Intercity Notte BOAT TRAIN! Couchette better than sleeper?
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Channel: Dylan's Travel Reports
Views: 72,670
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Keywords: trenitalia, fs trenitalia, intercity notte, fs trenitalia intercity notte, intercity notte trenitalia, intercity notte sleeper, palermo to rome, rome to palermo, rome to palermo train, rome to sicily train, boat train, intercity notte review, intercity notte comfort class, intercity notte couchette, palermo centrale, roma termini, sicily, roma, trenitalia boat train, italy train, italy sleeper train, italy boat train, train ferry, train ferry sicily, sleeper train, trains, rome
Id: 1yOG4klOyGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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