Interviewing My Brother, Exposing Bradley Martyn

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[Music] raw dog in life it's kind of what we're doing that's like kind of what we're doing that's kind of what I've been doing for a while we'll talk about it but have you ever tried one of these no what are theying uh it's like a little it's like an energy shot almost like neut Tropic get you a little focused it's actually really good yeah it's fire I actually like they sent me a bunch of these and before I ever did like before I ever talked about it I I had the whole pack and was just like oh [ __ ] I actually need to use this for like one of these episodes you just drank it all yeah just leave them empty that's I mean that's probably better for the yeah I drink them I drink them every uh like every morning anyways yeah it's funny it's funny how you started the Paw just kind of raw dog in life um get a little closer to the mic obviously your first time on camera because you're a caveman um but this is crazy because like you know people will message me all the time and they're like yo bro you're so good at like interviewing and like this is so cool you should interview like a bum like a not that you're a bum no no but I was like holy [ __ ] my brother lives in a van yeah and I'm just joking but like I'm actually not joking people say that all the time that like you should interview these people and like first of all I'm like no that would like a conversation would probably go nowhere cuz like it's hard to you know like maybe get an I don't know who knows maybe it' be a great conversation maybe I should try it but you're the next best thing oh thank you closest thing my brother um so before I guess before we kind of get really into it yeah like the thing that's so interesting I think about us at least from my perspective now and we're both old as now um was kind of like middleaged whatever to to the internet we're like dinosaurs we're we're dying we're like we're dead in two like before before GT comes out we're going to die basically we're not going to play the game um which is really sad but uh yeah why why do you think I guess we'll get we'll get into the van stuff because you've been living just so everyone knows you've been living in a van for the last like eight almost nine years it's like seven eight years but before that it was like cars and couch surfing um or just like back with my folks you know Mom yeah yeah um we'll talk all about that the van life the reason why I bought a van tons but why do you think are like why do you think we're so different well and it's funny because now that now that we're older and the more uh conversation I have with you I realize how actually similar we are oh very but like our life path was so completely different like I just posted the a picture the other day you saw we were joking about it uh where I was like Bully me cuz I was like we should totally make bullying cool again cuz like everyone's too these days so I I was like we should bring bullying back on Twitter and then I posted an old picture of me when I was in high school look like aing loser um and we went to the same high school which is why I started talking about this right now but um I think we should bring it back and I was like look at this corny ass photo of me when I was young oh mine's terrible yeah yeah before I like the craziest villain Arc in the world um cuz I was like you I'm hurt they was like who hurt you but uh we both obviously came from the same place went to the same school the same the same high school all boys school at the same time but you know it's coed now yeah I knew it was wild you know what's funny about that it's like remember we were there and they're like yeah Brotherhood and camaraderie and all this and then next you know they're like we got to pay for this [ __ ] still not enough people are coming here let's merge these schools and it was like they were it was just like to me that was so weird cuz I was like they just it just completely lost what it was and what they like preached for so many years and it's kind of it's interesting I want to talk about this with you later on in the Pod too but it's like kind of how the world is right now everything's just about money and I guess kind of the thing that I'm interested in you is like you've seen me take a completely different path in my life than than you obviously right came from the same place same circumstances you know same childhood growing up and uh you know I chose a life of this I guess I mean I didn't CH I didn't choose it actively when I was a kid thinking like oh I'm going to be some YouTuber with a podcast or film all these Fitness videos I just always kind of had the sense of like I wanted more out of my life I remember being we always like nice things what do you mean like the the Christmas events um uncle Paula and Jim he had a Rolls-Royce and you saw that and you loved it and like I mean you you work towards that I I just I just love like surfing and skating and hanging out and I'd followed that you know what's funny you said that it didn't pay as well no yeah yeah but it's funny you mentioned that about the about them rollsroyce the Rolls-Royce and like cuz I I do remember and and Uncle Jim too I remember going to those houses and being like what the mother live like this and and then go back to our house yeah and I was like yeah then go back to our house like what the fu uh but I remember that was my first taste of seeing stuff in our extended family yeah that I was like wait what the [ __ ] like I want sh like this yeah but I obviously I had no plan I had no like how I was going to get there I just always kind of had this feeling and idea that there was more like there was going to be more for me in my life and I just always had this weird sort of like innate feeling in that but I guess my question to you is like because the audience obviously they know me they don't necessarily know you we'll get more into you and what you do as like a person but in relationship to me um when when we were younger did you think that like I was going to end up like this like did you have like I mean you wouldn't know no I mean I remember when you didn't even go to the gym you're just play video games all day yeah and I would be like BR let's go work out or something n no dude I'm good I'm good I'm going to grind this and then bro it was Heavy video but I mean it worked out cuz you didn't burn yourself out on the fitness thing then so that you could do it later yeah I mean I I was I was just big into I just love surfing we're from Pacifica we had ocean like Santa Cruz it was just nice and I just wanted to do that and I just was like why the do I got to work yeah I just wanted to Surf but I mean as you get older you learn you have to make money to do it and yeah so I would I my goal was to just do things as as inexpensively as possible so I wouldn't have to spend as much time working and I could spend more time like doing stuff yeah but it eventually catches up and you eventually need the money yeah so it's a balance yeah you know what so funny fny about the whole money thing and people chasing money or fame or whatever whatever the they're trying to get like more of it's such an interesting thing cuz I look at your life and you live out of Van you have a dog like you've been living out of van for so long and you like seem to do what you love pretty much every day yeah I mean like it's a tradeoff like I don't have tons of money but I have tons of like personal and free time to like go and do stuff and like right now it's like hiking and and waiting for the snow to go skiing and ski touring and stuff and just like being out and about in the mountains and just kind of like watching the Earth rotate the sunrise and the sunset yeah it really matters it's funny to me cuz like you know in in trying to achieve getting money and having money I I don't think people realize that yeah like you do you have it and your life is more easy to pay for bills and things like that but you get in this like cycle of needing to continue lifestyle yeah where you have to keep doing it and you have to maintain it and like not that like it's going to go away but if you don't keep kind of pressing the boundaries forward then it's like you know Well yeah if you don't do it it is going to go away because you're not going to have the same like level of financial stability to do what you want to do and I mean I had like Financial stability here and there like there'd be months when I was like in my 20s where I had like 200 bucks yeah but like I could go a whole day spending maybe like five to 15 to 20 yeah me too though yeah so and I never I never like I don't know I wasn't super big on like posting stuff or like being on Instagram all the time and yeah because I mean to get to where you're at it's just a it's a constant thing yeah like posting and this and that and I I'll post every once in a while like if I don't find it interesting like I'm not going to post it or I'm not I'm not saying anything that you post is not interested I'm just saying for me boring I mean some a lot of social media is boring as it's just people talking and like sometimes it doesn't matter what they're saying it's just [ __ ] people talking and listening in in like that generates revenue for somebody yeah yeah and I just thought I was like [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] go surf or skate or hang out with friends and um yeah so I just never really felt that like that need for like a super nice car because like I mean I had like a 91 Honda Civic like shift that was great I rode around all Santa Cruz and Pacifica and all these areas like surfing and stuff and like I had enough for like breakfast lunch and dinner and then find a place to stay and then go surfing and then rinse and repeat you know that's what I wanted so I didn't and also like when I was younger like you don't really think about being old when you're young until you're old then you're like oh oh geez like oh should have saved more money cuz it's harder to work and stuff but like at the same time like whatever I have all these like fun memories and stuff and like experiences it I guess the experience for me was like more valuable than like a [ __ ] a fancy car yeah I mean it's interesting because our lives are so different but like the reality is like even in my space You Realize even when you have the money for the things you realize that you're like this this is great in a moment but it's not everything it doesn't make everything and in fact the things that you're speaking to that you you focused on are actually the things that when you have a lot of money and you could do all these things or spend all this money and all this stuff you start to realize wait the things that I actually really want are the experiences not just yeah maybe it's nice to drive a nice car every once in a while or it's nice to have experience driving a nice car but your life tends to be all about the experiences where like on the other side I'm like trying to make money to have these experi experience that I some sometimes I have a lot of great experien in my life don't get me wrong no totally but like for example I recently bought the van cuz you inspired me to buy the van cuz you've lived in the van for so long not that I was going to go live in a van but I was like oh I like the idea of like getting away and I bought the van and I haven't I haven't even taken on a full trip I drove it for a photo shoot yeah to do work and that in the video with with uh with Mike yeah and then did another video with Mike and so the two things that I used the van for were for work and my idea was buying it so that I can go get away from work and so it's interesting how like you know I could buy the thing the nicest van with all the nice we'll talk about that in a minute but like I'm not actually going to experience the thing that I wanted to experience because I'm still in my mind and maybe this is just a thing I got to figure out in my life but I'm still in my mind trying to keep working yeah I have this sort of like yeah I have this sort of I don't know this feeling like I can't like you can't you if you if you stop or if you slow down it's like you're just going to lose it and I think it just comes down to like just the the whole idea of loss in general like in relationship to my life and your life as well like you you took it differently you know I think I I think like I still don't like loss I hate losing things yeah or like just I mean just losing stuff is just it's frustrating yeah on like a deep deep level yeah yeah you know yeah um but like whatever you could refill it with like experiences and um I don't know my my end goal was never to be real it was just to like have fun yeah cuz like I mean you can make a ton of money but like if you're old by the time you have it like you can't you can't buy your youth back like it's never coming well time is the only thing we really have yeah time yeah and and like you can't buy it you can't buy time or people you could buy everything else yeah you can't buy the actually matters that's the reality that's the thing I'm getting at I mean I mean you could like if you really love like cars you could buy like a sweet Porsche have it drive it around be happy but eventually the like the thrill of the Porsche will go away because it because you're so conditioned to having it and I mean some of what I think of is like like I can't just go out and buy everything I want so by the time I get it it's really fulfilling because like I had to work for it and like and get it and I mean it's just it's like like life's kind of like how whatever you make it could be like a like a video game it could be like a movie whatever you want to call it but like you just stuff like and I mean stuff is going to change throughout your life like when I was younger it was skateboarding then surfing and like now it's skiing and I'm just obsessed with skiing and like ski touring and and that it what's coming up now is like fly fishing for me is just like taking up tons of my time and my mental space and it's just it's just fun having these things to like fill your time um I mean it sounds kind of like cliche but it's like it's not like the destination it's like the journey like getting there yeah and like it's also the work too like the work is fine like I work Landscaping in the summer and like I have tons of friends it's like it's very fulfilling work cuz like I I keep plants alive All Summer in Tahoe and and it's just beautiful properties that people have they put money into them and then in the winter it's like I I work at a ski resort it's not like a super crazy hard job like anybody could really get it it's a lift operator but it's it's just fun being on the snow every single day and like having the routine going through everything and then at the end of the day you get to ski down um well last last season that June was like insane it was record-breaking so they had Canyon Run open and it was just like the sun would be setting and like you're skiing down after work and like going back to the car and for me it was the van in the home and just turn the heater on cook some food prepare for the next day and like the whole process of that like the processes that I gave myself are fulfilling um simple and when they're not fulfilling I I just switch gears and do something different you know like I mean I just got to switch for the van like I got books in there um learning how to play the guitar just just like simple stuff like like learning new languages on on the phone app and stuff it's just like just occupying the time cuz like life's short but it's also like the longest thing you're ever going to experience fact yeah that's a fact and like nobody's getting out alive with all the money they make so like just spend it on on fun yeah it's funny it's funny man like when you say about the journey and and obviously I look I can look back on my life and go like damn there was at moments where I truthfully didn't really appreciate kind of where I was at and what I was doing because I just was so focused on just doing like whatever came next and do it and do it and do it that I spent a lot of time like like I look back now I'm like damn I I should have spent more time sitting and just being like whoa I'm really grateful just like take a break for three days and be like damn I really did all these things that I've like always kind of wanted to do or always had this like idea that I could do and I look back and I'm like part of me it's great I love where my life's at I'm super grateful but a part of me is like not regretful that I didn't show as much like gratefulness I just think like to people listening as they're chasing whatever they're chasing in their life it is so important to slow down every once in a while and just like say thank you oh yeah you know and and to give yourself space to breathe to just to realize where you're at whether it's a good or a bad place to be like okay this is where I'm at be able to be able to move forward just in a better more positive way I mean if you're still breathing you're in a good spot because you you can like make you could everybody has the opportunity to like make changes in their life like there was a point where like I was I mean I have a bit more than I have now or than I have had in the past and stuff in terms of like money and items and stuff and like I'm comfortable in my life but like I had to work for it and there was a point where like I just had no direction and stuff and then yeah I was just kind of like whatever but I mean I remember that that's what you like San Diego and or excuse me not San Diego s that was all over the place yeah I mean what was like what was going on nothing it just like college and stuff and I dropped out of college cuz I was like what I mean yeah I I was in for mechanical engineering and like in my mind as a kid without any guidance cuz I was an idiot but I thought mechanical engineer was going to be like building stuff but it's like the math to design the stuff for other people to build so like construction Contracting and Landscaping like working with my hands is super fulfilling because I just I just love making stuff work and like taking something something and then like installing a system at a house so that that person can have their irrigation running and their plants alive without having to go water every single one it's just I don't know it's cool and like I should I should have been working with my hands since the beginning um but I mean when you have no experience nobody wants to hire you in those POs yeah professions because like if you break something it costs a lot of money yeah so I don't want to Tang it too much but like I mean we both have different personalities um mine mine I would say I'm a lot like quieter and like like even doing this right now it's like never thought I'd be on a on a podcast so like like I don't even know what to say I'm just some some guy that lives in a van and skis no no but that's that's why I mean you're also my brother oh yeah you I me your brother yeah so I just want to have this conversation because like why the not and it's actually funny watching watching you do this because you're ironically enough I don't know if it's a genetic thing in our family or something but Mom could [ __ ] talk your ass can talk and before I got on this podcast I was telling Sarah she she was like what are you doing on the Pod today and she was I was like oh my brother and she was like she was like oh he'll be good he could talk a lot like you guys must have that like in your family CU your mom could talk your brother could talk but you're not doing a bad job is what I'm saying like not at all which is interesting because most people get on mics and they freeze up unless they do social media I mean but I also have a ton of like I've know you my whole life and you've known me my whole life so there's like there's some background that that we that we have to like stand on so we're not just like hey how's it going yeah so what's what's what do you do you already have like a a story isn't it funny most people I interview is like probably the first time I met him most people that I interview very first time I ever met him and it's like you have to be able to click in and get a Vibe and like like feel like you're not stepping on someone with questions and it's anting careful what you say you don't want to get on days I feel like it's changing though man I feel like that that idea I feel like it's really shifting I mean cuz people are getting tired of [ __ ] like what's your perspective is someone who's completely really you're not making content really on social media you just kind of post random sh and they're like use just as like a it's like a a digital Journal kind of like a picture book yeah you don't take it serious like you're not making content you're not monetizing it so like what is your perspective on the way like I guess social media in the world is now cuz you obviously use it yeah I use it I see stuff all the time and it's just like I don't know it's it's I mean it's just an attention grab like at the end of the day it's just it doesn't matter who says what people are just going to say stuff to get a reaction and the reaction keeps coming because people are like oh my God you said this or oh I agree with that it's like dude you just played right into their hand like they want you to like click on their thing they want you to comment because it all feeds the algorithm and like the algorithm feeds off attention and like my attention I I mean I I find myself scrolling through Instagram I'm just like what am I doing yeah go do something else like play with my dog or go for a hike or something and just like be outside like it's just funny dude whenever I like talk to it's like this is like the side of me that like I just wish I did more of it's like you yeah I mean it could I mean I wish I made a bit more money but like whatever you know yeah it's a balance it it's a it's all a tradeoff because I mean I have tons of free time cuz cuz right now I have my my summer job and my winter job and there's in between them there's like maybe two to four weeks this one was a little longer CU it took the the snow Still's not here but like my like work life balance is pretty good I have in the summer I work a lot um get stuff done for the company I work for um and then then I have a then I have my break and then I have my winter job and I know each of them is going to come to an end so it just helps me with the with the cycles and the seasons cuz one's summer one's winter it's in the mountain as soon as the winter hits in the mountain irrigation off plants are buried in snow what's your what's your plan for like future of work CU I know we were talking I feel like you could help me do more like matters like taking a break and going on vacation like we're going to do a trip in the van soon um and I could probably help you with business stuff yeah you yeah but at the same time like I don't know I I also enjoy our relationship as brothers and yeah outside of business like I I like to be able to make my own money and not rely on anybody for that because you know what's interesting about you one thing Bas just literally what you just said I know I interrupted but it's because you out of like pretty much all the people in my life like could probably ask me for and like you don't I yeah and there's like a lot of people who like have come into my life who've been well entitled well cuz I mean like I said like I'm a grown man you're a grown man you're not responsible for my food you're not responsible for my housing like we're brothers yes but I can't be like hey Brad I need money constantly CU that would just be a on like it would be a parasitic relationship in my mind and I and I don't want that because like I want a relationship that's just built off like you and me hanging out yeah love Yeah like yeah like it's just I don't know mom's always like why don't you ask for this or that and I was just like no I I got it like because I like like my van's almost paid off and like I'm the one that did that and like my van's built out and I'm the one that did that and that that's what matters to me is like being able to do stuff for myself yeah I'm going to be one of those old guys that's just like you ain't putting me in a home yeah I just walk around till like fall break a hip and die like yeah straight up whatever dude you really are that guy yeah I mean a lot of people are a lot of work guys are I mean it's it's it's just it's it's just interesting to me the whole thing is interesting how like I just took a completely different path yeah but we met up at the end like we're still I mean you're still on a path like you still got a lot of time I got a lot to do yeah like did you did you like when I when I started doing all like the Social Media stuff and started like getting more popular did you at any point like like I don't know did you see it becoming like this like when you I first started getting I mean I hoped like I I always the best for you yeah of course there there were there were like I remember instances in the past where like people said stuff on the internet and audiences turned against you and it was just like an eye opening experience it's like and I was just in my mind I was like damn never want that dude yeah but like I've always just hoped that you succeed in your endeavors like regardless of what they are yeah just cuz you're my brother yeah but not in like a oh I want Brad to succeed so he could pay for everything in my you've never done that and I want to and that's why I built my own life and my own career so that I can always fall back on that and never have to like lean into anybody too heavy I admire what you do man I admire how you live your life I admire the like the jobs that you do like the work that you do like the things that I'm even like jokingly I was on the podie with Sarah I was like I wish I was better at those things yeah I mean it's just more manly to be honest I love building stuff yeah like like Electrical Plumbing woodwork like all of it is at first it's like what is this but you take some time and you spend some time with it and you can figure it out yeah of course you can definitely figure it out it's just you don't haven't spent the time to do it yeah I can get into how electricity works and how water works and you the Contracting thing man you got to get that license I no I need to get you need there's certain prerequisites and I'm on like year three I think you need five years in a field to to apply for it and then you need a sponsorship from a contractor all this and that um but I mean just one step at a time yeah yeah I can help you with that that be right I mean build some stuff all this and have a construction company yeah I mean that's where the money's at easy easy we could do that easily dude yeah I mean our our childhood friend Nicks he he he uh started his own construction company he's doing fantastic like when hit everybody was remodeling their houses had tons of jobs yeah spending that money on there smart it's good investment yeah dude it's like that's so Nick Nick's interesting um Nick's awesome yeah we got his RAC truck set up we grew up that's one thing I think I one thing people find interesting about like we grew up like riding dirt bikeing like at his house oh yeah we also grew up surfing obviously you said that earlier we snowboarding we did a lot of one the reason I went to snowbo to surfing is cuz it was the cheapest thing I could do that was the most fun like I would have loved have been dirt biking but like I also wasn't making money it was it was far for us to do that too well dirt bikes are expensive yeah I mean now in my life I could probably get a dirt bike ride it up in Tahoe ride it up in uh Mammoth area and stuff and like just hit Trails out in the desert and stuff and yeah so yeah dirt biking is probably on the list of things I'm going to get and yeah it and it's going to be cool when I get it cuz I got him a dirt bike cuz it's like nice well because I've been like I've been like wanting one for a while so when I finally get it it's going to be like crazy awesome for me cuz I don't have like the money to just go out and buy whatever I want right now dud we should get him a der bike everyone's going to be like buy him a dirt bike I already know what the comments are going to say just based on that what kind of dirt bike would you want I was looking at the the CRF 250R the Honda or yeah the Honda or a KTM whatever yeah dir bike something used you a dirt bike for Christmas oh my God I have to I have to go bu you help me with all that van my van's ready I'm ready toing disappear dude say the internet yeah I mean I but not cuz I have a starlink on the roof I was I was just driving to Mammoth that day I texted you and I was like I was I was going to go cuz there was a like a storm coming it was pretty weak storm and I like drove down Mammoth I was like looking I was like man there's no fing snow and I was so I just like messaged you I like hey can I drive down 39 395 just shoots straight down into La yeah um I mean La actually owns a lot of the land up there that's where all your water comes from the the Eastern Sierra all of it down here good old California um but anyways I was just like G to go hang out with Brad cuz I was up in June I was just camping and there was no snow and I had hiked a bunch of the trails already in June I was like I'm just going to change the scenery went down to Lone Pine for a day that's where we're going to go yeah yeah I don't know why it's so hard for me to break away because for so many I know how many years you've been sending me like pictures of like the most beautiful like scenery things and I'm just like oh that's dope and I'm like same [ __ ] same [ __ ] same cycle same cycle I don't know why it's so hard for me to like to I mean you got some time coming up this next week right I mean yeah I mean you can make the time you have to just you have to just put it down stick to it a day or two you're not gonna miss the world dude like I don't know why it's so hard for me to let go of like just [ __ ] certain [ __ ] it's interesting I mean I think it's I think it comes back to just like the uh adversion to losing stuff yeah like the fear of missing out but like you're not going to miss out because you're always like where you're at you know you're living your life still even if you're out in the the boonies where I spend most my time just yeah sun sunrise watch it spin sunet two funnest times of the day the morning you got a coffee the the sunset you got some dinner like what more do you need yeah I know it's true man it's real $10 million in two houses you know what's funny there's a house in June there's a property it's been on it's been on Zillow for like 700 days they want $10 million for it it's crazy it's just this it's just this it's a hugee property but it's just sitting by must be on Acres no it's massive no I mean Acres it must be acres of land that you buy 10 million no no no no no it's they they built a crazy crazy cool house I could show you to on on on Zillow after um but it's just the the amount of space that's just sitting nobody using it it's wild there's some probably some investment firm owns it and they're just waiting for somebody to buy it but like who knows how who buy stuff up there mostly like tech people um I mean jun's are pretty out of the way spot and like so for everyone who doesn't know where's June located it's just north of Mammoth north of Mammoth yeah so like is that closer to Tahoe by like 20 minutes okay it's like 20 minutes 30 minutes north depending on how fast you drive up the hill to Tahoe to Mammoth to Mammoth okay yeah it's also it's on the icon pass um you just get one you can ski both the mountains and you can drive up to it's pretty cool what they've done yeah I just like working for the resort because you get that employee pass make a bit of money and ski every day yeah that's one that's the thing about youself the simple you just do like it's like you you do the minimal [ __ ] and then you make enough like your chilling to eat to like to to Vibe and then just like go and do the you want to do maximum enjoyment yeah it's fun dude I mean when you came up to go snowboarding like that was some alltime weather we had at Alpine Meadows and it was it Wasing love snowboarding man it was so good but for you it's like a drive or a flight yeah for me it's just like walk there I remember that's that's where I put myself I put myself in the places I want to be and that's live in a van that's where the van crazy all right guys quick and rush into the podcast ziix T pic check this out so obviously you know cigarettes Vapes super popular in my opinion and I think just Bas in science are probably the worst ways to get nicotine specifically for your lungs for your health in general so if you guys are looking for a different way to get nicotine honestly ziix is dope it's super easy I mean you can't even tell that like this is like it's obviously not like your sucking on a vape or you're smoking a cigarette you could put a toothpick in anywhere like in a flight anywhere there's there's not going to be like you can't have that and they make a lot of cool flavors I think there's like six flavors this is the cinnamon one they have 2 milligram 3 milligram so there's not like you can get more or less they got the variation they have the flavors and by the way guys nicotine the reason why I like it is cuz it's a awesome neut Tropic and it helps you like just be sharper I'll normally do it like before like a podcast or or like before a meeting and it just like kind of helps me kind of just get relaxed and kind of just get focused on what I'm doing so it's nice to have different ways of doing it like obviously smoking is just like can just be super smelly in my opinion it's a much cleaner way to do it if you're going to do it this is cigarettes dit the Vapes get some ziix tpic ziix 10% off right now if you put in code raw talk again guys nicotine is an addictive chemical you got to be 21 or older to order ziix code R talk yeah get the cinnamon the Cinnamon's fire let's get back into the podcast so what so what what is it like living in a van I mean you got to be organized your space gets dirty pretty quick yeah like right now your Van's clean you're in there for like two days you're going to be like I need to clean this but I mean at the same time it's like you clean it in five minutes so it's you know what I find so interesting is like the the minimal how like minimal like things you actually need to survive is like you have a few pieces of clothes like you have food that you're going to eat for like the next few days maybe or the day got a fridge yeah that was a huge upgrade from a cooler I did like four years with a cooler putting ice in there putting ice in there every week your food gets soggy if it sloshes around so I got this cooler just wired it into the battery I mean when I first started Living in the van it was like there's no power there's no water there was no lights it was just like a it was that Chevy Express I bought in 2017 yeah I drove it to your old house and I was like I'm GNA live in this you're like okay yeah I like what the [ __ ] are you talking about and then I just over the years I I built it out uh I worked and spent my money on it cuz like I was just always against paying rent and like I just I figured I was like I'll just I'll just buy a van Finance it by the time I pay it off I'll own it if I paid that one off and I had an unfortunate accident in Tahoe um but I mean that was kind of a blessing in disguise cuz then I picked up the transit I have now for like 24,000 and then hit and Van lifee exploded and Transit transits are like 30 40,000 above MSRP and I was like I got this EXT did High roof like so much room it's crazy how how uh during became this like trendy ass thing to live in a van yeah it's I mean it's is it still are there still like is it still trendy like people do it and they're just like I mean there was like a time where it like the it was because I have friends who do fabrication and stuff like I go to this Festival up in Oregon and my friend Ryan and and Dave and all those guys they were like in the van Community with West FIA like way back they've been doing it for a long time and then like this huge surge of people are like are like yeah we're going to get into Vans it's just like it blew up on Instagram and almost like the fitness community on social media well there's spots in there's spots in like big sir that I used to go camp at it was just lowkey now they they put up signs because people just kind of overused it but I mean just what happens yeah social media just kind of like like when people tag a place people flock there and yeah just love it to death and like the Grand Canyon the Horseshoe Bend for instance is just like probably full of people you might see a picture with nobody in it but like right behind them there's like 150 people or more you know and I don't know van life like I think a lot of the people that got into van life would have probably called the police on me if I they saw me parked in front of their house back in like 2017 but now they're like this is great I love this I'm a van lifer it's like okay sick dude like and now everything's more expensive like I bought my Webasto heater it plugs into the gas tank runs off gasoline I bought it for $800 and in 2019 and then 2020 I looked at them again they're like $1600 I was like what the just of the amount of demand I mean that's just the way it goes yeah but there has been a lot of like cool things that have come out of it too like more Minds brainstorming on how to make van life better cuz I mean as I get older they're like I'm going to want a nice RV or something to live in cuz like you're not going to want a house no cuz I I don't I wouldn't well okay I would rather have like a nice RV and a plot of land to return to than a fully plumbed house dude there's this guy I saw on Tik Tok I know where I want to be I get it I get it but it's like why not have a house that you could own and have property and you know you can sell it or rent it but so I saw this guy on Tik Tok and I think he lives out of like a van or something like yeah he he's all tatted up he's pretty viral some of his clips and he was like he bought a plot of land somewhere and he's like building yeah yeah have you seen that guy I don't know if I've seen that but I'm definitely familiar with the idea like a plot of land you just park your van on it live out of that have some natural groundwater you're set I'm so interested in just people's lives that are so different I have a friend out in Nevada he built his Homestead he had it plumbed up he hunts and stuff for his food and I mean I think he works in Reno as a as a as a nurse but he he's like taken all of his money and put it out to uh um build this super sick property out in the desert yeah and like it's just cool what if I survive van life man well I mean you're just going to be weekend Waring it and like that's fine weekend warrior yeah whatever that's like that's crazy because in the fitness industry the weekend warrior is the guy that I like would never be because he just like comes in and he's like I'm here for the weekend I'm gone during the week that's like it's sad dude like it's like I I'm like an All or Nothing person I think that's why I never really like went into it cuz I was like What if I just become like a noad and never come back well I I feel like I have this similar like all or nothing cuz it's like all van life for me and it's like all skiing all surfing all like fishing and stuff it and I try and make like everything about that in my life so I mean we're we're we're definitely similar in like why it's hard for me to break away from things yeah but once you experience it you'll be like all right this is this is 100% % worth it this was worth every penny I spent on that van yeah of course I'm not I'm not thinking all that it's wor take your dirt bike out rip around some Trails come back with a big ass smile on your face like cook up some food play with the dogs till it sun sets and then turn your heater on and chill watch TV and movies in your van yeah play some PE of the Kingdom got that God dude that I just feel kind of bougie though after watching you do it for so many years like I feel like I'm so bougie because I have the starlink I got all the fancy [ __ ] who cares I mean I feel like one of those guys dude well yeah whatever but C guy would I be like when I would snowboard back in the day and the losers come in with all like the extra ass like this dummy yeah I mean that's me dude well speaking of weekend Waring like when I work in in lift Ops I always make my day off like Monday Tuesday so I'm like skiing midweek at the resort on my day off and it's just like nobody there yeah yeah so I'm like the anti- weekend warrior just like give me that Monday or that Tuesday Wednesday slot and I'll just like I can get on my errands done and record time cuz there's no lines everyone's at work smart so I mean yeah I kind of like scheduled my life around when other people are busy so I cannot be busy and then I'm busy when other people are free so I don't have I'm just like I got to be here anyways you know yeah how do you how you you have a girlfriend right yeah I mean she's she's back in uh Selena we're taking a break right now because I mean her family her Grandma's getting a little older so she wants to be there cuz where we're at June is just like like it's like an 8 n hour drive from anywhere yeah like if you want to get to the to the coast in the winter like thiaga is usually closed all the passes are closed so you either got to go up 80 through uh Reno Tahoe and then down through Sacramento or you got to come down here through the hat and then Bakersfield out to Selena so it's just like it's a drive yeah I mean I don't I don't blame her it just sucks that she's I mean she she was in the van for like like two years yeah I was going to ask you about that what is it like living in a van with someone I mean you really get to know him and like you just got to it it it was I learned a lot it was like I wouldn't change it for for anything it was it was lovely I it that seems intense as it was it was super intense and I mean there's a lot of give and take and like it really it really helps you like kind of I guess for better lack of a better word like ground yourself be like all right like this space is both of ours and I mean you lose your temper every now and again you just like give each other space and come back and I don't know I think it was just came down to like being able to communicate like cuz going through the daily life of everything it's busy then like by the end of the day like we're both tired and it's like we could either choose to like chill or like bicker at each other and like it was just CU you had nowhere else to go yeah but I mean it was it was great cuz then we would always go on Hikes together and walk the dogs and stuff and ski like at the end of the day of June we'd ski down Canyon with the Sunset it was just beautiful so I mean definitely a sense of togetherness um when I like you definitely really get to get to know somebody at that level oh yeah yeah like it's like they talk about living when you get and you get comfortable with people like knowing you on an intimate level like which which is which is very like like being vulnerable is probably harder than than anything yeah you know just being in the van and be like yeah this is me I hope you like it yeah straight up damn damn dude cuz like you don't have another room to go to it's just one room yeah well one it's one room for everything yeah crazy as [ __ ] and there were we had two dogs and two people in it but thankfully the van's like massive so like I could sit in the front she could sit in the back yeah but either way massive is like it's still a van it's still I mean your bathroom's bigger than my van I could park my van in your bathroom and you'd still have room in the bathroom shit's so weird so yo growing up what were some of the like what were some of the most Vivid memories you have with me some I remember you snowboarding off a jump this is the first one snowboarding off a jump with a backpack on and the wind caught it and just send you to the ground um we go we would go snowboarding with Nick the wind s me to the ground dude you had your backpack like on one thing and you hit a jump and like it pulled you this way the wind God the wind took back skinny yeah dud way different yeah um and then like damn bro that's probably why I had to get my weight up I was like I can't be a skinny tossed around by wind dude that's crazy you you were tall and skinny yeah um I was more short and stout yeah um but yeah I mean what else can I remember you know that time we were in Tahoe and like throwing snowballs at cars and this lady this lady didn't like that kids were throwing snowballs at cars so she stopped in the middle of an icy road to lecture us and then an F 150 came hit its brakes and slid right into her cuz she was like you could scratch someone's car and then the car hit her we were sit on top of the Suburban throwing and somebody yelled out you shouldn't Park in the middle of the road you might get hit dude and she was screaming I remember she was she's so she like's so angry stupid I remember I was like crying laughing oh dude I mean I remember it like 20 years later yeah I I vividly remember that intersection and everything I remember we were on top for that car and I remember looking at that woman like yelling at us it was just east of Tahoe City I think it was in that little neighbor Karen's dude Karen you just got to mind your own business bro being a Karen got so popular in the world just so popular hopefully gets unpopular when Karen start getting like shut down yes and when we start bringing bullying back we could bully Karens because I think that I think the like in my later years I've learned to just like just keep to yourself and like avoid situations with people your life will go much smoother yeah like you don't need to go out of your way walk over to somebody else's stuff and interact with them when you could just walk away yeah and be like wow now I don't have to deal with anybody it's just mind-blowing that people don't understand that there's I don't know if it's something in human nature I don't know what it is but people just seem obsessed with like trying to control other people I think it's just the the need for like power and control because they don't have it anywhere else so they're like looking for it yeah they'll they'll use like rule like for I mean I work jobs and stuff where I super supervisors and stuff and like sometimes supervisors is just like you got to know when to hold them you got to know when to fold them you got to know when to walk away dude cuz like you can't police the world yeah have you ever gotten like injured bad ski um I broke my wrist so many times [ __ ] sow I used to fall on my wrist a lot when I would skateboard um I've been I mean I've fallen and stuff and like hitting my head I've fallen but like I don't think I I I I've I've managed to avoid getting like injured I've friends that like blow their knees out have to get knee surgery and like that's what I don't want to do and like I I have a set of Telly skis and they don't have a release so I just kind of ski with more of like a mindset like be careful and I mean I'm getting older stuff does I don't recover as fast why don't you get jacked I mean should do that dude in the winter like my calves are my legs are yeah you should get jacked cool but at the same time like the sports that I do don't don't need that like let's say I go hiking I'm just going to have to bring more food with me yeah you cuz I'll get hungry I don't know I like I like having the physique I have because it works for the well I mean it just it just works better but if if I was like playing football or like wrestling like yeah you put a bunch of muscle on yeah I get I'm I'm just situation I know I'm just just saying it's just situational there's people GNA just look at us and be like what the whatever so different but dude you should get jacked for real think about it I mean like a part of my mission in life is to convince other people to get jacked cuz it's good for you I know I have a gym membership up at this uh Resort this Spa up in June just like after work I'll just go like lift some weights sit in the sauna but like that's just for like health because I mean the physical act of like lifting weights is good for your like your muscles your your neuros system and your mind yeah your whole body like keeping it moving I mean there's there also a hormone response that like that dictates the way your body op yeah yeah when you have like for a guy like low testosterone you're going to be like Moody and stuff and yeah shitty sex drive all that trash yeah and low energy and such and like I definitely take a vitamin multivitamin that helps a lot um just trying and eat right but I never try and like cram what do you mean cram like if I try and like bulk up dude I I'll just be like on the toilet all day like the next day after eating all the food what yeah it just goes right through me I got a super fast metabolism so I just kind of like so I just kind of like just I don't know I chill I mean I before I at a the the burger last night before that I also had a Chick-fil-A too and like some snacks and I was still hungry so I I bet you barely I bet you in the grand scheme of your day you barely eat anything like I used to I used to not eat anything like I would eat but it was like it was like not well when when I'm working I'll wake up I'll cook like two eggs some toast and cheese make like a breakfast sandwich or breakfast quesadilla whatever uh and then like 10 o'clock I've got to eat again um and like every few hours every few hours yeah but I mean when I was when I do like Landscaping I'm driving around in a van and like I'll stop at like West Shore Market grab the ham and cheese croissant maybe a cup of coffee um cruise down the West Shore do my job come back up maybe get some more food depending and then at the end of the day I'll get off work um take care of the dogs cook some more food and like before bed you know the snacks and stuff yeah just a just just like eating all day because like my days are full of like me moving so it involves me eating a lot of food I just I don't know I just never felt the desire to get like huge yeah because I mean I I I I just prefer functional there's nothing there's nothing nonfunctional about your physique it's just for me I I don't need it yeah for you and what you do I understand yeah for sure um it's easier to hike when I'm not 260 yeah harder to be in a street fight though yeah harder yeah a lot harder like like I'll be up at like like 9,000 feet hiking did you see that sh viral did you see that on the internet yeah people send me that stuff like look what your brother's doing yeah I know he's my brother I see it too that's funny man I I appreciate when people send me stuff like it's nice I mean I love seeing stuff you do it's it's fun and I just yeah hope the best in your the dumb girl stuff I lifting girls all the crazy ass lifting videos yeah you started a lot of stuff in the gym like it's crazy cuz like now you got to do some crazy stuff like borderline armed robbery to get attention on the internet like it was just a prank yeah that guy know it's a crime yeah they that one guy you were telling me about there some guy like just hitting people hit some guy that was mining in his own business walking oh dude it's a prank it's a prank no it's a salt you [ __ ] no it's it's ass salt dude yeah it's it's it's the internet's weird for sure I mean these kids are like they're uh what's the word I'm looking for they're uh it's not so they're just like numb to how crazy it is like looking at it from from my perspective like we grew up there's no internet when we were kids we had dial up when we were like 10 or something and so before that we didn't have anything and now these kids have like a cell phone in their hand an iPad in their hand both like just like this from like such an early age yeah and like your your brain's building all these Pathways and habits and like it's connecting stuff so like for instance I mean I noticed this myself too like every time I get a meal it's like I'm watch a YouTube video yeah just imagine a kid that doesn't have any like background and also what you're learning like you're learning what is getting engagement what is getting these are things that we didn't even think of when we were children most most people you know until now aren't thinking about these things like you're seeing like how people are making money how you're getting likes how you're getting engagement how many views this has all the that like we didn't even consume our minds with then now these kids are creating these ideas of how to kind of like Gardener success or make money or where they should or shouldn't be in their life based on other people where they're at there's like a lot more measuring of who you are as a person in relationship to everyone else probably tough way tougher and then they had to go through schools I'm so glad I wasn't in school for that that I would have that would have been such a [ __ ] time man yeah I mean it just helped it just made the rich people get richer yeah I mean I and you're also not going to get those years back I at first I took like seriously then I was like you know what like I'll probably get it I'll be fine I mean I also don't interact with a lot of people in in my day like I'm usually like when I was cuz I was working for squa um well Alpine Meadows and then I had driven to Reno to go to the REI to get some stuff and like this was like the 14th or whatever April 14th and then they they sent out an Instagram post they're like we're closed and I was like that's my job like what do you mean and then like unemployment was crazy and stuff it was just a whole different time it was just crazy stuff got to ask you this because obviously I've been on the internet you know talking started since the beginning not not in regards to the internet just in regards to our our life and and I've talked about this many times but I've I've always kind of wanted to get your take on this but how do you think losing uh your father Our Father affected your life well I mean it definitely in the biggest way I guess yeah like I mean as a kid I was definitely bitter yeah like upset like Angry yeah but like you got to grow up cuz like stuff happens to everybody yeah and like we're not the only people that experienced it like like I mean it's like when I was younger I used to use it as a like I was just angry and I would take it out on other people I would take it out on my family on friends and stuff but it's just like you you can't do that so like then like life hits you and like you got to grow up because it's like you can't keep living in the past CU you can't do nothing there like you got to keep moving forward yeah um I mean I took it really hard you know um like I even remember the night it happened um like it was weird because I I I woke up that night and like I walked into the kitchen but I was like viewing all of this from like like like say you're playing Zelda yeah like you're the third person and I like walk into the kitchen I talk to Mom oh no no nothing just go back to sleep and so I went back to sleep the next day like we talked about it and stuff and like just like what the yeah this I mean it wasn't just a sudden thing like he had his issues like and gambling and and like he he also lost a lot like cuz I mean his lifestyle wasn't the most conducive for us to be visiting like I remember visiting dad's house it was just like a [ __ ] hole Yeah like neon signs on the wall just trash and like he's just a depressed dude and like he just needed help but yeah I mean I definitely it definitely it definitely pushed me to like like I definitely did a bunch of in college yeah like yeah like that was definitely like a coping mechanism like cuz I wanted to like experience what it's all about cuz like I'm sure we were we were around it when we were kids not like I didn't do anything like I like I didn't do like meth or like or like tons of stuff it was mostly just like smoking weed just like kind of psychedelics just I mean but then I'm also in the point of my life where like I don't even know who I am all of a sudden you're in high school and then then they're like okay start a career and you're like wait what yeah and so like that for me I was just like no this isn't this isn't for me so I just went off and you know what's so funny about that like you took the the route of what then going to try a bunch of and I remember at that time because I knew about like his drug use yeah that I was so like I'm not going to be like him I'm not going to take drugs I remember my mind was like not going to smoke I'm not going to drink alcohol I'm not going to do any of this [ __ ] and I was so diligent I didn't start smoking so I was like 23 or some [ __ ] I was even doing any drugs I think the first time I smoked was like when we had pop W practice one day hung out with two kids we smoked it out of a can and then we went to we then we went to practice and I had the biggest headache I missed those days that was fun that was fun we had some we had some pretty I mean we we like Nick's dad Chuck was a was a male figure in my life and like like a lot of people like Dave was a huge help in our life um but yeah we got I got lucky with like male role models and I eventually like kind of came back to like not being such a fcking idiot yeah um but I mean sometimes you got to go through that phase of like being an idiot to have life just like all right yeah you're done doing that so you just like cuz I remember you didn't you you seem at least from the outside looking in from what I could tell you seem to just avoid it more than like confront it avoid what the loss like you would try to like oh definitely avoidance yeah that's definitely that's that's my Mo dude is just like avoid stuff yeah like cuz like I even said earlier like walk away from people sometimes like just it's easier to avoid it um I mean I confront to it I think about it all the time but like I definitely had a lot of aversion yeah to just doing it and like like we were lucky we had like Mom and Dave and and like our whole family and stuff like where Dad was he had like nobody right so well a n not really cuz Mom didn't really want us over there yeah just because of the environment he created right and it was just a a self-perpetuating downward spiral and it just eventually lead led to like making a poor decision cuz like yeah I've been depressed and stuff and it's just like but that's not going to fix anything yeah you know yeah the way out it's it's it's I I I honestly think it's kind of a cowardly way out it's just like just turn around face the day and see what see what happens deal with it yeah yeah for lack of better words deal with it sack up keep going like that's what we that's what we need more of bro in this world straight up and I mean I mean maybe like this is just a big kind of thing where it's like we get so involved in one thing and then like it'll it'll come when it comes and like it'll just wake people up and they'll be like oh I can take control of my life and I can make a difference in my life at any moment no matter what's happening you know if I choose to or you could just choose to keep going down like a [ __ ] path and end up depressed and alone yeah and I mean I like I don't know I don't have the answers to anything no yeah I'm not trying to get you know there's no right way to do it yeah I just wanted your perspective on like how you took it and kind of maybe where you're at now no I'm definitely definitely in a better spot like all around definitely sat with all this stuff and you know just like let yourself feel it yeah and then like Let it go you know yeah there's nothing wrong with being sad yeah there's nothing wrong with being angry just don't hurt other people while you're angry cuz you might get arrested yeah um yeah like there's nothing wrong with feeling emotions like say sadness happiness like loneliness cuz I mean like you're not that emotion you're like just feeling it it's hard to it's hard to disconect yeah differentiate the two sometimes for people yeah it's why it's crazy how it is so interesting that people are so easily drawn into the like those emotions and they ident because I'm speaking from my own perspective on this like where I do this I'm not just saying people listening where it's like I'll have an emotion and I've gotten a lot better with age but and I'll let the emotion almost like control like the rest of my day my whole day and like identifies like this is me but God damn it's crazy because it is so simple but so hard that it is just deciding to feel different yeah I mean letting go is it's like it's easier to hold on to something than just be like okay let it go yeah you know I mean yeah emotions are tough and and that goes back to like the brain and how the brain like hardwires itself to like like some people are just like chemically dependent on like feeling sad in their day and like it'll come like they'll be happy but I feel like those you create those chemical dependencies you create those habitual things it's a it's a it's like a combination of nature nurture like your your childhood kind of dictates certain circumstances and then how you react to those certain circumstances it's kind of I I put it like this it's like you can't control what happens to you but you can control how you react to What happens to you cuz life is constantly going to throw you're never going to get to a point where nothing's happening to you so like I've learned just change how you react to stuff and that has help because I don't know I don't know if I'm kind of like talking in a circle but like you could have like all the money in the world's still going to break you could have everything fixed you might run out of money just it just keeps like one thing after another and like your ability to react to things not just like oh you have to react positively positive positive thoughts only it's like Good Vibes only it's like no no no no it's like it's fine to be mad at stuff don't let the anger control you it's fine to like be like upset about stuff but like don't let the upset like control you you got to keep moving you got to keep keep on keeping on like Joe Dirt Joe Dirt oh that reference dude that's the age showing right there show dirt yeah it's wild like people are like like when when somebody says like 30 years ago you think the 70s 30 years ago from like right now I'd be like yeah the 70s like no it's almost 2000 like the 1990s or 30 years ago we were born in the late 1900s 1989 remember why 2K they're like turn your computers off it's he was born in 99 yeah it's [ __ ] crazy know it's it's wild all right guys this episode is sponsored by betterhelp I've talked about this many times I'm never going to stop talking about it because it is so damn important mental health is everything like if you're focused on your health so you're focus on your physical activity you're focused on training you're focus on getting better obviously you guys got to know this the body follows the mind right so if you're just in a constant state of disarray in your mind because maybe you're trying to figure something out you're trying to deal with something that is more difficult for you to deal with just on your own try better help it's a super easy convenient way to to do talk therapy where you don't have to go you know you don't have to go set up an appointment and show up somewhere do from convenience of your home the reason why I like it specifically is because of the ease of access right for me it's it's more convenient in my day to set a time where like I know that maybe I'm home and I'm shooting a podcast or it makes it easy that I can set like an hour aside and have these sort of conversations where I can get like sort of I don't want to call it advice cuz it's not really like someone telling you what you should or shouldn't do it's more so someone listening to the things that you're saying and trying to get you to like think about those things from a different perspective and often times it's really really helpful it's helped me a ton in the past I fully recommend it if you guys have ever considered trying it it's like the easiest way to try it so give it a shot talk talk to get 10% off your first month right now today let's get back into this podcast why don't you have any kids cuz I'm like I know why I don't have kids I I just want all my time for myself do you want kids I mean maybe I don't know what the future holds but like I just know that I have a lot of stuff I want to do I have like mountains I want to hike I have like rocks I want to climb I have fish I want to catch and like I I I'm kind of living like a really selfish life right now but at the same time I'm not going to bring a kid into that and then continue to live that selfish lifestyle because like right now my life's about me and doing what I want to do and having a kid with would I feel take away from that like I said I don't know how the F what the future holds and I'm not like I'm not worried about it either because I I have so much stuff I want to do and I mean like I might finish doing half of it by the time I'm 40 it's crazy to even say that dude when I was like 20 I never thought about being 30 be 36 on the 23rd and like that's wild dude when I got out of high school I was just like what yeah life comes at you really fast well I think it comes at you fast is because you don't have you don't have the the tools to deal with it yet and then by the time you have the tools to deal with it you're in like your late 30s and then it goes really fast do you think that changes I mean that's got to be different for some people right it's not the same the same timeline right cuz some people well yeah everyone has a different timeline mine personally yeah I mean I mean with the loss of dad and and the just the path I took like I mean I I never was like yeah I'm going to get this job start a career and like I was like I just want to go surfing dude like yeah go to the beach how are the waves today and then spent all my time like by the beach and trying to catch Surf and surf is so finicky so that's the one thing I noticed that you like when when we first got out of like high school and started like doing stuff like you to me my perception was like you didn't care about setting up your future no I didn't no but I didn't know how important it would be now I understand how important it is and I've like worked to set it up like I why why though why did you you think like the concept of the future probably just the Reckless abandon kind of the aversion be like just avoid it till it till I can't anymore so you have to it's like your it's like your health like you could avoid it till you can't anymore yeah I mean speaking of Health like one of the things I'm so happy I picked up dude flossing my teeth at morning and night dude after you eat the best thing you could do is floss your teeth dude hilarious it's funny cuz I need to be so much better at that dude just put on something to listen to or watch and just bro a verion f till my teeth fall out straight up bro you can afford to put new ones in there yeah put some [ __ ] get get rid of those [ __ ] damn do you think do you think we're going to get to the point where like you could switch a knee out like a car you could tyod out bro they're about to put a neuralink in people's [ __ ] brains and you're about to be an Android like they're looking for someone right now to put a nuring I don't want none of that that's crazy I want none of that you know what's CRA I was talking about that the other day but it's like we are like in my opinion 10 years people are going to be like part human part Android 20 years we already are part cuz like you're so connected and so linked to your phone but like now they're like they're literally talking about putting that into someone's brain and what the minute that happens it's that's that's an Android you know that's a computer human yeah and and yeah I was joking I was like you know how like the the the transgender thing where it's like you can't have men and women sport all this kind of things and I was like it's going to be like they're going to be like you can't have robot hum cyber yeah cybernetic people and [ __ ] they're going to add another letter to the alphabet bro that's what I'm saying it's it's it's weird man it's weird but I think I think the world's going to start ending up I mean it is it's happening they're already planning on doing that it it's just it's crazy cuz like like when we were young and like Grand Theft Auto came out there was a whole Puritan like oh my God this is the work this is the work of the devil yeah but now everybody is so like condition to it that like the the boundary gets pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed so like in the future assault might not even be a crime it's just something that happens to you because everyone's like yeah you just got assaulted yeah how we mean how things are normalized normalized that's the word I'm looking for yeah yeah like like shock stuff is not shocking because it's so normal yeah that it's just something somebody's doing to get their their their uh internet algorithm boosted yeah and it I mean it's a slippery slope like where do you draw the line yeah and kids with no like let's be honest kids don't have like the most mental capacity like there's there's some rare cases of like very mature kids and stuff but like they need guidance I mean I needed guidance we all need guidance like where adults come in and but then like the adults are doing the same thing like outrage content so the kids are just like looking up to and be like yeah that's that's what you do yeah and it just gets normalized and I mean that could be said on so for so many different sort of topics where it's just like why the are things the way they are just things are just getting out of hand it feels yeah where and I mean as we get older like we have the reference of our past to pull off of but kids have their present to pull off of and then when they're older they'll have their past and then there'll be another group of kids that have their present which is wildly different you know it's just the passage of time and like the the evolution of culture and Society whatever humans yeah you know we just have we just have so much information available at any given time I could pull my phone out and Google yeah anything that's I'm saying dude we're going to be robots soon straight up we're going to be Androids I mean could be damn crazy I'm going to stay human till the day I die straight up right oh yeah I mean I got a phone maybe one day I won't have it but like it's good for right now but yeah I just I just never see myself like I don't even like VR it gives me a massive headache I'll play a video game oldfashioned way with a controller like it's just it feels more natural and I mean old fashioned way with a controller it's funny to say that now cuz like when we were kids and and dad had that Super NES with with Legend of Zelda on it it was just like this is the most mind blown ever and now I'm playing tears of the kingdom and I'm like who these games are crazy yeah games got way better man the crazy how it's so funny how you your your perception be when I was younger before the gym was like super nerd playing video games I mean yeah we played World of Warcraft when it came out and you were the I think one of the first people on all the servers to hit Grand Marshall yeah cuz you just played nonstop and you would just like wreck people with your buddy that was a warrior we were such nerd was good swear I was tell I I really believe this I would have been if twitch was a thing I would have been a professional video game streamer if I swear to God I was that good at that mother game yeah no it it was a fun game it was a really good game God I wasted so many hours but it wasn't even a waste it was so much fun it's not a waste if you don't see it as a waste so much fun man yourself it's funny I still know that guy today yeah yeah he's a nurse he lives in New York really yeah you should have him out on the podcast I should that'd be cool was it pricey yeah that was his character name yeah dwarf Warrior what a Savage yeah he was [ __ ] great man yeah it's I wish I wish twitch was a thing then I would I but then it's then I wouldn't have I wouldn't have been me now you know whatever I would have been a it would have been like xqc or some skinny [ __ ] you know now well now they got like people like tfue that were like skinny nerds and then they got jacked then they got jacked do you know anybody can change their life I mean I don't know if xqc is going to he's just going to keep reacting to other people's cont stupid oh what are you Ethan K dude that's funny I just thought that'd be funny you see so you know these you know these people I I mean you can't avoid it if you're on the internet and like I just think it's fun to poke fun at people yeah you know people can f poke fun at me it's like what other like social media people are you like really aware of or have you seen or I'm a big fan of Cody Townsen he does this thing he's doing this thing called the I think it's called the 50 where there's a book called the 50 classic ski lines in north in I think it's North America could be wrong could be all of it all the continent um but he he's out in his van with his film his camera guy who's also in a van and they go and hit these gnarly lines up in the mountains and like sometimes you got to turn around because there's different like so he just like ski content oh yeah but like Big Mountain Touring and stuff it's super super fun it's really cool what of the main I don't know main Main's not the right word what of the non likee Niche community are you aware cuz like you're aware of like xqc right I mean like Ethan Klein aware of him um and like that show I used to watch him when back when he was like making like funny videos and before he was podcasting that's when I like I mean a big fan of PewDiePie he funny videos yeah um yeah I mean I just think it's funny because like people do stuff and you can clown on them it's just it's just fun like just chirping there's no harm in it and then people get upset like then that's even more fun I'm just kidding for sure that it's more fun you got to get people stronger man God build up that uh that that skin everyone's got a a thin skin yeah we got to get people thick fart in someone's Direction they'll take offense to it such nowadays man it's getting better though uh I really do feel like going back a little bit I feel like coming back I feel people are getting a little tougher or maybe like people want it to be so they're like just starting more I don't know I I couldn't tell you there's cuz there's there's a whole gamut of stuff going on and there's always gonna be yeah like there's always gonna be all the things happening all the time yeah and you can never get into everything at once like for instance like Fitness you picked a you picked a an industry and you stay with I was all over the place yeah not that I was trying to like get famous in any nothing dude all or nothing I was like number one or dead you know what's funny we were talking about the video thing but I wanted to bring this up there was one memory of you that I literally if I think like it made me cry it was so funny did I break a computer oh you you must have I don't was it my Diablo 2 hard yeah yes dude dude that was a level 91 in hardcore dude I was and that was like my whole life it was a paladin right it was a paladin and I had this armor where you could teleport and I teleported into something and andar and I got blown up by one of those exploding things and like I saw the death thing on my cuz usually you you smash that escape and you leave the game right before you die yeah um um but I didn't and I I just remember just hammering my I was livid dude dude you were so mad I remember hearing you and I knew exactly what it was coming I was like oh I know what's happening cuz I think I was in the game you were in a you were probably in a different game we used to play Diablo I a lot yeah like that was it was such a good game for the amazing game they're never going to have because now they're micro TR transactions involved the game the new game's good though Dia 4 is really good it's really good it's not like it's not like Diablo morto was just like pay to winac that's a [ __ ] that's a cash grab uh what's it called it's a phone game yeah it's a phone G four is really good but I'll never forget I come up and you're just like Angry crying you're so goddamn mad and and I got it cuz I was like damn I know what that is going to be like and then like a week later your Sorcerers got blasted later at the gates in act one dude yeah that damn Barbarian Whirlwind me I don't know if it was like a lag Spike or something he had no he had a pike so his range was further than you thought yeah and and I remember literally being like Oh I'm done with this game that was it for me yeah it was funny cuz I remember laughing and like I was laughing so hard at you like I don't think I laughed at your face I think I left and was just like you know when you like something me too and I was crying it was so funny like equally crying as much as you were crying I was [ __ ] crying cuz I was laughing and then literally a week later popped and I was like I'm done I was so mad I remember just being like disbelief like no you can run this back we can take this back there's no like save file I was like no I'm going to find a time machine dude dud it was it was crazy video games were like as much as I'm into the gym and much as I've been to the gym I was just as much into video games I was so and I still to this day I love video games we played them since we were kids huge you know I don't think I'll ever stop to be honest you know what also was funny with computers we would have like Nick over and we would download music and videos off lime wire and then the computer would just be toast that big ass Gateway [ __ ] monitor like this big oh yeah yeah those days were different what what is something that that uh you think no one knows about me just cuz it's cuz like you're you know you'd be the one because I've been there the whole time you'd be able to be you'd be the one to expose me for real you know cuz you know all the people on the internet just like fake ass exposing [ __ ] everyone had something to say about me I was I was over here and someone sent me a clip of some guy saying like he gave me some idea to open my gym and like I have an in I'm like bro who's is my investor what are you talking about are just making up stories just to post content on the internet to talk about me it's just [ __ ] crazy it's an insane thing that I see and I'm like what what the people just like drunk thinking about ideas to [ __ ] get views it's crazy a weird thing I don't know I just remember like as kids and stuff like you were always put pretty put together as a kid and I was always mess what do you mean put together like your room would always be clean like I I would go in your room and like touch something and you'd be like was super OC that back yeah get out don't do that and my room was just like all over the floor yeah and then anytime it got clean I'm like I don't know where anything is because it's like my my floor shelf system you know yeah I don't I'm just super OCD with things it was weird I remember I remember being that way like wanting things to be a certain way oh dude you couldn't go in your like me and Nick would stay out of your room CU you you would just lose it I guess that's one that's one area like you would like let your reactions get a hold of you as a kid it was just like if somebody like moved one of your things it was just like what the Yeah just the hugest deal we were just like what it's right there it's like three feet to the left I don't know why I guess just I just had this feeling like when people just would just my [ __ ] when they didn't need to yeah I mean I don't know yeah it was just like you know you like things a certain way it just super particular yeah I remember just being really particular about now was just like nonchalant with stuff and like if you came in my room move something [ __ ] now it's over there that's it I don't know I don't I mean expose you that's the funniest thing ever I don't know [ __ ] I got nothing dude damn I was hoping something good man you remember my imp paa yeah the 96 yeah was it 96 yeah yeah yeah you should get another one I was going to buy a new one just make it all fancy maybe you do that with the Ford Ranger too just a little homage to your past yeah I you move down here with the with a with a Ford Ranger and a and a and a a truck bed cover and everything in it and everything in it yeah with a random family on Craigslist literally random family on Craigs I never met that's wow drove straight to their house lived in there like they were living in the the living room and they renting out the rooms I mean you did good by getting out of Pacifica I remember being in Pacifica there's there's just like it was easy because I could stay with Mom but like there were like no starting jobs it's like Contracting work construction or like Taco Bell yeah like which by the way is the nicest Taco Bell in the world craziest Taco Bell in the world it's like right on the beach yeah remember it's voted the the best Taco Bell in the world yeah you know that you know that parking lot next to it used to be dirt remember we used to eat tacos underneath it yeah get sand and tacos and stuff and then that other parking lot on the south end was all Tanbark yeah I remember I forgot something at the car and I didn't want to go back and Keith went and grabbed it yeah whole different world yeah like we we grew up on a culdesac in in the back of Pacifica and and like we would just roam the streets till the lights went out and the creeks and [ __ ] and follow the Creeks back to the ocean it was fun it was there was no internet yeah there's nothing but like like you know you talked about Keith you talk about Pacifica like I think they like the reason why I want to get away was people just all kind of just get in the same cycles and they're just doing the same get caught up in bull that that [ __ ] town yeah like Keith like dude fing ended up getting murdered yeah cuz he stole from some pretty sketchy people yeah I saw him a little bit before that and he was working on getting his life back together but I mean that that dude had a he had a rough one with his family you know yeah super rough you know it just rough I mean ours wasn't like Kush but it wasn't I mean it was kind of some regards but I mean I it is what it is and you react to it how you react to it and then you just adapt your reactions till they start lining up with what you want to see yeah and that's just growing up yeah you see why like I want to get out of there so bad because I was like I'm gonna end up doing the same sh that all these other people are doing I got stuck felt like death to me I got stuck there for a long time yeah I mean you you you made a good choice by like coming down here and just like starting your life and you you've been down here for a long time would you do anything different in your life you could think you're looking back now maybe I would probably start working construction earlier like maybe find a job because now I know how much I like enjoy it like I love fixing stuff yeah like electric stuff I love building stuff it's just very fulfilling to just take something in usable and make it usable and like you said doing work with your hands yeah working with my hands like one of the most human things to do I think yeah it's it's yeah it's no it's it's it also what I learned from like working it goes back to like the aversion thing because then you could avoid stuff by just working you know I did that too I also did that with the gym yeah that was my way of avoiding [ __ ] was like oh I'm just going to do this forever because it kills a lot of time it also distracts you it's dist when I'm doing it I'm just like I don't have to think about all this other [ __ ] you picked a distraction that was that made more money I just my distraction was like well it didn't make money at the time it just made me jacked yeah yeah at the time I was like this is just the only thing that makes me feel like okay yeah so I was just doing this and that's why I was like spend so many hours at the gym and in that circumstance I was like you found what worked for you yeah yeah yeah and then like you talk about father figures you know I found father figures at the gym people who would like show me things or help me with this lift and I was like oh [ __ ] give you ideas for the gym just kidding yeah Jesus dude yeah what a what a groundbreaking idea a gym after be after training for how many years did I train for the groundbreaking idea bro open I start a gym I started a gym cuz I was getting kicked out of gyms was someone came to me and was like yo I have an idea you should start a gym you were getting kicked out of gyms cuz you were lifting girls on the on the barbells yeah and [ __ ] just couldn't film or shoot content most gyms so I was like I'm gonna open a gym because this is what what my life is because at that point I had already built up so many popular so much popularity on the internet I was like well I want to have my own space so I can keep doing it and then I was like okay might as well have members because without them I wouldn't have been able to have the money to build this all right guys quick and run to the podcast manscape listen best time of the year to choose manscape is right now it's it's holiday season listen gift giving it's tough it's tough for me historically it's tough for me but if you look if you're like yo I don't know exactly what I should get someone you can never go wrong getting someone something that's going to help them look better feel better be better I'm telling you right now manscape has everything product from A to Z for your beard for your hair for your private parts keep you clean keep you groomed keep you feeling good keep you feeling right okay so I'm like I'm telling you like I said historically so bad at picking gifts this is such an easy gift like and it's such a good gift that will be used all year long I use mine literally every day to try to keep my beard as trimmed as I can along with tons of their other products as well cuz like I said they have stuff like for your hair they have stuff for your private parts they have stuff for your body they have stuff for everything so give it a shot go to use code raw talk checkout to get 20% off right now the holiday season 20% off everything plus free shipping code RW talk man let's get back into this podcast that's how the gym came about yeah yeah dude I remember when he opened the first gym got that truck and it was just like that was a whole another world now yeah like it's trippy to me that that's that will be eight years on the 14th of January that's wild and eight years eight years ago because my new gym has been open for a year on the 14th of January and the other gym has been open for seven years yeah so the crazy thing about it too is that even before that I still had like like pop cuz I had to build money to be able to open the gym yeah so I had this popularity for time before that and I made all this money before that because I did the coaching stuff before I really even blew up up on the Internet doing like other stuff and selling like you know the BM fiar when I first started selling back in 2015 even prior to that I was making money selling coaching yeah selling training to people I've seen your old business cards um yeah there's one went from it went from training to that to like apparel and that to like cont and all that yeah but it's just interesting how how time G I guess man I mean that's all I do is work you know this is why it's so funny like the the the dynamic for me is so interesting because between me and you is like you're like the side of me that I need to do more of it's like you got it take a break yeah no it'll be it'll be it'll be really fun to to drive up to uh Lone Pine and just camp for a day or two yeah ride your dirt bike around I know so I got the I got the I'm excited man yeah we put some we put some we put some work into into your uh your van I mean dude your van okay let's be honest it was a Storyteller it was like the top tier it was worked before I got to it dude it's fancy I think I added like a shelf yeah well no we put the back stuff on we put we there's some like detail stuff that would just made it like all the better yeah you know they got a Jenny in there all got the power unlock bro I'm ready I'm ready to disappear just ride off into the sunset and shoot guns what I'm going to do I'm serious shoot guns I'm going to take a bunch of mushrooms just like that sounds fun talk about life to myself man you know what sometimes I think of getting is a is a horse trailer and a horse just driving a horse out to places it's expensive that's probably why I go with a dirt bike you know yeah for now they do let's do the construction thing and then you get a horse man dirt dirt bikes they don't uh they don't say they don't uh talk back like a horse will talk back sometimes they don't make you sandwiches though what I said they don't make you sandwiches though horses yeah or dirt bikes but women do oh my God you know what I'm saying but women will talk back though that was where the joke was coming from okay just shut up and make me a sandwich dude I'm a big fan of making my own sandwiches really oh I love cooking I like sandwiches made for me I love cooking really fun yeah [ __ ] man it's a lot of fun especially cuz like the end product what I don't know what it is but recently I I've just been enjoying watching like like it's this thing of content on Instagram where it's just like predominantly like Japanese like it's all in Japanese I don't know what they're they're they're writing in the in the the I just right away I just think about that Sushi Japanese rapper guy that you [ __ ] show me sushi he's like I like what is it I like sushi I like sushi bro Jacob I got show you this gold car there is this dude from Japan it's funny it's hilarious who like he's he's probably some rich dude in Japan who's like a rapper and he's like filming in front of like all these gold cars but there's one song that once he realized it went viral oh it just popped off he just kept doing it it was hilarious J have you seen this bro what's what's that guy's name I don't know you got to Google this for real put on your phone like he is literally like singing about liking Sushi and it goes fing viral dude yeah it's hilarious we can come back to the video I was just going to say the videos I like is like people out camping like cooking a meal but speaking of like people finding something that like yo you're talking about where they're like showing the action and they're they're like cutting it bro those vide are insane they're so good yeah there's like a guy I've seen you can like learn recipes through that there's a guy yeah exactly there's a guy I've seen who like he's like goes to like he's in like Sweden or some pretty ass Scenic Place and he's like C yeah he's like in a river and he gets water from the river it's like who the [ __ ] these people dude who the is doing this I mean some people have like property places so they could go and shoot those this guy's everywhere this guy's like that guy's life is like looks amazing yeah it looks because I mean like you shoot the video and then you have a meal you got two but here's my thing with this it's the same thing it I mean it can't be the same thing but okay for example for me with Fitness content right it changed my relationship to the gym because then I was like okay I have to shoot content to continue this whole way so like the gym was the gym prior and I and it was like completely kind of different to the way it is now where it's like I got to show up and I have to do certain things to make content to fulfill these needs of all you know this these channels and blah blah blah so I wonder if those same people it's like because it's tedious like while you're cooking that oh if they lose enjoyment yeah like or I mean maybe that setup they have to like I don't know how much editing goes in Prior but like how much they have to like oh let's I don't know if they're re-shooting things but they probably can't because they're cooking food so they must be pretty good at it I don't know but I'm just like it's funny how I wonder if it changes your perception of it where it's like okay now I'm doing this because I'm making content like I can relate to making content for the internet Fitness and kind of change my connection to the gym itself yeah so I wonder if it does alter it a little bit cuz like that's that's the thing that I think is so interesting with the internet people see things that people do and they go oh that's so easy that's so this I want to do that but then I don't think they understand the way that it does actually start to affect the thing that it actually is yeah and I mean for that person to that effect like you've been on the internet for a long time you can't just be a one trick pony to be on the internet not for this long no way no way it'll it'll people will lose interest 100% like tons of people have experienced that like they blow up off one thing they try and recreate it and then they're just yeah stuck in that well that just reminds me of the fitness and there's so many people who pop and then just dissipate pop then dissipate pop then dissipate yeah cuz you got to you got to keep things going and like because everyone could do it too the barrier entry is so small it's like I can just get jacked take or maybe I'm already kind of genetically gifted I'm jacked look at me look at my workout and it's always like okay what else yeah people kind of just forget that you have to give them a reason to continue to [ __ ] with you yeah are we gonna are we going to have a Brad's gym like go over all your old videos and do them again with a new camera well dude I was so me and me and Jacob and like the rest of the team like I mean I've just been talking about for the last few weeks I'm like I just want to do something different but I've realized I think what I'm going to do based on um you be a van lifer well no I'm gonna take moreing breaks number one but with the fitness content I think I'm just going to start just filming like just straight up workouts and not making it any sort of any complicated just like like what we started with exactly like what I diding 10 12 years ago which was like it was you working out doing your sets and then you talk to the camera for a bit you share some stuff with people and I mean you're definitely very like it's that's tough to like just be yourself sometimes and like because because not everybody's going to like you all the time but like you still just did it anyways yeah I'm just going to get back to that because it got to like oh edit have this nice shop blah blah blah like make this funny or whatever so for Fitness stuff I mean podcast I'm going to continue to do and continue to try to interview people that I find interesting but for content on on Fitness I think what I'm going to do is just start doing what I had always done in the beginning which just like this is just my workout and just narrate it and not have it be some like edited thing cuz there's like or like some gimmick yeah I mean it's never a gimmick but it's like it the girls on the bar is kind of was that was a gimmick that's what I mean by gimmick of course of course and it just became because I was like oh I have to get this you know thumbnail but I'm just like I don't give a anymore no you don't need it so you can like create something that you really enjoy and and like is a work is a labor of love as opposed to a labor to like return on investment yeah to to get some sort of might be like really fun just go back over all your stuff well it's interesting there's there's another guy there's a guy who's like super pop probably the most popular fitness Creator right now Sam suck I don't know if you've seen that guy on the internet super [ __ ] exactly meet crayon made a funny video about him yeah who's that oh me crayon he's just like kind of he's a Creator he makes tons of like super creepy cartoons he's hilarious I like watching his stuff yeah but but my point to that is like that dude came and blew up off of literally what we were doing 10 years ago just like fil his just filming his whole workout and it was like not complicated he gets in his car it's like super just basic just this is what the guy is doing but I mean he also puts a ton of work behind it because you you don't look like that unless oh no no I'm not talking about his work of his body I'm just talking about the style of content is so basic so simple it's not there's nothing to it just like not that it doesn't take work the physical the physical helps cuz if I was doing that nobody would watch it the fact that he's like massive and they want people want to see how to get massive no of course so that I mean it's a ton of work like when you were like I remember the biggest you were I came to visit and we went to like some Olympian thing and like dude you were [ __ ] jacked like Mega jacked dude like this wide and I was like damn my brother's a giant like what the Yeah like there was a period where you were like you were huge and like you were competing and stuff and then then it just like changed and then just I was like 270 275 at one point I remember I thought you told me at one point you were like 290 no no I was going to try to be 290 like that was one of my goals like one of my goals was to be 300 lb cuz I wanted to do like real professional bodybuilding yeah but then like you know you get closer to that and you're like maybe this isn't for me like cuz there like there's certain things you got to start doing that you're like I don't really feel comfortable doing it yeah oh definitely like certain levels of drugs you're just like H I already feel I don't want to be more uncomfortable yeah well you're kind of like you're kind of trading your future for the present you know cuz like it could affect your overall lifespan whatever but I mean yeah I was that was it was it was an impressive time like you were just huge dude you weren't like balling super hard but you were like doing your thing yeah that what year that was probably like 2014 15 or 16 2015 2016 yeah you were massive those years and I mean still pretty big what 260 250 yeah they 255 right now yeah lost my Powers oh no cuz I've been boxing yeah I box every day cardio cardio takes uh takes some of the powers away but it gets you different powers it gives it definitely gives you different powers like gives you different powers you should come hiking at like 9,000 10,000 fet see how you feel [ __ ] I already know it's going to be tough the Oxygen's a little uh thinner up there I'm down for that I could do that no there's this one hike you should you should come do up in June Fern Lake it's like this the whole way I feel like we got to go straight to Everest no I feel like we or you have to like hire Sherpas and stuff for that die [ __ ] SHP well we could do Mount Whitney that's a 14 14,000 ft what's the hardest hike in the world that's the one we go to I mean like K2 or something like that where you cuz like hiking for real you die people die doing that kind of yeah you don't get like about average people die every year yeah and their bodies are just up there because you can't bring them down but so those are like I don't know if I'm getting the number they're like in they they they classify them in meters and they're like if you turn meters to feet it'd be like 20 something th000 feet where we have like 14,000 feet here and you look at a 14er and you're like the and then you look at a 20,000 footer you're like oh yeah like well people just up there like dying of like what lack of oxygen just cold lack of oxygen yeah I mean also like the altitude affects you like it'll it'll give you like disorientation and stuff and like if you're up there disoriented you collapse like nobody's carrying you down cuz they don't want to get disoriented too yeah I get it but like if you go in the mountains like you go in with the intention that like I'm taking care of me my buddy's taking care of him well is that why they have you do like to do it they have you do like all these testing things to see if you're even capable of doing it I think there's some like prerequisites for I've never attempted to do Everest or anything like that but like I'm sure there's some I mean you could pay a sherper to carry all your stuff up there and then you could just walk and they take care of everything for you it's crazy how there's just people who are just so good at it they're just like yeah pay me I grew up they're like natives they're like the the people from whatever area it is you know like they're born at like it's like their backyard they're born at like 10,000 ft so they're just they're built different you know this is light work to me dude I grew up doing this yeah and these other people from the West are just coming dying dead [ __ ] ice no there's like bodies up there and you you can't bring them down cuz like the stress of you bringing somebody down is would jeopardize your own life yeah and like if you're in a park and like somebody goes down like you can't just carry them when you don't even have enough oxygen to like like people bring tanks and stuff to breathe out of yeah I get it it's Chris crazy how people sign up for that [ __ ] too like they're they're like well that it's like that that's like when you have all the money in the world like what else you do I don't [ __ ] climbing I guess going submarines that's can we laugh about that one that's F too soon cares laugh about whatever I don't give a dude that's but that's that's a funny thing cuz I I would have never gotten in that sub I was watching I was literally watching I don't know I think it might have been Tate was talking about it but it's like you're you're you have all the money in the world and you're going in a submarine and you got to watch the thing through a screen like it's not like there's mirror you're not like miror excuse me personal responsibility well there's not like Windows you're looking through anyways you're just looking at it in a screen but you're in a too much pressure to even have Windows right so it's like why why not just watching through through a window up top yeah you know I thre a [ __ ] TV up top yeah they were vaporized yeah that's sad you know that whole thing but I mean whatever they chose to do it wasn't it a whole thing where like they knew that that happened way before they said that it happened like that it actually imploded because they heard it's like some military they yeah pop but we were still like they were still talking about it for like a week going through the motions the new the new cycle needed a topic you know to talk about crazy that's a real thing man they got to keep viewers For Those ads God damn just like the internet I know it's crazy how people don't understand that most people I don't think understand that business your attentions the uh the the most prous thing time on time on the platform yeah same thing with all these apps like keeping people on the platform that's why would it's all about view time so like people get the most views on Tik toks because people watch the Tik Tok the longest yeah and so then it grows and then dude Tik Tok is so it's all about keeping people on the platform so they can go back to the advertisers and say we have this many users this demographic this age group who's on the platform this this much to advertise exactly give us this money you know what I'm saying I remember I remember when Co happened I was up in Tahoe and I downloaded Tik Tok and I watched it for like a little bit and I was just like what the this is so stupid well dude it's been a pleasure yeah thanks for having me yeah thank you for coming wasn't expecting to be on your podcast I wasn't even I honestly wasn't exped to do it and I was like well [ __ ] it you're here I think it' be a cool podcast also it's cool to have just on the cuz the one thing about the internet that like I also until recently I didn't really recognize obviously I knew this was happening the whole time but like it it's archiving of all this content like I looked back on my my channel like two nights ago I was looking at all these old videos and I was like holy [ __ ] this is me when I'm fing X years old yeah having a conversation about this and so now is a conversation that we'll have on the internet will be on there forever it's pretty cool I think that's just cool the internet doesn't forget they got screenshots no dude yeah know I appreciate you having me it was fun absolutely my first my my first real podcast but yeah I appreciate you coming um every Tuesday 11:00 a.m. I love you guys I appreciate all the support uh I forgot the cameras are there even yeah yeah that's the that's the whole purpose yeah so it's just a good combo peace out um yeah weird I guess like I was going to be like what do you but you're not like a traditional guest where you're like promoting some [ __ ] I'm not promoting anything yeah okay we're out here just trying to go skiing dude yeah me too snowboard though all right we're out love you guys peace
Channel: Bradley Martyn's Raw Talk
Views: 199,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradley martyn, fitness podcast, motivational, how to build muscle, zoo culture, video podcast, exercise, bmfit, joe rogan, comedy, full send
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 49sec (6049 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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