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[Music] bless the king of kings or sometime core encounter presents the Bible says now the Lord is that spirit where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty lift your voice lift your head let's acknowledge his presence thank you thank you for this can you just hold hands with someone by your left and right and as your spirit just praying the spirit for a minute or two go ahead pray in the spirit [Music] my body [Music] Osuna none of us go ahead [Applause] it haha about [Applause] lift your hands and ask the Lord for his strange visitation tonight Lord [Music] of la palabra a [Music] I'll cover the road I will be like I want you to open your spirit Bhangarh said it here open your spirit as wide as possible this for me homes and learning personal series very very personal because this is a mystery behind the making of man sharing with you the grandest of all mysteries the secret of all secrets the axis of the door of every door if you get if you get this in this match this is it believe me you can know every order principle if you get this if you get this utilizing it [Music] doors [Music] oh gosh you [Music] [Applause] spirit of God or is fully qualified to teach about you [Applause] boys [Music] I [Music] can any man really have the rights to teach about him based on what experience you can teach on financing because you have so much with respect to the richest man you can teach about academics with respect to a professor standard you can teach about family life with respect to a hotel family but what is the reference when you teach about the bully spirit what standard qualifies us to talk about [Music] this is not an issue of condemnation this is an acknowledgment that we know so little to the best of us the greatest of us is only a toddler in the matters of the Spirit the highest of us I'm telling you this Paul at the end of his life that I may know him what what what is the college what is it because you heal the sick what now is the reference that you will use to teach about it the Holy Spirit the most misunderstood personality [Music] we're under the shadow of your your influence is all over I am under shine [Music] Tony you're I'm under - ah [Applause] your influences [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your influence is all over all [Applause] we are Machado [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your presence is what has made our lives what it is they're spirits of the Living God tonight I will only attempt only attempts only attempt by your grace and mercy to help your people do you what pride to try to teach men about you Oh God who has the experience who has the experience who has the power and the wisdom by what standard but we back on on your grace because we are partners on the strength of intimacy we pray O God that the communication of our faiths tonight will be effectual let it end if I your body Lord I pray that I will teach with accuracy let your people understand [Music] for the Kings to arise for the practice to return for the Morris time to party I do party on oh I I [Music] allelujah help us tonight oppa in the name of Jesus I just wanted to sit down quietly and just carry something to write be very sensitive tonight from my time of prayer I knew that this series would be an extra ordinary one and the Spirit of the Lord told me that he wants this message to spread like fire to the body they are not many messages where the Lord speaks to me about it this message will create an effect in ministries in lives see no matter what you think you know about the Holy Spirit just drop it aside and listen the makeup of man the mecca of [Music] the Holy Spirit Zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 it was wisdom the Holy Spirit part 1 demons will cry out tonight I tell you I tell you yolk to be broken tonight is another miracle service just the teaching you dare not call him the Holy Spirit is not just a force as you will be learning when you learn his presence you will see how cheap Satan's and on fake cable reality you can't fake it no me making if it is not him then it is not him it's as simple as that Zechariah chapter 4 we're going to read two scriptures tonight as we begin the Holy Spirit is the series who read it and then I'll give you the cost content and then we'll start Zechariah chapter 4 and verse 6 inside/outside online if you can follow one to read then he answered and spake unto me saying AHA this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel saying not by might not by power but by my spirit so he shows you the key he's revealing something to the rouble don't waste your time this thing is not by mind is not by power bodies by my spirit second scripture very quickly second corinthians 13 verse 14 let's read it everyone is projected one to read the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ aha and the communion of the Holy Ghost if you can have it in amplified that would be great the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ just keep the scripture there the love of God and the communion it says the great favor and spiritual blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence and fellowship listen the communion and sharing together and participation of the Holy Ghost these three mysteries should be with you the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God you have these two alone you will fail in life and the communion of the Holy Spirit so let's take down the cost content [Music] tonight is part 1 we're going to consider the concept of the Trinity very quickly just some little theological housekeeping the concept of the Trinity and then [Music] the passing of the Holy Spirit the next thing we are going to consider is the passing of the Holy Spirit who are going to be examining who the Holy Spirit is then number three the ministry of the holy spirit the ministry of the holy spirit the Ministry of the Holy Spirit [Music] then number four the ministry of the spirit the ministry of the spirit is not the same thing I said the third thing is the ministry of the holy spirit and then the fourth thing is the Ministry of the Spirit the Bible says he has made us able ministers of the Spirit the Ministry of the Spirit [Music] allelujah wherever we stop tonight which top and then would take now let's start with a concept of the Trinity I want to give us some theological background so that we will really have that understanding look up please theologically speaking there are certain words that we use in the body of Christ but you will not find direct reference to them in the Bible there are certain words that are of common usage among the body of Christ and I hope you know theologically speaking that Christianity what we call the fifth life was an extension it came as a branching out from Judaism are we together Judaism is a practice that is hinged in the revelation of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob that's where the journey so the Jews from where there is also a branching out of Islam a branching out of Judaism today and certain different branches you notice that most of these religions from the story of Abraham they agree then as you branch different kinds of confusion and misunderstanding stats so there are certain words that we use in the body of Christ but they are not directly referenced in Scripture one of those words is the word rapture we use it to mean a system where believers are transistor out of this realm you know there are references like that but you do not find a single word rapture in the Bible there is no mention of the word rapture now when you study systematic theology is a system where you are able to use and draw meanings it is the basis for establishing doctrines it is the basis for explaining Scripture according to systematic theology scripture must explain Scripture I will together now for any teaching to become a doctrine the theological condition is that number one that taught that line of thought must be referenced in the Old Testament as the first condition condition number two Jesus who is the bridge between the old and the new most communicates that taught - in his earth walk and then number three it must be referenced in the life of the early church any thought that is referenced in the Old Testament testified by Jesus himself and experienced by the early church fulfills the condition to be a doctrine so you you can use one scripture to buttress on a point but that scripture isolated in his own cannot form a doctrine I will together now yeah so there are many scriptures although the word rapture is not mentioned there are many scriptures from the Old Testament Jesus himself testified of a possibility that a time will come when you can take people to where he is in John 14 remember I go to prepare a place when I prepare the place I will come and take you so that where I am there you may be also and then Pauline is Pauline epistles began to open to the church the possibility of a mass exodus that he was using that scripture to court bereaved people and he said that they should not weep like those who do not have hope for a time will come there will be a trumpet that will be blasted and they who are dead in Christ will arise fast that rule and we who are alive will be caught up that experience of being caught or is what was coined that we call rapture so you cannot say rapture is not a doctrine no it's not in the Bible in fact is one of the seven tenants what we call the tenants of the Christian faith I will teach you in a separate series there are seven tenants like killas of the Christian faith if you are a Christian there are seven major truths you must believe number one you must be delighted I'm just giving you a teaser number one you must believe in the mystery of the Incarnation God becoming a man the Bible calls it a mystery of godliness you can't just believe in a saviour just like that the first thing you must believe is that there is a supreme God in heaven I will together now and then you believe in the Incarnation you believe in the virgin birth you must believe in the earth walk and the sinlessness of Jesus you must believe in the fact that he died and died on the cross if you believe Jesus died in a motor accident you are not a Christian there is a must that cross must be there I will together you must believe that when he died he didn't go to heaven he went to hell because that's where sinners go to really Hades the place of departed spirits and Gehenna the place of the dead there was a transaction that happened then you must believe he rose up after three days not one week you must believe that he appeared to many in the streets of Jerusalem you must believe he ascended to heaven according to Hebrews offered his blood upon the tabernacle of heaven then you must believe in his return if you do not believe these things you are not interested so simple as that no matter your denomination this is the ID card of Christians these seven things another series will explain them another word I'm still giving an introduction to the concept of the Trinity another word is Trinity you never find the word Trinity mentioned in Scripture there is no reference theologically speaking from Genesis to Revelation we're in this 66 books you hear the word Trinity I were together now so I want to establish it because when we are talking about the Holy Spirit there are many denominations today sadly who do not believe he is a person who do not even believe in his existence there are many Christian sects who have all kinds of debates and all of that so before I begin to talk about this most precious personality I'm most established from the Word of God is yes such a doctrine as the doctrine of the Trinity the triune nature of God three persons coexisting in one is it biblical and is it true so what is the proof of the triune nature of God the first evidence I will give you a few scriptures and I want us to hurry up because you will need this to be the foundation of your confidence as we learn about God and then the Holy Spirit media you will help us we need a lot of speed Genesis chapter 1 would look up as 1 2 3 then we go to 26 the first reference of the possibility of the existence of God manifested as more than one person Genesis chapter 1 he says in the beginning God now I want to know that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew a part of Latin was also added to it but largely Hebrew and then the New Testament was written largely in and Aramaic I will together now so the expressions when you read them from the Greek context click imbue sorry is a very rich communication it can break words one word can have several meanings based on whatever context this is what was referenced here English calls God God but in the Hebrew it can tell you whether it is plural or singular so the Bible says in the beginning God the word God and the Hebrew this Elohim and Elohim is always impure the singular is Aloha one of the parties so we see here that the Bible is referencing based on the Hebrew manuals that this personality is not just an individual God created the heavens and the earth then was to and the earth was formed was without form void and darkness was upon the face of the deep the Hebrew rendition of darkness and voidness is - whoo-whoo-whoo it is darkness and confusion the same word that is referenced in Isaiah chapter 60 arise shine for your light has come behold darkness and gross darkness the same word is used I am just giving you some theological foundation and then the Bible says under spirit of God now take note the first single personality of the Trinity revealed from Scripture is not the father not the word who we now call the son Jesus Yeshua bought the Spirit of God are we together now he says under Spirit of God moved round the face of the water so we see one manifestation of the Trinity verse 3 and God said Elohim Elohim Elohim Elohim let there be really the the context is actually Aloha but I'm saying God at work Elohim because his gee I wish to gether it didn't just say God rpm are we together but God spoke the word so we see the word we seek God we see the spirit I will together now then in verse 26 it says an Elohim the same word is used again said let us let us a classic confirmation it is a let me and Elohim a discussion in heaven going on let us now maybe I should tell you that the original names of God or the titles God was never called father the concept of God being called father was a revelation that Jesus brought are we together now yes the word father means AB ba comes from the Greek word it means your sauce and sustainer but father like a true creator a progenitor of a personality was never used in the Old Testament for god I will together they understood fatherhood but not referenced to God they knew him as the Almighty God they encountered him for that knowledge as father his original name as revealed to the people was el shaddai el shaddai el shaddai the diet that is limited the expression that is the multi breasted one like a mother breastfeeds a child now he has such abundance of supply this an attempt to explain his limitless dimension and then Jesus according to revelations 19 his name was never known and called Jesus except even by profess it was Emmanuel are we together it was a name that was given by the angel to Mary that they will call him in his earth work his original name John 1:1 revelations 19 was and will always be the word and then the Spirit of God now the Bible uses a very interesting word he never really began to express him as the Holy Spirit notice that he called him the Spirit of God are you following me [Music] when you call him only Spirit you are right but classically speaking you are wrong because God is a spirit and he is holy jesus is a spirit although he ascended with a body he is holy I will together the Holy Spirit as a person is a spirit and his holy you as a person you are a spirit and you are holy so if I call you holy spirit is still not is still theologically correct so we just call him Holy Spirit because of the unique reference to him but it is rather an attempt to describe him the name does not name that the Bible calls him is the Spirit of God no man knows what is in the heart of the man said the spirit of that man the Spirit of God I will use the word Holy Spirit works for oz bara I just am given us a background so we see in Genesis 1:26 let us make the Trinity the next reference very quickly at the baptism of Jesus Matthew chapter 3 from verse 14 to 17 Matthew chapter 3 from verse 14 to 17 please give it to us but John forbade him this is the baptism of Jesus look up everyone John is baptizing people now and then all of a sudden Jesus shows up behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world Jesus is coming to be baptized and then John you know he said no no no no I also need this baptism and then why will you come to me 15 jesus said survive to be so that scriptures will be all righteousness to be fulfilled and then he permitted him but 16 and Jesus when he was baptized so we see Jesus God in the flesh the son of God by reason of the office the second person of the Trinity then the Bible says when he came out of the water Lord the heavens were opened and what you see there the Spirit of God and not a personality Jesus is in the end the heavens are open we see are not a personality descending in the similitude of a dog then the Bible says descending like a dove and lighting upon him 17 and the voice so we see Jesus on earth the Holy Spirit is coming upon him and the voice of are not a personality who is not the Holy Spirit and is not Jesus speaking this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hearing him and all of that so I am showing you from Scripture that the Trinity the concept of the Trinity is biblical two more proofs ready Matthew 28 from buss 18 to 20 this is Jesus now teaching the disciples himself Jesus himself is teaching the disciples Matthew 28 from buss 18 to 20 Matthew 28 Matthew 28 from buss 18 to 20 Matthew 28 Matthew 28 from bus 18 to 20 and Jesus came and spake unto them saying everybody listen all power the word yes exuse iya is given unto me in heaven and in earth 19 go ye therefore this is Jesus teaching and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father in the name of and in the name of the Holy Ghost Jesus himself acknowledge the fact that they were a try on reality in the realm of the Spirit the Godhead expressed in three personalities ready for one last roof [Music] Acts chapter 7 verse 54 259 at chapter 7 this was when Stephen was about to be much higher the Bible says something happened when they heard these things that Stephen now the Mattia the first recorded Mattia when Stephen was teaching them on these things the Bible says they were caught to the heart and they gnashed on him with that teeth 55 were read into 59 but he being what so we see the Holy Ghost in Stephen full of the Holy Ghost one of the personality of the Trinity he said he looked up to heaven and what it is he the glory of God the similitude of the face of God and not a personality and what it is he again Jesus standing at what so full of the Holy Ghost here on earth God in heaven and then the Holy Ghost at his right hand read on and he said behold I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God you can even stop there the point has been established so you see that from Scripture Old Testament the Gospels and their pistols I reveal to you that there is such a concept I know why I am for some of you this looks basic but many people who represent different sects some not even believers are going to be listening to this message and it's important that we start from a theological foundation so that it does not look like this is a Pentecostal or charismatic phenomenon the concept of the Trinity is established by the Word of God there is such a concept now let me tell you a few things and I am very emotional as I say this the subject of the person and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in my opinion is the most misunderstood and most neglected teaching in the body of Christ the subject of the revelation of the personality of the Holy Spirit I don't think that there is Custis with the teaching of Jesus as the Son of God I don't think there is Custance of the revelation of the father especially New Testament believers we talk a lot about the Fatherhood of God but the person and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit most believers have almost no idea about the person of the Holy Spirit now the church especially the 21st century church is not in ignorance as to the reality of the power of the Holy Spirit we watch televisions every day and we see people falling from church to church you come from Konya and we see people shouting and flying all around but the person this entity this personality called the Holy Spirit is what I want to introduce to us a night who is the holy spirit who exactly is the holy spirit we must know who he is why is he so important that Jesus had to need him Jesus walked upon the earth never was able to do any serious Kingdom thing until he came who is this personality so important that the sames of all although they did not really know him but they could not resist his influence in their life when he came upon them they could not articulate they never had a relationship with the Holy Spirit they could not know who he was they only related to him based on his influence upon them there were only two people in the Old Testament who communicated such an appreciable dimension of intimacy with him number one was Samwell the prophet number two was David the man after God had these two personalities seem to have accessed different dimensions of their walk with the Holy Spirit a prophet that the Bible says his word did not fall to the ground it was some the same is that said cast me not away from your presence is it take not your spirit from me who is the holy spirit now let me tell you something the Holy Spirit is not a bad the Holy Spirit is not a dog you have to believe this the Holy Spirit is not candles with fire on it the Holy Spirit is not anointing oil the Holy Spirit is not water the Holy Spirit is not wield the Holy Spirit is not sound all those things are seemingly choose of his operation simile tooth of his operation but not him the Holy Spirit is not an influence he's bigger than an influence who is the Holy Spirit number one the Holy Spirit is God the Holy Spirit is God he is not like God he is not a friend of God he is not a mentee of God the Holy Spirit is God every description that you give the father every description in terms of honor and acknowledgement and power and might it suffices to communicate the same description to the Holy Spirit now the difference of the Trinity is not the power under might but the system of their functions and their offices it is based on that that we now classify the father as number one the son Jesus as number two I will together and the only spirit as number three the Holy Spirit is not genie or God the Holy Spirit is not the inferior part of God he is god in every way in every system deserving of worship deserving of honor deserving of trust so the Holy Spirit is God Norma to the Holy Spirit represents the unlimited presence of Jesus benny hinn calls him jesus unlimited the Holy Spirit represents the unlimited presence of Jesus when Jesus walked upon the earth he was bound with a body listen give us quickly please George John chapter John chapter 14 verse 16 to 18 John chapter 14 verse 16 to 18 the Holy Spirit a manifestation of the limitless presence of Jesus so it is it is fair and scriptural to say the Holy Spirit is Jesus unlimited without bound when Jesus walked upon the earth he could not be everywhere at the same time it is the Holy Spirit that makes it possible for every believer to receive Christ he is the representation of the presence of Jesus on earth and in the heart and life of every believer and I will pray the father this is Jesus speaking and he will give another comforter you've heard the word the Greek rendition is a loss Parakletos Alice and heteros these are words that mean one of the same kind or one of another kind when we say a loss it means the same in quality and species like the cat family I will together the bird family when you say heteros it can mean many birds but not of the same maybe a dog and an eagle they are not the same so we have a loss and we have heteros here it is a loss parrot letters are not that comforter that he may abide with you forever next verse next verse verse 17 even the Spirit of Truth whom the world listen Jesus is saying the world cannot receive him why he says because it's seek him not so the first reason why the kernel man cannot work with the Holy Spirit is why because he see at him not now Facebook and the social media has taught us that there is a possibility to relate with a personality you have never seen before Facebook came they taught us something I attended secondary school aa primary I don't know which one pen pal something that you write later on post or not a stranger who replies you but now with Facebook you can communicate with the personality you do not even know and from his expression you can even know he is not happy yet you have never met him the person is in Brazil you are in Nigeria and you are communicating praying together growing together unavailable so how are you my good friend the wall does not see him neither no we're here and encounter not awareness the world cannot have an encounter with him because he is not the way you encounter physical men this is a spiritual encounter the two reasons why people cannot experience the person of the Holy Spirit don't forget this number one because they cannot see him except it is given to you by the grace of God you cannot see the person of the Holy Spirit with your optical eyes you can see the expressions of here you can feel the power of his presence you can see the influence the wing is in the signature of the Holy Spirit you may not see the wind but you can see the paper it carries you can see the clothes it dries that's how the Holy Spirit is so you cannot you believe there is wind because you see drying your fruit-picking papers and occasionally dust confirm it tornado and this is the effect of the wheel but the wind is not eternal the Holy Spirit represents them unlimited presence of Jesus in the earth number three who is the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is the wisdom of God the Holy Spirit is not wise the Holy Spirit is the wisdom of God look at me of the Trinity the Holy Spirit represents the with of God you have to understand this the wisdom of God that's why Jesus had to wait for him to come so that you know what in wisdom the Holy Spirit is the wisdom of God number what number four the Holy Spirit is the revealer of the presence and the power of God not just a conveyor but the revealer only the Holy Spirit can make the presence of God and the power of God real to men listen we got the Holy Spirit no matter what miracle you see it cannot change you I hope you know in the Old Testament they saw miracles yet they were not converted in the New Testament they saw five thousand people fed by five loaves and two fish correct they saw the water turning to wine they saw Jesus walking yet they still doubted him John the Baptist himself who commissioned Jesus in ministry doubted whether or not he was the Messiah Jesus resurrected and when he resurrected the Bible says he went to his disciples is that what some doubted why because they had not received the Holy Spirit only the Holy Spirit can reveal the presence and the power of God to men see let me tell you something that's why there are people who can carry anointing they can sit in a meeting you can be dispensing the gifts of the Spirit actually prophesy you can see someone fall under the anointing enroll and get off and at the end of that meeting someone can be noted as a broth are you Dana acidity attend a meeting now a full meeting with signs and wonders but without the presence of the Holy Spirit there no conviction there is no change there is no transformation Jesus ain't the 70 I will together now Jesus sent the 70 Thomas was part of the 12 under 70 Thomas used the name of Jesus cast at Devils but when Jesus resurrected he said no way until he comes and I put my hand in his hand and then Jesus came he said Thomas to me said blessed is he that has not seen blessed is he that has not seen don't believe the Convio the revealer of the presence of God [Music] who is the holy spirit let me give you a shocking definition number five the Holy Spirit is the author of Scripture the Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible the same way Benny Hinn is the author of good morning Holy Spirit the same way bishop Oh Eric was the author of covenant wealth or covenant of prosperity the Holy Spirit this book belongs to him it was not altered by Zondervan it was not authored by a white egg a house this bible scripture was authored by the Holy Spirit do I hypocrite if you try to read his book and ignore him thou art all of the Bible is the Holy Ghost to scriptures 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 21 and then 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 21 for the prophecy listen came not in old time by the will of man Luke did not like the Bible because he was intelligent listen John did not write the Bible just because he leaned on the chest of Jesus Isaiah did not write the Bible just because he had to write he said the will of man was too small to have written this Bible look there is no man that wrote the Bible just by the way no it takes modern willingness to write this they're mostly personality and an influence a compelling force 90% of the people who were used by the Spirit to write the Bible we're not educated they were indigent so how was the details of the character of God so captured with minimal error in spite of their personalities some of them never met themselves but see the synergy and the consistency of their communication no prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were what influenced the same word the Holy Ghost drove Jesus to the wilderness so men wrote they speak and later documented it as moved by the Holy Ghost listen to me carefully I want to write one book now maybe translate some of my messages into books and I can tell the media Department or we get a professional editor and they take one to three messages I need the transcripts of all of them and I sit down and edit it does it mean that is that messenger or the Google please respect him he is the author of this book men of God hold his book and they never know the author they preach it their life or that books with reference to teeth and never give honor to the water they give honor to their wives thank you for motivating me or the computer while I typed they give or not to their children thank you son for not being sober while I wrote the book and they did know the owner listen there is something called plagiarism plagiarism is an offense correct when you take somebody's thoughts without due permission and without making reference how many people have plagiarized the Spirit of God will use his words every time and every day and nobody has been arrested and we never give him credit if they'd be dumb catches somebody recording his song I'm making money from it they were fast she ate into half and then take him to court and say no way it came from God what to me you are not going to just leap from I guess if somebody carries the cornea Washington's own and just runs with it like that those who the person to court yes yes yes we take everything that is of the Holy Spirit he gave us all restraint access you use it as though we wrote the book look at how I quote scriptures as if I was there I can't put it then I will be stupid to not acknowledge him the Holy Spirit is the auto of the Bible second Timothy 3:16 2nd Timothy 3:16 [Music] I want you to read one to read all Scripture is given by what is the word breath is the word pneuma the Greek is work an expression a manifestation of this of the Holy Spirit all scripture how many all Scripture all Scripture not so not a major part all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine reproof correction instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect and all of that so the Holy Spirit is the author of the word write this down Christianity is not a religion Christianity is not one of the 4000 religions on earth that's quite an information you want to know I don't know what's the current maybe somebody has invented something from January till now now the recession is on somebody who must have come up with something but the last time I checked there were at least four thousand religions on earth isn't it amazing four thousand plus with followers always followers you can go regicide officially your religion state your tenants or free prove that it works they give you a pattern to to smuggle people from whatever religion in Europe Christianity is not a religion has never been and will never be religion is man's attempt to manage his confusion about God religion this man's attempt to find God without the agency of the Holy Spirit religion is man's attempt to create an explanation of the realm of the Spirit and the dealings of God without the assistance religion is the product of man's pride religion is a direct product of man's pride his refusal to accept that there is God but accept that the realm of the Spirit is real so people argue oh the Sun is there the planets are moving around it and there are millions of galaxies and all of that and all of that and this one if the Sun is true if the earth is too close to the Sun if is too far and then out of all of that the scientist was succeeded in doing that tells you there is no God and the Bible gives the person a name is called as soon it's an only fool Usain his hat but this one's did not even Satan they are debilitating letters they have blocked for it only a fool will sail his heart there is no God look at me if all of a sudden you enter this place are you see this fan and this keyboard and this mic and I told you that some metals were just moving around and then he wind blew them and there was some electromagnetic force and it just came together from the mic and reduce down to 2 since height and then another one became a pulpit how intelligent do I sound so to tell me that some cosmic bodies flew from mass and other planets had a big bang boom then the water molecules suddenly had what they call a t frogs the Dutton that told scurry like feet and then select growing out leg and then became one ugly thing and then eventually glue and then it became something else and then became blood and ugly monkeys and then from there my great-grandfather was coming out I then look at how dog those things are what we believe them [Music] oh whoa whoa [Music] whoa whoa Christianity is an experience Christianity is a revelation is not a religion what we call Christianity the faith life the work of a believer what was committed to us by Jesus is a revelation is an experience is an experience [Music] it was the Holy Spirit who birthed at the church the Holy Spirit perfed the church not only did the Holy Spirit father Jesus the Holy Spirit birthed at the church Jesus was not ashamed to call the Holy Spirit his father he said my father in me there is my father who is in heaven but there is my father who is in me about my sauce my sustainer so it was the holy spirit who Berthoud the church listen we talked a lot about Christianity many CEOs people have died in villages many people have been martyred but we have ignored the Spirit of God while we have ignored him is amiss he started the church he started the church and today we drive him out of our churches we drive him out of our cathedrals we call him in musings we say he is too noisy we have sent him out of our families we have sent him out of our businesses we have sent him out of our lives we have sent him out of our ministries we have sent him out of our homes we sent him out of our children we sent him out of civilization with setting out of government we sent him out of our finances the Spirit of God [Music] second Corinthians 13 was 14 my assignment tonight is to bring him to your consciousness that he is a person write this down the Holy Spirit has a definite form he is not an amoeba he's not like a boneless creature no the Holy Spirit has an exact distinct form the reason why he does not reveal his fall ordinarily to people is because he wants Jesus to be glorified not because he does not have a form are we are we together now you have to get this when you are in the realm of the Spirit you can see the passive of the Holy Spirit now it's very difficult for you to understand this because passive enecon [Music] if this is Joshua Selma you cannot believe that I am in pastor family's house or I am in his heart that possibility cannot be understood in a 3 dimensional realm the concept of only presence is not a reality that our civilization is used to there is no that that ability to be only present is not there that's why the internet was allowed by God to show us that omnipresence is a possibility I can be in my room right now scattered across over 45 nations of the world there are different people connecting right now and they are hearing at the same time so it forms some with laptops some sitting right now as soon as this series is over we will upload it and in minutes literally meanings people all over the world are downloading it only presence is a reality the Internet has shown us that it is possible there is a station where Facebook is soo Kaaba is a person but he has multiplied himself to a mystery I will together so they say I do on Facebook is the same way then have you given your life to Christ but there is a personality called soo Kaaba there is Facebook office but there is Facebook in your house there is Facebook in your food and whatever does not have Facebook is not part of succubus I see that now so how will you say it is not possible for the Holy Spirit to be living in you and to work with you you can have Facebook in your phone while you can meet with the passive suka back and be in the real Facebook office there is a real form there is an office today you can snap called Facebook but there is a signatu dove it sukkah bodies in everybody's phone whenever you say look about the phone Facebook is the representation of the presence of zhukava so when you give your life to Christ yes you were born again but Jesus is in your heart it is true but in your heart in the passing of the Holy Spirit the person Jesus is in heaven see that today with a solid body he will return with it so when you say I belong to Jesus it is true but the seal is the Holy Spirit is the one who validates that your claims are true more on that next week when I'm and teaching you on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit what do I want to get today to teach you second Corinthians chapter 13 verse 14 I want us to dwell in the understanding of the path see thank you thank you pastor of the Holy Spirit let me talk about these three things the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ he says and the love of God he says under communion Koinonia fellowship in tacos sharing together participation of the Holy Spirit he said these three things should be with you number one the love of God the love of God is an expression of the benevolent nature of God is an expression of his generosity his his fortitude to express his nature in and to and to men the love of God Paul is saying if you want to work and do business in this kingdom the love of God knows we are working you the love of God is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ and also revealed in the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Jesus did not come to the earth just as a suggestion of himself he came in response to the Father's love he came to prove the love of the father that's the first thing Paul says we should know the love of God I'm not dwelling so much there the second thing he says we should know is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ what is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is not just unmerited access we are not doing a whole teaching on grace but grace is not look at me grace is not unmerited access alone that is just a dimension of Greece place is a generic terminology that is used to express any and everything that comes from God any and everything that comes from God is called Greece I see now is not just salvation and 19 is Grace wisdom is Grace my definition of grace is given in the Bible every good and perfect gift that comes from above is called grace is not just unmerited access unmerited access is a dimension of the operation of grace if all you know about grace is just unmerited access no the power to perform is grace because it is not your own you are giving it the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ then he says the communion please Lee was amplified let me dwell here and then we'll pray the communion I'll be teaching you the next time we meet on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit but the starting point of the journey of your walk with God the first thing he wants to achieve in your life when the Holy Spirit comes to you is fellowship partnership is a product of solution solution fellowship a la puta solution there are so many people who want partnership but they do not want fellowship partnership means to walk with him thus does the section 4 also of our course content the Ministry of the Spirit that's why I will teach you signs and wonders miracles raising the dead healing the sick increase multiplication signs and wonders does the ministry of the spirit that is partnership working but the starting point of a believer unfortunately most of our prayers are largely pray as directed towards our needs towards warfare which is important but very little of it is a system built for fellowship fellowship and the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost the personality of the Holy Ghost not just his ministry not just his power the Holy Spirit is a real person real person real person he works with you he lives in you he represents the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life the presence of God in your life but he works with you when the Holy Spirit comes into your life condoling when the Holy Spirit comes into your life listen the first thing he wants to achieve is not to use you for signs and wonders that's what you want so you want a sharp sharp invitation let me just fall down roll around roll around stand up and all of a sudden I look around I say look but I invite me because I have power many people no his power but they do not know Christmas I will together imagine a woman was me eating a husband's money are never nosy what is his name I don't know what is his best meal I don't know what are his best colors I don't know where is he now I need to I don't know he just left home and whenever I come to knows what you are Regis is more near I'm his wife you must be an irresponsible wife correct the whole dispute there are so many things we don't know about him and we don't care the average personal talks about him but does not know him our lives are very it is a demonstration that were very ignorant of him we do not see the ultimate ministry of the holy spirit in your life listen is not to speak to you is that you and him will be so intertwined that you become an expression of his reality the same way is an expression of the reality of heaven he is the one who makes that Kingdom compossible in your life so when people see you you are so bound to him you look like hidden you talk like him you walk like him your life is an effulgence of his presence introduce to you tonight the sea of the Holy Spirit it does not belong to Pentecostals listen carefully he does not belong to people in Lagos he does not belong to Western allies he does not belong to those who can speak English and can read King James how many people go to the village is under evangelism and they talk to them about the Holy Spirit where you come and people are well dressed in suits like me so now these guys are candidates for the Holy Spirit but you see one my mind the village hook are not speaking with each other mind is before you see that [Music] many of us are here seated right now nobody ever introduced him to you they told you about Jesus you cried and every time you pray Jesus can you hear me and he looks in heaven and says I love you and I can hear you but you are not sincere I send somebody to you you ignore the person I sent and you claim to love me no we have ignored him and he has watched us like a gentleman in our pride and confusion we have done everything that we have been taught that the moment you receive him you must be a juju priest and a fiery brother or a lady that is going to marry a man of God isin me I've got us never spoken to me about ministry I'm a quiet businesswoman Holy Spirit you can just go on remain in Koinonia your team and they really need you did you see that attitude how many worshipers sing about him they write songs about him we twist our tongues on stage about him God got this and that we don't know him we don't know he is one thing listen is one thing for God to be with you what is another thing to be with God God can be with you as a person but that you be with him that means you have released your way to say yes Lord [Music] the Holy Spirit wants to reveal himself the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ was not notion and Kali knows way beyond the realm of power this is way beyond the realm of miracles let me tell you something pastors lead us much more than miracles let the miracles be a derivative of his presence if they have they can happen in the absence of his presence because you can have the anointing the same way you can use my ATM and withdraw money the ATM would not refuse because my identity is on it the disciples did not know the Holy Spirit yet they went and the we're raising wheelchairs past in our Devils let me tell you that you cast out demons please listen carefully that you cast out demons and heal the sick is not a sign that you know him no no no for even the demons believe in God they tremble so many people in the body of Christ the moment you see a man of God working miracles and I'm not against it moving you know somebody rising from the wheelchair you just assumed that I this guy knows the Holy Spirit [Music] many people know him as an influence they know his power they know what his power can do but they don't know him because when you know him he all pass you in a very remarkable way the proof that you know the Holy Spirit is that you submit your will for his characteristics to begin to find expression in unto you you see that when a demon you've seen people now you've seen people manifests time and again under the influence of spirits here and in different meetings notice you can't for instance you can see this lovely lady right now and assuming there is a spirit attempting to influenza the moment you attempt to cast out the devil she can start crawling on her knees this is not something that she should do as a human being but the spirit is trying to execute these characteristics so when the passing of the Holy Spirit is at work in your life your life becomes and therefore gems of his characteristics you don't just say we are angry people in our family that's how I'm anointed what we're hungry if you'll answer me I give it to you even God you know beat me I beat you God no coasters stupid statements are big big they don't know him I have seen many unknown tech people who do not know him personally I sincerely consider myself not even to know and know that many peoples are Koinonia the whole name the minister of the holy spirit my prayer every time his Holy Spirit reveal yourself to me while I was preparing for this series I was almost ashamed of myself as I truly truly truly truly what am I now going to say about him that's what many people describe him because knowing him is not something is like trying to teach you about your wife you Jimmy is difficult I can only describe as she makes cake because I have a product in my house but she cake she has lovely sisters are brothers wonderful we can only use descriptions but do you know the best way to let men know you become an expression of him an expression of him when your life C Post culture all those listen carefully all those embargoes that make you look like a Yoruba man all those ambos that make you look like a Kogi man all those responsibilities that make you look like a platoon man a Kaduna man when they are swallowed up by that relationship they know that somebody else's oriented your life as you get what I'm saying now very important you can be born again casting out Devils but everybody looks at you they can trace you so naturally they say ah this guy's jealousy is from this dead girl like that all oh forget that is unwanted girl like that but when they can hardly describe your earthly identity you have switched to a true relationship with a personality that you are so intertwined with him now people can look at you I guess and say I don't know whether you are from rivers or you are from Plateau State or Delta and you tell I'm from Zion the Zion of God surely speaking the same way when you see a jump out in a university even if he's 40 years you will know he's a new student he's an adult outside but when he enters that institution you try to be matured while you look at him you know I know this guy is know using this our together the lingua franca the way of talking the way people are D there is a popular pothole that everybody in that knows if you can with your eyes closed you can jump it then he falls into the sage a bite is not drug he is just knew these are realities with the foolish when I look at your life and the characteristics of the Spirit are not manifesting and know something Islam anga botanas we think these things don't matter the passing of the Holy Spirit was designed to remedy these lumps so on a good day based on my culture based on my village based on where I come from I cannot stand a look at Asia should kneel down lie down say because I mean an Amana became he comes into your life and introduces who God is to you he shows you who God is and says in the kingdom that you so love and respect Jesus that you saw admire this is not how he is and he not tell he doesn't tell you what to do he influences you to become it the power to become not the information alone to become the power to become can anything good come out of Nazareth you are talking to a man who has met the Holy Spirit without him nothing good can come out of Nazareth but with him with he we him with the bastion of the holy spirit is the mystery the mystery that tongue is Tamara like Demi here to become a world-renowned figure there are many people I have gone for meetings and have seen signs and wonders but never felt his presence he was almost absent in that meeting signs and wonders can be happening what is not reducing conviction people are just clapping well nobody is living with any sense of conviction because he is not there when you end up belly his me to whether you are dead or life and know that the Spirit of God is there science and wonders are just a confirmation or you know let me tell you how you know a man of the secret place is not miracles [Music] not just when you are playing keyboard presents telepresence if this lady's press perfume very nice quality perfume and I have order like this after a while is it true that I should begin to smell that perfume where you walk in a restaurant at the back of the restaurant where they cook and the firewood is there and you claim you were there for two hours cooking rice and you leave you should not smell fresh that place should implicate you no matter how neat you are as you see palm oil somewhere in your clothes or sweat you should smell like that rice or smell like smoke or smell like the kitchen you can come out and you are still looking like this as I was picky rice not gas stove no it's a sunny we're not there how many people claim they know him and they think because somebody 3-1 that the anointing is just a sign no sir no sir listen I tell you the secret of Koinonia is not just miracles there are ministries that work in ten times more miracles ten times the miracle that this ministry has worked in two together if Benny Hinn to show up here they will all happen in one night but brothers and sisters the difference that presents that's what creates conviction so you can listen to a message you already know everything about it yet it will count you and you find yourself on your knees that's something that even when your parent says you tweet you did do it presents you know him when you can prove that you carry his presence you know him when you come to the reality the reality you know a lot of people see me and they say apostle Joshua sermon has a call you know revival helping people experience God it is not really a cold that's not yes I have a dimension of record to reveal the person of the Holy Spirit but it's even if I'm talking about finances or I'm talking about whatever that presence that presence that presence just like some of you listening to me now there's someone sitting outside the will may not be as favorable as you want yet something is happening to him that what can make somebody who is a non-christian sit down outside are you are talking about what is not directly salvation but a presence lands on its head you see him shaking I'm just sitting it's not every second that is just anointing that carry people is the effect of his presence presence I'd like you to close your eyes on three one meeting and say Lord not just your power a revelation of your presence three pray you [Music] presence in my life [Music] not just power for miracles you are in fellowship the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God says listen under Koinonia the fellowship that the Holy Spirit is not an angel please the Holy Spirit is not an a danger the Holy Spirit is not the firstborn of the Angels no he is called the angel of the Lord present but what angel there means the messenger of the Lord's presence the convey or not the slave of God no no no no the Holy Spirit we have ignored him so much spirit breaker [Music] make our walls ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweetie break Rikka walls of entrepreneurship was me ever come down you were brooding over every darkest you are causing lights to shine from God he's over every guard he is causing lights to shine from dark view over every darkness you are pausing lights to shine from darkness that's what he's doing in your life he's doing over every time my god is causing light you approve Oh Shyne from the sidewalk Oh [Music] the Holy Spirit is the one who taught me the word I remember let me tell you next the next time we meet I will share with you a lot of stories about my walk with the Holy Spirit how the Holy Ghost started with me the Spirit of God is not power many people want power they want somebody to rise from wheelchair because you think that's what we bring members have you not seen signs and wonders producers know his presence his presence is a product of a real relationship - you know him - you know him - you talk to him - you respect him is your life and the fortunes of his characteristics show me how he took that anger out of your life show me how he's taken your tribe and culture out of your life you [Music] likes to shine you have rude you are pausing life was I [Music] Oh you [Music] I've said a bit of my experiences with you people when I would be in the room lying down and I will see a mist like what you called for it means the shape of a man standing there a real miss next the next time we meet I'll share with you all this encounters a real mist and brothers and sisters I will be frozen not just under his power his influence every part of me shaking like a leaf for hours I don't know what it's like things are entering me and leaving me I cannot even explain is it that he's speaking to me is it impartation is it the difference I don't even know all I know is that like a hand upon me and I tell you I remain like that for hours sometimes I will not even say one word one word is not all these fake time to pray unchecked I'm and since two hours let me steal so that no no no no no his presence defines your longevity his presence defines how to break his presence defines what happens you don't tell him to harm his presence till today that is the practice I will never trade for anything no matter who I become or what I become listen let me tell you something the moment the moment you say Oh God give me tea shall Licata baba i bind every devil you are not going to experience his presence but come down and set the atmosphere spirit of the living you are welcome I give you my life take my body my soul my spirit breed on take my body my soul my reading this is you pray now not Timothy on bread take my body my soul my seaman's read on being read on me take my body my soul my seal did anima head of a sudden I'll bet my window I bet my life [Music] you are the world let me show you what I dream I secretly No we go it says your man Hey say your name say your player telling player was primarily designed as a spiritual system to know him to meet with him Preah was designed primarily as the system that conveys his presence to you there is the water dimension of Prayer there is intercession there is supplication there is the prayer but he said when you pray brain this manner after father listen plot in heaven not Timothy give me bread I was married I need a child is that your endo your influence your passing come let me tell you what many people spray our lives our debt is not because they cannot print on I know many people Spurrier life my prayer life is one of the religious point of my Christian life my my prayer I pray that one day during a vigil here after we do anything who who pray I want to show you what I do in the secret place my prayer life is not a boring time you know why because I don't carry all these things that people I don't enter his presence just these draw be human talking stupid things let me tell you there is a strategy that the devil uses for your prayer life the moment you want to pray he tries to make you weak you will even think you don't have the strength for five minutes time of prayer and then this is what many of us do you just know Shah Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Oh God I've been telling you about this thing Oh God my child is coming tomorrow no you don't need his presence you need power for that one when you want his presence be ready to give him time this holy holy thing that people do you will not find him that way now [Music] I like what she begin to set the atmosphere I have made I have made an all-time you see that an altar I have found a night time my best time of not just intercession and warfare in law but deep intimacy because in the daytime your phone is ringing someone is disturbing you see don't ever give an excuse for why you don't seek Him I'm married I have 10 children I I am I am an accountant we finish in the bank late you always have time for what you love [Music] Alleluia you I'm yet to snow what can distract me when I'm having to finish it with the Holy Spirit my phone can ring to help anything can happen you must you you use desire and respect to keep his presence not just faith desire and respect come on you're praying the whole is with your your boyfriend Holy Spirit how are you my boyfriend how am I who is read how are you no no no no you are not serious I'm his movie Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba that's warfare not fellowship when you are ready for fellowship you let him define the modus operandi of the pre-accession please lord over the prayer session there are times I go to pray and as soon as I get the immediately do you know sometimes let me tell you what happens sometimes I can be stored in my Bible or even just relaxing I know when his presence shows up now his manifested presence the moment I begin to sense his presence around I try to design is this just wanting me to pray or something with a that one lost privacy he's a very private person forget that you see his power like this the Holy Spirit there are things he will never do and show you in public Nosa thank God for corporate guttering but the specifics of his dealings with you must be in the secret place sleep me that's why many people's prayer lives are not reached let me tell you when he comes the first thing that happens is his that mental limit limit the presence of the Holy Spirit affect your spirit soul and body when he comes is not just by faith you know his death his influence envelopes you this is how people become strong presence Korea's not just power Korea's presence Benny Hinn was describing one time you know he's my mentor in that area and then he was describing how he was preparing for meetings you know he said when he is preparing for meetings it is directly from the secret place he would just bath ask anybody who moves me I know many times were coming directly from a trip but Koinonia here especially miracle service it is from prayer and fellowship Street you sit in stand up and come here not just know no matter how many means stand up from watching football and you said I'm a huge let me just where my type quickly why you you want to comment cast out Devils you want to come and change somebody who they use a spell to keep him a non-christian for 30 years who do you think you are that you want to speak in two hours I remember I was teaching one time on a revelation of Heaven and Hell it was outside one at is it auntie mama who stars one gentleman in storied Arabic he was seated outside while the teaching was going on and in the presence of God was pounding on that gentleman and the next in all of a sudden outside here the overflow the heavens were open for him and had a vision of Jesus where before Oh taco big I don't know whether God is now but that kind of born again there's no going back encounters are not products of power and kindness are products of a invited into your life and the effect of his presence this encounter thing that you see people talk about me different ministries they write or can't suit the supernatural when they say the supernatural let me tell you what they mean a man of God who comes and somebody falls down falls down a few healings and is a man who was a powerful meeting let me tell you an encounter is an experience that makes a person anything real to you it doesn't have to be visionary but it must be supernatural [Music] are we together imagine if all of us here inside and outside imagine all the people here that we become to presence color do you know to you know the dimension of the kingdom you traditional enemy dimension all these many discussion and counseling you just come and stand near somebody and a presence there is an invisible personality with you I tell you I'll give you two or three minutes you see that person shaking the person is not shaking just because they are not the person is not shaking just because there is an anointing the person is shaking simply because you think is power that's what people say that this is not power this is presence you go into a business meeting you carry that cloud you go to your home where there is his shrine that they smuggle somewhere you don't need to know whether they planted it in a football field on that whatever just carried our presence like the Ark of God in the house of obed-edom and you watch what begins to happen one of our ladies here was telling me I think she went home and she said she just played one : oh no message and when she played she said he was like human beings were running physically out of the house presence Balam cost them and he torn and so no no no no the shout of icky his fault his present within their means let me tell you what I will explain to you next week but the key to working in strange levels of health and freshness physical by your logical freshness is not just robbing good milk cream and all of this let me tell you the presence of God can revitalize revitalize are you a Christian revitalize all this issue of somebody twenty years were looking like Nazi sluggish were a design that that is presence roast away order chaff out of you in all sincerity and in all truth I truly consider myself to be stronger and better and happier than ever Stressless how you notice with you is joy unspeakable true love glory is called the joy of the wooden inspired of all the sadness that surrounds and this joy in my heart holy comes alive every time I hear there's a joy in my soul inside of all the sadness that's around and be sure in my soul holy counsel the world is full of sad people ugly and sad people you know why my wife of handed me my husband offended me they didn't pay salary dispersed entities the government is wicked war is not a nice man this one did this um Asim Bajwa is not doing well this one is doing this let me tell you joy is not a commodity that you can get on earth joy is one of the blessings of his presence joy joy is not just laughing like a food the ability to sustain enough to ignore the storms that's your you can see people in sea let me tell you in the olden days when they were going to kill missionaries before they will pump they will blow them they fed them to Lions Lions and Paran arrow will sit on it strode in a theater and they will bring up one of the same do you know how the guy saw they took human beings and type them and then they leave them to be the torch light that you used to see human beings roasting to give life and many of them before they died they sang Amazing Grace they said no no no no no where your love in the midst of the storm is not natural the Holy Ghost is a sign that you are aware they were about to stones giving artists crowning around thinking you are the first that ever will teach you you must learn a system of joy I know there's no money in your pocket but turn Allah the first sign of depression is that it has a way of taking away joy when men are about to die the fasting is they stop talking at the doctors they are angry they have entered into a set of attitude depression but he said the joy of the Lord is my strength strength usually require weak will never come and meet me like this [Music] joy joy unspeakable you can take that one his presence gives me joy all the time all the time it doesn't mean everything just happens the way I want no there are there are too many people to annoy you every 24 hours that's what Satan wants as you are sharing the grease somebody matches your your neck by misty and Sarah so what happened what are allow me to tell you sorry I was about to say and it spoiled your mind as a Miss Colonia these all because were serving God otherwise your joy is gone is your choice so small H joy is therefore with joy shall you draw is one of the reasons why many people don't get miracles haven't believe they don't have joy the joy of the Lord that is your strength they don't see let me tell you something some of you came to Koinonia sad angry depressed as if the whole world is on you when there is nothing else you have keep your joint in spite of all the sadness that surrounds me and destroy what I now he truly comes alive every time there are times that we go for meetings and the hospitality is not at its best sometimes it can be so annoying because we've traveled so far and you see the people wasting time maybe keeping us so long in the airport because those things can bring anger and all of a sudden I remember the joy of the Lord the joy of the Lord if you remember your bank account to be happy you soon die if you remember the presence of your chat if you remember that oh I have my certificate order on that one you sleep at a higher-up if that is why you are happy this world does not have room for that to give you joy do you know many people try other things trying to get joy they try education they try marriage they try money they try everything they try pulling orders they try politics no the to source of joy joy unspeakable the horsemen look at what happened to Joe a man Boyles lost his entire ested gods were leaking him he was seated in the ashes the wife I looked at him and he said Brody slay me yet will I trust him my joy Satan has not she said you if he does not succeed in making you ignore the minister of the Holy Spirit I don't care what else leaves you if the Holy Spirit is in your life covet that fellowship fellowship fellowship don't you listen tonight is a night of restoration because some of us you were not like this listen carefully that's not how you started with God there are people here scattered across that day you became a pastor the day you became a man of God you became a reverend the day you married a pastor the day they gave you a position of a president does the day fellowship that no need for fellowship again I'm pleased busy for what busy for what I now have a job you know before I wasn't working but now my job requires that I'm in Brazil today portico tomorrow I barely have time [Music] speed cultivate fellowship Eugene your life would have been ten times better than it is if you did not ignore him now you may say he seen me what you eat not his passing I can have a visitor in my house and leave him in the palo in anger to prove to him they are wasting my time and enter another paolo and between a business discussion is in my house yes what are we in fellowship no don't say God is in my heart don't say the Holy Spirit is my heart are you engaging him I know you preach oh I prayed about it what it is he may add up sharply if you pray and did not have an instruction or a direction from the world you have not prayed [Music] the confusion in the life of many people today listen there are many there are many things in people's like there are people today who are travel to geographic locations where they have no business being there somebody just got up and felt like God was sending him to Australia the Holy Spirit was not consulted you just felt he was just real in my stomach and you got up and got Visa and when I were almost dying in Australia there are people who they just sat down and they didnõt him and started churches they had prayer meetings they had evangelical meetings and just as you kind I think were large enough to start a church and they started it think how many things have gone wrong in our lives since CND because we have ignored him think how many people right now are regretting their marriages because they ignored him my mother Sarah she Jose Maria Nietzsche and a Dogma did not I told you have three children you had seven see what is causing Yoona is it we did not him all around think of how he has cautioned people many times and we refused our stubbornness and stiff Magnus [Music] tonight is a night of genuine red storage there are many people you used to work with in his presence the Holy Spirit would wake you wake you at specific times there are people who have that encounter where you would wake them but now you threw him out the Holy Spirit is like in fact when you study certain Hebrew studies is like a woman that's why you gather what work Akhilesh you see that is the feminine characteristics if is not invited it does not come if you keep him in the parallel he remains there forever you tell him what is feeding enter my house god Paulo bedroom and the first toilet that's that's where you don't ever enter my kitchen you will keep eating nonsense and have a beautiful Paulo because the area you allow his influence is the area you see the glory of God don't say he's in me that you invite him to your finances his presence not his principles we try to land Bible we go to theology schools we go to Bible schools and we never consult the auto I told you he's the author of Scripture he worked with people in the Old Testament I do not seen how he turned a little boy called somewhere to a wonder he called somebody looking like me something and made me George over Israel look at the people he transformed he turned day Borah mary says how shall these things be the father of this child with the Holy Ghost the power of the highest the Holy Spirit the manifestation of the possibilities of God listen let me tell you everything today that is happening that is good I learned something from Bishop oedipal he said everything that is good credited to God everything that is bad credited to my not hearing him I adopt a principle if there is anything that is good in Koinonia the wisdom from the system of the messages if there is anything that is body Koinonia I take responsibility it is a revelation of the area where I've not yielded to him so is your life so is your life you gave him access to your academics look what his presence is doing you literally see that in an example for 20 minutes you don't have an idea all of a sudden something comes in your life and you begin to write even things you know that you did not read you gave them permission there but you reject it in your finances and you say look economics we have to do it with intelligence and all how gentle he is he will truly step back truly step back the Sun is that cast me not away from your presence he said take not your Holy Spirit from me is not enough to have him have you allowed his person to influence your life look at many of our parents he is not an influence out there decisions they have used experience and look at the things that are happening in their lives because they have ignore him you are too young to master life your age is too small to navigate the vicissitudes of life the oldest person on earth is not up to 150 years trust the ancient spirit is the Holy Ghost [Music] is the follicles Sattar of the teriyaki is the holy ghost seal of the age to come is changing I woke up this morning and I got a very sad text from a man of God I remember talking to the man he said he wanted to start ministry somewhere and I told him I I said I think you need to relax I look at you and I do not see based on the description of the kind of ministry I don't think I've seen intimacy in the Holy Spirit and he ignored me just for what everything only went to one start the ministry and he sent me a text this morning he said I'm frustrated I don't know what to do is that for the first time in his life early this morning he was contemplating suicide I can tell you not with the Holy Ghost impossible suicide wherefore the voice that can show me a way where there is no way the Holy Spirit when the mission of this room we're trapped he said I will send my angel before you that was the angel of the Lord presence is not just an angel like Mike hello merely how shall these things be seen not that I know not a man he said the power of the highest please yummy the secret to you doing what has never been done in your family is not anger this hill all of them embrace the spirit you you are not embracing anything you just say I'm born again I will be successful is pride to a joker nobody succeeds without the assistance of experience I will teach you a partnership next week the Minister of the Holy See tell you his ministry to unbelievers his ministry to believers and his present day ministry to a church but tonight I want you to know that the Holy Spirit does not just want to begin with you he wants to work with you and the Lord working with them and the Lord working with Koinonia and the spirit the author of the Bible opening it - Joshua Selma not that you go on YouTube and download a message and say ah this prequel you write it join them to get unwound preached on the same way where you meet an author he autographs on the copy he gives you and you know that you met with the author [Music] to you I will run my beloved you've captured my heart [Music] listen [Music] come can you surrender your life to the Holy Spirit I'm not saying be born again that's not what I'm saying donate your life Holy Spirit I donate myself I'm tired of what I can be without you and my life time is too short to keep guessing and let us find out I've wasted my life so I hand it over to you how would you get out to you I will run my beloved the songs of Solomon like the prodigal son who the father saw him and he ran impressed him haughty good but the role of royalty the signet ring and said my son was lost but now I'm found many of you have left him you left his influence and you went to do your own thing I'm not just talking of it doesn't have to be bad but if it's not you use this offer how many hired servants to my father ha they live in plenty and Here I am a son of the kingdom on pigs and my benevolent father is there but I must run to him before he comes I will arise and I will go to my father and I will say father I have sinned against you and against heaven I am not worthy to be called your son but take me as one of your servants is it and when the father saw him afar off he ran one thing I know with the Holy Spirit all he needs is for you to take one step and say Holy Spirit I ignored you I have the ignored you in my life the moment a guy came into my life he just took away my brain took away my cells took away would you dance with me my soul to the song of all sing one more time would you dance me me [Music] to the Sun listen let me tell you how I prepare for miracle service I lie down with my paper on my Bible I don't just get up and say the Sica coming Spirit of the Living God I am limited thousands of people are coming probably thousands and millions of others connecting around the world I am too small to heal them I am too small and I mean his presence just mantling me and I'm saying Lord right about now there are people the venue is thoughtful the troubles that you have is too much I can't be the one to solve it and then he tells me don't worry partners let me show you one scripture before we round Oh give me the scripture please quickly first Corinthians after three plus nine first Corinthians first Corinthians first Corinthians 3 verse 9 - right we just came to my spirit please quickly 1st Corinthians chapter 3 last night I never walk in look I know this with me so we award led borås together with God we are labelled as partners Shalako - salamati a partners partners partners there is a role i how to play there is a role he has to play I'm a partner with you I never walk alone I would have died if I'm the one leaving Koinonia alone no I'm too small I don't have that wisdom and experience my life is too small to be the way it is by my own strength John Zito wrote a book called the spirit my seed not not my mate Holy Spirit my senior partner in his church he has a big chair like you find in the Anglican that share is what the Holy Ghost is that I cannot be sitting down in front and the Holy Spirit is no way you may not put a physical chair but open up your heart and say this is for you forever and thank you we'll show you things I told you he's the wisdom of God he comes into your life and produces signs and wonders I look at my life today and I'm hoping I don't even know what to tell you what is what you are seeing if there is anything new that you see in my life behind the scene there is somebody living through me if I stretch my hands is his hands what you are hearing now you are looking at a physical person but if God were to open your eyes on like a puppet he's speaking to me that's why the power that comes from him only flows to me to you the devil's know what they are seeing the sickness is know what they are seeing the lady who had an issue here when I was sharing those testimonies you know they were all thanking me thank daddy what I was doing in my heart is thank the real daddy the father in me the lot of Koinonia the true apostle of his ministry not Joshua sermon I'll be stupid who claim that I have the power to lead people you made [Music] you [Music] don't know how what you did hey don't know how that you did it [Music] that's my testimony for his move cause war to saw and we go tonight don't know how to do Hey you may be going through things tonight that human is speaking you don't know how it'll be done that is not your business that try to find out how he to return is the secret to keeping yourself leave that to your partner your senior is the wisdom of God is the author of scriptures he knows where he needs your answer is listen stop weeping stop crying stop looking like life is all over your head no say to the righteous there is a reason why you say to them he gave that the Holy Spirit is that re in Jerusalem don't let pride make you go out and stop preaching Perry until because [Music] look what he has done with his ministry today is he let me tell you something every time I hear the reports about what God is doing we travel around all the place all the time tomorrow and Lagos and I see the mighty things that he does and I see people coming sometimes to enter the car people are all around trying to touch any part of my body crying man of God and I keep looking hi while true in all honesty do I really have the power to solve your problems [Music] pride is what has killed many of us we drove his presence to track yes I'm the one ah a prophetic word came from me that prayer came from me that fasting came from me that is my church I built it with my wisdom I studied XYZ that business I know these things let me tell you us all those who know me I look like a bold message but my personal life I can be so shy especially when you start thanking me or I don't know where to put my face you notice that we want to appreciate a very great man of God who have killed me I don't know where I'm going to hide my face because I know you are lying you think you are telling the truth but is a lie I know you prayer point number one Lord any part of my life that is yet to subscribe to your influence tonight and lay it down and me no whoa Oh lay down [Music] lay down pray [Music] surrender everything Don't Tell not a passport this is not a pastor update don't say I'm too old I'm too young [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I surrender to you everything I give to you we were lucky we were lucky I'm rewarding nothing we draw not pray Koinonia I surrender everything to you Kabbalah Kabalah Basia there breathing Nike to you [Music] not me not me kakuka sigh we would he not me not my life not my ego holy God Lord I surrender hope to you and everything I gave to you I'm recording nothing you we're holding nothing take my heart and bold [Music] transforming my boy Anja take my [Music] Oh [Music] you more pray surrender everything take my arm Oh transform [Music] because everything I hand it over to you to a handover ceremony tonight I hand it over I stopped this pride of mine and I hand over my life and everything not just to your power lot of my relationship Lord of my life Lord of my finances that chief influenzae of my destiny [Music] hallelujah Brea point number two Lord manifest yourself in my life and to me might let you be a revelation of you a revelation an encounter with the Holy Ghost lift your voice and pray for some of you what you need to says Lord restore it [Music] I want to know you I want to hear your boy I want to call you [Music] I want to touch you I want to be your boy I want to know [Music] I want to I want to Oh you [Applause] I Oh we are going over to Lord whatever I have lost because your presence was no longer in my life let it come back like the help something you know what you used to tell you you know what was in your life don't act like is still there try for me [Music] [Applause] upon my voice that every time I I here my life is break1 Oh [Music] how many buttons are you fighting in your life by yourself and is killing you killing you because you are not designed to fight alone maybe would have died if it dare try to fight Goliath hello alleluia alleluia the last prayer point tonight before I make an altar coat I want you to cry a cry - you know what revival is many people is not a language that the church even knows again they don't know what to revive bodies I tell you they think they know revival when fire comes back to your life when fire comes back to your home when God returns back like they were dancing when the earth was returning back to Israel Reviva I like you to beat reverse and drive set my life on fire set my life a flame again Hey my Playa life I'm Reviva my work life three five Oh hallelujah hallelu all in yup kind of [Music] yeah ah ha [Music] I got old we hallelujah by the [Applause] is we please revival okay for us again please read me what [Music] [Applause] hallelujah I want to pray a prayer holy spirit I stand on behalf of your people and on behalf of this ministry we ask that in any way as a person another ministry we have it not any part of your presence and your ministry we ask for your messy and lord I pray afresh I'm asking you tonight by the privilege of the greatest religious ministry on behalf of your people and the thousands and the millions of people in a fresh way we invite you again twice we invite you again to come on Ian you are the wisdom and the power of God you are God alone you are the source of every grace and function you are the influence behind our teachings and we will outspokenly let the world know that we are nothing this is not about Joshua Selma this is not about the wisdom of a mind we acknowledge you and we declare that you do be all the glory to you beat all the praise let's no flesh ever post in your presence in the name of Jesus and I pray for you as this series is on how does with the Holy Ghost flesh a countess listen gimme some of you from this night you will start having series of beans I mean dreams that will continue the next day another episode of the holy spirit revealing himself listen you will start feeling physical presence walking with you you will know that a personality is walking with you some of you will wake up in the morning and see your Bibles open two chapters by the Holy Ghost open two chapters by the Holy Ghost he will lead you to the messages to listen to listen every mbaku blocking his voice to your ears to conscience you I command that you know [Music] but one of the most remarkable things that you will see tonight as we make the altar call is brokenness there are many of you that I will never have it your heart is torn towards anybody God a man I am the god of myself I do anything that I want to help with anybody brokenness brokenness some of you can insult your parents they call you you blast them and of the phone insult authorities insult anybody plus your roommates from tonight something will eat you up like a cancer and you will change brand-new in the name of Jesus Christ as we sing this song pass minato gentle savior I want if you are here please I want you to be serious tonight we're not playing games there are people online there are people outside who are same man of God I need Jesus without receiving Jesus and substitutionary sacrifice you do not have access to the good Eagles and there are others who are saying right now please man of God I need restoration in my life if I tell you the truth I'm almost like a non-believer right now I need Jesus please if you are in that category as we're singing that song Savior Savior I want you to run run and make your way to the front quickly say your say keep coming Savior my are you running to Jesus why there are some of you who should leave your seat I'll run out your savior Hey see No Oh Oh [Music] on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground right I want you to lift your right hand to Jesus the head of the church the one you have come to I do not condemn you what I want you to be serious some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears talk to the Lord in one minute by yourself there are some of us who should be here where the crowd join them pray Jesus I come to you I am serious I'm not playing games [Music] total dedication surrender to the pestle now pretties after me have that lady under the anointing Brady's after me she camp right on the ground there lift your hands pray these the very loud be very serious what you are not reciting a point we are talking to Jesus your Savior who is here in the person of the Holy Spirit say Lord Jesus say it again Lord Jesus this night I declare some of us who apprentice Priya the Spirit of God who is the Spirit of the Lord the very life of God he will descend upon you like a do from heaven say Jesus I believe in you that you are the son of God say again that you are the son of God this night I asked you to come into my heart come into my life be my lord say they can't be my Lord be my savior tonight total surrender spirit soul and body I am yours and yours forever in the name of Jesus keep your hands lifted I stretch my hands and I pray may you know the Holy Spirit in a fresh way in the name of Jesus Christ may you know the Holy Spirit in a fresh way may he reveal himself to you in the name of Jesus I declare your sins forgiven and I declare that you started fresh walk with God tonight in the name of Jesus amen and amen congratulations I want you to follow the gentleman web in his hands all of you in concert move this way and follow him please cooperate with him you will find out that some of you are standing near sicknesses just left your body like that cooperate with him god bless you very quickly and do have your information please everyone keep standing let's appreciate them as they go [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh Oh Oh
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 80,658
Rating: 4.7888474 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, UNDERSTANDING THE HOLY SPIRIT PART ONE KOINONIA WITH APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN
Id: BGX38o9kXEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 25sec (8605 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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