Installing Composite Decking With Hidden Fasteners - Quickest Installation

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what's going on everybody welcome back to the vlog I hope you enjoyed that last video prepping for this hot tub we got some of the other details worked out here we have some trim on but in this video I'm going to show you how to install our decorators composite decking in the quickest and easiest way possible so stay tuned I'm gonna give you some nice tricks and please please leave these leaves don't forget to be kind to others and also hit subscribe whoa backlog a Mac deck boards we're up against the kitchen island here so josh is gonna pre-cut those so they go in and yeah coming along nicely here [Music] you can see from that time-lapse footage how quickly this goes in we've got almost all the field boards down and this only took a couple of hours so we're down to our last couple boards here and I'm gonna show you exactly how these go in to make it so fast I'm gonna Pat good you can see we have a lot of these installed but they're not screwed down yet so we have the clip in here and the screw just sticks up just like that Pat's doing a fine job installing these you see how easy and fast it is they clip right on the edge of the joist now we have them all on there just take your next board show them the groove on that that's a groovy board this is the decorators Costa and the thing I really like about this is this really thin slot for it so it's not a really big open groove and it fits into these clips really nice and snug and boom just like that we've got another one installed and we're just gonna repeat that process throw some more of the clips on and then slide your next board on how was that double thumbs up now that we have a good group of these installed you can see Pat because he's strong big boy who's my strong big boy I am now that we have all these installed all you want to do is put some pressure on here you can use a clamp or you can use a human clamp like Pat and we have this drill extension driver boom just like that [Music] just go along your furthest board make sure that you keep that consistent pressure on it and all your gapping is going to be nice and consistent [Music] now those boards are locked in for justice and all we need to do is go back and screw the rest of them in and we can continue only took about two minutes and we have locked like seven or eight boards into place and now we can continue finish up next to the house and that's it in other news it's officially summer bucket add season bucket hat time oh we got going on we are putting our perimeter around this hot tub bench and its new nickname is gonna be the miter master look at that I don't know they made a board that wrapped around a corner like that without any seams look at that that's what I'm talking about so we're gonna finish up this bench and this is gonna be probably my favorite feature so let me show you how it's gonna wrap around the hot tub cuz that was the biggest thing and that was her main goal make that look like it was built in you can see the corner this hot tub right here what we wanted to do was get this ledge as close to flush as possible and also it's got a really weird kind of curve all over it so we had it picked kind of a spot on here and have a straight line going across so that'll be tight enough where things can't fall through well have another board going here the only issue is gonna be right in here so we're gonna have to come up with a custom piece for that Nance doing a gosh-dang beautiful job on these miters here see we got this side going on wraps nicely right around this post we decided to do miters on the outside there but we're gonna do a butt seam here I like inside corners to do but seams because you can't get a screw in the outside of that miter and I think it just looks better over time so see last thing we do after we have all the clips in we fastened down our ends and this is where our picture frame border is gonna go it's actually a breaker board because it's right in the middle of our deck so we snap a line where the screw placement should be put some screws in there and see we already have them here and they're already plugged can barely see them so we're gonna get screws all in here adjust our spacing to make sure that we're all good and then we can run that track saw pop our breaker board in and we can see how nice this tracks all is it gets the cut perfect so our board just pops right in there what do you think that what make sure you pre-drill all of your screws why so it goes in better that seems right with any composite you want to pre-drill it and it's just gonna make sure that the screw goes in nice and easy and our plugs are gonna fit a lot better what's that show bay we got 3/16 and when the head of the screw decides to break through the tech board it tends to leave a white ring around it I pre drilling 3/16 it eliminates that way free whoo lock it in for justice it's important not to get confused this is our line for our screws it's kind of faded there this is our new line for our cut so cut it out it's gonna show you how to use this track saw probably one of my favorite tools now I don't have to use it that much ain't uses it a lot is it your favorite tool that's pretty freakin awesome I resisted buying one for quite a while for some stupid reason I don't really know why but this also has a great depth setting on it so we can cut this and we won't cut through our flashing tape which is really awesome and we can leave it on that setting and just go with it check it every once in a while but it's usually pretty good so show me ah it goes there you go okay it's gonna explain this here once you get your line the Trachsel comes with a rubber splinter guard that usually your first cut cuts the splitter guard out so then it gives you a true cut mark so what I like to do is I like to just expose my chart line right to that splinter guard just since and just expose your charcoal on a chalk line then once you get it set pretty good the good thing is this cut is is important but it's not important as the next cut this is going to give me my line and then I measure off of that line my five and a half inches and then cut so this is my starting dedicated [Music] please super-easy I get a lot of questions about how does that thing stay in place with no like clamps or screws or anything and I'm not totally sure it's got like a rubber gasket on the bottom but it really doesn't move it'll stay in place and you can just run that cut and it's not gonna get messed up ain't that right keep your work area nice and clean now you can really see that plunge action going on film that plunge action whoo just kiss [Music] [Music] awesome and look not cutting through the flashing teeth that's like a perfect perfect cut so I like to do a six teeth to my plate so 5 + 9 16 isn't gonna be bad to have that so tight with no gap don't these materials expand and contract a lot composites science science is right these are decorators a ovations boards lowest amount of thermal expansion and contraction on the market so that's why we cut these things pretty tight it's been sitting in the Sun so it's probably fully expanded right now we can cut this in pretty dang tight and it's not going to have a lot of thermal expansion and contraction so it looks a lot nicer when it sits in there really nice insight we'll show you in a minute how nice and tight that will fit in there [Music] [Music] moment of truth pick this up Oh would you look at that oh I love it I love it I love it we'll get the rest of this cut and then we'll throw a bigger board in there and we'll show you how nice this just line up your saw blade with the cut that was already started he's got that other end [Music] bing-bang-boom bag we're good to go look at that I'm true carpenter don't try that unless you have a stiletto hammer cuz they're awesome and expensive which means they're awesome aren't it let's pop this in moment of truth we want this nice and tight oh my god oh my God look at that you can't do that by hand I just think I could but you can't get it that tight you cannot get it that perfect most important you can't get to that perfect every single time which is most important look at that one more time oh my god so we're actually gonna put a darker board in here but somebody didn't order enough of those boards so that'll be coming soon but we get these cut out and then when the boards do come we can just pop them right in there take two seconds hard work is now done well that's it for this vlog now you know how to install composite the decking super quick and easy and precise next vlog we're gonna have some really really cool details give you a little sample right there you can see some of that outdoor kitchen we'll go over that in the next vlog we also have privacy wall going up we also a privacy wall going up and custom misting system going in these overhead beams you're gonna be able to turn on a spicket mist it's gonna come out of them to keep you cool it's gonna be freaking bananas so stay tuned for the next one but until next time this is premier outdoor living [Music]
Channel: Premier Outdoor Living
Views: 147,484
Rating: 4.7522125 out of 5
Keywords: composite decking, hidden deck fasteners, how to, deck installation, composite decking installation, composite decking edge finishing, composite decking picture frame, deck installation diy, composite decking screws, deck installation guide, deck installation tips, hidden deck fasteners camo, hidden deck fasteners trex, hidden deck fasteners vs screws, deck installation system, deck installation video, deck installation lowes, deck installation instructions
Id: Pl_kSrDCVlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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