TikTok's That Made Me GASP

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previous you probably don't know this but I've been sent to spy on you and I must tell you I like what I see but I've also been sent here to destroy you not like that don't be gross I'm talking about it but I think you're cute so I'm going to spare you but if you ever cross me I will send you straight to hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel welcome to my YouTube channel I am Katrina and you can call me Katrina and no I did not dye my hair but how do we feel I feel like badass in it but I also feel like I look ridiculous in it should I dye my hair dark let me know in the comments below and if this video gets to be careful with this one one million likes I know it will never happen I will dye my hair dark today we're gonna be watching some epic Tick Tock so let's get to it [Music] I also recently got glasses because I can't see properly so just kidding don't believe everything you hear not even me [Applause] oh oh my gosh she does what I do I do kind of sounds like a monkey and a parrot mixed together you can also do a dolphin I'm super talented you didn't know that so I could be anything you want more baby patching up the holes in ceiling and having it patch you in the face it's just reciprocating that's a nice ceiling you know what I'm saying sorry the Almond space or Nutella I get it with Nutella nutella's good man it's like crack you know not that I know what crack is like I wonder what cracks like I'm not gonna figure it out if you know what cracks like let me know in the comments I'm just kidding don't do crack kids this is a five o'clock free crack giveaway the friend who takes it too far oh that's me I push them over if I was unless oh I'll go I don't even care it's funny none of them got hurt okay to ruin his life oh yo this is a Savage hairdresser he shaved all the hair except for like one strip here and then combed it back if that kid sucks that's a great punishment this kid's got a comb over and he's ten [ __ ] loser dude no more like these these loud as [ __ ] absolute chaos Breaks Loose as doors open on Black Friday there's cameras there and everything it's just the one guy it's just Tony oh [ __ ] at least Tony showed up how embarrassing though if he had a business and you're expecting like hordes of people to come in people get stepped up people to break their clavicles you know and it's just Tony is he in a band sorry where's the candy I love a good pizza don't don't every party what people do that I never did that I wish I did that I'm gonna do that she's gonna crash people's weddings and just poke holes on their tablecloths that'd be like a pretty pretty low budget wedding if anybody has a low budget wedding out there I'm poking holes in your tablecloths cause that looks fun oh did she just use the zucchini as a bar holy [ __ ] and did it go through a window oh my God or a cupboard oh my gosh oh my God the cupboard just couldn't handle the zucchini it was too big it was too thick I wouldn't because I'm absent it gotcha the Earth says hello did a tree fall through your ceiling new fear and unlock Jesus are you going inside my sister's room just to do some random [ __ ] and leave yeah is that a Dyson wow that's a rich family I cracked see if I can crack the other side I just die on camera you know back baby stop oh help this guy and they never saw Kevin again shine he had so much potential later dudes all right here we go trust me one two three one spin oh so he thinks he he threw it in he's like yeah no big deal just I'm talented that was me in every situation I always thought I was hot [ __ ] as a kid I was trying to be the center of attention you know I'm not like that anymore that's a big ice ball oh no let's go oh it's flooding I think my brain just short circuited because I was expecting that to sink but ice floats like icebergs Titanic ice back right ahead tragedy thank you you're such an idiot I spent all day working on this Christmas tree and it looks so stupid ready that looks good to me oh yeah it looks good I'm throwing it away I hate Christmas the smallest trash can ever oh you know if it doesn't look like it could fit you could probably fit when they tell me I look tired but I'm just not wearing any makeup she's not talking to me like yeah when I don't wear makeup I look like a 12 People Jay okay so I think that we're both wrong and the word that we want to use is anemia like I am anemic I'm not but just for example and it's a lack of iron in your red blood cells so we're both wrong because I was literally Googling the same [ __ ] that if it makes sense my girlfriend didn't understand that Winter Wonderland I don't think she's your girlfriend anymore because she got another catch you know I'm fine she caught another girlfriend your girlfriend's a lesbian oh my oh that was I smelled it through the street you just gotta get my list of reasons not to have kids [ __ ] their pants to me the pan oh my God that'll be they look so hot why do they have a cuter than me Loki hiki hi kiloki Loki Marvel the work God Jesus what your mom leaves you at the cashier I've done a skit on this your mom that's the worst I mean I already made a sketch about it and mine is a little more detailed and a little bit better I'm not gonna lie in my personal opinion but yeah that was the most anxiety-ridden moment of all childhood 100 you're like you don't have any money Kim John W throw whoa where'd it go on the moon oh I was recording the Stars what happened where'd it go are we in The Matrix did anybody else think about that how do you think about that I go a little Andrew Tate sometimes and I think we are in The Matrix sometimes I don't like what Andrew Tate but sometimes I think we might be in some sort of Matrix you know what I'm saying Jay what do you think about that I mean I don't think that we're in The Matrix but you never know like I'm being played by a video game was that my free will I don't know that was my free will sound effects so like what time do you guys close oh no what time is it in 9 59. let me get up get out of there don't do that oh man I used to be a manager at a tanning salon slash tech place and uh I would close early all the time just to piss people off or open late just to piss people off if you're standing in front of my door at the window like this huh it's 8 A.M and then I just be standing there like this I was a manager for very long I'll be pretending to look for homework which I found out about 20 seconds ago oh yeah and school sucks doesn't it I hated school I like some of it no I hated most of it if you're a student right now power through you got this okay it's gonna end and life's just gonna get better for sure it will bro's got Riz oh what is Riz oh that cat is gonna get down you know what I'm saying what is Rez all the kids are saying Riz these days aren't they I know what it is like it's like they got game or whatever or what have you you know what I'm saying but I don't know what Riz means maybe I'll Google it I'll Google it on a Google machine and I'll find out for all this all of us uh Millennials race oh I spelled I spelled a different word all right here we go one's ability to seduce a potential love interest oh okay slang like why is it Riz is it like from a different word racist NYC slang created by YouTuber and twitch streamer Kai senate senate canate I'm saying your name wrong I'm sorry it refers to a male's ability to impress a women AKA game as per Urban Dictionary okay I got madrids you know what I'm saying I just want to take some pictures [Music] oh that's the biggest longest that's the longest Long John peanut butter jelly sandwich I've ever seen in my life that's a good way of just being like I just had one sandwich for lunch meanwhile you're just like fried chicken sandwich with seven million pickles stuffed on the top of it okay I like pickles hello [Applause] all right here you go buddy what did I just watch [Music] okay let's go buddy you got this I believe in you I Believe In You Jesus Jesus Took the Wheel away from you that was ruthless if I have a kid that's gonna be me all right there's no trophies there's no participation Awards I'm gonna slap that ball back in your face because that's what life does life slaps balls against your face foreign [Laughter] that's like any time tickles me or what what I am living in a simulation somebody just figure it out all right making a video all right figure it out wasd I don't know what the talk button is probably T figure it out all right is it you Jay you controlling me okay everybody I hope you enjoyed watching those videos with me I know I did so if you did please like the video it really helps out the channel and also subscribe if you haven't subscribed this is obviously best YouTube channel ever and I will see your beautiful face in the next video alright love you bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 1,995,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x1lXinq8cew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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