Install Ubuntu on Windows 11 fast using WSL2

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hi I'm Andrew and today I'm going to show you how to install the Linux distribution in my case Ubuntu on Windows 11 fast so I have here the brand new machine where Windows 11 Pro 22 H2 installed if you have the lower or upper version I think the the process will be completely the same and I will touch some differences later on so first things first and again as in my previous videos I would like to start with the windows terminal but surprise surprise on Windows 11 terminal comes pre-installed already so if I search for example for terminal I will immediately find the terminal but if it's not the case in your system or if you want as myself to use the always the latest terminal as possible then we can install for example the preview version which has all the features earlier than than the the production version to do that I'm going to open the terminal so I'm search again for terminal and here it is because we opened its first time it says that we we can set the terminal as the default terminal and of course I can do so I open the settings and I say okay so in my case uh Windows terminal is the default terminal application and I click save so next step that I need to do is to type uh Vin get yeah I forgot to tell you that all the installation processes that we will do we will do internal yeah so because there are multiple multiple options that you can choose and of course I will show you uh during during the the process I will show you what those options are so first thing first and let's type winget for inside the terminal winget is the package manager for Windows and as you can see it returns back to me help so it means that this application this CLI or this tool is already installed the package manager if it's not the case for your operation system for example if the windows will complain that the term winget is not recognized then you can go to a store uh I will show you the process so you can go to a store of course we need to search store for the store and inside the store you search for app installer this is the app installer as you can see it mentioned to me that it's installed already in your case it might say that you have to update it so the button update will be over here and then when you update your app installer you can immediately come back to the to the terminal and type again Vin get and the package manager will be there so in my case it's already there so we can search for the windows terminal so for example we can say Vin get so maybe I can make it a little bit bigger yeah so just to see better on the mobile devices so winget install oh search yeah we will search first search for Windows terminal okay so because it's the first time when we run the package manager it will ask us to agree with license terms and of course I say yes I agree and as you can see it showed me two terminals that available uh uh to for for the installation the first one is the windows terminal and the second one is to Windows terminal preview and this is the ID of the package that I copy so the copy in terminal you just use the right Mouse button so right Mouse but you select and use right Mouse button to copy and then I do um we can get install and windows terminal preview and now the the terminal preview is installed so right now we can close the terminal and again click on start button and the search for terminal and now we see we have terminal preview which I immediately pin to taskbar so this is the preview and if I open it you see there's icon with a small differences so right now it's the latest and it will be updated much faster than than the production one okay so let's again increase the size so we have the terminal uh if you if you don't have or you can use the standard terminal if you like without updating it to the preview so the next step is to see what distributions are available for us to do so we do WSL with the list option and with online option so this command will actually execute the windows subsystem for Linux and uh and and it with the list option and an online option showed us the online available distribution so as you can see it's Ubuntu Debian uh different version of Ubuntu yeah Kali Linux Suzy Linux opensuse Oracle Linux Etc so you can choose whatever you want in my case I want to install Ubuntu to do so again I do WSL dash dash install distribution distribution and then I can say in my case yeah I can I can actually choose from both options I can say Ubuntu and you see there is a star so I can even avoid this distribution option and then it will install the Ubuntu because the Ubuntu is default or I can say I want to install precise version like for example exact version like 1804 or 2004 or 2204 but because I want to install the latest one yeah I can say for example so I can copy from here and I can say Ubuntu 22 or 4. and I press enter and the installation process is started actually this command will uh will enable the the features necessary for WSL uh and also install the this the Ubuntu 2204 distribution so it's it's kind of the Microsoft simplify this step because previously we've got to update the options uh manually Windows features to be able to uh run WSL or activate WSL and then we install the Ubuntu 2204 while it's installing yeah I can also show you the another option because I use terminal for that yeah so but in your case maybe you don't like terminal you're using like typing yeah so in this case you can just say WSL install and then go to the store okay so we we're going to search for it so the Microsoft search Microsoft Store sorry inside the store you can just type Linux and then you see the almost the same as we saw in the command command line yeah so you have the uh Kali Linux Ubuntu Linux Debian and all the rest yeah so you can choose what you want to install but again I want to follow the pro way to install uh the WSL as well as the Ubuntu using the terminal so uh WSL is already installed activated and Ubuntu has been installed as you can see and it tells you that the the changes will be not effective until the system is rebooted so I'm going to reboot the system in my case I will just type the commands shut down with the flag R saying that we want to reboot the system and with with the flag key mentioned that it's time zero so it will be applicable immediately so my machine is restarted so right now we can return back to the terminal and inside the terminal I will enter the command just to check that everything is okay WSL dash dash list dash dash verbose as you can see now we have Ubuntu 2204 in state installing and the version 2 and the version of course it's not the version of Ubuntu yeah it's a version of WSL so let's see what's going on right now um so installation is done and the Ubuntu say that it's running so to connect to my Ubuntu machine I'm going to use the terminal again yeah so I'm open the drop down list here and I say Ubuntu 2204 and as you can see the new window is open and right now I'm on Ubuntu yeah on Linux so I can type the commands like for example PWD to see where where I am I'm in route yeah cool so let's do for example like CD LS yeah so and CD mmt LS so as you can see the windows with maps automatically all the drives so I have the C drive D drive and and I can say for example CD C my drive and do LS and as you can see I see the windows files inside my my Ubuntu machine which is wow amazing okay so um next thing that I would like to see some basic information about my Ubuntu so I can I can type for example you name it's the command that shows me uh the the the general uh system information so I can say minus a which is show me everything and as you can see it shows me some things like for example that I'm on Linux this is my host name this is my uh kernel release yeah so this is my kernel release this one is uh the kernel version this is the big one yeah so this is my architecture uh and the last one that it shows me that it's really really uh the name of operating system which is the Linux yeah in my case okay so we are proved that we are on Ubuntu for sure and the last thing because the Ubuntu is the LSB so it's a Linux standard based release so we can we can also use LSB command with the release and again minus a to see everything so distribution ID is Ubuntu description is blah blah blah it releases 2204 and the code name is Jamie yeah so it's nice to know the code names I'm joking so okay so um next thing that we need to do when we reach to Ubuntu is the same thing that we do always when we install the new operating system to be to guarantee that we are secure uh enough so of course it's updating yeah so to update my Ubuntu I execute sudo uh iapt update which will get all the packages and then I execute the sudo apt apt upgrade with minus y uh because it will always ask you do you want to update this package do you want to update this package do you want to upgrade this packet of course I say minus y so update everything and depends on uh depends on the amount of packages available it will take some time so Mom update is finished and after that I can say it's done yeah so my I installed my Ubuntu on my windows 11 machine and as you can see comparing to my previous video about Windows 10 uh it it was the process was much simplified yeah so right now it's just couple of commands that you have to do it's a couple of minutes and you have Ubuntu on your windows 11 machine so that's actually it thank you very much for your attention thank you very much for your time and see you in my next videos bye
Channel: Andrew Malkov
Views: 18,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wsl, wsl2, wsl 2, wsl2 docker, wsl2 windows 11, windows terminal, ubuntu 22.04, install wsl2 on windows 11, install wsl, install ubuntu on windows, setup ubuntu, setup ubuntu on windows 11, install windows terminal, install ubuntu on windows 11, windows subsystem for linux, wsl ubuntu, windows subsystem for linux 2, how to install wsl2 on windows 11, how to install ubuntu on windows 11, how to install wsl2, ubuntu windows 11, windows 11, ubuntu, deploy ubuntu windows 11
Id: 1kFFwknneD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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