Lethal Company | Gameplay Part 1 - Overview

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yeah this is style man I I'll play 10 more of these before I play another bloody AAA game that doesn't understand style all right can you guys join on me um welcome to your first is your autopilot ship you for the duration of your contract all right so we're all hot Ming I'm going to I'm going to meet in um M and we can still get to each other great to the listen are you getting this beat come through boys what was that a beep there was like a song playing like a an intro song oh I don't know if I heard that all right who we missing I've got zent I've got Scarlet that's me me scarlet Jun jeez how clean how clean is the audio yeah it sounds quite nice doesn't it not bad at all how does this little bloody oneman project nail it now who we missing salty yeah is he coming hang on I'll see if I can invite him starting the game again yeah I yeah I hear him as well okay cool true oh good call on the mute yeah yeah yeah like to read this clipboard yeah zoom in on it it's it's cool it's pretty actually quite cool I like that all right so you got a right click scan pulse which is Handy like it shows you things you can interact with I don't want to say what little I've worked out because there's some cool stuff going on here oh look there's our bunks oh dude it is it's like been back in the past look how they packed the bunks man oh no there you go back into the sailor's quarters for you hey well but they don't have the uh mid middle deck and top deck don't have the uh the little storage underneath no that's right give him a shake time to get up all right this is a big manual so you're reading the manual are yeah yeah quite a lot going on all right so what's going on here orbiting 41 experimentation population abandon condition now is this proximity audio to so like think yeah it sounds like you're com from a left over there then does he hello hello hi hello hello yeah when I look your way it centers the okay yes so you can hear it Boral or whatever the fuck they call it directional dire that's much better yeah arid thick Haze worsened by industrial artifacts God it doesn't help that my eyeballs are getting old and falling out of my head and then trying to read this arid fucking Sandra we dated the same woman dominated by a few species oh all right so guys it's a Tuesday start please enter favorite what are you doing he's typing on the please describe oh hang on all right say again you cut out Dynamic are we all here what's my role in a team Dynamic bitch oh dude we're Landing how cool is this the one that you're the Yes man aren't you he's the Yes Man hang on so what are you doing you're you're typing on the terminal happy CH happy Tuesday typ help just let me choose my favorite animal and then what my role in the team Dynamic was hype me oh hi man all right cool let's uh check this out look at this you can monitor oh what everyone's up to's a camera there start ship okay look profit quota and deadline look we've even got look at the onboard camera up here it's so clever well I'll grab the manual out in the field let's go Field Manual all the clipboard he's the the's the boss exactly bloody fun fun police just want to make sure we're following company procedures guys 9:25 a.m. 9:29 I actually do like that you can actually just jump over rails it's not just a fake jump oh like a mantle or whatever good all right guys right click to use our scanners all right very good I found a ladder over here have you read anything interesting Junior uh if you find a green on your scanner a green thing that's a object or a place of interest okay um yellow is what we want that can be returned to the company for scrap you know who you fucking sound like right now that emoji the emoji with the buck teeth and the fucking glasses that is the voice hell yeah all right main entrance over here oh nice uhoh uh-oh oh is it echoing oh that's Co oh that's awesome that's really cool that's wild all right let's go explore key let's maybe stay together hey I found a key guys oh Jesus Christ sorry oh what is this boys this acting like an escape room we're screwed Sor I got scrap it's a giant okay so we want to bring that back with us to the to the car large a value 45 bucks hell yeah what has he got he's got a fucking bloody Hemi block got anine all right all right let's maybe put this maybe just do you want to just leave it here sounds like a good plan all right so is that room empty looks like I think so oh shit who's opening doors who's making noise I I closed that door cookie mold pan hey big loot that's the most important pie we've G so far 100% all right uh we could probably get one more scrap right yeah we go got a steering wheel oh let's let's take our scrap boys back let's do a trip together okay when you run the way you run ah ah oh fuck oh you okay Captain My Health Bar's red oh okay there is full damage then I guess my suit My Little My te pose oh is that okay go yeah all right so vtype engine collecting so I think we take it back at the end of the day who do we lose Sal's coming he went the safe way he didn't jump like the rest of us oh what a goose okay so read that manual a bit more man when selling scrap to the company follow procedure exactly do not loer around the counter do prepare all your scrap to place on the counter in bulk do not return with very small amounts of scrap which the company could deem pitiful and take offense to I'll check this out hang on Welcome to The Company Store use words buy and info on any item just leave it here Order tools by hang on hang hang on uh oh wait I'm going to go grab my spring rolls guys BB going our instruction I love grabbing spring rolls so hungry for spring roll coded all right I think I spent all of our money on walkie talkies but I don't know where they are good idea can you use use terminal someone and see if uh does it say $12 for you yes okay so we have a Shar oh o boys Drop pods arrived ice cream machine ice cream truck rather that one open oh did it put him on the ground it put one down something get pushed out oh yeah here's one here as well my scan is not catching him yeah neither's mine looking dead at it oh yeah they're all on yeah they're all here on the ground hello all where's the other one so if I drop it can I rescan it no okay voice power button test test hello I'll run [Music] away oh okay it's actual walkie talk so whoever the cun is holding the button locks the channel Yeah Boy copy that over Roger Wilco shell Drake repeat repeat repeat can I just say how good is this audio in this game why is it this game only this is pretty good yes sir it's good hello Zen family wait is that a doggy she taking a doggy for a walk yeah the dogs are the dogs protesting wait get away from that profit quot days hey so hang on so if I pull up the walkie-talkie do I get procs as well young Scarlet so if I'm talking it's one the other one or the other oh okay okay okay yeah all right hey it's got It's is it night time 7:02 p.m. it got dark well sometimes it's useful to keep a crewman where' you go salty who we missing oh y sorry that would probably be me oh have you gone back in have you salty I'm uh standing by the door do these have batteries cuz you can turn the power off yeah I was uh trying to work that out myself I think that's the uh the force I don't want to listen to people button Roger oh yeah you can go up to the coil thing and charge it like zaps it oh there you go the battery does run out you can uh charge it there's a charger inside the ship how good is that when you scan it tells you the total Salvage there yeah it's Proby sick oh look profit qu awesome profit quoda 130 oh we're good coming back for more stuff yeah salty want to come back in Men We I think we're good for our quota maybe we finish that heading back boys I'll show you how to shop someone jump on the terminal yep and um I think press help your favorite animal am I on the right computer I got favorite animal here yeah you have to log in oh okay I'm back the autopilot ship will leave at midnight ah what time is it oh you can't see the time when you're in the ship yeah it's 10:22 got to be outside look at the skull why is there a skull next to 1030 cuz you you'll die if you're still here at midnight I guess yeah I guess so yeah so did you figure it out zent if you go you go store I think typ door in yep yeah oh yeah this is cool jet packs zap gun yeah I thought walkie-talkies would be helpful who doesn't buy a jet pack yeah that's sick and what you do you just type in what you're going to buy there and off you go hang on oh shit there's something outside there's something outside oh scary me Jesus there's a red there's a red bit uh forward and left out the back oh there's a skull the yeah actually everyone back in apparently it leaves at midnight I don't really want yeah let's just let's just stay look look at the radar look at this look at the radar alien Vib right now we can do autopilot leaving due to dangerous close the door did you close it or did it close on its own I just closed it but it'll be doing it just about on its own anyway okay well we assume someone Ming on uh spring rolls no it's the most paranoid what's this I'm the laziest you got the C for it's perfect delegating so profit quota per day how do we how do we sell this um Moon cons my manual to sell scrap routes to the company Building located on 71 Gan oh uh can you guys still hear me yeah yeah yeah sorry my um headset just disconnected reconnected for some strange reason it's cool it's pretty can I open the door now no no cuz we're we're in orbit I think how do how do I use the word r you can use the autopilot to fly to different moons and one of the places you can fly to is the company building I guess all right routing autopilot to the company building enjoy your flight oh yeah oh are we there yet yep 71 Guardian that's where we need to be land ship oh man oy Celestial body no land masses continual storms all right it's hazard level safe that's good to know there's such a pleasant echo on this it I'll carry the fucking cookie tray then will I so it's buying at 53% at the moment is what it told me oh no [Music] [Laughter] way well how many times you ring that Bell I'm guess we're about to go down to like you know 23 oh God what oh my God this is payche value your commitment oh my God a little Scoopy arm how good is this it didn't like our tray oh wait it didn't take it didn't take the tray it it took it but it called it junk oh oh okay all right well sick now we should have more money right 50 bucks Boys World walkie-talkies can you really is it 84 is that the top left number yeah all right do you want to do you want to Route us to a new moon or something profit you can buy a you can buy a ho for the ship oh look it counts the shitty exchange rate boys so we've only got $72 yeah we still got two more we still got two days to Oh I thought I thought it was per day okay it's it's two more days to finish the rest okay all right I'll get us going to a planet so we're just going to go crazy and do some Lo oh there's a stor someone me oh shit you're there there's a stormy let's do you want to check out this Stormy Planet oh that was my Hiding hole I just want to sit there and breath deeply behind everyone the darkness is pretty good like you actually hide pretty well in that come here oh my God stop being weird hey man Naval racks what do you expect you're the one at the clipboard I near a promotion man ecosystem supports territorial Behavior y get to work fellas quick guys where' you guys go what's going on wa wait where' they go I heard someone say quicksand yeah they just they just fucking died in the quicksand here they got sucked in uh we died we're dead we can't talk to you we can only talk to each other cuz we're dead it was quick standand oh that's that's fucking hilarious can you hear us through the game can you hear us through the game at all in we can hear you yeah but you can't hear us that's cool okay do you know how to respawn or uh it just says spectating uh tell autopilot ship to leave early by holding right Mouse button Z2 votes and that's it oh okay well let's get them back in come on it wait so where was the quicksand where is it it's this yellow sand like right here yeah don't stand in it whatever you do well I bet they walkie-talkies are gone as well also them let me consult my manual hang oh do we still have a key that you looted from that time yeah yeah I got to hold on it all right I I think this will do it this is fucking hilarious deceased the laziest employee welcome back boys find's two casualties oh you're fine oh zero bodies zero bodies covered either oh my God so there was 700 and something scrap on that planet oh how do you know that when the grades were coming up I saw it say Z of 712 or something oh okay okay well do okay do we want to go back to 220 Assurance or do you want to go somewhere somewhere safer I'll just watch my step next time okay all right let's go mechanic there whether like the faster you move the more it sinks you in or something I I don't want to test now someone else can test surely well we're short some you presumably you lost all your uh gear as well I'll check the cabinet yeah no not there okay you could buy more walkie-talkies in fact I'll order them all right all right useless employees are losing their shit so you can you can do sort of there's a short hand on walkie talkies are on the way there's a short hand I've noticed with um with typing store like I wrote walk to and then see for confirm like it recognizes partials ah right so you don't have to you don't have to be a where's Scarlet where are you he went walking oh I scam machine I'm just exp it's up on the hill what the hell oh where's that quick sand wait so what does quick sand look like all I'll I'll take you over to it before so I can see a shadow from my car this game looks so brilliant here well I I right here yeah see this little like hexagon pattern I sank in that but Scarlet's standing on it right now and he's fine yeah I guess we'll just have to be careful yeah kid you not I walked in right here and I um like you both you both just ate shit immediately I'm I assume it's quick sand but looking at this now it doesn't look like it at all it it may have been me falling through the map what's happening oh wait I'll just C it I'll um I'll clip it and send it to you if you want oh if you like whatever that would be a shame actually it he have you got both the uh bloody walkie-talkies man bring them back back can I pick up both yeah I'll go I'll go see if mine's still up there yeah yeah I got both I'll bring him back copy hey zen zen zen zen come here hey Zen can you hear proximity uh walkie-talkie I can yeah ah then Sprint to me Sprint there's a walkie talkie oh I wonder what it was well okay here's the other thing I don't want to it's not it's not the same yeah that's what I was going to say that you're not thinking about if if it is a quicksand thing it could be a bug sure but if it is a quicksand thing there's a chance it's random right yeah yeah it's true oh I don't like that means I'm just going to die again very shortly oh okay at least you can scan and find the ship oh here we go with here we go this is it here yeah that looks like quick sand for sure well walk into it oh God no no no walk into it later is he scrapp get some scrap I this game makes me wonder right do you reckon we can buy shovels or something must have to be able to new creature data sent to terminal what guys I found a bird I heard them say something about okay yeah you found a bird wait do you not have your oh I didn't turn it on I'm an idiot I can hear him talking down there yeah yeah we got your scan data and I freaked out I was like what the fuck is this oh I see them the top of this see what's up here that's that's not a bird that I know it's got four four wings man t t oh was there nothing up here no up just be careful just be careful when you get top up there man I um I was like know falling off the edge heck wait the Birds Landing the entrance there's the entrance over there is my radio working or is it flat you're working oh I I've got my radio off who found that journal smells here got the main entrance oh my walkie-talkie is flat oh right well we can just proxy through mine if you want mate I'll just stay with you I'll just stay with you yeah it it drains all the time and I think see up the top left 0 to 100 Z is that right 0 to 100 that's that's your battery power yeah so it it drains when you leave it on so mine's flat soon as we're all together I'll just turn mine off yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is this is brilliant they have got the coms so right man there's something in here I swear through this door was a hairbrush I thought it was a sex paddle or something I told it was right there I swear to God I can't see anything I hear it I hear it no no no it's it's through here it's through here oh yeah I see it it's over this if you come over here you can see it over on the bridge oh don't don't don't maybe it's not hostile you can go say hi to it wait so we don't we don't see what time we have left I'm not outside now oh it's hey did it take a hairbrush it's a hoarding bug oh fuck there's a turret in here is that a bad thing got all the loot on me over here there's a ton of it laptop Rubik's Cube key hairbrush oh he's not happy he's not happy he's going ballistic boys grab some shit and go grab shit and go oh I'm in pain I'm in so much pain I'm in agony I'm out of the I'm out of here fuck this 6:30 I'm going [Laughter] home oh my god oh man I uh I I could choose between the tray or the key I decided to grab the key bro I'm I'm in pain my my whole screen's red where's where's the the Fourth Man anyone got radio uh yeah one sec Scarlet I'm here little Scarlet I don't know where he is Young Scarlet all right let's head back to the ship boys we're losing light we're losing light it's going to be B you want go back for him holy shit holy shit holy shit what the fuck he's dead he's dead who's dead oh whoever that was he's dead that was that was like a bloody sandworm or something came out of the ground oh no can you hear me can you see this can you see this can you see this little girl looking at the wall looking away from us what oh oh my God oh my God oh my God no no no no where are the other two are they dead hang on I'm looking at the radar fuck [Music] this anyone we're leaving no we're going oh my God bro it was a little fucking girl staring at the wall like Blair Witch and started skipping and shit and you couldn't see it nope wasn't there oh my God it's probably because he was dying that he started hallucinating bullshit yeah hallucinating bro what hallucinating what hit what hit you you fucking sand worm or something fucking me know I turned around on table head and i'ms you have left to meet the propit fuck Zer days autopilot to the company building maybe our toy Cube and hairbrush will are so you so you're telling me you didn't see the little girl I Wasa you could see anything there was nothing wait so you guys were watching like in third person or something yeah I don't believe you I think you trolling me
Channel: The Scarlet Seeker
Views: 24,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lethal Company, Lethal Company lets play, Lethal Company review, Lethal Company gameplay, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, #scarletseeks, Lethal Company walkthrough, indiegames, #indiegames, Gameplay, Lethal Company playthrough, Lethal Company 2023, Lethal Company update
Id: GvhK1Ue2GpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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