INTERSTELLAR (2014) | *FIRST TIME WATCHING* | Movie Reaction | The Perfect Mix

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oh my God oh that is so that is crazy oh cause they got a spirit once it's lined up that's crazy what's good you guys welcome back to our Channel I'm shashana events and today we are watching Interstellar so thank you everyone for voting people were very passionate in the comments about how amazing this movie is so I'm definitely excited to see this guys get comfy come watch with us and let's get into it dad were you dreaming about the crash oh is that Matthew McConaughey yep she's a great actor he was just in a wolf too wolf that's what it was here I can never really gauge how old he actually is oh yes that's terrible we got that much dust you've never been in the dust storm I was just going to say maybe in Israel nothing intense but definitely in the desert area yeah you said science is about admitting what we don't know if you have to there Nelson's torching his whole crop light you're saying it's the last Harvest for okra oh wow repopulating the Earth this is populated here it's all mind your own business he got two kids oh man oh [ __ ] grab the spare time that is the spare I don't know what happened what it means that whatever can happen will happen and that sounded just fine remember you said Murphy's lawyers what about the flat tire oh my gosh what I guess they just gonna chase it they are with uh go go pop tires driving through cornfields yeah definitely not safe but it is like he said it's very good for resource like I think for the crop this ain't so fun though yeah oh so you're just gonna drive us off the cliff there's the elephant oh nice oh they're controlling it now yep yep that is so cool I think it's huge huge actually wow that is so interesting can't we just let it go oh my gosh with the broken Tire I'm not sure I see what you're getting you're telling me it takes two numbers to measure your own ass but only one you're a well-educated man cool and a trained pilot and an engineer the world needs Farmers good Farmers like you and Tom uneducated Farmers Ms hanley's here to talk about Murphy oh no you don't believe him into the Moon Murph got into a fist fight with several of her classmates over this Apollo nonsense nonsense I think I'll take her to that I love it I love it I got you suspended but if even aren't isn't like a point where all they they should be acceptable of like people's ideas and thoughts even if they didn't agree that it didn't happen anymore the kid shouldn't be barging her and being on her behind about it if they you know what I mean they should leave for alone she feels that it was a thing that was a thing teach the kids to be more acceptable of everything I thought this would be an age where everything would be accepted not they talk bad about it and thank God she has a parent that's advocating for her and that believes in her because that's the most important more than School I've been working on it like you said in case the ghost is trying to communicate oh damn yeah because this happened about 1 30 when that thing came off the top of that Canyon yeah well in my day people were too busy fighting over food to even play baseball game is unnatural [Applause] oh that's how dust storm does look when it comes let's get out of here oh my God it's like that movie we saw um with the dust storms Mad Max oh yeah man those are the craziest dust storms oh oh tornado yeah Jesus oh damn it I'm dropping Tom then heading to town you want to clean that up and you finish praying to it I love that they're into this together yeah coordinates right that's interesting right that's crazy out of this oh my she snuck herself in oh my of course she did Bonnie you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me I saw the theme falling only of course she's not this is wild so they really found some coordinates from that weird thing he said was gravity caused by gravity it made it literally in her bedroom yeah so maybe everything she's been saying is true uh yeah I mean gravity though their relationship is super cute where are they hey foreign what also they don't really go and got on some kind of I don't know some property like a military life maybe you had the coordinates for this for a map where did you get those what what where did you find that robot thing she was talking oh and halfway we just saw her in Batman mm-hmm I'm scared for my daughter mother there's a whole board in there look at look at it hello Koopa Professor Brian nobody stumbles in here nobody stumbles out damn [Music] the most oh my gosh we're getting out of here Professor Brown we're NASA same NASA oh he flew the NASA there that's like a NASA base no way I heard they shut you down sir oh my God starving people we're growing more than we ever have well with likely wow wheat a dust bowl if you've got a whole green lab in there that's facts though on your daughter's generation they are in a whole NASA base that is fascinating I can't tell you anymore unless you agree to Pilot this crop what this team never left the simulator oh wow this is the mission that you were trained for what but something sent you here they chose you or who's they a disturbance of space-time now watermel is not a naturally occurring phenomenon someone placed it there what that Wormhole lets us travel to other stars came along right as we needed it what the bravest humans ever to live by the remarkable doctor man did you notice anything strange about the launch chamber this is so fascinating we have never seen such a light this is so wild it's like really like into the world gravity here like professional anomalies changed everything well how would you raise him the equipment on board we incubate the first ten oh my gosh real difficulty with colonization is genetic diversity right what oh my God almost there I I've solved the problem of gravity that's a lot that just happened then he basically just unraveled the whole the whole world yeah he said you got to make this Mission or we pretty much gonna die here anyways right and he's going to be gone for years so he must have made his decision don't trust the right thing done for the wrong reasons without making promises you don't know you can keep you have to talk to me cannot show how hard it is for her they have such a special bond She's So Young too like to remember oh it says stay dad why you're not listening when I'm up there in hypersleep no idea oh don't make me leave like this Smurf it's not fair to her I love you forever and I'm coming back oh my God that would have been honestly everything I needed to see right there if time that's how he leaving just like that I feel like almost everything is against him oh no six five main engines start it's the group that was all simulated and he brought that big old robot with them too Tessa Tara stage two separation take troll this is hand over to you wow right she came to us hard living everything kids I'm calling it that they're gonna like fall in love yes yes because they have chemistry they don't think they did but they do right that's insane go to launch report 500 meters so are they connecting to that this will look like yeah pressure of connecting that exactly with all that gravitational oh they got it [ __ ] Target yeah well they practice that all without the open day door's not charging never mind it's a robot I love how they talked to like is a human yeah yeah I gotta I just know like seeing it from there it gotta be like a sight oh yeah cause like you're not gonna see that any really weird it was like you might see pictures but like you know how it is pictures don't do it just oh for sure no like gravity concept and then floating is like yeah that is so wild so crazy it really is you think about it so crazy if you think about it I'm one of you against sickness like being in there turning like I wonder well I don't think this video up and down right because the gravity you don't feel it yeah I would say so yeah so tonic feels nasty stimulators that you're just like right wrongly hey you okay yeah you're right um see it affected him oh yeah oh yeah yeah yes then it does if he needs Dramamine yeah a lot because they are turning like yeah oh I'd be so nauseous that is wild we'll be waiting for you and that's just to get to sound a little wiser apart from Murph right now Murphy that is crazy you literally just see Earth orbiting by the way y'all two years I'm not sleeping on the fact that they said that as two years two whole years just to get the Saturn the hell they supposed to do in the down time so alone worse yeah he went alone all the other 12 . not anyone together and one ship but then they separated but they separated wolf admins is here come in Matt Edmond oh that's how they shower This Crew represents the best of humanity I think nature can be evil you know what we agreed ninety percent I've seen some ferocious I've seen some very interesting documentaries on some lions that would definitely say that they were definitely being evil in some way I'm just saying I've seen some interesting stuff that trajectory one more time that they act different than other ones for sure dad's about to go down for the long nap so I wanted to is it him I don't think so Murphy he wanted me to bring it for your brother he sent you a message Murph is a bright spot yeah so maybe she should come and make a fool out of you the next time you hear from Cooper they'll be coming up on Sutton there you go two years wow so I think what they what's happening is they're going to they're going in a nap like a a sleep kind of thing I think that's what it is right because he's going for the long now so they gonna sleep for two years that's crazy I asked Murph to say hi but she's as stubborn as her old man millimeters of aluminum that's it and then nothing out there for millions of miles we're explorers in our boat so true though that's facts that's really cool though see something always grounds them back to what they're used to nature natural sound of rain when you know guys oh my God hahaha I can't imagine spinning and spinning for those years down [Music] exactly spherical hole that's crazy don't put it there that's a crazy idea so crazy but is it really just as simple as going through it you get to point A to point B is it really just that simple all this physics is so fascinating that's so bizarre oh my god did it like skipping stuff like are you ready to say goodbye to our that's so crazy here we go this is beautiful [Music] no way oh my God first handshake where you saw it it looks so weird it's like it was like blurred like invisible kind of like motion but you could see it but you couldn't see it that was crazy looking planet is much closer to Gargantua than we thought garganj well every hour we spend on that planet will be seven years laughs what the people on Earth are dead by the time facts yeah we need to think about time as a resource Just Like Oxygen and food going down yeah Dr man's data is promising right but it's going to take us months to get there in Edmonds it's even further I wouldn't leave you behind Dr Brown but you but you understand what they saying though I'm just peeping what they talking about though either way he's saying I think the black guy's saying he's gonna stay but they gonna go is you know what that means though that means that if they go to this planet and they they they're they're there for over like a couple hours or hours so not only do they lose that seven hours but that black guy will be there for years two romily right so he can um observe damn oh the answer is there there's no way to see it Miss Miller's planet ain't no way I went I'd be going on that mission you lost it I just feel like being backwards suck yeah but then again think about it this is their life they don't have family that's the only one that is family is Cooper do we know that no so at the expense of moving in this way they're going to lose more gas but there's less time yeah you're not crazy they get down like they gotta be like what is this good is this not good okay look 30 minutes already up we're Wasted like 40 years already like 30 minutes how are they supposed to get everything they supposed to find in that time oh wow that's water oh my God that was clean go go go go go go go seven years per hour here let's make it count damn but I thought they were supposed to be at the place where the beacon is right where the other person is Jesus holy cow no waves wait what thank you oh oh my God that's waves I had to get back here now oh my God case go get her oh that is so that is crazy [Music] get back to your door and remember how the gravity is so it's so it's so hard to walk through that yeah oh my God this Show's getting closer get in here oh come on oh oh they're literally surfing in outer space Jesus what the [ __ ] other dude though what's this gonna cost this brand she probably just died minutes ago oh my God that is so bizarre the only thing that can move across Dimensions like time is gravity how long for the engine's case a minute or two well we don't have it comes on oh my God they're literally in the middle of a swirl babe so this is the breaking down of what I think I'm just here the the person that landed had sent out a signal based off of her Just Landing there and thinking that oh it's water and then she just recently just got hit by this well and got destroyed and that's them now just getting here and getting to a signal that doesn't even matter anymore because this plan is not habitable it's literally a swelled non-swell I mean we don't know oh man [Music] I know it must be 23 years four months a day hey oh they've been receiving but nothing gets held is he alive oh yeah when we um to finish second in school I met another girl dad I oh my God the Grandpa died last week oh my God you once told me that when you came back we might be the same age it's gonna be a real good time for you oh my God I didn't mean to intrude it's just that I've never seen you in here before to find we've I still haven't succeed for years we've been trying to solve the equation without changing the underlying assumption about time even trying to finish it with one hour no with both arms tied behind your back can we take this point of it another time wait what Do Not Go Gentle into that good night as does Dr Mays Cooper this is my field oh my gosh love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space that is so wild Taurus chart of course for Dr Mann so servant adapter means or lose about a third again but next year Tom what happened to Nelson she is the perfect person to play Murphy Jessica Chastain perfect Thank God I'm a single whole new generation this is the third generation we're seeing beginning of the movie we saw in what's called as little yeah Cooper if you're wrong he wanted a very personal decision to make but yeah guys I take back what I said about them being in love oh my God to come back what did he leave me no yeah can't leave what Dr Brandt I'm sorry to tell that your father died today he had no pain everybody wanted to bring out the truth from their deathbed isn't that crazy now we gotta tell the truth when we dying us you knew this was all the shams what the [ __ ] to starve D remember when Cooper's father said don't just do a good thing for the wrong Foundation yep at the beginning you put way too much trust and faith into a man there we go oh this is a base goddamn destroyed yeah but that's the scary part is like you don't these beacons have been going out and they're still kind of going on a whim that hoping that the people that sent the signal out are right about the place being habitable [ __ ] he's in there is he alive oh look oh my God how many years has been for him it's been decades and decades for him the last time I went to sleep I didn't even set a waking date damn days are 67 hours long Jesus 67 wow Dr brand case is really a message for you from his home station that's going to be the message that Murph sent oh yeah Dr brand I'm sorry to tell you that your father died today branded you know why he never even helped to get people off the Earth that's what they probably did this Mission Amelia your father solved his equation before I even that's why they left you need to see into a black hole the laws of nature prohibit a naked Singularity the gravity is so strong it's always hidden in darkness behind the Horizon damn so she didn't even know he was prepared to destroy his own Humanity in order to save the species that's that's a sacrifice huh we are the future no my dad thought I called it a ghost because I was scared of it I was trying to tell me something damn a gentle Singularity gentle they're hardly gentle and he said don't be gentle before he died before you get all teary try to remember that as a robot I have to do anything you say but you're gonna need a long range transmitter got it are you charged yeah is that in two hours yeah Roger that 72 hours wow this movie is so different than anything we've seen how long have you had that cough a while yes that does probably killing me your body breathing in all that dust all the time can't be good for you I don't touch your stuff she said that she thinks she might be able to find answers there right because yeah oh that is sick what does research tell us is the last thing you're gonna see before you die it's kids yeah for them [Music] what what I can't let you leave with that what complete them I'm sorry what I can't stay here anymore you have to leave you have a responsibility think all the data yeah I tried to do my duty but I knew the day that I arrived here somebody would come and save me gave him hope hey [ __ ] it gave him hope he's still fine you can look at this place it doesn't even look like anything's there it's not habitable his dad couldn't do it dad didn't even for your next kid to die oh my God oh my God 50 50k you're gonna kill yourself what the [ __ ] man anyone ever tested like I wasn't human happen because I'm Gonna Save All of Us for you Cooper what no see your children oh my God he's not so gentle into that good night Howard what is that I think it's a calms thing [Music] oh that's right he can't even hear because he turned it off okay oh come on come on come on go go go go go go oh my God is she what's it called try not to breathe faster faster faster faster go go go go well she's lighting the stocks on fire go get him go get him go get him man I was lying [Music] leave his ass there leave him there [Music] oh my God probably Dr Brandt Cooper there's been an explosion 10 o'clock thank you probably did not survive oh my God he'd ruin us he is nice nice cars lower than yours this man is he lost his mom yeah he went crazy he went crazy because he didn't think he once he knew his planet was he literally hold everybody else because he couldn't take it because he knew he was just there there was nothing yep oh the clock and it's crazy because she was low-key right yeah she said like we don't understand love but for whatever reason I think we should do this and go to that planet ain't that crazy that is that is so true that's so freaking wild oh no what is he gonna do he's gonna manually do it no no um disengaged we're a little late for that no I think the hatch is the thing inside for the just to go into that whole area oh yeah it's not locked properly you said it will depressuralize if he opens his hatch this is about all mankind no there is a moment look at all the shards what are you doing knocking what thrusters endurance is hitting stratosphere oh my God is he come on you got this lined up initiating spin oh cause they gotta spin with it once it's lined up that's crazy oh oh holy cow oh I can only imagine imagine spinning like that in real time [Music] if he don't if he passes out they're done oh expressing the wind oh my God my horror is leading so fast let's go can't believe that red ninja gargantua's pool all right remember they're stopping by well they said this is kind of their last chance to send probes in her I think that is destroy what about the time slippage I was about to say [ __ ] it's up it's up now yo it gets sucked right into that black hole damn why does Taurus have to detach if I can find a way to transmit the quantum data I'll find in there they might still damn that's just how this is someone there to save right ain't that crazy they don't know how long this time gonna slip by when they do this whole thing yeah and it's crazy this went from let's find a planet that we can survive on to we need to try to do whatever we can now to just stay alive and yeah get data back to earth like things so bizarre yeah it's like molten like magma yeah there's a space but it's so true the objective like from like I gotta get home to survival 51 years goodbye Dr Brent see you on the other side Coop see you there slick Taurus out prepare to detect what no no go back three Cooper what are you doing oh what sad and down beneath it the amount of turnout events that have happened oh my God [Music] eject [Music] he literally got ejected from his shoe his ship that looks like a bookcase oh [Music] [Applause] no no what are you what [Music] I'll stay stay remember and she said it said stay so that means this whole time it was him that did it he accused the gravitational force he was almost telling himself to stay and we were saying that damn he was trying to send a message to himself oh my God stay oh you remember that happened and then that book fell remember we was like that's a sign oh my God guys oh crazy oh Taurus is still time is represented here as a physical right including time even if you communicated here she won't understand its significance for you they didn't bring us the future we brought ourselves oh you remember that the coordinates we're here to communicate with a three-dimensional world we're the bridge oh my God save the world and he was just a bridge yeah they have access to infinite time and space but they're not bound by anything we out the data into the movement of the second hand [Music] oh my God holy cow it is oh my God [Music] wow that crazy [Laughter] oh what happens now wow yeah because remember at the beginning yeah remember and she's against the handshake here he's for Saturn Mr Cooper remember you know spring chicken anymore actually you were 124 years old oh my [Music] God oh Cooper station currently orbiting Saturn well the station isn't named after you sir it's uh it's named after your dog wow oh she's so old now yeah oh my gosh I was delighted to hear that she thought it was perfect Laster centurions the hell everybody else wasn't enough confirmed just how much she left she did they literally try to keep it exactly exactly was machine we found on your Shadow oh tars tars honesty new setting oh my God that laughs damn so this is the generation that came after oh to watch because my dad we almost forgot about bran for cotton powder oh look at all setting up camp I wonder if she ever found um Dr Edmond Wolfe right you see she bear oh [Music] yeah maybe right now she's settling in for the long nap the Delight of our news on she got her helmet off too so you could be able to breathe that's what I was just noticing so wow that that actually was the place they should have went to yeah wow oh my Christopher Nolan isn't that that's the man that made the Batman wow [Laughter] so guys this is what I think my interpretation of whatever like all that we just saw was that the thing that we couldn't like that ex that was the expert we're not even the explanation but the unknown of I guess love I think that is the underlying message here is that love is what guided him to her in that dimension of whatever it was like kind of going back to what brand was even talking about how love she believed in that moment that's why she thought that they should have went to admin because she was like for whatever reason I have no ties to this man anymore right now like only thing I have is love like he could be dead and how she explained how love is this great connection on this and it works beyond all our gravitational things that we understand and love in my opinion is what brought him to that Dimension what helped him to basically help her figure out the code like he wind up love was what brought him to that place I feel like and love is what obviously allowed him to think of all the options that he could to help her figure out the code to figure out how to save the people on Earth the underlying message was love this entire time similar reason why they should have took they behind to Edmonds Planet instead of his yeah to the other dude that was just thinking selfishly and I feel like they're past being there it's like a three-hour movie I feel like it feels like we personally went through these Journeys went through all the dimensions went through the past the future this kind of no concept of time and it just really made me feel like I was in the ship with them yeah in this space like that's what was so phenomenally done I mean obviously the storyline was incredible and the physical like it was just phenomenal but it really made you feel like you were on this journey and and yeah it was your like world like yeah you feel like you were in this world yeah I felt like you were at the the brink of Extinction and and like you're putting the pieces together and feeling the heartbroken feeling the hope the devastation betrayal like all that I felt like I was in there too that's all I gotta say is wow and then yeah that's crazy like they thought it was this day and this them and whoever it was but it was him the whole time yeah and all that moving through time and space yeah there was also so many heartwarming heartbreaking moments like the emotions and this were top tier I have to say but it makes sense though yeah I think that was the right emotion it made so much sense because how could you not feel that kind of way when you skipped seven years you know they skipped how many years did they skip when they came back it was like 20 some years when they came back from that water place remember when the first oh yeah the first moment when they came back and how old was 23 years and then they got all those messages the girl she was officially his age she turned 33 the Bro the son he had kids now he just gave up on doing all that message and stuff all that happened like that to him he missed all of that he missed all that and like at the end when he went to see Murph on her bed like it was just so surreal it really just brought it all together when you see her on like literally her deathbed in the old wrinkly late like old lady yeah and he still looks like when he left he had to be like a super Bittersweet yeah it was a Bittersweet moment because it's like I'm finally here but also I'm not you know I'm back but I'm I'm also not going to be here because like what is there's nothing left here for me you're dying this was it like you were my life you were my world he didn't know those grandkids I mean he could get to know them but it was like there was literally like another four generations exactly at least at least it was so incredible I have to say I've never seen a movie with this kind of concept I've never really delved into like this space um movie genre which was amazing I'll have to say this has got to be my favorite movie of all times now yeah no question no question it hit every component oh yeah phenomenally done guys this was the best movie you could have ever recommended I'd give this one a 10 out of 10 no question yeah sit on 10 for me this is absolutely amazing um was it Bradley Cooper no it's not Bradley no um I came back in the active name but the main character his acting in this and everyone's acting Matthew McConaughey Matthew McConaughey I'm happy we got to enjoy this
Channel: The Perfect Mix
Views: 280,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first time watching *INTERSTELLAR*, interstellar reaction, interstellar movie reaction, reaction interstellar, first time watching interstellar, interstellar movie review, the perfect mix movie reactions interstellar, movie reaction channel, the perfect mix, the perfect mix reactions, movie commentary channel, popcorn in bed, first time watching, movie reaction
Id: jxNZSn1klJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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