Installing Virtual Machines in ProxMox

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[Music] hey guys welcome to how to do computers i'm mike and today we're going to go over installing virtual machines in proxmox to get started go ahead and get logged into the web interface of your proxmox environment the first thing you want to do is to make sure that you have an iso for the os you want to deploy virtually i'll assume you've already set up the appropriate storage but if not i'll link a video on configuring storage in the description so go ahead and go to your node and then find the storage where your isos live if you don't already have the iso here that you want to use you'll need to upload it by going to upload and then selecting the file locally on the computer that you're accessing proxmox from i already have a few of my more commonly used isos here in my iso network share so i won't need to upload any isos for this so let's get started creating the virtual machine in the top right you'll click create vm here you'll assign a name a vm id and the node you would like it to be installed to right now i just have the one node i'll leave the vm id as 100 for now and since we'll be installing ubuntu server i'll name it ubuntu server01 now down here before we click next make sure you've selected advanced this will give us a few more customization options you can select whether or not to have it start at boot i would like this to start as the proxmox host boot so i'll select that the start and shutdown order is where we can assign a value that will tell the host which order to start the vm at boot startup delay is the number of seconds that the proxmox host will wait before starting up the vm at boot and shutdown timeout is the maximum number of seconds that the host will wait before forcibly turning off the vm during a shutdown i'll leave these as default for now so go ahead and hit next in our os selection we'll be using an iso file from our storage here i'll select the iso storage and the image will be ubuntu server you also have the option of booting from a physical disk that is inserted into the host machine if you would like we'll leave the type as linux and version the same if this was a windows install you would instead choose microsoft windows and then the version of windows that you're trying to install go ahead and hit next here you can select system options such as specific graphics and scuzzy options as well as bios and the machine's virtual chipset we'll check the qemu agent to allow the qemu guest agent to communicate information about the vm to the host the rest of these options can be left as default for now hit next on the next screen you'll be configuring your main hard disk for bus device it should automatically be set to which one proxmox recommends for the guest os since we're using linux it's selected scuzzy but on windows it will usually want to use ide we'll leave caching at default for now under storage you can select where you want to store the disk for this vm we'll go ahead and choose to store this in our zfs pool and then you'll set the disk size we'll go ahead and leave that at 32 gigabytes for now for the advanced options down there i would say only change those if you know exactly what you're doing i'll leave those as default and then click next for cpu this will be how much processing power we want to allocate to the vm i'll give it one socket and my rule of thumb is two cores to start out with until we know what the hardware need will actually be this can always be changed later for advanced settings again i'll leave these as default and hit next here we'll allocate ram in megabytes i'll go ahead and give it four gigabytes and make sure to leave ballooning checked which will ensure that the ram is used dynamically otherwise it'll block off the entirety of the ram and assign it just to this virtual machine on the next screen we'll assign a network interface if you don't want to connect a network or if you want to add that later you can check the no network device box up here here you'll select the bridge adapter we'll leave it as vmbr0 as that's the only adapter we currently have the model will automatically be selected based on the guest os you're using vert i o is usually used for linux and you'll usually use the intel model for windows you can assign a vlan tag if you want to place the machine on a specific vlan as well as a custom mac address if you like i'll leave the rest of this blank and click next give it one last glance before finishing up to make sure that everything looks right then click finish to create the virtual machine you can see when it's finished creating the task at the bottom says that the status is okay and here you can see the virtual machine has been created when you click on the virtual machine it'll bring you to a summary page showing you the same information about the guest os that you can see on the summary page of the proxmox node the console is where you'll go to see what would be displayed visually on the machine similar to a monitor along the top right you have the options to start and to shut down the vm let's go ahead and click start while the vm is running you also have the option under the shutdown menu here to reboot pause hibernate stop or reset the virtual machine next that is the console when you click on it a console window will pop out allowing you to have multiple consoles up for multiple machines if you need we'll close out of this and then under more options you can see it gives you the option to clone convert the vm to a template you can manage high availability or you can remove the virtual machine note that the machine will have to be completely shut down or turned off to be removed the hardware tab allows us to change the hardware configuration for instance if you want to add or remove a device like a virtual network adapter or a virtual hard drive or if you want to mount an iso this is where you'll do it the options tab allows us to change some of the options such as whether it starts at boot the boot order and a few other things the task history tab gives us a brief history of tasks that are related to this virtual machine under backups you can create manage and restore from backups this is an extremely useful feature which i will be going over later under snapshots you are able to take and to roll back to snapshots of the machine this is helpful if you're about to make a configuration change on the machine and you might need to be able to undo them quickly there are many other options but i'll go over those in other videos for now let's go back up here to the console once you have your machine created and the install media is attached you'll go about the install process just as you would on a bare metal machine i'll go ahead and skip through the actual install here and get back to you once i've finished installing ubuntu server i'll add a note here that whenever you've finished installing an operating system you'll need to unmount the install media by going to hardware find the cd dvd drive double click and then select do not use any media this will unmount the iso file and then you can reboot your machine and it will load into the os so now we have a fully updated install of ubuntu and i've gone ahead and created a windows server vm which will become our domain controller in the future now we can demonstrate our last step which is installing the qemu guest services installing qemu services allows proxmox to more easily exchange information between itself and the guest os such as current status freezing the file system when taking backups and executing commands within the os like shutdowns and restarts the first thing we need to do is ensure that qemu services are enabled by going into the vm and checking the options for qemu guest agent we want to make sure that this is enabled now let's go back up to our console on linux installing qemu guest services is as simple as running one command which will be sudo apt install qemu dash guest dash agent wait for it to complete and then we'll reboot once it's rebooted you can go up to the vm summary and make sure it's detected if it's displaying an ip right here you know that the guest service is installed and functioning for instance if we go to our windows machine which doesn't have it in the summary right here it'll tell us no guest agent configured now let's install the guest services for windows we'll do the same thing under options and make sure that qemu guest agent is enabled right now it's disabled so we'll have to change that and in order for that to apply we'll need to reboot the machine you can do that by going up to the top right and selecting reboot and hit yes we'll go to the console here and let the reboot finish now in windows installing the qemu guest services isn't quite as simple before we're able to install the guest services we'll need to mount the windows vert i o drivers iso provided by proxmox which i'll leave a link to down below i already have it in my iso storage so let's go ahead and go to hardware find our cd dvd drive we'll change it from the already mounted server 2019 iso to the vert i o win iso hit ok go back to your console we'll get logged into windows by using our extra keys function to hold down control alt and then hit delete enter our password once we're booted into windows you can open up the file explorer go to this pc double click on the cd drive and to install the guest tools you'll go down here to the vert i o win guest tools executable and enter it'll bring up an install wizard we'll simply click through the options here hit next agree next next and install install here and then finish close out and you shouldn't need to reboot if you go to summary you can see that the qemu guest agent is installed and functioning properly alright that about wraps it up for this one as always thanks for watching if you have any questions or if you run into any issues let me know down below and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: H2DC - How to do Computers
Views: 162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, homelab, h2dc, how to do computer, how 2 do computers, guide, tutorial, PVE, virtualization, hypervisor, virtual machine, windows, linux, install, VM, homelabbing, virtio. Virt-io, server, home server
Id: ckPCl_B5gSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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