*Interstellar* BLEW OUR MINDS and BROKE OUR HEARTS | Movie Reaction

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hey guys welcome back to the channel I'm Spartan and I'm paj and today we are watching [Music] Interstellar so back at it again with another classic that we haven't seen I mean I don't know if it's considered a classic I don't know it's like popular classic is like the movies in the ' 80s 90s that we missed it's not it's not a classic this is like a good movie to our community because this absolutely like blitzed the poles and it's been asked for a lot and we do know that other reaction channels it tends to be a popular popular choice so yeah this is one that I've been particularly eager for or intrigued by for a while we do know that Christopher Nolan directs this yes now we love his Dark Knight trilogy but I don't know if we've seen too many other films from him I think he helped some of the Snider DC stuff that we like but yeah he's known for doing wacky films uh that's what everyone has been telling us and this seems to be one that people are really hyped for yeah I don't particularly know what to expect other than it has something to do with space yeah I know it's got a setting of space a bit more of a Sci-Fi setting I know it's meant to be a bit of a Trippy kind of movie um other than that I don't really think yeah I'm going we're going to this pretty blind um I'm looking forward to just seeing what it's all about cuz people like keep just I don't know in the Discord chats and patreon and stuff and everyone's chatting about it they're just like oh we got to see your take on this and I'm like okay like what is all the hype about it you know why why this movie in particular yeah cuz there are certain things that you guys come to us with and like yeah that's definitely for you too so this is one of them and I'm just like curious to see why now we know that Matthew mccon is in the movie I love Matthew mccon especially you haven't watched watch them but he's in a lot of chick-flicks that I've watched but like the OG like good ones not the cheesy ones yeah I like him too I just don't know where I've seen him from I reckon you would have seen a chick flick on TV Once Upon a Time yeah maybe unlikely but more so I'm just saying I know the actor as well I'm just trying to think of of an iconic rolling head think P's gold no no okay I'm not sure I don't know we'll have to but the point is yes I I also like his acting so I'm looking forward to seeing this performance from him and just see where we go thank you everyone over on patreon for supporting the channel if you do want to get 3 to 4 weeks of Early Access to our edited and uncut reactions we'll leave a link in the description down below and if you guys are watching this over on YouTube don't forget to leave a like on the video subscribe to the channel and let us know in the comments down below what you thought of this movie all right let's go let's go I [Music] need the hell I know better not start with a bloody crash no such thing as ghost bab grandpa says you can get ghosts maybe that's cuz Grandpa's a little too close to being one himself that call I'm going to use that next time we dreaming about the crash so Something's Happened that's obviously like a nightmare the we had died the blight came and we had to burn it and we still had do murf that old lady ofn but uh mostly we had dust are you reckon what the heck did you do to my land it was me let me guess was your ghost it knocked it off my shelf keep knocking books off no such thing as ghost dumb ass you said science is about admitting what we don't know she's got to there she's a small cookie that one bit of a pudgy always got an answer something got record the facts analyze get to the how and the why then present your conclusions you de you would love that if that was you you'd love that I was going say I love that yeah it's right that [Laughter] yourway you be nice to that Miss Hanley she's single what's that supposed to mean repopulating the Earth start pulling your weight young man mind your own business oh oh man I love the video responses he has it's already got a nice vibe to it I like itur give me a second oh my God we used to do that we die really yeah just I'll just find the place let know not that th we didn't do that I supposed to pass out here figure it out I'm not always going to be here to help it's kind a good attitude there always a way to solve every problem yeah Dad without Cal in real life I know why did you and Mom meet me after something that's bad well we didn't Murphy's Law Murphy's Law doesn't mean that something bad will happen what it means is that whatever can happen will happen o interesting okay damn the lines in whatever can happen will happen interesting in just like that I [Music] guess oh [ __ ] [Laughter] fields just don't smash into anything nice he's very encouraging as a father I almost got it don't stop don't stop dad oh [ __ ] that could have ended really badly my life would have flashed before my eyes I guess that ansers the if I ask you to drive off a cliff scenario it really does doesn't it oh is they controlling it now yeah want to get the world dude who is this guy's got his next level Tech I know it wasn't hurting anybody damn she's really empathetic this thing needs to learn how to adapt M like the rest of us interesting so he's adopted the whole family's adopted they tell you about it when you get in there I'm not going to be mad not with me just please try not to relax when you always had to talk up your parents before like this Legend she brought this in to show the other students the section on the lunar Landings it's an old Federal textbook we've replaced them with the corrected versions oh my God explaining how the Apollo missions were fake to bankrupt the Soviet Union oh [ __ ] he's not going to like that that's why she was saying don't get mad you don't believe we went to the moon if it was a brilliant piece of propaganda that the so sovet bankrupted themselves pouring resources into rockets and other useless machines useless machines he's really taking offense to it how'd it go I got you suspended how does a kid get suspended on a parents behalf M ghosts what do you think oh you think it's the Magnus creating noises yeah okay that's why M thinks you know there's ghosts I've been working on it like you said I can the spes in case the ghost is trying to communicate pretty bright had to reset every Compass clock in GPS to offset the anomaly the anomaly I just Fu it's going to be important this world isn't so bad you're the one who doesn't belong born 40 years too late or 40 years too early yeah interesting at the wrong time for him now just look down and worry about our place in the dirt the mystery and wonder dead you hate fing dead grandpa said they buy any of the bull I know kids never do I like what you do I like our F be great at it even then he doesn't like impose his [ __ ] on his children he's like if you're fine with it it's good I know I'm so nor what I'm saying dude like where are these dads at I know out here that does not look great oh [ __ ] God damn this G me like Last of Us Vibes I don't know why yeah oh that's really sweet he's protecting her a Tom you guys shut your windows oh no oh math oh dude her room's mangled now what's the sand doing that's like the magnetic field again see how it's running down yeah ghost I don't know it looked like he was running in [Music] lines he's very locked in he didn't even like blink once or take his eyes off it if it's binary thck is one Thin is zero coordinates how the hell did he finish that figure that out coordinates all right where does it lead but you don't know what you're going to find and that is going to the coordinates I can't take you poor girl has been talking about it for weeks I just can't even G grandpa be home in a while tell I call on the radio she's in the car why I I was about to say why iing the car you can see her moving there under the clothes she really wait for the front seat you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me that's true make yourself useful even that it doesn't get angry this guy give him D of the Year already I'm just impressed by his kills the father that would have been P long and would told to walk 8 K home [Laughter] I think this is the end of the road bring the Bol Cutters oh look at her I love like that's my girl he knows like we don't stop the harder it gets the more person dude this is literally a pudy family wonder what kind of monster you would have gr up to grown into if you had this oh my God step away from the fence don't you not arm daughter's in the car damn dude mango fan out oh T it oh [ __ ] what did he stumble into what the [ __ ] you had the coordinates for this facility marked on your map where did you get those coordinates where's my daughter don't make me take you down again sit down what the hell who the [ __ ] talking what the hell is that who are you Dr brand I know Dr BR once he was a professor what makes you think I'm not no engineer is cute either already fling Dad hello Cooper Professor Bryant oh Alfred don't you know who we are no Professor I don't you know my father Professor brand we NASA oh wow why I so hidden then when they realized that killing other people was not a long-term solution then they needed us back in secret of course allow spending on space exploration not when you're struggling to put food on the table M interesting okay we're growing more than we ever have well but like the potatoes in Ireland and the wheat in the Dust Bowl the corn will die wow so this blight's slly killing everything we're not meant to save the world we're meant to leave it oh okay oh [ __ ] okay Cooper I can't tell you anymore unless you agree pilot this CRA to Pilot this craft you're the best pilot we ever had oh no way but something sent you here they chose you who's there that's true yeah who cuz it's not just a coincidence yeah that gravity gave him the coordinance to this place it a wor it appeared 48 years ago and it leads where another galaxy oh [ __ ] whoever they are they appear to be looking out for us oh damn like another species or something they've put potentially habitable worlds right within our reach 12 in fact from our initial probes you sent probes into it an our we sent people into it 10 years ago oh people went into it already he's the game maker on Hunger Games yeah I knew I knew him somewhere sorry one system shows promise one that's a bit of a long shot is it one system with three potential worlds interesting okay dude this is a massive risk then what that's the long shot there's a plan A and A Plan B all right later on us I started working work on the theory and we started building this station but you haven't solved it yet that's why there's Plan B I wonder who's going to solve it Plan B population bomb over 5,000 fertilized eggs weighing in it just under 900 kilos oh my god dude this shit's like blowing my mind right now this is really about the species these guys are all dead you give up on them my kids that's why plan a is a lot more fun all right what's plan a they told you what plan a was oh okay yeah bring lost I'm just lot here man it is find us a new home and by the time you return I will have solved the problem of gravity how do you leave your kids for that many years oh dude that's going to break the news to murf that sucks and how many years will it be I know she didn't even want to leave him to go on this little like Expedition on him by himself you have to talk to me murf I need to fix this before I go I'll keep it broken so you have to stay a we're just here to be memories for our kids wow damn dude he already tearing up want you're a parent you're a ghost of your children's future and he needs to make right by that so they have a future he said ghost don't exist but then he's a ghost he chose me D this is so much so heavy he chose me you saw you're the one who led me to probably hates your right now for that stay it says stay dad really it says stay why you're not listening it says stay I really believe her I do really believe her oh no oh no this ain't going to go good oh dude listen to her you idiot oh no oh it's going to get worse than I thought we're going to compare and will run differently for us yeah interesting make back whe we might even be the same age oh wow dude that's trippy that is crazy you have no telling you're coming back yeah that was or if he coming back I love you forever and I'm coming back dude this is killing me this is heavy what the hell I've done this perfectly I don't know I couldn't leave like that God damn yeah I'm as a kid as a kid you're like what was that last one stay and a books dropping what is happening dude oh no whoever they are they're saying dude don't go my holy [ __ ] this is wild I think I've forgotten to breathe for like the last 15 minutes oh it's like he was hoping that she was there to Say Goodbye Oh no nah you you'd make the effort to go like he's going to space no way and he's obviously emotional about it as well stage one separation stage and murf's teacher back at school is like oblivious yeah throw her in the be we're going to be spending a lot of time together we should learn to talk Emma not to oh damn just being honest I don't think you need to be that honest I she my line to you okay 90% it is Dr Brown 90% honesty give my regards to Dr man very well Dad it looks good for your trajectory we've calculated two years to Saturn two years oh oh [ __ ] how long is that's two years too satin not back Do Not Go Gentle into that good night rage rage against the dying of the light I worry about the foreshadowing in those words the human race is going to be a drift desperate for a rock it can cling to while it catches its breath what are they are they going into cryo Laura Miller's Planet it's first Laura started her biology program what the hell is that like a crier phrase maybe you know where you don't age you like asleep till you get to your destination oh my God they do that with space sometimes in movies but St up I'll be there in a minute just remember C you are literally wasting your breath space humor I get that but I'm I'm still trying to think what they're doing are they sleeping just shortterm or was I correcting the chry no must be short to him Sur we he sent you a message come on you definitely want to be seeing it murf is a bright spark maybe I should fan the flame interesting okay what are they going to do with me the next time you hear from Cooper they'll be coming up on Saturn that is why still like you just have to trust that they're fine out there my brain is going to be going cry sleep soon just with all this I know but the way they were going into those freezers that was like giving me anxiety the water and then the she I'm like and the pods going like underground too much God no I wouldn't be I would I'm not for space I love it but I'm not for it I'm sorry CP I asked murf to say hi but but she's as stubborn as her old man we'll try again next time no why you've waited all that time waiting to hear for a message so they say you want to go from here to there but it's too far right mhm so a wormhole Bend space like this so you can take a shortcut through a higher Dimension interesting okay oh [ __ ] there it is it is like a it's like a little bubble well a big bubble you could go into it and just crash and get over you don't actually know how it works wow it's like projecting the other Galaxy through it it looks [ __ ] beautiful but oh my God I wouldn't be able to take it in oh no of course of course everyone will be shoting Bricks now surely oh my god when does it end what is that it's distorting space who Lazarus no oh [ __ ] like aliens or something I was thinking maybe it was the people that W the Lazarus Mission no they're not just floating there not floa do you see anyone floating yeah didn't you see that thing touching her you're in another world it's a lot going on then where's handshake that's crazy we're here they're like greetings now you're a Galaxy away from Earth [ __ ] that's Miller side has kept pinging thumbs up as his Dr mans um Edmunds went down through years ago oh [ __ ] with one complication the planet is much closer to Gargantua than we thought G I don't know what that means Landing there takes us dangerously close and the black hole that big has a huge gravitational pull so that's a risk gravity on that planet will slow our clock compared to Earth's drastically how bad every hour we spend on that planet will be seven years back on earth oh man he's going to come back older than Earth I mean younger than earth now Miller hasn't sent much but what she has sent is very promising it's water it's Organics you don't buy that every day I have to take a massive risk yeah just for this we take a wider orbit around gargant will parallel with Miller's planet outside of this time shift to here and we take the ranger down we get Miller we get her sample we come back we analyze we debrief we're in we're out we lose a little fuel but we save a whole lot of time that'll work interesting interesting I feel like there's complications with that though if we're talking about a couple of years I could use the time to research gravity observations from the Wormhole that's go to Professor brat that's crazy their first mission already they stay behind like we see in two years I know just to get to the I'm going to use the Rangers aerodynamics save some fuel air bra I get down fast don't we actually we want to get there in one piece yeah which which one's better H I wonder if he's blindsided n for his children and time is going to cost them at some point we go just hope that something doesn't snap off just water oh my God I know it sounds dumb to say but I didn't expect like this much water yeah looks like the whole planet's water that'd be weird you saying an ocean but it's not your ocean yeah I you wonder what life is in it oh [ __ ] it looks just like home we're scared to land what if they got these giant creatures oh my God what are you waiting for let's go go go go go yeah we don't have time on ours side I know seven freaking years man that's still that still is so much that's insane oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they just landed in the middle of nowhere those are mountains what are they then the waves oh my god oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god oh no dude what is this what are you do what what do you do oh my God it's why is the theer now oh my where the robot get the robot oh my God thank goodness for that hurry up do will stay back and watching for her I know well how can you like leave it's yeah I get it I'm just you be [ __ ] yourself though get in oh he got in oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my God that was way too close for comfort dude what the hell it's still growing they're in the middle of it hey hang on why isn't I shoting the third guy did he make it or didn't he was that her that came in oh no tell me no please tell me he made it I told you to leave me and I told you get your ass back here the difference is one of us was thinking about the mission you were thinking about getting home oh my God the other gu's gone I'm trying to do the right thing you tell that to Doyle he didn't make it I think he made it stuff Al life huh what's this going to cost they have to wait 45 to an hour to drain the water decades no way man on this planet's time she just landed hours ago no way that's insane oh my God that is so trippy dude dude and now we're stuck here till there won't be anyone left on us to save oh my God I'm counting every every minute same as you C holy [ __ ] dude I don't know what to feel this is ridiculous decades decades and doy's still gone oh my God isn't it crazy the pre Lazarus Mission were here hours ago because of the time being yeah oh my God again it's happening Copart you're up case blow the cabin action through the main thrusters we're going to spark it true cuz you want to have enough time between waves to let it drain so you're just stuck in this cycle getting mold and losing more and more decades and I knew when I were focusing on Doyle kept looking back I'm like why Mak point of Earth It's a Robbery man I can't believe he's gone just like that on a planet where no one will live there your bones again oh wow the timing of fing about him was perfect [ __ ] like I just haven't been able to stopped talking about him I don't know how they how old is this guy going to be now I've waited years how many years it's got gr and everything but now it must be it's 23 years 4 months 8 days 23 years they lost no there's no [ __ ] way we've got years of messages stored oh no he's children M 23 years did murf ever send a message hey Dad oh my God checking in saying hi oh my God finished second in school oh he made it top five oh I met another girl then that's so sad yeah I really think this is the one D he's not even there twin enjoy it talk about sacrifice his name's Jessie I kind want to call maybe next time wow man this is almost too much where's Mur there's no message from her her Grandpa died last week oh I never got to say him all these messages are just drifting out there in the darkness but he is listening like that's the worst part now yeah I know far I guess let you go tell me that's the last message de oh dude that is rough peace I just want to go cry a hole damn man that is not what after that's insane oh is that birth wow hey Dad hey you son of a [Laughter] [ __ ] you once told me that when you came back we might be the same age and that was the age of he left and today I'm the age you were when you left this would be a real good time for you to come back you cry this MBE me so ours kept the endurance right where we needed her but the trip took years longer than we anticipated we no longer have the fuel to visit both prospects so okay so I got to choose one she's in love with wol is that true yes and that's why that's her setback and that makes me want to follow my heart damn that's dangerous dude very dangerous especially the whole crew love isn't something we invented it's observable powerful that's not enough to risk everyone's life no maybe it means something more something we can't yet understand look I'm open to it but far out it's a lot to risk like this I like the theme though love guiding the way love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space just like gravity is that enough to convince CP because he's all about facts T Charter course for Dr man oh [ __ ] decision and even then she goes oh you know like it's my field like even oh I don't know you have to be honest in those scenarios your fuel calculations are based on a return Journey strike out on Man's planet and we'll have to decide whether to return home or push on to Edmund's with Plan B oh that's rough oh [ __ ] s it's literally home will plan B I trust you be as objective then oh dude that's rough I get I get the spitefulness I do [ __ ] you please she had to had he given up oh what's the LIE what the hell there's no way to help us the planning all this all these people there's no way no you can't leave you she need to know did her father know he told you right you knew you knew what plan a was never never viable no I know [ __ ] of being very clear you left us here no if if Coupe knew which we know that he didn't he would have taken his kids with him CP didn't know that I know that but Dr bran knew so he's daughter knew so he's not all along potentially she knew I I think she knew I don't know because then would she have risked her life trying to get the data well they thought the data was leading into a planet that was was viable they didn't know it was going to be water the point of the D is to say hey come here oh my God that cloud was like ice yeah the thing is right now I think this is Man's planet yeah it is you underestimate the best of people could just put out a transmission because they're lonely you just don't know I know I know that's what that's what I'm thinking like why did these beacons will go off on these [ __ ] planets is he in cry sleep oh my God he is no why oh my well we underestimated him sorry well we'll say we'll say oh wow he's alive damn you never thought youd see anyone again that's what she's thinking her lover might still be another planet frozen waiting the last time I went to sleep I didn't even set a waking date yeah D wow that's insane you have literally raised me from the dead [ __ ] so you could have stayed there Frozen for forever Dr man tell us about your world yeah it has to be all worth it doesn't it 67 hours long cold 67 hours long the nights are 67 far colder hours wow it's not really viable at all how is this viable how far have you explored I've mounted several major Expeditions but with oxygen and limited Supply Kip there really did most of the leg work wow keeps done Dr brand I'm sorry to tell you that your father died today he had no pain we get to hear the second half you knew this was all a sham he left us here he did though I think oh man I guess we're about to find out oh we didn't get to see this I want to know if you left me here to die dude they sing man they're killing me he never even hoped to get people off the Earth no why lie people won't want to go out why keeping those St he knew how hard it would be to get people to work together to save the species instead of themselves yes had to lie for what can I [Music] do let me go home is he actually going to go harm we just have to keep working same as ever yeah Dam this that exactly what Professor br was manipulating gave up on us I'm still trying to solve this yeah there's a difference oh myth MTH is La I told you about my ghost yeah what was the message I called it a ghost because it felt felt like a person oh [ __ ] trying to tell her something maybe like different life the future like I was saying if there's an answer here on Earth it's back there in that room in that room Wow have tell you Dr man I'm honored to be a part of this but once we set up base camp secure those modules my work's done here yeah you have to know when to stop that emotion is at the foundation what makes us human is not to be taken lightly even he fully understands yeah I don't know I'm worried something's going to happen I hope not that's a bit sster robot they keep showing it why did he they commission it again he he gave reason but I know if there's more to it true I never really considered the possibility that my Planet wasn't the one oh I just assume that it was what is he doing why did you do that oh my God why why would you even do that I can't let you leave with that [ __ ] we're going to need it to complete the mission no [ __ ] way I'm Sor oh my god oh my god dude they saved this guy is he serious that's what I mean you're going to know when to cut it off you f all the data yes why but I knew the day that I arrived here this place had nothing didn't want to die you didn't want to die I knew it if I just pressed that button and somebody would come and save me disgusting I mean [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I I can't blame him cuz [ __ ] that's tough position but still dad's not coming back he never was coming back it's up to me you're going to save everybody his dad couldn't do it dad didn't even try oh [ __ ] finishing you nobody's going with you why why wouldn't you just help your family a little bit you're going to wait for your next kid to die oh wow that's what Sarah is the first kid Jesse Jesse sorry fire stop it no don't crack it 50/50 chance you're going to kill yourself those are the best ODS I've had in years oh my God this guy is something else oh my God man Dr man's lost his mind don't judge me Cooper you were never tested like I was I get it but it's it's still ridiculous yeah he lost his mind but far out he's wasting their time they were on this planet for nothing yeah absolutely nothing come on K You're Not Alone come on K you can't breathe man holy [ __ ] just like the tire you got to figure it out come on do you see your children trying to be short after he's left to die there it is oh my God just find it just find it help Cooper come on he can't hear it too he doesn't know I have a fish go go go go away and they're leaving without man man's going to go back to nothing there the idiot the idiot I going to get his position but I'm sorry brother you cooked that one there's a security lock sir it requires a person to access fun of course all right let's see this [ __ ] is he going to he's going to figure it out that man was lying yeah true oh she going to give him no choice I got to he's good he's good he's good he's good here we go this data makes no sense yeah of course it doesn't make sense I'm W for his safety now though they left him behind I'm sorry man was lying everyone be lying out here everyone do what was that no way did he set it to blow up if someone accessed it I don't know I don't know poor man he let talk the man he's trying to take the ship wow look at that man what a coward by the car come on find that message the watch is just there the magnetic field remember maybe we'll see now what happens if you don't line up correctly you were asking I hope not because that's their only chance of getting home is it not do not attempt darking I repeat do not attempt darking he turned you off mate oh my God going to save this idiots cost them everything man I know he's done it no it hasn't hooked on he's just trying to override everything there's obviously systems in place for a reason do not open the Hatchy do not open the Hat are these guys serious the de pressurized oh so they're trying to save his life even after what he's done he's open in it this is about all mankind I get it but you're about to not survive oh my God oh my God what has he done Dr man is an idiot there is no way they can't get back home now that was their way home I'm pretty sure what is he doing flying into them oh he's trying to try to L onto it what are you doing KN no way no way dude this is where those Elite pilot skills come to play this man couldn't even do it standing still this guy's going to oh my God it's not possible no it's necessary oh what if it can happen will happen the are starting toat out oh wow he was born for this this moment here led up initiating spin the factu that he's even lined that up even for a split second you know they're spinning together trying to sink up that's crazy holy [ __ ] oh my God we are locked [ __ ] up every bit of faith in C and and tars wow that's crazy pushing out of it come on baby oh my God he stopped it from Just crashing into the planet they did it oh the man he's the Beast Legend okay and for our next trick be good we're heading into Gargantua pool oh my God they cannot get a breather we don't have enough life support to make it back to Earth but I think we can scratch our way to edon's Planet why F not enough but I have a plan why why why there's no chance of going to earth now much land or one is spent tars will detach and get sucked right into that black hole why does tars have to detach oh we have to shed the weight to escape the gravity Newton's third law the only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind that's true ready ready ready how can you ever be ready for that this little maneuver is going to cost us 51 years sound so bad for pushing 120 what the hell there's no way 51 years 3 two one oh my God a good boy TS Ranger 2 prepare to detach no no cooper cooper what are you doing I Third Law what the hell 90% not a he's saving her heading towards oh they're going to lose comms no way what is that it looks kind of like the sand yeah the beginning like in murf's room yeah is that a Sim like gravitational thing oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no e eject eject what him e safety mechanism I guess what the [ __ ] he actually ejected what the hell is this how do you even survive that they literally foreshadowed all of these in the sentences what the hell is this what the hell it's a tunnel of lights did he go into the black hole well I mean he did before so what the hell is this what's on the other side the books from the future oh my God he was or from him there's no way there's no way that that's what it is he's the they when I was saying they are sending us messages it was him I can't be your ghost I have to exist GH oh my God imagine that dude this is [Music] ridiculous oh my God my brain's my brain's [ __ ] has she figured it out or no like she might be figuring it out the world is playing a crazy [ __ ] joke on him holy [ __ ] what is this place man oh he's seeing that moment now don't go don't go you idiot don't go and he literally gave murf the message to give to him which was stay he gave himself the [ __ ] message hey she see this is when he said stay but it didn't it's already happened we know what happens she puts it together and he doesn't listen but maybe there's another message make mistake you be begging oh my God these hindsight's too much he's just like stuck in his n and that's when the book fell remember he turned around oh wow what a position to be dude um I don't have words for this what is she going to figure out how is she going to figure it out it was you how how do you how do you even come to that conclusion well she had half the equation right so it's getting a connection oh oh T Legend they constructed this threedimensional space inside their five dimensional reality to allow you to understand it yeah that ain't working so weird they created this you have worked out that you can exert a force across SpaceTime gravity right I can do this I can do this such complicated data to a child not just in a child yeah yeah she's gifted his child the people on Earth are going to die think think think Cooper always a problem Sol man here to change the past we're not trying to change the past affect the future yeah didn't bring us here at all well that we brought ourselves so what does that mean is that him realizing that he was the they I don't know be confused on that one t could be the coordinat for NASA in binary in binary Roger feeding data he's realizing that he was the one that made all this happen the coordinates was all him yes when I was like I was just lying he was affecting oh my god dude this changes everything they didn't choose me they chose her for what Cooper to save the world what the W oh god dude my brain's short cting it's just like gr's head my connection with murf it is quantifiable it's the key love was the key oh my God the foreshadowing is incredible holy [ __ ] that's it we code the data into the movement of the second hand oh this this is beyond me how the hell he's coming okay I'm coming down get the bloody [Music] watch oh no this isn't good the sun's going to lose his [ __ ] I didn't know it was him going to save us she must sound like Looney but I think he needed those words though cuz he lost hope she's got the message so she could decrypt it then they kep saying they needed someone to go within the black hole he was that somewh yeah did it work I think it might have how do you know because the bulk beings are closing the Tesseract oh wow Cooper people couldn't build this no not yet wow what the hell and oh my God some other species or humans in the future past the four dimension to we know wow that is that is they were guiding him like he was guing MF oh my god dude that is insane yeah what happens now what happens to C wow wow he was the hand that was reaching after her remember when she said May first Contact it was his hands oh dude wow the ti is off its head ridiculous just floating out there what the hell there's no why what the what nice and easy Mr Cooper remember you're no spring chicken anymore actually you are 124 years old holy [ __ ] the Rangers found you with only minutes left in your oxygen supply Dam I don't understand what the hell happened he was found what the hell the it's w where am I Cooper station currently orbiting Saturn what oh my God she's still alive she'll be here in a couple weeks what the [ __ ] so she's going to be super old now I think she's going to be that old lady from the start she sometimes over her nose and mouth so we read exting for me this is the hair she did confirm just how much she loved farming yep is this oh yeah the uh the machine we found under Saturn when we found you yes it's sh but we could get you another one if you want to they got sped out near Saturn wow how crazy would this be thought that's wild oh man it's a bit of sweet isn't it like that's your little daughter it was me how you oh my God the F how real how so real with this B but I knew he'd come back now oh know how how do you even come to that conclusion just my dad promise me what are they [Music] doing it's still tripping me out I have my kids here for me now you go she had kids and everything she's telling to go now brand she's alive she's alive damn she's got grandkids and everything that's you left your daughter at 10 years old and you see her at like I don't know 90 whatever she is setting at Camp oh true she's still out out there wow alone in a strange Galaxy oh she went back and found her her love but he was gone Manny's 124 years old and he's going back out by himself pleas isn't yeah it look like there was a lot of people there yeah I couldn't tell if shade set up that camp or there's small Colony yeah and he's going to go find her now oh my God I don't even know where where it be I don't think words can do justice but no I don't I I think this discussion we can't do justice just like all I'll say is that for me that was a perfect movie that was actually I'd give that 10 out of 10 I there was nothing that I would change I had no gripes that that story writing is ridiculous can I just say we've made history yeah spot and cried on the channel but not just that I I I cry about three times in this movie this is the first time I've been tored before but this is the first time on the channel That I genu like couldn't control my emotions and that's that's a lot it's happened three times and to interstella like who would I just I always thought it would have been like Like a Warrior movie or you know yeah something something of that nature maybe a really good anime but I did not expect that Interstellar would be the one to have me balling but who was I'm ready to watch this again like tonight I already say you'll be like studying my face zooming in dude oh my God the writing well that felt honestly I feel like it's been 50 years like I'm just like so out of touch with reality right now I I know I kind of feel like I've been to space and oh my God that is something else imagine imagine going to the cinemas in 2014 and watching that oh dude wow I'm honestly want to go look at the reviews this movie must have killed box office because oh yeah like God damn no wonder you guys were so excited to have us watch it this is ridiculous holy [ __ ] honestly Upon A rewatch this would be how trippy would it be you know what's happening like oh my God I I want to rewatch it in like in like the next week or two I want to rewatch it and just see the other events but the fores this is some of the best foreshadowing I've seen in a movie period yeah yeah every almost every semi-critical sentence was those are the ones that we picked up on every sentence every sentence the girl for she s [ __ ] ghost and yeah you know what's funny when he said everyone wants their parents be The Ghost and I'm like are he's her ghost before he said I can't be your G I'm like he's her ghost and but indirectly I was right he was her ghost I just didn't know I didn't know what I meant at the time but like oh my God you just don't get movies like this anymore you just don't honestly this made me really cuz at the beginning I saw Warner Brothers like oh yeah Warner Brothers you know obviously we watched Harry Potter recently and few other good movies was Hunger Games Warner Brothers I can't remember but then watching this and I'm like dude now at the stage we can't even get like a a half decent DC movie from Warner Brothers I'm like dude where are these movies at these are the movies Warner Brothers has fallen so short but I see now more and more the more stuff we watch the more I realize why they would like had such a big name you know we're so lucky because we we haven't seen a lot of like stuff from back in the day yeah but like I don't know what we were doing back then right just is definitely my least explored like I I don't know I never I don't not like space but I just never went to sci-fi why haven't seen Star Wars and a lot of these iterations and stuff I just never was like Star SciFi wasn't pulling me but this was ridiculous like oh my God funny enough some of you in chat might know but I've just started playing Mass Effect and that took me time to win me over but so I feel like I'm in this SFI craze now where I'm slowly being like indoctrinated and everything I missed out everyone's going to be ranting in the comments St star yeah I know I have been streaming Mass Effect on the channel so come and joy one of those if you want wow interstella let me put this on the uh on my JB highi oh yeah card cuz this is going to be one for the collections oh you this one has to be watched every year maybe every six months wow dude that makes me wonder now because the two names that always get mentioned from the noan films is well there's a few more than two but the two that I remember is Interstellar and then Inception and I'm like okay like I wonder what that's like I don't know it's hard for me to believe that it could be better than this but it might still be on that yeah I don't know cuz uh this is something else this like it had heart it had emotion it was it was very grounding in a way even though it wasn't like you're in space and stuff but yeah it just had a lot of heart and meaning and it just always never failed to have a plot twist or a shock Factor as well but it was always written you could just tell like they were foreshadowing at planning it but it was bigger than you thought even from the beginning when the the first pilot died or the time and just what everything meant I mean that was a lot [ __ ] there was so many massive events so many people we lost along the way look I I don't know like this is pretty perfect right this might annoy you guys but if I have time to think about it and maybe read your messages as well and anyways I'll just say it so you got to critique I've got to critique but but I no no comments get it's not even a negative like I just I feel like every everyone was so flushed out besides the Sun like I just want to be in his brain a little more just like to know I get it like I mean maybe talking to you the eldest in your family like you get a bit of perspective there where like you just have to block it out and move on and deal with it and then you got like say younger siblings in this case like pulling you back into the pain and hope and you've kind of had to let go of the hope but that's the most that I got out of that yeah I I get it I just think it it wasn't the point of the film no no that's what I'm saying like I I still think it's perfect like it could have been nice because he did play that role in the beginning but I think the contrast was that the sun was the one that had to let him go and move on and that Murphy didn't move on that's Murphy's Law Murphy's Law is that it adapts well the honestly the fact that he didn't move on men he stayed in that house he stayed a farmer true that is true she went back to the room found clu the sun held off long enough for for Murphy to then so he played his role too yeah he played his role and Murphy's Law is what what can happen will happen yeah not adap but and so they stay so in the end they stay with the vision that there's an even more advanced civilization be it humans or something else and they they had The Fifth Dimension and then he was in like the third dimen I don't know with all the dimensions but the point is they were essentially guiding him the way he was guiding Murphy yeah they were from even Beyond there trying to save Humanity oh my God like anyway that trips you out but when he's pushing the books and he's like listen to her you idiot don't go don't go that honestly this is some of the best father daughter connection that I've seen absolutely just he broke me so many times when I saw Matthew MCC I was like it's going to be good but I did not expect this oh dude honestly he's he's ranked much higher on my I figured it out where you know him from wol of Wall Street [Music] I don't really remember that scene [Music] no that's where you know him from it is I don't think yeah I know more than I've seen him somewhere else have you seen of streak I feel like I've seen a I feel like I've seen some of it I don't remember it very well anyways doesn't matter that that's that's that's probably not it figure that one I'm know from somewhere else but I don't he's did a lot of good movies yeah wow but anyway he was absolutely amazing so was Murphy so was the actor who plays Alfred love seeing him it was trippy because yeah when she said it's like you got two arms behind your back like why yeah because he realized not before then before the original 12 the Lazarus Mission he realized that it was already so he' already decided we got to get people to go and repopulate well he was saying let's find a Planet first let's find find some life first that we can do that and then yeah just so then we can assume that the three planets that did send their signals of the 12 all 12 were unhabitable but three of them didn't want to die alone it was you know well that's what I don't understand about the very last scene maybe you guys can clear it up for us because she had the the I don't remember his last name Edmonds or yeah does that mean that she actually went to his Planet because then she had like his little PCH yeah so he's looked habitable so maybe that was the right decision also not not I'm not sure how habitable it was but she thought like she was doing okay obviously alone remember with the time passing he would have died because he would have been really old cuz look how old look how old Murphy was and he remember when they said that just cost us 51 years well he was already like 40 50 age anyway so they didn't have that time to give whereas Murphy just made it and that ending scene man like when he goes how did you know I come back he's like cuz my daddy promised me or something that even even when I say it that that's just like and and the grandfather Donald I'm pretty sure his name was he was saying that don't make a promise that you can't keep and he kept it oh dude what the hell oh I'm just dude I feel like I'm at a reality like rest rest of this day just feels like pointless living at this is absolutely I don't know I don't know yeah I I brilliant writing whoever wrote this movie just I don't know making king of the world brilliant writing this is absolutely we know we've watched some really good series and movies lately with some excellent writing but this did something else to me yeah it just there's a lot of depth there like honestly like we and we're not really sci-fi people right like I want to say we don't like it but we've not really ever gone to it or been drawn to it but I feel like you can you can put this in more than just a Sci-Fi bucket you know like yeah it's all very basic like humanity and yeah I just I don't know I don't think we can do this discussion Justice I know we said that at the start but the more I'm thinking about it the more depth there is and like it is just mind-blowing it's kind of one that we're going to have to like leave and come back and like just chat with you guys but maybe on a live stream or something yeah so don't we're not going to do justice but just know that this movie hopefully our reaction reflects it I think it will is the first movie that's made us that's made me cry and we've done a lot of content on the channel and oh yeah overall this just TOS the shreds and I just want to say in real life as well Spartan doesn't C like we've watched movies and shows and yeah he's been a bit teary and stuff and maybe there's been like one in very blue moon that he cries or whatever yeah it's very hard for like a show or series like I'll feel the emotion I'll be emotional I'll be like wow that mov me but I won't actually really break where I couldn't actually control myself in this one yeah oh me I had enough water running down my face to dude mess give to a whole village but oh dude oh wow how you actually how do you do I'm not going to lie when I got emotional I almost spaced out a bit I was like that's what I mean yeah cuz I was like dude I'm sort of luckily was I I got a better grip on it the second and the third time but beginning I was like dude I was so caugh up in in Emotion then I was like hang on what happened the last 10 seconds I sort of you know how do you how do you become you become like this level mess Water Works I know is I don't know so what going for those of you who watch that Game of Thrones reactions I'm pretty sure it was the Red Wedding where I was B like hyperventilating couldn't even hear myself and Spartan was like cracking it at me cuz he's like I can't hear I know you you the jokeer as well all kind of [ __ ] was going do you understand now like you're still better at no I understand but like you you were having a rock concert next to me while I was trying to but anyway man I don't know I actually don't know what I don't feel I can say anything to give this do this Justice like there's nothing to pick apart there's nothing the way it all tied in uh the character developments everything was just as it should have been the tying is some of the best Ty I've ever seen and I I do want to make mention that I love I absolutely love the fact that the theme of love was so prominent but you know like she was right that love was drawing them here but it wasn't hers was more superficial yeah whereas Coopers was that he actually it was pulling in here ass so he left his daughter to save his daughter and he didn't know why but she was right as well she's like it's something that we don't understand it's powerful like yeah just like gravity love can be past through time and space and whatever yeah and that conversation was needed like 100% it was needed needed 100% she was correct everything happened the way it should be but it is crazy because he never got take a b to his daughter properly he was crying as he left and she resented him and didn't understand it and even doubted him and all that had to happen and even when he went into this Dimension he's like you idiot don't leave and we're sort of they like oh dude like don't leave man if only you could hear yourself but then now it's like you had to leave everything you went through yeah to see her again well to save them because if he' have left sure he might have in her life with her but unfortunately Humanity would have been screwed they needed those answers or they would all die out so she literally put herself in cryo so she could see her father one last time yeah I think she was already like on her deathbed and then she cry it yeah oh my God amazing man imagine seeing your daughter like that like and we got to like live her whole life while his life was like the SP of a few years yeah but you have a daughter and then you leave her at like 10 years old and then bang she's older than you that is trippy man yeah she's as old she she's the age of his parent and he's the parent holy [ __ ] anything I feel like cuz she's like you know no parents have to watch their child die and I'm like dude that was him I'd be catching up chatting like you know no way leav happening all these years like let me know yeah there's no way you were leaving after like a 1 minute interaction after all this time yeah but so so it looked like they were they weren't on Saturn they created their own like have you seen the Citadel in Mass Effect it's like they created their own giant space station it's called something else but that's what that that's why they're living on their own thing so they obviously saved the portion of humanity right and they were now but they still in space they hadn't found yet at habitable planet what's the other guy not Doyle the other guy's name that died in the explosion yeah one that exploded I can't remember him I think in hindsight it will be a bit more clear maybe as to the ending where they are but they were speaking a lot about Saturn and then orbiting that and I don't know I wasn't fully understanding it during the movie those because they kept going back to that discussion do you remember well I think Saturn was close to where the Wormhole was maybe so they had to get there to the Wormhole now they're orbiting around Saturn again but I think that was just yeah I mean sat was a central part of the like in terms of navigation I don't think there was too much more than I still haven't found anybody settled just yet I don't think I mean you guys clarify well I mean they're settled are they not no they're on like a floating space station right and then they're trying to find more okay look like it's normous they got a population there but yeah I don't think that was trippy that she went through all that effort for the house to get every little bit of that house she knew he was coming and she wanted it ready and protected till day he came how long was that like that's insane how did he get there so Rangers went out to go find yeah that that went over my head a little bit it's like that third dimension spat him out back near sort of Saturn's orbit and they found him with minutes left so he was sort of spat back outside the Wormhole I think you guys can clarify that ending a little bit um as well but that's what I understood all I know is I can't wait to watch this again oh my god what have we been missing out on we keep saying that don't we I think that's a good place to leave it and wrap it up guys because at this point we'll just we'll just ramble cuz we are we are an emotional wreck yeah our brain is scrambled this absolutely short circuit of my brain but for the better like it was brilliant yeah brilliant we hope you guys enjoyed our reaction and enjoyed watching along with us CU damn this was an experience this was an experience and a half and I'm actually so grateful that we get to share it with you guys yeah very lucky well if you guys did enjoy the reaction please leave a like on video subscribe to the channel so you know when we post some other movies other series and let us know in the comments down below what you thought of this movie and if you do want to get early access to any of our reactions or watch them in their uncut form we'll leave a link to our patreon down below take care of yourselves guys and we'll see you back for one of our next reactions see you guys
Channel: Spartan & Pudgey
Views: 147,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Hunger Games, Movie Reaction
Id: FzroaXV6LRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 20sec (4640 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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