Install Stable Diffusion XL (Fooocus) On Google Drive, Why?

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in this video you will learn how to install sdxl focus on Google Drive in fact I made this video because one of my dear subscribers requested it I found it a good idea that may be useful to many viewers why would we want to install sdxl focus on Google Drive we want to do this to solve a problem the problem is that when we use any program on Google collab all the files uploaded and created are temporarily hosted on Google collab once you disconnect from Google collab all these files will be deleted let's say we installed sdxl focus on the Google collab temporary storage space you can watch my previous video to know how we get there you will find the link in description now I will make some images for testing if I go back to the Google collab page and open this icon I will find all the program files in this folder you will find all the images that have been created now if I disconnect from Google collab for any reason or I disconnect the wrong time I will not be able to access these files again because it will be automatically deleted along with everything on the temporary storage space therefore we want all program files to be hosted on Google Drive so we can access it whenever we want Even after disconnecting from Google collab the other thing is if you install the program on Google Drive this means that you will not have to download the program files every time you want to use the program and the most important file is the Malo file which is more than 6 GB in size to do this you must have enough free space on your Google Drive account at least 8 gabt Google gives you 15 GB of free storage space for each Gmail email this is my Google Drive account before installing sdxl Focus now we will open the Google collab notebook link found in the video description it will appear to you like this this click in run step one you will see this message click run anyway the first step will start loading then this window will appear here Google collab requests permission to access Google drive files your Google collab your Google Drive the creator of the code has no involvement in this process there is no one on earth who can access your files on Google Drive accept you then click connect to Google Drive and complete the process now I can access and modify my Google Drive files using collab if I click here I now see my Google Drive folders in files next I will run step two step two will start loading when installing the code for the first time it may take up to 3 minutes then this public link will appear to you if you refresh these files you will find that a new folder has been added in your Google Drive which is the focus program folder on Google Drive you will find it here in this form you will also find that the size of the program is approximately 7 GB if we go back to Google collab we can open this link and start using the program as usual let's make some images for testing now if you go to Google Drive open the focus folder then open the outputs folder we will find a folder named with today's date here we will find the images I made on that day it is saved on Google Drive now not on temporary storage now let's go to Google collab and disconnect the Run one time as you can see everything have disappeared but if I go to Google Drive I will find that all files are here I can access these files whenever I want also I can access them from any other device now let's say that I came on another day and wanted to use the program I will open the notebook link again and run step one run anyway connect to Google Drive then run step two now the code will check the existing installation and check if everything is up to date and that nothing is missing then the public URL will appear I'll open it and try making some images if I go to Google Drive open Focus folder open outputs folder I will find a new folder with today's date it contains the new image files that I have just created that's the point of this tutorial the most important thing is to disconnect from Google collab when you are not using the program in the top many on the Google collab page click runtime disconnect and delete runtime and click yes I hope the video is useful to you thanks for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Bahaa AI
Views: 1,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bahaa AI, artificial intelligence course, ai tutorial for beginners, stable diffusion tutorial, stable diffusion, install stable diffusion tutorial, stable diffusion online free, stable diffusion google colab, stable diffusion colab, how to use stable diffusion, SD tutorial colab, stable diffusion xl, sdxl, colab stable diffusion, google colab stable diffusion, stable diffusion google colab tutorial, fooocus ai, SDXL, google drive, fooocus on google drive
Id: rX2Lng4yJMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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