Insulating 2x4 Stud Walls - Basic Tips & Techniques

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I'm finally getting insulation in my shop I'm gonna go through some of the basics of how to put insulation into make sure that it's sufficiently doing its job as always it starts off cleaning up the shop I'm gonna pull stuff down off the walls pull the nails out and clean up the spiders which have infested my shop that I don't like at all then I'm gonna measure from the top to the floor as long as the insulation needs to be so I can cut at the right length this insulation comes in rolls and it's made to go between two 2x4 studs that are on 15 inch centers so it's 15 inches from here to here and it's made to fit perfectly in between there as long as your studs are put in consistently so I measure out and make cuts at the same length that I just measured from the ceiling down to the floor and this would be a really good place to mention the gloves are essential and safety glasses and a mask are not a bad idea either [Music] most important thing to really think about is that this bat fills the entire cavity it needs to go from stud to stud and touch the outside wall and make contact all the way down it's an excellent idea to use some great stuff or some foam to go around outlets and plugs but another thing to do in addition to that is to do the cut and tuck method where you cut above and below and tuck behind it if you have your wiring in like this the best thing to do is to split your insulation and put half of a behind and half of it in front and that way you get good contact with the wall now the insulation is made to fit snugly between the two studs so it should friction fit in there and hold itself in if you cut it too long don't just wad it up because that keeps it from making good contact cut it off at the right length and then you can use that cut off to fill in other areas that are smaller like above windows this particular insulation is r-13 this our number represents its efficiency in not allowing heat to transfer from one side to the other to higher this number the more heat resistance there is there's plenty of information out there on the our values and what you should use and where you should use something that helped me out a ton was that I made this cut repeatable since I knew the length was the same all the way around i measured from the edge of my planer stand and put that board and I could make repeatable cuts over and over and they would be the same length every single time something to be aware of is if you have a cavity like this that is narrower than the 15 inches don't do what I did here there's an example of how not to do it you want to cut your insulation to be the correct width where it will fit in there evenly and snugly and be even against the outside wall as well as between the two studs and that way it will be the most efficient installation that you can have for a small corner like this and don't just ignore the corner if you find yourself with a piece that is too short it doesn't go all the way to the floor plate cut another piece that fits in there exactly so there is a snug fit from stud to stud and all the way down to the floor plate another thing I did was instead of moving the ladder around I used a broom handle or a stick to tuck the tops and where I couldn't reach I saw an interesting video recently where a guy installed some insulation some of it badly and then used a heat sensing camera it shows just how installation affects the efficiency of the heat transfer I'll link to that down below it's not a difficult job and it doesn't take all that long and you could do it yourself and I hope something that I've done here may help you in your project as well thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Darin Beard
Views: 21,082
Rating: 4.890625 out of 5
Keywords: walls before drywall, walls from inside, walls with electrical wiring, walls diy, drywalled walls, existing walls, exteriorwalls, existing interior walls, foundation walls exterior, interior walls for sound, garage walls, house walls, walls internally, outside walls, plasterboard walls, stud walls, shed walls, sound insulating walls, basement walls vapor barrier, 2x4, Stud, Insulating, Framed walls, tips, techniques, basics, how to, tutorial, insulation, do it yourself
Id: Ls--NzRpWPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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