How To Create Edge Subscription | Exchange 2016

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hello friends and welcome to techie Jack so continuing our previous video in this video we are going to create our edge subscription and we start the edge sync so in our previous video we have installed our server so let's see what are the steps we have to perform in order to create our edge subscription so first of all what we will do we will create a new as subscription file on our edge server by the name of h1 dot XML and then we will copy that h1 dot XML file to our mailbox server and the name of our mailbox server is exchange and I'll put that into a inside the C Drive and after that we will create a new edge subscription file by running this command so let's go to the word server and see how we can perform this so right now I am on a exchange server and let's see if we can ping our ad server or not so the IP address of our server is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 2.16 so let's see if I am able to ping that or not yes we are and let me try to ping it with the name the name of our ad server is edge so we are able to ping it so now let's go to the exchange Management Shell and let's see if ever exchange server how many change server are listed here and I want to run this command like get exchange server and you can see that the name of my exchange server is exchange that is a computer name and we only have a one exchange server here like one mailbox server in the server role is mailbox and here we do not have a edge server because it is isolated from our Active Directory environment so let's now go to our ad server and create a subscription file on our s server let me maximize it close this so now we are on overhead server at the top you can see the ad server 192 168 2.16 now here we create a add subscription file so let's see open our Exchange Management Shell and we will try to create a subscription file that is the edge subscription file ok now it is there so we can just type like new edge subscription - file name C colon backslash h1 dot XML and hit enter see now it's giving me a warning like confirmation warning that you want to create this file or not the earlier the command was incomplete because I didn't put this mark here so now it is there and it's asking to confirm like if you create an ad subscription this S transport will be managed by our Xing so I just want to type here yes and hit enter now the file has been created let's see in our C Drive you can see here the file h1 is created and if we open it with notepad you can see how it looks like this is a subscription file this is how it looks like so let me close this and now we have to move this file to our mailbox server that means you not you do not have to copy and paste it you have to move this because this is an edge subscription file and miss handling this file can cause a damage to your exchange server so what you can do you can just remove it from here and you can just paste it on a mailbox server so I'll pause the video while I'm doing this now you can see here I am on a exchange server and I have this edge subscription file here I just moved it from there and I will just cut it from here and I'll paste it inside my C Drive okay now my file is in C Drive and now we have to do some few more commands let's see what are those so now our two steps has been done like we have created the newest subscription file named by the h1 dot XML and we have copied that h1 dot XML file to our exchange server C Drive so now we have to run this command like new as subscription file later all this like up to the site name and you can see what is the site name like default site name we have to find it by the get Ad site commands we have to perform this step on our mailbox server so let's go to the mailbox server so now we are on our exchange server that is our mailbox server and the first task is to find our default first site like how we can find that so we will go to the exchange management shell and here we can just type the command like get any sides so it's not site it's get ad site and the name of our ad site is default first site name if you have changed it and you have to your default first site has been changed to any other name you have to follow that name so in my case here I haven't changed the name and it's a default first site name so we will use it this one in our case it's better to type the command in a notepad so without making a mistake this is a command like new edge subscription space - file data bracket bytes get content path and this is a word path like C C Drive backslash edge 1 dot xml encoding bitrate count 0 site is default first site name this is the default first site name if you have any other you can just type it here your name so we are good with this and let me copy this and just let me copy this one I will do it with the keyboard and it will just paste this command to our mailbox server and I hope the subscription will be created and let's hit enter and you see the warning message like edge requires that the mailbox server in Active Directory site default for site name be able to resolve the IP address for edge dot techie Jack calm and be able to connect to the host on a port five zero six three six so we are now good and our subscription has been created if you are taking a certification exam for Microsoft Exchange server this command is very necessary and this can be asked so it is it's a one long command but it's good to memorize it so now this is done and let's see if our Active Directory can't find out our EDD server or not so let me go and clear the screen and we are on our mailbox server that is our exchange and let's see get exchange server now you can see we have an edge here earlier when we ran this command like get exchange server we were getting the result for only one exchange server like that is an exchange but now we have a edge also there that means our Active Directory can find our edge server it doesn't mean like it will communicate but it's just to confirm that our Active Directory knows that where is our edge server is so the next thing is like we have to start the edge synchronization so what we can do is you can just type this command like start edge synchronization and hit enter it depends like it will start the synchronization manually and it depends on the size of your exchange server it can take some time to synchronize so now our ad server is synchronized and in order to test our synchronization what we can do is we can type the command like we can test it like test edge synchronization full compare mode and it says like in progress like credential record number of presidential records 3 number of cookies 2 and transport server status in progress transport config status in progress remote domain status is in progress send connector status in progress so now it's progressing like it's synchronizing with our mailbox server so in this way you can just configure your edge subscription and start the ad synchronization if you have any doubt or any problem while doing this you can just get in touch with me by via email or you can comment me on the video I am running the command once again like to test the synchronization earlier it was in progress and let me check ok now you can see the transport server a synchronized transport configuration synchronized remote domain now you can see all the things that have been synchronized so now if our s server has been synchronized with our mailbox server so there are a few other commands to test it out like everything is working fine or not in order to check the receive connector you can see the get receive connector receive connector let's see what it should there should be a no new receive connector created like if you see their other all the default connector are there that is fine and in order to check our send connector there should be a one new edge connector created for the default first site like send connector let me check see you and any city or send connector now you can see here like our new send connector is set to like edge sync default first side which we have created that is fine like default versus default first sight and the etching inbound to default beside that measure both receive connector and send connector is working fine and if you want to check like get accepted domain which authoritative for your domain like if I see the get accepted domain like my techie check comm is my internal URL domain that is authoritative and the main the and the main domain like techie check not in is my external domain that is also authoritative so everything is good and even you can check it with the exchange admin Center if I go to the exchange admin Center and you go to the mail flow and see the send connector you can see the edging default for site name and inbound like our inbound and outbound connection will be go through the edge thing so now our edge subscription is created and our sync is also working fine so finally we can just check with the email like if we are receiving an email or not so I'm trying to send an email to myself like the same account like techie dot check at techie check dot in and I'll send I'll tester self-test mail and you can see I'm receiving an email and I got one email from Gmail Here I am receiving an email if I go and reply this email click on sand ok this has been sent so my emails are working fine now so guys I hope you found the video informative and you can just subscribe the channel for more upcoming videos and if in case you face any problem you can contact me by email for support and help thank you
Channel: Techi Jack
Views: 4,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Techi Jack, microsoft trainer, exchange server 2016 taining, Edge server, edge subscription, edge sync, How To Create Edge Subscription, how o configure edge subscription, edge transport server, eschange 2016, microsoft certified trainer, exchange 2016, edge transport, exchange server 2016, configure edge subscription, create an edge subscription file, start edge synchronization, tutorial of edge subscription, edge subscription command, mx record, microsoft exchange 2016
Id: WyBXwMsGqZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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