Insym Checks out New Moons for Lethal Company - Livestream from 7/2/2024

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Hi V Channel how you guys doing and welcome back to lethal company let's get you them in here we got some crazy stuff for today you are not ready hello hello YouTube how are you guys doing and welcome to another lethal company live stream today we are checking out a bunch of really cool brand new mods uh there are new moon mods made by the Creator if you remember of the volcano mod the volcano Moon which was insanely cool that developer just dropped four new moons today on the same day I don't even know how they do it they have like eight new moons total that they've I think seven total that they have made and they are the highest quality of all of them which is super exciting uh we're also trying out a different more company today uh so instead of more company we're running Advanced company which a lot of people said was better so hopefully it'll still work uh it has a ton more options uh that I'm not going to and do anything with we're just doing vanilla plus one player but you can literally like do everything you want you can add new items to the game that are in this thing you can have Perks and stuff it's all kinds of crazy stuff but that's for another time I didn't have enough time to look into that it was a little little overwhelming um so we're just going to chill with the normal settings here and maybe for another time uh we're going to be playing with all the awesome Gamers today the entire pro team is here uh to join let me get them in here if they already have it all loaded up we have JoJo your ship where you will and oh I need to give the invite why doesn't make yourself at home to process you will want to check the instruction manual your sh let me restart real quick uh host I'm doing invite only which is like a new thing uh don't you why is this not working I tried steam invite but it didn't allow me to do it why do we have to swap back to nor to more company instead I'm not sure why it doesn't do it I guess we'll do not I guess we'll do friends only that work that works okay that works I hope it I don't know how advanced company Works hopefully it'll all be fine uh psycho and then we got everyone the not I don't know why invite only means that you can't invite look at that it's already work duration of your contract hello there look at everyone so fast to complete the want to Che the instruction manual and oh yeah you guys hit it in like one minute is a little slower I mean we have to remember that he has a kid that's sick and he's a boomer all those things and that he's a boomer where did I was wondering this yesterday where did the okay Boomer phrase go I haven't heard someone say that since like yesterday that you like everywhere it used to be everywhere yeah yeah it's just gone AR give the 10 subs and Caboose with the 10 months you said something about the Boomer what okay Boomer what have you been okay boomed before I didn't get invites wait no no no I just sent you they were just really fast they joined in like 10 seconds so you were like 1 minute which was still fast I'm sorry we have nothing better to do me quickly see I see what is going on there we go that's all working okay so I have no idea what all these new moons are there's like so the same Creator from the crazy volcano moons and the other few that we played made four new moons and Dro them all today which is very exciting so we're just going to hop on one random now besides that there's also a bunch of new Interiors in this uh mod pack that the mod are just like 30 minutes before the stream put into the mod pack so they might be a little uh Little Broken here and there and then we might have to swap but we'll hope it all works Let's uh hop to one of the new ones let's see uh they are asteroid 13 Atlantica gratar and Polaris let's go to at Attica first cuz that one is free of any weather all right we'll go to Atlantica or Atlantica population drowned cold wet terrain supports aquatic planned life yep riperoni ATA oh let's see it dude o holy [ __ ] every time is it Atlantis what the [ __ ] where do we even go do we need a jet into the water I guess I think oh we can go over this dude this is insane man it's so crazy what the mods are able to do this is just one of4 new if that's not I'll be found the bone is anyone got a camera yeah giant bone wonder what that belong to really well done dude we need to get jet pack so we can fly around these Maps yeah see if we can find cuz I know some of the maps have like special entrances only for jetpacks uh what's it going to be in here excuse me it's flooded in here wait wait that's super cool the hell uh that's kind of scary dude what the [ __ ] noises man if you TR things look I found even the inter interior is different man so uh so what if we go there's a clam do you actually drown H it doesn't seem like it I hope not I think we can oh here it's fine map of Cosmo cost what is this why is he not fled here dude I love that I have a map of Cosmo cost whatever you found a map that's a another map of cos Fishbones seems fitting go over there this stuff is so light and it's actually how much was this 30 uh I just realize are your hot bars at the bottom left what now are your hot bars on the bottom left because my hot bars is in the far left of the screen uh no mine are in the middle I don't mine are literally behind like the corner in the bottom left and like outside the screen uh I have no idea how that happens that is so weird I have no idea is the rest already drowned oh there's a map you get that I'll go get it we all need a map lizard okay oh there's a way over here uh you LIF the map of cons this is my map now I'm just going to bring this back I'm loaded what's over wait a minute there's something there's a loot room all the way at the back here follow me a loot room you can't get enough right you can't get enough there's more all more it's a horn shell I love the actual aquatic them oh hello yippy he's got a clam hello I love the aquatic themed items you can find that's so cool uh you want to grab it I'm going to I'm going to get some distance if you want to go do that yeah you could get distance all right go do it Boomer we got a porcelain teacup he didn't care he didn't care wait what wait what it's a nice yippy let's go you've been cooking let's go Wesley uh I'm just going to deliver this is the water gone here wait the water's gone oh it like slowly drained when we opened the door the water came in with us opening the door and now it's drained or something I'm not sure what's happening there but I got lot what the [ __ ] is this I leave the P bottle I'm going to bring that back too I need to join the Discord sorry I forgot that Discord notification did I do Twitter though I did not do Twitter either I was just ready to go I'm getting a 7 trillion index out of bound exceptions in my uh mod overview I hope that's fine I'm not sure what that's all about H camper thank you for the three yeah I don't know what's going on there I mean it's it seems to be working just fine there must be another entrance too right I kind of want to explore for another entrance you can I get it off of you let go no I can't what's happening stuck to your butt mag new monster he stuck on me it [Laughter] w what the hell you got like a little starfish on I don't know three of them over here they're called peepers and they your body me let go so rude what the hell dude this reminds me of that scene from Incredibles where there's like those balls you remember that scene that haunted my dream for so longit terrified so many cool things this is super cool so cool you that's so such a different experience than what you're used to they're W are you are you collecting them mag made some friends yeah mag was making friends we should check another entrance on oh no what not hurting you I guess yeah are you f Bud yeah I have they provide you armor they actually extremely creepy what's over here wait are they talking to um I mean there's got to be there's another there's a fire escape right there nice nice yeah this is where the peepers came from I watched them like walk in single file like military formation from this direction and I was like what are I wonder if it can kill you or if they're just chilling I have no idea like I assumed they would bleed health I have no idea no I'm not sure oh God hi hi hello yipp Jesus Christ all right we're going to steal stuff oh it's so flooded in here don't stop whispering in my ear no oh nice wait what wet notes a piece of paper tried grabbing that one and he grab wait was a fire must me oh my God I I picked up a poem yeah I I've seen those notes before but I don't know what they do I woke up the stream screams of Terror the city is sinking all is flooded we need to leave only the bridge can save us the bridge is gone no hope I need to find a higher Point goodbye the bridge higher point that bridge that's sick man actual l l baby like on the map they make you heavier that's super cool these items are all so light I'm like looking the map I thought it was a didn't rhyme at all I want to go this way what is oh this is ah I shouldn't jump off that how the [ __ ] do I I'm not going to I'm going to go the normal way I currently weigh 32b oh they weigh you down whis at me they whisper as well yeah they're skin walking at me nonstop oh right I don't hear them talking what the hell oh really yeah where why is it not flooded here oh yeah why is it not flooded here he said in a very deep psycho voice of course Mago got captured by all the freaking things hello oh you're real I thought you were hallucination or something boom boom we are rich man 400 how much more is on there uh there's still 10 objects there czy what time is it it's 600 p.m. we can go back in um oh where is there there got to be another entr get uh I mean we can't really go we maybe we could buy a shovel and beat up that yippy and then go in there's get a shovel and then you know what let's get two shovels let's get two shovels I found a different fire escape and I went in and and then I found Maine from that fire escape and when I came out of main I was on the roof of that building what the [ __ ] oh yeah weird wait I've just realized I have a of I have a pair of stuck in the ship on my side wait what the hell was like a different main entrance you guys want to do the risky route to get to the ship guys you want to do a Minecraft jumping puzzle with me yeah you go first I want to see how hard it is okay this does end well go first we got this oh wow I got insane oh my God you're insane oh it's terrifying okay that was actually way easier than I expected so we got two shovels so we can beat up that yeah the one jump is really long but aside from that I don't know where the other one is oh here it is it's in the dark and then we beat up the yippy and we get more loot from there oh it's getting spooky out here though dark and spooky uh my inventory is bugged oh yeah it's th set that as well put that yeah the HUD is just I mean I don't really need it but it's over on like the left side of the screen all stuck together very strange I don't know how that would be different cuz for me it's fine I I picked up a shovel and it's not in my inventory you not scroll between it that's weird maybe um maybe this is not a good idea cuz I can't see anything but whatever what could go wrong yeah I can yipp he's still angry it's much bright much brighter in here I hear angry noises oh wet note number two they're just dispensing wet not I woke no it's the same one I woke up the screams of Terror wait wait I said something different I woke up to oh God yeah yeah there's one more beat oh my God why is he after you dude I don't I really don't want to hit hit he hasn't hit me yet it's okay I think I'm he wanted me cuz I took his pot earlier oh I woke up the screams of Terror the city is sinking all is flooded we need to leave I dreamed about this will the bridge be gone it is gone I need to find a higher Point goodbye slightly different okay he didn't have anything is there even a way to disconnect what oh there's more uh ship's leaving what the [ __ ] Immortal snail current Target me I'm being chased by a snail did JoJo just get killed by the [Music] snail what the [ __ ] I'm R get me out of here what the hell I think she died oh no no no get you too what no what what happen wait huh I died I died to an immortal where was the snail what the [ __ ] just killed me multip oh there's multiple snails what the [ __ ] D holy [ __ ] that's a whole new screen yeah that's crazy all right well if we don't leave in time we yeah that was good that was a really good yeah I want to see one of the other ones if that's the the quality let's check out grar yeah I hate for some reason uh is coming from over here on my side okay we might have to reload the lobby real quick yeah yeah let's see let's reload real quick okay just see if something is wrong with the that was our thing well we just kind of died so there's no really what don't do any of this so strange that their HUD is [ __ ] up though little rap boy than you for the nine that is concerning oh they're all joining again there we go your HUD still messed up uh I don't know I don't have any items on me no you can scroll between it yeah I could scroll but it was like no it's still in my bottom left corner of the screen do you mine is the same way mine is the same way is your HUD fine um I can't see my inventory just scroll through your inventory it's it's in the bottom left bottom left yeah why is it that way for you guys it's not it's not wildly I mean we still have all four slots can't you change it in the advanced company settings in your menu let me have a look why would it why would it be different for us though like we copied your code so we have uh H bar oh you can change the H bar scale yeah can you guys change the hot bar settings until it shows up properly like I don't know I didn't have to do anything but do we have to I think it's the alpha you need to scroll from the look of it uh no you can just do it and if you press Escape there's an advanced company oh in here okay cool cool cool no it's not Al yeah the snail is just absolutely destroyed us we get so much loot too was bad man no I still left moving from my side still in bottom left oh oh I just yeah I moved my hot bar scale up now I have it in the middle but yeah the scale worked but now it's just really tiny so I just got to adjust it okay scale like 41 and then it showed up so mine's not moving at all either wait what do you have you changed hot bar Advan company 65 I'm going to put mine on 65 65 looks closer to normal try 124 scale got it in the midle too big mine is at 100 and it looks totally normal oh 124 is so big yeah you can make it maybe a little bit smaller okay perfect I've got mine in there we go wouldn't we want it at 100 isn't that where it's supposed to be mine was at 100 I do I do 10 five see wait you're not changing order yeah 10 five looks fine no wait what you click save and then continue yes Save and continue let me check yeah I did both it it doesn't oh now it worked when I what the hell weird well yeah okay I mean I I just checked your stream it looks very big if you said it's 100 maybe better looks like I'm I'm back to normal now yeah weird that it cuz what was it at before you guys before you change anything um mine mine seemed it was like that anyway but then I just it said 100 but it was just it was just squished yeah it was so you have to like set it to something else and then set it back to 100 yeah I was just pretty much all good also I don't know if you guys have the same but I'm getting like 7 million index out of bounds exceptions in the like the I don't know what that's about but I think it's okay oh yeah I've got y all right any anyway let's go I love what's going on here population killed warm dry dirt ter Rin the classic wait the population said killed oh my God whoa holy right terrain man I'm such a sucker for pretty there's a little well hidden secret this is so cool you guys find it I want to show it later because it's veryan so many ways there's a the entrance dude I'm just this is so C how can you how can one person make all these mods and release four of these high quality mods the same day that's wild uh where you is this a fire escape main entrance uh I think this is mine here if I remember I think this is mine yeah let's see I'm curious what the inside looks like here cuz it seems like every moon is like a little inside thing as well oh oh I'm hey I see what red here spooky bunker I don't have oh you found oh no awful oh my God that turret shoots far yeah that's a rough turet no no dude what the [ __ ] are these turrets bro oh my God come on man how do we get past that that's so rude he came out and was that turret even there I did not see that turret at all unless I got super close to it what the [ __ ] life found what what do that sound what did that just say wait that turret also came out of nowhere your body was against the wall a second ago now it's here what move your body I didn't what is going on in here I'm just they found all kinds of crazy stuff this is my is this interior specific cuz this is my least favorite of all the new Interiors I like it it's just very large hello wait you found a button a big red but it's creepy in here yeah don't don't click it man wait what happened turret inside there that targets you oh what the hell a button be careful be careful don't go in there don't go in [Music] there I took a lot of damage it's like a these are different mods these Interiors put this down dude that's so cool danger very heavy yeah maybe we should bring some stuff back am I yeah I think I think I'll just go back to fire cuz I'm full bunker is I don't know sparkly like V spark alone so wait can you I'm going to check the files real can you set specific your hand is sparkling oh but this is more interior is only this one right I don't know if I can uh I don't know if I can make it see the I sorry I don't know if I sewer this is fire esame with the heavy [ __ ] in my hand turn off the sewer hold on is turning or the dungeon one let me seey I weigh 76 what okay okay cool was it a turet I was like super nervous about trying to run yeah shot me for a wall as well man that's okay you forgot to add down follow me follow follow me I turn these off use what happened to me I saw a little wall and I ducked behind it I'll be right I don't know how you can turn off just speically the castle I don't want the castle one and I don't want the I don't like I've just seen them too much 76 we could just turn off both of those how much are the item I'm going uninstall more interiors and I'm going to uninstall scoopy's variety mod and then just ask the rest to do the same we need reset cuz what the H theying click on the bar click on the bar yeah it's it's uh we need to quickly reset and uninstall two mods but I'm just waiting for everyone to leave we can we vote to leave real quick so we can just uh sure hi uh wait so one person hasn't voted yet is it Mago you can't click the handle probably yeah item up to 200 AFK can you vote to leave we need to reset some of the mods no I'm clicking the bar I see their little hand popping up but nothing's happening have you time put both e and like click with the left oh no they want us to go back to the to the ship okay that's a shortcut what is happening want to enjoy I want to experience this one without the bunker cuz I don't think it I don't know the bunker from all the times I've played it just no very confusing dead what the hell happened to what you all in the same area they destroyed us oh no was it the snail was it the snail so there's multiple snails I need I need to worry about that demonetized oh okay I'm coming which mod is this one ignore the you're seeing it right now cuz we're going to go back and at least hopefully iron ingot just think I brought loot back I was helpful yay what the hell is this this is a flashlight it looks like a flashlight you use it oh what what's that the button looks so cool this UI is so much better I like the new Dead menu that's sick great awesome okay uh sorry we have to leave real quick cuz we need to quickly leave the game and uninstall two mods uninstall Scoopy variety mod and uninstall more Interiors with like the dungeon icon uh cuz it don't work very well for the mods that we're playing um so Scoopy variety mod plus the more Interiors I think it's called both of those that's the bunker we us yeah yeah the bunker okay okay does go uh I already did it so I just restart that's all I don't know if the rest Scarlet all we'll just see them because these I don't recognize so I'm excited to see new things that I don't recognize and then we can just quickly pretend like the first day never happened so we don't lose because we don't get the quarter it's cool that you can actually see how player died and stuff how players died cuz that's not a thing in the I mean there's mods to do that I don't know people just recommend that advanced company because it had less dsync apparently which I don't know yet update the code it's just it's fine you can keep the original code because you can just do it that way we just change it slightly oh my C webcam is on the supposed to be on the side all right let's go uh my why is this there we go poost and we'll just start a new file uh this one well you might have to reset the HUD then hopefully not hopefully not oh come on why does this always bug at least you can fix it with doing this very strange JoJo Mago or and a psycho there we go welcome welcome I don't know if this is going to break more things but we'll find out we'll see we'll see cuz I don't know if it was the same for you guys but you would just walk somewhere and then a turret would randomly appear out of nowhere like the just get killed I Me Maybe maybe the turret was there but it was just like so open on that one that I don't think it works very well with cuz there was like all kinds of sounds happening and stuff right there was like there was sound form something like that like I want to experience that the normal see can we go back there or lightings on certain mov that might be um the lighting was really check the H bar guys I think it's uh an initialization it's it's [ __ ] yeah I to redo apparently might be doing that like it could oh hot bar plus an advanced company have a fight yeah yeah I can see that why isn't it for me then though I don't know that's so strange and that could explain why we're getting the index out of bouncing but it's just working so don't whatever all right let me know when you're ready you know the program life right ignore index out of pounds [Music] try catch it's all good I can't get it to work again for some reason even though I'm do say but it's okay it's just a hot bar oh oh the hot did you just what did you last time to fix that cuz it I would be annoyed save continue like 20 times and then it eventually worked but not this time yeah I don't know I just hit save and then continue I don't touch the preset button yeah I just save and continue try to save as preset and stuff like that yeah it might be we have to keep doing it confused yeah I I literally just hit continue and then that done it okay but changed WID and size and that work after like okay so everything is working we all good yep let's go let's go I have a post it all righty oh boy what this is insane so so red man yes it's kind of crazy how all these new moons work so well with the like very limited Graphics of this game right like you can see so far on this actual waterfalls Falls yeah I didn't see the oh yeah yeah there it looks like ice behind it or something so a frozen waterfall or it's just like the way they have to do the effect probably kind of I wonder how you make these like I wonder cuz the game is not like officially supported by like mods are not officially supported it's just like they're just hacking it all together and it's just all working somehow I mean way it works generally is that someone that understands coding really well creates a framework and then everyone builds framework so it's pretty cool let's see what's going to happen red lights are so scary my God red light I got a big nut look I got got people are talking over each other what's going on you found a big this might not be synchronized later so I'm going to let you use this when it's chared later but it's not interesting it is a you can find a flashlight on the map that's very interesting y oh we need a key a big nut yeah two lock what is it saying alert something something something capacity sometimes yeah there's Copper gear and another big nut over there you hear loock could we just leave and go through is this an actual door or is this a fake door I don't think I don't think we have fake doors Bri you're [ __ ] off dude I'm going to leave this you're [ __ ] up I'm going to go another way where's the other way it's always confusing to figure out where the hell to go it's nice that you can jump down that one looks like a way to go you can't go this way no damage please it's the main entrance I want to hear what they're saying so this is very easy to miss I'm going to show you something here this here if you stand here don't click on it but if you stand here you will see that a hand if you look at the bar yeah use that later when you want to go back to the ship but not now okay okay yep all righty then mysterious uh turet turet turet to the right hello hello yeah what's up dead end wa JoJo I'm at I'm at Main yeah me too oh me too oh turet yeah yeah turet here where you at how are you wait huh I went upstairs upstairs tunnel tunnel network is here okay how do we get upstairs without dying to that turret though I just ran past it I don't know yeah I mean I I think I can do this yeah I literally just ran p it oh yeah yeah you're insane yeah pivot a lot that worked that worked that worked okay there's another fire there's so many fire escapes are these fake I'm not sure been SC something about a 71 scan I'm just like a at the end of this I'm kind of scared man I don't know what they're saying but this shit's oh oh it's locking on to me be careful I'm rich I I'm don't die oh God might have not I've just been right Walling so if I ran into you then performing facility white scan it's saying there's a turret way too much right I'm running I'm running I'm running yeah I have a gold bar oh you found a gold bar yeah end end okay there was a fire escape just below a big nut nice got a big nut I put a big screw outside the TRU yeah there's a bunch of screws and bolts outside you got this oh nice wait this opens this door for Us's go unknown Personnel found within the facility or something it just said I think we're unknown I think we're not supposed to be here well I well then I don't mind being here uh oh we're back here now oh we opened this door wasn't this locked before yes oh so now we can do this wait I want to do that special route wait a minute hi what is this wait wait that's so this such a cool idea what the hell Two Fire escapes that lead to each other wait that's genius yeah awesome cool yeah I wouldn't even think of that oh that's kind of funny yeah is just here warning all personnel must leave it just said main is here I'm going go go go I'm picking up some stuff how do we broken bridge pushable so it's usable and it will whoa what the hell oh my God that's insane the [ __ ] dude that's super cool ah terrible man oh my God what the hell do you got oh you're covered in those papers oh I'm dead how are you alive he's going to die the [ __ ] dude oh who who whoa whoa there's also can can someone go over there there's an there what can you go can you go here climb up this tree here I'm scared you're going to fall down he might have redesigned this here maybe another three oh no wait is this this one yeah it's this one it's this three this one easier what are we bug are we bugging fire up here that usually requires two extension ladders to reach wait what it could be the other one but this one seems like it no wait did he redesign the trees Maybe Might oh no I think I know why I misunderstand no no that's reor you're confusing me so much dude I don't know what he's all on about little zabu thank you for the nine all right I'm just going to focus on other things I'm a little confused okay you found it I just hear skin walker I'm at Main yeah we need a ke wait excuse me JoJo how do I how do I get oh the the peepers are talking like Jojo yeah that's a confusing oh my God Man heavy it's like 42 they weigh a lot they constantly your something uh I'm going to go back in well actually let's scan first oh yeah maybe there's nothing see how much more is in there just kill myself there is there's 15 what did you say I might just kill myself there hope there's hope at the end of the tunnel oh you don't I just heard one of the Skin Walkers go die cruel world as for did he just die maybe my man is depressed red lights are so scary into maybe maybe peepers plus skin walker doesn't work very well maybe it's a little too stop yeah oh there's a dog there's a dog up there he seems to be a little stuck um what's he doing he definitely seems confus Oh by psycho wait oh my god well he wanted to die missed it accomplish what the hell man rip we're so late we need to knock it wait we need to make it back actually do we have 800 on the ship is there a better way back I um from the other exits that would be the only way but there's a fire escape like really close to here okay do we go through main we could go try and get past a dog may I don't mind going past him it's going to get so see if I can find another route rounding quick yeah okay split up so one of us will make it probably hopefully maybe oh no the peepers are there oh [ __ ] they're going to oh come on man oh no I'm peeped now goodbye World Thor's talking to me with peeper voice all right uh are we all dead can I get past somehow without getting killed if he walks on here we're screwed oh no no no they talk they make squeaky sounds they make squeaky sounds no yes okay we need to remove the peepers cuz they they just like they're talking too much are really stupid oh man we need to also what you didn't see is right below main if you drop down there's a bridge that leads right to the ship okay all right so quickly let's uninstall both the snail and the Peeper real quick cuz they're they're like interfering too much with the other game play yeah let's get rid of them they're too annoying I don't like them they're just like cuz they they tie on to someone every single round it's just annoying as [ __ ] like they're going to just kills they're just going to make it impossible for one person to play every round and when that's you it's just like all right guess I stop playing like what do you do there's no way to remove them they're just annoying like if there was a way to remove them by like using a shovel or something maybe you can actually cuz I actually didn't try that you can with a stun maybe anyway they're just annoying CU they're just oh you can remove them by Dying God damn it stick your finger in the recharger that would actually be a very easy way to remove that if that's possible it's just like unfortunate that we added I shouldn't have added other stuff like I I I got so many recommendation from other people to add to this I wish we just kept it new moons only cuz I really want to just have fun with the new moons but there's so much other [ __ ] that is just distracting me and it's kind of annoying do we restart again I guess we restart again just what the [ __ ] dude it's going to be annoying for them though cuz I have to reset again but there's no point yeah we removed snail I mean I just don't like the stuff that like randomly kills people when you're not even like close to them it's just I don't know it's just it's not very fun what does Advanced company do it's just a more company but slightly more a involved and sleep for the duration of your it's way it's honestly a little overwhelming I just wanted to try it to see if it is less buggy yep I got myot bar again yeah the hot bar is going to be [ __ ] again all righty all right let's go yeah there much there we go much all righty there we go manag to fix it it once this time oh let's go IED everyone let's see okay so now it should be fine hopefully maybe you're chandling the inner snail uh let's go to bellara is stormy I guess we go grar so you want to know one thing about you you can do against the peers what run away laser pointers oh really that's oh shiny in there ey oh we need to find one though then or we would have had to find one there will be other times yeah yeah I just got so many recommendations from people like from the mod Creator from you to add stuff and it's like all distracting from the like the new moons I really want to check out the new moons instead of being you need a little bit of control over situation yeah no that's not cuz I like the all the the additions it's just this is like you know how when we did the SCP stuff like that uh a few days ago that was like the perfect balance between new stuff and there's just too much new stuff now so just really distra exactly but you need a it's hard to focus on anything yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly is here let's go let's go all right well let's try third try third times a charm guar right him before psycho and I had to reload [Laughter] fancy roll thank you for the Prime oh we don't get to test the big flashlight oh yeah we'll just need to find another one all right here we go again third time oh God there is something I also really want to try out has anyone of you guys tried VR mod yet I haven't but I was I was actually watching videos about it yesterday wait what what happened what I think he's dead why did he do that what did he do all I had was just scream yeah I just heard scream out of nowhere what the hell where did we go yeah tried yet I need to try all going the same way uh insane fire exit um I'm at Main um JoJo that was real right I just thought that was SK walk there for a I think that was real we're fine this is going to be so hard when there's like I hope there's no Giants on this cuz they can see oh there turrets turrets okay I'm going to check oh well any all right he's dead whatever actually he might have made it you want to you want to see I do yeah no yeah I was behind the turret waiting for it to turn again oh okay we're just going another way [ __ ] that I want to can we go around here does this lead the main probably have no idea I love that the sound of walking on grass in this game is just like walking on cardboard or something yeah right this is main probably yes this looks like big big big main door oh hi there t of loot uh to the left left I was going iron ingot that is very heavy the [ __ ] red lights man so the left keeps going she said more fire escape okay there what the hell wait it was pointed straight at me and didn't fire I appreciate it oh Spotlight there's a item here I'm scared though yeah there's still an item that I couldn't get cuz of the turret I was already slow ah that's good yeah yeah yeah yeah yes okay okay good so this is a flashlight spotl sorry I didn't mean to panic you that's so cool wait where does this go we don't have mimics right I don't think we have mimics oh this is that the one that leads to the other fire escape that's super cool I'm just going to go here and see where this leads that's something they really should think of in vanilla that's such an interesting it's kind of confusing but oh hello hello I went into a fire or outside of a fire escape and then into another one all right this main M right there huh oh they're very close though is there any tunnel Network here uh checked yet maybe up here this is ominous as hell man I don't think this is actually this this tunnel Network here but it's very dark and I found a crankshaft what is a what the oh I see I thought it was some kind of German word for a second there found whatever this is alert performing an here as well alert performing facility wi scan I wonder if when you stay over time here it'll like do something crazy at the end red light green light that would be amazing oh wait Manion dude that actually kind of interesting be very annoying oh oh run where am I going I'm lost this way this way uh psycho psycho oh he's dead Goodbye cruel world for psycho I'm just going to do left wall strats I don't know if I want to be here this is very scary oh come on they're dead [Music] psycho why couldn't I hear the thumper before Personnel found within the factory unrecognized Personnel found within the factory I'm just going to go here no no no I found a key give me stuff [ __ ] dead end all right I'll take the key I'll take the key and leave big nut take the big nut hi you're alive yes let's go dead as hell yeah I hit me a bit well whatever I think this is the way back yes I got I got some items there's so much stuff here I want to see what this is all about I want to charge this from his perspective scam was glorious uh that was Mago oh yeah this hi what if we do it all at the same time will that stand here IED yeah yeah but if we all do it at the same time it'll look better oh yeah yeah it would yeah all right three two one eat Oh I pushed it before you guys oh you're floating oh my god dude that's so cool they need to do more of this type of stuff I mean obviously we have to S between players oh God I love that so good Jesus yeah that's very sick that's shanky all right I want to what is what happens to is it going back again or what no it falls going uh I have a mega flashlight oh you got the big flashlight yeah what it is so bright yeah oh it goes empty so quickly though yeah it D have you seen the have you seen that light inside though flashlight I think this map the flashlights look different inside oh interesting I'm just going to leave that there also got this this how much do we have we got 800 that's more that's that's more than nine objects left nine objects only 300 oh the rest might be dead where are they are they alive is obviously dead JoJo is still in there uh is there a new fire escape we can go to the other fire escape is like across this way a bit further along I believe what the heck man just getting laid so yeah should be careful we already lost thar I don't want to slide off uh there's a beehive wait a minute how do we do that that's going to be painful trying to move that can you go from the other side can we do a like an insane thing where you lure like how you never should do bees where you lure the bees on it I'm on the back side of him now okay they're ignoring me uh they're ignoring you oh God what now they're not no no no no okay I'm going oh they're on me ah goodbye Meo you'll be remembered [Laughter] okay nice dude behive this is how you're not supposed to do that but I don't think we could do the normal way with that situation there 60 bucks what a scam oh no are the bees oh the bees are going to kill everyone wait the bees are fighting a dog or did they just wait what I've never seen bees and dogs interact I didn't know they had interactions maybe they don't maybe they were just fighting the same person it's very interesting I should really be careful of not wiping let see is everyone dead probably JoJo is dead psycho is dead all right well I guess we're going everyone's [ __ ] dead hey that was 900 though that was pretty sick what the [ __ ] yeah maybe they're roaming someone die to that I need to know maybe they make sound oh mauling suffocation mauling Suffocation hello did someone die to that dog and be combo yep that me oh I they were the bees the bees wouldn't catch up with me they were staying like at safe distance and then there was a I see I see oh no did you fall off what happens uh yeah I was about stand on the edge and see if he could jump off on the mount behind you and I by mistake can fell off the scream was Legend the scream was so good all right let's see oh another one asteroid asteroid 13 did I type that wrong asteroid 13 yes that's the third one this one's eclip we're not going there asteroid yeah oh wait what um spooky ass noise I'm not falling off this time who uh oh what you're actually destroy in space no um I am going to show you one thing if you so dark do we not need flashlights do we have money okay okay sorry if you follow this way yeah this is client sided as well follow L okay I see we follow lamps that yep it's behind you oh so it's C inside you press the button then when you look around oh there's way more light turns all the light [Music] bar hi oh they were weapons of war right so one of them got discarded here is it going to attack us later wait so you can you can turn off and on the wait hopefully I can turn it back on wait can I oh no no R turn off again okay where's the entrance though uh the over there is that a volcano or something there's a bunch of smoke over there there's also smoke over there you see that uh yeah what is that volcano on an smoke there's fire I loveing these little like biomes these are like the entrances the flame well the smoke that you can see are burn out entran is co head look here oh sick there's another coil head oh yeah what the F for good luck all right let's see fire escape was that a coet hello yeah we have a coet oh no well that's very fitting yeah yeah hear me oh yeah I can what's up they can hear me psycho can hello oh that's can't he you were only in the ship and maybe he has it now I need to look yeah oh hi qu like your voice is talk to the the co had just said in mag's voice ready to look look at you dude oh yeah he is he's looking at you there we go creepy right who's going to watch him there's two of them okay who watches sh there he is yeah i' I've got a corner here that I'm sitting in got them okay I'm scared oh no there's three of them open wait no there's one here is this one even targeted onto you you looking at it I can only I don't I can only see one directly I think the other one does see you I hope so oh my God this shit's scary oh [ __ ] does it look different or am I crazy black here what the [ __ ] no it look different it looks way like spookier yeah it's very different yeah what the [ __ ] it's like Misty and the lights are like brighter but darker at the same time thingy okay we need to get some loot I have a key that's all I have yeah I have a key too wow it's dark you what did you find docents documents 55 oh all right then I'm going to bring this to Mago Mago hi okay I'm coming your way okay I'm going just drop in this here cuz this is loot for later I'm following the rest of the team he hello yes I'm here Sparks yeah what the hellan are we going to die be honest it's it's over here I see Sparks where is this coming from you see the Sparks you want to you you want to have something here oh M main Is Here Yeah m is right here what the [ __ ] oh nice M over here let's go yeah M's right here oh nice wait but then Mago is just [Music] alone are we going to leave mag I'm want to bring this outside oh there's another coil head oh my God this is really cool so cool I really like how these all the mods of Wesley like tie into the original lore and try to expand it yeah okay so we have three they made these here look at that glow stick oh wait that's sick we can explore with that you put it in your pocket oh you still glow with Pock yeah you still glow when it's in your pocket should we explore with it but I have a banana yeah yeah let's go does that actually help seeing oh that sounds are creepy on this map yeah I by the way dropped the remotes somewhere outside of a fire dead oh okay well that doesn't help us much oh there a dead end too yeah nice likein dead end just as with this is the tunnel network from to Tunnel I hear kind of creepy noises as well such a weird Ambience here yeah yeah very very bizarre Ambience spy as I this glow s to be an item on other Maps too it's just so I know it's so sick the L don't oh I know what that is oh no no he looked at shy guy what's going on they look at shy guy oh uh where did we go where is okay I hear it screaming I don't want we need to go we need to [Music] go I don't want to be here we're coming this way come this way come this way I I would but I can't see anything I don't come the way Direction Come backwards backwards backwards I'm looking as well okay I'm good to the left here left here this way get out back here this way this way got KN this way is to fire escape oh no oh you're alive we need to go he's going to come outside we need to go we need to go we need to go I think I may have seen him as well cuz my screen went blurry oh no he's going to start rampaging around the planet stand there chilling watching them and all I hear is screams where's the is where's the ship this way ship's there yeah all right go go go yeah all I could hear was screaming in the distance I'm like wa what's going on bad I just looked at him for one second I didn't know yeah that's you can look at three pixels of that guy and he will still kill you yeah wait you guys also don't hear Cho anymore Oh's here I'm running bullet bullet bullet bullet oh my [Laughter] God so surv god dude that's sick Bro I dropped everything dropped everything we only got 300s I got my banana now I can hear you oh nice yeah so there's a the ther had the same glitch last time and he restarted but like sometimes one more day can only be heard on the ship your voice is over I hear your voice over here even though you're standing there I don't know why it keeps happening I don't know have company like by default so you can't I think well actually maybe not you brought a biohazard on board you're going to T us into Co heads we just reset again like how does this work that's your fault what cuz I can hear everyone but I you guys can't hear JoJo for some reason on the ship move from the ship okay so we need to reset oh the big flashlight have you tried it yeah it's super strong but oh my God it is super strong so we so short all right quickly reset the lobby just to see if we can fix sure hopefully uh this was our good run right I think resetting fixes hopefully Batman thank you for the five we got so much crazy stuff [Music] boom hello that's cool we all yeah we made it all right test test m test test test test test test testest at the door do you hear me yes I the door now okay we fix it hopefully it'll stay no way are you kidding me what talk talk again I'm over here at the button now I you're here okay that's you're probably is like terrible in the entire shape we should we probably need to land before we know yeah what okay but it's working for everyone except to me no now now it's locally you over there for me it seems to work I'm so confused I don't know why it's always my voice but it's a different person who can't hear it it doesn't seem like it's a me problem so red you look radioactive thank you so much the let's see uh what's the there's another one there's also oh but it's Eclipse right now probably a bad idea let's go to inferus because I know inferus has also changed wait you remember when we said when we went to this map right here that we're going to see remember when we said that it would be cool if there was an eruption if there was an eruption they added the eruption I won die to Lava so we need to we need to survive until the very end of the day so we can see the eruption it's super cool do all of us have to surv there's a spider there's a SP what the hell built into it's buil into this mod that monsters can come legendary fire be yes oh no fire be legendary fire it's got music as well this map yeah I'm going no no no no no pickax okay pickax what is this music man yeah spooky ass music I found key and a rock oh what the [ __ ] oh my God Jesus Christ that was choked in my that's so [ __ ] terrifying what's going on BR I got it I got it I got it I got it there you go the bees are killing people I guess oh no the bees are coming oh we're fine I'm trying to move out uh there's a thumer in there there's a thumper in there we need to somehow get a shovel and kill it what is in there there's a thumper right at the door Cy's probably dead need to grab a shovel uh wait Mago can we get past real quick we need to get a shovel yeah yeah go ahead I'm trying to move them out of our way a little bit yeah yeah I'm going this is the way back right yes wait do we even have money I don't think we have money for this do we cuz we [ __ ] died I don't think we have money oh my God is it on sale no rip all right then uh yeah I don't think we have anything to fight we don't have a shovel Gamers we need to find a fire escape uh did they die [ __ ] is going on down there that's a fire escape but I don't think we can get there unless we can jump it um maybe that looks a little dangerous actually no I think we can do that uh Gamers does anyone want to come with me to the fire escape I think we can jump that hello is anyone here yeah I'm here I I found a fire escape wait wait where are you you me wait I'm like running in circles around this mountain where are you going oh oh there you go okay you see this right here I think we can jump this oh my God I think so oh okay I'll see find out yes okay okay boom all right well here goes nothing all right this is a SC jump don't be locked okay no there's a ther the thumer no please please be a SL or something in here I saw him run this way but I don't know if he's actually coming I can't hear his footsteps I have an oil oh that's so cool what oh wow yeah I'll try oh wait there's so much stuff here we can we can go back with this just get money okay let me get these see try this light out the smog or the The Fog wait this light's infinite yeah oh it's huge okay I'm following you with the light yeah I'll be able to illuminate the that's the that's the thumer we should yeah we should go we should go he's coming all right right how do we get back from uh we just jump back right yeah we're fine I hope we can make this jump otherwise there's no other way yeah we're fine I'm we need to check the situation cuz maybe the r is dead that's true I'm hearing a scream where did the psycho go PE have no idea where that went I think psycho died wait someone is on the ship let's go oh you found a gun does it work yeah listen oh that's what I was hegot about that I forgot about that hold check yourself check that light out yeah it's sick wait nice it's unlimited as well we found another fire oh nice wait where is it oh yeah we found one as uh no B should be alive is Bring Back loot psycho is dead the thumper probably okay uh where's the over here is the fire oh hi oh hello I have uh key and some gold well maybe the key will be good to bring in yeah we're actually real quick we're going to a new fire escape of course of course yeah yeah we checked out one over there we had to make some jumps to get there but there was a critical I'm a want die yeah we don't have uh all right move the out the way enough at least it's not on our path now yeah should bring over here I I nearly died doing it so lowp too yeah o okay cool dude that is insane Man actually great all right well should be check hey ni is it safe like this oh this is the easy one nice yes Falls to death imagine after saying that dead it's falling apart there's a powered a powered door blocking that whole way I think Mag went this way oh no there it's right he didn't see me he didn't see me on follow right wall yeah he didn't see me if you follow right walls that's main so I'm stay away from that what the [ __ ] man oh wait I just scanned something or maybe it was a bug yeah I think it was a bug there this way is main right We're looping back around though is that the only way it looks like it oh [ __ ] wait do I have bees wait there's a beeh the F beehive been shot what the hell how does that work p run away run back I think it's this [Applause] way yes this is the exit yeah this is go go go I I'll go next okay should probably survive everyone live I think we're fine let go let's God damn it get out of here uh oh no wait F okay I'm going to car yeah I'm assuming maybe we baited away from Main but we need to have someone in the ship though that we don't wipe I can go to main I can go to ship cuz I'm critical anyway yeah I'm also very damaged I'm just going to check this out real quick to check if the thumper is here yes yes yes yes yes yes I'm going my bro sliding dude oh it's going to blow dude it's going to explode Wesley are are you still in chat if we leave now does it explode or do we have to wait for it to like uh naturally leave the ship probably have to wait for the ship to naturally leave just want to make sure that we don't miss it it does if we just leave we can just see it oh is Mago dead I don't know is he uh Mago is running with something running from a thumper oh yeah he is what the [ __ ] is he doing no he's gaming need to live to see it oh yeah of course oh he's dead so just for the record if we just press the button we're going to see it right check just just 100% just one more double check oh I guess do we have to wait till midnight yeah do we we can pull the lever and it happens does it work okay oh my God sock that's so sick oh man the extra explosion I love M these Maps man not good so much more detail on them it's wild why did you not get the stop sign there was the stop sign yeah yeah the right side of the main oh I mean I saw a thumper and then I was like nope no thank you I I did drop more stuff outside M actually going we're going to sell everything and just get a ton of stuff also we didn't see the explosion maneuver did yeah you can't see it when you're not able to look yourself okay we just saw everything we have sell mod so or do we want to keep something do we want to keep some items like the light the lamp yeah the stick yeah this one we should keep and the glow stick as well the keys don't get sold anyway the rest rest can be sold right now the rest looks sellable yeah all right yeah sell Ito I was holding that but that's okay that's fine okay so we got 10 times the quot we have enough wait we have some L we need to buy some shovels let's get some shovels first six shovels let's get some Pro flashlight six of those as well uh we'll get a few more Pro flashlights I think so cute you kept that one of course I did I'm starting to regret it all yeah what the H why did you give that to Psycho you idiot never it should have never mistakes were made God damn it oh it's going to be so nice oh my invent G we oh that flashlight uh battery like a flashlight battery at the bottom yeah I need to MyUI again though okay we need more flashes I'm just let's just drop stuff here I'm lazy all right let's get some more Pro six wait we can actually get yeah we can get rid of this thing here stupid anyways here we go store what else zapun is off problem we can buy a pe oh no that's a different thing diving kit what is a diving kit breathe underwater how does that help you I guess it flooded [Music] and we got fixed it but otherwise you just like you're at the bottom of of March and just like in the cave and you're sitting there and doing nothing uh let's see maybe we get some late game upgrades we can get is anything on sale running shoes back muscles back muscles you can info it's weird having the battery at the bot but still having it in the top left yeah right I think it's a cool feature though oh it looks nice I like it it's amazing yeah yeah wa that's huge carry weight becomes 50 of original yes please give me some back muscles okay we got back muscles it makes us able to carry 50% more like the weight affects us 50% less which is crazy let's go it's going to help a lot and then we're going to get more overtime too doesn't work [Music] lsmith [ __ ] throwing the [ __ ] in the dumpster oh what the hell experience gained perks wait what wow per we have per we have activate them perks there it seemed like what oh you have to type it in the terminal I thought you have to type it in the chat wait what uh sponsored by Advanced Tech to level up your character what the hell what button do you advancing mankind it's not responsible I don't think we have this enabled gu default key X I don't think we have this enabled oh I I don't think so I don't know why but I could do anything to go to Polaris is that one free now it is Polaris remember the button want to see it this is actually the one I've been most excited for from like the few screenshots that I saw H yeah population sacrificed excuse me um what excuse me wait I got a plan oh I guess it doesn't work the hell the loading uhoh scary loading um hello holy [ __ ] is everything okay yeah I'm here hello yeah I'm I loaded Mago and are still loading nice oh my god dude this sweet that's insane holy oh my God I mean I get why it took a while to load what the [ __ ] all right I need to I have a plan by the way can I do this cupboard and then put that in there and then store it he'll never know what the hell uh-oh did you guys go here yes they did go this way oh there he is sorry oh wait I forgot my flashlight well you guys got flashlights right yeah I thought you were getting a thumb I think it's that building over there yeah that's me we just got to hop over there I think I'm scared man can you stand on this will this like break apart oh no these these I believe are fine immediately do fire escap Is Here Yeah main is over there oh you hear that growl is there like a monster wait is there a monster down here the [ __ ] dude like go yeah yeah I'm here you hear this growl yeah it's scary okay I need to stick with you cuz I don't have a flashlight why not look through here oh my God thethan too wait a minute what jewel box silver key were actually loaded I leave that here for now that's insane there's more here another magnify glass there may be more here as well oh yes this is insane what the hell the loot Heaven crazy man there's loot everywhere okay there's not nothing there upstairs here are am I the only one hearing this like mon giant monster growling what there's another fire exit to jump which one is that dead Ice Crystal I just heard a th spawn in what the hell is this where are I don't know if this is good let's go yeah let's go to the other one oh no we got to go I took the crystal I took the crystal yeah let's let's JoJo is dying we need to bring this stuff back we got so much loot wa yeah here oh sh can you car that there's there's a regular key it this way where is it going uh wasn't it left wall Str was it yeah it was left it was left it was somewhere close yeah this way this way I I this here way this yes there's two here is this one real o yes I think it was the right one but this is closer yeah but I don't know if this closer I don't know where the ship is over here I think it's just that way damn sick I just want to walk around there's definitely some kind of giant Leviathan here dude imagine when you leave there's like a giant monster that pops out of the I that would be hey Jojo hey hey I found a nose on the wrong moon what it's my second day working at this Vault the work is quite boring if I'm being honest but we are allowed to take breaks regularly the people seem super nice as well they make me feel at home I like it here but I do miss you and I hope to see you in the kits again soon employee 254 to home address okay that's weird on my side it says Dev was supposed to be dead we need help you know what I'm going to get the other stuff quickly okay uh can we put this on the elevator or will it not nope it doesn't work wait is this synced hi bye I don't think it is it's kind of incredible that it works in the first place all right some loot collected I will take a flashlight now flashlight and a shovel cuz there was a thumper right man I love having the back muscles that's amazing I'm going to back in to kill the thumper H JoJo is probably dead how did that Arch even happen oh wait they're moving around is someone dead in the ocean there um oh no what the [ __ ] is moving oh there's a body over there I think someone died over there oh yeah someone dead you guys are crazy well it's desync yeah yeah yeah that's a scary man who is it who's the body uh oh no wait oh I thought she died to uh it's terrifying there it's moving underneath oh that oh my God that's SC okay wait for St oh this one's going yes holy freaking love how cool this moon is yeah this is my favorite one for sure dude I needed to show you something in another Direction later but we have to land twice for that one okay oh I hear giant iar giant there a BL wait is he dead they both die I don't want to go in there it doesn't say near activity though um I'm a little scared cuz if we all die it's all over is there a way around okay no psycho is still alive so I'm going to go in okay it's fine it's fine oh hi there's a y across the the slide uh this way there's another fire escape dude there's so many fire escapes it is a little overwhelming how many like it makes it a little hard to navigate because there's like no it don't really make much sense like because of the way the map generates uh okay well someone's going to die when they come in here oh hi I want to kill his ass does he have anything I'm going to follow him uh what he's stuck wrecked hello where are you guys wait there's another one is he behind where where's your stash yippy lead me to the rest of your family hi do you die what the [ __ ] is going on that's so weird Oh Oh I thought it was items okay I don't know if he's had anything what time is it it's probably late oh this place is confusing this also has different air inside JoJo they got JoJo's body back we don't have a teleporter um I just I just want to fight more loot man but I can't There's No Loot yet there is all kinds of creepy noises oh mine's lo oh hi hi there sir sh me that fell wrong that doesn't seem right he didn't see me I killed him from behind can this blob [ __ ] off they call you shib mom because you're always on the ship alive or dead all right Mr slime come on you're so [ __ ] slow come up the stairs I got this don't kill me oh [ __ ] heart rate levels above normal please exercise caution what do you mean oh yeah this is the trail of dead yippies I can follow that I will can I even go out this way it's very late I have no idea where I am right now oh this is the other fire escape that we were at before um help this one has like snow sound I guess it's because of the rent and D Maps this crazy um where am I going uh is this supposed to be a path I can't go that way I'm lost dude and I'm also loot I can go through here cuz this was the way back heart rate wasn't this the way back before we oh this is just main okay well that works that is very confusing I'm going to go back now I don't know what the rest is doing they're probably waiting for me is there better way back or do I have to just do it I probably have to do with a dangerous way oh no it's leaving don't leave without me oh God uh is that even possible okay no no no no no no no this one's like rotating around the other one I don't like that yes okay oh no Giant's right there I made it there the there's the ladder or the elevator there's a dog as well got to be careful I saw a dog I don't know where the giant went I'm assuming everyone else is on the ship and they're all not perished 11: p.m. oh wait I got to go faster I forgot whoop I can make this don't worry we got this would you leave now before he can jump on ship oh he jump ouch hey what excuse me I've been your te [ __ ] I saw [Laughter] nothing what do you mean we should leave what do you mean the monster oh my God leaning everywhere here Jesus that was 700 we F like so much at that one fire escape it's so light now have a shovel did you miss the jump or what happened yeah I was just hopping across those and I didn't realize that they moved and right when I went to jump shifted and I was like oh all right let's see next one yep uh aider is in's foot tapping it was yeah like your left foot was tapping to the music what music am I in say yeah population is lost you hear I think I'm going crazy don't hear music what the [ __ ] [Music] oh well there we go I think there's also been tweaks made to this manap oh there's ice cubes oh yeah oh the oh yeah with the yippies outside oh yeah yipp oh I remember now all coming back to me dude to the flower or the lilies uh you're insane but I guess we do this oh my God I almost missed that yeah it's a really tight jump that one like that one oh there's the wait that's so fast did they improve this uh that that pit was there still oh cuz I remember this was like a super long wall yeah let's see Mansion yeah oh God the noises what the [ __ ] why am I he screaming inance and I oh God what were those noises wait why is this door open hello some here I found a demon you found a demon demon I found a demon here on a rum bottle you will leave the demon at Main excuse me screams of the Damned oh he found a candle see a demon candle is it down here endless hallways no water we're going to die that sounds very sane right drop drop the note I'll show you I'll show you where are you guys upstairs to which side you can actually read it in someone's hand no the voice oh you can only see two yeah I can if you turn I Come Around the other side of me you can see that half and then on the other side you see the rest of it it's weird wait did you guys go up or down or what down we're just finishing downstairs I see I found this oh There He Go yeah you found it on Note found this I really like these the voices and candle endless Hall no water we're going to die h H I love it when they take time to write that stuff down instead of just like running yeah instead of saving I mean I guess they have time cuz there's endless hallways and no water what else are they going to do yeah true I wonder no I hear yipp that is definitely a MIM oh yipp well take this take this he's steing there's a as well um there's a there's a heing you oh God wait what the [ __ ] I got do we have two shovels uh just the one nope uh okay you want me to take him down no I got him oh God he's walking away dude this guy's smart I don't want him to Sprint though what the [ __ ] is this doing you see this guy what he just wait excuse me what the hell where is he going wa what the [ __ ] dude he's weird as he's got like he's kiting mechanics he's trying to kite me what there's another one there's two of them yeah I found this I found this kitchen forever ago couldn't get in here because the mimic was in here that's why I just kept running away I found this kitchen ages ago okay this they're not acting like normal oh there's there's so many they're being really weird right I'm going I got them I got them I'm coming for them oh my God what is he doing yeah I got yeah kill him kill him kill him okay okay be careful be careful what the man this guy is why he trying to jump over why he going back and the mimic uis doing dude he's being so strange you're being so strange he wants me okay okay what Jesus Christ they have so much loot so much loot also hi there's more down here should we check this real quick before going back we should check around here real quick yeah I'm uh I hear screams of the Damned I don't remember how I got here stair there's nothing here the mimic was actually like I moves man uh Thumper no way uh where's the stumper he's probably downstairs I don't really want to deal with that [ __ ] my flashlight is running out there no loot man I don't like that man I want to stick to the rest there was screams and thumber and all kinds of stuff y it's a little bit scary oh Jesus okay it's not just me the crap out me as o the kite though that was pretty sick me out of everything you could damage me was the listen be careful M oh nice nice nice okay clean that actually worked way better than I expected what the hell rib cage collected okay how do we get out of here uh oh um oh oh up here up here up here oh yi yi yi oh God okay it's fine I [ __ ] insane Killing Spree what's going on dude everything is dying oh there's there's a braen yeah I went way around it wait maybe in here this way yeah just if there's any loot ex okay fire exit not here I hope it's there's a lot of loot at mine I think it is real dude imagine adding fake ones here you'd have no idea to main from here then or later oh yeah look at this by the way they added lights cuz I I told the mod that it was really hard to find the fire escape it would be nice if there were lights she was like hold my beard there's lights now nice that's so sick cuz it was so hard to know when you like were coming back to a fire escape where it was yeah there now you can see that there's one over there as well in instead of just like having to know exactly where they are a bridge there's another fire escape there I guess yeah but how do we get back my flashlight is dead yeah mine's dead as well it's there it's there it's there it's across this bridge I think it oh God is this wait where are you guys going I'm pretty sure it's this way they make cool noises is just where the yipp is [Music] outside that is the ship yeah there's a yippi wait what are they doing you guys good over there you got a friend some kind of insect like a wasp but also the I don't know no you don't you don't I I see you leave him alone he's seven yippies in the facility just now that's why he's he's dancing like that he's hurt you murdered his family I killed confused all right all right we get enough loot 1500 let's go uh there you spoke to me I mean uh we've got stuff at mine to pick up as well okay nice if it wasn't already I want to go get that I guess I should leave the shovel now giving him an ice cube wait he's got an ice cube it him but he doesn't seem to want to pick it up you traumatized him by killing his family he didn't see that he doesn't know he he sees the blood on the shovel he gets M kill us yor no he can't hurt you I've been dancing with him can we stand on buddy he making evil noises the wings are kind of cute on it's nice to get to like look at the models up close without dying to them yeah look at his wings oh yeah so shiny I see oh he has two Fe there we go I see you guys are prioritizing loot is there still more to get or I mean I Haven Che entire yeah he's not that much different from us because we also love loot yeah he's just misunderstood okay wish wait can we pet him do I want to stay with him oh you can't [Music] Crouch hello I'm I'm I'm pting him I'm staying here with him okay that looks WR in so many ways what the [ __ ] what are you thinking about kill this guy my Killing Spree must continue yeah go away possibly wait what hi go away you scared I'm so going to die oh no oh no um dude how much health does this guy have there we go Jesus oh my God going to leave without yeah we should go we should go bye uh excuse me did you just close the door up no I would never do that I was so confused that closed like so perfectly in my face he are you guys staying what's going on me and the lotb are happy together okay I'm staying all right we'll see you in the next life goodbye good one byebye goodbye goodbye goodbye hi you lied wait was Meo still alive by the way wait see there should we he was bringing loot the [ __ ] is wrong with us out of all the people dying think it be him mag you can stay with the yipp forever no no the good news is you got to stay with loot bug yeah exactly all right which one uh we can go let's go here oh wait did that cost no it didn't cost anything I want to see this one again too I never really explored this one last time oh yeah this is the ship the city one yeah the city one the city I think this one is the only one that's made by a different modder we're playing today I but still I want to see more of this one look at this I'm going to complicated fire exit you're going to die super cool oh there's a fire exit there really I did not know there is this the way I don't think that's the way I I know I know there's a fire exit like right above these buildings right there I just don't know how to get up there I know where you fell down what the hell I want to shake that because I think parkour area I know this one oh I this one yeah I see oh the alarm there we go hey Budd another Mansion O Mansion oh I think this one's always is yeah oh no yeah uh well does any don't have a key or we're stuck all right then I guess we go somewhere else some things never change get what what the [ __ ] is going on dude I'm fine you hear those voices isn't this where the main entrance is it's this way yeah large building front door seems to enters this block wonder if there's a way up there is wait there's like TV wait what lore down ether downtown main Vault it's counting down or some crazy stuff oh there it is the train there's actually trains that go around on this map by the way it's insane has anyone been here hello anyone here I think I'm alone I hope they are not all dead this Donald hello I hear psycho psycho psyo yes I'm at the fire exit uh you probably have the locked one I can see you come here oh hi come back come back where are you come back there's a kitchen back here but there's like no loot Mill I was going to bag him I got to SM he didn't come that would have been such a good jump scare oh no [ __ ] rcking this dead end man can't you kill them with like looping them somehow I've I've never Tri there was loot yeah let me carry around a tattered metal sheet worth 14 that's totally worth my time by the way yeah yeah Maine is here oh Red soda uh this is Maine by the way if you want to be here I didn't check the side doors here yet Mago are you okay yeah is Mago going insane for real finally he's finally losing his mind what the [ __ ] is going on oo another one I don't know mag is laughing like a maniac he's becoming the Joker one bad round uh oh God through the tunnel a bit you uh I found a coil head well that's unfortunate I don't know where the stumper is I think it's below did someone come this way Jester all right I'm bringing loot goodbye your problem oh there's a train all right someone's going to die to the to the co for sure I love the oh we don't have the TPS I think but the TPS are so funny cuz like you'll have someone you can actually make monsters step on the teleporter platforms and then they'll just teleport somewhere else in the map which by the way I was rewatching the edit or the while editing I was re-watching a part where I di to the remember last time we played with the terrifying mods I died to the Bracken as I came into the facility I looked everywhere in the footage and there's no way there could have been a Bracken so the only way the Bracken could have gotten behind me cuz there was like literally no way to get behind me this is this is [ __ ] up must have teleported behind me which is actually like insane to think that that's how I died holy [ __ ] Bracken teleporting behind me that was what happen to you guys coet fper braen and and a spider that was you you don't want to go in there don't trust me you don't want to go in there you don't want to go in there but what if I do you got to die n we'll be fine you want to come with me I have no idea how I Ked all of that what the hell was that hello hello did we actually get any loot out of this I got I got four items did you get anything yeah I got eight I got absolutely nothing other than trauma objects 205 we can go in there and fight some more there's a coet a Bracken a thumper and something else up there that's fine I hear dog you hear that oh Jesus Christ oh hi it literally talks with your voes now Mago I approve he just started run Jus CH okay where is this fire you guys went into uh both these fire exits here both lead to the exact same place we Che to take the train yeah I check M check M yeah I had four items from there so apparently there is a dangerous yump right here to get into another entrance over there right there no way that you can make this apparently you can all right here we go like there's no way there's no way you want to I don't think this W seems to be in the way but I think you can go around maybe you can go this way fine along this Edge right no a never mind it's an invisible wall see where'd you go I'm going to try this you're crazy Y what the [ __ ] seriously where did you guys go up main entrance wait bar main entrance is easy to get through why would we do this I don't know why just go the other way follow me yeah just go the oh God this way around I feel like I am probably going oh oh never mind I thought there was a b siren head is on the loose did ther actually make the jump ther yeah there's no reason to do this this is meant to be a shortcut that I supposed you be able to jump over to the other side yeah why didn't you guys do this you're waiting just go around how did how did you get over yeah just go around there're still like contemplating jumping do we jump it's up here it's up this way hello this way this way I don't know what this voices are but Tao is staying on the ship right it's his responsibility not to get us steam another C coming after me oh wait is a fake one yep he can't make it up let's go let's hope so there's my stuff from before I left items oo that's rain though uh I think I checked up here yeah nothing check the other side I think what about over here I checked that side I hear walking okay well there's this one I didn't check there was one tattered metal sheet that I left but I don't think we really need that what if it's let's go some loot any more uh I think that's going to be it ah key oh nice never mind then hold we had a locked door we had a locked door at fire but one of them and I mean I guess we could go there it was very close to the ship that oh they're saying weird stuff you hear these guys yeah something something death and mystery they're like doing a countdown is there dogs or anything I guess we'll find it would keep talking I remember was it around hot dogs it wasn't like an Alleyway over here is a fire I know is that the way I don't know if it's the one you mean but there is one over here okay maybe it's like one where you climb up a oh we're never going to make it yeah there's a ladder over here right around uh it seems kind of stupid yeah I'm going I'm going to get out of herey or th can do that if he wants oh he's making it hi we're walking together okay making my way downtown run [Music] hello is there a mimic up here okay I killed him I killed him you got oh that's good oh nice all right well send it where is mag still alive I think he died maybe oh did he did he try to jump he probably fell yeah probably tried to jump well then dude so cool man something me yeah there was not much loot there gravity yes oh no she died to a got strangulated yeah probably uh snare oh I got Bracken oh son of a [ __ ] still need to try and kill a Bracken by like rotating him around him it's probably very hard to do but sounds fun we got this if you can do that that' be crazy all right well we have very decent loot we can get some crazy upgrades I want to go back to the to the ice map or Atlantis just do them all in order again all right what do we keep the oil Ln have you seen this note here I grabbed that that the new one yeah we saw that one anything we want to keep I I keep the oil lantern just in case l l be the rest is fine I'm going to S about the pew pew I PE Pew uh okay 1900 what is in your hand why is it looking like that it's a big my arm oh well that could be it wait wait did that actually work dude my plan actually worked zero for zero I put it in the the cupboard then I stored the cupboard and then the sell all mods still sold the pew [Laughter] pew God oh my God God no okay do we do we need more stuff we have quite a few flashlights maybe like three of each uh let's get like Pro three uh and then shovel three Pro three more and then we spend the rest on late game upgrades we want protein powder makes us stronger running shoes running shoes we got to buy that if it's off it's still off I'm just going to buy the whole thing oh wait back muscles is also off I'm going to buy that and more running shoes and more back muscles there we go dude that's crazy we're so we're fast now the back muscles plus running shoes was super on sale so we're Mega fast plus we can carry things like very easily and now we need to get some of the other upgrades there's so many I don't well that's how I jump those gaps without dying probably them pack gives you more Health nice all right did we get all the flashlight and shovels uh yes by the way did you die to that yum that we were looking at I had to try it I was considering trying it but I lost all my health on the first try like nah yeah biger Longs plus running she was like an insane combo it's only day eight nice 300 overtime wait we can spend that on more uh fast oh new things are on sale fast encryption what does that do again it like unlocks the signal transmitter or something strong legs that just makes you jump higher right um I don't think that's required we are going to go to we haven't gone to ET turn yet we haven't gone to this one yet population transformed love that Lo work population is transformed that this totally not ominous oh yeah this one with all the Giants and the nutcrackers outside nut cracker yeah wait we need to actually get them kill to kill each other Giants they can kill each other no no no the nut crackers just going to be nutcrackers outside right I remember yeah yep such a cool one so much Variety in these I'm going fire wait there's actually nor CRA as well oh white yeah I've seen that way that's SI wait what there's a nutracker oh wow I like those details so big that's what she said I got him oh we're normal go over here I can uh onal network over here oh I'm coming I'm coming there we go sa nice nice nice I was trying to get to the main door I was almost there yeah you guys thank you blue test tube I just heard like yeah I was running down here to get the test tube and the [ __ ] snare FL fell on me I was so mad first you actually managed to get all the way to the exit for that whated masks big mistake you hear this they St their Ware no other side effects have been noted I had seen it myself but I've heard project mraa for a success it sounds like they're actually alive uh we also noticed that uh jeofrey W missing recently we are looking into that me out okay did that project Nutcracker Jeffrey went missing so transformed into a nutcracker probably yeah dude this tunel network by the way I'm going left wall I'll do right wall uh I think we might want to keep an eye on in that Cas considering been talking about nuts today yeah left wall is dead this is this a mimic oh that's another one wait can you get yourself grabbed I can't believe she jumped man we totally had that which by the way that's a strat now you can just get someone to be grabbed and then you can just stun lock the mimic cuz he will continue to grab the same person but that was I was supposed to go oh man that's so good may not have been supposed to go the way but it was funny yeah it was very funny uh there going to be snare FL I mean if I ever die I wanted to be in a funny way the ultimate padic creepy ass noises here man so good man uh this is just endless tunnel Network what the hell man dead end over here uh this door's open was probably mimic oh there's more here may be fire did we even get any loot there's a nutcracker eye Z loot Nutcracker eye o if I can pick it up yeah I got it some there was something else there wasn't it got nice key as well oh fire exit o okay and a tap flare log three which one was yours wait we have the 3 one already D 146 the same one masks yeah to get stuck no other side effects have oh wait they're talking about the mass yeah interesting what does this say where is Cosmo cause wait oh those were the maps remember when we were in Atlantis we on there were maps that this shit's so annoying I wonder if that's going to be his next planet is Cosmo Cosmo cross oh yeah that' be sick you have to unlock it through like finding stuff on another planet or something oh that would be cool if that's actually the currency instead of money we are looking oh yeah with those maybe with like coins did you find the lost coins and then maps and stuff so you put it all together in something takes that as the currency in the game that would be so cool damn dude you throw this eyeball oh we use the stone paths oh thank you [Music] Thor appreciate it where we go there they can get back here they just need to to go around did you make it yeah no it's me oh th might have died to the Giants I'm not sure for is still alive okay nice this a PL is this dead and Cho is dead rip what's going on here in case of giants use Rock PES as cover oh yes are there going to be nut crackers outside they should have late last time which fire escape did you go to the last there were two mimics there and rude man no did you yeah yeah we did no no we didn't what well we killed two M so I guess there maybe there's four mimic while we killed it by the way the funniest [ __ ] ever happened JoJo oh no there's mimics there see them they're coming yeah I see them JoJo was being grabbed by the mimic and I kept hitting the mimic to kill it so she would she kept getting grabbed and then she panicked and she jumped and fell off no but there's two there yeah that's what I'm saying the [ __ ] man oh [ __ ] we need to we need to shovel need I have a shovel just make sure you grab one as well in case someone gets grabbed you guys alive two mimics are coming he's coming he's coming wait can we buy do we have money wait flare gun ammo 10 what isn't that an item like are coming am I typing this wrong mask what there's only one nck now can you bu what did I just buy I thought I bought a FL we tried to hit the [ __ ] out of the I bought a flashlight it it translated FL gun okay that's lethal things only I see that's not we don't have that oh there they are all right go fight them we can just we just kill from different sides oh God the giant oh [ __ ] [ __ ] no help what I bought a flashlight I think there's no crackers coming oh no there's a mimic there's a mimic there's a mimic there's a mimic uhoh there's two of them many are coming what the [ __ ] hi hi sir no oh [ __ ] sir no one of them is going to start running or something did you lose the PO nice die please thank you Jesus are you guys okay did they die like of them did one of them die like four of them but I I can try to kill him uh one of them is shooting over there what in the [ __ ] going to try to kill one of them I might die I might die did you get him [Music] I don't think he did I think he's dead I'm hearing like Mago screamy on this picture oh yeah did one of them die though think there so many more coming man why are there so many why are there so many en cool especially now knowing the Lord dude there's like four boogs they're taking his body oh they're taking the body of [ __ ] is going on dude I really I really want to run out there and oh no I leave oh not yet we thre a St grenade going oh my God if we have a stun grenade oh we should get that there's so much chaos going to go this I'm going to run over over there oh you're going to did one of them die I can't even go over there man dude imagine I could shoot if we have one shotgun here you can just go sicko mode on them I just want to see dude he killed so many no but the Giant and I can't get team wiped I'm sorry Gamers I would love to grab a shotgun but it's probably better proba the best to not do that what time is it no giant ah whatever I'm going we can do this though we got this next time we just need to stun grenade we can buy a stun grenade wait maybe I'll buy it now I'll buy stuns now cuz our money is going to go away right I'll buy 10 St I bought 10 stun grenades with the money that we're going to lose because you guys are all dead so then we can kill the nut cracker next time and we can also stun the wait was someone still in there wait did someone go missing was 2,000 in there Jesus how do we only get 3 yeah what well we managed to take two down at least yeah listen I only took one piece of loot with me it was not my fault I really want to go back here to see if we can kill them sure with the stun grenad we have a St yeah so I bought 10 St grenad so we should be fine unless they didn't arrive properly if we have aen all of them shot and then if we have one shot we oh there's bees though oh there I'm bringing a shovel this time back here y nice this this going to be all like 10 Stone grenades I have a full inventory I should have thought about that yeah we got hold this let's go yeah we got it all okay really it's all floating there were 10 I have two do you guys both got four I've I've got three uh then there must be one more yeah there's got to be more yeah okay boom boom this is going to be for at the end I'm going to go we need to get more loot first though otherwise we're not going to not going to get more crazy upgrades I want bigger lungs the one that makes you sprint longer the Giants are insanely annoying though yeah the Christmas thing is still here uh there's bees under the ground oh I saw bees at the ship as well yeah it's a empty beehive over there oh wait three yep the bees are under the ground literally wait what is below the ice is that related to the monster that you can he on Polaris yeah look at this too oh yeah non return from asteroid 13 dude he had a plan man yeah oil heads on that Mo oh we need to go back to asteroid 13 yeah yeah dud this is so this is like unlocking a whole new like idea of how the maps can be in this game that I never even thought about like that all being related that's so cool uh there's so much stuff here together more about why the company want us to get like trrap yeah there's uh many things don't play that long cuz it's the same one I'm going to quickly leave this here and grab some should be more oh there's so much small pipe maybe more no there wait did you find more items I found two more I went I oh upstair okay no doors creepy noises here yeah experimentation maybe it would be cuz it seems like they're doing that where they're like relating these Maps uh sorry what's up I found a flow pip put it at the door are they relating these maps to the original maps of yeah there's more here okay go big big oh never mind wait someone has been here or just mimics hello an open door behind us too yeah it's concerning they are way anyone here [ __ ] stairs you heard that yeah oh it just keeps going man this is so big look at this that's so massive oh there's a shopping cart wait what oh you found lady after wait wait I can hold it no way dude wait what's going on Thumper I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming oh nut cracker CER okay I got it um okay don't get don't just wait for it to go back okay I'll go I'll try first okay I'm going to try I'm going to hit it now run run run don't let it shoot again well how did you I don't know how you did that but all right [Music] then oh no go for it overover it one more shot okay I missed one hit but it still died okay so then we put it in there wait yep wait can you drop it cuz I can't put stuff in oh wait I okay oh yeah wait that's so sick wait so now we have a shotgun so we can shoot the The Nutcrackers wait could I uh trade out I I'll do the shovel in here and then I'll have the shotgun instead I have the sh you want them yeah nice oh there's where all right hold on let me let me dump this stuff in here then wait wait there's another another shell here right where's that Co head okay uh I don't know where he is I heard a coil but I don't see it I heard it yeah I'm scared now may lock fake sound cheing over here nothing here I'm just exploring if there's any more loot yes what's up there is a shotgun outside of fire this oh you killed one too nice let's go dude we're going to kill all those nutcrackers outside did I do I have to reload no it's full hello if you kill them at the right time they they'll be full okay um I'm going to should probably oh God nice I'm BR back yeah we should go well you can put stuff in the shopping cart dude put everything in everything put it in the shopping cart he's going to see us he's going to see us going to grab the shopping cart otherwise we're going to someone grab the shopping cart okay oh there's aim over yeah there's also a coil head over there some what the [ __ ] dude I need to get this um okay I'm looking can you look at the other way can you look through the door to our back so there's nothing that comes from there if if someone can get in to move I can bring him in here with the turret okay I mean I can stop look away here yeah if you stop looking I'll keep him you got him wait there just do we have oh you got the shopping cart right you got him yeah just looking for him all good here you should probably go back main yeah I'm bringing a car wait there's something behind me is that a mimic yep I'm going to make sure it doesn't go for Mago it's terrifying this sounds oh there's another Nutcracker [ __ ] stop be careful be careful I'm going to shoot him Jes he was doing weird stuff he alive yeah yeah or not okay I'm going to put shotgun in here that's so cool okay and I have two shells we need to there's too many items in the now oh okay I am full do you have SL I'm actually going to this instead grab the shotgun and got there we go get I bet I okay I guess I can put this in and un hold it yeah there we go okay this is so spooky man [ __ ] shopping card this is a way back right I think so I heard mag stream earlier but he's screen happy noises so I think it's fine is this the way out is it was about to say I think this is where oh yeah this is closed because we saw all these doors and I saw the back rooms I think it's this way I don't remember this at all but oh yeah no it is here never mind it's right here it's right here uh there's stuff here we can't carry um [ __ ] okay we need to go back and forth I love the little squeaky wheels so now we just have a oh God someone's being chased uhoh no no go in here it's safe over here go here uh someone's being stunned oh what the guys had a St grenade probably psycho doing something okay okay squeaky squeaky oh he's on the other side he's around this pillar this this should be a safe area I don't think they in here no they can get around hopefully okay oh there's AER oh god what the [ __ ] okay we got a shopping cart got this do I drop all items button there you go there's still more at Main are you going to get that this is loud oh okay this more at Main yeah there's more at Main way more like take the shopping cart craer I hope it's yeah it does there's another one okay two dead wait this is actually so busted I should go to main saying or what uh yeah yeah yeah main with the shopping cart there's I mean unless unless you got it all oh [ __ ] another one no it didn't die okay he got it why didn't he not die when I shot him giant giant incoming giant oh go go go go go there's three Giants okay nice oh Jo just coming can we what the [ __ ] we're going to farm so many shotguns here this is insane oh no no no no flash flash I not make your sacrifice why didn't we stun why didn't we use how do I get oh no Hew rather let me die the bees are broken the bees are definitely broken we still have stuns yeah we still have more than enough STS th going in somewhere funny more nut there's another Nutcracker two more happed is everybody Dead come on Kill The Nutcrackers there's two more coming Nutcracker Farm infinite loot no the ship's going to leave stay at the ship please why are there so many MK people there's so many I so many Giants there's three mimics running around he's so dead he's so dead what the [ __ ] is going on is it f what happen the ship I guess I could have maybe with no set the ship please it I fall out still alive I'm not going out there I'm wait for even know what's going on this map is like so fun because of The Nutcrackers outside one wait did we take the beehives away why did we do that I'm going what was the plan there what's going on here ow ow oh nice we still got a be at least she gets one in oh we still is there another one yeah I could oh that's so good either under you died under circumstances what does that even mean what does that even mean what does that mean so now we have a shopping cart to bring all the loot back yeah let's go that's so sick uncertain okay uh where we going now I want to go back to Polaris can we oh it's foggy uh grar I already for oh that was the the many bridges ether well a turn I honestly I'm going we're going back here this map is amazing the rest is pretty weathery so we're just going back here cuz this one's amazing this one's so fun yeah the rest side weather and this one is super fun I'll take the shopping cart to main there's a 34 here I'll grab that okay we're taking mini shotguns explosion right there since our last Vis it yeah don't see it you don't don't see it I saw an explosion there I see the explosion yeah oh um that no that's up my a okay I mean maybe there were so many monsters that the game was like he died to chaos it's just a shopping mall you know get some loot kill some enemies yeah exactly what is with all these explosives idea what like what were they doing with all this fuel dangerous oh I can put it in the shopping cart inside you can put it in here maybe the oh I didn't bring a flashlight oops back rooms nothing in the backs this keeps going this is dead end over this way oh small pipe here uh loot room huge Lo room nice nice uh y test tube nice there were still two items that I couldn't pick up syringe and the tube here oh nice syringe I got the syringe cool in there have to be like in a specific you can put quite a bit in there nice that's pretty sick yeah that's so convenient I hate the like weird like laughing and Ambience yeah what was that that was scary there's another I'm dropping this for you as well there's a pipe there there's also a slime here I got what you got what there's a slime yeah I'm not going to make this jump I'm just going to wait you got something heavy up there no this just a slime oh if you stand up here we can jump across uh don't push me we can lock it in there oh I mean what the hell you're killing me man you you pushed me down now I did I didn't mean to push you no I think did no I don't things I what on here there's two uh this is a really small room I yeah this is going to suck I'll go first ow oh God wait it's coming out oh god oh come on okay well I can do it again I'll just I mean they can just come downstairs oh now it's coming this way did you take any damage talk it those to your voice uh really yeah you got no dude I got killed by whoever pushed me down man there's no way to get out of there it's so rude what the [ __ ] he got this what the hell man I I can save the loot cuz you can jump when you're like that's so annoying did you lock him inside like I don't know how she got past that cuz blob is so Big Y you can kill the slime with the flare gun here I'll walk it in this in this come here baby you can hit them and it get slightly faster is that what a slime sounds like I have to like kind of a professional standing there but then I goodness I wasn't touching the WD come what's psycho doing the [ __ ] you hear that echoey ass Nutcracker I love that they're just spending like a million years I mean they can lock it in all right cool oh they're finding more stuff up here out a little bit come here bud come here slimy bud no the one the one in here is attracted to your voice I don't think they are attracted to voices right they're just attracted to whoever's closest and when you jump and change Agro like every monster hello I think that's a myth right there are you um no oh no oh God run he killed the thumer though that's sick nice dude he almost ran straight up into it he's got so much loot he's going to syringe gun what the hell or is that like two items on top of each other wait is that a syringe gun you see that [ __ ] that is [Music] terrifying is that what they use to make The Nutcrackers yeah I'm kind of you know what's going to happen here I'm I'm doing a prophecy psycho is going to somehow get himself killed and then he's going to get so mad at everyone why didn't you bring back the loot I had like 60 items at fire escape yeah if you're dumbass just went back like one time to tell people that instead of assuming that they psycho always does that he gets so greedy cuz he like he sees he's like me where you just see Loot and you're just like your brain turns off and you're just going for loot forever but I think he's got this now you got to go you got to go to bring back the loot this is way more than one inventory so you can easily just bring one fool thank you let's go all right I'll take everything back he's he's not greedy he's got it cuz as soon as you have four items it is just worth going back cuz like I mean unless you have a shopping cart in which case you can just take the shopping cart and take everything at once uh but we only got that last round oh too many items that's so sick man the shoing cart I'll bring this test Tu there we go look at this hello can you go to hello can you go to fire there on all right never mind he's been redeemed I'm going go back that is exactly dude all right Tao's got the Plano he's got it down I know where I am I was very wrong I wonder if there's another Another Log man he's reformed oh no I wonder if there's log one or two as well I want to hear the other T yeah there um I missed what happened no I was was spinning a fan theory about what psycho might be doing but he didn't do it and he just is getting like a million loot instead that is log one I want to read that one that is another log are you one shot wait is oh my God there's so many what the [ __ ] what he just got three with one shot holy [ __ ] I've never seen a that's insane I jumped much better wait the sound is bugged how was that even possible he wasn't looking that way even be stillar cracker yeah so do I that still playing yeah oh there's a mimic coming there's a mimic there's a mimic there's two mimic mimic wait no there's no can you kill the mimic pleas there mimic got you run into it what the [ __ ] huh oh no wait why can't I hit it dude let's go what the [ __ ] is going on is is that another over there somewhere I think that is no it's this is this is like my favorite mood of all of them cuz it's got so much chaos going on it's so good there's a mimick right there so good like this the fact that the monsters come outside why is this one still making noise Giants uh are you not JoJo oh that's not thorlar that's a mimic she was talking to him like it was Thor like what are you doing I got a shopping cart the [ __ ] dude she almost ran into him this is why we need pis gang so I can see who's who we need pis gang we need why did he hello nice hello yeah she's got Itor are you over here dude let's go okay cool then thank you for the 20 there's still an item I want to see this item it syringe gun what the [ __ ] someone didn't turn two of the safeties on no wait did someone die to die please someone wait what why is there so much blood there what is even going on right now I have no idea but this shit's crazy I'm a little lost okay there's no more left there good I'm going to check inside this quick where are you [ __ ] music where why can't I not see why is my oh there's more ner crackers kill [Laughter] them what the [ __ ] The Nutcracker just scream Nutcracker or what's happening here you got him get him a Quadro kill or something yes go get him Thor you got it be careful oh my God the army of the shoot them shoot them with the shotgun dude what the [ __ ] is going on can't move the [ __ ] map is so Goodell the baboon HW or I don't know doing a dance all right go shoot them there's two more spotting you see that there's so many go run in there and just shoot them all of them wait they're looking at the Giants you see this they're looking at the GI now the giant they're afraid of the giant I have no idea wait God left oh no we need to leave we need to leave oh god dude the Army are we all in here I don't know yeah let's go on oh I oh that was so good trying to save you woohoo what the [ __ ] round man oh [ __ ] my God that was such chaos dude we need to go back there uncertain circumstances 1500 there sorry we got 1500 that's crazy hello dude I was really hoping someone would run into the baboon Hawks with a shotgun and see how many you can kill at once cuz I it kills like everything in in range right that would be sickes seen them in mag multiple times yeah all righty well let's sell everything and get some crazy upgrades I don't know if someone died VI one of these shotguns but I heard one go off oh I think we're I think everyone Liv no we were everyone obiously lived but yeah I don't think anyone was there no I I've checked them they should new logs we'll do that when we land we need to grab the yeah log one what is this by the way a syringe gun that shit's terrifying you want to stab me with it I don't think you that's American Med system in action right isn't there this is log three this is also three this is four you won't deny n and this one is one again do we want to carry all the yeah yeah I'm just keeping the ones I haven't heard yet one and four here selling the rest keeping the other ones sorry all righty there it goes all our loot oh it didn't sell the shopping cart oh I it was actually kind of scary we should have K help that but I guess it doesn't matter we still got a th what do we get with this upgrades uh fast encryption is off better scanner is super what strong legs is jumping right better scanner makes us be able to scan through walls and stuff um PS what other crazy thing Hunter is kind of cool where's he going um no he can't see me can't see get Tel but do much St grenades how many stades we got do we still have St grenades we still have we thinking what to buy I wonder where he went I'll we broadcaster explodes stuff right this com bobul what is oh that's like a stun at the ship right wait what if we do wait info this out you how do you [ __ ] write this word this come Bab thisor stun enemies around your ship for 7 and a half seconds I think we that's pretty cool discombobulator let's get that boom type cool down cool down uh init they under the ship maybe attack what the freak what is going on I just used the discombobulator I don't know it stuns enemies around the ship let's go that's all right we still got more oh whoops that was not wait psycho's back protein powder make us do more damage with the shovel but we got shot now that's not very important um hi I just went to the store let's get bigger lungs bigger lungs and then we don't really need to upgrade it get bigger lungs again so we can just keep running yeah there we go and then we have do we have more yeah we have everything we need right maybe some no we're fine everyone here uh yeah I got four that way oh there he so weird what no you didn't see you destroyed our game man excuse me you guys playing hide andek we were being wholesome kids playing hideand-seek we ruined it yeah what do you mean you can't see him he's right here stupid like yeah Dad oh baby needs a kid we got so much more loot that's just shotguns I think he has enough with all of us yeah you guys are more more than enough children for me the all right where are we going now I want to go back to Eden but let's go to yeah Polaris they referenced this map right or asteroid no asteroid a bunch of celery that's why I've been quiet for the last hourly hour I said hour I said hourly and then we need to listen to these logs wait what we saved all of them we didn't need to save these we only need to save one all right we're going I want to see the asteroid map with all the coil heads 154 day 15 something I am those masks took them they are not them anymore they took my team converted half of them The Nutcrackers are not droids like I thought I I saw one of them it shot me right in the chest before I got here I I'm I'm bleeding out I I I think the not the the my coworkers or what's left of them oh I I think those those Mass men I think they no did he get shot no oh there's still one more there's one more there's one more L just H in front of like he's telling the story uh business as usual a project not cracker is well on the way this is the first one Detroit are getting more advanced by today especially since Joffrey joined us a week ago great stuff me out okay jeofrey a guy that dies in log number three or that they lose in log number three uh take a shotgun I'm taking a shotgun oh St shopping cart as well maybe oh what the [ __ ] oh we're here wait did you hear that did you hear that yeah was a coil head something running sounded like a coil head or like something running what the [ __ ] that was creepy what why are you guys crouching why is there a dog a.m. turn on the light there we go now we can actually see I can't Crouch with the thing I can't Crouch with the shopping cart dude why are you here was it eclipsed come this way but I got a plan it's going to hear you can we kill him with the is that a thing we can do wait you want to go to the ship grabish operation shopping cart grab a shotgun and then we shoot him yeah yeah okay which ones are loaded uh if you press e and it doesn't click it's loaded okay okay let's go for it operation chopping cart be careful with the safety off too early yeah yeah yeah okay I got two of them so I can shoot twice so I should turn off the safety of this one uh wait where did he go he's over there against the fence I think yeah okay we got him I'm walking up to him sir what you killed me no JoJo no what the radius no is he dead she killed me dude sorry you were nowhere in front of the shotgun it's stupid operation shopping cart is a success at least we recovered the shopping God damn it dude oh I've been shot that betr no apologize it's fine just get the shotguns though apologies JoJo gave 10 GI [Laughter] Subs the apology givs us thank you thank you Joo that's so funny oh man hello oh hi hi um I have really bad news yeah really really bad news yeah I shot him in the back what the [ __ ] why did he die laughing I'm sorry really really really bad news yeah excuse me really really really really really bad dude that's so [ __ ] up dude what the hell to the locker room no oh no just [ __ ] belly laughing oh God God damn it oh God you cannot see through this what the [ __ ] is this holy are you real you're real okay yes I'm real okay blue folder did they're getting so much stuff wait what is that wait huh you get like a clipboard is there lore on there I want to read that killed the dog already hi I love that the coil heads are like everywhere you see them like buried so cool I don't know if she brought my shotgun she better wait there's a CO head out there wait you see that at the fence wait we need to go back here I want to inspect these things is this thing that's so cool so creepy Bo hello did he die I think he's dead but he's still breathing my dead Death Note yeah I'm curious what kind of shenanigans was this man doing in he it's not my fault I don't know what he did but he some weird what the hell did some weird things with a dog and died to a gunshot apparently with a dog yeah I don't know um so I shot in in the back by accident wait you did what I we listen we were getting up on the dog together and I shot way to the right of where in was but you know how gunshots have like the worst hit box ever yeah I kill him I killed him but it's okay I formally apologize for oh man [ __ ] oh he found a coil head spring look at that that's not the ship that's so cool yeah can you open there like some doors can you open them for us you did what detective psycho oh no screw you oh my God the [ __ ] that's so funny oh no he found a coil head well it's the map of coil heads Co head wait there's an item we can buy that can look at them right in the late game upgrade store oh God is he going to make it he's super far isn't he sounds like a you problem oh he's leaving it's now a you problem psycho there he's going to die um it's late by the way he's already gone he's long gone what you can get the coil of a coil at you that's cool that's super cool wait does he not hear it um oh god well why why do I have to coil it now who is he talking to to his stream maybe you know the thing where you talk to people red fer like my question did he see you see him nope hi hi oh Mago you're not dead you were dark I thought you were dead no I was fine okay cool although if you if it was you who opened that door you scared seven Shades out of me oh sorry yeah that was me psycho told me to open doors so that's what I was doing scared seven Shades out me was great can we quickly go back in or is it's too late it's too late uh 9:30 9:30 it's not too far I mean you technically could make it back in but I don't know don't think so there's a toilet in there as well I just to do Murderer let's go it was an accident murderer if it wasn't an accident you think I would have told you I would have kept that [ __ ] secret you know remember wa that's what a murderer would say yeah he did he did ruin hide andek it was an accident I'm not saying you didn't deserve it but it was I didn't do anything what the hell man Man portable terminal I want to go back there gunshots yeah how'd that happen huh hey operation shopping cart did not go as PL I mean it went as planned for me I got the shopping cart I made it back [ __ ] I want to go back here there was actually there's like a coil head behind a fence somewhere that I want to see if he's like alive we should go back cuz you were dead the whole time so uh confir by the way JoJo Ved I saw it this one is keep walking behind what did you guys F what did you I'm not taking I was told this brought back etern experiment one presence the subject was put in a room with a mask for 8 hours the subject claimed to have heard laughs no further effect noted experiment two wearing the subject entered a zombie-like state within 30 seconds the subject was executed experiment 3 conversion two subjects were put in a room one of which converted the living subject was immediately attacked and converted both were executed conclusion weaponizer super cool that's like [ __ ] right there that's so cool all right I love the lore it's yeah the lore at these Maps is it makes everything so much more scary even off cuz like when you like read about the coil heads being weapons of mass destruction it's like what this who made them yeah uh it's at the main entrance that's where the coil head was okay I saw it like past it also there's one main entrance Left Right main entrance is way left way left yeah it's over there I thought I saw it here wait wait no there it is there it is oh this sorry this is fire escape then but it's right there it's right there all right well they're going to miss the lore oh it's here look at this he's just standing there what the [ __ ] he's he's fully intact hello sir this is one is way taller than the usual on fu yeah he's way bigger man I'm glad those are not in the game that's scary what the [ __ ] all right I'm running he's just standing there menacingly we can go this fire escape psycho psycho you done with Tak your thumbnail going fire yes oh stapler stay your life I'm really enjoying these lore items that is something that they really need to add to the to the game more items oh there's more wait new experiments day 402 bio origin Cosmo cause experiment one touch upon touch the subject became very aggressive and seemed to slightly deform the subject was executed before further experiments could be done experiment two isolation the subject was infected with bio HX nv7 and put into a room it took 12 seconds for the subject to become aggressive it took 15 seconds for the subject to deform the subject oh it's fine I'm looking the subject's flesh seemed to merge with the walls it touched turning into a concrete statue wel completely conscious it took 4 minutes for the subject to lose thought at 4 minutes the subject was a concrete statue wait this is making the coil heads probably bio outbreak several infected starting sector wide decontamination decontamination level five incineration SE several still infected few fully transformed Don't Look Away facility wide decontamination imminent goodbye conclusion highly weaponized dude that's so cool you want to take the items out yeah I'm going to bring them out real quick damn uh hello oh there's another one uh psycho can you look at that one I'm bringing it to you yeah I'm looking at this are you yeah I'm looking there it is you got them both yeah wait we need to go to that other map that wait oh Jesus Christ we can go I'm looking there's another map where there was like some decontamination going on uh I I really want to listen to the lore there what was that map again was like retar I uh hello sometimes you looking still looking uh there's coil heads here we yeah we found the fence one yeah oh nice there's uh many loot here many many many loot many loot we find they're made of concrete yeah okay I'm going to drop some stuff outside I'm dropping all the stuff outside boom and then what do we do now all right all the stuff is outside what do we do now though what's the plan we just keep looking at it forever this stuff might want to go outside I look I mean can you turn off the the valve maybe uh there's a valve behind you maybe oh there's a stapler here oh hi JoJo you know what the [ __ ] this keeps talking like Mago who you went zooming what the hell it's having a whole conversation with itself I'm just checking these side rooms real quick and then we can bounce there's more blue folder there's so much loot here that's crazy psycho are you okay he's turning into a demon oh hi old computer worth 88 I found an old computer worth excuse me my man's crazy being spooky okay no dog This Time by the way there was one can you can we take the stapler and leave now there's so much loot we should just bring it I think I'm looking sure he's got a nice ass can you take the stapler over there it's between the two cor hoods I'll be te okay right I'm I'm going is he upstairs upstairs yeah what's good and then it's around here I think him here this hello oh Jesus hello okay we got a lot of stuff there's coil heads in there be careful found coil outside by the way you got to read you have to read this this is the experiment well I can well I mean it's it's better to read it but it's the experiment of how coil heads are made we like your voice feel free to read it yeah uh okay so first experiment touch I don't know what they're talking about they're talking about some kind of Bio like some virus called bio hxn V7 so the first experiment is touching it when someone touches it they become very aggressive and they deform slightly but then they execute them experiment two isolation they isolate them with the bio weapon or the bi the the virus and put it into a room it took 12 seconds for it to become aggressive it took 15 seconds for it to Def form the subject's flesh seemed to merge with the walls it touched turning into concrete statue while completely conscious it took four minutes for the subject to lose thought at 4 minutes the subject was a concrete statue and then there's an outbreak there's like a note below it there's an outbreak several infected starting sector wide decontamination decontamination level five incineration several still infected few fully transformed Don't Look Away facility wide decontamination imminent goodbye conclusion highly weaponized toil transform it says but it says on the thing that it's from cosoos so Cosmos which is that one planet where we find the map like the map the cosmos that's got that's got to be the next map of this of this mod I'm so excited so cool this way isn't it oh right yeah yeah yeah yeah dude I'm super into the there's still more I think okay I I saw didn't know this was a mod I would think this was made by the developer yeah this where did that do this is like straight up higher quality I'm sorry I'm I'm I'm saying yeah when we went turn the lights on there was do like this is something that the main game doesn't do which is super interesting the like lore building um all righty we're I guess was there any there's no nut crackers right we just go without not that I've heard we only saw the coil outside def fence yes love the co heads so this place is that why there's like blown up entrances because they did incineration decontamination oh yeah they were trying to stop them and that's why we have these coil heads in oh someone died here wait someone got coiled out oh no they I thought they got killed here at the door I was like what yeah totally all right we go in sorry Happ what what oh oh yeah there's a head there Wonder fire exian yeah we went found her ha her head however my side has rolled all the way down that hallway and it's hilarious what is happening I'm hearing so many voes overlapping why is nobody at to Sho back was there more loot here I don't know I really want to go back to Atlantis now as well to find that map again I don't think we can use it though that'd be super interesting oh God you find the apparatus oh God yes there's a there's nothing else in there creepy girl there oh great g girl yeah I'm going oh Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] was that sound did you hear that no what did you hear oh the lights turned off oh the timing are still crap out of me man holy there it is there it is get me out of here the damn lights we're so fast with these Sprints now all righty oh uh we I'm I'm send I feel like there's a dogside we need to try and oh oops I thought you lost four it's fine wait no wait how could I do that here yeah what the [Laughter] [ __ ] where's that explosion so the cause of death when you get coil headed is maing ma maing meing yeah I mean Ming would have been like being clawed at yeah like that doesn't make much sense just pops off your head and it also removes your arms right did you get killed by someone uh no I got coil headed Oh I thought you were like coil no I actually just like my throat is really sticky today sorry I thought you was like how could you do this to me nope okay Atlantica we need to go back here now I feel like we're starting some startup business in a little ship here with all these like yeah what the hell I want to go we're going Atlantic gu again check out the map yeah out the bio is this here wait really yeah wait no way something or rather yes B that is so this is the virus that turns you into a coil head oh that thingly don't shake it we've been using that as a light the whole time yeah what the [ __ ] dude that's cool map probably the best one yeah that one they all is so interesting there was not there were lots of Thumpers and stuff here right I remember I'm just going to go dude look at this crazy this reminds me of hid's tower of flame in Dark Souls 2 what are you doing I need to play again man doing a Minecraft jumping puzzle over there something going on here yeah they can see my toss quick I'm sorry oh whoops hi hi right here we go oh it's fled have a shotgun uh left I'm going to drop it outside I'm dropping the shotgun outside God something cool happens when you leave wait I need to see that I have shell fish apparently something cool happens when you leave this map oh really yeah I didn't know food I want to see it I like food O Fish yeah oh you dead fish and plastic a family reunion oh moreish fish bones there's a key here what the [ __ ] is that CL what is that this is something that they really need to do with the where you find what the [ __ ] is that glowing orb it's just a so good man oh my God it makes a weird noise when pick it up yeah are you real oh wait what is it about it's the same one that you read earlier I woke up to screams of Terror I see all is blooded we need to leave you oh the bridge is gone you want to take them off yeah I'm full how you yeah um don't know here here here it's that way is there any anything here no more got to be more stuff right back here a new hand touches the beacon that is totally someone's got to add that to this game where if you touch it a porcelain cup for a giant map this is what we're looking for map of Cosmo Cosmo cause so this is the thing I'm full I really assume that like down the line you're going to have to go to this planet to find the map to then like I don't know find Cosmo CA and then go to that planet that' be super cool oh there's more here there's two fire escapes right next to each other I got a key uh another map another key that's why I wanted to go back here cuz this is the only planet you can find it on which makes me really curious oh no no no no leave me alone sir goodbye all right [ __ ] you I want to live man all right I'll bring everything back where did that guy come from yeah he didn't make any noise sh crazy the Jes this a planet gets really spooky late at night glowing orb 62 can I get past this uh I don't think I can oh no I to do the jumping puzzle why did I do I mean I'm only eight wait how am I only eight is because of all the back muscles I guess it spawned because of the map M that's fine we got so many glowing things on the ship um we got the map we got what we came for we have to like what the [ __ ] is this ship dude who uses though it's just one giant glowing mess it's a disco ship I have a note I found two maps of Cosmo cost yeah which is what we came here for we have it collected uh someone fell how did that happen oh yeah what [Music] Jojo mind I said nothing I'm scared power the orb put the orb in the charger we can go this way where the [ __ ] am I going someone needs to live that's my fire escape I don't really like where are the houses on this planet though like these are all like gazebos this is the Gazebo Planet cuz there's no I mean I guess this is the houses the fire escape here oh oh yeah wait a minute is this still the same spot this does oh yeah [ __ ] God damn it this you okay yeah I'm going my oh you shot him let's go oh I'm going goodbye all right whatever man I'm leaving I want to make sure I live so I can see the cool thing [ __ ] all right going to take the long way that's safer this way there we go all right I'm staying oh hello wait wait wait wait wait wait wait die how much more I have more out think they're dead I think they're dead hopefully this combobulate it stunned three enemies okay you're Mega dead wait what wait it says three enemies what do you mean three enemies there's one dog here and he's [ __ ] dead wait there another dog there no all right get get cheese done sir get te bagged where's the rest okay they're coming back uh Maga was in there with something on his head I think he just got killed I think he got carried by something by a loot bug or something what happened the [ __ ] it wasn't me did you use exploiter he was being annoying I've been told by the dev that there's something really cool when you leave here so I want to make sure that we can all see it except Mago I guess and JoJo she also died I guess we can leave we just saw we just saw main sinking into the water oh really and it was so cool there like the bridge collapse and everything oh that's what they're oh damn I didn't see that wait is if we leave yeah we have to land again and check that something happen here see what happens see I'm not sure oh yeah look at that Holy wait it changes wait what the [ __ ] that's insane dude that is so cool like a ship form damn that's amazing man what um hello do you both wait wait I'm coming back to life um oh there we go oh there we go it just took forever what the [ __ ] never seen a TI that it's like they're stuck in a Time bubble here with everything going up again s can you put this in there no people told me the power the orb the thing you can use it as a fast right super all right compy time yes it does come on unable to rout okay it's bugged uh I think our ship is I can't route to company me made po what happened it says wait for ship to land yeah oh no I think something is bugged I think we need to reload sucessfully oh yeah Mago hasn't like loaded back in or hasn't move oh mag is bugged Mago could you quickly leave so I guess he can't hear us but you need to leave so we actually make sure that we save okay there we go cuz did an auto save just now okay and then we're going to quick yeah there we go now we can control yep yep nice dude that's crazy boom I'm having too much fun with these Maps this is so so well done oh hello hello already here dude you need to see the collapsing Bridge so we do have to go there again it was so cool that was really weird because I was walking around and talking and I could hear all of you and everything so I was like okay yeah you were just Frozen there for us JoJo everyone's here let's go yeah I'm here go let's go right company Ste or why is he watching no he's just weird oh I was looking up so I can see if my hot I can't see the hot bar if I'm looking down so I was looking up at the sky okay you can actually wait by the way have you guys uh so basically uh we already told said it right we need to save this cuz this is like the virus that turns people into Co head yes I want to save this so cool uh what else do we need company ever threatens us again what is this I'm keeping the ball it's shiny and I like it what is this a turtle shell or is just a rock it's an OCT look a turtle shell oh my God I can't see anything because of the right that's an OCT egg there we go is my you can drop everything now I knew it so cool what do we do with our money we get uh what do we get running shoes mag and you know what it is Walky GPS sounds cool I mean bigger lungs seems goodbye forwell I don't know I think just a bigger lungs thing the strong legs know bigger lungs can we do that again yes and then we do um that's maxed out now then we do running shoes also maxed out we're just going to be so damn fast fast that can still go one level higher uh the night vision is very low like it doesn't do much um back muscles is good strong leg just makes you jump more which I guess we can do if we're going to go you know what might as well if we're going to go to that planet where you have to jump um I'm on to BRB like one second I'll take a bathroom bre in that case for everyone be dancing want to go to that ice map again we only went there like once right oh boy hello hello oh hi everyone's here we need maybe but whatever Sun still got so many shotguns so fun you Insight the ice map let's go apparently something crazy also happens at the ice map when you leave plus there were more secrets on the ice map right can we go there wait please is it clean uh we can go Polaris send us boom and then there it's yours how does this one tie into the lore CU it says sacrificed population sacrificed I'm curious oh God this one has the biggest load of all of them this one makes the game go crazy almost crashed please don't crash uh someone has got the potato load there we go PC explo PC this so apparently here when when you leave also something crazy happens in oh are we leaving at I think yeah just crashed my man Mago PC be be blowing up again didn't he blow up like a PC recently fullblown crash oh no what the hell for the game or for more than your game like your computer uhoh uhoh I hope the computer's still fine jeez I'm back again well try again house crashed so apparently there's also an Easter egg behind the ice wall somewhere oh interesting yeah the dev told me dude how the [ __ ] do you make this much content and like literally if this the the zers needs to hire Wesley man imagine mods are insane this is crazy they're so good and there's lore with them like it's one thing to design mods well but it's another thing to put a story with it yeah and tie everything together with these items with like all the L triaa quality so good crazy yeah and the voice acting too oh yeah there's also Logs with voice acting and Stu where is Mago D imagine I feel like it walks so fast now I invited him several times but he's not able to join today God damn hi was it another cat it could I'm still waiting okay oh really you're still rocking yeah they haven't even looked at it yet what yeah they're like oh it was a cat yeah let's not look at it I'm sing it hopefully no one crashes oh boy it's going to lag the thing though once again this one is hard to load no he did crash again wait no never mind wait someone just disappeared though we good we good wait what I'm still here I think he's not moving he's probably crashed again uhoh we made made it it did try though it up there by the way okay what is over up there all the way up top of the mountain oh yeah right look there yeah there as well it's like elev yeah I'm taking a shot just in case I kind of want to know C or now so I can go check it out Dam need jetpacks yeah wait are those like secret entrances oh God I almost fell into the water isn't there a wait is there do we have enough money for a jet pack I don't think we do right no we don't wasn't there there a secret here somewhere oh God I hear creepy this way maybe dude if it has anything to do with a giant creature coming out of the water I'm going to lose my mind okay I'm just going the long way apparently I wonder where this all connects yeah have bigger jump now right yeah I don't know where this [ __ ] connects but uh that looks very dangerous I wouldn't want to ride that one is there any entrance here I forgot how this map Works um I can jump this though especially with the super jump this is why I bought it specifically for going through this map let me go the [ __ ] where's the rest hello Gamers that is so you can go all the way around these platforms man are people in here I don't know where they are hello hello you guys found a golden thing oh I was muted there's so much loot in here please silver key silver key look at this no look at this in this room look I know and I already got like three of them out as well nice a small item so much I can't carry it all there's another F what the hell that's going to be we need the shopping cart yeah this is wild uh I can go get the shopping cart yeah that might be smart and without dying this time hopefully I I believe I believe one more right one more lamp yeah dude insane car like so many items at once with a shopping cart we can also buy one that we haven't tried yet maybe it's better all righty then hello all right uh just stay where you are I I have lot outside of a fire all fire okay I'm coming wait there's more stuff here as well where we were bringing the wait what there's so many ways to go um what's up I need to find the fire exits again man oh yeah I'm I'm where you guys are I'm just I'm going to grab the shotgun to kill this yippy I mean I guess we don't have to shoot it it's good to have though boom there's so many evil things happening I'm coming Ice Cube that's that's very fitting is this a main or what uh this is main yeah there's so much loot here like we're bringing the shopping cart cuz it's just too much look at this you see something insane look at this oh yeah she Jo's bringing shopic card unless she died in which case oh no there we go nice solid solid I'm quickly going to go to the fire exit again I can find me this key is cool oh come this is so hard to play I put my I put my flashlight in there oh it's too many items okay so this is one trip okay yeah I guess I can't put anything else in there you guys okay okay I'm not alone I oh I can kill it I have a shotgun that would be great oh nice where are you where are you Jesus I'm right here with oh man there's so many I hear but I don't see yeah left oh he's there he's on the pl I can't shoot him there I'm moving way see if I put the he's on the on the pipe like the jump just waiting oh Jesus I don't even know where to okay he's on the other side now but he has bodyguards yeah we found on the Easter egg outside by the way oh wait I want to see [Music] it dude he's going back and forth so annoying maybe jump that but that looks so risky oh what the [ __ ] run away run away this way this way do that my guy is mad hello dude he is actually Bugg this guy I'm going to bait him never mind I guess he doesn't want to be baited no sir this way this way this way why are you so mad oh he's here now he's on the pipe though I can't shoot him there can you be baited sir he doesn't see me this is like a wow oh my God he's coming okay no he's going to go back cross again there we go nice okay finally Co what the hell I can't hear you my ears are ringing the CO's head shook when you did that really look at him wait yeah it's moving two them okay oh what that is so that's amazing I have no oh Jesus oh sh don't run this way don't run this way I'm going to oh never mind he's fine oh there's another one the [ __ ] is going on I got okay he's dead what in the heck man I don't even know what's going on I'm going to start shooting yippies now cuz they're going to steal the shotguns and stuff [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] yeah sh so funny story okay I'll hold the other double barrel okay I got three now there evil signs is there more stff here I guess we could leave it's this way there right over here right really I mean I I came from main main is up here okay I'm coming I mean unless it was more complicated you sure because this is not the first time wait let me check real quick there's a loot room here okay oh no this is just me yeah this is it okay good yeah come this way the door just up here up here he's not moving he's not coming this this is Excell okay we have more do you have inventory yeah this is like not even close we had one full shopping cart oh my God maybe not take the Ice Cube but the Ice Crystal instead cuz it's like the Ice Crystal and silver key are way more expensive I'm going to try not to fall we have the JP yeah that is a little bit off huding so it's like oh my God it's good but like you're not used to it yet can we make that jump that looks a little scary woohoo you're insane D you would never be able to do this without the super jump that far jump that you did I don't think so wait where's the Easter egg by the way the Easter egg is uh unfortunately behind into the ice wall now so we would have to land there's an another Easter egg I've just been shown look oh so two Easter eggs yeah there's one here oh my God this is not a puddle tested we deep water well you want to T it again no no no no no we need to no I'm actually St okay no we need to see what happens when we leave this one yeah there is a dog upstairs just say okay I have three shotguns oh you okay hold up dogies oh run I don't know I know where JoJo went did she bring her back all the loot is this shopping cart here oh God I'm still here well done sir oh he done the the stun the discombobulator can we attack again we're oh my God it a such long cool down come on Gamers I can't die I really want to see what happens so I'm just going to be safe CU I don't I don't want to die bringing the body we close to leaving what the [ __ ] [Music] man the the psycho skin walker dude I'm on the ship okay send it I'm sending open the door again we need to see something happens apparently what happens oh my God what happens uh I don't know I don't I don't know if we missed it I didn't see anything though that was so funny Meo died in the end yeah he got he got kissed by the dog that's also not that dog was just like targeting me and just following where I was walking let's go there's one we haven't checked out much uh asteroid we went back to uh aider we went to once we could go to I mean God damn it asteroid well [ __ ] which one did we go Polaris flooded seems very bad this all seems kind of bad um Aid Eclipse definitely not we could go to Ether again but that I'm just yeah it's flooded so I don't know if that works H it doesn't impact that M wait flooded is fine what is FL did it earlier at least and it didn't work then it maybe it fixed it last time it didn't it didn't work okay seems dangerous grar flooded is fine I really want to go to grar so let's do that one oh yeah wait a minute wait this one is the one we only went to once I think it's flooded doesn't matter cuz this one is like high on stealths right this one is super high Island oh yeah yeah how does this you also need to see the bridge collapsing on Polaris it was epic not Polaris oh yeah I'm going to is there even any on this I'm going to bring the sh be this one too we need to figure it out yes bring in the shopping cart cuz I think we're going to need it maybe it's outside somewhere may maybe the items that I forgot what items you find here I think we found some notes at least oh yeah maybe I love that thing would be sick if it could somehow be synced but I'm assuming that's very hard I'm going oh yeah this one what is this what was that I just saw go down in it wait there's an elevator went down in it what my flashlight is red wait is your flashlight red too oh my God wait not holding what is this this dude this is insane there's an elev there's a ladder what the [ __ ] this is crazy taking the ladder down elevator yeah I'm down and safe oh god oh no I fell how are we going to come up how are we're going to go back up we need to find an apparatus yeah we got to find an apparatus holy I no this is so cool this is insanely cool this is awesome okay well we're oh why is that door open that seems concerning this looks like an aaty kind of room there's nothing in here what the [ __ ] is that I someone you saw that right what was that yeah you saw that there was something down there what is down there uh hello oh psycho psycho you son of a gun machine malfunctioning insect not by the way I'm hearing I'm hearing voices do you want my n no oh all right I problem so we can get back up this is by far my favorite interor yes we need to put that in the elevator I managed to iag to one of the animators then what Happ might be more here [Music] though dude this is terrifying oh there's turrets in here what the [ __ ] is this excuse [Music] me wait JoJo don't wait what's going on are we not also exploring for loot just running straight back I can run so much what are you guys doing alert performing facility I'm coming in here hello I'm coming what do you have in your hand is that an iron bar uh so I managed to descend this one so we could get the ladder again but now we got apparatus anyway so wait we place it in place apparatus I just put it in there yeah okay wait is it local okay what oh yeah everyone has to put it in to see personally okay but I don't see it anymore so I need person in just put it in everyone for when you place it it's good for me yeah it's good for me too yeah all in now for me oh here we go we got an elevator what they need to do more with the elevator the go up more this is M this is main do we need to go up more why does it do that we we can go up go we go up again yeah let's go up we this loot here did it work no it doesn't work oh no well that's really cool though yeah that's so cool down and oh yeah this is just the the thing I guess we go back down you guys want to come you want to go down you can also just use there we go uhoh um no dead to can we go deeper you want to try oh no no no someone called the elevator there's a uh why is it going back up I cck down what is going on hi I got stuck in the door okay what the here on your head on your head What's happen there there's also a turret and a blob there's loot in there there's like stuff there's a open the door oh [ __ ] open the it's going to be hard music is so nice okay you didn't die I'm here I'm here I'm made it hi [Music] s ooh on nothing here that's cool oh what the [ __ ] I'm assuming that is I am you neglected wait does it have a special name this like an experiment robot arm I wonder if it's like related to some experiment that they did what they they doing I don't know they're screaming fire escape is here okay this door has two turrets behind it oh we got oh I'm to run s oh God oh God what what the [ __ ] sir why is he here where is wait I'm coming I'm coming got shot watch oh nice got it oh my God okay okay [Music] absolute [ __ ] chaos so good man this is like a whole new game I found items Mago Mago Mago Mago woo dead somehow no one got killed I'm old somehow no one got killed dur with that shot that was well do any of that yeah I kind of angled the I got a gear what' you find oh that what the hell was that what did you find gears and bolts oh I see no we got to run go oh my God run yeah we got to leave oh no run away run away my flashlight I'm taking this was there more loot I'm taking your flashlight I had a prank shot you have to go so fast oh my God we're going to super die there's whatever key we're fine oh there's a ladder that goes down there Wonder okay we need like super fast man okay I just run we got to run there's no choice by no oh my God no the SP lizard killed me again that's the second time I've died to a Spore lizard bro [ __ ] you man why did he kill me my God this is the wor fire escape I'm so bad dude all the fire escapes to find oh no oh they're so dead wait it looks like they're underwater what what the [ __ ] wait what is going on oh they're all going to get [Music] killed what the [ __ ] oh I'm trusting you it's underwater what the [ __ ] what they just taking it slow I can't hear them oh what what the [ __ ] ster I just hear muffled screaming what the [ __ ] is going on dude welcome what the [ __ ] did you see I got killed I can't hear you you're like underwater yeah you do what the [ __ ] oh there we go now we can hear each other psycho found the way out wait how is the sh guy must be stuck somewhere right what did you say sh Shy Guy must be stuck somewhere how else are they're still alive I have no idea I wonder if he's under water so he didn't see us through the water I see I died to a sport lizard again oh no he walked up to me and ate me dude what is this inter here it was office or something right yeah it was the office oh for but not in a weird way oh my God the ghost SC I can see her look at mago's cam wait I can see her on both cams the [ __ ] is going on okay okay oh no that guys outside if I die you can have my computer okay okay what the hell shoot it no psycho's going to go before shy guy kills his ass that was insane guys what should I see so good man so much loot depressing that was absolute Insanity well well Tao is saving the day supposed to go we were so lost well well okay goodness graci I can't even vote to leave I guess be the other pilot the pilot already went that was wild goodness gracious mauling by the Spore lizard dude you dodged a bullet there shy guy can't get up the elevator so you were just chilling here you about to get destroyed couldn't get that was absolute insan oh that was so good that was so fun though yeah that's super fun I want to go back to Polaris and see this like ice wall that you guys are talking about what is this ice I want to see the ice wall on Polaris I'm sending it oh thece yeah oh God we're going to crash um uhoh wait did someone H someone's not loading I'm lo oh we made it oh my God nice okay where is this ice wall over here back of the ship there a background a little story so you go this way I think Mar can show them then you go right it's like a maze here I know right this here is where a wall slides close you hav seen it before oh really oh yeah yeah so you will see that there will be ice walls coming here soon and they like close it crushes you if you're in there yeah it's around 12 or something so it's not over here we goast this oh yeah I was here before but I couldn't get through cuz the walls were closed yes interesting so here this is The Ether egg the quiet spot have a moment sit down and get back to work notice how all the nois has gone yeah so when we tested this I found this bot and said huh it's real quiet and he had a plant so we sat down and had a nice chat here around the plant so that's the story behind this spot oh let's go in here let's go oh my God I forgot how spooky this is dead I two dead ice crystals already hello you guys are different fire wait you do another fight yeah what hi oh hi yeah the old fire is here I see I see ours is going to be locked soon so good to have an alternative what the [ __ ] is going on in here uh it's locker room with Leviathan tooth if I can make this stupid ass jump okay it's a little weird to be to have such good I almost jumped over there cuz my jump is like too powerful nothing kidding me okay hello hello hello I found a locker room with one Ice Cube feels bad man with one Ice Cube ooh o le that way yeah oh you found one too locked door yeah I found a tooth and a note have this too speci new note or same note uh the volcano was supposed to be dead we need help oh here's M here's M but that one is different for me yeah that was the one was for you also a picture frame Lily Queen of the keyboards destroyer of work blows I think it's his cat that's the cat so that's so good or of the mod it should be worth more than 63 yeah all right so we're missing we're going to lose one shotgun but that's fine what's apparatus here oh yeah oh we found apparatus let's go oh wedding ring nice still my favorite from last round is picking up the apparatus throwing it at your feet and then running away I remember that like why did you do that so good and then we were alone and I had a shotgun yeah you almost shot okay uh we got many many loot dude that was too much fun yeah this is ity Kitty oh room but it should be more stuff behind it what's up uh oh oh that's you have a key are we going back here doesn't seem like a good idea two coil heads oh Sho oh there Oher there a Cracker what the [ __ ] was that JoJo hello there's a cracker over here screen the [ __ ] okay the yipp car something am I the one looking at these now or what's going on here Gamers did you say I'm just am is there anyone else looking at these or is this my job now I can look at them no no I'm just I I will look at them just I'm just making sure I'm just going to give you company here so you don't get like lonely and there we go thank you you're welcome what is going on over there what is going on that's what I'm saying coil head what the [ __ ] dude excuse me sir yeah over here fire escap and I found a better plan what the [ __ ] wait what don't geted in the of this okay what the [ __ ] going on dude you're going to stay there a long time beauti why is everyone screaming is that the co just thank you ridic you good what the [ __ ] is going on I'm just looking at these just you got this don't worry what the [ __ ] dude I have so many [ __ ] plans what am I supposed to do I can barely see the [ __ ] the bracken's going to kill me Leal jungle [ __ ] someone going to help me take all these plans back what the [ __ ] is going on they bringing me PL what am I looking at man look at that side there's two CS what even is this all right I'm oh another one I'm looking I'm looking I think it's below okay can we bring some of the stuff out we get so much loot yeah what the hell I hear it I don't see anywhere this way okay I you want this oh god pushing me this there still more there's one small thing nice good job it's 5:00 p.m. by the way okay yeah I mean I'm kind of stuck here unless unless we want to kill Mago with some loose coil heads Mago I thought it was a puddle can we just bring them up here uh what the [ __ ] one of the coils ran off all right someone's going to die what say I'm coming I'm bringing them back I hope there's still two I think there might just be one yep all right I hope Mago is alive you just screamed about the existence of Shy Guy to run back oh I got him oh it's going in deep this way right please go for Mago mag oh mago's Dead all right goodbye these plants are going to be so sad here what is this note it's my second day working at this Vault the work is quite boring if I'm being honest but we are allowed to take breaks regularly the people seem super nice as well they make me feel at home I like it here but I do miss you and I hope to see you in the kits again soon that's a email all right I'm going to take some stuff oh this is terrifying there's so many dogs oh no operation shopping cart has to happen again Thor Thor Thor yeah they got killed by the shopping we need to go do operation shopping cart with the shotguns uhhuh we can make this jump there's three doors careful bro I don't think they're anywhere here that's on them to the left okay there they are yeah they're far away we don't want to lose the shopping cart we need to save it with shotguns cred wait oh it's wait what the [ __ ] you just went underneath I don't even know what's going on I think too died if the yeah yeah yeah we need to do operation chop cart again this time I don't get shot hopefully avable uh along the side along the right okay grab shotguns go go go grab a shotgun we're going you want to I'm going to stay in the ship yeah yeah yeah I just I can't I don't know you need like three shots to kill them a dog yeah I think so maybe [Music] maybe this no [Laughter] no [ __ ] operation shopping cart F again the [ __ ] worm dude one of the dogs yeah I think so and one of those shotguns I grabbed didn't have enough bullets God damn it yeah I noticed that you were clicking I was like you didn't check your ammo yeah rip and uh dude I love our ship now though those dogs spawned on top of me one in front of me and one behind me when I was on my way back with the shopping cart so I couldn't do anything I just stood there and then the one behind me killed me it sucked what the hell man I love our ship wonder what's supposed to happen when you leave on that map uncertain circumstances the worm is uncertain circumstances we still got 700 there yeah I love our ship now we need to keep these plants they're so nice very nice why can't you buy a PL nice yeah right that would be so nice yeah look at this I'm holding this PL here it goes again 10 out of 10 for interior I can't hold itz type someone else need to hold that there you go oh hold someone hold the orbs I'll hold the the coil head virus all right virus isn't plants this is not all all started feel like PL versus zombies so all we keep them let's go the cor man let's go so many plants all right what do we get with this beautiful we get let's get a jetpack let's get two jetpacks uh so that we can fly around I'm getting two jetpacks so we can fly up there I want to see what those things are well I guess we can fly on any map jetpacks yes please jet [Music] packs oh God how do you need both yeah I'm just using both so is there anything else why is it know oh with that one you can actually visit the EAS on without getting stuck I'm just I made a little flower arrangement it's all done now what I just jumped up and then fell I wasn't even using them but I jumped and then I hit the ground and I took fall the yeah you even do one mod break there's definitely something Mega bugged with the with these they're like constantly depleting charge even when I reset their bug oh like resetting one breaks the other oh no not finding anything very strange uh what we go anarctica yes you need to see the collapsing Bridge it was so cool which one have we not visited recently me and were going back in and then we saw water come up and we were like oh [ __ ] and then we ran away look it's it's fixed it's broken again wait yeah there's something really weird with these jetpacks one of the mods breaks them cuz it's like I didn't even do anything there and it just suddenly went oh whatever so strange what is fine for me Jets yay could have reached did it nice oh all right can we go to Atlantis how are we still alive um Atlantica is Eclipse so we're not going there we could go to asteroid wait could we fly over just tapping again wait a minute oh yeah uh that or the Atlantica was eclipsed so we're going to asteroid oh yeah so we can fly over hopefully yeah it's just constantly depleting I I didn't even use it there and it just went into the Modine isine so all right I don't know what's going on with these jetpacks a flashlight what the hell imagine I blow you up uh how there you I want to see if you can fly over the fence well that could be interesting yeah maybe what the [ __ ] is there's a coil out here right I'm assuming you can't I might die for this uhoh hi hi sir at least he's not imagine he get moves now look at the size of this thing yep shit's so massive is there more of it any I want to go to these what is this crater it's just look at the crat Legends tell this is an Easter egg actually Legends tell that once upon a timey broke his Shar and fell here yeah totally already still now it's never this thing I wonder if this is related to the incineration thing got to be right you yeah this has to be oh a fire didn't it say something about boarding up a fire exit U I'm not exactly sure ow I'm running out of battery now I'm going to bug it on purpose so then I can fly forever so we can go back to the ship to charge it no one came back from wait a minute yes wait it it all makes sense no one came back from asteroid 13 right what the [ __ ] is going on in there wait what the [ __ ] excuse me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you saw that what the [ __ ] there's like a freaking meeting of coil heads what the [ __ ] LOL wait this is insane it's the biggest coal head of the mall what the [ __ ] the Depot in Co but have to show people can they come up here without jetpacks ow oh my God I'm taking so much damage wait Gamers hello where are they at they're in here wait wait wait the [ __ ] hello anyone Gamers oh they're gone want to drop this so many yeah okay there we go well they found this as well a CO head coil okay going to leave that it would be funny if they started fighting me is everyone okay what are you guys doing over here hello they go far I'm a little scared there was people there there was stuff outside I guess I'll just fly it back I guess I'll go bring back some loot I need to bug it so we can fly forever that is very funny oh there's more stuff there wait wait wait jet pack man someone else with a jetpack wait who else was the jetpack wait you need to have you already seen it I haven't seen the Easter egg I one to see it you need to check in this crater go check in that crater yeah look at it man I don't have a flashlight by the way and it's kind of dark on my side do you have a flashlight uh there's oh there's oh my God I'm bleeding everywhere I'm I'm going to go with you I'm going to go with you thank you nice please don't bleed everywhere though yeah going to charge this room look at this no oh never mind I can't pick it up I can't see anything are you alive oh wait you can't see it's completely dark here I can't see anything what okay that's bugged then cuz I can see just fine without a flashlight even I can turn on my flashlight can you follow me no I see you you you come this way okay look at this oh my God look at that holy crap six Co a big one oh my God this is the best thing love those that's crazy that's amazing we need to show this to other people yes wait hello who's on the ship right now you want to see something cool I am wait wait come with us uh can you climb up here can you do this without jetpack I think you need the jetpack no okay wait then take my Jetpack fly up there and go check out what's in the crater you know I want to go back with this red light [ __ ] the blood trail yeah pyo know I should have bought more jetpacks I can't I can't see his reaction feel feels bad man is he coming back here to give me back my Jetpack or is my man just going to yink in now hello we need to you need to see something you need to see something that's in that crater it's too funny Soo come back here there so much blood here there's blood my blood I landed and then oh okay I'm assuming psycho's coming back psycho and I were so lost and then we made it out it was it was pretty clutch hey there comes you need a jet pack to get up there yeah yeah could I get the jet pack back and show Jojo I want to show JoJo the thing yeah here we go there's I don't trust myself blow don't blow up please yes we're not going to blow up so fly up here dude bring this it looks so cool in red light or not oh really yeah I thought it l really cool I think I screenshot too there you go I want to see okay so over here up this way I can't get it over this sh did you make it what the [ __ ] that looks damn cursed Jojo This Way yeah oh my God what what what the [ __ ] coil minions and coil daddy wow damn it does look really sick with the red door was right yeah yeah I love the lore I I'm not entirely sure I can get out of here alive cuz I'm almost dead you got this I believe I hurt myself I hurt myself so bad trying to get in here critical injury I love that oh it bugged out turn on the power are I can see anything she blew up CH Cho no you were a chosen one is it broken now no no the jetpack is broken right no it's fine are you sure about that can you fly it no wait think I only had a dark area the lights were off so it might have looked more bad you had the lights off of course now I understand what that was really bad actually scre it's broken here okay is there more to get uh there's like one more document over there is someone dead dead I just got I quickly go get the flashl I will get the thing yeah oh God almost died where is it is it a oh God I see something there that way there fire there okay yeah I see it oh you it's a big item all right whatever what happened to Jojo Oh you mean did you leave something back or what uh maybe I did leave something I was I was like why the [ __ ] did you make me take that doc just go back just go or the other craters didn't we already do all of that I checked the wait there's more I checked that one I checked this one I mean we can check if there's more let's go we can check if there's something in the other craters I want to check if there's something in other craters oh you haven't seen it yet joj was using yeah yeah you can fly go up there I S you side by the way okay I want to see let's see wait what spooky ass can we not fix this spooky ass oh god well I live on top now we good let Mago up top me's on the ship you're on the ship right Mago yeah oh okay okay come in here fix it please let's go a giant wor though yeah what the hell's going on that's so good I found so much loot to that fire escape man yeah 800 good job well done I didn't I didn't even go in that whole round that was just I told you I told you I was going to die could I warned you I said I'm critical already and I suck at Landing with those things next one stormy softest possible Landing I could have done and I still died let's go to Atlantica it's only stormy uh it is stormy in here so get ready get ready baby baby but the are only other option was leaving you in that crater forever so there was no way out of there're back be careful 30 minutes before we play together social distancing C we'll be fine right do you see underneath the uh P here yeah what's up there's actually there's what there I was looking there if you look on this side you might see it better I don't really see down there there a octopus with are you up oh I see it wait what the [ __ ] I want to see that I'm going to get the jet pack you get light though you need to see indoors it's so wait wait what you can actually go down there and get up but it's really tricky and scarier oh my God what is going on here yo wait a minute this interior is like actually sick I'm getting OG Resident Evil Vibes hardcore this is so good I can't see a [ __ ] thing little what the hell is this oh there's an there's a a tiny Knight what the [Music] [ __ ] oh my God this is spooky where's the loot on this map though uh map of Cosmo cost let's go pickles my favorite hello I found pickles and a map oh my God I just fell but I'm alive is that the entrance I remember this yeso I found flashlight and I got pickles I got flashl I haven't had a flashlight this is not going to be electric right so we should be fine even this here let's go oh oh there's a blob there's a blob what the [ __ ] where did you come from yeah his way around what the [ __ ] did you hear that my what the hell was that sound excuse me uhoh what what did you not hear that blood curling scream over there no it was just crying for me okay life I don't know you don't have to believe me but that's what happened you're going crazy what just happened I heard no they're scary sounds I don't want yeah I heard a scream too what the [ __ ] was that Geor think she's crazy um where are we going yeah the map is like oh no what is the way to where they are the no this is not the way did they go fire escape maybe they went a fire escape I'll go fire escape too I'll take these pick included I want to see it collapse though man this is sick stormy yeah but I don't have anything metal right pickles don't count if it's stormy then where the raino doesn't seem stormy anymore oh well there you go okay okay I get it I get it [ __ ] uh I really want to check down there with the jet pack but I'm going to get lightning St uh what the hell something you have is get yeah electric sorry oh this one cool painting I almost died for this painting oh oh I found it in room and I took it off the wall I was above the bed and then when I did that all the doors to that room had black smoke over them and I couldn't leave and there was this weird effect and the painting was smoking and I was like screw this and I just grabbed it and then the doors opened and then I ran out that's super cool it was so creepy no no why don't no stop it it I want to go to the snails oh my God please just impossible [ __ ] dude why is it constantly it's just impossible I'm trying to get to see the snail Easter egg but the thing keep going holy [ __ ] this is impossible this is actually impossible please I'll just bring it back wait he can do all of that yelling he can't climb Jeff is insanely annoying oh I'm going to get hit okay I'm fine okay I just want to see the snail take e oh that one yeah I'm going at the main oh no no oh my God that was close [ __ ] hell this bridge here collapses oh shy guys is there oh no dude that looks so sick dude that looks insanely sick uh we should probably go no oh God he's he's crying he's crying and screaming we got to go we got to go that means he stopped AG me then we got to go I want to see the be careful why is the jetpack so annoying the brid is oh yeah wait does that mean shy guy is going underground Shy Guy wait where did Shy Guy go it's slowly falling into the water you see this uh someone died you're on there right now we should probably go huh I think he's I think he's on the water sh guy fell into the water what the [ __ ] no someone is dying in there uhoh I'm going to get randomly lightning struck you go away sir rip that's a many keys we should have dropped some keys outside there okay anyway um where's everyone or sh I go still out there getting loot so we're not going to leave then what is happening There's Monsters Everywhere yeah it is slowly falling into the water that is super cool though you can't go main anymore it's like we're going to make it I'm think you for the nine why is someone is someone on the ship that's like the least safe place to be are they just all dead is this mag that is mag okay wait where did georger go that someone else is next to the ship here yeah shy guy got I think he fell underground like he hi what the hell is going on I need to get little p if you can wait there I think everyone else is dead sure I don't know where JoJo is what did oh yeah she's dead all right I'll wait creepy laugh [ __ ] go I can kill his ass you know what [ __ ] it I never get to do this when we do challenges so I'm just going to do it now cuz this is like an insane exploit are they dead oh he didn't die did none of them die oh this one died the [ __ ] bro he damn slid in there like he owned the place okay that did not work out as planned I think I [ __ ] something up there it's fine is psycho coming psycho on the ship pscho is your ass on the ship yes go then all right wait they're all dying over there you see that wait I think getting lightning shuck there's like wait yeah there's a bunch of dog corpses over there what the [ __ ] there were like seven dogs on top of each other oh my God wa again it is different every time that was different than last time no it looks the same it looked different for me last time it was at the left now it was at the back okay it's so cool some dog action there holy [ __ ] yeah I almost died there I [ __ ] that up that was very scary all righty come on good weather good weather let's go where are we going oh we're leaving uh we are can we go there why would we go back I saw it thinking about the bridge that you didn't see the bridge collapse no I did oh you did oh I mean I didn't see it fall apart but I saw it sink I saw it sink into the water yeah that's enough uh I'm just which ones we haven't explored much I mean I guess all the other ones are [ __ ] so I mean all the other ones are stormy so I guess or like bad so we'll just go wait now I can see the this one yeah I I want to see the snails h oh yeah I'm curious I'm yumping down there it's It's Tricky but you can't get up without the attack but it's scary crazy get where oh we're here again yeah this is all the other Maps were like stor me and stuff we talking about down there yeah down there or something don't die down what the [ __ ] oh right but how do we get back up from there bu snails yep that's a massive snail so what happened today was there was a bunch of snails in facility chasing me and uh he decided it was so funny so he added this last minute let's go God damn there may also be fan art where me and the snail are getting married and that's also a thing so it might be my kids which is even more disturbing what the [ __ ] is going on no there's a cool octopus down here how are you oh I thought you were jumping down as well you guys good luck getting out of this get over here wait you know what I have a plan you guys want to do something insan uh wait wa wait wait uh can I drop the jetpack not like that take that where is it Bes here down to the bridge side the bridge that leads back to the ship oh there you go nice nice and then just drop it for Mago as well or is Mago already dead is he down there now oh he didn't go down magot I don't I didn't see I don't think he went down all right let's go man let's go you can't see the [ __ ] found a massive ball got another one for our collection we got both balls now oh you didn't here okay wait what [Music] there's a lock door there oh there's a special thing did you hearing what is happen it's all real every time the city sinks but at midnight the city returns but all who die stay dead I am the only one left the half hallway is flooding again I might not make it this time the time is repeating what the turbo lore that's so cool so every time at midnight the city sinks and a new one appears the bag what is this damn dude and I'm going to fly back with a bunch of stuff I can take some oh I guess it doesn't matter oh you want some small stuff I can take the big stuff just some small things big stuff or small stuff and fly I'm taking the ball I'm loop I mean we're in the same time loop I love chats let's go boing Bo boing and carry big items though thank you for the prime Annie thank you for the sub oh god oh damn hi uh I found a golden skull o could bring it hot or cold yeah wait I can bring uh that small as well if you want to be lighter I mean guess it doesn't matter too much but yeah these already all I've got so I just take these I mean jetpacks are they're pretty easy to use once you know but there's sometimes like there's just a few bugs with the jetpack where just like randomly damages you you like take a million damage and then you just die cuz when you die with the jetpack in your inventory it explodes and that's cool yeah there's another escap some that ow that was just me okay I want to go I'm going to go to a different one is there like some can I go up there I'm kind of [Music] curious or will this explode me this might explode me and which case I'm sorry for losing the jetpack oh God ow why the [ __ ] did it hurt me so much bro I have to let it go no the power is running out I can't fly right now can I recover from this why did that just hurt me I need to recover from critical injury before I can fly again okay there we go and then I drop it nice okay now it should be fixed look at this it's so quiet up here there's no sounds it's crazy okay I should really oops I should really bug it out so I can fly infinitely why am I so slow what is going on I think the distances are just far this is wild [Music] you can get all the way up there look at that right there I got on the top gazebo oh nice oh no why is it so buggy I keep getting critical by the damn jetpack man what's up should we check it out now is it going to break oh yeah it's going to keep it sinking down slowly okay like at the end towards the later end of the day it just start sinking faster and faster so I think you can already see yeah we can see how fast it's moving already you see this uh if you go in something collapses right cuz I've seen it sink before yeah the entire bridge is sinks now so it's not like going be explosion but everything sinks into water and yeah yeah we saw that no okay sorry I thought you meant that something would like crumble apart did you could only see from up close oh no no no no no it was collapsing downwards yeah yeah it looks cool we can giant behind you uhoh V someone's flying go you saw that hand come up there holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] and it would piss at me like immediately so I didn't have any loot nice balls dude gaze into the balls look at this it's ping BR my orb oh my god oh wow it's so nice it's like a lollipop you have two it's balls no sh there's a tissue oh he's likeing walk through the city yeah he having a casual stroke hi you want to see balls back what balls yeah want to see your balls yeah we we have [Laughter] balls how old are you guys well you're the old one they haven't been able to SC yet so why is it this way though right it's kind of listen it hangs to the left a little bit it's not our fault for me it was perfectly straight this is for me that is not even close it's like not even touching the balls like what can I say your reer is fre yes right here AIT really hurt Jo's just like what the [ __ ] man I actually get oh my God it's falling do it again yes goodbye CH see that is different last time it is different every time yeah there's like Towers coming up yeah so so it's like there's like different iterations of that happening that's so cool all righty oh is that it that's that time to go there's so many cool designs in in these moons it's insane that's crazy yeah and I bet we still missed some yeah we probably didn't even see everything oh it depends on what time you leave if you leave at the end you get the one at the back if you leave early you get the one on the side oh that makes so much sense oh got save the pl yeah make sure to hold whatever you want to keep virus there's PL in the corner or giant balls someone want to keep the giant balls yeah we can hold one of the balls you hold my ball psycho yeah I also have one are you not going to are you not going to save the sh privileged don't not cross the balls I don't your eyes yeah I know you can't even see your eyes it just looks like sell let's go what is going on oh wow foliage foliage to our ball team there go someone take a screenshot this is really this is truly tropical what in the [ __ ] is going on here know Crouch too there we go need to crouch there we go that is kind of it's an insom sandwich yeah you crushing me with your ball I am the chea now oh God this B we all going to get [Laughter] [Music] B that's so good it's going to explode nice roll uh nice flip well done let's go baby beautiful let's go all righty well I think that is got to going to be a great point I think we've explored everything almost everything on every map we can definitely do these Maps again though that was super fun so it was really fun I had a lot of fun so many details thank you guys so much for playing that was awesome so all righty I will see you guys again next time have a good don't explode what the hell is you doing goodbye byebye before I byebye all righty well well well that was super cool so much detail into all those Maps like at first you just think like oh these Maps look really cool but then you look closer and the closer you look the better they become that's what I really like about that and the fact that that was made in like a month all of those all of those four Maps were made in like a month I genuinely I'm not kidding when I say I wish that the dev of the actual game would hire the developer of this mod or of these mods to just make more Moon moons in the actual game because right now we haven't seen a single New Moon I know he's planning it so maybe we're seeing them soon who knows um I think Seekers was taking January a little easy but now it's no longer January so maybe we're going to get an update very soon but anyway thank you so much let me know what was your favorite map out of all of them and I hope you enjoyed if you're not subscribed please do so if you like the video like it if you dislike it dislike it and if you want to join Lely Gamers here in chat you can join us over at the link in description down below thank you so much and I'll see you in the next one bye guys have a good one byebye dude we did it that was sick I love the coil head Easter egg that was very fun uh thank you so much for joining today that was awesome I will see you guys all again tomorrow if you're watching over on YouTube I appreciate you if you want to watch another very good game I have for you a video that I uploaded earlier today which is a brand new Exit 8 like if you haven't already watched this go check it out highly recommend it uh thanks so much for watching over on YouTube I'll see you all tomorrow have a good night YouTube bye-bye guys see you see you uh if you you are watching over on Twitch you can check it out as well if you want if you didn't see project 13 which is the game you can check it out right there um we're going to go find someone to raid we raid A Jojo uh I'm assuming Thor ending where are we going psycho sticking around I don't know if no he's say the people are saying thanks for the stream I'll see you tomorrow so he's not sticking around uh maybe we'll go over here oh my God what is happening here why is the the hell confused I clicked on a random stream and the fov over the like the resolution of the stream is very confusing um Mago might be sticking around more oh yeah Mago definitely sticks around we'll go say hi to Mago thank you guys so much for chilling I will see you all tomorrow have a great rest of your evening evening and I will see you around have a good one everyone thank you thank you I'll see you good night good night bye-bye see you see you sleep ball everyone see you around
Channel: Insym VODS
Views: 4,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OuhugdSbz8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 283min 52sec (17032 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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