Installing a portable ac without a window, putting a portable ac in my attic

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alright guys so today I bought a portable AC because I have an attic that was converted into a room and there is a window in here but it's behind that beautiful screen that I'd like to come here and watch movies and it's miserably hot up here you can't enjoy yourself so I bought a portable AC unit used because there are about four or five hundred dollars for a good one this is a 12,000 BTU because it's supposed to call the room 20 by 25 I'm not exactly how big this room is but it's pretty good size I do have AC like I do have central heating there I have a vent there I have one in the back over there but nothing really along this wall but even with that in there and I have some ceiling fans but even with them going it's just hot up here especially if it's hot outside I live in Texas it's just a bad deal so I'm gonna try this portable a/c unit all the videos I've seen have have it running out through a window and I don't have a window in here so behind that screen and that's not gonna happen so I got this portable AC use like I said for 140 bucks it's a DeLonghi and all it came with was this didn't come with the hose so I went to Lowe's and the only hose I could find was this Hisense one it was about thirty dollars but says it was five inches and this measures five inches so it does actually fit on there so I think this is gonna work and then I bought two clamps clamp down real tight and I'm gonna get some silver silver insulation tape but I only have duct tape today so well at least put duct tape on there and see how it goes so what I did was I measured fifteen inches measured from here to the middle of this hole 15 inches and then I took my stud finder because originally I was gonna go through this wall but there's all kinds of studs and there's all kinds of electrical wires over here so it is just a mess so I decided to go this way but I measured 15 inches right here after I took my stud finder and found both studs so I get the middle of the wall and this is actually going into my attic so if you're not a hundred percent sure you can always climb in the attic and double-check and make sure that there's no wires or anything back there that you could cause any damage but I measured 15 inches and then I took a little skill saw and I put a few relief cuts little relief holes I put those in there to make this skill saw cut not the best hole but this hose will fit and I'm gonna put insulation a little foam insulation on the other side hold it down but I'm gonna run this hose in here and then cut it back to the left let's see if I can show you heard some people say to you convince the air into the attic or in there I just I don't think that's a good idea I feel like you're defeating the purpose and it's just gonna get hot but I've got the hole cut and let's go to the next step all right so I have duct tape this part just stay on there and it'll hold I'm gonna get silver installation tape later I just don't have it at the moment but I read that's the best installation team and I also read that you want to make sure that this AC is end into an outlet and not a power strip or extension cord so just FYI if you were thinking about that don't do it alright so the next thing I did was took this part and put this clamp around it extended this hose a little bit I'm gonna plug it in there I'm probably gonna take some duct tape and just put it all on besides this is a 6-inch clamp it said it was when I bought it and there's only a couple threads left so I might buy a little smaller clamp but it was a six inch clamp I don't think I am been a little bit of duct tape around here for now and then come back later and puts that silver tape on that next all right so attach the hose cuz you see I put duct tape around that duct tape around there but this still comes separated I'm about to turn this on and see if I can fill any air that's escaping cuz that's where it takes all the hot air out [Music] [Music] [Music] this is what I've done pulled it's the holes through the wall right there I put some solution around that that's some of that spray foam I'm gonna spray around there and then that hose goes right here right Doug I drilled out a hole right there and now I'm going to put this on this end and then put a couple clamps around this real quick and then I'll show you the outside what it looks like that is what the outside of the house looks like that is a dryer vent and I used concrete screws for them it's got a little things and nothing can get in there and then on the inside it's got a flap so when the air goes it opens and when there's no air shut so that is how I did it and I'm pretty satisfied alright guys I just came up here a minute ago it was 82 degrees I turned this portable a/c on how to run him for about 10 minutes it's down to 74 I can't tell you how much I have liked this thing I was debating on getting one or not I just didn't know how to do it because all of them like said it went through the window I don't have a window so I've ended it out through the stucco and overall man it makes it where you want to come up here and almost get a blanket said make sure you get one of these you plug it into an outlet I need to hide that cord rather than that that's fine don't plug it into an extension cord or a power strip it just has too much power when that condenser kicks on but overall I'm very impressed you come up here and it says it's 74 degrees I mean the whole room feels a lot cooler it's not miserable when you come up here it doesn't take your breath away because it's so hot but I really like it once again this is a DeLonghi this is a CNE 120 model overall super-excited absolutely love it really glad I did this really glad to spent some money on doing it as well I just was concerned since I didn't VIN it out a window but everything's working fine right now but you have got any comments or questions or you guys got a portable AC and one works really good for you let me know but this is the longing brand to see anyone 20 I believe and I'm very very pleased with it so far but thank you guys for taking the time to watch this video and hopefully your comfort carpenter skills are a lot better than mine and you can make it look a lot nicer than what I did but if we do drop a pic video something link something and I'll check it out and maybe I can modify mine to be a little bit better but as of right now really liked it and I enjoy coming up here now thanks for watching guys just a few extra comments if you stand right in front of it it is kind of loud but once you get used to it you don't even realize that it's even running and I haven't really noticed any kind of increase in my electrical bill either other than that thanks guys
Channel: Tim Wetzel
Views: 295,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: installing portable ac unit, portable ac without a window, how to install a portable ac unit, hot attic help, portable ac help, why is my attic hot, upstairs so hot, ac help, install ac unit, cool your home
Id: Ua4wegxG8tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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