Installing Willy Firmware for Flipper Zero-like Capabilities on ESP32 T-Display-S3

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this video will cover H rat work on the wheelie the wheelie is an alternative to The Flipper zero based on esp32 it's include a t display S3 module and this module it's made by liigo and it has actually a color and touch screen and you could see the form factor on this picture it's smaller than flipper zero what you could see here is all the different interface so it will benefit from the touchcreen and Z cororo to make a better uxix and if you we go right now what I wanted to show you as well on the picture there is actually the need to buy two Shield so the shield here will be as known as a gpio module for The Flipper zero and compared to the flipper zero the wheelies will not include a buil-in sub gz module so you will need to solder it on an extension board and same thing here for the infrared module so that's something you need to consider because it's not a device you could buy and right of it you know play around you need the soldering iron and bit time to to mess with it otherwise hrat was selling complete setup in the past but none of them are available right now I do not know if we consider to do that again in the future but depending of the availability you could still buy either on AliExpress or on the liigo website both module the TD display and the shield from experience I have noticed price difference that is much cheaper on the liigo website so depending where you live and your currency it might be interesting to use this website so now let's move on with the downloading and installation of the firmware let's say you want to support the developer and buy its personal firmware so you need to go under the section Buy in the GitHub page and then click on firmware the link will open the store and from here there is only available product which is the Willie filmare and you could buy it once you paid everything you will receive your bill which will contain a link to download the willie. zip archive here is the unpacked folder so you could see there is two sub folder one for the sub Gates which contain all the instruction to build your double c101 shield and your infrared Shield the module here with the ESP p32 and the screen do not have any sub gz or infrared capabilities so it's up to you to take your soldering iron and build everything no where going to move on and Flash the device thanks to the wiie update website we could do that on the web browser right away in order to be able to flash the wheel firmware we need to put the device on dfu and for this we need to have the combination of both button left reset button and bottom left button hold so I will do both so as you can see right now I have this message that ask me if I want to allow the connection for GTX serial so that mean we just put it in debug and here on Google Chrome I will it will firmware and now click on connect then it should like show me yeah the display on like the actual um connection I just have established by using a USB cable so I'm going to it connect and now of course install Willie firmware right now as you can see the screen is black and there is like two LED lights one green and one red so I speed up the the video if it's taking too long we'll see otherwise you could have actually a good estimation on how long it will take you might be familiar already with this if you are flashing ESP for ESP home or other project so yeah here we go estimated time is 2 minutes usually they are pretty they're pretty fair yeah even not here okay keeping an eye on the screen to see if it's already boing up and here we go so here as you can see I have like um serial number which is the one I will need to provide to the developer in order to have my device register and be able to use it here is my wrap up and understanding from discussion over the wave Sentinel with Troy Channel and also hrat discussion basically hrat decided to ask for a fee here 35 EUR license firmware to actually avoid any abuse like people you know downloading the firmware buying modules selling it for profit or installing on their own in order to abuse like annoy people whatever you can do of course desynchronizing remote Etc I let you imagine so basically here there is manual activation and that's done from hrat himself so what is doing after the installation you have actually the unique Mac ID of each esp32 that is displaying on the screen I have blurred mine in the video and that is converted to decimal and what he's doing he's asking you to provide it via Discord and then is is going to embedded Your esp32 Mark address in the next fare so each time someone purchase one it will add it in the list in the firmware since the ID in the firmware will match it will work on the new device so now you really need to take this in consideration based on your willingness for support or willingness for being able to do whatever you want with the device so I think there is a balance between you know the the trust and the project and I trust so I went and buy it few hours later after sending my serial number and my email address which is the one I used to purchase the firmware I got a confirmation and I'm now able to do last step which is downloading last update from Willies firmware so let's go and do that together I already have the device in boot mode as you can see both LED light here and I will click on connect select light like before and now I will click on install will firmware and hit install installation is complete okay next and now I will just reset the device and as you can see I have the menu displayed on the screen with sub gz and infrared and now I do not have any module plugged so we're going to build this together here's the shield that you need to buy if you want to have like the official product and from this part you have already micro SD reader and like the pin slot that will will come below and you could see the integration will be uh pretty okay just uh a few one one cm if you actually plug it and right now it's it's the best fit I would say but you could like definitely do that on your own if you have a small board and you trim it in order to reduce the size now what I want to do basically is just to pin the different pins here with my module and from here I will be able to see if everything is working with my famous remote control as you can see here I have all the breadboard wires and they are connected to my Double C 111 module with a short antenna that one came with the EV Crow rf2 and I just made this connection temporary because don't want to mess up um that night the shield so it's not something that is pocketable here of course need to plug the battery if you want to that connector otherwise let's go so we are going with the sub giggers right now because that's the module I have connected I'm going to hit record and I'm going to play so you could see here if it's going to get any signal right now and my remote here so I'm going to play let's say minus so that's for fan here we go so we have the pret that is defined the frequency which it was capture and type of protocol so here it's row it's not being recognized but I'm only recording a row signal so that's expected and the sample length and here you also have like a floppy disc but as I do not have any micro SD I'm not able to you know save any so here I'm going to click on the paper plane here and the signal is sent to my fan so now it decreases the speed as I pressed and that's it for the replay attack here on the wheelie I could also use the scanner so here I'm running it I'm going to press the light here here we go and let's go quickly to the settings so you have all the different um frequencies that um module support and the preset for the modulation right that's pretty easy to navigate and you have also in MK the famous Tesla and other functionalities that might cover in a later in a new video and let's go to MK you will see here different functionality I might cover in upcoming videos and that one here that many people knows Tesla so on your car you could just play the signal and it's going to open some charging door that's it
Channel: Sam's eXperiments logs
Views: 7,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Willy Firmware, ESP32 T-Display-S3, Flipper Zero Alternative, DIY Cybersecurity, CC1101 Module, Replay Attack, 433MHz Remote, Lilygo Shield, Cybersecurity Tools, Hardware Modification, ESP32 Projects, Security Hacks, Willy Firmware Activation, cheaper flipper zero, cheapest flipper zero, diy flipper zero, color screen flipper zero, touch screen flipper zero, lilygo flipper zero, evilcrow flipper zero, evilcrow willy firmware, flipper zero .sub compatible
Id: zD0cTrAu4jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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