Intercessory Prayer -Trust in the Lord

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Harlem Holly Lou Holly Lou hallelujah bless your name bless your name to your name [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah bless your name hallelujah thank you Lord hallelujah well once again we say welcome to the noonday intercessory prayer we're so thankful that we have another opportunity glory to God hallelujah to pray to take advantage of the privilege of prayer and to experience the transforming power of prayer so we say welcome to you those that will listen to the call to the prayer that we'll watch the video format that will be uploaded we just want to say thank you and we're so thankful was so great for our heart sphere with gratitude because of God's goodness and His faithfulness in spite of what we see in the natural we know that God is still good hallelujah and the issue is not with God it is with us it is with man whom he has entrusted hallelujah to have no minion in the earth realm and so in spite of all the trouble the chaos the confusion the injustice all that we may consider negative we can still rest in the assurance that God is good hey glory and His mercy endureth forever and so we continue to pray we continue to bombard heaven we continue to stay focused we continue to trust God who is sovereign and that is I focus on today we always try to have a a focus amen and our focus today is trusting in the Lord we want to trust in the Lord we want to stay focused and always know that there are blessings if we trust in the Lord a definition for trust actually I have two from our dictionary reliance on the integrity strength ability surety etc of a person or thing also confidence confident expectation of something to hope and so when we talk about trusting in the Lord we're simply saying we are relying on him we are relying on the Lord because he is righteous he is just he is holy he is faithful he is trustworthy hallelujah he is a strength he is strong and mighty he is the Lord mighty in battle he is sovereign he is king he is ruler hallelujah so we can rely on him because of his integrity his track record his strength his ability his power we can be confident in him for those same attributes hallelujah because of his character he is not a man that he should lie whatever he has spoken he'll make it good his promises are yes and a man so we can trust in the Lord hallelujah and of course we always have scripture that we base our prayers and our declarations and affirmations on and so I want to give you a few of those today number one is and they're not in any sequential order the first one though is proverbs three and five it says trust in the Lord with all your heart hallelujah trust in the Lord again I repeat why can I trust in the Lord why is it that you can trust in the Lord because he is just he is fair he is righteous he is holy he's trustworthy he is good he is faithful he is mighty his ability is beyond our comprehension hallelujah thank you Father another scripture we have several in the psalm some 32 verse 10 says many sorrows shall be to the wicked but he who trusts in the Lord mercy shall surround him this is a reason to trust in the Lord hallelujah if you trust in the righteous one the holy God mercy surrounds you glory to God another scripture in Psalm 34 verse 8 says o taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man or blessed is the woman blessed is the purse who trust in him you are blessed if you trusted the Lord nothing broken nothing missing you are blessed hallelujah you are blessed if you trust in the Lord but it is not so for the wicked person sorrows shall be to the wicked but he who trusts in the Lord hallelujah mercy surrounds him you are blessed taste and see that the Lord is good you have to experience it there is an experience or there is an encounter with the Lord the Great God who created the heavens and the earth when you have an encounter and experience with his power hallelujah through Jesus the Christ your faith you your life can no longer be the same you learn to trust in him glory to God in spite of what you go through you can always trust him some one twenty five and one says those who trust in the Lord or like Mount Zion which cannot be moved but abides forever hallelujah that is so powerful that is encouraging hallelujah Psalm 56 and eleven the psalmist says in God I have put my trust I will not be afraid what can man do to me now this is so key for in the times we're living now because there is so much violence there is so much crime and all kinds of evil acts and evil activity and criminal activity that's taking place it's like if you're not if you don't trust in the Lord you will be so fearful and that fear will immobilize you fear will cause you to become a prisoner and not enjoy life but because you can trust halle-loo you can trust in the Lord you can put your trust in him so that you will not be afraid because he's got you and for those of us who are in the kingdom who have received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord even if something happens to us god forbid we know where we will spend eternity and so whether we live or die hallelujah we should not be afraid because we have a place in eternity that we will live forever hallelujah so remember that in God I have put my trust I will not be afraid what can man do to me hallelujah glory to God and whatever it is that man does God allows it because you belong to you hallelujah thank you Jesus that's good news of today glory to God and then one final one that I want to share with you well a couple more I want to share with you because I want you to get this word in your spirit it's something about the Word of God when you hear it faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and when you hear the word the Word of God the Word of God is life hallelujah God's Word a spirit and life and when you hear that and allow it to get into your spirit something happens glory to God so here's one other scripture well I like I said I have a couple more proverbs 30 and 5 says every word of God is pure he is a shield to those who put their trust in him it goes it connects with what I just say it the other purse that you if you trust in him you cannot be afraid of what man can do to you hallelujah because God is your shield he covers you glory to God he is your protection hallelujah every word of God is pure God's word is the final authority what God is speaking hallelujah it's pure it's truth hallelujah he is a shield to those who put their trust in him thank you Father hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah the Prophet Nahum in the Old Testament chapter 1 verse 7 hallelujah the Prophet says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him glory to God and again we are in the days of trouble there is so much going on in this world hallelujah glory to God but once again you can put your trust in the Lord because he is good he is a stronghold in the day of trouble he is a safe place there is no better place that you can be in than in the will of God it is your safe place get in the will of God and be secure in who he is and how much power he has hallelujah and he knows those who trust in him and because he knows those who trust in him you do not have to fear you do not have to fret you do not have to be worried going to God you do not have to allow fear to consume you to immobilize you to paralyze you because God's got you you can still put your trust in the Lord glory to God the last scripture that I want to give you is Psalm 18 and verse 2 the psalmist makes this declaration and we must do the same thing the Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my God my strength in whom I will trust my shield and the Horn of my salvation my stronghold glory to God there's a scripture that says the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run they're in and are safe a strong tower is a place of safety where you can hide and so if God is your strong tower you can hide in him in the new testament glory to god the writer says it is cause is our life is hidden in Christ hallelujah thank you Jesus and we have the promise that the good work that he has begun in us he will complete it glory to God so we can put our trust in him hallelujah here's another scripture that we're focusing on trusting in the Lord brings perfect peace when we stay focused on him and who he is this comes from Isaiah 26 verse 3 that says that would keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusted in thee and so we rephrased it to give you a principle a focal point trusting in the Lord brings perfect peace when we stay focused on him and who he is when we stay focused on who God is hallelujah great and mighty and awesome and sovereign and trustworthy glory to God and righteous and holy glory to God and not focus so much and become so depressed and overwhelmed by what we see in the natural we can have the peace of God hallelujah glory to God the peace of God God's our heart and our mind the peace of God cannot be comprehended it can only be experienced glory to God so we're praying today perhaps you have not reached that place of total complete trust in the Lord go to God hallelujah when we complete this prayer on today I decree and declare that your level of trust in God hallelujah glory to God will increase hallelujah you begin to walk in the freedom hallelujah that God desires for every believer you begin to rejoice and hope in the Great God that you serve hallelujah father God we thank you so very much we thank you for this day we thank you for another opportunity to come boldly to your throne of grace to come in confidence because we trust you we trust that you hear us when we pray and we thank you and we give you praise and we give you glory we thank you for the access that we have been given through your son Jesus the Christ hallelujah we bless you we thank you that when we come we can obtain mercy hallelujah and find Grace and favor to help us in time of need and as always we recognize hallelujah I need for you O God we take you today we thank you because of who you are we praise you because of who you are you were great mighty and awesome and wonderful your works are marvelous in our eyes you are the righteous one you are holy and just you are trustworthy hallelujah your character or it's a God your character it is your nature to be holy you are holy you are holy you are righteous you are just there is no failure in you you are all wise you know everything you see everything you hear everything you are not silent you are still speaking and so we trust you on today o God and you have said in your word your word that is pure your word that is right your word that is the final authority that we can come boldly we can make our requests known to you glory to God and you have said in your word that even when we call you were answer before we call you will answer you if we call unto you you will show us great and mighty things that we did not know we thank you for your word we thank you for the assurance that you give us we thank you for the power of your word we thank you for the for the authority and the praise that we receive just about speaking and declaring your word out of our mouth we thank you that your words are spirit and life we thank you that your promises are yes and amen and we give you glory hallelujah we thank you our God our great and mighty God wonderful is your name you are strong tower you are refuge' hallelujah you are fortress a shield and a buckler Oh God we thank you today and we give you glory we give you glory hey we give you glory yes Lord we give you glory thank you Jesus hallelujah we bless you hallelujah we bless you hallelujah we bless you we bless you yes Lord yes Lord we give you glory hallelujah thank you Jesus a petition today Oh God is for those that may not have raised their level of trust in you there's still doubt Oh God but we pray today for a new fresh courage we pray O God that they're raised in their level of trust that they began to trust you more that they not focus on what they see in the natural that they lose hope in you Christ in us the hope of glory I pray today O God for a greater level of trust hallelujah we can trust you because you I trust were that you a sovereign you are greater you are awesome you are righteous in all your ways hallelujah there is no failure in you you are omnipresent hallelujah we thank you and we praise you so father today we pray O God for elevation in the mindset of your people o God those that are about to give up we come against that in the name of Jesus we come against the enemy that wants to cause your people to doubt you to mistrust you to say that you are not trustworthy but we come against it now in the name of Jesus and we declare your glory be revealed we declare your glory be revealed in the lives of your people we decree and declare that they will not grow weary in well-doing but they will remain faithful and trust you and take you at your word hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah glory to God may they receive the words that have been spoken in the name of Jesus words like those who trust in you O Lord a like Mount Zion which cannot be moved but abides forever may they receive your word that many sorrows shall be to the wicked but he who trusts in the Lord mercy shall surround him so father we thank you for your mercy your mercy that surrounds those that are here in the prowl today we thank you O God because you are trustworthy you are righteous you are holy you are faithful and in you we put our trust hallelujah made those who are walking in fear hallelujah because of all the evil and the violence that we see on the news and that we even encounter in our own lives may they receive the word of the psalmist today and say in God I have put my trust I will not be afraid what can man do to me o taste and see that the Lord is good and blessed as the man who trusts in him so father we thank you today may they know like never before that your word is pure hallelujah your word is a shield and a booklet you seal those who put their trust in you may they know without a shadow of a doubt that you got them covered hallelujah maid they know that the blood of Jesus prevail over their lives I preach the blood even now the blood of Jesus cover them from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet I plead the blood over their family members those that are so worried now about the safety of their children I plead the blood of Jesus the blood cover that children the blood cover grandchildren the blood cover nieces and nephews the blood prevailed today oh god we thank you for the blood of Jesus the blood the blood that we plead the blood now the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus on school campuses the blood of her all Sunday delidio beside the Bernal chicken a little style we think you owe God that even now angels are dispersed in the name of Jesus to protect hallelujah to do warfare in the name of Jesus I pray O God that those that are walking in fear hallelujah that they would trust you that they would pray over their children and plead the blood and know God that you won't allow anything to happen with that purpose even those horrible things the tragedies that we experience we pray O God that they will know that you are still good and they can trust you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah whole God the pain is so great it and I my so called share database o Yanna my Sunday radio side but o God you grieve with them yet I'm a Seacoast yeah Oh God let them know that you grieve out saga hallelujah Oh God you do not go beyond man's wheel o God with those that will follow after the evil of the enemy you grieve with us and so father we pray O God that those that are grieving would know God that you are the God of all comfort may they experience your comfort and may they trust you O God hallelujah glory to God Oh father ah oh my my naked me huh so you're getting a Telos here Harlan MOC and okay sick of your soul yes Lord Oh God Oh God the hearts are so heavy oh my my neck him oh oh oh oh god yes votes the the grief is so great but o God today we pray for relief we pray O God for comfort we pray O God hallelujah o God we pray that they would trust you in the midst of tragedy hallelujah and you appear she Oh God Oh father yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord hallelujah in the name of Jesus hmm huh my money Lobos sake anĂ­bal Chiana yeah sure all of us are you oh I pray we're lifting today's I pray we're lifting of the burden today ah let your peace ring down the peace of God the peace of God the peace of God hallelujah those that would trust you they would stay focused on you as being sovereign as being their God their shield thank you Father I pray Lord God I pray for those that have experienced that have been impacted by the Florida shoot you know cut the grief the grief the grief is so heavy their hearts but oh baby oh God in the question today see Anna bokgu knows oh yes hey Corey you see you know hallelujah just trust me trust me God Oh father Oh huh today say Keanu my soul oh yeah I won't say I'd know like Ian about Oh God the days are evil but you still good how the wickedness of man the wickedness of man cuz oh it's just and devastation but you would not go over the wheel of man no they'd have given themselves over to the enemy Oh God we pray for you mercy we plead for your mercy your mercy O God I pray today that they do not lose trust in you Oh father Oh God Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus your name is a strong tower the righteous run their unit our sakes Oh father we pray in the name of Jesus for a safe place but protection to my children Oh father mmm in the name of Jesus Oh Buster rise up as intercessors Helen prayer warriors to rise up and stand in the gap open her eyes to see the plans of the enemy hallelujah that we're standing the gap in intercede hallelujah hallelujah bought the plans of the devil in the name of Jesus and even with that whole car I hear you Oh God are you yes hallelujah Oh father Oh God Oh father I hear you I hear you you're constantly speaking you're constantly sitting warning but with me don't know your voice and when they don't follow instruction we suffer great loss Oh father Oh help us father just stay on the wall watchman on the wall good let's not come down oh that's why we are asleep the enemy comes in but we pray today I'll opening of the ears that we were here in the spirit open our eyes and we're seeing the spirit that is Watchmen on the wall we will see hallelujah we will see hallelujah we will see yes Lord hallelujah it was to commit to seeing his watchman to see in the realm of the Spirit in the name of Jesus hold father for many a lack of trust the lack of trust in you Oh forgive us forgive us huh forgive us for lack of trust forgive us for not trusted to hear your boys and to speak and to declare hallelujah forgive us forgive us father yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord forgive us for not recognizing not being obedient Oh God forgive us for lack of trust forgive us for I doubt a lack of faith forgive us Oh father we repent before you we repeat before you O God O God we repent before you forgive us and we receive your forgiveness because you have said if we confess our sins you are faithful and you are just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and so we receive it now hallelujah and we turn from our wicked ways we humble ourselves before your God and we turn we turn back to you we turn hallelujah and we trust you with our heart we're not leaning on our own understanding anymore but we acknowledging you and you shall direct thy path hallelujah thank you Father thank you for your goodness and your mercy thank you O God for your love that's unconditional thank you Lord we bless your name and we honor you and we reverence and we thank you for this new day will we receive a new level of trust hallelujah we will believe you we will rely on your word we were alive on you the only true and living God was faithful and true and holy and righteous hallelujah and worthy of all praise honor and glory our great God we thank you today and we still this prayer in the name of Jesus and his blood hallelujah glory to God hallelujah amen amen hallelujah and it is so well once again we say thank you so very much thank you for joining me and thank you for agreement doesn't prayer and we pray that you'll be blessed hallelujah and that you will continue to trust God not give up we pray that you will continue to experience the transforming power of prayer and live powerful purposeful prayerful lives to faith in Jesus the Christ amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Powerful Living Prayer Ministry
Views: 7,062
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, intercession, intercessory prayer, trust in Lord, powerful living prayer network, Queen E. Phillips, nations, Majestic Worldwide Ministries Inc
Id: VXKezAtVrmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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