IT journey (salary, job responsibilities, skills I learned)

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foreign [Music] hello guys welcome back to my channel and for this video I will be talking about my IIT Journey from the first job that I got in it and what I did in that job my job responsibilities how much my salary was and the skills that I learned I would like to share this journey with you so you could also see how jumping from one job to another would get you more experience and make you earn more income so if you're interested please keep on watching and if you're new to my Channel please don't forget to like And subscribe on my channel if you are into it Tech unboxing videos so without further Ado let's get started with this video okay so I wrote down everything that I'm gonna be talking about today because I don't want to miss anything that's really important on what I'm gonna be talking about so let's get started with my first job so the first job that I got when I finished completing my certifications and my studies was was called complex system analyst and I worked for Marriott Hotel so my starting rate was twenty dollars an hour for that and I think that's more than average for an entry level at that time I started around five years ago and I thought I was gonna get less than that but because they had me working at three different hotels they paid me more because I would be transferring from one hotel to another that's why my rate was higher than the average at that time I was really happy because I was only making like 15 dollars an hour and that's a huge bump to my salary and also a plus that I will be working my first IIT job so I took job right away to gain more experience because I didn't have any work experience related to it at that time so my job responsibly we're very entry-level and I was an assistant to the IIT manager so in every Hotel there's an ID manager and they also have like an assistant that's called an analyst and the analyst does the dirty work for them meaning the manager would do all the management configuration and admin and we are doing the deployment and implementation of their plans so the job was kind of easy because it's entry level and we are only assisting and that includes installing software password resets for users and we did a lot of PC Imaging and deploying and that's how I learned how to image a PC using a network boot so when I started there I it was in the middle of merger between Starwood and Marriott Hotels if you are familiar so that time Marriott wanted to upgrade all the equipment into their standards and also the images so we have to do all of the PCS and the hotels we have to re-image them so that's hundreds hundreds of PC so that's all I did during my I stay there and also we did printer replacement they really wanted to operate all of the equipment so we upgraded like more than 50 printers in the building as well and I learned how to set up a printers and print servers during that time also since I was an assistant I was tier one of user support so that means I'm the first responder and people would come to me when they have issues so I've dealt with a lot of user issues too and because of the merger we also have to transfer the old Starwood domain Network domain to the numeric I mean so we did also a lot of network configuration and switch configuration which I was really happy to do because I completed CCNA training and I get to apply my Knowledge and Skills with CCNA okay so basically that was most of what my job responsibilities entail and now I'm going to talk about the skills that I learned so for my first it job I learned a lot and the first year that I worked there so I learned how to image PCS through a pixie boot Network boot I didn't know how to do that before and I learned almost all of the windows Administration and that job I also learned active directory which is a very useful skill to have because almost all IT jobs now require access for academic Knowledge and Skills so that's how I learned how to like Miss a password and move different accounts to different OU or folders or groups add membership and a lot of stuff also aside from the technical skills that I learned there I also learned one important skill and that's customer service skill so because I.T tier one has to deal with a lot of user issues that's how I learned how to talk to people how to develop increase Under Pressure because you know people would be so frustrated with their issues because it's stopping them from their from doing their job so that's when you come in and help them with the issue so I really learned how to be more patient with people especially the non-technical people and how to like explain uh things and simplify things for them because not everyone understands the terminologies and not everyone understands how the computer works so you really have to learn how to talk to people because that's also part of huge part of the job another thing that I learned which is also very important is I learned how to call customer support and vendors because there's a lot of you know when you're in it there's a lot of issues that are related to third-party software that you don't directly manage so you have to call for the vendor and customer support to help you resolve the issue and that's where I learned how to communicate through phone calls it's also a different skill and a very important skill to have because you will be also doing that a lot when you are in the tech industry and I.T as well and I learned what to say what to ask and uh the very important thing that you have to take note when you're talking to vendors is always ask for the incident number or ticket number for a future reference because you might needing to be call them later on and at least you're have something to reference to make everything easier for them to just be able to help you quicker and also don't forget to ask for the ETA because you have to communicate to the users as well that if there's an issue you already contacted customer support and giving them an ETA will provide Assurance for them and they will be less frustrated because at least they know and see that they're you're working on the issue thank you okay now so let's move on to my second job in it and after my marriage job I found a job in financial Tech which I was so grateful for because I also learned a lot and the financial tech company made software for Traders Brokers and you know Financial people so my role was called I.T support specialist and there I was making 25 an hour which was more than what I was getting paid in my first job so I was happy about that and my job responsibilities are quite similar to my first job but I was doing more technical stuff in this job so part of it is help desk of course resolving user issues and also setting up equipment like Imaging also and asset management putting equipment into the system also active directory Administration and also in my second job we were basically admin to everything we were the main admins and we were also admins to every system that the company has so we also Grant requests access requests to the users if they request for it we also have to document new processes and troubleshooting I did a lot of this too because we are constantly doing projects and implementing new technology so after the implementation you have to document everything how stuff works and if something breaks this is how you fix them so we did a lot of that and we used Confluence to write our documents there's just additional responsibilities that I had on my second job that I didn't do in my first job and one of them is managing virtual machines so I learned how to deploy servers manage servers in here and also different VMS and also we did a lot of networking as well we did switchboard configuration like vlans and all of that networking stuff and we also did Wireless EP management and we also did a lot of projects here more than what I did in my previous job okay so let's talk about the skills that I learned and there's so so much technical skills that I learned in here so on my second job I learned ticketing system we used servicenow in jira really didn't have it in my first job so that was my first experience with working with tickets and we used VMware and nutanix for our virtual machines we do a lot in VMware and nutanix we deploy virtual machines we deploy two kinds of machines there sand OS which is a Linux distribution and a Windows machine so our users have the freedom to use what environment they want and that's what we deploy for them next I learned firewall so we use Palo Alto for this and it doesn't really a lot of like access list because that's a network Engineers job but within pan OS upgrades and VPN client upgrades we use Global protect for our vpns so I learned some basic firewall stuff in there too also I learned about Linux commands because we manage Santos machines those are Linux machines and I learned a lot of different commands on how to deploy uh virtual machines and one command that is my favorite is last log command and that just basically shows you who log in last to the machine and it's very useful for it admin because you would know who broke the machine if it is broken so yeah that's one of my favorite Linux commands also another skill that I learned is data center work so I also help racking different networking equipment from switches routers and servers and I also get to learn how to replace bad drives because we use net app for our backup and I also learned not app commands so we did uh some data center work there too so in a span of three years I learned so so much of the technical skills that I needed to learn and more so my current job now is with Disney and my role is called broadcast I.T associate and I'm working for one of their broadcast media stations and I get paid more than 40 dollars an hour but I'm getting paid more here and I have more benefits and perks and I'm happier here because so far for the past few eight months that I've been working here there is no weekend work there is no on-call where we get phone calls even though if we get off from work so I'm really happy with my work right now and the job responsibilities is very much the same from my previous job from the financial tech company it's just we're dealing with more projects now than user support so I would say uh we're working on 70 percent projects more projects and 30 percent uh user support so I think the only difference is that because I work in a broadcast environment we have systems that is very Niche to broadcast that I didn't get to do in my first two jobs so that's just the additional job responsibility that I have but we really don't do anything it doesn't really do anything directly with broadcast we just manage the equipment and the systems that the broadcast team needs so as far as the skills that I am learning here uh I'm learning more about infrastructure systems infrastructure like implementing projects planning on how to do projects and planning on how to improve our current processes here so that is my I.T journey I only had three I.T jobs so far in my I.T career and I also like to share with you that in the tech world you will be making more money if you hop into one company to another than getting promoted internally that's what most of the people are doing and I think it's okay and also if you have started your very first job in IIT try to really learn as much as you can and if you see that there's no growth in that company just try to move on to something else if you've learned enough because in it or in the tech industry you have to constantly improve and constantly evolve and constantly learn stuff because Technologies keeps on evolving so that's about it if you have any questions in my previous jobs what about my responsibilities but that's that I learned please feel free to commenting down below I hope you enjoyed watching this video and I hope to see you guys in my next video thank you so much for watching
Channel: East Charmer
Views: 9,378
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Id: v_fzqG6dPko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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