Installing Composite Decking With a Cool Pattern

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what's going on everybody welcome back to the vlog hope you enjoyed that last episode with the patio I know it was pretty sweet it was one of my favorites do you haven't already it's kind of a muddy day here rained all weekend so we are coping with that at the moment but now time to move on to the decking decided to change up the plan a little bit and do a herringbone pattern on both of these decks because I got the idea for it I just thought would be really sweet it would pick up the diagonal lines of the patio so we're gonna have to add in some more blocking here but I think it's gonna be worth it because it's just gonna be a really unique detail that we haven't done before so I'm really looking forward to it stay tuned we also got a new team member here today wave it josh is showing ropes and we're getting some of this trim installed so you can see we're using the three and a half inch decorators Sierra boards on the perimeter which looks really sweet I think it gives it a little bit of a modern touch with that thinner board so it's looking really cool and what we can do now is really function with two teams of two with me kind of jumping in wherever I'm needed and things are gonna be moving a lot faster if we can really do two things simultaneously I'm expecting to get a lot done here essentially what we're gonna be doing is having a herringbone pattern meet in the middle of both of these decks it's gonna look really cool so all we need to do is have flat blocking right in the middle where those boards meet we're also gonna have to have blocking around the perimeter where those boards will be on a 45 and it meets our border [Music] you see reason these three-and-a-half-inch decorators very plank boards for our facial detail and the thing I really like about it is the three and a half inches so we have our risers at seven and a half so we have three and a half quarter inch gap three and a half quarter inch gap and then a next piece which is here is gonna line up right with our next riser so you can see here it's a nice clean look with all lines up like that we now have our first piece of this herringbone pattern installed basically what we did was use this big collapsible square set it up on the corner and now we have a nice forty-five off of our edge we've also marked the center line basically the middle of this board this point right here when you have it on 45 that's what we want to line up with the chalk line there then we're gonna have a nice straight even pattern going all the way back so now we're ready to put our next piece in after we get these two we can just work off of this so this is a kind of the most important part here so we're gonna maintain a gap with a speed square so I am tight up against that this is our board that we already installed and we know is in the right spot so I have our collapsible square against there okay I'm lined up pretty good here and this looks money so now I'm just gonna put some screws in this we're gonna get this one set and then we can use our regular fasteners and start installing all the field here [Applause] [Music] do you think that [Music] so as we're rolling on all the field boards here in the herringbone pattern we're also installing all of our treads I got that corner detail we're gonna get this installed we want to finish this deck completely because the homeowner does have dogs and it's a huge pain they've been without that back door for a while so we want to make sure that tonight they can just open that door and let the dogs out we're back here for day two of decking and we are moving along really beautifully we have all the field boards installed here and it is gonna start cutting that with the track salt install our borders and we really have two teams going here so we have this deck going in as well so we're getting all these filled boards in while we're doing the border over there hopefully we can finish this up get everything tied up on this today as well and keep it moving so when we're setting this up to start our herringbone pattern we have this big collapsible square on the edge of our deck to make sure that we're going on a 45 and then the next thing that you want to do is make sure that your middle is lined up with where you want the middle of this to be so we have it marked out here 86 inches from this side and then you're gonna mark halfway between this board so we have it marked at two and three-quarter and then once we got this square against the collapsible square we pull from there make sure that this point is right at eighty six inches and we know that we're at a forty-five so we get this one set then we can flip the square over and for our starter piece on this side we make sure that this is perfectly ninety degrees from this board but you think that we're getting the center set and then we have two people working on this one person on that way one person on that way and we should have these installed pretty quickly also we need to cut these down because they're running into the house and as this goes back all the cuts are the same length so we're at 115 here so we can pre-cut all these in both directions and everything is good to go so the measurement doesn't change until it runs into the house over there so this part should go pretty quickly we got the tracks all set up here ill Makita so our longer track hasn't come in so we're gonna have to move this a couple times but we have our line snaps you can see we've got a nice amount of distance between the last row and this cut and this is gonna be a flush cut right on the edge of this track so it's really easy to line up and give us a beautiful straight cut [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're gonna get all of these cut get the borders installed while this is going on so this one's gonna be pretty much wrapped up in a couple minutes and then we can start installing our railing posts and getting those decorators aluminum railings going we now have this that pretty much finished up where you can see we have this border in here and what we did was a double border we have this thinner three and a half inch plank and then a five and a half inch plank and it really looks super cool with this herringbone detail and the beautiful thing about the efficiency we got going on is while that was getting done we got almost all of our filled boards in here so we're cutting in the border we have a few more to finish up back there but we want to be able to work on this border then we can finish installing those boards and we start on the railing so things moving very fast and pretty psyched about it [Music] last step here is uh installing a railing here and please excuse this guy must be important anyway so what we got going on is the decorators welded rail and Pat what do you think about it this is the decorators welded aluminum railing so you can see the sections are all preassembled which makes it super easy so all we have to do is we have the posts here and those just get lagged down into solid blocking underneath we can just cut these sections right the length see if we can show you the hardware just attaches right to the end of the section after you cut it and then all stays together put a couple screws in it and that's it super easy especially now that it's welded it makes the whole process super smooth and it's also really strong it's a lot more rigid than the ones that you assemble on site so I'm super happy with these they also have a new powder coating this year which I like a little bit better but yeah it's the last step we'll also put a cocktail rail on here it's looking pretty good [Music] that's a wrap for the day once again I'm just I'll let the drone pictures do the talking on this one so until next time this is premier outdoor living [Music]
Channel: Premier Outdoor Living
Views: 26,848
Rating: 4.9335179 out of 5
Keywords: installing decking, composite, composite decking, composite decking installation, deck boards install, deck boards, deck board patterns, deck board replacement, deck board setup, deck board layout, deck board pro
Id: hKdAuzMvOBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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