International Students Try Scottish Food | University of Stirling

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this is international students try Scottish food all right so our first one I've had one of these once they're kind of like they have them in Germany to wear their clothes like dick buns really yeah where it's like the chocolate and like marshmallow on the inside I've seen this before like a lot of time how many times but I've never shot it before it because it just looks kind of like strange to me like a bit weird it doesn't know what it is but people say is good I've seen a higher no hmm it's kind of it's got a little cookie back it's kind of like a s'more girl they're so sweet do you like it oh yeah I was not expecting when I bit down for it to be like as soft as it was it's kind of like oh it's good yeah I need more of these I have honest I never had one of these before I mean it looks kind of like caramel E or like fudge or something like that this is thick fudge yeah it's it's kind of like caramel - mm-hmm really really sweet yeah it's pretty sure it feels hard you couldn't tell you what it is I think it might be tablet cousins let's not dress that's a cherry oh I would have expected it to be really really hard you know exactly like the camel caramel thing that sticks to your teeth but it's just like in-between yeah like I'm sure you could put the whole thing on your tongue and it would melt instantly just like candy corn but like caramel a candy corn no that's okay sugar I feel like I'm only eating sugar you should get it tastes like caramel I would agree I think that's why I would want something like a tea or a biscuit to go with it because it's just a bit yeah I still like Scottish classic so I've heard about this I've never actually tried it I tried it before and the first time I saw it and I tried it I didn't know how to pronounce it iron Bru yeah have you had it before I had it before like ever since I came to scold and ever and just ask about me Oh Jimmy have you had iron Bru before like and I said no energy obviously I should you should try it it's very orange mm-hmm it looks very like full of chemicals I have it one time in my first year here Cheers it smells to me like some kind of medicine me yeah maybe but I would expect it to like orange and taste it is not orange and taste no it it tastes better than it looks doesn't taste how I remember that tasting I reckon please the taste but yeah it's nice it's not that good as always tastes like bubblegum yeah that's why what do you think it tastes like yeah it tastes a bit like bubblegum with red boot like a bubblegum flavor of red boot true which is really nice like kind of funny like oh right was it for I think it's called shortbread yeah okay so this is shortbread I've definitely had this it's really probably it doesn't have so much taste on its own I would imagine myself like putting it in a yeah like you do in France as well I'm half French sometimes you would take a croissant and you put it in you in your coffee yeah I think that if the show I think that's normally how they eat it but okay I love a good shortbread in Germany we have biscuits they called butter biscuits so they're also buttery but this is much sweeter very nice not that sugary unsuspected it needs a cup of tea with it yeah yeah yeah yeah that's very good yeah it's not nearly as sweet as I was expecting it doing but it does kind of like remind me of like Christmas [Music] I'll just give it a try what's this so it's haggis I'll tell you what what it is after you try so how did you like it I mean it's actually nice do I can't so what's this made of absolutely like I used to have a lot of these when I was in high school in Scotland because I was here for a second under scrutiny you should have it for Friday so haggis and chips it's very good but I would say day school most other better you know it's like uh-huh I was like like sheep intestines or something or like meat inside like a sheep's stomach hmm I mean it doesn't even it doesn't taste bad but just like the thought of it it's just yeah I did not know there is quarters I'm glad like this is what come up yes I've had everything at least like once before but like I don't remember them tasting that much like caramel more than six million of these biscuits are sold each week so very popular I would get your remote getting these in freshest bags pressure spikes oh yeah like rice taken just a lot like caramel I don't know why I don't know if it's rice but I think it's like the wafer cakes are like I don't even know how to describe that aside alright hold it's like so soft on the inside and there's like really crunchy on the outside at the same time what is it about Scottish people in caramel they do it well okay and biscuits I know but like kind of it's like a wafer okay but just a lot of them with more caramel it's nice just this every other chocolate solids from the food here today I think this one would be I would most likely eat this one again on its own just because you can eat it on its own it's not too sweet it has yeah different different tastes so this was international students trying Scottish foods thank you very much for watching we hope you enjoyed it yeah I hope you enjoyed it as well my favorite food was definitely like the caramel biscuit and I hope that's what you liked as well and in general I just liked all the Scottish food and so yeah thanks for watching I hope you guys liked that Georgene jeez
Channel: University of Stirling
Views: 176,643
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Keywords: University of Stirling, University, Stirling, Scotland, International, stirling uni, stirling university, united kingdom, study in scotland, study in the uk, stir uni, university life, uni life, student life, student advice, postgraduate, undergraduate, study, irn bru, haggis, scottish food, try, taste test, international students, shortbread, tunnocks, teacakes, caramel, caramel wafer, scottish food you should try, tablet, scottish tablet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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