International Waffle Day Dish Inspirations | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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now i know that you have what it takes to earn this white apron that's why i invited you but now you have to convince both michael and claudio [Music] tonight the six of you will make a signature dish with chicken and it better be the best chicken dish you've ever made i'm a hunter my grandfather's a hunter my brothers are hunter my dad's a hunter i know how to cook chicken i love chicken it's one of my favorite proteins now please go to your stations there you'll find premium german-made kneeler appliances you will also have access to an equipment room and behind you is an amazing specialty pantry stocked with all the ingredients you could possibly need to cook an apron winning dish home cooks are you ready to cook a dish that'll convince us that you deserve a white apron yes yes all right let me channel my inner alvin [Music] you're 45 minutes starts now [Applause] perfect peppers red peppers garlic where are the green onions perfect so 45 minutes to produce a stunning spectacular chicken dish they know that they are all fighting for that white apron and they are under immense pressure they have one of the judges coaching on the sidelines here we are watching and they know that we're going to be tasting and judging their dish right now i'm making chicken sniffle a little overwhelming right now you know i'm very nervous keep everything organized that's the secret of good cooking organize yourself i'm definitely getting a weight apron and i'm bringing that trophy all the way back to saskatchewan i'm making a chicken piccata i am getting a white apron there is no doubt about that precision is very important cut everything the same size because that way everything cooks the same yes chef can you help me open this yeah yeah oh yeah krypton what are you doing chicken and waffles it was like my favorite dish growing up chicken waffle is going to impress me but michael there you know he's got all these fancy restaurants you better elevate this okay good luck eh thank you i was born in el paso texas my mother and my grandmother they taught me how to cook so now i'm taking those skills and teaching my daughters because you know how to feed yourself uh it's gonna be a hard road to owe out there the barbecue i grew up with is not the barbecue that we have here the dream for me is my own barbecue drink beef ribs and collard greens and mac and cheese may not be the greatest thing for you health-wise it's always full of flavor oh cooks you have 30 minutes left beat the hell out of it no stress here it's the first of three cooking heats in the masterchef canada kitchen and six home cooks selected by alvin are vying for a white apron with a signature chicken dish we want to see good time management here nobody's going to be impressed with raw chicken i am not going home today this is not happening you have five minutes left hey cliff yes sir that yet oh no this piece right here right is it seasoned it's perfect you should be plating i want six plates that would make the demon chef proud come on get that sausage on oh my god you have one minute left on the cloth come on everyone get it on the plate come on don't forget to clean the plate ten ten nine eight seven six five four three two one hands up nice job everyone and i know that was intense now it's time for us to taste your dishes and make some important decisions hey clifton tell us about your dish yes i have a chicken and waffles for you got a cheddar and jalapeno inside the waffle i made a praline sauce to go on top of it looks nice a very elegant way to serve chicken and waffles i like it thank you nice crunch on that [Music] you think this is a dish that is white apron worthy absolutely because most of the stuff that i'm cooking nobody cooks here well thank you thank you [Music] look at all this stuff look at all that there are so many things to look at so many different types of meats and vegetables brisket brisket do you have brisket i have not been shopping with my family since high school my mom is very good at picking up produce so mom i really love your adobo and i think i'm gonna elevate it i'm gonna make a quail adobo my mom has actually never even tried my food don't forget the rice yes we have to have rice i want to show them my version of filipino food i think i'm gonna do a take on the family vacations when nana lived down in south carolina like chicken and waffles almost oh we always had them on the drive down right we love breakfast for dinner in my house okay guys what do you think if i make your favorite category yeah yeah is an oxtail stewed in peanut butter with chinese eggplant and bok choy we need ginger we need hot chilies i need lemon lemon right there go my boyfriend aaron has lost a little bit of weight he's literally been eating carrots since i've been gone [Music] i'm still impressed with those little birds all that working look at just that little bit of meat what inspires me and my cooking are our memories and people and feeling i always cook from my heart i had bacon oh i forgot about the bacon this is so our family mary hi go through the whole dish with me i'm really excited to listen i am making my take on chicken and waffles i'm gonna do quail and sweet potato cornmeal waffle it reminds me of my family vacations when i was young well tell me how long have you been with your boyfriend six seven years you know what they say a way to a man's heart your stomach that's right oh it smells so good baby birds quail is a delicious gamey poetry uh very similar to chicken but it's very very delicate and very easy to overcook i'm making a corn butter to go with my waffle having my family here i am rejuvenated and i want to show off homemade butter you got this mary this is looking pretty darn good come on i only make butter for the people that i love this is so intense oh they look good five minutes you have five minutes left five minutes oh veronica is opening up her pressure cooker so i hope her beef is cooked my brisket is cooked but it is tough one minute you have one minute left [Music] [Applause] feeling really good right now i just all matter about getting it on the plate ten nine eight seven six five four three two one hands up [Applause] mary can you please bring up your dish walking past my family with my dish i feel more pressure than in any other cook so far i made cornmeal sweet potato waffles with seared quail breast and underneath is just a bed of creamed spinach it's reminiscent of chicken and waffle but a little fancier [Music] you know i'm surprised mary [Music] this is so delicious and perfectly seasoned and i knew you did not taste it right i can't no because you don't eat meat no you're missing something um i'm really excited to try this waffle with cream spinach right wow all the flavors texture comes together beautiful thank you perfect delicious family meal except the butter you know why why because it's so delicious and they're so little of it you're a lucky bunch up there it would feel so amazing to win this challenge because my family's here to share it with me to help you get in touch with your inner greasy spoon the cast of the smash hit comedy franchise corner gas what [Applause] rentbox [Applause] brent butt is one of my favorite comedians tara spencer niren [Applause] hi guys lauren cardinal oh my god and nancy robertson i can't believe they're right in front of me it's pure canadian comedy at its finest you can't wipe the grin off my face hi eugene hi there how are you i'm great thank you i am making a chicken and waffles from the dirty old south oh my god i love you thank you my parents owned a diner growing up really i spent a lot of time in the diner how are you going to elevate the waffle the waffle i'm going to end it with a pad of foie gras on top just like butter that you can spread over top and it's going to just be nice and moist and flattery are you single i am i wish she was one of the judges good luck thank you good luck [Music] i am most worried about my little egg package i've got one chance at this if i mess this up i won't have any eggs on my steak and egg dish one minute i hope my flavors are gonna get me called up today i'm looking at my dish and it's looking really really good but i know it needs one more element i'm trying to get the meringue a golden brown color without burning it 20 seconds kill orders up six five four three two my ingredient is portobello mushrooms they're round they're brown they remind me of myself so i love to use them my star ingredient today is filet mignon because it's the king of meats and i'm gonna make it taste as delicious as possible i am getting that white apron you better believe it we have everything happening in this kitchen right now it is a mosaic of ingredients i'm from nova scotia blueberries are huge there i'd like to make them the star my signature ingredient is atlantic cod and i'm using it today to make beer battered fish and chips i'm getting the apron today absolutely [Music] the diversity of the ingredients they've chosen is equal to the diversity of the individuals we have in the kitchen right now i want to see concept i want to see elevation i want to know who they are and it's going to speak to us through their food five minutes you have five more minutes left keep on moving you can feel the tension you can feel the pressure mounting on oh here come the shakies everybody's cooking for the life work with speed handle the pressure down to the wire you have one more minute left come on one minute ten nine eight seven six five four three two one [Applause] i feel like i've achieved a small step in the right direction to then get me to that point where i'm up there with a white apron i think it's beautiful i think it's earthy and i think they'll be able to taste all of the portobello through my entire dish it's uh unique and it's got some heat and lots of flavors feeling like this is 100 000 dish so jen tell me about the signature ingredient that you chose to use today eggs i've actually never seen an egg benedict quite like this looks beautiful thank you very much so i'm gonna see that liquid center when i cut into this egg yes chef oh yeah you nailed it that's incredible hope it tastes as good as it looks i feel confident my egg was perfect thank you for having me i'm very excited to see what you guys put on a plate and represent canada what i love most about graham elliot is his love for food his plating my food dream is to run a chef driven restaurant like graham elliott graham is a michelin star chef known for his extraordinary food and innovative plating and his signature style has inspired the ingredients under the mini boxes in front of you are you ready to find out what's underneath those mini mystery boxes yes one two three lift how beautiful right all of the ingredients that you see in front of you were hand chosen by me you have the most gorgeous quail beautiful sardines straight out of the water fresh beans radishes swiss chard tomatoes i have all these little teeny tiny vegetables what am i cooking for elves today's mystery box is about turning those stunning petite ingredients into a delicious work of art that will impress us and chef graham elliot being a big guy my specialty is not attention to fine detail it's not pleating i'm gonna have to get out of my comfort zone i'm working with these itty-bitty ingredients i have six kids at home i am used to cooking large portions so trying to figure out what i'm gonna do with these tiny little veggies is gonna be a challenge you have 60 minutes to prep cook and plate your breathtaking dishes are you ready yes your time starts now [Music] the vegetables are too tiny i'm just scraping by right now no more scraping by it is a big deal that it's only eight of us left so i hope to prove my worth today so green this is an incredibly interesting mystery box tell me what would you do with these ingredients sardines they're more forgiving you could do something really quick like a grill or see or even do a quick pickle you know like you would do a herring i am making today a sardine a kruit which is like a beef wellington but i'm stuffing it with sardines instead i think i'd grill the sardines and i would do a vegetable crudo like a little vinaigrette with all these raw vegetables but i let the vegetables really sing this challenge is almost like the acoustic version if you were in a band quail so unforgiving but it's the one that could give you the most reward if they can nail that temperature on it it just shows they have that technique i'm gonna do a little spin on chicken waffles with a quail and potato salad on the side i want everything to be proportional but keep it cool and trendy at the same time that's all what i'm about all right so let me tell you guys first and foremost i didn't know what to expect but the level of cookery is top-notch david is doing coyle with legs boned out he's doing the breasts and the carcass stuffed with all the tops of the baby veg it smells awesome jennifer stands out for me she's doing some type of a biscuit i'm not too sure that's going to work well with everything i don't know if it's integrated into the actual idea michael is doing a take on chicken and waffles he's just grilling the quail i think that's an interesting approach he's had a bit of challenge with his plate presentation in the past five minutes you have five minutes left i want to see some really fantastic playing my presentation normally sucks so i gotta really focus the one thing that can really lead them down the wrong path is by putting too much on the plate less is more it's restraint that is a tough thing when you're a young enthusiastic home cook one minute the judges are going to be impressed by my plating it should be as close to gram-esque as possible i hope the judges want to taste this ten nine eight seven six five four three two one heads up oh that's nice this is like the home stretch i really hope that the judges enjoyed what i made for them [Applause] oh my god i really wish i could hear what the judges said about my dishes i know i did them well so hopefully they see that these home cooks have been cooking solidly for two hours the pace has been brutal they cannot lose that momentum right now it's crucial it comes down to this very last dish dessert is that rice yeah yeah you're puffing the rice oh that's so cool oh nice jedi is doing a take on sugary breakfast cereal i love breakfast cereal many at chef finish their night with a bowl of sugary cereal it's more saturday night than saturday morning good puffy and andre is doing an elevated version of a classic filipino dish i'm making a deconstructed turon a tauren is a plantain coated in brown sugar and wrapped in a spring roll and fry hey there andre hi chef so was this something that you would eat growing up since i met my wife her mom has made it for me almost every single week so how are you going to make it really special the jamaican part of this is the grapefruit soda snow and i have a stout and coconut condensed milk sauce here and i have a nice irish moss red seaweed ice cream to go with it they sound like amazing unusual ingredients all coming together yes chef good luck this is my first time making ice cream and the grapefruit snow and yeah i just hope it turns out well [Music] look andre is using five spice powder to flavor his waffle what a great idea and five spices use a lot in chinese cuisine what i love about this waffle is i've never seen a chinese five-spice waffle before five spices similar to allspice it's quite strong it's gotta be very careful use too much it's gonna be bitter and nasty okay that's the last one man both andre and jennifer have a multitude of garnishes and ingredients to finish their dessert they really need to move fast and efficiently right now i'm just flipping the sugar cured egg yolks to make sure they all get enough time in the sugar putting it under the sugar it creates a light skin around that egg yolk so it doesn't burst i'm going to melt some sugar and do a little brulee on top of it for a bit of crunch nice 10 minutes 10 minutes left for dessert keep going keep frying it is neck and neck in this kitchen right now they have just under 10 minutes left this dessert is pretty bold it looks very simple but it's pretty complex oh shoot that one's not ready i'm gonna re-freeze this my grapefruit ice isn't frozen very solid and i'm worried that i'm not gonna have enough time you can see how hard andre is working my entire masterchef journey is riding on this one dessert [Applause] come on one minute let's go come on guys look how soft that ice cream is that andre's scooping out it looks gorgeous wow these dishes look pretty incredible to me yes jennifer 15 seconds finish strong finish [Applause] amazing that was incredible [Applause] i've literally given everything into this cook like i'm super wiped and i'm super pumped that i just finished it andre please tell us about your dessert today i have a deconstructed toronto i paired it with a stout sauce also a chinese five waffle some caramelized plantains for the crunch and the snow is a grapefruit soda snow i'm a sucker when it comes to the desserts and i just love a really well presented dessert and this looks inviting it looks fresh it looks clean well done thank you chef [Music] andre i love the different elements in here you have the caribbeans you have the philippines you have the chinese all put together but what i like is the balance of spice as it goes from the ice cream with the irish moss with a nutmeg and then it goes to five spice into the waffles and then you end it with the grapefruit a great blend of spices of different textures just a small tip so missing a little bit of salt because sometimes on a very rich dish like that salt can cut it down and bring out more from the spices okay the ice cream it's just perfect perfect consistency flavor texture that is a great ice cream with the backdrop of the wonderful crumbs which does represent sand in a kind of way it's part of the caribbean certainly what i look for when i go to the caribbean this dish to me is modern jamaican it is really sophisticated but yet it's very playful and i see that you really pushed yourself to hit a new height it's amazing to see just how far you've come it's amazing thank you chef watching the judges taste my dessert was a real treat it feels great that they understand exactly what i tried to do you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 827,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, masterchef canada, masterchef canada compilation, masterchef canada chicken and waffles, international waffle day, international waffle day 2021, waffle day, waffle, masterchef canada season 2, masterchef canada season 3, masterchef canada season 6, masterchef canada season 5
Id: 2SHzHUu_Tig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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