Installing Android Studio For Unreal Engine 5.1 - Java Fix - Quest 2, Pro, 3 - Vive Focus 3, Pico

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hey everyone welcome back to another video so this one is going to be focused on setting up Android Studio there's been a lot of people in Discord lately who are having an issue setting this up with 5.3 um I will switch over to just voice over in a minute because the way I had to record all the videos on a different machine but what I want to say is there is some Java issues that can arise and I do show how to fix that at the end what I'll do is I'll also come back at the end of it and I'll show you how to change between five 5.2 and 5.3 so if you're working between different versions of unreal uh like I do for work I go from 5.2 to 5.3 then I can show you how to switch those so you can build on either version alth you will have to do it for each project essentially uh it can be quite annoying but I'll show you how to do that and set that all up the aim of this video specifically is to be able to build your project to the quest 3 all of you're doing any kind of Android stuff it will work the same way all you need to do is change your Android ndk version to match the hardware that you're going for um so just keep that in mind and with that said we'll jump right in and I'll kind of walk you through how to set it up so the first thing we're going to do is open up Chrome or whatever web browser you're using and search for Android Studio 4.0 you'll then want to open Android Studio download archives and then in here you can scroll down and then accept the agreed terms and in here it'll list all the Android Studio versions that are available to us we want to scroll down to find Android Studio 4.0 once we find Studio 4.0 so I do crlf just so I can find it a little bit easier we want to download the EXC file from with inside of that so you can see here I keep going till it's literally just 4.0 no other version so Android Studio 4.0 from May uh May 28th 2020 and then we want to find the Windows Android Studio IDE for Windows zip so save that and then download it and then it'll take a minute to download it's a bit Hefty so once that's done we'll be able to come back and then open that up so now in downloads I'm just waiting for it to finish once it's done we'll see a little Android icon next to the application name so we can just double click that and that'll boot up Android so we just want to wait for this to sort itself out out and then once it's done it'll boot up and you can see in the bottom right we're also getting a Windows Defender to action that I think I forget about this at this point so just hit next and then install this through to the default location it'll be absolutely fine so once that's done we'll come back so with that finished we can do next and then finish and then we just want to wait for Android Studio to boot up once that's done it ask us or it'll say no Android SDK found we just want to hit next cuz we're going to install one and then once we've done next we can leave it as it is I typically leave this as default and then just make sure that we remember the local Android SDK if we need it for where it is um so there you see next it's just going to install the SDK and the jdk locations just go next through that as well this might take a minute so just leave it for a second and then come back once it's done so now it's finished we can hit finish and then we can go to configure SDK manager and then we want to go to SDK tools and in here we're going to go to show package details and we going to leave everything we just want to scroll down till we find Android SDK command line tools and we want to tick the one with the version eight so command line tools8 and then just hit okay and we're just going to do this because unreal actually has a file uh a dotb file which will install everything for us using this command line if it doesn't work I'll show you how you can go through and change that um we will have to modify that file anyway so once that's finished we can just hit finish and you can see now that I actually remember to hit the Windows Defender so with that done you want to go to your C drive program files epic games UI 5.3 engine extras Android folder I'm using source for this version because that was the only one that had installed on that machine so I do the same thing but with that version so I go to engine extras and then in here we want to find the setup Android dobat and we actually want to edit it once the folder is open you want to scroll down I believe it's pretty much at the bottom at this point and you want to look for the line that says SDK manager Studio SDK P CMD line tools latest and you want to change that latest to match the command line tools that we've just installed with Android so 8.0 and then just do file and then save all so file save and then we can close that down and we can double click it to run so while that's running it should be pretty quick shouldn't take too long but it will download some stuff while it's doing its thing what you can do is you can go ahead and open up games launcher and start a version of unreal so we just want a blank project because I'm using Source I'm just going to open it up from the shortcut of the application directly in the folder but we just want to set up a default VR template so we can use that for testing the APK and to make sure that it builds you can see here that I just created a blank project just with virtual reality checked and then we can use that to build to the headset while you're doing that you can open up environment VAR variables through windows and then go to environment variables and you can see the ndk Java Android Home ndk Route and you can check those to make sure that they're correct for your machine this is what unreal should have installed for you and then you can use those as a starting point so once unreal boots up we want to just close those little options my version has met XR installed by default which is why it's showing up but we just want to go to Android and then configure now and change Target version to 32 which is the native Target SDK for The Meta Quest and then ndk API level we want to match that as well so Android 32 so with those matched should be a case of just go to platforms Android and then package project and we're just going to select a location to save our APK just so we can test it to make it go through I know it's going to fail here because I don't have an Java 17 installed so I want to build this anyway show you guys what the error looks like so if anybody's having it while following along they can check it out and then I can show you how to fix that as well it's important to note that the first process of building the APK can take a very long time I think this one took maybe 15 to 30 minutes um oh no this one took an hour and 8 minutes you can see from there so you can see here that I've got a an unknown error and above it I've got a whole bunch of things that says um radal plugin API version requires 7.5 7.42 declares a runtime of a component it's dependen is declared external and you can just see that it's just generally not working uh requireed compatibility with Java rate oh I was getting ahead of myself um if this built for you then that's all you need to do you're all done um if not you want to go to Google and then search for jdk 17 download uh I will have a link in the description for these same as the Android studio um but yeah jdk7 archive downloads and then we can get that from there should be one of the newer ones uh you can just hit accept all and then if you scroll down we want to find the windows x64 installer which going to double click that link and that'll download for us and once that's done we just want to open up our downloads folder so we can install it so just give it a double click wait for it to boot up shouldn't take too long there we go and then hit next and then keep an eye on the actual download location or the install location because we're going to need that so in here I actually copy it so it won't let me right click but I do contrl + C and then next and then install so we just want to wait for this to finish and then we're going to head back to Unreal so we're going hit close go back to real and then project settings you want to find Android SDK and then for location of java we want to set this to program files Java jdk 17 if you're working with 5.2 and it was working previously you can change this file to jdk 11 or use the three dots and then that will put it back to 5.2 for you so once that's done I remove the semicolon as well but you can actually just build the APK again and because this is the second time it should be much faster so just wait for it to finish and then hopefully this time it says compile uh complete if it doesn't head over to the Discord and we'll try and give you a hand with that we've got a Quest 2 Channel and then we've also got a hasht Android section so you can take a look into that to see what's going on and see if there's any fixes in there for you and with that done I then find the folder that I saved the APK to and then open that up and then you can install it to the headset which is pretty much it um I want to say big thank you to all the patreons and Discord members members for helping figure all this stuff out like helping me like spend the time to do it without you guys I wouldn't be able to and I look forward to the next tutorials coming out all Quest 3 related which is going to be fun um but yeah you got any issues head over to Discord make sure to let me know and then we'll try our best to help you out and we'll go from there awesome all right everyone stay safe and I'll see see you next time bye I
Channel: GDXR
Views: 5,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gamedev, Indie, Indie Gamedev, Indie game Devlog, Game Devlog, Game, Dev, XR, GameDevXR, Blueprints, Coding, Unreal, Engine, VirtualReality, VR, ExtendedReality, tutorial, how to, how, To, develop games, making a game, Dev Log, beginer, Unreal Engine 4, archviz, architecture tutorial, beginner tutorial, basics, blueprint tutorial, blender, beginner tutorial series, coding, devlog, Jonathan, Bardwell, code, unreal engine 5, andorid, quest, java, error, android studio, instillation, install, quest 3, Meta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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