Intern Exit Interview: Meow, I am Patient Zero

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Rickon Bubba show we're back we say goodbye exit interview today for intern Miao , I am patient zero and a lot of you who weren't listening or watching the day that she was named a reason why were but she really was named after an urban legend it was a man who claimed he claimed he was scratched about some mysterious creature and he referred to himself as patient zero because he had some problem he thought it cost some lucky got infected from it or something and then the Miao came from your name so that that's the name Miao comma I'm patient what's wrong with you you didn't especially lock the name but I think you always remember the funniest might be the funniest intern name we know I love it so alright let's talk about today you brought you your mom and your boyfriend to say you've made an impression a lot of people you know and that's why we thought it'd be a good day to had the boyfriend and since we thought this might be the last opportunity for bama more wrestling match I think he's I think he's smitten what was the quote like yeah I say you say when you start talking about mark Greg Greg gets he backs off a little bit well after what we saw the other day I don't blame him I know so anyway so tell us about chaos it were you familiar with the show when you was a baby raised don't reckon bubble just like it ought to be that explains why you so smart so what have you learned during your internship on reckon bubble learned things that I've learned is that Adler uses the girls bathroom yes he does every time I go back there I might I'm looking around and I'm like well I'm counting like where there's all the guys on the screen and I'm only integral here like who's in the bathroom and it's a blur every time he's transition I think that's the thing is he does prefer it now someone had bought a unisex bathroom sign we were afraid Bruce Jenner would show up but there's another bathroom that has a little phone go off but nice to ask someone else so why do you have so many alarms go off you know you're here at work you're not over you know I've were sleeping he said they're my bathroom alarms the shows about to come back now that explains a lot I went down the hall thought I saw Bigfoot give me the paper so you preferred the ladies for the ladies room where did I get this sign okay you brought it in you tried to put it up there when you nod you notice he does he picks I get it if the bathroom other bathrooms full he's very territorial about it my favorites when he really had to go one day and I'm sorry and we and we had a very important meeting and there were some ladies that needed your restroom and wants to see some creature come out of the female bathroom I'm a man oh my gosh first of all and then you left one so can remember I wouldn't was supposed to be part of this segment right you're right she brought you into it I'm sorry my point though it's not fair to the ladies though I've seen someone looking at the others going man do we have here every single day we got a ton of guys how many girls maybe two I'm not gonna leave that restroom empty for no reason Travis yeah but you're picking it when they're both open Helms I gotta call you out while we're just like grilling people about our waiting on this to come up all right we're saying goodbye to meow I am patient zero and we brought up a few things that she well she brought up one throughout the ride in the bus but it was mentioned and her boyfriend is here and they're happy together and they're in love and and so there was there was some mention and I didn't know this that Bama mark had sort of declared his interest in meow yeah and I'm patient zero and he's on the line for her exit interview because she leaves I mean she goes out into the world yeah today's to know Bama mark I see you've called in hi guys hey buddy hey Mark well we just we just you know probably big raphy right now I hate that she's going I'll guess oh so you're running in turn zero yeah I guess it's true yeah I was smitten I don't know a good thing when I see it right right greatest exit interview so far we've ever how great are you emotional no not really I mean no I know mostly I'm just single available and looking for a good Christian woman right well you almost had that tone the day you thought Ric Flair had died Yeah right okay okay so so you're okay you're just saying goodbye me now do you have a mark I'm here hold on hold on time Bama mark when if if a ladies and say in this case meow come on patient zero gave you a chance what would it be like what would her life be like with more well in all fairness and adler's made this clear it is a country store individual you need to get her a gift and y'all getting a good bang well um I got a computer throw way to get it burn with it we got to watch mark rest what DVD we talking mark was rested freight train choo-choo train in a black six-foot 300-pound far soon thank you mark this is a you wrestle you wrestled so you're saying I've never seen a wrestler get after like you so so what's he lost yeah you get hit with the derailleur yeah mark I mean I mean you don't want you don't want you woman to come watch your man lose yeah an athlete what am i sweat and bleed for the business why won't you know it's still real to me damn guys this is like a time Ernest he went after Briscoe darlings dog you got your man and that's fine but I mean it always feels good to know that people agree with your boyfriend he was yeah he showed us that Davy Davy was kind of strutting around in there from what I understand from Bama mark he is a shy man in person right well so this is part of your experience here dealing with the public how has that been oh I was actually thinking about this this morning this is the only place an atmosphere we can be blessed truly blessed at the same time and cussed out at the same time because callers will call in and you know you have the wonderful callers who call in just and they don't even get on airs I just wanted to tell us have a blessed day thank you for what you did tell the guys thank you but didn't you have those call that call in and and before you can say Rickon Baba show you know there but which is fun because you know that's what we're here so you can go to bless to classy in tune just well that's why there's there's ten lines you get it all you know well you've done a great job your mom and your boyfriend should be very proud of the job you've got what will you do start back school next week this year I'm going to be the president of our broadcasting Club which I have to write six in the country yes I'd go with top team really so how do you get ranked because you get ranked nationally by we have like conferences each year like we just went to SEC scj see conference for the southeastern portion and it's just based on competitions packages like TV packages radio TV you know and you just get ranked from there this is the air we won 14 Awards so we did really good this past year we go back in February do you think you're better for doing this internship here and what you want to do like an immense just a huge amount of opportunity and things learned here I'm so grateful for I'm honored honestly people ask me every day how does it feel to get to work around those guys you know and it's just like I'd have to pinch myself every day going in I mean that's the kind thing say actually Greg gave me that question because he needs some for the fall we want it to be valuable I'll suicide aside and I think you to date will go down that's one of the better nicknames ever yeah I rarely take an exit interview to two segments really and I rarely save them right over there yeah it's right there in that pocket let me just say if Bama mark gets in your interview you gonna get two segments every right all right Greg and Pell City and then we'll wrap it up Greg you got something you want to say to me out well you know what there's something that some people have that's just a gift but it can really change the whole life of a party and I was trying to pay attention what she's gonna be doing when she leaves here but I've never really heard her before and her laugh is contagious yeah I mean she's got one of the best laughs if you already listened to your segment y'all were just now joking man said whatever she's doing if she's in some kind of communication it's hard you can tell when people are putting on or faking but her laugh is probably the best lap I've ever heard that's good and you do seem natural on the air too which is key you know sometimes people say you don't have to become a new person that's what lauric said yeah you're talking like your talk you did a great job did we wish you nothing but success mommy you'd be proud of her she did a great job yep so there she goes and she bowed me out come on patient zero she like many interns before her now step out into the world to take what they've learned hear what they've been exposed to and then applied we'll take your phone calls when we come back on any topic we go phone trolling next with 866 we be big anchor down is ready to talk to you right now
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 9,739
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: burgess, bussey, live, heartland
Id: Q3EvnR1dQ9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2015
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