Package your Android game for Playstore in UE5

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hello there so in this video I'm going to be talking about um how to package your game to publish it on Google Play Store because as you know you um can't upload like um APK and obb files anymore and the file has to be aab which um they say it's uh better because at the end of the day the uh the customer on the other hand will download less megabytes which is a win-win for both of us um so let's get started you have your project everything's perfect you want to just go package your game um just wait there a little bit you might want to go ahead and change some stuff first so go to edit plugins and type in Google P make sure this one's enabled and if it's not please enable it and restart the editor then going to to the edit project settings and then come all the way down to plugins Google pad and enable plugin and only shipping all of them must be enabled otherwise you'll get um aab files that are not including the data inside them which I mean if you uh upload them into Google Play Store they will be nothing to show um so make sure these are Ena then go ahead in the packaging section and make sure that generate chunks are enabled this is important then you have to come down we are not doing anything with this stuff you can come all the way down so if you are not seeing this stuff you um you have you'll probably have something called Advanced um somewhere around here just click on that it will expand everything out and then you'll have all the other options um to have a uh more reduced package size you should go ahead and check this one out cook only maps and then come uh down here list of maps to include in a package build you have to add all the maps that you are using inside the game into this section here if you're using one map just add that one if you're using 30 Maps add all of them together in here this way it will make sure that the Builder is not um creating a lot of unused assets it's not adding a lot of unused assets into the final package which will uh which will save a lot of size for you so it it can easily reduce something like 1.5 gab to something like 400 megabytes I've seen it and then uh all the way down here build configuration must be uh set to shipping um this is not important but full rebuild should be always checked and for distribution if you are going to upload your project to Google Plus so this one must be checked then you'll come all the way down to Android and then in the Android package name you have com do your company's name dot um your Project's name so make sure to change that one then if you have a specific uh application name type it here the minimum St Stik version is by default set to 26 I didn't change it because I'm using volcon and um under 26 will probably most probably not be able to support won so I didn't change it you can go ahead all the way down to probably something like 19 but Target DK version must be set to 33 or above I don't know if newer versions of the will support more than 33 I'm not really sure but 33 it is make sure that package game data inside that APK is disabled if you are um test in your project on your phone this one should be enabled because this way you can easily install the project on your phone but when you are uploading the game this one is disabled so at this time we can't have more than one gigabyte of um aab files in Google Play so if we are going to do that we have to go ahead and create chunks by ourselves um uh and that will be something you should look into it you can just go ahead and um type in generate chunks for Android in on Engine 5 and you will get the official documentation for it but right now for that reason that U my project is not over 1 gab or 2 GB this one specifically for 2 GB it won't let the project to be more than 2 GB I check this one out if the project is going to go over to gabes it will stop the build there and it will just give me the error that project size is massive these two should be enabled just to uh make your lives easier uh I've already talked about this in another video but these three should be enabled U maximum supported aspect radio should be more than something like 2.5 I've found that 2.8 works best so maybe you should go that way as well um generate B bundle aab is enabled this is a must because we are uploading project to Play Store this one's enabled and then this is related to rendering I'm using Vulcan only uh I can just go ahead and disable this because I'm using Von desktop I don't want people that are um using esp3.2 or one be able to download my game because the graphics will be super different that what I expect them to see but anyway if you are not using Vulcan or Vulcan desktop you can just disable is to and just use the default T 3.2 I'm not using um three uh 32bit devices and I don't know if you are able to support them anymore these are pretty pretty old devices I I'm not even sure you if I will work on them so I don't really care about that part and then you have the distribution signing which um you have this one here I don't know if that works but if it doesn't work just go ahead and um type in distribution signing for uh ue5 and there's a document official documentation about it that you can just go ahead and type a lot of stuff I will make a new I mean I had created a video for it in engine 4 but everything's changing UI so I have to go ahead and create a new one um but it's super easy you can just go ahead and create what you want I'm not using Google Play services but if you are using that you have to configure it and you have to use enable Play support and um copy and paste the Google uh games app ID it's not that difficult I'll probably create a video on that as well uh and then these are the icons that you have to go ahead and change them as you can if you hover your mouse Mouse on it the dimensions are 96 by 96 72x 72 48x 48 36x 36 48 5 48 so you have to just go ahead and create some icons for yourself in Photoshop make sure that the dimensions are correct and make sure that you are changing the uh background images that you want I'm not I don't want these images to be changed I'm not even using them so I have changed these two for myself um and make sure this ones you have accepted the SDK license as well this is really important I mean if you haven't it will just hit the error in your face and you will uh know it by the end end of the day this is something strange but I've seen it happen uh I've seen it in a project that these two were checked and uh the project wouldn't even um open on a lot of devices so just don't use them as long as you don't know it what you're doing just don't use them if you are uh pretty confident about what you do then you are free to do whatever you want but uh please note that this will create some headaches for you in the future in the Android uh SDK make sure these are set up in on 5.1 on we are using ndk 25 and the SDK uh the Android Studio should be D verion Android stud 4 and jdk is if I'm not mistaken u31 so make sure you download them all and uh I've seen a lot of videos on YouTube about this so you can just go ahead and U research about if you don't know how to do it but this is really really important if you aren if you haven't set this up you uh are not even able to test the game on your own phone um and that's pretty much it if you've done everything correctly you should be able to come here in the platforms Android I'm using Vulcan so I have to go ahead and uh use ASC but if you're using the uh the default es 3.2 you can just go ahead and use Android es etc2 and the default project settings it's set to shipping and for distribution so I'm I'm not I'm going to be using this one and Android ASC oh for for the sake of this video I forgot to show you that uh when you are setting these things up you have to type your password here I just deleted it because I'm uh I'm capturing a video and I don't want everyone to see my password just because of that but you have to um type in the password you created in here without it it won't even um package a pro uh the package a project then you have to go ahead and just choose select this one and choose it destination and then you're good to go um this was pretty much it and I hope it helps someone it helps you um and if it did help please hit that like button and have a great day bye
Channel: Surin
Views: 2,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal engine, UE4, UE5, Unreal engine 4, Unreal engine 5, Game development, Game, PC games, Game trailers
Id: sdZkIe9KHxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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