Every Country in the World (Part 1)

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Heyo I made this so as always if you have any questions let me know down below and I'll stick around and answer them. Hope you enjoyed the video!

👍︎︎ 349 👤︎︎ u/WendoverProductions 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 đź—«︎ replies

Pretty cool video, maybe the jumps were too fast, but I guess that was the point?

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/timelyparadox 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 đź—«︎ replies

I was just waiting for Malta to come up and we were so close on two occasions.

"Smallest country with a major international airport"


Here we go


God damn

"Densest country in the world"

Here we go


God damn x2

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/NGU-Ben 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 đź—«︎ replies

While I liked this alot, I feel like many of the "stans" got a pretty raw shout out. I have several Kazakh friends and I know they would be alittle disappointed if the best you can relate to their country is just that it ends with -stan. Shouldn't Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, and Turkmenistan deserve at least 1 unique piece of relevant trivia?

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/LifeUpInTheSky 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 đź—«︎ replies

/r/todayilearned/ is gonna be sooo busy !

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/pm_me_ur_longest_ad 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 đź—«︎ replies

Regarding Norway: Actually over 90% of the population lives below that line.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/Baconlightning 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 đź—«︎ replies

Buzzfeed: 1 insane fact about every country in the world! Fact# 183 will blow your mind!

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/MeanBrad 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 đź—«︎ replies

Amazing video! But as a Bulgarian, the thing is, we are actually normal people, and I don't know anyone who has an idea why people think we nod for no and shake for yes.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/iblinkyoublink 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 đź—«︎ replies

If you like to learn about each country i highly recommend Geography Now.

It's a youtube channel that introduces a new country every other week in a 10 minute video.

He does it alphabetically, currently at Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The videos are usually well researched, but some may find his style slightly cringy.

Anyways, here's an example; El Salvador: https://youtu.be/-t5uzY77zwA

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/canyoutriforce 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 đź—«︎ replies
This is every country in the world… by Wendover Productions. We’ll start with Afghanistan, the first country alphabetically. Afghanistan is one of the few countries worldwide to be offset from Greenwich Mean Time by a 30 minute interval, its at GMT +4:30, while China is one of the many countries to only have one timezone… except its ginormous. It aligns to GMT + 8 so that means that stepping over the 47 mile long Afghanistan-China border jumps you forward by 3.5 hours. That’s the largest single time zone jump on earth. China in all its craziness has rather ambitious plans to build a high-speed railroad from Beijing, up across the Bering Strait, and down into the United States, which happens to be the home of 41% of Wendover Productions viewers. Up in the north-west of the US, Point Roberts, a part of the mainland US, is cut off from the US by Canada and since it doesn’t have a high-school, students have to cross into Canada then back into the US each day on their way to school. Canada happens to be the second largest country on earth and has more lakes than the rest of the world combined. Its so huge, in fact, that its easternmost point is closer to Croatia than it is to Vancouver. One of Croatia’s thousands of islands is Rab, the birthplace of the sculptor Marinas who went on and founded San Marino, the fifth smallest country in the world and one of three to be completely surrounded by another country. One of the others is the Vatican—the smallest sovereign state in the world—and there’s also Lesotho, which is home to one of Africa’s seven ski resorts. Lesotho is of course surrounded by South Africa which is the only country in the world to have three capitals—Cape Town is the seat of the Parliament, Pretoria is the home of the president, and Bloemfontein is the judicial capital. South Africa also almost completely surrounds another country—Swaziland, where roads are so bad that two of the last four transport ministers died in car accidents. While mostly surrounded by South Africa, Swaziland’s eastern border is with Mozambique, whose name scores higher in scrabble than any other one-word country, but in second place for scrabble is Kyrgyzstan which is home to six enclaves, the smallest of which is part of Uzbekistan and is only 2 miles wide. In Uzbekistan, no river leads to the Ocean—they all drain into endorheic basins where all the water evaporates out. Uzbekistan is one of only two countries worldwide to be double-landlocked—as in, landlocked by landlocked countries. In this case, every surrounding country of Uzbekistan also ends in -stan—Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan,and Turkmenistan. The other double-landlocked country is Liechtenstein—a tiny and historically neutral nation. In their last military engagement in 1886, none of the 80 soldiers were injured or killed, and they actually returned with 81 people since they made a “new italian friend.” Italy is home to the Breuil Cervinia ski resort where you can ski across the border into Switzerland. Switzerland is rather paranoid about war to the extent that 3,000 points of entry into the country are rigged to blow at an instant in case of invasion. Switzerland is also home to one end of the shortest regularly-scheduled commercial international flight in the world—a six minute, 10 mile jaunt over to Germany where its not actually illegal to escape prison. Seriously—they say its only human nature. Germany is home to half of one of the world’s few internationally divided islands, and the Polish side of this island, despite being only 200 feet from mainland Poland, is not connected by any bridges to Poland, so just like point Roberts, residents have to cross international borders to get to their own country. Poland also happens to have been a part of Sweden’s monarchy for a brief eight years in the 16th century. Sweden has an internationally divided island too, and this one is a mere 7 acres large. The border looks like this because Finland accidentally built a lighthouse in Swedish territory and so they just readjusted the border to make everyone happy. Finland has exactly 187,888 lakes, and its northernmost point is actually closer to Greenland than Poland due to the curvature of the earth. Greenland isn’t actually a country so I’m not allowed to talk about it—its a dependency of Denmark, where its impossible to be more than 30 miles from the ocean. The wife of Denmark’s Crown Prince, Crown Princess Mary, was born in Australia which is the 6th largest country on earth and is home to the longest fence in the world—a 3,500 mile structure to keep wild dogs out of the the fertile south-east region. The middle of Australia also has practically nobody and nothing in it except a 297 mile long precisely straight section of railroad track. Australia freed the country of Brunei from occupation back in WWII which is one of the few countries worldwide to be comprised of two comparably sized sections. St Kitts and Nevis is also split into two but that’s because its a two island nation and also the smallest country in the Americas. In Saint Kitts and Nevis you can gain citizenship by making a $400 thousand real estate investment much like Bulgaria, where people nod up and down to signify no and shake left and right to mean yes. Bulgaria is one of the few countries to have an embassy in North Korea which created its own time zone in 2015 for no real reason than to be different. North Korea is only separated by one country from Norway, where more than half the population lives below this line. Between Norway and North Korea is of course Russia—the largest country in the world. Its easternmost point is, in fact, closer to Mexico than Moscow. Mexico once had three different presidents in one hour during a military coup, but also accustomed to short regimes is Alsace-Lorraine in France which was an fully-recognized independent country for 12 short days between being part of Germany and France at the end of World War One. France, of course, had an enormous empire including Algeria which is the largest country in Africa and unlike some of its neighboring countries, is quite nice to women. 70% of the countries lawyers are female. Right next door to Algeria is Morocco which has de facto control of some of Western Sahara, a place thats not really part of any country. That’s why its always blank on data maps. Morocco surrounds two Spanish exclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, which are politically part of mainland Spain, rather than overseas territories, despite being in Northern Africa. Spain once had an enormous empire, part of which was Micronesia which is now a US associated state, meaning they’re an independent nation but the US covers defense and funding. Micronesian citizens can join the US military without becoming a US resident—a right only given to citizens of freely associated states. Their currency is also the US dollar. Palau is also a nearby US associated state which is often compared to Fiji since they’re both idillic pacific island destinations even though they're over 3,500 miles apart. Fiji was a British colony up until 1970 and you have no idea how hard it was to avoid using this transition up until now. I could’ve used it with Nauru, St Kitts and Nevis, Brunei, Australia, South Africa, Canada, the United States, and Afghanistan but I kept it for now. The UK is home to the shortest regularly scheduled commercial flight in the world between Westray and Papa Westray in the Scottish isles. It costs 17 pounds, takes 53 seconds, and traverses only 1.7 miles. The UK has two exclaves—both of which are overseas territories. One is Gibraltar, right across from Ceuta, and the the other is Akrotiri and Dhekelia on the island of Cyprus. There are border control agents from three countries on Cyprus, the UK, Cyprus, and Turkey. Northern Cyprus is a self-declared state only recognized by Turkey who helps them keep control of the territory with a heavy military presence and border control agents. Istanbul, Turkey, is the only city on the planet to span two continents—Europe and Asia—although there are plenty of countries on two continents. In Egypt, the Sinai peninsula sits in Asia while the rest is in Africa. Just past the southern border of Egypt is Bir Tawil, a piece of land claimed by no country since Egypt and Sudan disagree on where their borders are. Sudan recently split into two and created South Sudan—the world’s youngest UN recognized country. The second youngest country is Serbia which, up until 2006, was called Serbia and Montenegro but split after a referendum. Montenegro also happens to be a town in Costa Rica where about 100 people live. The capital of Costa Rica, San Jose, only allows car owners to drive 6 days a week to fight pollution and congestion, so the last digit of license plates correspond to their banned day. Costa Rica’s southern border is with Panama, home to the Panama Canal which, counterintuitively, has its Atlantic end, the ocean to the east, to the west, and its Pacific end, the ocean to the west, to the east. Panama’s southern border is with Colombia but there's not one road crossing this 50 mile jungle which means its impossible to drive between North and South America. You probably know that Colombia was once part of Spain but so was the Netherlands. It was called the Spanish Netherlands. The Netherlands is also home to Baarle-Nassau, one of the most messed up borders in the world. Belgium is well known for having a UN headquarters, and so does Nairobi, Kenya —the suspected birthplace of the human race. Kenya’s northern neighbor is Somalia, which received its first ATM machine in 2014. Somalia has had three separate wars with Ethiopia in the last century, and Ethiopia national airline was the second in the world to receive the 787 Dreamliner despite being the 13th poorest country. Ethiopia also has another one of those internationally divided islands, this one with Djibouti, which is home to the lowest point in Africa, Lake Assal, at 509 feet below sea level. Djibouti also hosts the only US military base in Africa, and Israel hosts one of the smallest ones, Dimona Radar Base. Despite being a middle eastern country, Israel competes in Eurovision and many European sports leagues since they’re culturally much closer to Europe than the middle-east. Israel has one of the weirder international borders with Palestine which is only a country depending on who you ask. The largest Palestinian community outside the Arab world is in Chile which is one of the only countries to have a government sponsored UFO research organization. Chile is the southernmost mainland country in the world but doesn’t have the southernmost commercial airport. That title goes to Argentina with their Ushuaia – Malvinas International Airport. This (Iguazu Falls) spectacular waterfall is the border between Argentina and Brazil which is home to the Amazon River, which doesn’t have a single bridge over it. Not one—its just in an area where practically nobody lives. Recife, Brazil is closer to Dakar, Senegal than to Porte Alegre in South-western Brazil. Just off the coast of Senegal is Cape Verde which is pretty much paradise. They have a high human development index score, high GDP, high literacy rate, and the lowest recorded temperature in history there was 50 degrees fahrenheit. As a former Portuguese colony, Cape Verde speaks Portuguese which is the 6th most spoken language in the world even though its origin country, Portugal, is smaller than Kentucky. They just had an enormous empire, which for a while included Indonesia, which has another one of those internationally divided islands with Papau New Guinea, similar to Hispaniola island which is divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Hispaniola is the 22nd largest island in the world but Madagascar is number four. Its also the largest single-island-country. 85 million years ago Madagascar was connected to India before the continents shifted but Sri Lanka was connected to India as recently as 1480 via a land bridge that has since eroded. Sri Lanka is just north of the equator but right on the equator is Ecuador. Its capital, Quito, is only 20 miles from the equator so its day length varies by only 15 minutes between winter and summer. Although, since the country is split by the equator, winter and summer happens at the same time in the same country. Ecuador is one of 30 countries to have an antarctic research base and right next door to Ecuador’s base is Peru’s. Copacabana, not that one, this one, in Bolivia, can only be reached by driving through Peru. Bolivia, despite being a landlocked country, maintains a 5,000 person Navy, although Mongolia, also a landlocked country, maintains a navy that has one ship—a tugboat—and seven total sailors. Mongolia is also the least dense country on the planet with only 5 people per square mile. While they may seem un-intimidating now, the Mongolian empire was once, the largest contiguous land empire in history. Part of that empire was Cambodia, which has changed its name six times in the last 65 years. 95% of Cambodia’s population is Theravada Buddhist. The other major branch of buddhism is Mahayana Buddhism which is practiced in Japan where, out of its total population of 126 million, they had three gun murders in 2012. Iceland, however, can top that, because they had one murder total in 2012. Of course, Iceland doesn’t have a huge population which makes it less impressive until you consider that 30% of Iceland’s residents own guns. 60% of that population, however, lives in this circle. Iceland was also the first country to recognize Armenia’s independence, and Armenia separates Azerbaijan from its Nakhchivan exclave and since the Armenia-Azerbaijan border is closed, residents of Nakhchivan have to go all the way around Armenia to get to to their own country. Azerbaijan's national soccer team has played Andorra's five times in the past few decades and four of those games have ended in a 0-0 tie. Andorra is the largest country in the world to not have an airport which is less impressive when you consider that they’re the 19th smallest in the world. The smallest country in the world to have a major international airport is the Maldives, the 8th smallest country. This airport has dozens of destinations and is on a small island with no land connections to other islands which means once you land you have to either take a boat or seaplane to your destination. One of the airport’s destinations is Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia which is home to world's largest roundabout in Putrajaya at 2 miles in diameter. Malaysia is the only country connected by road to Singapore, the largest surviving city-state in the world. Despite having hundreds of skyscrapers, Singapore is not the densest country in the world. That title goes to Monaco which is less than one square mile large. Monaco has no income tax, much like the Bahamas, which is one of two countries whose official name starts with the word “the”, the other one being the Gambia. The Gambia’s interesting shape comes from the flow of the river Gambia whose watershed reaches all the way to Guinea which is one of three countries to have the word Guinea in its name. The other two are Guinea-Bissau and Equatorial Guinea. Guinea was once the word for the entire west-african region so when these countries became independent from their colonizers many chose to include “guinea” in their names. Equatorial Guinea’s capital actually isn’t on the mainland—its on an offshore island—and, despite its name, the equator doesn’t intersect Equatorial Guinea but the country is on both sides of the equator since they have sovereignty over Annobón island to the south of the equator. This is similar to Kiribati—a nation comprising of a few dozen islands in the Pacific. Kiribati is the first place on earth to experience New Year’s since their time zone is UTC +14—a time zone exclusive to these islands. Kiribati is close friends with Cuba since Cuba sent doctors to the islands who reduced the child mortality rate by 80%. Cuba—the only Caribbean island to have a commercial railroad—is one of the few remaining communist states. One of the others is Laos—the only landlocked country in south-east Asia—which borders Vietnam—also communist and the 14th most populous country in the world despite having the size of about New Mexico. Vietnam is good political friends with Venezuela who is not great friends with bordering Guyana since Guyana thinks the border looks like this and Venezuela thinks the border looks like this. Guyana —the only English-speaking country in South America—borders Suriname—the smallest country in South America and the only country other than the Netherlands whose sole primary language is Dutch. Suriname was our 98th country so that means that we’re halfway through and that that’s the end of part one of Every Country in the World, however, part two will be out on Tuesday, December 13th so make sure you’re subscribed to catch that right when it comes out. If you enjoyed this and other Wendover Productions videos, please consider supporting the channel on Patreon. Every dollar contributed over there goes right into the channel and I even release expense reports to show you where your money went. You can receive great rewards through that like t-shirts, stickers, early access to videos and more. You can either click here or go to www.Patreon.com/WendoverProductions. Please also follow me on Twitter @WendoverPro, watch my last video on the Five Freedoms of Aviation, check out my fan moderated subreddit at reddit.com/r/WendoverProductions, and once more, subscribe to this channel. I’ll see you next Tuesday for part 2 of every country in the world.
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Views: 6,801,702
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Keywords: every, country, in, the, world, geography, geo, fact, facts, interesting, list, lists, countdown, each, education, learn, learning, globe, nation, nations, states, united, where, live, fun, wendover, productions, politics, border, borders, unique, strange, customs, how
Id: P-b4SUOfn_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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