Installing A Shower Valve with Great Flow Rate

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all right welcome back to the church renovation project guys today we're doing all of our mechanical roughing so what we have to do first of all is uncover all of the mechanical systems of this property so that we know how we're going to tie in so then we have a plan to move forward can't just start sticking things where i want to i've got to have the whole plan because there are restrictions so we're going to open up the walls we're going to open up the ceiling my electrical panel is only 12 feet away so that's handy but i have no idea where my vent and how my drains are going to work i have no idea what kind of access i'm going to have going through the plate through the brick to run my exhaust so i've got to open up the ceiling in the bathroom as well once we have our whole plan we can start installing a little trick for you when you're going into drywall and you're flying blind take your rotozip blade set it to half an inch maybe just a hair more and then you can cut out a space and pull it down and then get up with a headlamp and have a look to identify if there's anything in the way that could cause damage i know i have no plumbing up here so that's fine but there is electrical and just because the code says you're supposed to staple things up doesn't mean they're always stapled up [Music] okay i just went outside and had a quick peek it looks like the vent stock is coming around right next to this window so be in this joist cavity here so open another hole and we'll find out [Music] all right don't even ask me okay so there's the vent so i can tie in right there that's amazing this pipe here is my vent and it's perfectly normal for vent stock to be one and a half inch one and a half inch pipe and carry up the ten fixtures okay so even it has a three-piece bath with the laundry in the kitchen assuming the kitchen's actually vented that only gives me like five tops one two three four yeah um so i can tie into this which is amazing what i can't do is i can't tie into this as a waste as well so i can't use my my saniflow pump that i'm going to connect all my new plumbing tube pump it up and over and into this that would have to be two inch so you know i could open the wall see if i can find the ability to upgrade but i'm going to wait because i've got an expert from santa flo going to be coming out to help me connect all of that so i'm going to get them on the phone and show them some pictures even i need help once in a while identifying solutions to problems so i don't mind calling an expert when i need it and here we go this pipe here this believe this or not this is what they're using as an exhaust for the fan i reach in and i can feel it taped to the housing some three inch pipe down to this two inch pipe it's not even going anywhere i don't there's no exhaust through the brick so this is maybe into the attic i don't know no it just stops it's just going over to the wall and nobody took the time to get an exhaust for it that explains this because all the hot air that this is trying to pump out anytime someone flicks on the switch is just condensing right here in the ceiling because it's got nowhere to go that means i've got to change out the fan i've got to get a new exhaust so i need a new fan location because i don't have the ability to put a proper pipe here with this venting so i'll move the fan over so i've got to open the whole ceiling in order to find out where the electrical's coming from so i can identify the location for that because you can't splice a wire in the attic here i'm in the ceiling so i've got to actually pop this off take it out of the ceiling save that wire get a new location installed which won't be an issue looks like the wires are coming from towards the panel which is usually a good thought you know if you're wondering where the wire supply is think about where your panel is and think what's the what's the shortest distance between those two points electricians pay for the wire so they don't want to waste their time money either and then i've got this cavity available for the dryer this wouldn't be for the fan this one could be for a dryer gotta double check my building code for how close i can have an exhaust to a window thinking it's three feet but it's not a gas appliance so it should be okay i might have to run my dryer over here all right so i've got a couple phone calls to make and i come back with all the solutions and then we can get started so this is why we do things right this is what condensation looks like left unattended for years just that's where the stink was coming from in this room no doubt about it oh my god that's the best fan installation i've ever seen they got a hot wire running right against this little i don't know three inch pipe downgraded to a two inch taped onto it plumbing man oh man oh man that is just brutal okay here we go i'm gonna see if this is working hang on gonna plug this in good okay so the switch is enough to turn the power off that's good because it was wired right um all right i gotta rip all that out because it's of no value to me okay now i'm using a regular drill with the erwin speedboard bit it's a self-feed auger system okay with the double blade this drills hole super quick always drill your hole right in the middle of the stud okay then you satisfy the code you don't have to put metal plates to protect everything okay because the coat also tells you how long a screw can be when you're attaching something so it should be perfectly safe if you don't trust yourself you can add the plates but generally that's how quick and easy that is okay one for the cold and one for the hot and to make your life simple you just hold the tool against your body okay and you already got the measurement for the height [Music] trust me it makes a difference when an inspector comes on a job site and he sees that all of your your holes are lined up and horizontal they're happy because they know that you've involved some level of professionalism with what you're doing huh isn't that something somebody used a fastener mounting that sink that's too long for the wood i'm not supposed to do that i'm going to have to go up a little bit this time probably dulled my blade too burgers see it's not just about the fact that we have rules for no reason is we have rules that when we stick a 30 drill bit in a wall we don't go through somebody else's three inch screw that should have been only two inches long cheers to everybody who's done that so here's my cold line now i'm just going to take my pecs through the holes and i'm going to get this all the way over to my shower okay and i'm going to connect my shower okay and then once i've got it connected over here then i'm gonna get rid of all my slack and then connect it over there first of all i gotta show you a new trick come on inside now remember when we framed this wall on video number one we left ourself a nice bit of space here to play around with and that's because we're going to use these these clamps allow us to have the pecs make our way right into the side of the valve okay without another fitting because we don't want to create the turbulence i don't like coming up with the and then putting in a 90 and having turbulence and then three inches and then turbulence into the fitting so if i put this in first check this out this will actually wrap the pipe into a situation a little bit too far away ah get closer to the tip there that actually creates a bend that won't crimp okay it's not going to kick and that's what we're doing we're protecting that from happening by doing this if you find you didn't have enough room to work you know you can always come in here and you can take your cutters and you can trim it back a little bit if you have to okay put your ring over top set it in place within a quarter inch and then crimp it boom cold water supply is finished just for convenience we've cut this super long and i'm going to give myself a short piece to work with i'm not fighting with the roll the whole time so you want to basically dry fit this right so i need this pipe coming off that fitting i need something coming through that wall okay let me just cut that real quick we'll do something about eight inches long we can put a shutoff valve on okay so here's my plumbing now so how do i make all that work all right well for simplicity i'm going to use the t right here so i need two rings all right and i'm gonna need i need this fitting i want two rings actually i'm gonna use a shark bite tee now when you're doing this kind of building process any time you get an opportunity to put a ring on it on a fitting before you bury it in the wall it's not a bad idea okay you can line it all up right here in your lap and pre-do the connection right because that's going to be one heck of a hard thing to get it get access to after the fact isn't it but now that you're here crimp as you go okay there are two systems either you crimp as you go and so you know you're done or you can buy a little test gauge all right and you can just hold it up against the fitting and if it doesn't go around it's because the diameter hasn't been compressed yet and that's how you can tell now here i am i could maybe bend it into place i risk kinking it i don't know if that's gonna work that's a little bit a little bit wonky so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to use a 90 elbow instead okay so i'm going to cut this off at a horizontal line right there i had my ring put in my 90. okay and then i need a little piece to connect the two so we're just measuring by eyeballing really trying to keep everything square and horizontal looking it's really all we're trying to do that's better there we go twist and cut and i'm going to need two rings for that i'll slide it on the pipe first there go there and then get everything in position and then if that's falling down like that what you can do is just give it a pinch with your hand and it'll make it more of an o shape it'll hold it in place until you can get your crimper on there okay boom and like anything else you're doing make sure you're happy with what you do one step at a time don't go maybe and then walk away maybe always leaks [Laughter] there we go cold water's done now we're gonna do the same for that so holding true to my concept of knowing the end from the beginning you want to know a couple of things before you start installing your plumbing for your shower hey are you using any tile okay and the reason i like to say that is the height that you put your fixture at can affect the installation when you put your tile in if you're using large format tile and you don't want to have a grout line going through just the very top of the trim you want to balance it out you might want to know where your tile line is going to be so you could draw that across your wall and then mount your fixture on either on the mid section or if it's a big tile you can mount it to be in the body of the tile that's a consideration for us we're using polystyrene because i'm cheap and i love the simplicity of having a waterproof system that's all in one that doesn't require any special tools so for the purpose of getting occupancy in this church we're keeping the budget as friendly as possible i'm just going to go with what's comfortable so i stand here and i stick out my hand that's where i expect the faucet line to be okay somewhere around here okay piece of cake and then we've got a shower head so we need to know the height now here's where it gets interesting because the kit that comes in the shower is 72 inches so i'm going to put that line on the wall now we have two options because we're going to have two different surfaces we're going to drywall and then polystyrene we want to have the flange cover which is inch and a half on one material or the other not half and half so please do measure this off just for fun i like to have my shower head coming out nice and high so that no matter who buys this place if they're tall they're going to be facilitated so it doesn't matter if the water supply comes out above the styrene polystyrene wall we're going to go with an 80 inch shower head boom right here okay and the reason we're going to do that is because at least i am guaranteed that my flange is going to be away from this by the time the water starts coming down i don't care if god drips splashes up on the painted wall we're using a bathroom paint when we finish so uh the polystyrene will be sealed there and everything will be just fine so no big deal all right now let's move on with mounting our blocks we need two pieces at 15. yep and then we're just going to screw them in we'll start with one of the top because it's interesting [Music] now for location we already know the height right there we go that's the height for the depth we got to have our fitting okay now this is a drop here made for pecs so this is where the shower arm will get threaded into and generally speaking you want this behind the drywall all right and so what you want to do is stick this over here and tap the block until it clears the face of the wood okay now you'll see i'm only about half an inch from the back of the wall that'll be perfect and anywhere on there is going to work fine so i'm just going to grab a few wood screws and i prefer to screw it from the outside coming in it's a little bit of a drop down here but that's okay there we are okay now we got a bit of a tilt we'll fix that and you're going to want to use at least three screws but i would suggest four just because you don't want anything moving around after the install now when you're gonna screw at an angle start your screw go in reverse back the screw and then while it's spinning change the angle that you want in reverse and it'll pre-bore the hole exactly where you want to go and then you drive forward and that keeps it from splitting every time all right i know good trick huh here we go for mounting it we want one inch screws one one and a quarter one and a half whatever we have in your arsenal just resist the temptation to use drywall screws because they have a really weak shear strength and you're gonna find it's going to disappoint now before we can screw this on we need to know the center point of this wall so to measure the center point we're going to measure from the flange to this indentation which is where the glass panel is it's 34 inches interior okay so half of 34 is 17. and because we put everything in nice and plumb we can just measure from here plus a half an inch makes it 17 and a half because we have to include for the tile flange this is going to become our center line we'll do the same thing for the valve fixture but for now let's just get this installed one step at a time okay now the secret here is to get everything mounted and confirm the measurements you can use a laser level or you can use um just measure off the marker but instead of going nice and tight leave a little bit of flexibility it makes it easy to do the installation of the plumbing afterwards you get your pipe on there and then you can drive the screws home after the fact okay now we're just setting set up for success here all right [Applause] and who'da thought plumbing was this simple right it's almost like carpentry nowadays now for this one we're gonna stick it in the wall where we want it nice but we don't know exactly how deep to get that information we've got to open up the box and confer with the instructions because every manufacturer has a different requirement for the depth in the wall now to be honest i have not used a moen faucet in a long long time i've done a lot of service work on them over the years and that's because they have a lifetime guarantee on their parts okay here we are here's our fixture and it usually comes with one of these little plastic covers on it and this is your depth cover okay what i mean by that is this this to here usually represents the range of thickness of your finished wall so if you were to install this fixture like this and then you add a half inch drywall and then large format tile you'd find that your fixture was too deep in the wall and you would have needed to bring it out a little bit more okay so what you're doing now again we have to know the end from the beginning okay we got a half inch drywall we got eighth of inch polystyrene and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to aim to be basically anywhere in this range this trim kit will install just fine okay so i'm going to set the plastic on the wood and i'm going to mark i'll do it over here i'm going to mark right off the back of my my pipe okay that's my mark now watch this just for simplicity my two by four is too thick so if i go flush off the back of the wall let's see how that finishes off okay yes i am raised off a quarter inch but drywall plus polystyrene leaves me right in the right in the middle which is perfectly healthy okay does that make sense if i had the wood too far far forward then i'd have a gap here yeah that's that's i can do this i'd have a gap after the finish okay so my finished trim wouldn't make contact with the wall if i go too far back and i try to use like a piece of strapping all right then my handle isn't going to function because this can be jammed up against the wall all right so you got to find that sweet spot where your finished wall after tile after whatever is somewhere in the midst of this little area here okay in almost every situation i found in my experience if you put the 2x4 flush to the back of the the frame this always works all right just saying it's a pretty safe bet i only went through all that information because a lot of people are out there you know you're doing custom bathrooms and that information is really relevant for you if you're adding drywall and waterproof membrane and then large format tile and maybe your walls aren't as straight as you'd like them to be so you're going to be adding a lot of cement it can really add up and so you want to be careful if you're not exactly sure okay then for the love of god set it as far back in the wall as you can alright because there are ways there are ways to back off the mounting screws right so you can see these two holes here those are mounting screws all right and if your fixture is in the wall and you find it's too deep you can back out the screw pull it out of the wall okay and then you can tighten it up just a little bit you can put shims in behind or something so you can you can build it up and make it nice and solid there are tricks but if it's too proud then you got to tear your wall apart to fix it all right here we go okay now we're going to line up flush and i'm going to stick that wood together because it's a little warped i love being able to go from the outside of the wall i'm gonna just disengage the cover okay okay so now you can you can visualize what's going on here so we've got a hot water in cold water in to the shower that's the back that's a mounting hole all right so on this panel there's two mounting brackets for attaching the fixture and there's two threaded holes here that come with machine screws for putting the finished trim on when you're all done we'll put the whole assembly um for the finished trim later in the video series okay so if you're looking for all that information it'll be there and if you're looking for this after all the videos have been released you can check the video description and it will have links for all the different videos in the series okay that'll help you all right now let's get this mounted i need about a two and a half inch screw yeah that's plenty of meat okay same thing 17 and a half right here we go wow and this would mount like this [Applause] [Music] and like this and if it's twisted you can back off the screws okay and then tighten again we've got a left and right top and a bottom and you can manipulate that until it sits resist where you want it now the truth is that is mounted but we're not quite ready for doing this yet because you can see that this comes with the npt thread on the outside and we're plumbing with pex so we're going to actually add the conversion pieces to this and that's a little secret when you're in the store shopping realize that especially the box stores they aren't selling any plumbing fixtures that come ready for pecks you can have the store people open up the box and you can take a look sometimes the box will have a picture and they'll show what kind of thread you need this is what we're gonna do we're gonna do one at a time just so that we don't have any problems but you just take your teflon okay and you lay it on the threads you hold it with your thumb and you stretch it and you just twist it right on that thread three or four times okay you break it off and you want to make sure that you're twisting the same direction you'll be tightening the fixture in and with this go backwards until you feel it click there it is you heard that then you can go forward okay that was how you make sure you don't cross thread it if you cross thread these plumbing fixtures it'll be leaking for the rest of its life inside your wall and it'll drive you crazy all right here we go there's no need to worry about how strong you are or mechanical function here there's no power tools necessary these are machine thread this has been the same thread size for over 100 years all the way back to galvanized pipe this is not rocket science if you go four twists of that teflon you're going to be just fine there it is boom perfect every time all you need is a wrench and the ability to twist it in circles if you're concerned about your strength you can get a second wrench and get on the body of the valve and you can twist opposite directions but by the time you're struggling at all trust me you got it on there tight enough and the beautiful thing about pex is even if you install it all and pressurize the lines to test the water make sure it's not leaking if it develops a little drip you can just go ahead with your wrench reach in and give that another quarter turn to get rid of the drip even after all the plumbing is connected okay pex is that flexible here we go now our plumbing is roughed in now we can screw that to the wall right in the same spot [Applause] okay i'm happy with that now the cool thing here is because it's raised off the wall you can actually connect all your plumbing even with it fully engaged not like up here where you want to leave a little bit of room okay now let's go get some pecs and some connections we're gonna use solid brass rings uh i know a lot of people on the internet have been using the pinch clamps they're more for exterior water irrigation systems than they are for interior plumbing although the store sells it in the plumbing aisle it's not really meant to be inside the house so we're going to use the solid ring crimp i'm going to show you how that works and how to measure and cut this plumbing parts and don't forget all the tools you're going to need we have a special section on our amazon store dedicated to our plumbing tools so you can go check that out and get everything all right there one spot and you don't have to spend a fortune for this stuff especially if you're doing the occasional job okay you don't need a high quality tool for something like this let me just go through the process real quick here's what i mean by a solid copper ring okay it is exactly that it's a solid copper ring and this clamp is for half inch or three quarter pipe and when the ring goes in here it doesn't fit so what you do is you compress it and it actually makes the diameter of that ring smaller okay and the amount of force that it takes to make that stretch to the point where you get a leak let's just say it doesn't exist in any natural environment so you have no worry about it ever leaking again this is garbage because i can never ever get that to work we're gonna use i'm gonna be bold and i'm gonna get all the same color pecs uh we're dealing with supply chain issues as well as the rest of the world so i got a hundred feet of this one pex it was available and i said sold i bought it and here's how you work with it it's as easy as cutting with a pair of scissors okay and i'm telling you right now it is really that easy you take your rings slide it over your product okay and then you put it in place and then you double check your measurement until you're perfect right there no measuring tape needed no fuss in a boat if you cut it a little bit long that's okay because it can sit in the wall like an s all right there we go get the ring clamp up there and down here you want to be a quarter inch away from your fitting for best results and go done guaranteed i'm a little bit over my head here might have been smart to put that on before i screwed it in but i wanted to show you the flexibility of the product right okay now that that's where it's supposed to be we apply all of our screws done okay so that's that's the first half that right it's more carpentry than plumbing now i'm going to do my hot and my cold water lines but first i've got to drill through my wood and provide myself a path to connect to where the water supply came from all right now we're going to jump into the last part of the rough in plumbing system and that is basically this um i know this is a little confusing maybe because most people have already got plumbing in the floor when they're going to change a shower pan and so the rules are a little different as long as you've got your p-trap established you don't even need a permit to to change out your fixtures if you don't have a p-trap established then you've got to get a permit because it's involving um gases and trapping and venting okay now what we're going to do is i'm going to just add this to the back side i'm going to actually glue all this in place and finish this assembly rough-in plumbing basically means for most scenarios that if you wouldn't have access to see what's going underneath the floor it means you're going to put the plumbing in and then the inspector will come and see through the floor where your plumbing location is and you're going to have your pipe you're going to have a cap on it okay in this scenario because he can see how it's run down here i don't need to worry about that i can just finish the assembly but just remember for most people roughing plumbing is just simply pipe extending through a hole in the floor capped you pass then you put the shower pan in i'm doing this a little backwards because i got access all right just want to clear that up before there's any confusion we're going to be coming straight from this location out the side so the first thing we want to do is open our glue which is always harder than you think and we want to run it around the fitting and around the street on that pipe and line them up all pipes are going to have this mold joint on it okay so you can use that to line things up so you know that you're going straight okay that's awesome that's the mold joint and it's on all fittings you can use that to line things up square okay so now we got that and our shower pan is designed for a two inch piece of pipe you only need one and a half inch drain system for showers but different plumbing fixtures come with either two or one and a half so you've got to make sure you can make the right conversion it's good to open up all your kits and everything before you go to install so you can get the right material at the store i didn't have this set up properly so i had to go to the store and i get a one and a half to two inch conversion and then i can put my two inch pipe into that okay so and that's where that fits with that gasket so let's just do this in proper order whenever you're putting a fitting together on a rough end it's nice to leave just a little bit of room okay so that if anything was to happen and always do both sides of the fitting you have something that you can cut out but since this is going to be buried in the floor we don't have to worry about that all right we're just going to go nice and tight done okay now i'm converted now i need a piece of inch and a half that will extend so i can cut later so i'm going to measure to the center of that hole i'm going to bring the pipe up 20 inches from the center i'll dry fit i'll measure 20 inches from the center that made in canada right there that's where we're going to cut all right now i'm going to glue that joint we use the word glue but this is actually a solvent what it does is it kind of melts the surface so if you melt both surfaces together and then twist them together you get a really good bun okay there we go now we're going to rough fit this and put it in position i'm going to dry fit this together okay just to get an idea now what i want to do just so the inspector is happy with everything again this is a little creative going backwards but it allows me to get a lot more production the funny thing is is they don't need to come back and inspect the shower pan after you've installed they just want to know that nothing's leaking so when they do a final they're going to run the shower they're going to go downstairs maybe look at the ceiling and see if the water's coming through which doesn't do a whole lot of good for anybody okay secret here is when i lift this pipe i'm actually looking at how the drain pipe is sitting okay so when it falls it's on an angle when i lift this it's square so that's what i'm looking for i want that height so what i'm going to do is over here i'm going to throw in a screw this is just metal strapping it's called all around everybody needs to love this stuff because look what it does that's where i want it i can just set my all around there we go now everything's nice and square all right problem solved now this all around can be temporary okay once i get the plumbing connected i'm good to go remember because the p-trap sitting on the ground now i can do my measuring from up here add my solvent and get it the right depth so what i want to do is i want to have the right depth so that when this is inside the hole it's all the way down there okay so i want my pipe to come to this height so i'm going to mark this right here let me put it on the camera i want to go this height with my pipe okay now i can take my measuring tape i'm going to set my tape on top of the fitting and measure to that black line it's two and three quarters okay and just so you know here's a fitting and there's a ring inside that marks where the end of the pipe would go so you take your measurement plus the interior dimension which is three quarters i know this already but i'm just doing this on camera so that you know okay three quarters so whatever measurement you get from the top of a fitting you add three quarters that's where your pipe extends to okay here that should help so let me take that measurement again because i forgot my number okay so we are going two and three quarters plus three quarters is three and a half all right there we go so now i'm going to go cut this at three and a half on my saw because i don't have enough strength in my hand to use one of these on a two inch still healing from an injury all right so we've got three and a half and because it's a shower i am deburring the pipe okay i don't want things like this in here see this right here that's inside the pipe that's going to grab shower here and it'll clog up so fast it'll blow your mind especially if you've got someone in your house with super long hair right here we go now we got that done i am confident that we can finish this install okay here we go don't drip on the shower pan keep the solvent there and we'll get it on this side of the pipe as well okay and now we are going to push them into place right to that joint perfect now i'm going to slide my rubber gasket over top okay all right so here's the problem we're running into in theory this all works great okay with this kind of gasket and i'm struggling with this because i'm like i'd love to be able to make that go all the way down um you see how the inside of this is ribbed okay and it's also tapered and so in order for me to get this rubber all the way down to where i want it i'm going to have to beat the living tar out of this thing and i just don't think there's enough room for it beside the pipe so what i've actually got to do is i'm gonna have to shorten my pipe okay i'm too tall now there's only there's only one way to shorten a pipe once you've got it in there and that is to have a really cool fancy little cutting tool and is this even plugged in yeah that'll be messy but it's going to work let's see what happens my piper [Music] all right [Music] almost perfect every time [Laughter] okay now we got room for everything okay here we go let me just get the gasket i'll have it set back in okay now we can put the gasket on okay let's go anything that is that difficult to put together is going to work long term now i'm going to go find myself a nice big flat screwdriver stick that in there turn this as far as i can first let me try my olfa knife yeah that's not going to work if you don't have a screwdriver i might be able to do this there we go there we go all right all right just a quick recap i've got my water supply done my shower head is finished my drain my pan i'm just going to set this in place without really forcing it in right now my inspector is going to want to look at both ends of this operation okay now the last thing to do as part of your operation is to always test your water supply make sure that it's not leaking okay matt go ahead and turn it on this one just works clockwise so you don't know if it's closed until the whole handle assembly is in there let's see okay good they shipped it closed whoo
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 156,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, plumbing, pex plumbing installation, pex crimping tool, pex to copper, plumbing basics, plumbing a bathroom, plumbing tools, plumbing rough in, plumbing tricks, bathroom remodel step by step, bathroom remodel ideas 2022, renovation, building codes and standards, how to move a laundry room, how to move a laundry room upstairs, how to add a shower to a half bathroom, do it yourself, how to
Id: 4E3sRo3ScA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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