Dessert King... Reynold Poernomo

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rannilt you bought us a delicate pretty version of Brett's dish highlighted by the finest and that cannelloni skin but there's one detail but we couldn't overlook your fish was overcooked on the underside it was dry and from all of us were really sorry but you're going home today Reynold sorry right and your life begins when you walk out those doors you can be the biggest and best pastry chef of this country you've got this rare talent at your tender age there's not many other pastry chefs out there doing what you're doing so where you might struggle with a bit of fish cooking trust me a lot of us struggle on the side that you master brilliantly how many desserts do you think you've created and plate it up while you've been here in MasterChef probably more than 15 poor boy a lot more than 15 yeah exactly 27 Wow really what's your name my rental batteries the best is the judges audition blood orange bonito salted caramel popcorn toasted coconut shavings with a caramel ice cream I call it the forbidden fruit the beginning of week two and you're putting up food like this yeah there's no good it's a chocolate log and raspberry liquid Center this is unbelievable balsamic and citrus I love the balsamic the balsamic just kind of gives a little tap with the curve this guy is amazing pastry chef and we're gonna watch him apple and caramel I reckon that is one of the best-looking desserts we've ever had on the show I'm talking about from professionals as well this dessert makes me feel as sitting in a really expensive restaurant you color the favorite coconut with passion fruit and pineapple it's cold it's hot raw sweet it's creamy it's everything things in coconuts we love them too and out of 30 out of 30 the perfect score chocolate ganache with orange jelly tempered chocolate honeycomb and raspberry ice cream the amount of work that you have done in 90 minutes is extraordinary item for you you've left a legacy here that we will not forget you are the best amaura pastry cook that we've ever had in MasterChef you are marked for greatness mate you don't walk out of here disappointed whatsoever you walk out of here with your head held high the world right now is your oyster this whole experience has been the best experience of my life so far but just like my second home tours liked it Reynold you can be the best go out those doors and start but now it's time to say goodbye I'm proud community go get him man all the best I loved every moment of it I'm hyping it I've made my mom proud I'm proud of myself getting this far and being able to get out there and start my life in the food industry I'm not to be tough and it's gonna take a long time for me to be where I want to be but I'm definitely gonna get there you
Channel: Rex Ho
Views: 5,701,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dessert King, Reynold Poernomo, Cooking (Interest), Dessert (Industry)
Id: KtV3T4G7o8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2015
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