Intel's New Naming Scheme - Drops the i, Adds Ultra!!!

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hey there my name is Gary Sims and this is Gary explains for more than a decade more than a decade and a half in fact we've had the Intel core I3 the Intel Core i5 the i7 and so on and Now intel are mixing things up they're coming up with a new naming scheme a new branding for their upcoming processors now they're saying is to make things more simplified to make things more clear but is that really what's happening well if you want to find out more please let me explain foreign years we've had the Intel core I3 I5 i7 and so on but now Intel is rebranding its processors starting with the upcoming meteor Lake processor so the question is why why now why change The Branding well these are Intel's words about why are they doing this meteor lake is an inflection point for design manufacturing and architecture and delivers significant advances for our company and customers better aligned to customers request to simplify the Intel brand portfolio and a two-tier brand clarifies our product strategy differentiating our leadership and mainstream offerings now obviously that's a lot of fluff uh and we're going to dive into that to see whether any of that fluff has any substance to it so meaty Lake of course is Intel's upcoming processors it will be the first client processor manufactured on the new in until four process no we'll talk more about that in just a moment it's the first client chiplet design enabled by the foveros advanced 3D packaging that allows them to take chiplets and the little dies that come when they make them and stack them and built connect them interconnect them in a certain way and that's a new thing that they're doing now and it's also the first Intel client processor feature a dedicated AI engine called Intel AI boost something of course we're familiar with on smartphones and of course on Windows on arm laptops but now Intel are getting into the game so I said we'd mention the Intel 4 so of course a lot of Intel's problems over the last few years has been because Intel is really two companies it is a CPU design company and a chip design company even uh Graphics design company and it's also a manufacturing company and a lot other chip companies that say like apple or Qualcomm for example even AMD don't have a manufacturing arm they are they kind of have a contract with a manufacturer normally tsmc Samsung have their own manufacturing plant for them to manufacture chips so they designed the chips in-house they do all the transistors and all the design all that stuff you need to do and then they send it off to be manufactured at this third-party site Now intel always had their own manufacturing and they were this kind of split company and the manufacturing side faltered and they had problems around the 10 nanometer process and and so they kind of got stuck while tsmc and therefore aimed in other companies kind of raised ahead so Intel finally got over that bump it took them a long time and as you can see here Intel 4 okay that was previously there seven nanometers so as I've explained in other videos I won't go into it now the nanometer thing doesn't really mean what we think it means in fact Intel quoting this is Intel 4 nanometer they're just giving it a name Intel 4 but this one has the full uh euv lithography and I cover all this in other videos if you are if you're interested in all of that and that's what the meter Lake system is going to be built on these are the ones that Intel are using at the moment this is what's coming and then we've got more things coming down the line after three they've got 20 a and then they've got 18 a and so on these are in the future so this is what we're looking at this they're previously they're seven nanometer uh process so what on Earth is going on so better aligned to customer requests to simplify the Intel brand portfolio so what are Intel doing to address that well Intel will drop the I from the processor tiering on the client processors beginning with meteor Lake and all new products thereafter so you no longer have the core I3 I5 i7 I9 you now have the core three 5709 so congratulations Intel you drop the eye and that really did simplify the Intel brand portfolio well their argument is of course that there are other products iPhone for example that have the eye in front of it I of course has been a big feature of uh Intel's chips for many years even way back like you know the 486 for example that technically was called the i-486 so the Intel 4x6 course it was also the 80486 so I has been with us for Intel and of course Intel begins with an eye for a long time but they feel that iPhone iMac they kind of is stolen the the meaning of that word I so they're dropping it and that's going to simplify everything for us apparently and then just to make things even more simpler there's now the core Ultra not just the core but core Ultra so Intel is introducing the new core Ultra processor brand for the most advanced client processors with bigger feature sets so they will include Arc level Graphics integration to the processor that you won't see in any products in the mainstream core not core Ultra core space and what I think that means is we're going to still get the the Intel Graphics in the core product and we're gonna get the arc graphics integrated ones in the core Ultra products we'll have to see how that pans out that's how I'm reading that uh AI capabilities now does that mean that the core ones without core Ultra don't have ai in it that's another thing we have to find out and of course Ultra so it's going to have to have the best performance that's definitely going to be a thing so this is the new lineup we've got the core three we've got the core five and we've got the core seven okay that's just the same as what we had without the eye in front of it there's no core nine and then we come up to the core Ultra 5 and the core Ultra Seven and then the core Ultra nine number nine is the topic only be in the ultra and there's no three so there's no core Ultra three so this the top line is kind of shifted starting at Five ending at nine the bottom nine starts with three and ends at seven now uh you know core I3 but no core 9 core Ultra five but no call three as I've just said so this tier three uh two Ted brand clarifies apparently the product strategy differentiating Intel's leadership uh and mainstream offering so there we go um it'll be interesting do you think that clarifies things uh I don't think it does I don't think that clarifies things at all so the lots of questions that spring from this for example is the core Ultra five so that's the first core Ultra is that better than a core seven normal core seven okay maybe the core Oxford 5 has arc graphics the core 7 wouldn't have let's say but then maybe if you put a dedicated graphics card in your in your PC which a lot of people do uh then is the core seven gonna be faster than the corrupt in fact we just don't know that we really have to see what are the CPU core configurations for the different models so we've we've got three five seven and nine summer core some are Ultra uh what what does that mean is it going to be the same kind of things we've had in the previous generation the same performance and efficiency cause and what about this rumored of the lp efficiency calls the low power efficiency calls do they only come in the ultra models do they come only in the court so many questions that we now are going to have to see what happens when the meteor Lake processes are officially launched another thing that had done to clarify the naming is there's no more generation number in front of the name so at the moment Intel brand it's presence with the generation number in the name so it'd be the 13th generation uh Intel core processors the 12th gen Intel Core Pros the 11th gen Intel Core processor and so on and you'll see that stamped on the box you'll see that in the marketing you'll see that in the naming it tells you what generation of processor it is just about everywhere that you can see now that's not happening anymore now the generation is still only part of the model number and now the word processor appears before the model number so you get the Intel Core Ultra 7 processor and then the number whatever that happens to be and Intel are still defining this they haven't come up with the numbering scheme yet they've given some examples they gave these examples to The Verge for example Intel Core Ultra 9 processor 1090h now is that 10 or 1 and then three digits here don't things over here it seems to be showing two digits for the generation and two for the processor so why ten why not 14 are they just starting at 10 because that's when we switched over to the new naming and we just started one basically is the next one going to be two or is it going to be uh one one or one to eleven or twelve anyway we'll find out again 1070k 1050 U this these are the numbers that Intel have given out as examples but this is not yet actually defined and we do know that the HK and you thing still remain so I've got a whole the whole video on this channel about Intel's naming scheme with the HK and used stuff so you should go and watch that if you don't understand those so now we're gonna have you know could you have an Intel Core Ultra Seven Something Something K and then an Intel Core Seven Something Something K and you know and this is all to simplifying to carifier by the way this is what's happening okay so what do you think does this simplify and clarify the naming uh let me know in the comments below [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gary Explains
Views: 18,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Explains, Tech, Explanation, Tutorial, Intel, Intel Core Ultra, Intel Core, Meteor Lake, Core i7, Core i5, Core i3, Core i9, Core 3, Core 5, Core 7, Core Ultra 5, Core Ultra 7, Core Ultra 9, Intel Core Ultra 7 processor, Branding
Id: PGilbjVc2Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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