All about Cardputer from @M5Stack

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this is a card computer a credit card size device with a full size quality keypad and a lot of features in it that will make you fall in love with this device so just keep watching this video till the end as I'll be letting you know everything about this product starting from its unboxing product overview then we'll also open this device to see what's inside this product then we'll discuss about its technical specifications then we'll see what comes in it's built-in firmware then we'll be learning how to program it with Ardo IDE later we'll see how to get back the built-in Factory firmware and in the end we'll discuss about the possible projects that you can make using this device so let's quickly start with the unboxing of this product so this is how you will receive the product in a transparent plastic cover which has the card compter written on the top and the M5 St branding at the bottom and that's the minimal packaging now let's open it up so inside this we get an actual card computer from M Stack and my first reaction was like it is a bit heavy heavy in comparison with all the other development modes that I tried and doing the product overview I'll discuss more about its weight and why it is heavy so other than the product we get the Ln key driver in the packaging to open this computer and that's the complete unboxing experience and now if I talk about the product overview then this device comes in the size of 84 x 54x 19.7 mm in size and on the front we get to see a 14 by4 button Matrix that covers the complete quity keys and other essential keys that we have in our regular keyboards above it we get a 1.14 in TFT display which seems small on this big computer well it doesn't mean it is inconvenient to see on this display but a bigger display would have been better then on the left side of the screen we get to see the holes for microphone and what I like about M5 St product and it stickers is they mention all the things in the sticker itself for example here on the sticker it's already mentioned that the data pin of the mic is connected to GPR 46 and the clock pin is connected to GPI 43 and this helps a lot while programming this board so we don't have to go onto a computer and Google about the pin configurations then on the right hand side of the display we have the main brain of the computer which is the stamp S3 and below the type-c port of this we get to see the speaker Grill and on the opposite side we get a Groove connector as port a and a small slide switch below it to select the 5vt as input or output from this port then on the top part of the product we get to see two push buttons and out of them one is the reset button and other is the programmable button connected to GPI zero further we get an onoff switch a Micro SD card slot and in the corner we get a tiny little IR LED as well and finally on the back side we get to see a lot of information about the different components and the respective GP pin on which they are connected with and now if I talk about the weight of the product then and the weight is around 94 for G which is more than all the M5 St products combined and also more than the M5 St fire development board so now let's open this product and see why it is so heavy so as I open the back I realized that the majority of the weight comes from the backpack which has two magnets and a big400 m battery and this backpack itself is heavier than the rest of the product and let me tell you without the backpack we can still use this computer as it got a secondary battery inside it so let's check that out so after opening the two screws and removing the M5 stamp carefully I was able to see the main PCB of this board and here we can see the tiny little 120 MH backup battery and that was the complete inside look of this product and now let me tell you some amazing specification of this board so this computer is powered by esp32 S3 FN chipset which has a dual core extensa lx7 microprocessor clogged at 240 MHz and it also got built in 8 MB Flash memory and this chip get the built-in support of 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth F inet other than this it has a built-in 8 ohm 1 wat speaker a SPM 14232 MMS microphone a TP 457 battery charging circuit and an i transmitter with a linear emission distance of 410 CM at 0° and that was all about the complete specification of this computer now let us power it up and let's see what we get in its build in firmware okay so now let's power up the device using this onoff button okay so we get a kind of a welcome tone here and on the screen we say it says press any key to start so let's just press any key and we are inside the menu so here we are getting couple of menus like record chat then remote Ripple then set Wi-Fi timer and yeah that's the menu on the top we get to see a battery level indicator which is almost 50% then a timer which it starts running as soon as we turn on the device then a Wi-Fi symbol So currently I already connected this device with my Wi-Fi router I'll show you how to do that in a while and on the left bar we get couple of options like if I select the function key it will display the function it if I select the caps lock button it willay it will highlight the caps lock and stuff like that so now let's see one by one all the options and what we get inside it so first of all the scan option which is for scanning the nearby Wi-Fi networks and here we got the result as expected nothing new in it let's go back to another manual to go back you need to press this the uh boot Button so I'll press it and we are into the uh main menu then I can go to the record option I can click on this okay button to go inside this app and here it says Place press enter to play so what I'll do here I'll speak something and then I'll press this button let's see Hello M St hello okay so whatever we are saying it records it stores in the buffer and it plays that audio file through this little speaker it is tiny but it is completely audible at least to the person nearby it's not that loud though so now let's go back to the main menu once again and we are getting a nice little animation can you see like oh wow so opening and closing menu has an animation and this all is written inside the C++ coding then we have another option called as ESP now chat so I'll go inside it and here I can type something maybe and if I press enter it is sent to other device VI ESP now now I already tested this code using the ESP now receiver code uploaded into one of the esp32 board but I was not able to get the complete message printed on the cial monitor rather I was getting some garbage values I was able to receive the data but not completely okay so maybe I'm doing something wrong but I was not able to test this example code but yeah that was the ESP now based code so maybe if we have another M card computer with us we can chat with each other using this chat application cool right then we have the IR remote example so I'll click on okay button and here it says input NEC message in address and data so NC is kind of a a protocol uh used in the IR remotes one of the protocol and here we can send the uh address and the data and we can hit enter to send the data for example here it is written as 16 comma 1 so if I type 16 then comma 1 and press enter it will send this data and the address through this I led as of now we don't have any NEC based devices here but yeah it says uh 0 cross one0 address and data is 0 01 so this sent through this IR device so we will test this IR remote or IR Blaster based coding or test it out during later part when we you know try working on this computer using the ardino ID we'll test at that moment so let's go back to main menu and then here we are getting the Ripple I'll go inside it and here is kind of a basic a small little python terminal where I can write the python based script and execute in it so right let's just write the first python script which is uh print into the bracket where are the circular brackets okay here it is so I'll press the claps lock button okay fine again hello base world and then caps lock and yeah that's a basic uh python script print hello world and let's just press enter as you can see the hello world got printer this is a basic python uh terminal where you can type out the basic basic codes and test it out here in the computer interesting right let's go back and let's see what we have next we have the set Wi-Fi option where we can go inside it and we can connect to particular Sid name and password of your Wi-Fi router as of now already connect with my router in the studio so if I let you know how to do that I'll type out the name and password once again for you okay so that's the ID and password let's press enter okay it says connecting and it got connected successfully and that's how you can connect this computer with your Wi-Fi router as of now we don't have any Wi-Fi related or internet related functionality so we can't test anything here let's go back to main menu and the last option is of timer I can go inside it and here it shows the time of probably China let's just cross check it what's the time in China right now okay it's showing the time of China so in Beijing China currently it is 4:45 so 1645 so it's showing the time in China uh it will only show after we connect it with the internet with the Wi-Fi router so that's one of the thing to test whether it successfully connected with the Wi-Fi route and getting internet access or not yeah so that's the last option and if I go to the next one it again takes me to the scan option so that was a basic like a factory firmware that comes built in with this device and now let's move ahead and see how to program this board with the help of ardino ID to get started working with the m computer using ardino ID is a very simple inst straightforward process first of all you need to install the M5 St boards packages for that you can go to ardino preferences click here and you just need to paste this line which I'll be providing somewhere in the description of this video after pasting in a new line just click on okay and okay once again then you can go to tools then into boards and then into boards manager just type out M5 stack here and just install this boards package currently I'm having the version 2.1.0 that's the first step and second step is you need to install the library particularly for card computer or card computer you can say say for that you can go to sketch into include library and into manage libraries here just search for card pter press enter and to install this library and that's the simple two-step process to quickly get started with this now here let's test out one example code to see everything is working as expected or not so I can go to files into examples then I need to scroll down to a new library called as card pter which is here m m cardu go to Basics let's try first of all the button example code and now I just need to select the right board which is M5 stamp S3 which you can get it inside mardino and M stamp S3 after that you need to select the right comport so I already connected the M5 computer with my computer and here I'll select the comport as esp32 s3d module that's pretty much it now let's just hit the upload button and let's see if it gets successfully uploaded or not okay so the code is successfully uploaded and now let me show you the working of the example code on My Mobile screen and now here on the screen you can see that the button test is written inside the screen and if I press any button I'm not getting any response because it is is programmed for only this button at GPI Z so if I press it says pressed and released press release along with the beep on the buzzer okay so press release press release that was a simple button Test example code and similarly let me just show you all the other example codes and how they work quickly so after the button we have the buzzer example code in which we can hear two different kind of tones from the inbuilt buzzer or speaker we can say then moving ahead we have the display example code where we get the random shapes on the display like circle square and rectangle every random shape is displayed quickly onto the screen that was a simple display test then _ NEC is the example code to test the buil-in IR Blaster so here after uploading the code I was able to verify the IR signal transmitted by this device with the help of another esp32 board acting as an IR receiver and I was able to monitor it on the serial monitor mov ahead we have the keyboard example codes inside which we have different different codes first is the input text so this this example code is kind of a notepad in which we can type anything here and after we press enter it will be displayed on the above window moving at the next example code is multipress which help us to press multiple buttons on the keyboard which ultimately is displayed onto the screen then we have a single press example code which will only let us press one single button it will respond to that only by default this example code is set to just sense the button a so if I press button a then only it will detect otherwise it won't detect any other key then we have the USB keyboard example code which is quite interesting because this device can also act as an USB keyboard and hid device so I can type anything on the device and it will be printed inside my computer so that's how you can use this device as well and last is we have the microphone example code in which it is constantly recording the things and as we press this button it plays around 2 to 3 seconds of clip let's hear so that's how it can record and play my voice so that's how it can record and play my voice so yeah those were the example codes provided by m St itself and now let's see after uploading this code can we get back the factory firware the answer is definitely yes and the process is super simple let me show you so for that you need to go to this card computer documentation page whose link is down in the description and you just scroll down and just go to this easy loader car computer which is only available for Windows so sorry Mac users so just click on this link and it will download one exe file which is cpu. EXE just open that file click on run anyway and it will open up a dialog box where you just need to select the right compo on which the M5 card computer is connected and just hit the burn button and that's the simplest process of you flashing the factory firware and this process made really really simple by the M5 stack team really good job and yeah we are done so we got the exact same firware that comes pre-build with this device so till now we learned how to use this device and now let me show you what kind of projects we can make using this device so now talking about the projects that are already been made using this device then we have a resistor Value Finder made by volo's project YouTube channel in which we can select different band colors to find out the value of the resistor and another project were also made by the same YouTube channel wos project which is an actual game that we can play on this card computer really impressive and later I made my own IR remote for controlling my studio appliances which were already connected with my all-in-one home automation project version two well you can also buy this project from our website through which you'll be supporting our work and our YouTube channel I'll be leaving away it Link in the description so those were some of the many other projects that you can try out on this device for example as it got an SD card slot and as it got a quy keypad you can make it as your notepad in which you can write your notes and save that in the SD card and not only that as it also got a mic in it you you can also take the voice notes and stored in the SD card and there are endless possibilities so that was all about the card computer device now share your thoughts about what do you think is the perfect application of this kind of development board well do share your thoughts in the comments and also share this video with your iot Enthusiast friend and let them know about this new iot development board released in the market yeah that being said I am just ending this video here and now just wait for my next video and then explore learn share with me takey [Music] SMS
Channel: techiesms
Views: 34,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arduino, cardputer, development board, esp32, esp32 development board, esp32 projects, esp32 s3, esp32-s3, esp32s3, internet of things, iot, iot boards, iot development board, m5stack, m5stack cardputer, m5stack esp32, m5stack fire, m5stack iot projects, m5stack pocket computer, m5stack programming, m5stack projects, m5stack tutorial, m5stamp, m5stamps3, techiesms
Id: SDIxB_wmT_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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