Onboard The Train That Goes on a FERRY! Milan to Sicily - Intercity Notte

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- [Noel] Have you ever been on a train that goes on a boat? Well, this week I'm doing just that. As I spend 20 hours on board a long distance overnight and over water train across Italy. Hello from Milan Central Station here in Italy. And tonight I'm taking a train over 950 miles, the entire length of Italy. And not only that, it's a train that goes on a ferry as well because tonight I'm taking the intercity, not a service from here in Milan all the way to Palermo in Sicily. I must say this station is absolutely incredible. It's like stepping into a cathedral or something. Look at this massive, massive hall here. It's, yeah, certainly gives Amtrak a run for its money, doesn't it? In terms of station design. It's beautiful. Wow. Now I'm not an architecture buff by any stretch of the imagination, but even I couldn't help but be impressed by how beautiful Milan Central Station is. Everywhere you look, there's more detail that you haven't seen before. It's just an incredible building. The station was originally modeled on Washington's union station in Washington DC, but it took 25 years to build, during which time it has several changes in design and finally opened in 1931. And despite this train being over 20 hours long tonight, apparently there's no buffet car anywhere to get food onboard the train. So I'm gonna have to eat here at the station before I go out. I'm not really sure what there is. There's a McDonald's, but you can't really come to Italy and eat McDonald's, can you? Come on. Aha. Now that's more like it. Don't push that boat out. Now at Milan station here, Milan Central Station, it's the largest station in Italy. In fact, it's also the largest station in Europe by volume. And it serves trains all over Italy. Take long distance trains from here, regional trains, all sorts of trains. All from here, Milan Central. There's another couple of stations I think here in Milan as well. But this is the main one where the long distance served to go, including my train down to Palermo in Sicily tonight, which is gonna be 20 hours long. 950 miles down to Palermo tonight. All right, we've got a platformer on platform 14, which is pretty cool. So let's go and get on the train down to Sicily. Over 300,000 people pass through this station every single day on over 500 trains. But when I got to platform 14, my train was sitting there waiting to take me on the 950 mile journey across Italy. All right, this is where we need to be. We need carriage number seven. I hope the lady in front lift her back onto the train. Got on board herself to try and find my room for the night. But as it would turn out, this was just my first room of the night. All right, this is me. Looks quite nice. There's me view. Nice as it was though, it wasn't long before I was moved into room number two for the night. Alright, I've just been moved to a different room 'cause they double booked some of the rooms apparently. So I was in 32 and I'm now in whichever one this one is, which is, I don't know, I don't know what room I'm in. I'm about a three down anyway. Oh it is ridiculously, ridiculously hot on this train. I dunno what, it must be at least 40 something degrees on this train. It's sweltering. Everybody's asking about air conditioning, so I think that it should be air conditioning but it's obviously not working yet. But we still on the platform. The good news is we do have an opening window at the top though, that's good. So we're gonna get some breeze through once we start moving but that's why I left the door open, trying to at least let a little bit of air in. Hopefully we'll be on the way pretty soon. We sat at the platform in Milano Central Station for ages, but finally we started to move and left the station around 20 minutes late for our overnight journey down to Sicily. The intercity note travels the length of Italy from Milan to Palermo in Sicily. After leaving Milan, it heads to Genoa on the coast before continuing down to Pisa. From there it heads inland to Florence and down to Rome and Naples. Once it hits a place called Salerno, it follows the coast all the way down to Villa San Giovanni where the train drives onto a ferry to Messina in Sicily and cruises across the island of Sicily to Palermo. In total the journey takes around 20 hours including the boat across to Sicily. Alright, so 20 minutes late we have pulled out of Milan station. Finally only got the air conditioning working. I think that was where the cause of the delay was, because they were trying to get the AC working and now it's on. Starting to get some fresh air through now, through these vents here on the window and the sun is just starting to set. So we should hopefully get a nice view of the sun setting just outside of Milan before we do the overnight. Slight but down south. Alright then shall we have a little look around the room and see what we are working with? Let's have a little route or so. Just here we've got a seat and I love this 'cause we've got a seat we can sit on and then we've got a bed we can lay on and you can sort of sit between the two. Some trains that you go on that are sleeper trains, the sort of bed folds up to get the seats underneath it. This one doesn't, it's a separate seat, which is quite handy isn't it? So the bed is down here on this side, which is quite nice. We've got some bedding just here and all of that there. There's some plug sockets down here at this bottom end. But then there's also a plug socket here at the top end where your head goes and you've got like an intercom system there, reading lights and all the rest of it there. And you've got the same up here because at the top we've got a second bed but also folds down if there's more than one of you. You know what, you can actually have three people sleeping in this room because this is a bed as well, believe it or not. It's a triple deck bed. And then the other side up here, this is where I've got me bag. Have a storage closet just here as well. And you've got some coat hangers as well to hang your stuff up. And right behind this close door thing, right just here. We have a sink, it's not drinking water. We've got a sink which gives us some water there. There's a trash canvas just down here, little cubby hole thing there. A nice mirror to look at the amazing guy that's in the room. And then you've got a shaver socket just here. So if you have a shave with an electric socket then you can do that as well. So the cabin attendants have just been around and they brought me a little pack of snacks as well, which I don't know if that's sweet or savory. It looks like a little bit like pretzels or something. And they brought two cans of water around as well. I did buy some water before I got on the train, knowing this was gonna be a long train ride. I bought some bottles from in the shop in the station there. But they've actually come around with some as well. So I think there's water available on the train too if we need it. - [Narrator] It's time for the Noel Philips Loo Review. - [Noel] And time for the Loo review, it's a train loo review that below loo, loo that. Anyway, this is at the end of the carriage and it's so relatively clean, actually quite nice. I mean we have like literally left about 20 minutes ago from Milan, so not many people used it yet. So that's why I thought show you here at the beginning of the journey because it might not put you off, if I did it that way. So we've got a toilet down here that you're not supposed to put stuff down. You can call for aid if you need some help to squeeze your rear or something while you're on the toilet. And then you've got certain, some got rolled down here and some kitchen and towels and stuff there. Nice mirror up there. Again, a sink like we've got in the bedroom and a trash can underneath it too. A shave sockets, a hair dryer, hand dryer rather than here, which doesn't do anything. Yeah, that's it. That's the loo on the inter city, not gate trains. Pleasant actually. It's lovely and cool out in that corridor as well. It's massive through. So that's all pretty good. - [Narrator] That was the Noel Philips Loo Review. - [Noel] Everything was going great until I received a knock on my door and I was told I had to leave my room. - Hi you. Yes, I on six, sorry. Eight. Yeah. Okay. - Alright so being moved again because the air conditioning is packed up once again. So they're moving everybody into the next carriage, which is a cheaper one apparently. Let's go and have a look what it's like. All right, this is our new room And it's not nowhere near as nice as the other one is it? But it's cooled, which is the important thing. Oh it's actually quite nice. All right, so this is my new room. I think this is called a couchette, and this has got four beds in it. So I'm actually gonna pop these top two up actually. And then we've got oh these seats as well. Okay, interesting. And there's six three seats either side. It's like the Harry Potter train isn't it? Three seats either side. So what I'll do is I think I'll make my bed up on this side and I can sit on this side I think. And then we've also got here like a little windy the window thing so I can close that. There we go. And that's it. So we've got a little bit of privacy, it's nowhere near as fancy. We haven't got a wash basin in here and we haven't got cupboards and closets and things like we had in the other one, but it's cool. And she said that we might be able to apply to get a refund for the difference 'cause this apparently is quite a lot cheaper than the other one. Unfortunately the refund process is pretty tricky if you're outside of Italy and as of yet I haven't managed to get my refund. Alright, so I'm going to make me a bed 'cause I really could do with getting some sleep, 'cause it's late at night now. It's now it's gone nine o'clock local time. I've been up for ages today because I flew in from, ah that's my pillow. I flew in from Almaty this morning into Milan airport and now I've had like the day in Milan airport and now I'm on a train heading south. So I'm pretty, pretty exhausted. So let's see if I can make this bed up. I mean it's not quite as fancy as the other cabin is it? But hey, let's see if I that. All right, there we go. Bed is made. Yay. It's not quite as luxurious as the one in the other one but actually I dunno, the bed's actually a little bit firmer, which is quite nice. I like a firm mattress, me, I do like it firm. And a couple of nice pillows here as well. Oh and there we go. One nice bed for tonight's sleep anyway. And I don't think I'm gonna have any issues sleeping at all tonight as we meander our way south across Italy. And before I go to bed they've just come around with an amenity kit. So I'll quickly show you what's in here. I'll figure out what we've got. We've got some slippers, some nice slippers, toothbrush, toothpaste. A razor. What's this one here? A refreshing towel. We've got a pack of tissues, a bar of soap, alcohol. An alcogel. No mini bar. And that. Unfortunately though my night's sleep didn't go quite as well as I'd planned though, because I woke up at about three o'clock in the morning as we were pulling into Rome. Well good morning. It is about 5:00 AM here in Italy. I've got about a six hour sleep in like two hour chunks overnight. Not brilliant I have to say. But then better than I normally do when I'm on a train. I did sleep for a few hours in Milan as well before we left. So that's probably why. And I've got plenty of time. We've got plenty of time to sleep before we get to Palermo because we are running about an hour and a half late right now. It's a little bit concerning because I'm not entirely sure this ferry that this boat goes on when we get down to towards the coast, I'm not entirely sure whether or not the boat will wait for us if we're delayed. Like how does that work? You know, do they hold the boat and if say, what about all the other passengers on the boat? Or if we're running late they just drop us off there and say ta-at? I don't know. We'll figure that one out I guess in a bit. But we are an hour and a half late now. We just left Rome, we should be down in Naples by now according to the app. According to the app, we had an extraordinary stop in Rome and I didn't think it was that brilliant. It was only like a little train station. I don't think anybody got on and off. But it said on the app it was extraordinary. Didn't seem that extraordinary. Anyway, hopefully the sun will be up soon and we can get to see some of this fantastic Italian scenery out of the window. And indeed the sun did start to come up soon after, as we continued on the stretch towards Naples, where it seemed the scenery was modeled after a window screensaver. Now we've finished the long overnight section now without any passenger stops and now we hit the first stop of the second day. Now we're gonna do a few stops on the way down to Sicily. This place is called Salerno and we are still running about an hour and a half late now. So yeah, be interesting to see what happens when we get down to the boat. As we left Salerno, we got our first glimpse of the coast that we'd follow for the rest of the journey down to Sicily. All right, so breakfast has just come round. This is what we've got. We have croissants, some pineapple juice, just bits and pieces there. Toasty stuff with Nutella and an espresso. She asked me, she said, you need to drink the espresso. Americano just water. So I forgot to drink the espresso. Proper Italian style eh. Welcome to Italy baby. Scenery on this train ride. It's just absolutely stunning. It is easily ranked as one of the most beautiful train journeys that I've ever done. The only problem is they've fly down this line like a hundred miles an hour. Literally we're doing a hundred MPH posted the way down and we're getting thrown around from one side to the other. Things are going flying. The poor lady who served my breakfast, got her arm trucked in the door 'cause the driver decided to go around and bend a bit quick and the door slammed shut on her arm, bless her. It's just, and we're going so fast we don't get time to sit and take in the scenery. And I get it that that's not the reason people are taking this train. They're not taking this train to see the scenery. They're taking this train to get from A to B quickly. I'm just like, geez Louise, I'm holding on for dear life on this train. Crazy. But one thing was for sure though, the scenery continued to get more impressive as we headed further south. I think because of the delay they've brought around a courtesy kit, which has got, it's basically food and stuff in it. So we've got what we got here. We've got some water, more water but water. Half of it's over the floor 'cause it fell off and went over a bump. We've got some wafers and oh more of these things. Had some of these last night they were quite nice. That's savory snack beans and and a wet wipe. Lovely wafers. From Salerno, the train follows the Calabrian coast all the way down to the tip of Calabria. We were still running really late at this point, but I was enjoying every minute of this beautiful Italian scenery. I was amazed by the number of beaches along the coast here. Each one completely unique compared to the next one. I thought it was a little bit like taking the east coastline in the UK near Berwick-upon-Tweed. Well apart from the weather and actually probably everything. Nice. Right? So this is the last station stop before we get to the ports where the train gets on the boat over to Sicily. This is Gioia Tauro and the next port, the next station after this one is San Giovanni, which is where the train drives onto the ferry across to Sicily. We made a bit of time actually, so maybe we'll make it. We're only an hour late now, so that's quite nice. So I'm gonna get my stuff together 'cause I think we can get off the train once we get on the boat, but I'm looking forward to seeing how they do this. I have no idea, I've never seen a train get loaded onto a boat before so it'd be really cool and interested to see how that works, really, so we'll find out pretty soon eh? We continue south towards San Giovanni getting our first glimpse of the island of Sicily just across the sea. And I have to say it was a lot closer to the mainland than I expected it might be. Alright here we are, this is Villa San Giovanni and there is our first glimpse of Sicily off the coast over there and we've gotta get there on a ferry in a minute this, but this tree is gonna get on a ferry. How cool is that? Alright, so I think here that San Giovanni, I think this is where they break the train up into separate pieces, because the train can't fit onto the boat as one big train because obviously the boat's not as long as the train is. So what they do is they break it up into little pieces and then move it on a bit at a time onto the ferry, across to Sicily to Messina, which is where we're gonna be going across to. So I was waiting at the minute to see what, where they're gonna break it up and yeah, we should be moving onto the ferry very soon. On board a train. Are we like supposed to have been moving with this door open? Maybe. Maybe we must be. I dunno. So right down there is where the train goes onto the boat. And pretty soon we're rolling towards what looked like a massive boat. We slowed right down and went up a bit of a ramp that took us directly onto the ferry. Look, the train's getting on the boat. You see that? There's a boat Now we're on the boat on a train. We are on a train on a boat. How cool is that? Grazie. Yeah. Alright, thank you. Alright, so I'm on a boat. The train is also on a boat. Look at that though. Incredible, right? I'm gonna go and explore the boat. I don't even know if we're moving. So we're going head up these stairs and have a look at. Its a bit weird, we're on an actual boat. Now I always get a little bit nervous going on big boats like this. I've always had a fear of them since I was a child and it turned out today would be no exception. There we go, on a boat on the Mediterranean, on a train, on a boat. I can't get my head around this. This is weird. I don't really do boats so this is gonna be fun isn't it? You know, I might have been up here actually staying on the train 'cause at least I wouldn't be able to see that we're sort of like on the sea and stuff, but we're not allowed to stay on the train apparently, we have to get off and come up here. So, well we're moving. Here we go. It's a bit rattle-y. Should it be rattle-y like that? I don't know. Gosh, we're moving. Alright. Okay, I'm gonna step back here a bit. So the crossing over to Messina on Sicily, it's about 35 minutes currently, it looks quite calm and there's quite a few boats doing it as well. It must be a popular route eh? I'm not sure if the boat's turning round or not. Yeah, it is. Look, it's spinning at the front and see that it's moving that way. If we're going back, I don't know, well look at that look, huh? Oh the water all swooshing up down there. It's pretty cool. This is weird. Standing back here, just holding on some a bit of metal. Pretty soon we were heading out to sea and I stood as far back from the barrier as I could manage as we started the crossing. As we started heading out to the open ocean, I figured it would probably be a wise idea to head indoors where I wasn't able to see the fact that we were actually out at sea. There's quite a few seating areas inside and there's a little cafe but they do only take cash. So having no euros on me, I wasn't able to get anything. Now I've come under it because I was getting a little bit sort of wobbly up on the deck. So I've come under it so I can't see where I'm going. I'm not on the train so technically I'm okay. So that's my excuse there. Although there are people on the train still. So anyway, we split it into two, that's the bit I'm in. I think this one here goes to Syracuse, and this is the bit of Palermo, which is the one I'm on. I do believe. My big worry with this is whether I get on the right train because if I get on the wrong train, not only is all my stuff that's on the train heading to Syracuse, but equally my train is headed to Syracuse and I'm not on it. So that's the big worry now. But I think this is mine, it's number six is the one I'm in, which is on here. So I do believe we are all right. Soon after that, a man came and started unplugging some cables, which I took to mean that we must be approaching the port. And sure enough, a few minutes later the big door at the front of the boat started opening to reveal that we were almost on the dock at the island of Sicily. Once we docked, there was a ramp lifted so that it lined up the railway tracks and soon after the other train at the side of ours started moving off the boat. A few minutes later though that train came back and connected with the train that I was on, meaning that it must be the same train going across to Palermo. I headed to the back of the train to try and get a bit of a nice view as we pulled off the boat. Yes, yes, we made it, survived. It is such a weird sensation being on a train rolling off of a boat, but it's another experience checked off my bucket list now. On the move again out of Messina, we're now on an island we've just crossed on a train on a boat across the sea to an island. That's pretty cool, isn't it? So this train now continues on and takes me to Palermo. Hopefully if I got on the right bit, it'll take about three hours. I thought Sicily was only like a little island and it could take like three hours to get across Sicily. It seems it's quite big actually. So yeah, quite a few hours now to kick back. I'm getting a bit hungry because I haven't eaten since I was in, well, apart from those few snacky bits that I've not really eaten since I was in Milan last night. So, and it's now two o'clock in the afternoon the following day. So yeah, the good news is we do only now have a 20 minute delay. So seemingly the ferry driver must have stuck his foot down and wanged across that bit of city because we are now only 20 minutes later, we've made up like an hour. So that's pretty cool isn't it? The scenery in Sicily was just as nice as the scenery back on the mainland. The train passes loads of beautiful beaches and quaint little towns on the ride across Sicily's north coast towards Palermo. Alright then. Well it's talking of a turnoff for the books, considering that when I woke up this morning we were running almost two hours late. We are now more than 30 minutes early, leaving the last stop before we get to Palermo. Like they're not even hanging around to make sure that they leave at the right time. It's literally just, we've pulled in half an hour early, we're gonna leave half an hour early. So, well I hope no one's waiting to get the train the last couple of stops because I think the driver just wants to get home now. So yeah, we are one stop away now from Palermo. We should be arriving in there very, very soon and getting our first glimpse of what the Palermo region looks like. It's quite nice really. So yeah, nearly there. And with this running about half an hour ahead of schedule, it wasn't long at all before we were pulling into Palermo Central Station. Alright and welcome to Palermo. 35 minutes early as well. They pulled that one outta the bag, didn't they? The train station in Palermo isn't quite as beautiful as the Grand Milano central station at the beginning of this journey but it's still quite nice nonetheless. I'd like to say thank you to my amazing Patreons for their ongoing support. You can join them at the link on the screen now for access to my WhatsApp group, regular Zoom calls with me, and much more. Alright then. Welcome to Palermo in Italy. First time I've really seen anything of Italy outside of the airport here. I've just generally connected here, so it's actually an amazingly beautiful country and the great thing about this train is you see the entire country from right up in the north near the Alps, the entire length of Italy and the cross here to Sicily and wow, look at my view, there's me view, boats out there in the sea and cliffs over there in the sky. It's quite nice. Anyway, I am gonna try and get some sleep, try and get some food 'cause I have not eaten a proper meal. If you can call my Five Guy as a proper meal in Milan. I've not eaten a proper meal in nearly 24 hours now because you don't get fed on the train. So that's one lesson for you. Make sure that you take plenty of food on the board with you when you go. So yeah, thank you so much for watching. I really hope you've enjoyed this video. Check out my other train videos that I've done. I've done quite a few of them now, so I'll pop a link on the screen. And in the meantime, thanks for watching. Take care and I'll see you on the next one. Bye for now.
Channel: Noel Philips
Views: 306,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noel philips, flight review, intercity notte, italy train ferry, milan palermo train, train ferry italy to sicily, train ferry sicily, train ferry messina, train ferry italy
Id: zsJQW4Nk14A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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