Installing the AMD RX 7900 GRE Graphics Card - Step by Step Guide

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As newer bigger and better Games come out  they require a lot more system resources so   we have to update our systems in this video we're  going to go over a 7900 GRE upgrade upgrading our   current $700 budget system to this bad boy  this one is going to be a little different   than most of my upgrade videos there's going to  be some pitfalls as well so without wasting any   more time let's get to the unboxing and then  we'll get to the upgrade don't worry there's   chapters if you don't like the unboxing you can  skip ahead so let's keep going at is zoom out   a little bit because the box is tremendous it's  from our friends at XFX the 7900 GRE to be more   specific it's the Speedster Merc 310 and again  the AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE see that right along   here nothing on this side or on this side then  down here we have some of the specifications   and everything and along the bottom some  of that 16 gigs and then Ser number UPC   all that good stuff so thankfully easy on  the outside so let's go ahead just slice it Open all right so a nice presentation for  the installation guide which we'll go over   in this video latest drivers and everything  scan the QR codes Multil-language warranty   information and all that good stuff here  nothing much on the back and some good foam   I like the simplistic look of everything  here looks very nice I'm going to just   take this out and set it off to the side  for one sec see if there's anything else   inside this box it's cool to save this  box but it's a whole lot of nothing in There all right so and then this extra piece  of foam taking that off there is the additional   layer here covering the card from dust dirt and  scratches unfortunately it was not a romantic Peel and then the Top the card is about 13.2 in long and 5 in deep   and about 2 in thick so she's a sexy looking  card it is plain and simple we don't need to   be complicated it's going to be inside of our  system all right so then we have three nice   size fans about 99.36 mm and then the middle  one so that's these two out here is about 89.9   mm and we can see at the very end of over here  XFX radon the nice heat sink over here really   long almost covering the entire card two 8 Pin  PCI connections yes you need both and the card   or at least the system with this card inside at  a minimum requires a 700 Watt power supply then   along the back over here feels like a metal back  plate with their opened up over here back plate   with the heat sink and so that the fans can blow  through it we can see here three heat pipes or   at least actually One, two, three, four, heat  pipes if you could see that there so very nice   looking along the bottom more of that heat sink  and then the cable over here from the PCB to   the fans and make sure of course to remove this  protecting the PCIE fingers down here then back here it has three 2.1 display ports and one 2.1  HDMI port and then we can see right along on here   that little Grill where heat is going to expel  with the XFX logo and then right over here that   little switch so that you can change in between  different firmware versions on the card so let's   go ahead and install this in a machine real quick  so now at this part of the video we're going to go   over downloading all the drivers and prepping  everything before we install the card so the   current card requires one PCIE 8 Pin cable the  7900 GRE is, is going to require two, this will   only provide up to 150 watts mind you when it's  fully utilized and everything the card is stated   to pull about 260 Watts now the PCIE slot will  provide 75 watts of power and that alone won't   get us to what we need so we will need that second  PCIE 8 Pin I didn't think ahead and actually plug   it into the power supply so we're going to go  over that in a second as well but let's first go   here to, to Edge or whatever browser you may use  and I'm going to check real quick text specs and   the requirements so 700 WTS so that's important  to remember so 700 WTS and again two PCI 8pin   connections this is the specifications for this  specific card closing out of here we'll go to and resources then we'll go to drivers  and then I'm actually going to start off with   the chipset so why chipset well chipset everything  resides on the motherboard which is controlled by   the chipset so every so often they come out with a  bunch of updates for the chipset drivers and a lot   of times we forget to upgrade them so since we're  updating the graphics card the graphics drivers we   might as well do the chipset as well and I'm using  the B550 chipset which is an am4 chipset B550 here   and I'll click submit and then we'll download  the latest and greatest here then I'll come back   up here resources and support drivers then I'll  come here to Graphics I'll select AMD Radeon RX,   RX 7000 series and finally 7900 GRE and click  submit then we'll go to Windows 11 or whatever   version of Windows you have I don't recommend  downloading the autod detect and install I   recommend downloading the latest wo driver so  I'll click download then over here we'll go to   wagnard and we'll download the latest and  greatest version of DDU come over here scroll down   a bit and then click here for download and support  display driver uninstaller the release version and   then you can either download the portable self-  extracting or the installer let's go for the   self- extracting and then I'll go ahead and open  DDU and I'll create a folder on the route called DDU a lot of people flip out on this one why do  I have to do DDU takes a few extra seconds and it   make sure that you have the latest and greatest  driver when you install the latest and greatest   driver and there isn't any residual driver laying  around when you've used your computer for quite   some time and you've updated drivers you have  a driver on top of a driver on top of a driver   on top of a driver it creates a very unstable  foundation so you just spent a few hundred on   your graphics card make sure it runs properly I  recommend using DDU then we'll right click on the   start button shut down or sign out we'll hold the  left shift key and then we'll click restart now   under choose an option we can let go of the left  shift key that's after it restarts and then we'll   go down to troubleshoot Advanced options startup  settings and restart to change Windows options   such as and click restart and then we'll boot  into here, here allows us to select what version   of safe mode we want to boot into I'm just going  to select the regular safe mode which is option   number four and I'll press four on the keyboard  and now we'll reboot and then boot into safe mode   in safe mode you'll notice we're in safe mode  because all four sides say safe mode all four   corners file explorer and we'll go into this PC  and the C drive and we'll go into that directory   that we extracted DDU into then we'll click on  display driver uninstaller seems to be the first   time because it is and we'll click okay here I  have to resize this because it always goes outside   of the screen but here we don't have anything  NVIDIA our motherboard isn't an NVIDIA chipset   that's quite some time ago and we don't have an  NVIDIA graphics card we'll select here because why   not let's remove everything in video but because  we do have an AMD chipset we'll remove everything   here we don't want it to affect the chipset driver  even though we're installing over those we'll go   ahead uninstall that here again because we have an  AMD CPU and an AMD chipset this will still remove   the AMD Graphics drivers and we'll scroll down we  can leave this check and we want to place a check   this is very important under Advanced options  prevent downloads of drivers from Windows updates   when Windows search for a driver for a device  yeah it doesn't make a whole lot of sense so   we'll click a check there it's important and then  we'll click okay here and close here is the other   important part under the first prompt over here  we'll select GPU and then it's detected that we   have an AMD GPU but just in case under here you  have the options for NVIDIA if you have an NVIDIA   graphics card you'll select NVIDIA you can select  AMD which we're getting rid of an AMD card here   to install an AMD card so we're removing the am  AMD driver or intel if we had an Intel graphics   card we're removing Intel but we're only removing  AMD here and then we'll select clean and shutdown   because once we're done here the machine shuts off  and we can remove the card this only takes a few. Seconds so now that the system is off we're  going to go ahead unplug the system we're   going to remove the graphics card update  the power supply with an additional PCI   connection and then install the 7900 GRE  since we are removing the graphics card   we'll go ahead just disconnect the HDMI port  and disconnect all of it real quick before we   get started before you touch anything inside  the system touch the metal portions of the   case to get all that ESD out of your hands that  way you don't fry the card if you step away for   a minute and come back make sure to ground  yourself again first things first we'll go   ahead and remove the PCI cable from the card to  remove the PCIE cable we're going to need to push   on this little retention mechanism right over  here which releases it from the card and now   we just pull that out and now we'll go ahead  and unscrew right over here to release the Card now that that's removed at the end  of the PCIE slot there's a little piece   right over here that locks the card  in place so as much as we pull the   card out this is locked in place into the  card so to remove that we'll go ahead and   push this down you notice the  card will come out a little tiny Bit okay came out a little tiny bit now we can  just pull on the card and we remove the graphics   card now we have space to install the XFX but  we're going to need to attach the secondary 8   Pin PCI cable to the power supply so along the  bottom of this particular case here we'll find   the power supply on the side over here this is  where all the cables are hidden and there's very   little chance that we can actually find exactly  where we need to plug that into so we are going   to need to remove that power supply but because of  the way this case is we can just unscrew it here   and slide it out and easily pop in that cable  and by the way that cable came with the power   supply and I kept all of the additional cables  right in the box and we'll get to this in one Second okay so now just moving  this cable we should be able to Gently slide the power supply out and just be  careful how you do this because you don't want   to pull on the wrong cable so we're going to  turn it around over here here we can see all   the additionals we can see PCI CPU then PCIE CPU  right up here as well so in the power supply box   all the other garbage from the build I like  to keep everything in the same box if I can   here we'll find that additional PCI cable okay  so this is the part that goes connected to the   power supply and this is the part that goes  to the card notice this does have two but we   don't want to use both because you're splitting  up power when the power supply may not be able   to provide adequate Power from Just one strand  all right so again grabbing this part we simply   plug it in right over here to PCI, CPU and that  little retention mechanism is right at the top   so we'll see that hole right down here then we'll  plug that in so now we're going to have to put the   power supply back in the case just be careful  that you don't pull on any cables incorrectly All right I feel a little Afraid on how easy  that was to pop back in but regardless just   line up the screw holes over here  like you did when you first built It and now that that's back  together we push the initial   cable through a grommet right through there again It's always getting that second PCI section  of the cable through that is a bit of a pain   all right finally got that through all right  so just to see if we have enough clearance   we can see the card is small enough that it  still fits in the case we have about 3 in of   space between the card and the front of the  case now the PCI fingers over here and these   metal pieces right over here it's important  that we pay attention to where these all go,   go so when we Slide the card in the first  thing that's going to make contact before   the PCI fingers is this over here now you need to  be careful with the way you install it it's hard   to see it back here but there are two openings  right over here between the motherboard and the   case that we can see along the back of the case  coming over here we can see them right here that   these two metal pieces are going to slide into so  you need to be careful when you install the card That when you push it in like this you don't have  those pieces of metal sticking out or else you're   not going to be able to install the card properly  the way you're going to want to do that is between   the case and the motherboard you'll slide it like  this and now this goes into the case instead of   out of the case and now before we put the card  back in you're going to want to make sure that   the PCI slot is open this is that little lock that  we unlocked to get the card out if it's locked   just push it like this so that it opens up when  it's locked it'll be like this so just go ahead   open it up and this little piece of the card  here that makes that little piece lock into   place so we'll slide it right into here we'll  slide those PCI goldfingers into the slot okay   and now that that's in place you'll notice that  little PCI locking mechanism click up once the   card's fully inserted now we'll go ahead and, and  push the card in and just watch that little PCI Piece and it clicked right into place and  that locked and now before we actually   pop that PCI Connection in place  we'll go ahead and screw the card In so if you remember on the previous card we  had the PCIE connection like this but the clip   here is at the very top so we need to turn this  around so the clip is on the top and then we can   slide it right into place there and let me show  you at a different angle all right so we'll push That right into there and again just  watch this pop up and you'll hear click in Place all right it was a teeny tiny click but  that still clicked right in place now I need to   clean up some of this cabling so give me one  second all right so I cleaned up the Clutter   back over here and the cabling up front is  passable not the best but it works actually   it looks like I'm going to need a sag bracket  one second so after verifying that I am on a   flat surface here we can see that my little  level over here is off so from our friends   at I have the link down below I'll go ahead and  install all this bracket you can make it look as   pretty or as ugly as you like all right perfect  so let's go ahead and plug it in real quick now   that everything is back together we'll go  ahead and plug everything back in the main   thing you need to worry about is in case you  came from Onboard video where you would have   plugged in your graphics card right over here  or your HDMI cable now you're going to plug it   right into the card itself either off of one  of the HDMI’s or one of three of the DP cables   we're going off of the capture card here so  it's going to be the same process so let's   go ahead plug in everything else as it was  before turning on the system for the first Time, forgot to flick the  switch in the back for the power Supply all right so everything looks  good now let's go ahead and install   the graphics drivers so we'll come  under File Explorer under downloads   and actually let's in install the chipset  first so the graphics may turn off for a Second so then we'll go ahead and install  all of this so one sec all right that was   easy and you'll notice it says restart whenever a  driver asks you to restart it's always incredibly   important to restart so but actually let's  go ahead and click close And let's manually   restart so right click on the start button  shut down or sign out and restart okay   now that we're back in Windows we'll go back  into file explorer back into downloads and   let's go ahead and install the graphics drivers  as we're recording the graphics may drop off for   a split second and HDCP might enable which  will block me recording I need to disable   it and I'll show you how to do that as well  then we'll double click here on the graphics Drivers and we'll go under additional options  factory reset because we can and that's going   to do almost the same thing as DDU but I  want to do that just to be certain and I   click install so one second all right and I  guess because it already saw that I had done   DDU there was nothing to remove it didn't  make me so I go ahead and uncheck this and   I'll click finish here adrenaline software  is going to open up so I'll click skip this   here and the way I would have enabled  or disabled HDCP is I'll click here at   the very top under the search HDCP click  HDCP support display settings scroll down   a tiny bit display overrides read and accept  the EULA I accept and just disable here so   one second I'm going to disable it and I'll be  right back because it asks you to restart as Well and once we're back in Windows we'll right  click on the background and we'll select show more   options and AMD software adrenaline Edition all  right so adrenaline Edition is awesome it allows   you to utilize High RX which is a portion of FSR  it allows you to get more frames out of your card   double sometimes than your card can produce  upsampling 1080p to 2560 by 1440 or something   along those lines with this card chances are  we won't need to use it much but the option is   there and that's great and that's just one way to  get to it here so then we'll go under gaming here   it sees a lot of the games that we already have  installed and I'm going to compare these games to   the 6500 XT so that you can see what an upgrade  like this does for you Graphics this allows you   to also see all those presets as well hyper RX  quality hyper RX Eco and default and then all the   different features that the drivers allows you  RSR AF MF which is incredibly awesome and also   works with FSR and all this good stuff over here  definitely make sure you have weight for vertical   refresh disabled that's how I take care of it and  we'll come under display some additional display   options this particular monitor does support AMD  Freesync but because I'm going through a capture   card it's disabled virtual super resolution  all those options over here and then advisor   we can record and stream now because we do have  AVX1 encode and decode as well as H264 and H265   encode and decode whereas the 6500 didn't we'll  skip this for now but here we can start recording   then here we can record a live stream scene editor  media player here and then settings for everything   under here and then performance some tracking and  an overlay which I use often it's great this is   just to analyze all that and then over here this  is where we actually do all the overclocking the   tweaking and tuning at least the basics and we  can have a fan curve as well then under settings   some more metrics over here and smart technology  where we can enable different types of newer AMD   Technologies like noise suppression privacy view  smart access video and smart Access Memory then   the little gear over here gives us the back  end to all of that as well here it does the   checks for you and everything and some of the  audio and video settings here hot Keys relive   or relive VR and some preferences here now aside  from all of this which is incredibly important   to get the most out of your card one thing that  we can't do through here I'll close out of this   I'll right click on the desktop and I'll go to  display settings I'll scroll down then I'll go to   Advanced display under Advanced display we'll find  choose a refresh rate my particular monitor does   120 HZ but because I'm going through a capture  card I can only do 60 HZ changing it from 59 to   120, 140, 160, 360 whatever your maximum refresh  rate is on your monitor changing it from what I   have to what you have you're going to notice a  tremendous performance Improvement everything   is going to feel so much more smooth so much  more free along with free sync it's going to   be a tremendous experience but let's keep going so  then after we enable that we'll select Keep Change   again your highest refresh rate and then you'll  be at that higher refresh rate you can see that   right over here but again I'm using a capture  card so the AVTGC513 so that's why it's only 60   so with the XFX Speedster Merc 310 we just went  from start to finish upgrading an older PC with   an older graphics card to a brand new graphics  card but we went over the specifications first   that way we knew exactly what we were getting  into so that we can prep then we removed all the   old drivers installed the new card installed  the new drivers both chipset and GPU and got   you ready optimizing the system for your next  game the next video coming up we're going to   do some gameplay on it as well so that we can  see the performance this card is going to get   you we took a few extra steps that we haven't  taken in other videos so I hope that helped   now if you want to see what we're going  to be doing in that next video to give   you an example check out this video up above  Iggy with ThisBytesForYou out, see you guys
Channel: ThisBytesForYou
Views: 3,702
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Keywords: How to install the AMD RX 7900 GRE Graphics Card, RX 7900 GRE - How to install the AMD RX 7900 GRE Graphics Card in your PC, RX 7900 GRE, XFX Radeon RX 7900GRE Gaming Graphics Card, 79GMERCB9, RX-79GMERCB9, Radeon RX 7900GRE, B0CVNJLHXW, XFX Speedster MERC310 RX 7900 GRE, How to install the AMD RX 7900 GRE Graphics Card in your PC, XFX Speedster Merc 310, AVTGC513, AVX1 encode and decode, AMD Freesync, AMD FSR, AMD AFMF, AMD AMFM
Id: YZq8G45Uok8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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