Insulation Install Tips And Tricks!

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youtube how's it going john here from herman woodworks today we're going to get into not doing woodworking i'm going to tackle um whole bunch of insulation we frame this up if they follow some of my other stuff if you guys are new here please subscribe um yeah i'm going to show everybody i used to little known fact about myself when i lived out west i used to do insulation for about three years won't claim to be an expert but picked up some tricks and figure why not do a little video while i'm installing it maybe show some stuff let's see how it goes all right so first thing we're looking at the framing i had put up previously yes those are two by fours but then with the additional board it's like a two by six wall a little shy of it but we won't judge anyways so we're gonna be putting an r19 in this wall r19 you can squeeze in six inches technically you can get up to about 21 squeezing them in um i have a couple here right now that i was just test fitting the other day making sure everything worked out real nice but uh yeah let's uh show you how to cut open a bag and start doing some stuff so first off all in all total i'm going to need 16 total bags of this r19 um we're only going to be starting on some of the walls right now because some of these some of these walls i still need to put in some additional outlets and i don't want to do that once the installation walls up so yeah so this is owens corning stuff john's manville's another good brand there's a lot of touch a lot of stuff but yeah let's get this one these are if you guys are going to home depot or wherever lowe's whatever if you can get them in the big bundles it makes it way easier for transporting them around because once you start popping these bags they balloon out quite a bit all right so all the little quick disclaimers most people like to they haven't done it before like to wear a lot of long sleeves wear face masks i'll be wearing a face mac what face mask when i'm actually installing it but for right now just so you guys can understand you know i don't know like this i'm not going to wear one right now i understand i need one later the other thing nice knife of some kind obviously when i used to do the installation i had one that looked like a filet knife it was awesome but for the average person you don't have that so i'm using the average person tool here some gloves so you don't get it all over yourself i've even seen guys that instead of long sleeves they'll wear pantyhose some just so they keep it off their skin but i know when i said earlier open it in a bag it's a trick most people cut it open do it well let me show you so you're not trying to go get trash bags later for all your scraps take your knife a little mark flip it 180. put your knife away take the flaps fold it back down over itself go like this flip the bag and proceed to keep lifting the bag lean it against the wall this is we always call it staging stage up your insulation look look look oh my god let it fall over do whatever you want a lot of times when i was installing we'd go stage out the whole house and that way you could let the insulation kind of swell back out for a little bit so that way when you're putting it in the walls it goes a lot easier when you're seeing how wide it's actually supposed to be instead of when it's all crumpled up like this right now still so we'll let that balloon out for a little bit i'm going to go stage some of the other bags and we'll get back to it all right while we're waiting for this bag to swell back out i had opened this bag earlier and the next part of staging that we're going to do in my case i have 12 foot walls for the sake of going up the ladder down the ladder up the ladder down the ladder simple stuff take some of your bats where you see the space where you're going to be at shove it in there go to the next one shove it in there for the next one shove it in there this is when you're up on the ladder let me get back so you can see what it's looking like now that way when you're up the ladder one spot you can probably do about three bays and you know when you see this this is called a bay you can do about three bays four bays depending on how big your wingspan is but save you some up and down time also i should state the reason i'm doing this i mean maybe other people have other ways everybody's different what they think is easier myself i always found it better to start the insulation up high bring it down here like i said this is these are only basically eight foot bats it's easier to do your cuts and stuff down here than doing your cuts up there just way easier way safer nobody wants to fall on their head little tip all right welcome to 12 foot in the air well almost luckily i got a couple ladders here um so i'm just going to put in one or two bats here just because so i can talk real easy and like i said after that i'll probably just be done with this because i don't want to be breathing this stuff in or trying to talk to you through a mask too much so yeah so let's get to it let me hop over to this ladder all right so get to a spot on your ladder where you know you can turn this so you can see where i'm exactly working right here yeah get to a spot so you can reach all the way up to the top of the bay this is where like i said it's nice see bats are right here tada reach down grab your bat bring the one end up and tuck it in make sure that that insulation is touching right up to the top then you're just going to take your hands and not smashing it tuck it in the lower part will work from the floor but then like i said this is where it's nice i can grab the next pad over boom and do the same thing obviously it'll get a little more difficult when you get to the bays where you actually have to do cuts but we'll go over that next but yeah so real quick obviously we'll have to go over this and staple it that's where you get into a heated debate with some of the people too is some of the people like to do what's called more like a face staple where you actually take the tabs of the insulation take one over it take the other over it staple it down um the people that hate that is the true vapor seal because this is craft insulation this is your vapor seal your vapor barrier the ones that hate that are the dry wallers that in turn have to come over you because then where if they're trying to run screws in they might be hitting your staples but also the real reason they hate it is if you don't staple it dead flat and they're trying to put your drywall over it it's giving them waves bows cracking the drywall it's a mess so what you'll typically see a lot of people do is an inset staple where you take the tabs and go like this and hold on let me grab the camera all right grab the camera realize i accidentally hit the camera button and turned it off but yeah so this will be your inset stapling you'll then staple along this edge stapling it to the stud stapling along these tabs this tab it's a thicker it's like a doubled up paper where they folded it over so that'll hold the staple real well when you're doing it typically see i already coughing you don't want to breathe this stuff in typically you want to get that paper pretty much flush with the the stud because any bit it folds out then like i said the drywallers are coming in and it's causing them issues and you don't want to cause some issues because ultimately that's going to affect the finished product of your wall house because if the drywall is not flat second you paint it you're going to know it so and also like i said mask when you guys are doing the doing the install let's face it in this day and age we now all have masks in our house so obviously the better that's where you want like an n95 if you can to limit the particles coming through i can't push these ones enough myself if you got a lot of woodworkers you'll already probably have this like me personally i love these rz masks they are great actually i guess you guys can hear me pretty well probably under this can't see what i'm doing but work fantastic so i'm going to go ahead and put a couple more of these in and maybe do some stapling and then maybe do a cut all right so bags are up there i don't have them stretched out still got to staple them up you can see where this one has a belly out there's a outlet box that will go around i'll show you how to make that cut and just going over what i'm going to use this time around i'm going to be using this porter cable air stapler you guys don't got to carry will get carried away with the length of the staples either you i mean it's just paper you just want it to make sure that it doesn't slide down behind the drywall and this would have been what i call the slap stapler or stiff stick stapler whichever one you want to call it but uh yeah i'm gonna cheat use the air stapler get to it all right still gotta still gotta staple up these but we'll go down this way this is what it's gonna look like i got a couple wrinkles in there but it's been a little while so like i said you'll go down you'll be running the edge of your paper stapling it in that's the way you'll most guys will do it like i said technically i know it's not the true full on vapor seal you're supposed to fold the tabs over but since i'm drywalling it actually that's another story wood has gotten so ridiculous so very originally my plans were to do osb on the walls just like i did on the outside so that way i could hang stuff wherever i wanted to well home depot's bulk price was 788 when i bought the stuff for the outside it's now almost 22. a sheet thanks coronavirus thanks kobe 19. so now that was being said i'm actually going at that price i still want to do the bottom four feet with plywood because it's actually only a couple dollars more than osb and i'd rather have that that way when i'm doing stuff in here if i'm bumping it doing whatever it's that and i'm not digging up the or blowing holes in the drywall and then i'm gonna do drywall for the top eight feet the only place i will not be doing that is probably over there where i plan on having cabinets and my tools and stuff hanging is the bottom four feet will probably be drywall and then the top stuff going all the way up will be wood so that i can hang you know a lot of my old hand planes things like that things i want to see and show and just look at they'll be hanging on the wall like that so yes all right and kind of last but not least so right here this bay outlet make sure we got this hung right where we want it to be take your knife hold it there at the top of the box gonna cut that paper in this case mine's like a double box even though it's just the one outlet so make sure you cut it in far enough see where the bottom of the box is it's kind of a little weird being right here it's kind of almost the edge of the of the bat so i'm gonna cut that in make sure it's cut through all the way nice and good now i know owens corning on their site i've watched this stuff when i was getting trained and stuff i know they show you where you take this and you fold it like this take they actually will have you take some of this peel it back and you're going to tuck that behind the outlet i'm going to go in and foam this before i end up closing this up just to stop any dirt to draft stop that but then with the leftovers they show you taking it and folding it back next to the box and exposing it and move this out of the way kind of like this that being said i myself and the company i used to work for i don't like the idea of having paper next to my box so i take this take that paper off and that way i'm going like this so that's what it's going to end up looking like like i said make sure you fold enough of the insulation back behind the box i mean this is a workshop i'm not trying to get incredibly fancy here but you want to stop those drafts because you'll get that cold pocket behind there and it'll push through and that'll be a cold spot on the wall so but like i said me myself i'm actually going to phone behind this especially getting between the stud and the actual box making sure that eliminates that but all right one last thing because somebody will call me out on it if i ever get big enough on youtube two by four wall the two by four horizontal gert going along that makes up the whole two by six wall technically i should go in here and cut the back of the bat twice so that it can expand out on all the other spots to fill that void i'm not doing that i'm really pressed for time i'm not going to lose that much r value but just pointing out that if somebody were wanting to make sure they maximize the r value of the insulation that they're putting in that's what they would want to do i almost forgot actually one more thing let's do an actual long cut i know a lot of people they think you want to take this a lot of people lay it down on the floor you know measure it across get their long straight edge but if you don't feel like doing that crawling all over the ground this is the way probably most your contractors are going to install it you'll take your bat you don't want to cut the paper side when you're cutting it down because then you've got to cut the paper then cut the insulation the easiest way actually is to take it flip it around put one edge along the stud how it would be installed and then pinch it where you see where you want the cut to be in this case normally i would cut it right there but in this case with my pole being right here i can't make the cut right there so i'm going to scoot it over to the next available bay and make sure it's kind of hanging straight down and you're going to take your blade and you're going to want to keep it on that stud so you're not getting into the bath that you have installed the neighboring one the hard part for some people is visualizing so i'm making about a three and a half to four inch cut is what i'm taking off so you're just going to want to visually look at this edge and keep yourself about that three and a half to four inches oh and it's hard also not to cut your hand some people and then this is where if you're not wearing long sleeve you'll end up with it all over your arm i should probably be wearing a long sleeve but for this case we'll let it fly just like i said make sure you're staying off that staying on that stud and then when you get to the next part just keep going down i'm just kind of going in slow-mo here everybody hates making long-term blah then you take your bat go up top start it i'm just pressing it in the wall because i don't got my ladder but yep all right all right last last but not least i said the cuts on the bottom saving them easiest thing to do because in this case i have a dozen bays all the exact same height is take your tape measure measure it in this case it's 40 inches most of the time you're going to be on a if you're doing this kind of stuff you're going to have some scrap osb scrap plywood is take a piece hook it on an end take your tape hold on a second take your tape in this case i had 40 inches make a mark make one on the other end and that way you set the end of your end of your insulation over there pull it to here make a cut and that way you can cut it 12 20 100 times and then go through and put them all in and save yourself a lot of hassle of just putting it on the wall marking it cutting it just repeat it make a bunch of cuts throw them all out get them in position and then go from there [Music] all right everybody i think that wraps it up for all the tips tricks uh that i can say all i can say now is recommendations if you guys have any questions about what you're doing and if it's gonna meet the big keyword thing is code check your with your local inspector check with your local township municipality whatever it is you know ask like some things i'm not doing we're not required i'm not even actually technically required to do this in my workshop but i'm insulating it because i want to save money on heat but some things they might want you to tape the seams something places they might even want you to just do unfaced instead of craft paper and then some people go over with like 3ml poly or something similar to that check ask questions but the joe bla joe basic version is this so i'm going to go ahead and finish up the rest of this building if you guys are new just clicked on me please subscribe and i'll talk with everyone soon
Channel: Herman Woodworks
Views: 153,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #owenscorning, #kraftinsulation, #r19
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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