Installing Packet Tracer | Switch Configuration (VLAN commands and verification) Home Lab | Cisco

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel and today's video is a tutorial on network simulation about basic switch configuration so a few days ago I've asked you guys on the channel if you want me to make a video tutorial on network simulation and 100% of you guys said yes so here is the video and this video I will show you how to download and install Packet Tracer which is a network simulation tool from Cisco which is free to download and install so you can get started with your Hands-On labs and home labs and learn all of this configurations and then I can also share with you how to build your very own simulated Network on the packet tracer tool and do some basic switch configuration so this video is focused on on Cisco commands and Cisco configuration cuz that's where I'm more experienced in so if you're interested in this video please stay tuned and without further Ado let's get started with the tutorial okay so the first thing that we will do is to download and install Packet Tracer which is the network simulation tool that we're going to use to do all of our home labs and all of our network configuration so you are going to go to the skills for all page from CCO networking Academy I will include the link in the description box below so it'll be easier for you to access the page and then you can click on the log in here of course if you don't have an account yet you can always sign up for it just make sure to go through all of this form that they will be asking you to create a new account and just accept everything and continue and it'll take take you to a welcome page then what you want to do next once you're logged in is to type in packet traser in here Cisco packet traser click on that and then it will take you to the packet traser page and then you can click on the getting started with Cisco packet traser that's where you can download packet traser and then scroll down and in module one you can see in here where you can install Packet Tracer okay so if you just click on get started in here and scroll down so this is where you can download Packet Tracer they have a link for that and then just click on whichever is applicable to your computer if you're using Mac Linux or Windows and save it of course okay so once it's finished downloading you can click on it the installer and then just of course accept click on next and just install the program okay so once it's finished installing we can Now launch it and then there you have it but before you can use the application or the program you have to log into your skills for all account okay so once you're logged into your skills for all account you'll be able to use a packet tracer so this is this Co Packet Tracer it's a network simulation tool that students and professionals use to to design their networks and do some Labs or some practice exercises and if you have been studying Cisco or networking and you wanted to apply all of those theories and knowledge that you have learned this is a really good practice to do so just a disclaimer before I get started with the Hands-On and the tutorial I am not going to teach all of what's in the packet tracer for this video I'm going to just show you what we are going to be using for this video and I am we are not going to be building switches from scratch in here just like we do in the workplace this video will be focused on just the basics of switching like basic vlans VLAN assignment and assigning access ports to machines on the very bottom left the Cisco Packet Tracer there are like different icons in here that you can see this corresponds to the devices that you want to use so they have network devices here like switches router and then there's the end devices just like the host machines like PC laptop servers so there's also like connections like what kind of cables you're going to use so this is very basic and what what we are going to do here is basic switch configuration so we are going to go and click on the network devices on the very first here and then select on switches and we just going to select the 2960 switch and then of course we are going to need some end devices to connect to the switch so we are just going to put like PC in here so if you click on the end devices it will show you the machines so just grab onto the PC and just drag and drop in here very basic we need two machines so we can see and test our configurations later on cuz we what we want to do is to put them on the same VLAN so they could be talking to each other and of course we are missing something in here the last component to our basic simple network is the cable connect connections so of course we have to connect our PC to the switch using cable so we're just going to use a straight through in here it's the icon so just connect it let's start with a switch and just choose fast ethernet 01 cuz this is the very first machine that we are connecting and connect it click on the PC and it will show you different options it will just show you one option in here for the ethernet because you only have one ethernet port most likely for a p see and then do the same for the next machine go to the switch first click on the switch and then select fast ethernet O2 and then go to the PC and select the only ethernet that is an option okay so as you can see there's like different lights in here and green means usually that's it is online so the switch usually takes a while to be online like now it's turning green from orange so usually it's just taking a few seconds so what I usually do first is to configure the PC so to make it easier to make our like lab easier I usually just set up like a static IP for them so that it'll be easier later on to test the machines so when you click on PC you can see like the different settings for it as you can see in here you can power on and off the PC in here in the physical tab we are going to the desktop tab now which has a lot more of the settings that you can actually do in an actual PC but for now you're going to do the static IP and set it under IP configuration so just click on IP configuration here and then just make sure that static is selected because that's what we want for now and I'm just going to use the most basic uh IP address out there 1 okay so no default gateway cuz we're not doing routing for now just switching so the subnet mask and IP address would be enough so make sure to do the same to the next PC like PC one in here and select on the desktop tab IP configuration and let's do the same subnet 192.168 .1.2 because that's our second PC okay same subnet mask very basic in here and what I usually do is I also add notes in here for the IP address just in case I don't remember what static IP this has at least I don't have to like click on it and check physically in here so it'll be easier to also add notes you can add notes to Packet Tracer which makes like testing easier to later on if you're going to make like bigger Network configurations in here so you want to click on this place note this notepad icon in here and if you just click on it it will show you this cursor where you can type and I'm just going to type in the IP address of the first machine which is and same in here so I can just click on it cuz I am still and this icon so 1 which is our second static IP so if you click on this the very first icon in here which is just selecting selecting items and this uh worksheet you can just select on it if you want to move it just to make it look nicer and more organized so so you can see in here we have our static IP address okay so that's the start of our very simple Network and I want to show you something too so let us see if they can talk to each other since they are connected to the same switch in order for you to do that to test how if they can communicate to each other let's click on the first PC and under desktop there is a command prompt that you can use just like how you use an ordinary machine so we can do a ping in here that usually indicates if another host is reachable so for example we are going to paying this next uh machine to see if they can communicate or it can reach that other PC so paying 1 and and as you can see it can communicate and it can reach this other PC because they are connected to the same switch okay so the next thing that we can do is some basic switch configuration and what we usually do in the workplace is configure vlans because vlans as we all know separates the network into different logical networks so for example we can have a scenario in here that for example this first PC is a user PC okay and the next PC is an accounting PC so in the enterprise we don't want the user PC to just reach the accounting PC right now they can't connect to each other and they can communicate with each other because they are connected to the same switch with no configuration but that's not what we want if we are doing a VLAN or a logical Network we want accounting to be a separate V VLAN than the user VLAN in here so for example scenario logically the user uh machine can be on like VLAN 2 we want to put that on VLAN 2 when we are designing our Network and accounting will be in a separate VLAN and we can do a VLAN three for that just to make sure that they are on the separate VLAN or logical Network next is since the switch doesn't have any configuration yet because we just put that in there we can click on it and and as you can see just the same as the PC in here it has different tabs or settings that you can configure so if you click on the switch in here you can see the physical settings for it and also what we want to do is to go on the CLI which means that this is the where we can enter the commands so this is very similar to if your SSH to the switch or if if you're trying to connect to the switch using a terminal so as you can see the switch is online so we can get into it okay so as you can see in here for the switch we are on user exact we would know that you are in user exact mode if there is a creater than sign in here after the switch name so we want to get to the other mode which is the privilege mode so we have to type in enable or n as a shortcut and you're going to be on a different mode usually in the workplace you don't have to type in enable because it's it usually just takes you to the enable mode in here but if it doesn't for our Hands-On lab purposes type in enable first and you can see this pound sign in here which symbolizes privilege mode next we want to go to the configuration mode where we can do our configuration commands and you can type in config T which is short for configure terminal configure terminal or just config T and it'll take you to a different configuration if you see a config and open close parenthesis here after the switch name it means that you are in the configuration mode now okay so we are in configuration mode we can make configurations and settings on our basic switch in here so the first thing that we can do is to create our vlans okay so just to prove that we don't have any vlans configured in this switch yet we can exit this mode so we can do our verification commands like the show commands show commands are commands that we can use to verify if there are any configurations or changes in the network devices so we can do a show VLAN in here or sh VLAN can do shortcut and as you can see only the default VLAN is in here which is VLAN one and all of the interfaces in this switches are automatically assigned to it because it's the default so we don't have any vlen two or three or any other vlans yet so this is also a good test if you are trying to create a new VLAN and you're not sure yet if that VLAN exists cuz you don't want really want to override any configuration so let's go back to our configuration mode we can type in conf t to get back to it okay now we're back we can do our VLAN commands and it's very basic very simple easy to remember just type in VLAN and then the number that you want to use so we are using number two because we want that for our user V and you're going to enter the VLAN mode in here where you can configure the VLAN so we are just going to put a name or a description in here just so we can remember what the VLAN is for so the command is name space and the description in here so this is just user V and if you're naming or putting a description they don't allow spaces for it if there's more than one word so I'm using Dash in here so it'll be easier to read so that is for our user VLAN okay so now we have created VLAN 2 in here what you want to do is to exit out of this conf uh exit out of this mode because we want to create another VLAN okay so that is going to be VLAN 3 so just type in same as the first one VLAN 3 and then you're going to enter the configuration mode to configure vlent tree and same to add a description we can type in name space the name of the VLAN or the description for the VLAN so this is going to be accounting VLAN in here and there we go so if we want to check if our VLAN was created in here we can do the same verification so usually we exit out of the mode and get back into our privilege mode which is just the pound sign in here but we can force it in any modes that we want so Cisco if you want to force it if you want to force a verification mode in any modes just type in a do in the very beginning of the verification command and space the show command which is show Ven and then it will show us all the vlans and the switch so now as you can see there is two additional vlans in here earlier there's only one and that's VLAN one now there's also VLAN 2 with the description at least it's easier to see which VLAN you need to configure for example and now it's active because we just created it and there's no ports assigned to it yet because we haven't configured that yet so that's it very basic if you wanted to create a VLAN for your home lab okay so we are not done with the configuration yet we just have vlans on our switch but we need to assign the machine to the appropriate and respective VLAN so let's click on switch again and it'll take us to the command line again let's exit out of this VLAN configuration because we don't need to configure anything for the VLAN yet so what we want to do is to get to the port because we are going to be configuring the port where we connected each machines so it's just simple we have to get the port number number which is called usually called the interface and networking so if you hover into the light the green light you can see it will show you that it's fast ethernet0 one and for the next machine the accounting machine if you hover it it'll show you fa02 cuz sometimes if you have a lot of PCS or computer just you just want to make sure that it's connected to the respective interface so that's what we want to get so we want need to configure this machine first for VLAN 2 and assign that port in there what we need is the interface number and that is the fa01 so if you click on the switch again and we are in the correct mode configuration mode the command for getting into the correct interface is int short for interface and then the interface number or the port number that varies to sometimes it's a gigabit port or fast Ethernet or ethernet it depends just make sure that you you're getting the correct name for the port so for example in here what we have is f a0 SL1 and that's the first Port we have in here so you can just hover if you're not sure and it'll show you the interface number and then press enter and you're now in the interface configuration and you can now make changes for the interfaces okay so what you want to do first is to configure all of these ports that are connected to the machine as access ports so if you want to learn more about access ports I do have a separate video about what access port is and what the trunk Port is and the difference between them but if we are assigning vlans to one machine like especially if as a user machine we are making the interface or the port access ports so the command for that is switch Port if you press on Tab it will autoc complete for you so it's switch Port mode and then access and press enter that is configuring this port into an access port so I'm going to show you for example cuz in Cisco um OS if you have forgotten the commands because there's a lot of commands you can always use a question mark after the command you're trying to use for example if I press question mark in there it will show me the next command that I can use so I can configure the switch Port into different modes so we have three options here it can be an access dynamic or a trunk so that's how you can also check what commands you can use so now it is configured as an access port next because it's now an access port we can assign it to a VLAN and it's also going to be using the switch Port command and that is switchport access ven the word vlen space Cas and the VLAN number that you want assign it to so in this case we are going to do VLAN to because that's what we want and that's it so you have assigned VLAN 2 to this port as you can see now it is just trying to apply the configuration and will take a few minutes to get it back to green or online also it's very very important to save every configuration that you do even if it's a little configuration or just a few configuration that you do save it every time because you'll never know if the switch will reboot or if you forget about it and the switch reboots then your configuration won't be saved and won't be applied to the switch so this is how certifications or exams want you to save it is to exit out of the different configuration modes until you get to the privilege mode and then and then do this command copy run if you Auto if you press on Tab it will auto complete and it will mean running config so copy Run start so you want to copy the running config to the startup config so this is how certifications and examinations want you to save it so just it's just making sure that you want to save it just press enter in here and if you see this it means that it has saved your configuration so in the real world we are doing something else in here we are doing the old command which is write memory or just write it so that is the same as copy Run start this is also a shortcut cuz you're only typing like two letters in here and it will do the same it will save your configuration also in the real world for example you're in the configuration mode in the interface configuration mode you can do it in any other mode if you force it just like adding a do to your command and it will just save it right there okay so we have configured this first machine into VLAN 2 next is configure this machine into VLAN 3 okay so let get back to the switch and this is uh interface fa2 so let's just hover into it and just make sure so it says f02 so we're going to configure that for VLAN 3 so let's just exit out of this and type in int fa a02 to get to that correct port and what you want to do is to configure this first as an access Port so switch Port mode access enter now it's an access port and we can assign it VLAN 3 by typing in switchboard access space VLAN space three and that's it and of course you want to save it do write okay so now it's online let's get back to the switch and just verify if we have the correct VLAN configuration so so we can see in here we are still in the interface configuration we can do the command do space show VLAN and it'll show us all of the VLAN configuration and you as you can see VLAN 2 and three are in here but now they have the port assigned to them so this is one way to see if your configuration was applied and one need to see also what VLAN the interface is on okay so now we can test if they can communicate to each other because earlier when we have connected it to the switch they can reach each other so let's go to our let's click our PC in here go to desktop and go to command prompt and do the same command ping ping the static IP for this next PC and let's wait and as you can see it's timing out because it's on a different V now even if it's on the same switch so it can't reach this next VM because it's on a separate different network logical Network now which is what we want so that just that's just testing our configuration in here so that's what we want to do for example just to test out that the VLS are working and the same machine on the same VL can communicate to each other you can modify your simple Network by adding another end device in here you can add as many devices as the port can allow for the switches so as you can see if you like click on the switch in here and click on the config tab you can see how many ports you can can connect to the switch how many end devices you can connect okay so let's add another PC and we want this to be another accounting PC and let's connect it with a straight through cable and connect the next Port available for it let's connect it to the ethernet so what we do first is to put a static IP on the PC so click on desktop IP configuration for example just to make it very simple close that you can add notes too so you can remember it's easier for you to test later on do three and add another one like VLAN 3 so adding nodes is really helpful if you're building like more complicated networks and as you go and build more and expand your network it's so much easier if you have everything labeled in here okay so let's go to the switch now and configure this PCS VLAN 3 so since we already have V 2 and three we don't have to create it on this switch so we can skip that configuration what we want is to go into the port for this where the third machine is connected so just hover into this if you forgot what interface it has so it's fa03 in here so that's what we need to configure it for the vlans so just type in ant fa03 and you can get to the configuration mode in here and we want to make it an access port because it wasn't configured yet so the command is switch Port mode access and then switch Port access space VLAN Space 3 because we want it to be in accounting VLAN and just enter and don't forget to save it like do right okay now it's saved now we can also check and verify if it was configured properly so can do a do show VLAN in here okay so now VLAN 3 has two ports assigned to it or configured to it all right so we have two machines under VLAN for accounting and one machine for user VLAN and now when we have this all online we can test now if the VLAN configuration is working by of course paying it making sure that it's communicating and reaching the appropriate machine so let's get started with the user VLAN first so we have one machine in here go to command prompt and if you paying any of the machines in here for example 1.3 it shouldn't reach it because it's on a separate different VLAN okay so it's timing out that's what we expect okay now let's check on the accounting Vin so if you click on this PC let's see if it can connect to the user VLAN first okay so the user VLAN is 1.1 okay if you press enter it should be timing out too it should not be able to reach it because it's on a different fand and now let's see if it can connect to the machine on the same VLAN and that's one do3 let's just change this and if it's pinging and it's showing this it means that it is on the same VLAN it's configured properly because it can talk to each other now okay so I'm going to show you other switch verification commands for VLAN that we can use for our labs and in the workplace so let's get back to our switch in here and or in the privilege mode you can do this if you added do enforce it in any other modes so so we can use the command show interface for example if you are if you want to check for example if you want a detailed information on vlans on a specific interface or port for example you just want to see all of the VLAN information and configuration that was made on this very first interface like very first Port fa a01 so we can use the command show int and then the interface name f a01 for example and then type in switchboard Auto tab auto complete with a tab and enter and you can see in here it has more information about that that switch Port so it will show you if it's enabled or disabled what kind of Port it has configured on if it has access port or TR port and you can see what V number it's on so if you want more information you can use the show and interface number and switch Port okay so here's another verification command and what I've shown you earlier is just for the information on a specific port or interface now if you want more details about a specific VLAN what you can do is to type in show VLAN space ID space and the VLAN number for example you want to check out VLAN 2 in here just type in two and it will show you more information just on VLAN too cuz if you do the show VLAN earlier it will show you every VLAN that was configured in the switch so if you just want a specific VLAN you can use show VLAN ID 2 or three for example and it will show you more specific vlans in here like status of it the ports assigned to it the description of it if you just want to check out one Vin or specific Vin okay so that would be it for this video tutorial so I have shared with you how to create your basic and simple networking home lab from scratch using Packet Tracer as a free network simulation tool and we have focused on creating vlans and assigning it to different ports and just making sure that we have tested it to see if our configuration is correct so I'm going to be making more of this tutorials and you can also check that out I think I'll be doing Port security trunk ports okay so that's it for today's video I hope that you learned something from today's video tutorial and I hope to see you guys in my next videos thank you so much for watching
Channel: East Charmer
Views: 2,688
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Id: Cb41C8PaxNY
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Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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