost 20 years experience converting IRAs and 401ks into precious metals IRAs do not allow this Administration this crazy economy to devalue your savings text Ally to 989 898 claim you're free no obligation info kit from Birch gold you can check it out you can learn about it that's Ally to 989-898 foreign thinking about Genesis 6 and naphalum but you're saying the sons of God are actually Fallen Angels right so yeah demons they're the ones who are creating so why do you think they're called sons of God if these are fallen angels well the sons of God is the Elohim it's it's it's the Angelic race so some angels left their posts they were called the Watchers and they left you know they were they left their post came down into our room so they were just angels that interacted with women so they were you know as you can like like what does an angel look like how does how do humans interact with angels in the Bible there's no difference right but they came they sort of left their job I think Angel is you know for what we talk about on our show is that the Heavenly Court God gives everyone jobs right so some angels have jobs the seraphim the cherubim these people they had these people I say people I meant these angels have a specific title and it is always usually described to what they do supposedly there was 200 Watchers that were what they were supposedly you know guardians of humanity watching Humanity they came down and they they left their post they made a deal and left and they came down on you know a lot of the ancient Traditions they landed on Mount Hermon and they they were given they basically traded technology and knowledge for these women they lusted after women what do you mean treated technology so from the Heavenly Realm um like you know the occult Sciences and Luke and I talk about this the sacred Sciences you know like the mystery schools all the like the occult sciences that things like Metallurgy and all these things they taught us how to go to war with each other how to mine medals how to how to do all these things how did human how did humans learn how to build stuff how do we learn how to you know manufacture tools and and where do we get this knowledge from it was like a sacred knowledge and that's the that's the Genesis uh account right like oh you could be like the gods you can have this knowledge so we got seduced and we were sort of created in this this immoral State and and we were in the garden and then the serpent comes along and says you want to be like God you want to know that you want to have the knowledge and I think that these so you think that that uh human being's ability to like innovate technology is actually a part of the Fall I think I think yeah I think that I think there are certain not all of it go ahead no I would say the I I think it's the acceleration I think what and we've had we've run through this this is a very this is an interesting topic if you want to run through the genealogy everybody wants to doesn't want to slog through the genealogy of the Bible but when you do you can line up a lot of the this person was the father of Metallurgy this person was the father of animal husbandry this this person did this and it lines up pretty well with with what the event on you know on the Genesis 6 event um so it's not that we don't have the ability to innovate we absolutely do we're creating the image of God we we're we are given we create and we are told to that we had dominion over this over this place to take the Earth and subdue and subdue it take the earth and subdue it right we absolutely have that but what I think happened is that there there had to be a transaction um and part of that was the sharing of of knowledge to accelerated and that was interesting is you can look at the historical record and there are I think the one that's really really fascinating is is the discovery of like quebecular Tepe in Turkey if you're not familiar with this discovery it is um one of the oldest if not the oldest civilizations or civilization City that's been discovered and it's super complex and it and it comes at a time that the historical record would say that we were hunter-gatherers and we weren't we weren't agrarian and out of nowhere massively complex Temple complexes and religious circles and a huge Stone City is discovered and it doesn't really make sense like how did these people who were just doing you know we're father following you know herds of animals and and not not agrarian not farming all of a sudden create all of this um civil civilized creation technology so we we surmise and it's our opinion um but there I think you can find it in the biblical text that there was at least at the very least a transaction of ideas that that these fallen angels that came from you know came and sinned with the you know sin against creation um that there was a transaction of technology and I and ideas that accelerated our own our own arc um yeah it sounds very science fiction and crazy but it's in it's in the text you can go and you can you can read the original Hebrew and that's what the Elohim thing is very interesting right because like they didn't alluded to earlier there's a lot of seminaries that would like to teach that these are the sons of Seth or this was the line of Cain but when you go to the the original Hebrew like Elohim doesn't work for that this was specifically the Ancients specifically understood this wrote this and to to be that these were of the Angelic race that came and they created the South Giants were created it wasn't just because they were big people and like Keynes people were big people and cess people were big people and that's what happened it's it's a very uh it's a very new like post you know post-academic Paradigm idea and not an ancient one um yeah I know we were talking about Loch Ness and so I'm sorry I know we kind of maybe I'll I'll look back to that but I am curious about so do these like hybrid creatures in y'all's opinion that you say that Israel was kind of was being called to defeat and inflict violence against because they weren't fully human because they had reproduced with the Fallen sons of God like do you think that those hybrids still exist today oh man that is so that's what that's where our show has kind of gotten to because there's a lot of people don't want to talk about Satanic ritual abuse and all the things that happen underground and all the things that happen in the remote parts of our world and what's going on with you know strange places in the world where the elites are doing certain occultic ceremonies and like like specifically just like human trafficking taking people you know the sacrificing you know people to the gods right that was what the Ancients used to do but a lot of people say that still goes on today like these these are cult practices that have been going on since the dawn of time basically the Old Testament never went away it's just gone underground it's just it's just moral word it's behind the scenes you just don't know what's happening so there are technically I mean that's what we talk about Bigfoot is is this creature that's out in the woods that people still see today what is it where does it come from is it some sort of corrupted creation that goes all the way back I mean you're talking thousands of credible Witnesses every year see this creature and so that's the most that's probably the most interacted with creature that doesn't fit into the scientific Paradigm you know what I mean um people still say there's Giants on remote places like in the swamps of Louisiana or the Solomon Islands these Giants were sort of pushed to remote areas and people still say they they interact with them like they're supposedly Giants on Solomon Island are still taking people and there were like giant museums there was places in like Catalina Island where there were people who ran museums or you could see these bones you could see the giant skulls they dug them up and they were they were in remote parts of the world and they were on display until like you know sometimes up in the 60s and then they just all of a sudden vanish but you can see these these skulls these elongated skulls these giant schools that are not a lot they're not cradle headboarded skulls in places like Peru where you know those governments aren't as they're not as active as ex you know getting rid of the narrative that we have here in in the West in America where anything doesn't fit evolution is sort of swept away so if you discover something that sort of proves this you know Biblical history it gets its loss it's M.I.A it's gone it gets swept away but there are little accounts where you can see remnants of where these beings their bones are being showcased but so we start with Bigfoot and we say Bigfoot is is this weird anomaly this creature that people still see today what is it where does it come from well people just want to get weird and say oh I had this weird experience and then I can't make sense of it but we're like okay well this fits into this has to fit into the to God's creation this has to fit into the Bible all this stuff that people are experiencing has to fit into it so you've heard the term better safe than sorry and I would say that is a very true motto especially when it comes 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are the uh at you know at the expense of children um are you saying that this is being perpetrated by people who are not fully human that are this hybrid of fallen angels and human beings well I that's a that's like a whole podcast episode in itself but what what gave what gave the the Ancients the ability to rule right so the Pharaohs they would say that their ancestors were part of this you know this this bloodline and they had this these Long Heads if you look at some of the the uh hieroglyphs why do they have these huge heads and why did they why were they depicted as 10 foot tall and why did they have the ability to rule so a lot of people come on our show and say yeah it's some of these royal bloodlines go all the way back and they could trace their DNA lineage all the way back and that's why like Luke was saying about the lineage of Christ you know they have every single human being that comes all the way through the line Bloodlines are a huge part of the Old Testament huge part of the Bible and that's why Christ coming from you know Abraham to David all the way down is such an important part of the scripture so I think human beings don't read the DNA or the genetics into the biblical story but it's all throughout and it's a big part of it and I think ancients understood that so perhaps some of these Elites can tie their their royal bloodlines all the way back to some of these uh hybrid entities it sounds crazy but there's a lot of people who believe that um we more ask questions on our podcast and let our listeners decide uh we don't we're not we're not like too conspiratorial we're just like hey this we we follow the science and and the evidence to say that yeah these giant races existed they were they were all over the world they were building pyramids all over the world building all kinds of megalithic structures that humans don't even know how to recreate today and Luke was alluding to some of that you know they were building Stones so they're that are two tons and they're perfectly put together and no one knows and their seismic they can withstand earthquakes how do they do this in the ancient days if like Luke said if they're just hunter gatherers well they had Advanced Knowledge from somewhere where do they get it well you look at the Bible they get it from these entities these Fallen Angels they get they told them how to do this stuff and it's and look we interviewed um some theologians like Dr Dr Michael Heiser and he says this is why God gives the law to the to to his people because they don't know how to they don't know how to worship him because they've been so corrupted by these occult um tribes all around them I mean the Israelites are getting seduced daily to go over to these other you know occult um countries and practice what they're doing because they're they're seeing stuff happen they're they're interacting they're they're having experiences that are you know that are seductive and and then you think about one of the community like God says to have no other gods before me like if the gods don't exist why would he say that you know so there are lesser entities around that are seducing people in the Old Testament and that's An Inconvenient Truth for a lot of Christians because they they have a very monolithic understanding of the spiritual world does that make sense yes I guess I'm thinking I I don't necess six and so that's why I think this conversation is really interesting because it does have my wheels turning on what a lot of these words mean I guess I'm thinking though when we're talking about sex trafficking or Epstein island or things like that and the possibility that these people could have like a bloodline I mean I do find that to be just listening in Fantastical and a little conspiratorial and my first thought is well human beings have capacity for that kind of evil human beings have capacity for witchcraft for sex trafficking for rape for all of the terror the deepest grossest atrocities that most of us can't even imagine human beings have the ability to do that without being some kind of hybrid and one of the reasons one of the evidences of that is that there are people who repent of those things who Christ regenerates and reconciles to God through the cross and so if those people were like half demonic it's hard for me to understand how God could save someone out of that if you're saying that basically these kind of hybrids maybe they didn't have a soul they don't have a soul and that's why God said to destroy them but we have seen people come out of the kind of behavior that you're saying is maybe perpetrated by half human half demons and be reconciled to Christ and become Christians that wouldn't be possible for someone without a soul so I guess like I don't know the answer but I don't have to believe in some kind of like hybrid creature in order to know that evil is perpetrated by full on image bearers of God every day yeah but I think I think the question is is why okay if evil exists now and evil existed then then why did God flood the world that would be my question to you then why did God flood the world then if the evil that you know we see all over the world and sex trafficking all the atrocities are happening why did God follow the world then and not now because he promised that he he promised that he wouldn't and he will he I mean he will destroy his enemies in the end and like he will uh he will rule in perfect peace and righteousness ever more and he will destroy Sinners he will destroy his enemies again in the end but he did promise that okay here on Earth until he until that moment until Christ comes to avenge uh his church like I'm not going to destroy the Earth again I'm not saying that we are less evil than we were in Genesis 6 because it sounds like you know all the intentions of a man's heart we even see in Romans 1 that sounds just as bad as Genesis 6 and yet God has mercy God has mercy God has Mercy over and over again but there will come a day when he doesn't have mercy on sin I I personally don't see the need for like the hybrid thing to understand that that's I'm not saying I have it figured out but just well no I'm not I don't think I don't think they're like you know like it's so obvious that it's it's like everyone's secretly a hybrid who's who's committing evil around the world I'm just saying a particular judgment was placed on the world back then because what I think you had is God gets involved when his creation is getting corrupted all the way down to what he designed human beings to be so if you think about it from the flood perspective God takes his animals and his human and restarts things so it's not just an evil thing you know you know I mean it's it's that God created human beings to be here God created his animals his his creation and what they did and what Satan does is he corrupts he distorts he manipulates so he does take people in present day and he he uses his evil influence to flourish the minds and get in the minds of these Elites to get them to do terrible things but they are still human Elites what do you mean um just just like if you like like the well I mean if you know a lot of the what people say is like the new world order the people that are behind the scenes people who are like these old dinosaurs who are you know meeting behind closed doors and secretly run the world I don't know that's that's more conspiracy we don't really talk about that a lot in our show but you know the the the people like you've seen it in the last two years we're like you have entire societies you know uprooting and rallying around it for freedom and that their their politicians are still stuck to like no we're gonna go with this narrative and you got to think like who is controlling this person because obviously the people don't want whatever they're pushing and so on our show a lot people just send us things all day long about you know you know behind the scenes all kinds of weird stuff from creatures to conspiracy theories so we just get we're in this little weird world the world we get so much information from people who are digging and exploring but that's not really what our show is about but it sometimes it dips into those Lanes if that makes sense so I'm just trying to explain more like I think you know about your evil question like I do think that humans are evil but I think that abortion today has been rebranded as a choice but it's the same exact thing as sacrificing your kids to the Gods in the ancient world does that make sense like like the evil and evil entities and occult people who practice the occult are benefiting from it like they did in the Old Testament you know why did people offer up their children to be sacrificed I mean every every human being like you know you grow this baby out of love and you have this like why would you offer your child to an imaginary thing same the same reason not you know ancient ancient Israel did and the same reason God God got angry at them for it because they were I mean for lack of a better word this is the word that's used in the book of Hosea they were whoring after the other gods but also as we see and I think Isaiah these are gods that cannot hear they cannot see they cannot speak they cannot save and so I don't know if they are like you know any kind of animated entity as much as they are just like carbon images or ideas of gods that people still have today with no real power beyond I think what you're saying is that of course Satan Works through this kind of idolatry um and so I guess people are sacrificing their kids today for the reason that people have sacrificed kids for all of human history I don't think there is any really the death to the evil that people will perpetrate unfortunately um Luke could you I do have to rap just in the interest of time although there's so many other things there's so many other things I would love to ask you guys about it really is interesting um Luke could you just kind of close this out tell us uh you know where they can find you how they can learn more about this kind of stuff if anyone has like specific questions like what do you think about Bigfoot what do you think about the Loch Ness monster you guys do have a Blog where you look at a lot of this stuff and you look at the different testimonies of people so just talk a little bit more about that to close this out sure um yeah the podcast is is our main our main platform it's uh you can find it on any any podcast app where do you go Apple Spotify any of the above or on YouTube it's blurry creatures um Nate and I like to say we're just a couple dummies that like to ask questions and bring on Experts to talk about a lot of questions that don't don't have straightforward answers right um you know whether it be Bigfoot UFOs and um and all the creatures in between and how those fit into a Biblical worldview so uh blurry is our website the podcast is blurry creatures and um yeah you can interact with us there and you can you can find all of our 100 and they don't know how many is now 100 and 132. it's 32. 132 yeah yeah dude I got so much more I wish I could have added to that on on yeah on what's Happening Now with with hybridization and and you know in the manipulation of DNA that still continues now and and what what the end goals if you want to if you want to share like a kind of summarized I don't want to I don't want to cut you off we do have to go soon but I do want to hear your thoughts so if you can just kind of give a couple minute summary that's fine so very quickly yeah we talked about god-giving Adam dominion and gave Humanity Dominion here on Earth right that's it was our god-given right and uh we also know that there was the prophecy that that this the seed of the woman would crush out of the serpent and so we know we've already talked through all of that it was the line of the Messiah but I think it also comes back to the fact that that we have we are in charge here we as humans are in charge here and so we talk about hybrids now I think it's interesting to see transhumanism stuff the manipulation of our DNA I think it just looks different now I think it's it's too proud I don't think it's I do think it is removing our Humanity I think that if they can remove the things in our DNA that make us human specifically those things um we will no longer have our Dominion here that God's given us right that's the thing that's part of it it's no longer like the Messiah has come and Jesus has come and done his work and and it's the most amazing story that there is but I still think that the darkness thinks that they can they can take our god-given Birthright and that is to Paul says well judge Angel's here like this is this is this is our place and the only way we can we can lose that is to lose those things that make us human so I still think there are initiatives and those are very I think if you open your eyes a little bit you can see what's going on the manipulation of DNA the upgrade the human upgrades the transhumanism the implanting of chips all the things that they're talking about coming and what's what's coming I think a lot of that nefariously is about removing those things that make us human and I think that's initially what the the Gen Sixers event was about um between usurping our Dominion here and also preventing the Messiah but the Messiah has come and I still think the darkness wants to rule her and they can't because we've been given the right the birthright of of Adam to be in charge here and the only way that we lose that is to give it away and so I do think that there are things happening I I think that from UFO like the stuff where people talk about alien abductions it all ends up being weirdly about DNA and um you know and missing pregnancies and and weird sexual things right why is it still that way um I think that things are still happening this thing it looks a lot differently I don't believe that like hybrids are running the world necessarily but I do think that they are trying to maybe willingly make us or maybe convince us willingly to give those things up that make us human and when we do that we no longer we're giving up our Birthright to be yeah to have the Dominion that God gave us in the very yeah in the very beginning and I think that's a lot of what we're seeing it's the it's those efforts um by the darkness through humans through through people in power um you know through ill like through blighted or or ill intention you know um people that to essentially have us give up those things that God gave us and um the beautiful thing though we always like to leave our shows on on a high note is that we serve a god who's in the in the business of redemption we serve a God is a business of Resurrection and we serve a God that that has redeemed the world promised not to destroy it by water but he will destroy it by fire at the end if you Revelation it's going to happen but I we have the ultimate lifeline and we and we have the the King of Kings the uncreated one the I am who I am is on our side and he is he is our King he's the king of all Kings and and I think that's where we need to live is that there's a broken world out there and there's a lot of things working against us and and against and against God but you guys already won he's written it and we can stand in that Victory and and he is constantly redeemed if there's one theme in the Bible it is that God is redeeming Humanity unto himself and he is Relentless in his pursuit of redeeming his children yeah and and I think that you know if all the craziness creatures and darkness that are out there that we can sleep at night because God is still in control God still sits on the throne yeah and he's not leaving so I was going to say and I to answer when your your original thoughts if we have a soul we can be redeemed so if if there is a part of a creature that has a soul then I do believe God can redeem that creature that would be in the line of redemption so human beings if there's there's enough human or whatever I do I do believe that which is like a a long but I didn't want to leave that out there because I know we kind of talked about that a little bit but I do think that if there is some sort of tainting of the blood or whatever but if they're still Soul there yeah then they can be redeemed so I think some of these creatures didn't have them yeah well that's I mean we can absolutely agree that God is a god of redemption and that yeah um who he is transcends all of our questions transcends our understanding transcends time and space and physical reality and not just looking at Genesis 6 but in Ephesians 6 we do see that our battle is not against primarily flesh and blood but the spiritual realm that often we do not see and quite frankly we don't know exactly what that looks like um and so I think that the questions that you guys are asking are interesting I don't know if I agree um I I but I do think it's really interesting and I hope it gets other people's wheels turning too to ask uh to ask their own questions about Genesis 6 really interesting so thank you you guys for taking the time to come on and I really appreciate it a lot yeah and we bring on like you know Scholars and doctors and all these people on our show so it's not just like a bunch of hearsay and yeah and we try to do it as as thoughtful and as possible and yeah with with actual data and study and stuff so thank you so much yeah for having us on thank you and I know it's I know it sounds weird on the surface but you know hey it's it's interesting it got me asking questions for sure I'm gonna be thinking about this all day so thank you so much thanks for taking the time thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Allie Beth Stuckey
Views: 50,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allie Stuckey, Allie Beth Stuckey, allie beth, allie on blazetv, relatable podcast, relatable with allie stuckey, relatable with allie beth stuckey, blazetv, aliens, nephilim, bigfoot, bible, blurry creatures, blurry creatures podcast, nate henry, luke rodgers, allie stuckey podcast, allie beth stuckey podcast, christian podcast, theology podcast, christianity, theology, crtv, cbn, conservative, apologetics, halloween, blaze tv, biblical angels, biblically accurate angels, men of renown
Id: B5Ii0eM2RlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 33sec (3993 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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