INTJ & Introverted Feeling

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hello everyone today we're going to be looking at the role of introverted feeling or fi in the intj personality type introverted feeling is the tertiary function in the intj it is primarily concerned with maintaining internal harmony and seeks parallels of feeling values between the self and individuals it empathizes by relating to another person's experience as if that person were another version of oneself unlike extroverted feeling which relies on an outward expression of socially shared values in order to promote an external harmony of feeling introverted feeling relates to others on an individual basis it recognizes the desires passions hopes and fears of individuals within oneself using these parallels to forge a depth of understanding on a one-to-one basis carl jung wrote on the difficulty of describing the process of introverted feeling because it does not readily appear externally and is often misunderstood he says that it is continually seeking an image which has no existence in reality but which it has seen in a kind of vision are merely a stimulus to generate an inner intensity introverted feeling can generate ideas and even goals but these internal ideals cannot be realized without the aid of an external judging process hence why it is impossible to maintain a healthy introverted feeling function without the assistance of a healthy extroverted thinking function and vice versa introverted feeling occurs on an axis with extroverted thinking thus every type that has the one function also uses the other extroverted thinking is what allows a type with introverted feeling to achieve their ideals in the real world introverted feeling creates the goal but extroverted thinking provides the means for its consummation extroverted thinking has been described by michael pierce as the function by which the dreams of introverted feeling are brought into concrete reality it is always moving running pushing towards its goal and consummation but how does introverted feeling manifest in the intj in particular and how can they properly develop this function being the tertiary function of the intj introverted feeling within this type can also be referred to as the eternal child function it is immature and playful in direct contrast to the auxiliary or parent function which in the intj is extroverted thinking a well-developed child function allows one to be vulnerable and to improvise when necessary however the dark side of the child function is that it can also manifest as a defense against the outside world failing to take responsibility and projecting the child onto others usually stems from lack of a strong parent function in an intj projecting introverted feeling might manifest as criticizing others for being overly emotional or self-absorbed in the case of an intj who is wholly absorbed in their introverted feeling ruminations and refuses to take responsibility for the lack of order or progress in their life they may need to develop an extroverted thinking plan of action that requires them to externalize their internal preoccupations if we recall jung's definition of introverted feeling as seeking an image seen in a kind of vision we notice that the subjectivity of introverted feeling is in some ways startlingly similar to that of introverted intuition in fact in jung's description of the introverted intuitive dominant type he compares them to a failed artist or a hack and when he speaks of introverted feeling says that the adequate expression of its ideals demands a more than ordinary descriptive or artistic ability he says that in order to communicate with others introverted feeling has to find an external form not only acceptable to itself but capable also of arousing a parallel feeling in others for the intj what this implies is that the heavily subjective nature of introverted intuition in conjunction with introverted feeling requires an immense amount of external maneuvering to bring their visions to fruition among all the types the intj and the isfp are the only two of a dominant subjective or introverted attitude to possess this primary dialogue between introverted intuition and introverted feeling while the isfp is often compared to the archetypal artist the intj is just as much so although neither type must necessarily externalize their perceptions in a stereotypically artistic fashion although they often do so for the intj in particular introverted feeling as the child function is less mature than the introverted feeling of the isfp and it thus becomes a kind of playground where they can as michael pearce writes find and obey themselves in order to escape the societal impositions of extroverted feeling with the sword of extroverted thinking they make way for their own introverted feeling goddess in summary introverted feeling is an introverted judging function and the tertiary function of the intj because of its unique position within this type in combination with introverted intuition healthy use of introverted feeling requires that an intj both manifest their visions in an external medium and also that they be cognizant of their natural capacity for direct relational empathy with individuals this allows them to create objects or systems that not only satisfy their own need for a childlike creativity but promote a similar harmony of feeling within others please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video and would like to be notified of future content if you have any suggestions for future videos feel free to leave those in the comments below thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Seneca Black
Views: 123
Rating: 4.3846154 out of 5
Keywords: intj introverted feeling, introverted feeling intj, introverted feeling examples, intj fi, intj fi function, fi intj, introverted feeling, intj, introverted feeling (fi), introverted feeling jung, introverted feeling function, mbti introverted feeling, carl jung, michael pierce, john beebe, intj feelings, intj values, intj goals, intj tips, intj advice, intj female, intj personality type, intj personality, isfp, intj isfp, intj mbti personality type, intj functions, mbti
Id: tUe840t5kmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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