MBTI INTJ Learning Style

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this video is actually part of a series of lectures that are in a class entitled the MBTI learning styles the sixteen personalities you can access this course at udemy calm teachable calm or think effect calm you can also find more information at Student Success space.com which is our website and the information is in printed format on Amazon in both a paperback and Kindle versions so your INTJ is also still part of that visionary part the visioning intuition + thinking these are people who are agents of change that like visions who have logic argument competence and even independence let's look at their general description they have original minds and a great drive for implementing ideas and achieving goals they quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives and they organize a job and carry through their skeptical independence they have high standards of competence and performance for themselves and others so they don't just expect themselves to stand - a high bar but they want everybody around them to do as well I like that the INTJ in the graphic says mastermind there really sums up exactly this personality as we look at the INTJ notice that only 2.1 of the total population is an INTJ this is fascinating to me because there's not very many of them remember that these are people that when you look at them they're generally seen private reserved even hard to know some people might even say that they're a little bit snobbish because they're aloof and it's not that they're snobs it's that they're really introverted and it's difficult to get to know them they are analytical but they're also innovative and their question is always why is this so so because of this question why is this so it means that they tend to ask a lot of questions like a two-year-old that says why all the time this is an INTJ why now when the INTJ is learning they are really energized while they're searching for answers and they throw five and learning they are really good learners they're highly accurate also in reproducing visual information which is fascinating isn't it they are planners they are very organized planners not only do they plan their days but they plan their learning experiences do you find that interesting because I think that this is a fascinating part of them is that they're very objective or create objectives for their own lives they like asking questions and learning about theories even models their analytical they like practical applications and because they hold themselves to high standards they really believe that all learning is going to cause an improvement and it's not just improvement for themselves but improvement for others so they're going to try to change the world through education they build strong relationships with other learners but only those who are also high-performing they don't have much use for learners who are not interested in learning they also enjoy to ask a lot of questions we kind of covered that before let's look at their classroom environment they don't mind a fast classroom or so classroom but they really prefer that moderately paced environment and they love highly complex materials because they're very quick to grasp that information they need problems that are solved within the classroom themselves they like structure order predictability systems systematic teaching objectives rubrics clear directions step-by-step to get the point they really like that order I think that kind of really discusses everything right order it's all about what's relevant and what is planned now they can work in small groups if they have to and they're okay in partnerships but more than anything they would prefer to be to self teach give them the information and they'll figure it out for themselves now INTJs hate assessments I cannot oh my gosh I just cannot emphasize that enough they hate assessments and they hate assessments because we have typically taken assessments and made them a one answer only of thing this is like a multiple-choice test right there's only one right answer so we want to be able to open up assessments in a way that gives them an opportunity to really learn and to be able to demonstrate what they know so they would prefer essays projects presentations because they learn effectively from these visual representations let's look at some learning comparisons now they are most comfortable in situations where they get to work and independently are self teaching remember they like that self teaching aspect where they're given the information and allowed to just go at their own pace they also like reflecting structure intellectual challenges listening reading objectives action plans and visual information I really like the idea that they are conceptual original and independent that really is the foundation of who they are conceptional original and independent they are less comfortable with knowledge is not presented in a logical manner cramming memorizing disorganization assessments unstructured repetition details action without planning and this is interesting get rid of the emotions and feelings from the classroom they do not like that at all and what happens when you put these kind of situations or attributes into their learning is you have created a situation where they become very aloof and even abrupt they may become critical of people that around them and they're gonna be very single-minded you have a hard time winning them back so as an educator we want to provide them with lots of visuals examples metaphors and even analogies make sure that you vary the activities in your classes and not just within one class from but from one class to the next so if you meet on Monday and you're doing all audio-visual then maybe on Tuesday you want to do more outline work and use more hands-on experiences and since you really have a student here that's a very avid learner somebody that loves to learning and love self teaching make sure that you give them a substantial amount of additional sources because they're gonna take that and really run with it allow some classroom time for reflection and remember that they prefer to learn from organized people because they want their instructors to present the information in an organized logical manner so be sure to be on time have all your materials and your notes and everything organized for teaching now they also like to have feedback but only when it's given one-on-one it needs to be very personally given do not give feedback in front of a classroom it will be a very big turn-off for an INTJ also another thing that's valuable is to initiate a Q&A session during your classes let's look at some ideas of how you can approach learning as an INTJ now because you are a very natural learner I know it may be difficult to find some ways to really improve but one thing you can do is to avoid being too rigid in your plans it could be to the point that you are so focused on the goal that you forget to really enjoy that process and you want to enjoy the learning process remember to build relationships with your peers and classmates because even though you don't like the feelings and the emotions that go with it it can really help you to synthesize new information and gather new experiences study your material create questions while you are previewing the material you want to create some strategic plans try Gantt charts those are really cool to use when you're doing project planning because a learning journal those are wonderful and theirs and since INTJs are really effective visual learners make sure that you really write down your notes and different angles in your on your notepad make sure you do different color to pens highlighters different size type whatever it takes to really make that more of a visual and visually attractive piece of work also make sure that you leave some space on the edges of your notes so that when you reflect you'll have some space to be able to write more things down to scaffold that information look at Cornell notes those are really awesome so the biggest thing though like everything else is to remember to really write down and enjoy the process learn what really works for you
Channel: undefined
Views: 19,512
Rating: 4.9274378 out of 5
Keywords: learning styles, study skills, learning, teaching, MBTI, preferences, personality type, INTJ
Id: 4FCcbJiwdRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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