63 Year Old Man Reveals Secrets for a Flat Stomach

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hello my name is John Rose and this is my 63rd birthday June 17 2017 I am 63 years old today and now I can finally do this video entitle it 63 year old man reveals secrets on how to have a flat belly now I find that fascinating to me because I went to weight loss seminars about 30 years ago and they told us flat-out that men and women were different men usually gain their weight around their abdominal area two particular internal organs women usually around their hips and buttocks for Reproductive purposes but then there were different shapes of people based on races there were apple shape people and pear shape people and then they said something a long time ago that I didn't understand at the time but I sure do understand it now they said but for some reason which we don't know all whole people seem to get weight around their belly y know what that's all about my friends if you ever watched any one of my videos you know what that's all about and if you haven't well this is your lucky day because I can teach you the secrets to have a flat belly at no matter what age it all has to do is the bowel transit time of our food you see my friends were put in food that takes too long to go from point A to point B one of the main reasons why people are sick in this area is because they're processing maybe 12 to 15 mils that are backed up so the average person in America has about 12 or 15 mils are backed up here so you could be doing crunches all day long and never ever ever see the results you're looking for and I see people all the time that are killing themselves going out running ten fifty miles every day to try to lose that little round bowling ball and get that nice lean look that's cut and ripped and they can't get it and the reason is because it isn't fat I'm telling my friends the secret that not having a thick belly is understanding what's inside of our food too when you eat food that has a very small bowel transit time you've got a lot of garbage being processed and you're thick in this area now of course sad is a is a factor obviously even if your pipes are clean if you have too much fat on your body and we have fat underneath our skin that's subcutaneous fat then you can still be working real hard at that six-pack and not be able to see any definition because you got that layer of fat around it however one thing I do understand and that is that it's almost impossible to have too much fat and not have junk inside your pipes they kind of go hand-in-hand it's we're going to be too much food to put excess fat on your body then the chances are your food tube is not gonna be able to handle that much food unless it's the right food and it's almost impossible to eat too much of the right food so if you want a flat stomach where do you begin well first of all if you got a little bowling ball down here you got to get rid of that that's where a solid food vacation comes into play drink nothing but fresh juices for however long it takes and you'll be surprised at how much weight you lose in this area now normally traditionally speaking there is no such thing as spot reduction because that's what we're told when I was going to these Fitness classes as an instructor in other words if you want to lose around your belly you can't do crunches and expect that to do anything if you have extra fat on your outer thigh you can't do outer thigh exercises and expect that to spot reduced fat anymore then inner thigh exercises will reduce the fat on the inner thigh inner side of your thigh but in this area we can do spot reduction if you understand the bowel transit time of your food and change it you can do that two ways you're going to drop the raw vegan diet that drastically changes the bowel transit time your food but if you really want to take it to the next level you take a solid food vacation and you clean everything out and then once you clean everything out that's when you go to a raw vegan diet why because everything you eat is out of you the next day if you're going to beating this other food it's going to be backing up now there's a lot to be said for eatin one mil a day or intermittent intermediate fasting where you only eat within a very small window maybe four to six hours or so in fact I I'm always intrigued when I see anyone a little bit older and that has a flat belly and I can tell they're probably not eating that well especially I see them in the grocery store I could tell what they have in a basket and all that good and I kind of have an idea what's going on but always asking what you're secretin and most of the time they tell me only one mil a day so that's one way to have a fat stomach you know why is that because every time you put food in your stomach it takes away energy down below that's why snacking all day long is not a good idea but isn't that what the experts say exactly our experts are misdirected they don't know anything they don't even study the bowel transit time of our food otherwise they would know that snacking throughout the day is not a good option so our experts on our experts you've got to be the expert and you can do that by taking a solid food vacation because we're making five main mistakes some of y'all aren't going to accept that those are all mistakes but if you correct all of them and you see your life go to another level then you might think twice about putting them through it especially if it has the wrong bowel transit time now as I mentioned there is no such thing as spot reduction but we can focus on this area in fact there's an area right in here right below or right in between my rib cage right in here where I'm pushing this is called the transverse abdominal muscles now this is one muscle that will help you have a flat stomach and when it comes to abdominal exercises I don't do anything specifically really like abdominal crunches I had anything like that in 30 years but I do focus right here in this part of my belt my body I focus on sucking this in tighten them isometrically and that's the key about these muscles wedged in between our pelvic girdle they don't have a range of motion there's only one way to exercise them so most people they're lazy the bill it bulges out and the back sways so how do you prevent that how do you correct it how do you have good posture well you tighten those transverse ABS and when you tighten those transverse ABS it straightens out your back so if you have back problems this many times maybe the only thing you have to do but if you want to have a nice flat step stomach you want those muscles to be trained all day long and what you're going to find is that they're very weak in the beginning and and how do you use them we'll think about this if you see someone you want to press what you do you suck in the stomach well when you do that that's what you're working on you're working on those transverse ABS so you should be sucking in your stomach all day long and you should be conscious of that to a point where it's part of your movement is part of your posture it helps protect your back and make sure it's in alignment get out of here and especially when you exercise and do anything sports oriented this is where your Chi energies derived from your transverse abdominal areas so I trained these muscles a long time ago and I'm very conscious of them whenever I'm biking or walking or anything I make sure they're nice and firm and they're solid and the pulling things back I remember I had I used to have an old football injury that plagued me for a long time until I learned about these transverse ABS and the pain went away within about a week after me working those muscles over and over and over now in other ways that they could use these muscles if you got on all fours like a dog or a cat and then you rounded your back like a cat that's using those transverse abdominal muscles and again you should use them all the time you can do it while you're driving what I did is I tried to use them 24/7 or every moment I was awake I was gonna say I'm tighten them I'm tightening I'm tightening you like to feel it helping my back whole back injury and I kept forgetting I kept forgetting but I tried I try not probably about 50 percent successful but every since then I now have a very conscious awareness of where those are at and when I'm walking and everything whatever I do I'm always tightening those train Ezra's AB so when you do abdominal crunches what's the first thing they tell you to do belly to the floor press your back and smaller back to the floor how do you do that you're pressured transverse AB now if you do want to go for the six-pack personally I don't I'm not going to do that that's why I don't have these big bulging muscles you might see a little remnants of them in there from long ago but I don't train them now when I bike I'm twisted and twerking a bunch and I'm always doing things to work my abs in that area as far as going up and down crunches I don't do that but if you're going to do them I'm going to teach you a secret I learned back when I was doing a 30-minute abdominal class at the Houstonian 30 minutes non-stop ab work and when I get one thing I saw results within a week that I wasn't seeing before and yet I was doing it for 30 minutes and what it's called is hesitating abdominal crunches now normally when you're doing abdominal crunches especially to music that has a you know added a consonant and in the music so you do it every two counts up and down up and down up and down and you pick music that's at a pretty slow pace like 120 beats per minute or some like that but what you do with the hesitating abdominal crunches I'm going to illustrate this vertically I think I can do it normally what you're doing you put your hands on the back and you're going up sitting down and lift and down but what you do is hesitating abdominal crunches is you go up and then you hold it and then you go up and you hold it then you go up and then you hold it then you go back down so it's up up up down you do it that's how you do the eight feet you go up and hold it up and hold it up and hold it and then you go back down and why do you do that because the body knows how to cheat when it gets the T the whole idea if you want to tone your muscles or body you use the overload principle you make the muscle tied you make it keep working but when the body gets tired knows how to cheat and what it will do is it will do two one or two things usually one is it will start using momentum they'll start swinging so you've got to take the momentum away and that's what the hesitating crunches - otherwise you're kind of getting it you know you're rolling into it and that's not the way to do it also not a mistake I always see people doing they do a full set up once you get past a certain range of motion it's all hip flexors you're not working your abs and you more so if you want to focus on the ABS do the hesitating crunches and then the other way the body will cheat if you let it it'll change the angle of motion or the angle just slightly so if you're working your inner thighs and say this my inner thigh and I'm going like this when I get really tired I'll slightly change that angle a little bell be using different muscles so good form is important if you're trying to tone the body but most importantly take away the momentum make it work control the movement and remember the best way to have a flat stomach is the food with the right bowel transit time because when you can do that my friends you're going to basically become disease proof just because to become the disease group you have to be fireproof you can't be cooking your food now some cooked food will go through the system fast enough maybe some vegetable soup or something like that so can you start getting the beans and legumes and stuff like that you're going to see that you're gonna start getting sick in this area again go back to unique you're gonna start noticing you're getting sick in this area again so if you're anything like me it's going to be a learning experience you're going to eat as good as you can you'll do a solid food vacation you get cleaned out your eyes oh my god that's what I'm supposed to look like and then you'll eat good and we bad you get that stuff back in there let's go back on the plans again so hopefully you can learn from my experiences it took me took me two years on six seven occasions before I realized number one I wasn't going to distance and then when I finally went the distance why I finally realized how much of a cesspool I had inside of me a 20-pound cesspool once I finally realized that then I was motivated to not put anything in that has the wrong Beltran's of time and so that's what life is all about my friends if you want to be happy and you want a fat stomach they go hand-in-hand if you do it the right way so there are the healthy ways to have a fat stomach you want to do it the healthy way by eating nutrient dense foods and that's I tell you my friends we want to make life exciting eat the right foods have a fat stomach and then you're in for a treat
Channel: John Rose
Views: 1,035,482
Rating: 4.7811165 out of 5
Keywords: 6 Pack, Flat Belly, Flat Stomach, Belly Fat, Lose Belly Fat, Bowel Transit Time, Raw Food, Raw Vegan, Juice Fasting, Juice Feasting, Solid Food Vacation
Id: jzdOvOukfQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2017
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