Interesting Maps You Maybe Haven't Seen!

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Maps we all love them at least I do in the maps in this video we essentially get to see information about the world whether it's in current times or back in history representing some event or some characteristic of our countries the fact that the data is displayed on the map allows us to distinguish between regions and/or countries which I think makes it really interesting to look at so here are a few interesting Maps you might not have yet seen first the map of the Treaty of Tordesillas this map divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the Portuguese Empire and the crown of Castile so pretty much Spain Portugal would have the East and Spain would have the west it was signed in 1494 and the first line in purple divided the Americas leaving only a small part of Brazil for Portugal the second line in green was added in 1529 to allow the Spanish to colonize part of the East Indies as well the treaty existed because after Columbus discovered lands for Castilla he met with the Portuguese King first the Portuguese were upset and threatened to occupy these lands which he said were rightfully his at the time caste couldn't match the strength of the Portuguese Navy and so they agreed on a diplomatic solution Pope Alexander the 6th formalized the separation of lands with this map the treaty was eventually replaced with later ones and other powers like England the Netherlands and France never really accepted or recognized this exclusive division next keeping with the colonial theme European influence in this map we can see how Europe has stretched out its power and influence throughout the world at least back in history the biggest evidence of this is in fact the colonial period from the 16th to about the 20th century pretty much all of the world was at one point or another under European influence with a vast majority of it having actually been colonized or fully controlled others like China or Turkey had very heavy influence by European powers in terms of investment and trade and China even had some of its actual territory colonized as well like Hong Kong Macau and other regions ceded to France and Germany it's also interesting to see how some current countries fully adopted the European state motto if you will I feel like the ones in America or the best example of that as well as Australia and New Zealand while others gained or regained their independence and kept their local indigenous customs like India or some African countries only a few countries like Japan or Korea have never been colonized by Europe although influence is something which is hard to measure so I guess arguably we could say they were influenced as well at one point or another in this next one we see the most popular sports in the world by country sorry that the resolution isn't great on some of these football the most popular sport in the world for sure some say it was invented in England some in China whatever the case it is unquestionable that today football is a world's most popular sport and also the most famous one the USA's version of football American football is the most popular sport only in the u.s. the NFL Super Bowl has about 100 million viewers while the Champions League final reaches 180 million and the World Cup in total projects even way more than that Canada and Sweden have ice hockey as number 1 and some central South American countries prefer baseball like Cuba or Venezuela and in Asia Japan has it as well in India Pakistan Australia and Bangladesh cricket comes at the top of the list perhaps due to British influence and then we have some other receptions Gaelic football in Ireland basketball in Estonia and Lithuania and wrestling in Mongolia China also comes in with a different choice of table tennis next we can take a look at how the world would look with today's borders if Pangaea was still a reality it's pretty crazy to see Brazil watering Nigeria or the u.s. bordering Mauritania Portugal and France next to Canada and India's side by side with Madagascar and Antarctica plus shortcuts like the Panama or the Suez canals would be pointless a single gigantic ocean would surround us all and to go from Greece to Argentina you would have to literally go around the entire world as a fifth map here are the countries in the world which officially don't use the metric system until recently only three countries had not adopted the International System of Units also known as the metric system Burma Liberia and the US however despite not using them officially some use it in certain aspects like the US with their military in order to ensure interoperability with Allied forces particularly with NATO in the meantime both Burma and Liberia have said to have been taking steps to fully implement the metric system as their definitive measuring system and I believe currently they have at least a dual unit system and even the u.s. they use the metric system more than we realize they use kilometers for their races a 5k race or a 100-meter dash their bottles use leaders their medicine uses milligrams in fact in 1975 President Gerald Ford signed it into law declaring the metric system the preferred system of weights and measures for the United States trade and commerce but I guess it just didn't have much success in fully being implemented with the whole of the population now we move to how the world would look if mapping conventions were upside down the fact that we have associated nor with up on a map is from what I know somewhat arbitrary so what would the world look like if for some reason we had decided otherwise that South was up it's weird how this would lead us at least for me to look at the world in a completely different way not only because it's upside-down but you see connections between countries or paths between continents more easily for instance the Mediterranean seems much closer to India because our focus isn't taken away by Africa as much and I know it doesn't make much sense but the world looks smaller to me with a map like this next friendliness in this map we can see the attitude towards visitors now obviously these things are highly subjective and what one person perceives as welcoming another might nod we also need to take into account that someone from Spain might find Russians and welcoming while someone from Kazakhstan might find them welcoming different locations have different customs however we can look into this as an indicator of what the majority of people think of countries in the world according to their attitude towards visitors Canada Ireland Belgium Austria Iceland New Zealand and Portugal are amongst the most welcoming while Iran Saudi Arabia Bolivia Russia China and Mongolia are on the opposite end it's interesting to see that either on the top or the bottom results the countries aren't all of the same types of culture leading us to believe that their differences are more of local customs than anything else and what may sometimes be interpreted as being rude or unfriendly to visitors might not really mean that for local people keeping with a country ranking type of map safety the Global Peace Index measures the national peacefulness in each country curiously a lot of the countries who are most welcoming to foreigners are also the safest the top five include Iceland New Zealand Austria Portugal and Denmark while the five least safe are Syria Afghanistan South Sudan Iraq and Somalia the GPI measures global peace using three criteria the level of safety and security in society the extent of ongoing domestic and international conflict and the degree of militarization in general terms the world has become a full two point fourteen percent less safe in the past decade with growing inequality between the safest and the less safe countries next China this is a map of the Hyatt Tang song line which shows us the concentration of the Chinese population on the eastern coastal part of their territory on the right side of this line ninety-four percent of the Chinese people live and work the western side has 57 percent of the area but only six percent of the population and there are a few reasons for this such an even distribution one of them is terrain Board of the Interior has mountains which makes it hard for transportation agriculture and even industry to develop this leads to less jobs being available in those regions some of the Interior also has somewhat in hospital climate leading the people to the coast and finally most countries we know have one capital at most sometimes the most well-known or biggest city isn't the actual capital but there are a few countries in a world which have two capitals Chile is an example with Santiago as the official capital and Valparaiso as the seed of the national legislature Netherlands has its constitutional capital in Amsterdam and its seed of government in The Hague South Africa has three capitals patola as the executive Cape Town as legislative and Bloemfontein as the judicial one and to wrap things up we have a map showing us which states in the US you can legally own a kangaroo apparently Wisconsin West Virginia and South Carolina allow you to just freely by kangaroos cool so those are a few interesting maps that you might not know and that might change the way that you look at the world thank you so much for watching remember to subscribe if you want to catch future videos and I will see you next time for more general knowledge
Channel: General Knowledge
Views: 362,504
Rating: 4.4829507 out of 5
Keywords: generalknowledge, funwithflags, countriesthatdon'texist, interesting maps, cool maps, maps that change the way you look at the world, upside down world map, pangea with todays borders, worlds most famous sport, china population line, treaty of tordesillas, european influence, countries colonized by europe, fun maps, cool world maps, interesting world maps, countries that don't use the metric system, why doesn't america use the metric system
Id: pJXj3Xtrsug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
Reddit Comments

Some good explanation and animation here. Well done!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/theWunderknabe 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
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