Interstellar... A Masterpiece In 2023

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foreign [Music] what is up guys I just got back from vacation from Florida so I am here finally making my Interstellar video now I've seen this film actually in the past week and a half three times I watched it twice at home because I just wanted to like talk about this film and I had it all planned and then on the flight I actually got a chance to watch it again so I'm all polished up on this film and I'm ready to talk about it so Interstellar obviously it's a masterpiece but let's talk about Interstellar in 2023 interstellers directed by Christopher Nolan it stars Matthew McConaughey Ann Hathaway Casey Affleck Jessica Jessica Chastain and Michael Kane let's talk about the brief synopsis of this film real quick Earth's future has been riddled by disasters and droughts there is only one way to ensure mankind survival Interstellar travel a new a newly discovered wormhole in the far reaches of our solar system allows a team of astronauts to go where no man has gone before a planet that may have the right environment to sustain human life that is a brief synthesis synopsis off of IMDb first time I've ever watched intercell I remember I actually never went the theaters to go see Interstellar I watched it at home I believe it was on Thanksgiving or Easter maybe Easter because I think it came out on Blu-ray then first time I watched it I was younger it came out in 2014 and that's almost like wow nine been nine years ago and I thought it was always boring and I could never really understand it but then like as time went on I remember picking up the Blu-ray I'm like you know I'm a fan of Nolan so let me give this another try maybe a couple years later and I would say ever since that moment I've seen this film over 40 times every single time that I re-watch this film I pick up on something new that I find interesting and it's truly remarkable it really is [Music] guys the writing and Interstellar is truly like truly magical it's not only is it interesting seeing the cause of food dying on Earth due to dust and disasters but to the space exploration aspect of the film Going Through the Wormhole into a new Galaxy the film is packed with all moments like this incredible moments that lead into incredible emotions mainly coming from Coop and his daughter Murph and from their bond together on Earth carries into the space exploration Mission itself and you can see that that little aspect of their bond is keeps going as the film progresses keeps going keeps going and as as it keeps calling you root for Coop to get back home and see his daughter and his family and there we obviously know that one planet they go to waves uh that planet or I call it the wave planet in the beginning the first one they want to go see I forgot it was the girl Aster that they're trying to find out but they realized that she died minutes ago as they got their almost years later but it's crazy because seven years on Earth take place every hour on this planet so as Coop gets back to the space uh I forgot what it was called the I forgot what it was called but once he gets back up there all the messages from tars and case the two cool robot marine guys which is pretty cool there's 20 years worth of messages stored on there and he says play it through the beginning this whole sequence is very beautiful but it's also like it's got a horror and like depressing moment to it just seeing the Expressions on Coop's face seeing his his uh kids grow up mainly his son Tom and then he finally gets to see Murph later on because the Murph would not would never want him or didn't want him to leave and begged him to stay that word stay is a big influence on the whole film up and towards the end of the film and then we see him go to the ice plant we see Dr Mann played by Matt Damon and we see that he was a basically a coward the whole time along pretending that this planet was safe but then it ended up not being safe at all and there was nothing there and then we see the I guess you say the consequences of that and they end up screwing up the mission even more to the point where Coop can't even get back home anymore these things that's what I say like this film's got a guy action it's got It's got a really good story but that emotion to the film is something that I think is maybe overlooked but it's also very unique of how Nolan handled it in this film and I would say it leads to a phenomenal sequence of coop going through the black hole or the Wormhole traveling through Dimensions to communicate with his daughter Murph which was really special but emotional as well and we see the film ending with Coop being at the same age and with uh Dr Brandt and going on the going on Edmonds Planet knowing that it's actually safe to breathe there so that's where they're planning on all plan a which if you guys remember plan a was to get everybody from planet Earth off off the planet and move to a new planet Plan B was to population bomb but that's when we see that plan a was going to work overall and we see Coop meet up with his daughter who's on her deathbed which also was very emotional too and like she tells him to go away because she doesn't think that her father should watch her diet being her daughter and then we see that Koopa ends up going out to out to the darkness to go find Dr Brandt Anne Hathaway's character I basically just gave you a true spoiler synopsis of this film but truly it is unique from any style portion of writing whether it's the dialogue whether it's the direction that they're on planet Earth how these dust storms work how there's no Army any anymore these unique little concepts are just great if I had a very minor nitpick it would just be that I wish we would have spent a little bit more time on Earth I thought that was a little bit unique and I wanted to see a little bit more of that performances performances in this film has a great Supporting Cast but Matthew McConaughey and Hathaway Jessica Chastain Michael Kane and the girl that plays Murph Mackenzie Foy are phenomenal in this film and they're only elevated by a great Supporting Cast as well in this film they have all truly remarkable performances and moments that are packed with awesomeness emotion and even comedy and true love especially with Coop and whether it's Coop and Murph mainly and I would argue that this may be my favorite Matthew McConaughey film of all time I would say that uh I but I also gotta agree this guy can't do no wrong he really can't [Music] the visuals of interstellar are amazing we know Nolan is a practical effect Lover he loves his practical effects so any way he can do anything practical especially all the Earth sequences or any Planet sequences on ground with actors there he is doing them the best to his ability I remember reading some of the behind the scenes of interstellar when they were on the water planet where they went into like this little shallow spot um I forgot where it was in the country and then I think they did something I think they went to Iceland or Greenland for the The Ice Planet sequences which I thought was really cool so they really tried to set this up as stages that aren't a lot of CG but obviously when you're traveling through space you're going to be using CGI they're not sending at astronauts up there I just have to say that the space sequences are handled so real and so beautifully especially the Wormhole or the black hole this saying looks amazing there is no complaints with it the way that they intersect into it and like it's all the color design the look of it the cinematography at that point cinematography through the whole film is phenomenal but that look it just a true massive standout and oh boy the score is composed by my boy Hans Zimmer and this is definitely one of my top five favorite scores of all time the score in this film has a horror slash emotional element to it that makes it truly beautiful whether you're listening to the score or hearing the score stay or coward or mountains or cornfield Chase or no time for caution these six scores each score is completely different from each other but all feel connected at the same point and have their unique strengths every time they are played throughout the film or if you just listen to them in your earbuds which are beautiful and calming to listen to the score truly makes me feel something that it's hard to like hard to explain but it just it speaks emotion guys obviously Interstellar is a masterpiece I love this film I cannot believe that this came out almost 10 years ago it's going on and or it's going on I think 10 years something like that maybe only nine I forgot when it hit theaters but every the rewatch ability with this film is great I know people have complaints about the Final Act of the film especially when Coop meets back up with his old or his daughter who's older now I get people have complaints I don't have a complaint I think it is beautiful I think Nolan's true message was that love conquers all and I and you can see that sprinkled throughout the film and I think that was something completely different that no one hasn't ever done and I thought he nailed with Jonathan Nolan I just really really liked this film I want to see Nolan work with McConaughey again I want to see Nolan maybe even do another space film down the line I'm so hyped up for Oppenheimer I cannot wait in July at first I thought it got delayed but no it's still coming out but I just gotta say that Interstellar is just truly a beautiful film I have no complaints with it it's got a great run time of 2 hours and 29 minutes it's got everything like I said great score great writing beautiful visuals and cinematography in Great Performances it really does but guys you've guaranteed you my fan base or my audience here as see an Interstellar what do you guys think about Interstellar you guys agree with me that it's a masterpiece because I do thanks for watching guys subscribe for more and I'll see you guys in the next one bye guys
Channel: The Flix Hub
Views: 164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interstellar, Christopher Nolan, Nolan, Movies, Tenet, Dunkirk, Inception, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Dark Knight, Batman, Batman Begins
Id: xLN95Q1fKHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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