How to set up and use the Toshiba Portable Air conditioner

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so i purchased this toshiba 10 000 btu unit and i'm going to show you guys how we're going to put this thing together and make it work it is 110 but this thing right here does have a fuse in it that's and it really draws some electricity so your electricity bill is probably going to go up i'm going to go ahead and see if i can plug it in into here and if it's going to work okay i'm hoping and and then we're going to check it out now when you buy it it comes in the big box and pull it out a little bit and it rolls i don't know if you can see this like it rolls so it's a very very cool little operation let me just turn it around the back and it has two drains on it now what i understand is that you can just drain these you know every other day by twisting this off and then popping this out and then the water should flow out or you can put a hose on there which comes with a very small hose and um so it's up to you you're gonna have to test that out now there's also another drain down here that is basically the same thing but what's bad about this i'm gonna tell you right off the bat is that it's hard to get like here's here's the it's got a plug in it too right just like that and then the water drains out but you're gonna need something super flat so you may have to pick it up and put it on something to uh when you're gonna drain it now when you get this thing let me push that back in there gotta make sure you get it in there so it doesn't drain all over the floor and then you put this on tighten it down so those are your two drains now you could run a hose out the window but that's usually not gonna work because you got a screen there so you may just be putting it in a bucket and i brought a bucket to put it in it's a pretty simple operation they give you these sliders here and then what you've got to do is figure out what the measurement on your window is all the way up there and then you have to put these little pins in accordingly you know and i've already put these ones in so it's all the way up touching and then i've got to get this pin in here like that oh that one's locked out okay now i need you give me one pin yeah oh that's right you only need three for three joints well i need just to get it to set you know if you needed three joints all right so that's that right there so now let me take this one i'm gonna slide it over here push it in here so we have it on top can you get them out easy enough i don't know i'm trying to find the hole right here okay okay got it all right so now this should be fine like that right but they only gave me three so when the guy was packing it in china he missed one of the pins that goes on this side but i'm hoping that that should work okay and then it comes with this and um and these little clips and this pops inside and then this is your hose this i think is about seven feet of hose and then it also has this collar here which i'll show you in a minute here what i do is i to get the collar on and off you have got a little little clips so these little these little clips right here they catch onto this edge here and then this is going to go on the back here this is your top end there's your little hookup thing right and and you know i'm just going to kind of push this on right now and what i'm going to do is i'm going to slide it down see how it's going into those little little things there see that and then i just got to make sure that this top part is even right on this and when i push it it pops in so now that's ready to go we're good on that this right here is just a thing that you can roll the cord up on and i'm going to show you that piece which i believe is over here here it is so this comes with it right and all you do is just you know you can see it's got like these little things right here and so when you squish this in there like that it's gonna it's gonna basically give you something to wrap this cord all the way around let me show you again see how that's right there so when i push it now when you do it you may have a little you know you may have to put you know put some pressure on the other side but watch bam that's it i got it that's all you needed to do now that thing's on there it's also a little break but now now you can wrap your your cord around this if you know for storage you know what i mean and you may want to store this thing just in case there is a hurricane this thing comes really comes in super handy on a hurricane because you can cook it up to your generator and you can cool one room of your house and that this would just keep one room cool and we can stay cool so this is one of the things that is good about this particular unit so now we've got this on we put this on we we talked about these drains and i think the drainage what we're going to try first is just to go ahead and hook it all up and uh and see how much water it pulls out of the atmosphere of the air because here in florida it's a little bit more humid so we may get more um uh more water now if you use it as a humidifier you're gonna get a lot of water use it as ac you're gonna get less okay so remember that okay so anyway we got this now you could put these things on the sides to try to keep any of the extra air from coming through which i think it might do to just you know to give us a little bit better seal and i want to show you this part here all right i've kind of already attached all this together but i'm gonna de-attach it so you can see how i did it so these little things right here are little clips right so if you just pull it up a little bit like that there's three of them it'll come out of there see i'm trying i'm doing that and then that's basically it here now this i'm just gonna deconstruct it so you got to know how to break it down right so you see these have these little clips on them right there and so what it does is you push this in now i'm you know i don't know if you want this side facing in or the other side facing it i don't think it matters on the door and i mean on the window what i'm saying is look when you put it let me show you how these work too by the way let me turn them over all right let me show you this all right so when you get these there's like three or four panels of them so if you look right here you see how there's a little panel there a little like chamber that this can slide in so these slide in there and i've already put the pin in here if you notice so it won't slide any farther than that okay so that's going to hold that there and so i've got the pin over here for this one and i've already measured this in the window but you're going to have to figure out what the what the height of the window is and so what you have to do is you got to determine that this is the center one with the holes in it you got to make sure that's in the center this one i would put towards the bottom you don't want to have to extend this too much right you want to have the smallest amount of extension on this as possible all right so let's set that over here and so now this is where you know you got to decide if you want this facing in or if you want the other side facing i don't know if it makes a big difference you just have to have this you know the open area and so i'm going to put it over here in the window now the now the thing is you can use these to to you know to try to close off as much of the as much of the airflow out of the sides around the window when you put that there so you don't lose any anything what i mean by that is by putting them here like this on either side of this and you can do that by smushing them in the window first you know what i mean and then shoving this in or you know you can kind of lay this against it as you close the window and it'll lock it up against there so that's what i'm going to try to do now this is an adhesive that you could use also and if you look you can pull this like this and get it open there and then you can set that in the window and then that will or you set it on here on the sides let's see if we have enough to cover the whole thing doesn't really cover the whole thing does it we get about you know a little bit of room there but that can also give you a better seal with the window you see what i mean smooshes against it so we can go either way with that now when we put this here is going to be facing inside all right and so if you smoosh it in here this way or you could flip this around and put it this way but this is always going to be towards the inside of your house all right so you got to determine which way you want to do that all right so i did bring this little bucket so that we could drain it just to double check it and i think that should be big enough i cut a basically a plastic bottle into to do it so we're going to use that to drain does come with this one little drain hose you see it's not very long but that should be sufficient to you know go from that little thing down to our little into our little cup do is i'm gonna have this here and we'll just go like that or i could just put that there and let it drain into it we're gonna we're gonna experiment with see how much after a couple hours how much water we get all right so what i think i'm gonna do with this is i'm gonna bring it over here and i'm going to put it right on the very interior of this area here i'm going to show you what i'm going to do i'm going to take this i'm just going to push it in there like that all right so that's going to give me a good seal against the bottom of this just follow me let me show you here so now what i've done is i put that in there i've got to cut a little piece for there and that should give us a good seal on the side of this to keep any of that excess air getting out so now i just have to measure this up i need right to there so i just got to cut it right there and then i can shove this piece up there bam ready to go all right i think we're good let's take a look yeah that's good so that's going to work that's going to be our seal here and then we're just going to put a little seal on there and going all the way up and so i may use that adhesive to do that right here and that's going to give us our seal on that side so let's do that now all right so i pulled the window back so i can get in all right and i've got to pull this little part off of here and that gives me my sticky side right so now i'm going to come up all the way to the top i'm just going to stick it on there just like that see how i want to do it maybe try this on the inside here just like that there we go that should work so now we've got a good seal here that that went all the way up all right i mean i could cut it here but i don't think i need to all right i don't think i need to so let's take a look and see what we've done so far we've got the seal here and you know we can pull this off afterwards and then over here i have this one and now we can set our window uh our window frame in there this thing here that's going to go inside there okay so we've got our we've got that part in there and now if you look see that's that distance right there i really couldn't use another pin right here but i think if i if i've got it up against the side there it should be okay so then what i'm going to do is get it up in here slide it out and smoosh it right there let me give you a closer look at what i've done but if you look what i do i've got it on here i've got it pushed all the way against the wall against that foamy stuff and up here so you can see it up there so it looks like we got a pretty good seal on it right there now to lock out the seal we just bring our door in and we're going to smush it right up against it like that so now the door is up against there we've got a pretty good seal in there i'm probably going to lose a little bit here you know but it should it should be okay so if you look here that's there's if you look right here this you can lose air here very easily so i've got to block that all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a piece of this in there so that it kind of blocks it off i'm just going to measure it stick it on there oh stuff comes apart easy so i get it from the very bottom up so that's going to seal that right and that's going to keep us from getting air through there we got to put our collar on so here i am let's make sure we've got enough room uh it's tight isn't it very tight all right so i've encountered a little bit of a problem what i'm gonna have to do is pull this out and put another piece of the couple pieces in there or maybe one of those so now what we're gonna do is just kind of pull this you can see how it stays on there like that i'm gonna put one of these in there all right i'm hoping now we've got that in there so now if we push this here and then we've got to put this on so i'm gonna go ahead and slap this baby on right now let me first show you what i did all right so i noticed that when i closed this i did not have enough room because of this area here right so when i put this we're going to go ahead and put this on on there and then we've got to have some some something that kind of pushes the door out a little bit but also gives us a seal so i put this in here and i'm hoping that that's going to give us a good seal now i probably need a little piece for down there so i'm going to cut it a little another little piece there so i've got to measure it i'm just going to come in here i only need about that much right so let's go and cut it and then we're going to push this in there just like that right now i think we're looking good so now first let's go ahead and let's put our collar on all right so what i'm going to do is i've got to get these two in here i'm gonna hold this and then i'm just gonna push this out right here now the collar is on now the question is when we shut it off are we gonna be good and it looks like that should be okay right there because now we've got to see somebody's doing their garbage so now we've got a pretty good seal on it right so that gives us just like a quarter inch leeway right there yeah yeah and now we can put this back in and this should be a little bit tighter really actually let's see i may have to trim that just a bit but i think that's going to work let's see all right so we're really close here which is you know i'm not too excited about that but i think that we're i think we're going to be good and that's going to be a pretty good seal all right so anyway we have this you know flex hose that expands to seven feet but we're not going to even need seven feet so to get it on what you've got to do is you see these little clips right here it just clips around this little collar so we just need to get some pressure on it just push it in there like that so you get the clip there catches the collar clip here and under here there's a little clip and it catches the collar so now this color is in there and now we can bring this end up and that hooks on here the exact same way all right so what i'm going to do is i'm kind of kind of hold this up i've just got to get like like that you see right then i'm going to come up in here twist it and i'm going to give you a better better view of this all right so we've got to put this on here and so what we want to do is we got to get it in these little clips right here and the clips are going to catch right on this end of the collar so what i'm going to do is i'm going to kind of smush it in like this see if you can see i'm going to push it now watch right here if you can see this little clip it's going to catch on the column there so we got to go all the way around make sure that we do that that each one of these clips catches especially the one on the bottom okay i think we got them all now let me show you what i'm talking about so if you look right here see how that catches on the collar there same thing here you want to make sure that those collars are in there and it looks like we got them all on so we're good here we're good here we've got our window sealed right and we've got this this is going to protect us against anybody trying to break in in the middle of the night so now we just have to move this i'm going to take this bring it over here for a second and then we're just going to pull this over here so this flex hose is pretty cold you can pull it and get it so it's not pinching here you want this you want to have some room right here you want to have some room at the top all right you don't want this too too pinched you see what i'm saying so you need to have that little bit of flow out like that and then here we have it at the bottom and i think we're looking good here let me just pull it out a little bit more so we've got this one bend here one minute here it should be okay you're gonna get a little bleed on this i think but i mean i could put something over that but i don't know how much it's gonna affect it but so you wanna have this and you've got a good a good little flow there here you want to pinch it too much in here you know because it could pull the collars off you don't need that all right so this unit has to have one dedicated wall socket so you can't have all that in that socket you can only have this in there that's it that's all you can put in there it's got to be grounded otherwise it's a risk of fire because this thing really draws some electricity so i've got to undo all this and then i'm going to figure out where i'm going to put my xfinity and my tv set now all right all right so we're going to try this again this has a fuse in it and you can actually take it apart and change it you get a reset and you get a test button on it and um so we're going to go ahead shove it through here now what we've done is taken everything out of this one uh socket here and we're just going to put this into that one right there we're going to put in the bottom one okay so this is the remote that comes with uh the uh with the ac unit the toshiba and so it also comes with these two i believe what these are these these are aaa size batteries they're the smaller ones so to get them in what you've got to do is pop this to the side if you look on the inside you're going to see there's a positive there's the positive kind of tells you inside there and usually wherever you see these springs are the negatives so that's usually with most things so you just kind of pop them in like that bam bob's your uncle and then you're just going to set this on and just push it and it's on there take it off you pull it get it on your pushes this is very easy a lot of these things you can never get the door open but so we're good on that so this let's go ahead and set her down get it on there and that's it right there look bam 76 degrees let's go ahead and turn the power on let's try it with the with this and there goes all right so it's opening up we got it on auto it's at 76 let's see what happens kind of stinky it seems to be working i think it's going to be kind of smelly when it first starts but it can smell like the refrigerant but it seems to be working it hasn't blown a fuse yet which is kind of good now we can make the temperature go down by just clicking this let's go let's go go to 74. see how that works all right so far so good let's see if it blows a fuse it's a little bit noisy but not too bad all right so we'll let that do its thing let that do its thing and then we'll come back and see how cold it gets in here it's cold super cold now we could turn it a little bit it says be careful like this now it's blowing right into the room nice and cool so now i'm in the back of the room and this basically sounds like a wall shaker it's not that really it's not that noisy i think it's going to work good we'll go 74. see how that does all right so anyway it does have modes it's on auto right now if i want to change the mode i can just go to cool i think i'm going to leave it at cool because we don't want it to go into uh heating or any of that stuff we just want to keep it right there i think that's going to work and that's your toshiba all right now like just to warn you guys make sure you get one uh plug that you have it in don't have anything else plugged in there if only this unit this unit draws a lot of power even though it's 110 so you don't want to risk fires also make sure that it's grounded properly and i'm hoping that is because it's a three-pronged plug so you know this is an old building who knows right and then you gotta check and make sure that you know your filters are cleaned every week all right so the filters are back here and i'll do a whole video on how to clean it but you gotta turn it off to do that so you don't kill yourself but i'm going to set this right here right next to it and um and we'll just let this pull everything down all right it's been about 12 hours and it's pretty cold here really it's working pretty good so anyway these are the controls that's your power control right and then this is your up and down like if i go here goes up so i'm putting it at like 74. right now over here is the mode get dry auto fan and cold so if i press this watch it changes mode you want to keep it on cool though right it's got a timer on it some other things but that's basically how it works so now what i need to do is check and see that there's a lot of water in here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back here i'm going to check it here i'm going to check it at the bottom and so to do that what i've got to do is turn it off right here watch and it takes a while for it to go off it's still blowing and then it's going to go ahead and it's going to drop down i'm going to turn this fan off too it's making too much noise all right so here it is it's going down and um so now we can go in the back here and um we can actually move this a little bit if we want of course the rug's in the freaking way let me pull this right over all right so now i can kind of twist it so you guys can see and right here um to check the water we're going to just pull this over here like that right and then i've got this little bucket here and i'm just going to put it under there but what i've got to do is i've got to pull this little this little plug out right here and hopefully i don't think i'm thinking that there might not be a lot of water in there but there could be i'm gonna find out here in a second so there's the water and really there's not that much water there is there so it's been going all day all right so let's go ahead and put the plug back in a little bit more dripping out not much let's push that back in there all right so that's not that's not that much i mean here look that's how much water was in there nothing right so that's kind of cool so now i'm going to put this back on and now we've got this other plug down here and we got to check that one too so to check this one what i've done is i brought this pan it's very very small pan here i'm just going to set it under there pop that off you can see there's more in this one here so but it doesn't look like a lot we'll see how much comes out this pants perfect for draining this thing because i don't have to put this up you know i've seen a bunch of videos where they stick it up in a milk crate and then drain it and tip it a little bit you know you tip it like this let me just tip it here a little bit just to get it to come a little bit more there we go that's pretty much it i mean that's not that's from one day you know so we had it in there and we had it on 71 so we're really headed up there so let's go ahead and put that back in there make sure you put the plugs back in otherwise you're going to have water everywhere and then this one here is going to go right over it like that let's just make sure we got it in there yep i think so be careful too you want to so it's ready tidy so i'm turning it this way to get it to close you see and then to get it off i turn it this way so let me take it off one more time there's the plug it's in there it's pushed all the way and there's the there's the screws on it so again we're going to twist around bam just like that and it's not and that's it that's all you got to do and then we can dump this so that's not very much water at all really tell you the truth you know what i mean so i think uh i think i think we can run it like all day really and i mean we could have filled this up more i guess that's that's a it's a little bit of water not a lot and then this one here not so much water in there either so that is how much water you're gonna get out of this thing when you run it for a day so we're in florida and uh you know it's humid here so you may get a lot more water in florida than you get in other places so you may have to check that on a daily basis so anyway that's it and then once you've got that you just pour this out i'm gonna pour it out here in a second and then we're gonna come back and restart it and i'm going to show you where the filters are and you need to clean these probably once a week you can pull this all the way out and you can see it's clean because i just bought it but you can you know suck it out with a vacuum cleaner or you could even rinse it out with water but then of course you want to make sure it's dry before you put it in here because you don't want to put it in there um if it's not dry and it's a tight fit by the way you know it's very tight it doesn't want to go in there we go so you may have a problem with that too all right so anyway the other filter's right here and this is a pain in the butt to get open i mean i really had to push on it to get it open i don't you know it's really tight in there so let me try again man that is ridiculous that does not want to open up does it i mean that's how tight they've got it in here oh look here this side's not even in i guess i can pop it like that that's interesting all right there it is all right so in here you've got this area here where the coils are and i guess this is a very thin film in between here so this is a filter right here and right here if you look there's fabric there right there you see that that's fabric so now when you put this back in what you've got to do is you've got to get these little nubs right in there right in there like that and then you can smush it up all right so the key is when you put this back in you got to get it right see those knobs they're going to go right in that little spot right there and then you've got to look forward here and make sure that they're in like that you see that and then you can smoosh this in right here you see i mean it doesn't go in easy but there you go now it should now should be easier for me to get out let me see if it is yeah so before when it came from the factory there was a the one thing was stuck on there so now i can get it in there so the i the thing is you gotta slide it forward slide it forward here as far as it'll go down here and here and then up here you can get it in that's that's the ticket on that one more time pop it it opens up nice and easy all of this is a filter so you're going to clean this area here at the bottom you've got these little nubs and right here you've got that little spot where it goes and then you have to kind of slide it forward once you get it in there you know like that let me see if i can there we go you might have to play with it a little bit to get it to go and then these will fit in nice and easy once that's done so when i first got this this one side was sticking out and that's why i had a problem with it but those are the two filters and that's how you do it we've got it plugged in down here and you can see that green light's on that means everything's good that has a fuse in it so if it gets too hot you can feel the cord and see if it's getting hot you can also feel this it was in there all day and it's not hot so that's okay so i think we're good all right now to start this bad boy what we've got to do is come over here and you're going to see there's a start button there it's going to give your temperature up here and then over here we're going to change the mode all right so this toshiba has a remote control but it also has manual controls and it does have a wi-fi hookup and you can download an app and all that but you know that's kind of ridiculous if you're going to be in the room you just turn just turn it on now this is the power button and that's a universal icon for power it's got sleep you know it's got the fan high constant low medium then it has the temperature up temperature down it's got the mode and it's got a timer and so you can also do vent angles so it goes like this on that but i'm going to show you the simplest way to do it that i found and that is first you're going to just hit your power button and turn it on and right now it's on 75 degrees okay and this is going to slowly open it takes a while wait up there she goes now if i want to go down and drop the temperature i'm going to press this one so there's 74 73 if i want to go up i press this one 74.75 gonna leave it on 75. it's in fahrenheit okay and right now the fan is on high it's really pumping it out you want to change it you can go like this medium low or high and right now we've got an iron let's go ahead and put it on medium and then over here is the mode right now i've got it on cool if you wanted to like to take the moisture out of the air you could hit put it to dry or you could put it to auto then it would heat or cool or just have the fan so the way you do that is press this you see it's a 78 there's fan there's auto and there's cool and that's basically how it works the timer over here you can turn it on and off but we're just gonna i'm not even gonna fool with that i'm just gonna leave it just like it is and let's let it cool here you can really feel it it feels really cool all right so i'm going to come back here so you can hear how loud it is so i'm in the back bedroom and um that's pretty much it right there it sounds like a window shaker you know i mean it's like one of those cheap window shakers it's about the same decibels so i think you could sleep with this without a problem you can see it's it's moving up and down and that's what it looks like inside there [Applause] now we turn it off i'm going to show you the other way that you can turn it on right here so you're going to notice when i do this right here and turn it on it's going to you're going to see this display appear there are you ready here we go bam see that 71. now it's going to be even colder so now if i want to change the mode let's look at it as i do it so i've got it at cool see how it went to dry and it's on dry here now it's going to uh it's going to heat there's fan at the fan went to auto and now we'll go to cool yeah so that's how that works now to make it go up and down check it out i press here it goes to 72 72 there press here goes to 71 right all right so now to power it down oh look the fan let's check out the fan let's click on this there's low there's medium right let's take a look at it there's high right there's high there i am here okay so let's go ahead and put it back to let's go to media leave it on medium okay and so it does all the other things sleep it's got all these other doohickeys on here the timer but the most important of course is the fan the mode and the off and on button and your temperature controls here so that's basically how it works you know what i mean so now to turn it off i would just press this button here [Music] and it turns it off see that but this still shows you because it has the batteries in it this is still going to show you this the last series that you put it at so um that's basically your toshiba remote right there and that's how it works with this unit and we're going to keep it simple we're just going to hit start bam it's on 74 and you can see i already got it on cool so that should work we just takes a couple seconds for it to you know to kick in and there it goes it's kicking in now so far so good and you can see it's not that loud not that loud at all so the reason we're using this of course is because i've got to get this one recharged and something's wrong with it so anyway that's your toshiba 10 000 btu blowing the cold air working pretty good all right if you like this video subscribe to my channel and check out my other awesome videos on this cool portable ac unit
Channel: Tom Leeman
Views: 609,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Portable Air conditioner, Toshiba portable AC
Id: 5yvUvnTbmoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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