Insulted because he was just a village chef, but ended up successfully opening a 5 star restaurant

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this man is Samir for 6 years he had devoted himself to being an assistant chef at a famous New York restaurant where he commanded all the cooks to serve the up to the restorant standard food one day he wanted to ask his boss for a promotion but before he could do that he accidentally knocked over a waiter carrying food very carefully with the help of all the other Cooks he finally managed to replace the spilled food properly in the evening after work when simir was enjoying his drink he was shocked by the news of the appointment of a new head chef but that person was not him but a boy who had just been hired he felt offended and immediately protested to his boss at first the boss ignored him but Samer continued to push and bring up his services at the restaurant his boss was irritated and while holding back his emotions his boss began criticizing Samir heavily then fired him without the slightest hesitation Samir who was annoyed immediately confided in his friend saying that he wanted to go to Paris to meet his Idol Chef his friend wasn't very supportive but he insisted because his ambition couldn't be contained his friend advised him to ask permission from his parents first the next day Sam hurriedly went to his parents house and upon arrival instead of asking about his condition his mother asked him about his love life and a prospective daughter-in-law he was indeed no longer young so his mother decided to look for a future wife for him on the internet Samir who was fed up and didn't get a chance to talk finally went to meet Hakim his father he rushed to his father's restaurant and met him Hakim seemed shocked by Sim's sudden arrival he thought that simmer had come to ask for money so he avoided talking to to him and instead left him behind on the phone Sam tried to be patient while holding back his emotions when they saw a group of girls in front of the restaurant H Keim immediately approached them and invited them into his restaurant he didn't hesitate to give them a big discount but instead it went away can see what happened Samir started to feel sorry for his father shortly after Samir began talking about his purpose of coming to his father's restaurant he asked his father for permission to go to Paris but instead of getting support he got insults from his father Samer was was belittled and compared to his late older brother Ali Samir who couldn't control his emotions was angered and caused an argument with his father suddenly hake's chest hurts he was rushed to the hospital in the hospital while hakeim was lying down unconscious samir's mother continued to cry because she was worried Sam was sad to see his father's condition so he decided to take care of his father's restaurant for the time being he was forced to return home and start his new life where he was busy with his new activity of managing his father's restaurant which was on the verge of bankruptcy while kept finding information about a cooking event in Paris that night Mr emit hakim's friend came and told him to stop managing the restaurant because it would be bad for his heart and continue to persuade him to sell the restaurant because he wanted to buy it and turn it into a franchise hakin was still doubtful but Mr Amit continued to insist and even show the news of the success of the franchise business suddenly Hakim remembered about Ali and began comparing him with Samir Samir who just arrived heard that and decided to leave because he was fed up with that when he got home Samir went into his father's room and checked all the documents for the restaurant he then found a photo of him his late Brother Ali and their father he then recalled all the memories they shared he was moved and went upstairs to meet his mother seeing Samir his mother asked him to massage her feet she then recalled Samir and Ally were massaging her feet when they were kids amid the nostalgic moment Samir brought up his father's restaurant which was on the verge of bankruptcy and suggested to his mother to just sell the restaurant to Mr Amit but but his mother refused because she didn't want the restaurant to be franchised by Mr amid she told Samir that his father had been managing the restaurant from scratch so she was against it if in the end the restaurant had to be sold the next day hakeim was allowed to go home but the doctor reminded him not to overwork himself so that his heart disease wouldn't recur because he wasn't fully recovered yet whether he liked it or not for a while Samer would replace him to take care of the restaurant during lunch a customer complained loudly to Samir Samir immediately gave a correction to the chef but instead of apologizing to improve his cooking the chef ignored him and they started arguing the argument escalated and the chef decided to stop working at that very moment at first simmer tried to hold him back but the chef didn't care anymore and insisted on leaving and Samir couldn't do anything Samir who was still mad immediately returned to the restaurant and asked the customers to wait for their orders a little longer he immediately went to the kitchen and opened the Indian recipe book there he tried to make one and asked a chef for help however it turned out that Heim had hired Two Chefs who according to seir couldn't cook anything Seer was very stressed about the current situation however he didn't give up and continueed trying to make the dishes according to the recipe book instructions but even though he tried his best he still failed he gave up and finally ordered the food online and when he looked for a credit card in his wallet he found akar's business card abar himself was a taxi driver that simmer met some time ago abbar who knew that simmer was a chef and a native Indian immediately said that he was also a former chef from India and had been a mainstate chef at a sevenstar restaurant in Mumbai he also gave Samer his business card containing only his full name and asked him to keep it AR with the name card which only contain akar's full name Samir immediately asked his three uncles for help in finding abbar at first they were reluctant to help because they felt it would be impossible to find a taxi driver with just his full name but when Samir threatened to hire the last chef at the restaurant they agreed to help Samir look for abbar fortunately they managed to find atbar and abbar quickly came to Sim's restaurant where simir immediately took him to the kitchen to see the equipment and aer's cooking style simir began to doubt whether abar was really a former chef but he had no other option but to just let abar be creative and cook whatever he wanted when singer was working at the front desk a couple who was about to go home approached him and praised the restaurant's cooking they even promised to promote the restaurant to their friends Sam smiled to hear that not long after that the waiter approached him and asked him to shop because no one could do the shopping and Samer was forced to shop according to stock the ingredients on his way home simmer saw Carrie his former cooworker from a distance and he tried to avoid her but he ended up tripping over something when Carrie saw him fall she immediately approached and greeted him Carrie was a widow with a child apart from being an excellent cook she was a simple woman independent and always kind to everyone she was so kind even when Samir was packing up his things on his last day at work she was concerned about him she encouraged and supported his plan to go to Paris after not seeing each other for a while they asked asked about each other's condition simmer told her that he couldn't carry out his plan to go to France because he was forced to take care of his father's restaurant hearing that Carrie praised samir's attitude even though it was a little awkward their little meeting gave a good impression to both before they parted simir offered her to hang out with him on the weekend and Carrie accepted his invitation after returning to the restaurant simmer began serving the customers and received various compliments which made him happy when the restaurant closed Akbar was about to leave when summer stopped him seeing the enthusiasm of the customers he asked abbar to come back to help him cook the next day and Akbar immediately told him to come to his house to get the answer the next day Samar woke up because his father shouted his name and invited him to have a morning prayer together Samir and his mother were surprised to see hakeim suddenly become religious hakeim ignored his condition and forced himself to stand a prey but even though he had tried hard he hadn't fully recovered yet making it hard for him just to stand instead he became angry at Samir because he kept getting scolded Samir chose to go to seak bar when he arrived at aar's house he looked at all the decorations and photos in there abar even prepared a special dish for breakfast that morning they then had breakfast while abbar told Samir about his experience he also asked Samir about the dish and Samir detailly praised every delicacy of akbar's cooking abbar then told the secret of every dish he made when simir was about to tell him about his plans for the continuation of the restaurant abbar immediately cut him and asked him to go to the restaurant Sr was surprised and they immediately went shopping for the restaurant when they ared at the market atbar explained to Samir about each spice they were going to buy Samir who was confused chose to remain silent and Obey aar's words then immediately headed to the restaurant when they ared at the restaurant they immediately prepared the food in the kitchen abar would C without measuring believ that when cooking the main key was in his mind heart and stomach so he didn't need measurements abbar asked Samir to try cooking but Samir refus because he didn't know the measurements atbar continued to force Samir to use his estimates like it or not simir was forced to make spices based on his estimates and abar continued to watch him not long after simir checked the customers and found two customers shedding tears simir approached them and asked what made them cry and one of them said that the taste of the food reminded him of his grandmother's cooking and the other was crying because it was too spicy at night simier wanted to call Carrie to ask for her to hang out but every time he called his mother kept bothering him his mother gave him a list of his future wife through the slit under the door the next morning at the restaurant simmer was surprised urised by the canvas music in the restaurant and the waiter wearing typical Indian clothes it turned out that the idea came from abar when he checked the kitchen sigir was surprised by chickens running around and it turned out to be apars doing he wanted fresh chicken meat and stopped sending regular meat without first confirming with Samir what was even worse was that abbar deliberately threw away the recipe book because he felt that everyone had to improvise in cooking seeing all this simmer was angry because he felt that abbar was starting to take control of the restaurant from him but instead of feeling guilty abbar continued to cook and serve Samer a plate of lunch Samir who was still confused by akbar's idea brought the plate of lunch to the front and was surprised when he tasted his lunch while enjoying the music playing in the background as if he was being reminded of Home in India he suddenly came up with an idea for his restaurant that afternoon hakeim told Samir to come and invite him to discuss Hakeem commented on all the changes that were happening in his restaurant it turned out that the chef who had been fired by Samir complaining to Hakim had slandered Samir hakeim trusted the former Chef more compared to his son's words however because he didn't want the argument with hakeim to escalate Sam chose to return to the restaurant when he arrived at the restaurant egar started teaching him to cook not just using recipes but abbar taught him to cook using his heart when abbar asked if he had ever fallen in love he was hesitant Akbar then shared the story of when he fell in love and sang for his beloved wife who had died along with the child she gave birth to hearing the story Samir was carried away and began talking about the death of his brother Ali when the memories came back to him Su suddenly blamed the situation that had befallen him at this time in abar became an outlet for his disappointment even though he had been verbally abused by Samir atbar didn't respond seriously and continued his work but a moment later Samir came back and apologized abbar immediately told him to come in and give him advice that evening Samir called Carrie and invited her to dinner Carrie accepted the offer and waited for him in front of hakim's restaurant and when Carrie arrived she offered summer dinner at the place of choice and Samir complied Carrie invited simir to buy food on the side of the road at first simir was a little uncomfortable because he felt the place wasn't very clean but after he tasted the food he was shocked by the taste of the food which turned out to be very delicious they then told each other about the most memorable dish in their lives Samra told her about his memories with his brother and Carrie seemed sympathetic with the story in the morning samir's mother secretly went to the restaurant to live for summer but she only met eggar who was cooking in the kitchen no that she was samir's Mother abbar immediately greeted her they got to know each other and it turned out that they were distant relatives abbar continued to cook while listening to a very romantic love song and Akbar told simar's Mother his habit of singing this song for his beloved wife hearing akbar's story samir's mother was carried away ATB bar then left a message for Hakim saying that he was proud to work under Samir who was very disciplined and had excellent management skills not long after that samir's mother said goodbye to going home at home hakeim secretly smoked but not long after his wife returned and he hurriedly turned off the cigarette his wife still smelled the smoke and immediately began to scolded him she who was carried away by the atmosphere in the restaurant before was a little irritated because hkim was not as romantic as Akbar Hakim tried to persuade her but she ignored him she deliberately made him Jealous by talking about abbar but hakeim didn't seem to care that night sumir invited Carrie to come to akar's house there Sim's three uncles had gathered s then introduced Carrie to all of them and eight bar served various delicious dishes for their dinner when they enjoyed the dish ebar told the story of his culinary journey and everyone responded to each other Carrie asked what the correct way to eat Indian food and seir painstakingly taught her the way they finished all the food with great joy and after that they played music and dance together Samir who at first was reluctant to join was forced by Carrie to join and they enjoyed the evening together after the dinner at aar's house Samir invited Carrie to sit on the rooftop while enjoying the night View at that time he dared himself to express his feelings to her and Carrie felt the same to him the next day the restaurant was deliberately closed Samer had the idea to renovate and change the appearance of the restaurant to make it more attractive and thanks to car's help the renovation went smoothly and quickly since the renovation of the restaurant Samir and car's relationship had become closer in fact the two often spent time together one morning Sam woke up his father and asked him to pray together at first Ain was surprised to see the change in his son but in the end they pray together after praying together simmer took Hakim to the restaurant and showed him the results of the renovation and hoped that hakeim would like it as soon as hakeim entered the restaurant he was shocked and moved Hakim looked at all the photos stuck on the wall but instead of being happy it turned out that he actually thought that Sim's efforts were in vain he still insisted on selling this restaurant to Mr EMT but Samer kept trying to convince him that the restaurant would get better hakin was still not sure that simmer could take care of this restaurant and still insisted on selling it sner finally gave up his intention and with a heavy heart he closed the restaurant and gave severance pay to each of his employees he was very sad to say goodbye to abbar the days continued simir who was still sad had no other choice but to go to the restaurant where he worked before and apply for a job there Carrie who knew Samir had arrived immediately hugged him and congratulated him Samir who was confused was shown the news about his father's restaurant which was awarded as the best Indian restaurant in New York and had succeeded in becoming a three- Star Restaurant no that Samir immediately went to akar's house when he arrived at akar's house he was surprised because akar was packing up his things because he wanted to look for a new job outside the city hearing that Samir immediately forbade him to go and show him the news of his restaurant's achievements ATB bar was very grateful and happy for the achievement but this did not make him change his mind he would still go and believe that sammer could cook like him because he had taught him all the knowledge he had simmer tried to persuade him but akar had made up his mind simir went home empty-handed but before leaving akar gave him a cup to make spices and was sure that s could make delicious food without having to always rely on him again Samir then walked hurriedly to the restaurant while his mother gave him news of the restaurant's achievements Samir also told hackim but he was late hackim had already gone to meet Mr Amit stammer told his mother to tell H Kim to go to the restaurant right now Samir who was still panting after returning to his restaurant was shocked by the arrival of hundreds of people in front of the restaurant they were all waiting for him and wanted to immediately taste the restaurant's food Samir who was still in shock started to enter the restaurant and sat for a moment and before long he thought about asking help from his three uncles to help him shop for ingredients at the market simmer immediately bought all of his needs as abbar had taught him his three uncles enthusiastically helped him buy all the Necessities when they arrived at the restaurant Samir directed his uncles to go to the kitchen he immediately wrote on the board today's special trust me then stuck it on the restaurant glass and rushed to the kitchen when he entered the kitchen simir was shocked by har who was ready to help him cook she also gave him a chef's hat Samer was happy and immediately put it on before starting to cook simmer took out the cup that abbar had given him but when he was about to start mixing the spices he wasn't sure if he could do it or not and decided to back down but one of his Cooks stopped him and forced him to mix the spices even though he was forced over time Sam began enjoying the process while enjoying the music in the background at first Carrie was doubtful about the spices mix but Samer was confident and continued cooking everyone started doing their respective tasks according to samir's directions and the food started to cook and began to be served to the customers amid the cooking samir's mother came but Samer still didn't want to be disturbed because he was still busy preparing food for the customers but when his mother said that the customers had called him spontaneously the atmosphere in the kitchen became tense samr immediately stopped feeling uneasy samr went to the front to meet the customers but unexpectedly all the customers praised his cooking which turned out to be very delicious Samir couldn't believe it and was very touched suddenly hakeim came with Mr Amit seeing the customer's response to the dishes hakeim wanted to meet abbar and one to thank him Sam said that abbar had already left and hinam was confused about who cooked all the food when s said he was the one who cooked it hakeim didn't believe it his wife then pretended to say that hakeim wanted to taste Sim's cooking and simmer was happy to serve his cooking when he tasted it hakeim was surprised and moved by the deliciousness of Sim's cooking he was so proud that he praised Sim's cook hacken finally canceled selling his restaurant and chose to develop this restaurant business with Samir Samir then introduced Carrie to his parents as his assistant when they returned to the kitchen Carrie looked a bit irritated and samur was confused about what happened when the atmosphere started to get romantic everyone in the kitchen looked at them and Samir immediately ordered them all to go back to work in the end Samir succeeded in managing his father's restaurant which almost went bankrupt to become a famous restaurant in New York
Channel: StoryLine Movie
Views: 86,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film recap, story recap, storyline movie, mystery recap, mystery recapped, based on true story movie, motivational movie recap, inspirational movie recap, sad movie recap, movie recapped, movie recaps, story recapped, movie review, movie summary, movie explained, recapped movie, movie recapped channel, film recap movies, movie story recapped, movies under 10 minutes, film recap movie review, gangster story recap, action movie recap, drama movie recap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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