Installing Edge Transport Server Role In Exchange 2016

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hello friends and welcome to take a check in this video we are going to deploy our edge transport server role for our Exchange Server 2016 so before moving ahead and installing this edge transport server role there are a few requirements for each transport server role so let's see what those requirements are those requirements are like ad LDS feature because anyhow our edge transport server role has to communicate with the Active Directory system so we have to make a DNS entry as well and we have to make DNS suffix on our edge transport server and after that we have to install dotnet framework which will c++ redistributable package and once all these are on place after that we can install our edge transport server role so let's move on to our server and try to install these feature so right now we are on a server and let's open the hyper-v manager and here you can see the exchange server has an IP of 192 168 or 2.12 and this is my another hyper-v server where I have a client 2 and H server so the IP address of the server is 192 168 2.16 let me quickly connect this and you can see the IP is 16 and the DNS server has an IP of 192 dot 168 or 2.4 we have to point its dns to our Active Directory DNS so the IP configuration I hope you got the IP configuration settings and let me close this and let's see the properties of computer the computer name is edge and it's in a workgroup so basically if you see the change setting here you usually change the computer name and here you join the domain but in the edge server we don't want to join it as a domain it should be in a workgroup here you can see the more setting we have to click on more and here we have to give the DNS suffix like the DNS suffix will be take a check dot-com and click on OK ok clothes restart now now the computer is going to restart and by the way when it's getting restarted let's go and see the our server DNS setting and we'll create a new host a record for our H server so let me go to the DNS here we can see like we don't have any hosts a record for our head server so what we will do here we will create a new host a record and IP will be its EDG edge and the IP is 192 dot 168 not 2.16 and AD host a record click on OK and done the DNS entry has been done so let's quickly close it and let me see if it has restarted or not ok it is let me login to this one now we can see our computer properties though it's not joined to our active directory but you can see the name the computer name is like full name is H dot techie Jake calm and if you see here the change settings domain name here it's not joined as a domain so now we have to install Active Directory ad LDS so there are two way like either you can just click on add rule and feature click on next click on next check the name of your edge server and the IP address and click on next and you have to select the Active Directory lightweight directory service but I'm not going to do it this way I will just go and go with the PowerShell so let's open the PowerShell okay here it is windows powershell this type here install windows feature ad TS and hit enter now it's collecting the data and it will install the ad alias on our system and I hope it will get restarted starting the installation and installation is completed now so let me restart it once again and let's see if it is installed or not I will just restart this once we are back to the server and let's see if we have it installed or not right now you can see here like Active Directory lightweight directory service has been installed so let's cancel this and let me go to the browser here I have like exchange 2016 predicates for active directory and if you move down here you can google this for like pre Lucas for Exchange Server 2016 and you will get this page and here you can see the exchange 2016 edge transport server on Windows Server 2016 we are using Windows Server 2016 and we are installing edge transports so like this one we have already done and we have to do this one and this is step so I have opened this page and for dotnet framework seven point four point seven point one let me download this and this will be downloaded and I will also download the c++ redistributable for visual studio I will also download this and this is a 64 bit next click on save so let's see if it is downloaded or not okay so first of all I will run this setup it will take some time I will pause the video while it's getting extracted and installed and I'll resume later on I got this error like it says dotnet frameworks for point 7.1 or later of Brady's already installed in this computer so I will close this because it is already installed and let's move to the another one that is a c++ redistributable package let me minimize this say I agree and install now it is also installed the setup has been successfully installed so we're all the pre request for edge transport server is done like we have created the DNS entry for our H transport server we have created our DNS suffix we have installed that dotnet framework is already installed we have installed a DND s and re and c++ redistributable package is also installed so let's try to ping our server from here like paying 192 that is a ver active directory server 168 or - sorry 2.4 ok we are getting reply now we are on a active directory server and let's see if we are able to ping hats dot techie jack okay we are not able to ping this one because we have to check the firewall for this in order to check the firewall I would suggest you to go with like firewall dot Cpl and do not just turn off your firewall because I just don't want you to turn off the firewall because right now we are work dealing with edge server so you can go to that one settings and just for the inbound rule look for the ICMP okay the ICMP just enable this rule and I hope now we will be able to ping yeah the 16 is a variety that means our Active Directory computer is able to ping our edge server now so the communication is fine and from our edge server we we are able to ping our server like if we see here we are able to ping one ninety two dot one sixty I want to make you sure because without this you might face a problem later on this thing should be in a place like we are able to communicate with both end with IP version 4 though it's also by the name if we look for the DNS name for the H dot techie Jake calm it's just going with for the IP version 6 still pinging H dot techie Jake calm ping that's dot that means that is fine so make sure you all these settings are done so now let's go to the edge server and start our installation and let's see if we get any errors or not so here I have exchange setup and I'll just do a mount and you can go for setup like you have to find the setup file and just double click on this setup file and our installation will begin in a moment let me minimize this and also minimize the firewall settings right now I'm not going to check the update because the purpose is just to install the edge server and scoping the file though it's takes some time but it will not take that much of time like the mailbox server because in the there we have a fourteen or fifteen steps but now here we have less step than the mailbox server so the files are copying and once the files are copied it will start the installation I want to make the video short but the thing is that if you have if you don't have a DNS part correctly configured that means you will face a problem with your ex server so DNA smart should be there in the proper way and all the pre requests are in a proper way before initiating the installation of your s server because if you do it like in a way we are doing here at the time you will not get any error or any problem while installing your edge transport server role so let me pause the video for a while it's copying the file file is copied and now it's initializing the step for further like it's setup is preparing the necessary resources before it can continue to the next step so now it's asking us to proceed with the next step it's an introduction page let me click on next and here we have to accept the license agreement click on next I'll go with the recommended settings and here we don't want to install the mailbox at all we have already installed it so here we are concerned about the edge transport role so I will just click on edge and we'll also click on that automatically install windows role and feature that are required so click on next and finally the default location is program file Microsoft Exchange Server v15 for Eckstein 2016 so click on next by selecting the default location and now it's configuring the pre request like all the pre request will be fine then it will go and proceed further if there is any requirement like any pretty request has been a pending that means we have to follow that pre request first and after that we can install it I hope we have already installed the pre request so the installation should go through and I'll pause the video for a while now the pre request analysis has been done like almost complete hundred percent and let me click on install and here we have a nine steps like copying exchange files the step two is copying the exchange file and it will take big time I will keep bouncing the video and assuming it for step by step now the third step is for the language file it just copying the language files now fourth step has been quickly moved on and the fifth step is also for the language now it's installing the edge transport role on the step seven and I'm trying to keep the video short that's why I'm just keeping like pausing and resuming the video now in the eighth step it is finalizing the setup and the ninth step will be like the setup has been completed so let's wait for the step as well you can see the setup has been completed without any errors so if you want to install edge transport server role without any error I can assure you if you go with these steps you will not get any error so now the installation has been done and it sing like congratulations setup has been finished successfully so let me click on finish so now our edge transport server role has been installed and what's the next step the next step in our next video we will be creating our edge subscription and edge sink so let's meet in the next video
Channel: Techi Jack
Views: 6,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Techi Jack, Exchange Server 2016, Microsoft certified trainer, exchange server 2016 taining, Installing Edge Transport Server Role, How to install edge transport server role exchange 2016, edge transport server, how to install edge server 2016.install edge server 2016 on windows server 2016, edge server 2016, Deploying an exchange 2016 edge transport server, edge server, edge server 2016 installation, exchange 2016, edge transport, microsoft exchange 2016, windows server 2016
Id: uVpaASJVrng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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